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109th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     109-540


                              ACT OF 2006


   June 29 (legislative day, June 28), 2006.--Referred to the House 
                   Calendar and ordered to be printed


   Mrs. Capito, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                       [To accompany H. Res. 897]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 897, by a record vote of 9 to 4, report the 
same to the House with the recommendation that the resolution 
be adopted.


    The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 4761, the 
Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006, under a structured 
rule providing one hour of general debate equally divided and 
controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the 
Committee on Resources. The rule waives all points of order 
against consideration of the bill.
    The rule provides that the amendment in the nature of a 
substitute recommended by the Committee on Resources now 
printed in the bill shall be considered as an original bill for 
the purpose of amendment and shall be considered as read. The 
rule waives all points of order against the amendment in the 
nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on 
    The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in 
this report. The rule provides that the amendments printed in 
this report may be offered only in the order printed in this 
report, may be offered only by a Member designated in this 
report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the 
time specified in this report equally divided and controlled by 
the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to 
amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of 
the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole.
    The rule waives all points of order against the amendments 
printed in this report. The rule provides one motion to 
recommit with or without instructions. Finally, the rule 
provides that House Resolutions 162, 163, 181, 182, 393, 395, 
400, 401, 468, and 620 are laid upon the table.

                         EXPLANATION OF WAIVERS

    The waiver of all points of order against consideration of 
the bill includes a waiver of clause 4(a) of rule XIII 
(requiring a three-day layover of the committee report). The 
waiver is necessary because the Committee on Resources filed 
its report (H. Rept. 109-531) with the House on Monday, June 
26, 2006, and the bill may be considered by the House as early 
as Thursday, June 29,2006.
    The waivers of all points of order against consideration of 
the bill and against the amendment in the nature of a 
substitute to be considered as an original bill for the purpose 
of amendment include a waiver of clause 4 of rule XXI 
(prohibiting appropriations in legislative bills) because the 
bill contains various violations of clause 4 including section 
    The waiver of all points of order against consideration of 
the bill also includes a waiver of section 303 of the 
Congressional Budget Act (prohibiting consideration of 
legislation, as reported, providing new budget authority, 
change in revenues, change in public debt, new entitlement 
authority, or new credit authority for a fiscal year until the 
budget resolution for that year has been agreed to). The bill 
is in violation of section 303 because it provides for direct 
spending in advance of a budget resolution.
    The waiver of all points of order against the amendments 
made in order under the rule are prophylactic in nature.

                            COMMITTEE VOTES

    Pursuant to clause 3(b) of House rule XIII the results of 
each record vote on an amendment or motion to report, together 
with the names of those voting for and against, are printed 

Rules Committee record vote No. 230

    Date: June 28, 2006.
    Measure: H.R. 4761, the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 
    Motion by: Mr. Lincoln Diaz-Balart.
    Summary of motion: To report the rule.
    Results: Agreed to 9 to 4.
    Vote by Members: Diaz-Balart--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; 
Sessions--Yea; Putnam--Yea; Capito--Yea; Cole--Yea; Bishop--
Yea; Gingrey--Yea; Slaughter--Nay; McGovern--Nay; Hastings 
(FL)--Nay; Matsui--Nay; Dreier--Yea.


    1. Pombo (CA)--10 minutes: Manager's Amendment. Makes 
technical corrections and addresses jurisdictional issues with 
the Committee on Science and the Committee on Education and the 
Workforce regarding section 23 of the bill by eliminating a 
kindergarten through grade 12 education component and by 
providing an authorization for a Department of Energy research, 
development and scholarship program. It incorporates two of the 
amendments filed by Ms. Jackson-Lee (numbers 13 and 16) which 
would otherwise not be in order because of the restructuring of 
section 23. The amendment includes the text of the amendment 
filed by Mr. Markey (#9) and addresses the concerns expressed 
in the amendment filed by Mr. Hinojosa (#2). It also includes 
Mr. Miller's (#17) amendment prohibiting leasing east of the 
military mission line offshore Florida. It provides that States 
must take action to prevent leasing and cannot rely upon the 
President to do that for them. It clarifies that funding 
provided under section 30 is contingent on reauthorization of 
the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act 
of 2000, a clarification requested by Chairman Goodlatte. The 
amendment also includes insular area schools as eligible 
institutions for funding under section 23. It includes a Sense 
of the Congress that energy development on the OCS will help 
promote and increase American jobs. It removes three sections 
of the bill that changed the existing process for handling 
exploration and development plans. Finally, the amendment 
reduces the cost of the measure significantly by: (1) 
Subjecting expenditures to appropriations for three of the four 
funds. Only the rural schools fund is directly funded now. (2) 
Requiring the Secretary to hold a certain lease sale earlier 
than originally required. (Lease Sale 181 bulge area in the 
Gulf of Mexico). (3) As part of the Clinton Administration's 
Deep Water Royalty Relief Act of 1995 correction, allowing only 
1998 and 1999 leases to incorporate the bill's oil and gas 
price thresholds. Leases from other years already have price 
thresholds. (4) Excepting leases already in litigation from 
provisions of the bill that require the Department of Interior 
to buy back non-producing leases for which the government will 
not issue actual drilling permits. (5) For production within 12 
miles of the coast: Reduce the initial state revenue share from 
75% to 25% for the first five years and increase by 5% per year 
to a total of 50% in year 10. In determining whether (and at 
what rate) to increase the state revenue share from 50% to 75%, 
requiring the total 2007-2016 receipts from new program areas 
to exceed $4 billion (the CBO receipts projection baseline) and 
depending on future increases from new program areas. (6) 
Changes the Resource Conservation Fee for non-producing leases 
from a range to a fixed $3.75/acre. (7) Lastly, it limits the 
revenue sharing provisions for areas more than 100 miles from 
the coastline if the Adjacent State does not allow any leasing 
within 100 miles of its coastline.
    2. Inslee (WA)--10 minutes: Increases from $6 million to 
$20 million the amount made available by the Secretary for 
renewable ocean energy generation.
    3. Davis, Tom (VA)--10 minutes: Authorizes $150 million of 
OCS receipts to be available to the Secretary of the Treasury 
for each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2016 to make payments 
subject to appropriations to fund in part capital and 
preventive maintenance projects for the Washington Metropolitan 
Area Transit Authority (WMATA).
    4. Markey (MA)--10 minutes: Strikes the provisions in the 
underlying bill lifting the 25-year moratorium on oil and gas 
drilling in environmentally-sensitive areas offshore. Leaves 
intact provisions designed to provide oil companies with 
incentives to renegotiate existing leases that fail to include 
market-based price caps for the suspension of royalty-free 
drilling and begin production on active leases that are not 
    5. Bilirakis (FL)/Diaz-Balart, Mario (FL)/ Harris (FL)/ 
Wasserman Schultz (FL) /Wexler (FL)/ Young, C.W. Bill (FL)/ 
Brown-Waite (FL)--10 minutes: Prohibits leasing (either oil and 
gas or natural gas) within 125 miles of a state's coastline 
unless the state requests leasing.


1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Pombo of California, or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 12, line 4, strike ``December 1, 1996, through December 
31, 2000,'' and insert ``January 1, 1998, through December 31, 

  Page 12, line 18, strike subsection (t).

  Page 13, line 19, strike ``not less than $1.00 nor more than 
$4.00'' and insert ``$3.75''.

  Page 16, line 8, strike ``6.0'' and insert ``4.6''.

  Page 16, line 9, strike ``7.0'' and insert ``5.95''.

  Page 16, line 10, strike ``8.0'' and insert ``6.8''.

  Page 16, line 11, strike ``9.0'' and insert ``7.65''.

  Page 16, line 12, strike ``12.0'' and insert ``10.20''.

  Page 16, line 13, strike ``15.0'' and insert ``12.75''.

  Page 16, line 15, strike ``18.0'' and insert ``15.30''.

  Page 16, line 17, strike ``21.0'' and insert ``17.85''.

  Page 16, line 19, strike ``24.0'' and insert ``20.40''.

