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Date:         Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:41:06 -0400
Reply-To:     GPO FDLP List <[log in to unmask]>
From:         FDLP Listserv <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      GPO's Preservation and Digital Initiatives: Digitization Ranking
              Survey Open From June 23, 2004 - July 23, 2004
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

GPO recently conducted a survey to identify priority titles for digitization from the historical government documents collections located in Federal depository libraries. The recommended titles have been compiled and are now available for ranking at <>. The ranking survey will be open from June 23, 2004 through July 23, 2004. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this ranking survey; however, the results will be tallied differently for Federal depository libraries and other participants. Each participant may select and rank up to ten titles for digitization, based on personal experience and perceived local or national need. Federal depository libraries are required to enter their library type, number, and internal password to access the survey. Each depository library is allowed to vote only once. If multiple submissions are made, only the last submission will be compiled as part of total listing. In late July, GPO will compile the rankings and produce a single consolidated priority list as well as priority lists by library type. This will allow GPO and its potential digitization partners to identify overall priorities, as well as specific priorities according to library type, e.g. public, academic, state, law, medical. These priority lists will help to focus attention on high visibility titles and provide suggestions for institutions that are planning digitization projects. For general information about GPO's preservation and digitization initiatives, go to <>. GPO is collaborating with the library community on a national digitization plan to digitize a complete legacy collection of tangible U.S. Government documents to make sure that these materials are available, in the public domain, for permanent public access. The conversion of tangible materials will begin with print publications, but will eventually include microfiche and other tangible formats. The availability of an electronic legacy collection will allow depository libraries, including regional libraries, to manage their tangible collections more effectively, substituting electronic copies for tangible copies, if they wish to do so. Judith C. Russell ([log in to unmask]) Managing Director, Information Dissemination (Superintendent of Documents) U.S. Government Printing Office Phone: 202-512-0571 Fax: 202-512-1434

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