
6/21/06: Floor Statement of Senator Chris Dodd on the Minimum Wage

June 20, 2006
Mr. President, let me begin again by thanking my colleague from Massachusetts and others who have fought so long and hard over the last decade to have an increase in the minimum wage in our country, from the $5.15 that was adopted about a decade ago to the suggestion today that we raise this some $2.10. I know $2.10 may -- apparently it's quite a bit of money to many of my colleagues here. To many, of course, it's nothing more than a cup of coffee at a high-priced coffee shop today or a few sodas or a sandwich along the way, but it makes a difference, Mr. President, that $2.10 increase after a decade in the minimum wage will add some $4,400 to the incomes of people who are -- who are depending upon the minimum wage to provide for themselves and their families.

6/07/06: Floor Statement of Senator Chris Dodd on Repealing the Estate Tax

June 7, 2006 If I may, I wish to turn to the matter at hand; that is, the debate regarding the estate tax.

6/07/06: Floor Statement of Senator Chris Dodd on Marriage Protection Amendment

June 7, 2006

Mr. President, if I can, I wanted to spend a couple of minutes on a matter that this body voted on this morning. I was unavoidably absent this morning at a family matter in Rhode Island, so I was not here for the vote. But I wanted to just take a minute or so here to say to my colleagues and to others that had I been present this morning, I would have voted no on the motion for cloture, and had cloture been invoked, I would have voted against the amendment. I am speaking of the proposed constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriages.

5/08/06: Floor Statement of Senator Chris Dodd: Health Week – Medical Liability Reform

May 8, 2006

Mr. President, I rise today to voice my serious concerns about what is going on in the Senate right now. This is the fourth time that we have devoted floor time to legislation to restrict the rights of those injured by medical malpractice. Once again, this is being done without committee consideration, without hearings, and without an attempt to enter into meaningful negotiations with the minority to address our very legitimate concerns about this legislation.

2/13/06: Floor Statement of Senator Christopher J. Dodd: Retain Veterans’ and Military Health Funds in the Tax Reconciliation Bill

February 13, 2006

Remarks as prepared.

Mr. President, I send a motion to the desk and ask for its immediate consideration.

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