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US Senator Orrin Hatch
December 21st, 2005   Media Contact(s): Peter Carr (202) 224-9854
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Defense Authorization Bill Also Protects Critical Funding for HAFB
Washington, D.C. — The United States Senate approved the Cedar Mountain Wilderness language sponsored by Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) and strongly supported by Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), which could effectively block the rail spur sought by PFS to ship waste to Skull Valley by rail.

“Our delegation has worked for years to deliver this big win for Utah, and we all owe Congressman Bishop a great deal of thanks for putting us in position to enact this wilderness language,” Hatch said. “Blocking this rail spur is a serious blow to PFS, and we are working with the last remaining PFS members withdraw from the plan so we can put an end to the Skull Valley proposal once and for all.”

During conference committee negotiations, the wilderness language appeared to be blocked until last-minute negotiations between Hatch, Bishop, and Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) freed the wilderness bill for passage.

The Department of Defense Authorization conference report also contains Hatch-sponsored language that urges the Air Force to continue its six-year depot maintenance investment plan.

“This investment plan is critical for Hill,” Hatch said. “We survived this BRAC round, and we need continued funding to ensure that Hill remains one of the nation’s premier military depots.”

The Air Force investment plan provides $150 million annually over six years to enhance the Air Force’s maintenance repair and overhaul operations. Currently at its halfway point, the investment plan has helped Hill Air Force Base expand its software engineering division and implement new “Lean” manufacturing principles that have produced 100 percent on-time delivery rates for many maintenance programs at Hill.

“Many are concerned that this vital depot maintenance plan will be cut short,” Hatch said. “We are halfway through the six-year plan, and we have made enormous progress. But the Air Force must keep going and complete the full six years.”


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