  Page 16, line 21, strike ``27.0'' and insert ``22.95''.

  Page 16, line 22, strike ``30.0'' and insert ``25.50''.

  Page 16, line 24, strike ``33.0'' and insert ``28.05''.

  Page 17, line 1, strike ``36.0'' and insert ``30.60''.

  Page 17, line 3, strike ``39.0'' and insert ``33.15''.

  Page 17, line 5, strike ``42.0'' and insert ``35.70''.

  Page 17, line 7, strike ``45.0'' and insert ``38.25''.

  Page 17, line 10, strike ``50.0'' and insert ``42.50''.

  Page 17, line 17, strike ``50'' and insert ``42.50''.

  Page 17, line 23, strike the existing paragraph (4) and 
insert the following:

          ``(4) Receipts sharing from tracts within 4 marine 
        leagues of any coastline.--
                  ``(A) Areas described in paragraph (2).--
                          ``(i) Beginning October 1, 2005, and 
                        continuing through September 30, 2010, 
                        the Secretary shall share 25 percent of 
                        OCS Receipts derived from all leases 
                        located within 4 marine leagues from 
                        any coastline within areas described in 
                        paragraph (2). For each fiscal year 
                        after September 30, 2010, the Secretary 
                        shall increase the percent shared in 5 
                        percent increments each fiscal year 
                        until the sharing rate for all leases 
                        located within 4 marine leagues from 
                        any coastline within areas described in 
                        paragraph (2) becomes 42.5 percent.
                          ``(ii) During fiscal year 2016, the 
                        Secretary shall conduct an analysis of 
                        all of the areas described in paragraph 
                        (3) and subsection (c)(3) to determine 
                        the total of OCS Receipts derived from 
                        such areas during the period of fiscal 
                        year 2007 through fiscal year 2016. The 
                        Secretary shall subtract the amount of 
                        $4 billion from the total of such OCS 
                        Receipts. If the result is a positive 
                        number, the Secretary shall divide such 
                        positive number by $4 billion. The 
                        resulting quotient, not to exceed 0.5, 
                        shall then be multiplied times 25. The 
                        product of such multiplication shall be 
                        added to 42.5 and the sum shall be the 
                        percent that the Secretary shall share 
                        for fiscal year 2017 and all future 
                        years from OCS Receipts derived from 
                        all leases located within 4 marine 
                        leagues from any coastline within areas 
                        described in paragraph (2), unless 
                        increased by the provisions of (iii).
                          ``(iii) Beginning October 1, 2017, 
                        the Secretary shall share, in addition 
                        to the share established by (i), as 
                        modified by (ii) if any, amounts 
                        determined as follows, with the total 
                        of the amounts shared under this 
                        paragraph not to exceed in any fiscal 
                        year an amount equal to 63.75 percent 
                        of total OCS Receipts derived from all 
                        leases located within 4 marine leagues 
                        from any coastline within areas 
                        described in paragraph (2)--25 percent 
                        of the total of OCS Receipts derived 
                        from areas described in paragraph (3) 
                        and subsection (c)(3) that exceed the 
                        following amounts for the fiscal year 
                        indicated: for fiscal year 2017 the 
                        amount of $900,000,000 and for each 
                        fiscal year thereafter add 
                        $100,000,000. Amounts added under this 
                        clause to be shared, if any, for any 
                        fiscal year shall be added to the 
                        sharing base for all subsequent years 
                        and shall be allocated among State 
                        Adjacent Zones on a basis proportional 
                        to the result from the calculation in 
                        clause (i).
                  ``(B) Areas not described in paragraph (2).--
                Beginning October 1, 2005, the Secretary shall 
                share 63.75 percent of OCS receipts derived 
                from all leases located completely or partially 
                within 4 marine leagues from any coastline 
                within areas not described paragraph (2).''.
  Page 18, beginning at line 11, strike ``as follows:'' and all 
that follows through line 22 and insert ``to the Adjacent 

  Page 19, beginning at line 2, strike ``as follows:'' and all 
that follows through line 3 and insert ``to the Adjacent 

  Page 19, lines 12 through 19, redesignate the quoted 
subclauses (I) and (II) as clauses (i) and (ii), and move such 
clauses 2 ems to the left.

  Page 19, strike line 20 and all that follows through page 20, 
line 6.

  Page 21, line 17, strike ``6.0'' and insert ``4.6''.

  Page 21, line 18, strike ``7.0'' and insert ``5.95''.

  Page 21, line 19, strike ``8.0'' and insert ``6.80''.

  Page 21, line 20, strike ``9.0'' and insert ``7.65''.

  Page 21, line 21, strike ``12.0'' and insert ``10.20''.

  Page 21, line 22, strike ``15.0'' and insert ``12.75''.

  Page 21, line 24, strike ``18'' and insert ``15.30''.

  Page 22, line 1, strike ``21.0'' and insert ``17.85''.

  Page 22, line 3, strike ``24.0'' and insert ``20.40''.

  Page 22, line 5, strike ``27.0'' and insert ``22.95''.

  Page 22, line 6, strike ``30.0'' and insert ``25.50''.

  Page 22, line 8, strike ``33.0'' and insert ``28.05''.

  Page 22, line 10, strike ``36.0'' and insert ``30.60''.

  Page 22, line 12, strike ``39.0'' and insert ``33.15''.

  Page 22, line 14, strike ``42.0'' and insert ``35.70''.

  Page 22, line 16, strike ``45.0'' and insert ``38.25''.

  Page 22, line 19, strike ``50.0'' and insert ``42.50''.

  Page 23, line 2, strike ``50'' and insert ``42.5''.

  Page 23, line 6, strike the period and insert the following: 
``, except that the Secretary shall only share 25 percent of 
such OCS Receipts derived from all such leases within a State's 
Adjacent Zone if no leasing is allowed within any portion of 
that State's Adjacent Zone located completely within 100 miles 
of any coastline.''.

  Page 23, beginning on line 13, strike ``each fiscal year'' 
and all that follows through line 25 and insert ``each fiscal 
year to the Adjacent State''.

  Page 24, beginning at line 4, strike ``as follows:'' and all 
that follows through line 5 and insert ``to the Adjacent 

  Page 24, lines 15 through 22, redesignate the quoted 
subclauses (I) and (II) as clauses (i) and (ii), and move such 
clauses 2 ems to the left.

  Page 24, strike line 23 and all that follows through page 25, 
line 6.

  Page 25, strike lines 11 through 20 and insert the following:

                  ``(A) to each State 60 percent of such 
                State's allocations under subsections 
                (b)(5)(A), (b)(5)(B), (c)(4)(A), and (c)(4)(B) 
                for the immediate prior fiscal year;
                  ``(B) to each coastal county-equivalent and 
                municipal political subdivisions of such State 
                a total of 40 percent of such State's 
                allocations under subsections (b)(5)(A), 
                (b)(5)(B), (c)(4)(A), and (c)(4)(B), together 
                with all accrued interest thereon; and
  Page 34, beginning at line 15, strike section 8.

  Page 37, beginning at line 18, strike ``was initiated'' and 
all that follows through the end of the sentence and insert 
``is extended by a State under subsection (h)''.

  Page 37, line 20, strike the period and insert the following: 
``, nor may the President withdraw from leasing any area for 
which a State failed to prohibit, or petition to prohibit, 
leasing under subsection (g). Further, in the area of the outer 
Continental Shelf more than 100 miles from any coastline, not 
more than 25 percent of the acreage of any OCS Planning Area 
may be withdrawn from leasing under this section at any point 
in time.''.

  Page 40, line 16, insert a period after the word ``effect'' 
and strike the remainder of the sentence.

  Page 41, line 7, strike ``June 30'' and insert ``April 30''.

  Page 46, line 7, strike ``Petition for Extension Of'' and 
insert ``Extend''.

  Page 46, strike lines 10 through 12 and insert the following:

          ``(1) In general.--A State, through its Governor and 
        upon the concurrence of its legislature, may''.
  Page 46, line 14, strike ``petition'' and insert 

  Page 46, line 18, strike ``petition'' and insert ``extend''.

