
10/03/07: Statement of Senator Chris Dodd at the Democratic Leadership Event to Discuss the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

October 3, 2007

Video of Senator Dodd's Remarks
Recorded October 3, 2007

Today, we are facing a serious meltdown in the subprime mortgage market.

9/20/07: Dodd Speaks in Support of Legislation to Redeploy Combat Troops From Iraq

Dodd “There is no better way to support our troops than making sure they return safely home.”

Today, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) urged colleagues to support legislation which would set firm and enforceable timelines for the phased redeployment of combat troops out of Iraq. The Feingold-Reid Amendment, which Dodd co-sponsored, would have remaining forces focus on counter-terrorism, training Iraqi forces, and protection for U.S. personnel and infrastructure. The amendment failed 28 to 70.  

9/17/07: Statement by Senator Chris Dodd in support of the Specter-Leahy-Dodd Amendment to Restore Habeas Rights

September 17, 2007

Mr. President, I rise today to urge our colleagues to join with me in supporting the Specter-Leahy-Dodd amendment to restore the writ of habeas corpus for individuals held in U.S. custody.  I am pleased to be an original cosponsor of this amendment and a cosponsor of the underlying bill from which it is drawn -- S. 185, the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act, also introduced by Senators Specter and Leahy. 

8/21/07: Senator Dodd, Chairman Bernanke, Secretary Paulson Meet, Discuss Solutions to Stabilize Economy, Address Subprime Market Turmoil

August 21, 2007

Today, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, met with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.  The meeting, which took place in the Senator’s Washington office, focused on the recent turmoil in the financial markets. Dodd, Bernanke, and Paulson also discussed the broader implications for the U.S. economy and ways to help homeowners nationwide.

8/01/07: Dodd, Hagel Introduce Bill to Revitalize America’s Infrastructure

Bill Would Help Make Roads, Bridges, Transit Systems and Water Safer and Spur Economic Growth

August 1, 2007

Responding to a looming crisis that jeopardizes the prosperity and quality of life of all Americans,  Senators Chris Dodd, D-Conn., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., today introduced a measure to revitalize, repair, and replace America’s aging and crumbling roads, bridges, transit systems, and water treatment facilities.  Two dramatic headlines in recent weeks have highlighted the escalating problem.  Two weeks ago, an 83-year-old steam pipe burst in midtown Manhattan, releasing asbestos laden particles and causing widespread damage.  Media reports have also recently questioned whether contaminated drinking water near Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, may have exposed families in the area to high levels of dangerous chemicals.

7/25/07: Statement of Senator Dodd at the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Narcotics Affairs Hearing

Enhancing the Peace Corps Experience: S. 732 the Peace Corps Volunteer Empowerment Act

Archive Stream of Hearing
Recorded July 25, 2007
Real Player Required

July 25, 2007

Today I am pleased to convene the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps and Narcotics Affairs. I would like to welcome my Ranking Member, Senator Corker, who has joined me at this morning’s hearing to receive testimony and ask questions on a very important topic – the Peace Corps.

7/24/07: Senator Dodd Convenes Hearing on Initiatives to Strengthen Peace Corps

Archive Stream of Hearing
Recorded July 25, 2007
Real Player Required

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a former Peace Corps volunteer and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Narcotics Affairs, today announced he will convene a subcommittee hearing entitled "Enhancing the Peace Corps Experience S 732, The Peace Corps Volunteer Empowerment Act."  The hearing will focus on legislation Dodd introduced in March that would encourage more input from current and returned volunteers in decision making, bring the Peace Corps into the digital age with regard to email and websites for volunteers in-country and eliminates certain barriers, including current medical screening practices which may discourage older individuals and minorities from becoming Peace Corps volunteers.

7/19/07: Statement of Senator Dodd in Support of the Higher Education Access Act of 2007

July 19 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) made remarks today on the floor of the U.S. Senate in support of the Higher Education Access Act of 2007.

Madam President, I begin by commending our leading sponsors and managers of this legislation, Senator Kennedy and Senator Enzi, for the leadership they provided in working on this important legislation. It is especially important to most American families, because all of us now are beginning to appreciate how expensive it is to receive a higher education -- tragically, I point out -- and what a higher education can mean to more and more Americans -- the quality of life, individual success of our citizenry, but also the collective health of our country as well when we have a well-educated population.


7/17/07: Senator Dodd: Force the President to Redeploy. Rebuild our Armed Forces. End this Disastrous War

July 17, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) made remarks today on the floor of the U.S. Senate in support of the Iraq Withdrawal amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.

6/21/07: Dodd, Leahy Condemn Use of Delay Tactics to Prevent Passage of Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act

June 21, 2007

Today Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT)  denounced Senator Tom Coburn’s (R-OK) announcement that he would place a hold on The Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, which was passed in the House of Representatives yesterday by a vote of 422 to 2 and scheduled to be passed by unanimous consent in the Senate today.  Today marks the anniversary of the kidnapping and murder of three young civil rights workers (Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner) in Philadelphia, Mississippi, and is also the anniversary of Edgar Ray Killen’s conviction for those crimes two years ago.  

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