
3/07/07: Senator Dodd's Floor Statement on the Improving America's Security Act

March 7, 2007

Mr. President, I want to first commend the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the other Committees who have contributed to this valuable legislation. In particular, I thank my colleagues, Chairman Lieberman and Ranking Member Collins whose Committee work product comprises the bulk of the legislation now before the Senate. I also appreciate the very valuable contribution to this important legislation that comes from the Commerce Committee, particularly due to the work of Chairman Inouye and Ranking Member Stevens.

2/27/07: Dodd Addresses Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference

Watch remarks from Senator Dodd:
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Speaks to Importance of Credit Unions as Means of Expanding Opportunity, Prosperity, Security for Americans

2/09/07: Senator Dodd Celebrates the 45th Anniversary of the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic

Watch remarks from Senator Dodd:
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February 9, 2007

U.S. Senator Chris Dodd, himself a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic from 1966-1968, recorded a message celebrating the 45th anniversary of the program in the Dominican Republic. While serving in the Dominican Republic, Sen. Dodd worked with rural communities and became fluent in Spanish – a language he speaks to this day.

2/06/07: Senator Dodd Rails Against Senate Inaction Regarding Iraq

Says Senate Will be Held Accountable for refusing real debate, vote

February 6, 2007

Washington – Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a leading voice against the Senate’s inaction regarding the war in Iraq, today spoke on the floor of the Senate, saying that the Senate will be judged for its refusal to allow a real debate on Iraq, and a vote on a meaningful piece of binding legislation. Senator Dodd, who has attempted to limit troop levels in Iraq and force the President to return to Congress to get a new authorization for the war, has said that he will vote against the Warner-Levin legislation.

1/09/07: Senator Dodd Speaks at Rev. Jesse Jackson's Wall Street Summit

Watch excerpts of the speech:

12/07/06: Senator Dodd's Remarks on Banking Committee Agenda

December 7, 2006

This morning, Senator Dodd addressed members of the press to unveil his agenda for the Banking Commitee in the 110th Congress.  Senator Dodd will become Chairman of the Committee when the Senate convenes in January 2007. A video with excerpts from the conference and his prepared remarks are below.

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