  Page 46, beginning at line 20, strike ``submit separate 
petitions'' and insert ``prepare separate extensions''.

  Page 46, beginning at line 22, strike ``A petition of a State 
may request'' and insert ``An extension by a State may 

  Page 46, beginning at line 25, strike ``Petitions for 
extending'' and insert ``Extensions of''.

  Page 47, strike line 11 and all that follows through page 48, 
line 6.

  Page 48, strike the close quotation marks and the following 
period at line 20, and after line 20 insert the following:

  ``(j) Prohibition on Leasing East of the Military Mission 
          ``(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
        from and after the enactment of the Deep Ocean Energy 
        Resources Act of 2006, no area of the outer Continental 
        Shelf located in the Gulf of Mexico east of the 
        military mission line may be offered for leasing for 
        oil and gas or natural gas.
          ``(2) In this subsection, the term `military mission 
        line' means a line located at 86 degrees, 41minutes 
        West Longitude, and extending south from the coast of 
        Florida to the outer boundary of United States 
        territorial waters in the Gulf of Mexico.''.
  Page 55, beginning at line 3, strike section 13.

  Page 61, beginning at line 20, amend section 14 to read as 


  (a) Findings.--The Congress finds the following:
          (1) Energy and minerals exploration, development, and 
        production on Federal onshore and offshore lands, 
        including bio-based fuel, natural gas, minerals, oil, 
        geothermal, and power from wind, waves, currents, and 
        thermal energy, involves significant outlays of funds 
        by Federal and State wildlife, fish, and natural 
        resource management agencies for environmental studies, 
        planning, development, monitoring, and management of 
        wildlife, fish, air, water, and other natural 
          (2) State wildlife, fish, and natural resource 
        management agencies are funded primarily through permit 
        and license fees paid to the States by the general 
        public to hunt and fish, and through Federal excise 
        taxes on equipment used for these activities.
          (3) Funds generated from consumptive and recreational 
        uses of wildlife, fish, and other natural resources 
        currently are inadequate to address the natural 
        resources related to energy and minerals development on 
        Federal onshore and offshore lands.
          (4) Funds available to Federal agencies responsible 
        for managing Federal onshore and offshore lands and 
        Federal-trust wildlife and fish species and their 
        habitats are inadequate to address the natural 
        resources related to energy and minerals development on 
        Federal onshore and offshore lands.
          (5) Receipts derived from sales, bonus bids, and 
        royalties under the mineral leasing laws of the United 
        States are paid to the Treasury through the Minerals 
        Management Service of the Department of the Interior.
          (6) None of the receipts derived from sales, bonus 
        bids, and royalties under the minerals leasing laws of 
        the United States are paid to the Federal or State 
        agencies to examine, monitor, and manage wildlife, 
        fish, air, water, and other natural resources related 
        to natural gas, oil, and mineral exploration and 
  (b) Purposes.--It is the purpose of this section to--
          (1) authorize expenditures for the monitoring and 
        management of wildlife and fish, and their habitats, 
        and air, water, and other natural resources related to 
        energy and minerals development on Federal onshore and 
        offshore lands;
          (2) authorize expenditures for each fiscal year to 
        the Secretary of the Interior and the States; and
          (3) use the appropriated funds to secure the 
        necessary trained workforce or contractual services to 
        conduct environmental studies, planning, development, 
        monitoring, and post-development management of wildlife 
        and fish and their habitats and air, water, and other 
        natural resources that may be related to bio-based 
        fuel, gas, mineral, oil, wind, or other energy 
        exploration, development, transportation, transmission, 
        and associated activities on Federal onshore and 
        offshore lands, including, but not limited to--
                  (A) pertinent research, surveys, and 
                environmental analyses conducted to identify 
                any impacts on wildlife, fish, air, water, and 
                other natural resources from energy and mineral 
                exploration, development, production, and 
                transportation or transmission;
                  (B) projects to maintain, improve, or enhance 
                wildlife and fish populations and their 
                habitats or air, water, or other natural 
                resources, including activities under the 
                Endangered Species Act of 1973;
                  (C) research, surveys, environmental 
                analyses, and projects that assist in managing, 
                including mitigating either onsite or offsite, 
                or both, the impacts of energy and mineral 
                activities on wildlife, fish, air, water, and 
                other natural resources; and
                  (D) projects to teach young people to live 
                off the land.
  (c) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Enhancement program.--The term ``Enhancement 
        Program'' means the Federal Energy Natural Resources 
        Enhancement Program established by this section.
          (2) State.--The term ``State'' means the Governor of 
        the State.
  (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out the Enhancement Program 
$150,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2017.
  (e) Establishment of Federal Energy Natural Resources 
Enhancement Program.--
          (1) In general.--There is established the Federal 
        Energy Natural Resources Enhancement Program.
          (2) Payment to secretary of the interior.--Beginning 
        with fiscal year 2007, and in each fiscal year 
        thereafter, one-third of amounts appropriated for the 
        Enhancement Program shall be available to the Secretary 
        of the Interior for use for the purposes described in 
        subsection (b)(3).
          (3) Payment to states.--
                  (A) In general.--Beginning with fiscal year 
                2007, and in each fiscal year thereafter, two-
                thirds of amounts appropriated for the 
                Enhancement Program shall be available to the 
                States for use for the purposes described in 
                  (B) Use of payments by state.--Each State 
                shall use the payments made under this 
                paragraph only for carrying out projects and 
                programs for the purposes described in (b)(3).
                  (C) Encourage use of private funds by 
                state.--Each State shall use the payments made 
                under this paragraph to leverage private funds 
                for carrying out projects for the purposes 
                described in (b)(3).
  (f) Limitation on Use.--Amounts made available under this 
section may not be used for the purchase of any interest in 
  (g) Reports to Congress.--
          (1) In general.--Beginning in fiscal year 2008 and 
        continuing for each fiscal year thereafter, the 
        Secretary of the Interior and each State receiving 
        funds from the Enhancement Fund shall submit a report 
        to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the 
        Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of 
          (2) Required information.--Reports submitted to the 
        Congress by the Secretary of the Interior and States 
        under this subsection shall include the following 
        information regarding expenditures during the previous 
        fiscal year:
                  (A) A summary of pertinent scientific 
                research and surveys conducted to identify 
                impacts on wildlife, fish, and other natural 
                resources from energy and mineral developments.
                  (B) A summary of projects planned and 
                completed to maintain, improve or enhance 
                wildlife and fish populations and their 
                habitats or other natural resources.
                  (C) A list of additional actions that assist, 
                or would assist, in managing, including 
                mitigating either onsite or offsite, or both, 
                the impacts of energy and mineral development 
                on wildlife, fish, and other natural resources.
                  (D) A summary of private (non-Federal) funds 
                used to plan, conduct, and complete the plans 
                and programs identified in paragraphs (2)(A) 
                and (2)(B).
   Page 72, line 14, insert after ``offshore,'' the following: 
``but not including any outer Continental Shelf oil and gas 
leases that are subject to litigation in the Court of Federal 
Claims on January 1, 2006,''.

  Page 75, beginning at line 13, strike section 19.

  Page 87, beginning at line 18, strike section 23 and insert 
the following:


  (a) Maintenance and Restoration of Existing and Historic 
Petroleum and Mining Engineering Programs.--Public Law 98-409 
(30 U.S.C. 1221 et seq.) is amended to read as follows:


  ``This Act may be cited as the `Energy and Mineral Schools 
Reinvestment Act'.


  ``It is the policy of the United States to maintain the human 
capital needed to preserve and foster the economic, energy, and 
mineral resources security of the United States. The petroleum 
and mining engineering programs and the applied geology and 
geophysics programs at State chartered schools, universities, 
and institutions that produce human capital are national assets 
and should be assisted with Federal funds to ensure their 
continued health and existence.


