Committee on Science and Technology
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Legislative Highlights :: September 23, 2008

The National Water Research and Development Initiative Act of 2008


Bill Summary and Status

Introduced in the House September 23, 2008


Section 1: Short Title

The National Water Research and Development Initiative Act of 2008

Section 2: Initiative

Section 2 directs the President to implement a National Water Research and Development Initiative to improve Federal activities on water, including: research, development, demonstration, data collection and dissemination, education, and technology transfer.  As part of the Initiative, the President shall establish an Interagency Committee with representation from all federal agencies dealing with water and the Office of Management and Budget.  The Office of Science and Technology Policy will coordinate the Committee.

The Committee is responsible for coordinating federal activities on water (see list above).  The Committee is also required to facilitate technology transfer, communication, and information with non-governmental organization, state and local governments, industry, and other stakeholders.

The Committee is charged with developing a National Water Availability Research and Assessment Plan.  The Plan establishes priorities for Federal water research and assessment and shall utilize the recommendations from a 2007 Report issued by SWAQ (Subcommittee on Water Availability and Quality of the National Science and Technology Council).  This section lists a number of outcomes established in the 2007 report and directs the Committee to integrate a strategy to achieve the outcomes in the Plan.

The Plan will identify the current programs and funding levels for government programs related to water research, development, demonstration, data collection and dissemination, education, and technology transfer.  The Plan will establish a strategy to achieve the desired outcomes, including: which agencies are responsible for what work and the funding levels and timelines for each outcome.  The Plan will be subject to a 90 day public comment period, which must address submitted public suggestions.

The President is also directed to create a Coordination Office to provide technical and administrative support to the Committee.  The Office will disseminate information to the public and serve as a point of contact for the Initiative.  

In addition, the President is requires to establish, or designate, an Advisory Committee to advise the Interagency Committee.

Section 3: Budget Coordination

Section 3 directs the President to provide guidance to each Federal agency in the Initiative with respect to the President’s annual request.   The President is requires to describe and list the items in the request that are elements of the Plan of help to achieve the outcomes of the Plan.

Section 4: Annual Report

Section 4 directs the President submit an annual report to Congress describing the activities and results of the initiative.

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