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US Senator Orrin Hatch
October 9th, 2004   Media Contact(s): Peter Carr (202) 224-9854
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Washington — Today the United States Senate approved the Department of Defense Authorization conference report, which contains a provision that uranium miner, miller and transporter Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) claims will now be fully funded by the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). The House of Representatives approved the conference report earlier today, and the measure will now go to the President.

The proposal was pushed by Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) to free additional funds to pay downwinders’ approved RECA claims and to ensure equal treatment of all workers who processed and developed our atomic weapons program. The Department of Justice (DOJ), which oversees the RECA program, recently testified before Hatch’s Judiciary Committee regarding the long-term financial solvency of the program. Both DOJ officials and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) have told Congress the RECA trust fund will run out of money and claimants will be issued IOUs unless additional funding is found.

“We've been fighting to make sure RECA claimants do not receive IOUs because the program ran out of funds,” Sen. Hatch said. “This transfer is good for everyone. These uranium workers will now receive the same benefits that other atomic weapons program workers receive, and RECA has more money to pay downwinders who have suffered from exposure.”

Under current law, uranium workers received $100,000 under RECA and an additional $50,000 through EEOICPA, along with full medical benefits. This provision designates that EEOICPA will now cover the full compensation for these workers.

“This is a good first step, but everyone harmed by nuclear testing — including downwinders — should receive equal compensation,” Hatch said. “I tried to get downwinders included under EEOICPA as well, but the conferees rejected it. The fight is not over, and I will not rest until all RECA claimants receive the coverage they deserve.”


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