  ``(a) The Secretary of the Interior (in this Act referred to 
as the `Secretary') shall provide funds to historic and 
existing State-chartered recognized petroleum or mining schools 
to assist such schools, universities, and institutions in 
maintaining programs in petroleum, mining, and mineral 
engineering education and research. All funds shall be directed 
only to these programs and shall be subject to the conditions 
of this section. Such funds shall not be less than 25 percent 
of the annual outlay of funds authorized by section 23(d) of 
the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006.
  ``(b) In this Act the term `historic and existing State-
chartered recognized petroleum or mining school' means a 
school, university, or educational institution with the 
presence of an engineering program meeting the specific program 
criteria, established by the member societies of ABET, Inc., 
for petroleum, mining, or mineral engineering and that is 
accredited on the date of enactment of the Deep Ocean Energy 
Resources Act of 2006 by ABET, Inc.
  ``(c) It shall be the duty of each school, university, or 
institution receiving funds under this section to provide for 
and enhance the training of undergraduate and graduate 
petroleum, mining, and mineral engineers through research, 
investigations, demonstrations, and experiments. All such work 
shall be carried out in a manner that will enhance 
undergraduate education.
  ``(d) Each school, university, or institution receiving funds 
under this Act shall maintain the program for which the funds 
are provided for 10 years after the date of the first receipt 
of such funds and take steps described in its application for 
funding to increase the number of undergraduate students 
enrolled in and completing the programs of study in petroleum, 
mining, and mineral engineering.
  ``(e) The research, investigation, demonstration, experiment, 
and training authorized by this section may include development 
and production of conventional and non-conventional fuel 
resources, the production of metallic and non-metallic mineral 
resources including industrial mineral resources, and the 
production of stone, sand, and gravel. In all cases the work 
carried out with funds made available under this Act shall 
include a significant opportunity for participation by 
undergraduate students.
  ``(f) Research funded by this Act related to energy and 
mineral resource development and production may include--
          ``(1) studies of petroleum, mining, and mineral 
        extraction and immediately related beneficiation 
          ``(2) mineral economics, reclamation technology, and 
        practices for active operations;
          ``(3) the development of re-mining systems and 
        technologies to facilitate reclamation that fosters the 
        ultimate recovery of resources at abandoned petroleum, 
        mining, and aggregate production sites; and
          ``(4) research on ways to extract petroleum and 
        mineral resources that reduce the environmental impact 
        of those activities.
  ``(g) Grants for basic science and engineering studies and 
research shall not require additional participation by funding 
partners. Grants for studies to demonstrate the proof of 
concept for science and engineering or the demonstration of 
feasibility and implementation shall include participation by 
industry and may include funding from other Federal agencies.
  ``(h)(1) No funds made available under this section shall be 
applied to the acquisition by purchase or lease of any land or 
interests therein, or the rental, purchase, construction, 
preservation, or repair of any building.
  ``(2) Funding made available under this section may be used 
with the express approval of the Secretary for proposals that 
will provide for maintaining or upgrading of existing 
laboratories and laboratory equipment. Funding for such 
maintenance shall not be used for university overhead expenses.
  ``(3) Funding made available under this Act may be used for 
maintaining and upgrading mines and oil and gas drilling rigs 
owned by a school, university, or institution described in this 
section that are used for undergraduate and graduate training 
and worker safety training. All requests for funding such mines 
and oil and gas drilling rigs must demonstrate that they have 
been owned by the school, university, or institution for 5 
years prior to the date of enactment of the Deep Ocean Energy 
Resources Act of 2006 and have been actively used for 
instructional or training purposes during that time.
  ``(4) Any funding made available under this section for 
research, investigation, demonstration, experiment, or training 
shall not be used for university overhead charges in excess of 
10 percent of the amount authorized by the Secretary.


  ``(a) A school, university, or educational institution that 
formerly met the requirements of section 3(b) immediately 
before the date of the enactment of the Deep Ocean Energy 
Resources Act of 2006, or that seeks to establish a new program 
described in section 3(b), shall be eligible for funding under 
this Act only if it--
          ``(1) establishes a petroleum, mining, or mineral 
        engineering program that meets the specific program 
        criteria and is accredited as such by ABET, Inc.;
          ``(2) agrees to the conditions of subsections (c) 
        through (h) of section 3 and the Secretary determines 
        that the program will strengthen and increase the 
        number of nationally available, well-qualified faculty 
        members in petroleum, mining, and mineral engineering; 
          ``(3) agrees to maintain the accredited program for 
        10 years after the date of the first receipt of funds 
        under this Act.
  ``(b) The Secretary shall seek the advice of the Committee 
established pursuant to section 11 in determining the criteria 
used to carry out this section.


  ``Where appropriate, the Secretary may make funds available 
to consortia of schools, universities, or institutions 
described in sections 3, 4, and 6, including those consortia 
that include schools, universities, or institutions that are 
ineligible for funds under this Act if those schools, 
universities, or institutions, respectively, have skills, 
programs, or facilities specifically identified as needed by 
the consortia to meet the necessary expenses for purposes of--
          ``(1) specific energy and mineral research projects 
        of broad application that could not otherwise be 
        undertaken, including the expenses of planning and 
        coordinating regional petroleum, geothermal, mining, 
        and mineral engineering or beneficiation projects by 
        two or more schools; and
          ``(2) research into any aspects of petroleum, 
        geothermal, mining, or mineral engineering or 
        beneficiation problems, including but not limited to 
        exploration, that are related to the mission of the 
        Department of the Interior.


  ``(a) Twelve percent of the annual outlay of funds authorized 
by section 23(d) of the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006 
may be granted to schools, universities, and institutions other 
than those described in sections 3 and 4.
  ``(b) The Secretary shall determine the eligibility of a 
college or university to receive funding under this Act using 
criteria that include--
          ``(1) the presence of a substantial program of 
        undergraduate and graduate geoscience instruction and 
        research in one or more of the following specialties: 
        petroleum geology, geothermal geology, mineral 
        exploration geology, economic geology, industrial 
        minerals geology, mining geology, petroleum geophysics, 
        mining geophysics, geological engineering, or 
        geophysical engineering that has a demonstrated history 
        of achievement;
          ``(2) evidence of institutional commitment for the 
        purposes of this Act that includes a significant 
        opportunity for participation by undergraduate students 
        in research;
          ``(3) evidence that such school, university, or 
        institution has or can obtain significant industrial 
        cooperation in activities within the scope of this Act;
          ``(4) agreement by the school, university, or 
        institution to maintain the programs for which the 
        funding is sought for the 10-year period beginning on 
        the date the school, university, or institution first 
        receives such funds; and
          ``(5) requiring that such funding shall be for the 
        purposes set forth in subsections (c) through (h) of 
        section 3 and subject to the conditions set forth in 
        section 3(h).
  ``(c) The Secretary shall seek the advice of the Committee 
established pursuant to section 11 in determining the criteria 
used to carry out this section.


  ``(a) The Secretary shall utilize 10 percent of the annual 
outlay of funds authorized by section 23(d) of the Deep Ocean 
Energy Resources Act of 2006 for the purpose of providing 
merit-based scholarships for undergraduate education, graduate 
fellowships, and postdoctoral fellowships.
  ``(b) In order to receive a scholarship or a graduate 
fellowship, an individual student must be a lawful permanent 
resident of the United States or a United States citizen and 
must agree in writing to complete a course of studies and 
receive a degree in petroleum, mining, or mineral engineering, 
petroleum geology, geothermal geology, mining and economic 
geology, petroleum and mining geophysics, or mineral economics.
  ``(c) The regulations required by section 9 shall require 
that an individual, in order to retain a scholarship or 
graduate fellowship, must continue in one of the course of 
studies listed in subsection (b) of this section, must remain 
in good academic standing, as determined by the school, 
institution, or university and must allow for reinstatement of 
the scholarship or graduate fellowship by the Secretary, upon 
the recommendation of the school or institution. Such 
regulations may also provide for recovery of funds from an 
individual who fails to complete any of the courses of study 
listed in subsection (b) of this section after notice that such 
completion is a requirement of receipt funding under this Act.
  ``(d) To carry out this section, the Secretary shall award 
grants to schools, universities, and institutions that are 
eligible to receive funding under section 3, 4 or 6. A school, 
university, or institution receiving funding under this 
subsection shall be responsible for enforcing the requirements 
of this section for scholarship or fellowship students and 
shall return to the Secretary any funds recovered from an 
individual under subsection (c). An institution seeking funds 
under this subsection shall describe, in its application to the 
Secretary for funding, the number of students that would be 
awarded scholarships or fellowships if the application is 
approved, how such students would be selected, and how the 
provisions of this section will be enforced.


  ``(a) Each application to the Secretary for funds under this 
Act shall state, among other things, the nature of the project 
to be undertaken; the period during which it will be pursued; 
the qualifications of the personnel who will direct and conduct 
it; the estimated costs; the importance of the project to the 
Nation, region, or States concerned; its relation to other 
known research projects theretofore pursued or being pursued; 
the extent to which the proposed project will maximize the 
opportunity for the training of undergraduate petroleum, 
mining, and mineral engineers; geologists and geophysicists; 
and the extent of participation by nongovernmental sources in 
the project.
  ``(b) No funds shall be made available under this Act except 
for an application approved by the Secretary. All funds shall 
be made available upon the basis of merit of the application, 
the need for the knowledge that it is expected to produce when 
completed, and the opportunity it provides for the 
undergraduate training of individuals as petroleum, mining, and 
mineral engineers, geologists, and geophysicists. The Secretary 
may use competitive review by nongovernmental experts in 
relevant fields to determine which applications to approve, to 
the extent practicable.
  ``(c) Funds available under this Act shall be paid at such 
times and in such amounts during each fiscal year as determined 
by the Secretary, and upon vouchers approved by the Secretary. 
Each school, university, or institution that receives funds 
under this Act shall--
          ``(1) establish its plan to provide for the training 
        of individuals as petroleum, mining, and mineral 
        engineers, geologists, and geophysicists under a 
        curriculum appropriate to the field of mineral 
        resources and mineral engineering and related fields;
          ``(2) establish policies and procedures that assure 
        that Federal funds made available under this Act for 
        any fiscal year will supplement and, to the extent 
        practicable, increase the level of funds that would, in 
        the absence of such Federal funds, be made available 
        for purposes of this Act, and in no case supplant such 
        funds; and
          ``(3) have an officer appointed by its governing 
        authority who shall receive and account for all funds 
        paid under this Act and shall make an annual report to 
        the Secretary on or before the first day of September 
        of each year, on work accomplished and the status of 
        projects underway, together with a detailed statement 
        of the amounts received under this Act during the 
        preceding fiscal year, and of its disbursements on 
        schedules prescribed by the Secretary.
  ``(d) If any of the funds received by the authorized 
receiving officer of a program under this Act are found by the 
Secretary to have been improperly diminished, lost, or 
misapplied, such funds shall be recovered by the Secretary.
  ``(e) Schools, universities, and institutions receiving funds 
under this Act are authorized and encouraged to plan and 
conduct programs under this Act in cooperation with each other 
and with such other agencies, business enterprises and 


  ``(a) The Secretary, acting through the Assistant Secretary 
for Land and Minerals Management, shall administer this Act and 
shall prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary 
to carry out its provisions not later than 1 year after the 
enactment of the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006.
  ``(b)(1) There is established in the Department of the 
Interior, under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary for 
Land and Minerals Management, an office to be known as the 
Office of Petroleum and Mining Schools (hereafter in this Act 
referred to as the `Office') to administer the provisions of 
this Act. There shall be a Director of the Office who shall be 
a member of the Senior Executive Service. The position of the 
Director shall be allocated from among the existing Senior 
Executive Service positions at the Department of the Interior 
and shall be a career reserved position as defined in section 
3132(a)(8) of title 5, United States Code.
  ``(2) The Director is authorized to appoint a Deputy Director 
and to employ such officers and employees as may be necessary 
to enable the Office to carry out its functions. Such 
appointments shall be made from existing positions at the 
Department of the Interior, and shall be subject to the 
provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing 
appointments in the competitive service. Such positions shall 
be paid in accordance with the provisions of chapter 51 and 
subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to 
classification and General Schedule pay rates.
  ``(3) In carrying out his or her functions, the Director 
shall assist and advise the Secretary and the Committee 
pursuant to section 11 of this Act by--
          ``(A) providing professional and administrative staff 
        support for the Committee including recordkeeping and 
        maintaining minutes of all Committee and subcommittee 
          ``(B) coordinating the activities of the Committee 
        with Federal agencies and departments, and the schools, 
        universities, and institutions to which funds are 
        provided under this Act;
          ``(C) maintaining accurate records of funds disbursed 
        for all scholarship and fellowship grants, research 
        grants, and grants for career technical education 
          ``(D) preparing any regulations required to implement 
        this Act;
          ``(E) conducting site visits at schools, 
        universities, and institutions receiving funding under 
        this Act; and
          ``(F) serving as a central repository for reports and 
        clearing house for public information on research 
        funded by this Act.
  ``(4) The Director or an employee of the Office shall be 
present at each meeting of the Committee pursuant to section 11 
or a subcommittee of such Committee.
  ``(5) The Director is authorized to contract with public or 
private agencies, institutions, and organizations and with 
individuals without regard to section 3324(a) and (b) of title 
31, United States Code, and section 5 of title 41, United 
States Code, in carrying out his or her functions.
  ``(6) As needed the Director shall ascertain whether the 
requirements of this Act have been met by schools, 
universities, institutions, and individuals.
  ``(c) The Secretary, acting through the Office of Petroleum 
and Mining Schools, shall furnish such advice and assistance as 
will best promote the purposes of this Act, shall participate 
in coordinating research, investigations, demonstrations, and 
experiments initiated under this Act, shall indicate to 
schools, universities, and institutions receiving funds under 
this Act such lines of inquiry that seem most important, and 
shall encourage and assist in the establishment and maintenance 
of cooperation between such schools, universities, and 
institutions, other research organizations, the Department of 
the Interior, and other Federal agencies.
  ``(d) The Secretary shall establish procedures--
          ``(1) to ensure that each employee and contractor of 
        the Office established by this section and each member 
        of the Committee pursuant to section 11 of this Act 
        shall disclose to the Secretary any financial interests 
        in or financial relationships with schools, 
        universities, institutions or individuals receiving 
        funds, scholarships or fellowships under this Act;
          ``(2) to require any employee, contractor, or member 
        of the Committee with a financial relationship 
        disclosed under paragraph (1) to recuse themselves 
                  ``(A) any recommendation or decision 
                regarding the awarding of funds, scholarships 
                or fellowships; or
                  ``(B) any review, report, analysis or 
                investigation regarding compliance with the 
                provisions of this Act by a school, university, 
                institution or any individual.
  ``(e) On or before the first day of July of each year 
beginning after the date of enactment of this sentence, 
schools, universities, and institutions receiving funds under 
this Act shall certify compliance with this Act and upon 
request of the Director of the office established by this 
section provide documentation of such compliance.
  ``(f) An individual granted a scholarship or fellowship with 
funds provided under this Act shall through their respective 
school, university, or institution, advise the Director of the 
office established by this Act of progress towards completion 
of the course of studies and upon the awarding of the degree 
within 30 days after the award.
  ``(g) The regulations required by this section shall include 
a preference for veterans and service members who have received 
or will receive either the Afghanistan Campaign Medal or the 
Iraq Campaign Medal as authorized by Public Law 108-234, and 
Executive Order 13363.


  ``(a) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to impair or 
modify the legal relationship existing between any of the 
schools, universities, and institutions under whose direction a 
program is established with funds provided under this Act and 
the government of the State in which it is located. Nothing in 
this Act shall in any way be construed to authorize Federal 
control or direction of education at any school, university, or 
  ``(b) The programs authorized by this Act are intended to 
enhance the Nation's petroleum, mining, and mineral engineering 
education programs and to enhance educational programs in 
petroleum and mining exploration and to increase the number of 
individuals enrolled in and completing these programs. To 
achieve this intent, the Secretary and the Committee pursuant 
to section 11 shall receive the continuing advice and 
cooperation of all agencies of the Federal Government concerned 
with the identification, exploration, and development of energy 
and mineral resources.
  ``(c) Nothing in this Act is intended to give or shall be 
construed as giving the Secretary any authority over mining and 
mineral resources research conducted by any agency of the 
Federal Government, or as repealing or diminishing existing 
authorities or responsibilities of any agency of the Federal 
Government to plan and conduct, contract for, or assist in 
research in its area of responsibility and concern with regard 
to mining and mineral resources.
  ``(d) The schools, universities, and institutions receiving 
funding under this Act shall make detailed reports to the 
Office of Petroleum and Mining Schools on projects completed, 
in progress, or planned with funds provided under this Act. All 
such reports shall be available to the public on not less than 
an annual basis through the Office of Petroleum and Mining 
Schools. All uses, products, processes, and other developments 
resulting from any research, demonstration, or experiment 
funded in whole or in part under this Act shall be made 
available promptly to the general public, subject to exception 
or limitation, if any, as the Secretary may find necessary in 
the interest of national security, and subject to the 
applicable Federal law governing patents.


  ``(a) The Secretary shall appoint a Committee on Petroleum, 
Mining, and Mineral Engineering and Energy and Mineral Resource 
Education composed of--
          ``(1) the Assistant Secretary of the Interior 
        responsible for land and minerals management and not 
        more than 16 other persons who are knowledgeable in the 
        fields of mining and mineral resources research, 
        including 2 university administrators one of whom shall 
        be from historic and existing petroleum and mining 
        schools; a community, technical, or tribal college 
        administrator; a career technical education educator; 6 
        representatives equally distributed from the petroleum, 
        mining, and aggregate industries; a working miner; a 
        working oilfield worker; a representative of the 
        Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission; a 
        representative from the Interstate Mining Compact 
        Commission; a representative from the Western Governors 
        Association; a representative of the State geologists, 
        and a representative of a State mining and reclamation 
        agency. In making these 16 appointments, the Secretary 
        shall consult with interested groups.
          ``(2) The Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals 
        Management, in the capacity of the Chairman of the 
        Committee, may have present during meetings of the 
        Committee representatives of Federal agencies with 
        responsibility for energy and minerals resources 
        management, energy and mineral resource investigations, 
        energy and mineral commodity information, international 
        trade in energy and mineral commodities, mining safety 
        regulation and mine safety research, and research into 
        the development, production, and utilization of energy 
        and mineral commodities. These representatives shall 
        serve as technical advisors to the committee and shall 
        have no voting responsibilities.
  ``(b) The Committee shall consult with, and make 
recommendations to, the Secretary on policy matters relating to 
carrying out this Act. The Secretary shall consult with and 
carefully consider recommendations of the Committee in such 
  ``(c) Committee members, other than officers or employees of 
Federal, State, or local governments, shall be, for each day 
(including traveltime) during which they are performing 
Committee business, paid at a rate fixed by the Secretary but 
not in excess of the daily equivalent of the maximum rate of 
pay for level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5136 
of title 5, United States Code, and shall be fully reimbursed 
for travel, subsistence, and related expenses.
  ``(d) The Committee shall be chaired by the Assistant 
Secretary of the Interior responsible for land and minerals 
management. There shall also be elected a Vice Chairman by the 
Committee from among the members referred to in this section. 
The Vice Chairman shall perform such duties as are determined 
to be appropriate by the committee, except that the Chairman of 
the Committee must personally preside at all meetings of the 
full Committee. The Committee may organize itself into such 
subcommittees as the Committee may deem appropriate.
  ``(e) Following completion of the report required by section 
385 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Committee shall 
consider the recommendations of the report, ongoing efforts in 
the schools, universities, and institutions receiving funding 
under this Act, the Federal and State Governments, and the 
private sector, and shall formulate and recommend to the 
Secretary a national plan for a program utilizing the fiscal 
resources provided under this Act. The Committee shall submit 
such plan to the Secretary for approval. Upon approval, the 
plan shall guide the Secretary and the Committee in their 
actions under this Act.
  ``(f) Section 10 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 
U.S.C. App. 2) shall not apply to the Committee.


  ``(a) Up to 25 percent of the annual outlay of funds 
authorized by section 23(d) of the Deep Ocean Energy Resources 
Act of 2006 may be granted to schools or institutions 
including, but not limited to, colleges, universities, 
community colleges, tribal colleges and universities, technical 
institutes, secondary schools, other than those described in 
sections 3, 4, 5, and 6, and jointly sponsored apprenticeship 
and training programs that are authorized by Federal law.
  ``(b) The Secretary shall determine the eligibility of a 
school or institution to receive funding under this section 
using criteria that include--
          ``(1) the presence of a State-approved program in 
        mining engineering technology, petroleum engineering 
        technology, industrial engineering technology, or 
        industrial technology that--
                  ``(A) is focused on technology and its use in 
                energy and mineral production and related 
                maintenance, operational safety, or energy 
                infrastructure protection and security;
                  ``(B) prepares students for advanced or 
                supervisory roles in the mining industry or the 
                petroleum industry; and
                  ``(C) grants either an associate's degree or 
                a baccalaureate degree in one of the subjects 
                listed in subparagraph (A);
          ``(2) the presence of a program, including a 
        secondary school vocational education program or career 
        academy, that provides training for individuals 
        entering the petroleum, coal mining, or mineral mining 
        industries; or
          ``(3) the presence of a State-approved program of 
        career technical education at a secondary school, 
        offered cooperatively with a community college in one 
        of the industrial sectors of--
                  ``(A) agriculture, forestry, or fisheries;
                  ``(B) utilities;
                  ``(C) construction;
                  ``(D) manufacturing; and
                  ``(E) transportation and warehousing.
  ``(c) Schools or institutions receiving funds under this 
section must show evidence of an institutional commitment for 
the purposes of career technical education and provide evidence 
that the school or institution has received or will receive 
industry cooperation in the form of equipment, employee time, 
or donations of funds to support the activities that are within 
the scope of this section.
  ``(d) Schools or institutions receiving funds under this 
section must agree to maintain the programs for which the 
funding is sought for a period of 10 years beginning on the 
date the school or institution receives such funds, unless the 
Secretary finds that a shorter period of time is appropriate 
for the local labor market or is required by State authorities.
  ``(e) Schools or institutions receiving funds under this 
section may combine these funds with State funds, and other 
Federal funds where allowed by law, to carry out programs 
described in this section, however the use of the funds 
received under this section must be reported to the Secretary 
not less than annually.
  ``(f) The Secretary shall seek the advice of the Committee 
established pursuant to section 11 in determining the criteria 
used to carry out this section.


  ``(a) Physical Science, Engineering and Technology 
Scholarship Program.--
          ``(1) From the amount of funds available to carry out 
        this section, the Secretary shall use 30 percent of 
        that amount to provide financial assistance for 
        education in physical sciences, engineering, and 
        engineering or industrial technology and disciplines 
        that, as determined by the Secretary, are critical to 
        the functions of the Department of the Interior and are 
        needed in the Department of the Interior workforce.
          ``(2) The Secretary of the Interior may award a 
        scholarship in accordance with this section to a person 
                  ``(A) is a citizen of the United States;
                  ``(B) is pursuing an undergraduate or 
                advanced degree in a critical skill or 
                discipline described in paragraph (1) at an 
                institution of higher education; and
                  ``(C) enters into a service agreement with 
                the Secretary of the Interior as described in 
                subsection (e).
          ``(3) The amount of the financial assistance provided 
        under a scholarship awarded to a person under this 
        subsection shall be the amount determined by the 
        Secretary of the Interior as being necessary to pay all 
        educational expenses incurred by that person, including 
        tuition, fees, cost of books, laboratory expenses, and 
        expenses of room and board. The expenses paid, however, 
        shall be limited to those educational expenses normally 
        incurred by students at the institution of higher 
        education involved.
  ``(b) Scholarship Program for Students Attending Minority 
Serving Higher Education Institutions.--
          ``(1) From the amount of funds available to carry out 
        this section, the Secretary shall use 35 percent of 
        that amount to award scholarships in accordance with 
        this section to persons who--
                  ``(A) are enrolled in a Minority Serving 
                Higher Education Institutions.
                  ``(B) are citizens or nationals of the United 
                  ``(C) are pursuing an undergraduate or 
                advanced degree in agriculture, engineering, 
                engineering or industrial technology, or 
                physical sciences, or other discipline that is 
                found by the Secretary to be critical to the 
                functions of the Department of the Interior and 
                are needed in the Department of the Interior 
                workforce; and
                  ``(D) enter into a service agreement with the 
                Secretary of the Interior as described in 
                subsection (e).
          ``(2) The amount of the financial assistance provided 
        under a scholarship awarded to a person under this 
        subsection shall be the amount determined by the 
        Secretary of the Interior as being necessary to pay all 
        educational expenses incurred by that person, including 
        tuition, fees, cost of books, laboratory expenses, and 
        expenses of room and board. The expenses paid, however, 
        shall be limited to those educational expenses normally 
        incurred by students at the institution of higher 
        education involved.
  ``(c) Education Partnerships With Minority Serving Higher 
Education Institutions.--
          ``(1) The Secretary shall require the director of 
        each Bureau and Office, to foster the participation of 
        Minority Serving Higher Education Institutions in any 
        regulatory activity, land management activity, science 
        activity, engineering or industrial technology 
        activity, or engineering activity carried out by the 
        Department of the Interior.
          ``(2) From the amount of funds available to carry out 
        this section, the Secretary shall use 35 percent of 
        that amount to support activities at Minority Serving 
        Higher Education Institutions by--
                  ``(A) funding faculty and students in these 
                institutions in collaborative research projects 
                that are directly related to the Departmental 
                or Bureau missions;
                  ``(B) allowing equipment transfer to Minority 
                Serving Higher Education Institutions as a part 
                of a collaborative research program directly 
                related to a Departmental or Bureau mission;
                  ``(C) allowing faculty and students at these 
                Minority Serving Higher Education Institutions 
                to participate Departmental and Bureau training 
                  ``(D) funding paid internships in 
                Departmental and Bureau facilities for students 
                at Minority Serving Higher Education 
                  ``(E) assigning Departmental and Bureau 
                personnel to positions located at Minority 
                Serving Higher Educational Institutions to 
                serve as mentors to students interested in a 
                science, technology or engineering disciplines 
                related to the mission of the Department or the 
  ``(d) Service Agreement for Recipients of Assistance.--
          ``(1) To receive financial assistance under 
        subsection (a) or (b) of this section--
                  ``(A) in the case of an employee of the 
                Department of the Interior, the employee shall 
                enter into a written agreement to continue in 
                the employment of the department for the period 
                of obligated service determined under paragraph 
                (2); and
                  ``(B) in the case of a person not an employee 
                of the Department of the Interior, the person 
                shall enter into a written agreement to accept 
                and continue employment in the Department of 
                the Interior for the period of obligated 
                service determined under paragraph (2).
          ``(2) For the purposes of this section, the period of 
        obligated service for a recipient of a scholarship 
        under this section shall be the period determined by 
        the Secretary of the Interior as being appropriate to 
        obtain adequate service in exchange for the financial 
        assistance provided under the scholarship. In no event 
        may the period of service required of a recipient be 
        less than the total period of pursuit of a degree that 
        is covered by the scholarship. The period of obligated 
        service is in addition to any other period for which 
        the recipient is obligated to serve in the civil 
        service of the United States.
          ``(3) An agreement entered into under this subsection 
        by a person pursuing an academic degree shall include 
        any terms and conditions that the Secretary of the 
        Interior determines necessary to protect the interests 
        of the United States or otherwise appropriate for 
        carrying out this section.
  ``(e) Refund for Period of Unserved Obligated Service.--
          ``(1) A person who voluntarily terminates service 
        before the end of the period of obligated service 
        required under an agreement entered into under 
        subsection (d) shall refund to the United States an 
        amount determined by the Secretary of the Interior as 
        being appropriate to obtain adequate service in 
        exchange for financial assistance.
          ``(2) An obligation to reimburse the United States 
        imposed under paragraph (1) is for all purposes a debt 
        owed to the United States.
          ``(3) The Secretary of the Interior may waive, in 
        whole or in part, a refund required under paragraph (1) 
        if the Secretary determines that recovery would be 
        against equity and good conscience or would be contrary 
        to the best interests of the United States.
          ``(4) A discharge in bankruptcy under title 11, 
        United States Code, that is entered less than five 
        years after the termination of an agreement under this 
        section does not discharge the person signing such 
        agreement from a debt arising under such agreement or 
        under this subsection.
  ``(f) Relationship to Other Programs.--The Secretary of the 
Interior shall coordinate the provision of financial assistance 
under the authority of this section with the provision of 
financial assistance under the authorities provided in this Act 
in order to maximize the benefits derived by the Department of 
Interior from the exercise of all such authorities.
  ``(g) Report.--Not later than September 1 of each year, the 
Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the Congress a report 
on the status of the assistance program carried out under this 
section. The report shall describe the programs within the 
Department designed to recruit and retain a workforce on a 
short-term basis and on a long-term basis.
  ``(h) Definitions.--As used in this section:
          ``(1) The term `Minority Serving Higher Education 
        Institutions' means a Hispanic-serving institution, 
        historically Black college or university, Alaska 
        Native-serving institution, tribal college or 
        university, or insular area school.
          ``(2) The term `Hispanic-serving institution' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 502(a) of the Higher 
        Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)).
          ``(3) The term `historically Black college or 
        university' has the meaning given the term `part B 
        institution' in section 322 of the Higher Education Act 
        of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061).
          ``(4) The term `tribal college or university' has the 
        meaning given the term `Tribal College or University' 
        in section 316(b)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 
        1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c).
          ``(5) The term `institution of higher education' has 
        the meaning given such term in section 101 of the 
        Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001).
          ``(6) The term `Alaska Native-serving institution' 
        has the meaning given the term in section 317 of the 
        Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059d).
          ``(7) The term `insular area school' means an 
        academic institution or university in American Samoa, 
        Guam, The Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and 
        the Virgin Islands, or any other territory or 
        possession of the United States.
  ``(i) Funding.--To implement this section, the Secretary 
shall use 3 percent of the annual outlay authorized by section 
23(d) of the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006.''.
  (b) Funding for Energy Research.--
          (1) Using 20 percent of the funds authorized by 
        subsection (d), the Secretary of Energy, through the 
        energy supply research and development programs of the 
        Department of Energy, and in consultation with the 
        Office of Science of the Department of Energy, shall 
        carry out a program to award grants to institutions of 
        higher education on the basis of competitive, merit-
        based review, for the purpose of conducting research on 
        advanced energy technologies with the potential to 
        transform the energy systems of the United States so as 
                  (A) reduce dependence on foreign energy 
                  (B) reduce or eliminate emissions of 
                greenhouse gases;
                  (C) reduce negative environmental effects 
                associated with energy production, storage, and 
                use; and
                  (D) enhance the competitiveness of United 
                States energy technology exports.
          (2) Awards made under this subsection may include 
        funding for--
                  (A) energy efficiency;
                  (B) renewable energy, including solar, wind, 
                and biofuels; and
                  (C) nuclear, hydrogen, and any other energy 
                research that could accomplish the purpose set 
                forth in paragraph (1).
          (3) The Secretary of Energy may require or authorize 
        grantees under this subsection to partner with 
        industry, but only to the extent that such a 
        requirement does not prevent long-range, potentially 
        pathbreaking research from being funded under this 
          (4) An institution of higher education seeking 
        funding under this subsection shall submit an 
        application at such time, in such manner, and 
        containing such information as the Secretary of Energy 
        may require.
          (5) In this subsection, the term ``institution of 
        higher education'' has the meaning given that term in 
        section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
  (c) Funding for Energy Scholarships.--
          (1) Using 5 percent of the funds authorized by 
        subsection (d), the Secretary of Energy, through the 
        energy supply research and development programs of the 
        Department of Energy, and in consultation with the 
        Office of Science of the Department of Energy, shall 
        carry out a program to award grants to institutions of 
        higher education on the basis of competitive, merit-
        based review, to grant graduate traineeships to Ph.D. 
        students who are citizens of the United States who will 
        carry out research on advanced energy technologies to 
        accomplish the purpose set forth in subsection (c)(1).
          (2) Awards made under this subsection may include 
        funding for--
                  (A) energy efficiency;
                  (B) renewable energy, including solar, wind, 
                and biofuels; and
                  (C) nuclear, hydrogen, and any other energy 
                research that would accomplish the purpose set 
                forth in subsection (c)(1) that is not eligible 
                for funding under section 7 of the Energy and 
                Mineral Schools Reinvestment Act.
          (3) An institution of higher education seeking 
        funding under this subsection shall submit an 
        application at such time, in such manner, and 
        containing such information as the Secretary of Energy 
        may require.
          (4) In this subsection, the term ``institution of 
        higher education'' has the meaning given that term in 
        section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
  (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to 
be appropriated to carry out this section $150,000,000 for each 
of fiscal years 2007 through 2017.
  Page 95, line 3, before the semicolon insert the following: 
``, with particular consideration awarded to establishing 
programs at minority serving institutions''.

  Page 96, line 18, before the period insert the following: ``, 
with particular consideration awarded to minority serving 

  Page 123, beginning at line 22, strike ``The purpose'' and 
all that follows through ``funding for'' at line 23 and insert 
``The purpose of this section is to provide for''.

  Page 124, line 6, strike the semicolon and insert a period.

  Page 124, strike line 7 and all that follows through page 
129, line 9, and insert the following:

  (c) State Defined.--In this section the term ``State'' means 
the agency of a State designated by its Governor or State law 
to perform the functions and activities described in subsection 
  Page 129, line 10, strike ``(e)'' and insert ``(c)''.

  Page 131, strike lines 14 through 18 and insert the 

          (4) Authorization of appropriations.--There is 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
        subsection for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2011 
        not less than $35,000,000. Each pilot project
  Page 131, line 21, strike ``(f)'' and insert ``(d)''.

  Page 134, strike line 15 and all that follows through 
``fiscal year.'' at line 18 and insert the following:

          (5) Authorization of appropriations.--There is 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
        subsection for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2011 
        not less than $5,000,000. Each pilot project
  Page 135, line 12, strike ``(g)'' and insert ``(e)''.

  Page 137, strike lines 9 through 11 and insert the following:

          (5) Authorization of appropriations.--There is 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
                  (A) $65,000,000 for fiscal year 2007; and
                  (B) $37,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2008 
                through 2013.
  Page 137, line 12, strike ``(h)'' and insert ``(f)''.

  Page 137, strike line 21 and 22 and insert the following:

          (3) Authorization of appropriations.--There is 
        authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
        subsection funds for
  Page 138, line 4, strike ``517'' and insert ``507''.

  Page 138, line 9, strike ``(b)(1)'' and insert ``(b)(13) or 

  Page 147 , line 14 , strike section 30 and insert the 

                    OF 2000.

  Section 9 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 
1338) is amended by inserting after subsection (i), as added by 
section 7 of this Act, the following new subsection:
  ``(j) Conditional Availability of Funds for Payments Under 
Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 
          ``(1) Availability of funds.--Subject to paragraph 
        (2), but notwithstanding any other provision of this 
        section, $50,000,000 of OCS Receipts shall be available 
        to the Secretary of the Treasury for each of fiscal 
        years 2007 through 2012 to make payments under sections 
        102 and 103 of the Secure Rural Schools and Community 
        Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393; 16 
        U.S.C. 500 note). The Secretary of the Treasury shall 
        use the funds made available by this subsection to make 
        such payments in lieu of using funds in the Treasury 
        not otherwise appropriated, as otherwise authorized by 
        sections 102(b)(3) and 103(b)(2) of such Act.
          ``(2) Condition on availability.--OCS Receipts shall 
        be available under paragraph (1) for a fiscal year only 
                  ``(A) title I of the Secure Rural Schools and 
                Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 has 
                been reauthorized through at least that fiscal 
                year; and
                  ``(B) the authority to initiate projects 
                under titles II and III of such Act has been 
                extended through at least that fiscal year.''.
  Add at the end the following:


  (a) Buy and Build American.--It is the intention of the 
Congress that this Act, among other things, result in a healthy 
and growing American industrial, manufacturing, transportation, 
and service sector employing the vast talents of America's 
workforce to assist in the development of affordable energy 
from the Outer Continental Shelf. Moreover, the Congress 
intends to monitor the deployment of personnel and material in 
the Outer Continental Shelf to encourage the development of 
American technology and manufacturing to enable United States 
workers to benefit from this Act by good jobs and careers, as 
well as the establishment of important industrial facilities to 
support expanded access to American resources.
  (b) Safeguard for Extraordinary Ability.--Section 30(a) of 
the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1356(a)) is 
amended in the matter preceding paragraph (1) by striking 
``regulations which'' and inserting ``regulations that shall be 
supplemental and complimentary with and under no circumstances 
a substitution for the provisions of the Constitution and laws 
of the United States extended to the subsoil and seabed of the 
outer Continental Shelf pursuant to section 4(a)(1) of this 
Act, except insofar as such laws would otherwise apply to 
individuals who have extraordinary ability in the sciences, 
arts, education, or business, which has been demonstrated by 
sustained national or international acclaim, and that''.

 2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Inslee of Washington, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  In section 26(h)(3) (page 137, line 24), strike 
``$6,000,000'' and insert ``$20,000,000''.

3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Tom Davis of Virginia, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Add at the end the following new section:


  Section 9 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43. 
U.S.C. 1338) is further amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsection:
  ``(k) Availability of Funds for Improvements to the 
Transportation Infrastructure of the Nation's Capital.--
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, 
$150,000,000 of OCS Receipts shall be available to the 
Secretary of the Treasury for each of fiscal years 2007 through 
2016 to make payments, subject to appropriations, to the 
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (as defined in 
the National Capital Transportation Act of 1969) (sec. 9--
1111.01 et seq., D.C. Official Code) to finance in part the 
capital and preventive maintenance projects included in the 
Capital Improvement Program approved by the Board of Directors 
of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.

       4. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Markey of 
        Massachusetts, or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Strike section 2 (page 2, beginning at line 6) and all that 
follows through the quoted subsection (r) in section 6(4) 
(through page 11, line 25), and insert the following:

                    RESOURCES FEES.

  Section 8 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 
1337) is amended by adding at the end the following new 
  At the end of section 6(3) (page 10, line 13), strike the 
period after the closed quotation marks and insert ``; and''.
  In section 6(4), strike the quoted subsections (s) and (t) 
(page 12, beginning at line 1).
  At the end of section 6(4) (page 13, line 22) strike the 
semicolon and insert a period.
  Strike section 6(5) (page 13, beginning at line 23) and all 
that follows through the end of the bill.

 5. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Bilirakis of Florida, 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  In section 9(2), in the quoted subsection (g)(1)(A), strike 
``50 miles'' each place it appears (page 38, lines 9 and 19) 
and insert ``125 miles'' .
  In section 9(2), in the quoted subsection (g)(1), strike 
subparagraph (B) (page 39, beginning at line 6).
  Page 40, lines 17 and 18, strike ``100'' each place it 
appears and insert ``125''.
  In section 9(2), strike the quoted subsection (h) (page 46, 
beginning at line 7).
  In section 9(2), in the quoted subsection (i) (page 48, 
beginning at line 7)--
          (1) strike ``or (h), or both,'';
          (2) strike ``(1)''; and
          (3) strike ``, and (2)'' and all that follows through 
        the end of the sentence and insert a period.
