Committee on Science and Technology
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Legislative Highlights :: February 6, 2008

United States Fire Administration Reauthorization Act of 2008


Bill Summary and Status

Passed by the House on April 3, 2008.

Reported (as amended) by the Full Committee February 27, 2008

Cleared the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee by voice vote on February 7, 2008

Introduced in the House December 19, 2007


Section 1: Short Title

“The United States Fire Administration Reauthorization Act of 2008”

Section 2: Findings

Finds that the rate of life and property loss due to fire in the U.S. is still one of the highest in the industrialized world and that a significant number of firefighters die or suffer injury each year.  Finds that USFA provides vital resources and leadership to the Nation’s fire service and should have a prominent voice at the Department of Homeland Security.

Section 3: Authorization of Appropriations

Authorizes appropriations: $70,000,000 for FY2009; $72,100,000 for FY2010; $74,263,000 for FY2011; and $76,490,890 for FY2012.  Each fiscal year, 3.6 percent of the funds authorized are authorized to be used to carry out fire technology research and related activities. 

Section 4: National Fire Academy Training Program Modifications and Reports

Amends the list of training activities the National Fire Academy (NFA) is authorized to engage in by broadening authorized NFA training activities from terrorism specific to all-hazard; authorize training for response to large-scale fire events that involve multiple jurisdictions and stretch resources; authorize training for firefighting activities in the wildland-urban interface; authorize training for hazmat firefighting; and authorize training for advanced issues related to emergency medical services.     

Requires the Administrator to include a description of any changes to the NFA curriculum in every third USFA yearly report to Congress.   

Authorizes the Administrator to enter into contracts to provide on-site training through accredited or otherwise qualified organizations experienced with delivering such training. 

Section 5: National Fire Incident Reporting System Upgrades

Authorizes the Administrator to use a maximum of $5 million dollars from the total appropriated over the years FY2009 to FY2011 to upgrade NFIRS.   

Section 6: Fire Technology Assistance and Research Dissemination

Authorizes USFA to engage in research related to technologies, techniques, approaches, etc., to address fire suppression and prevention for fires in the wildland-urban interface. 

Requires USFA to maintain a web database of these activities.   

Section 7: Encouraging the Adoption of Standards for Firefighter Health and Safety

Directs the Administrator to promote the adoption of national voluntary consensus standards for firefighter health and safety by educating the fire service, encouraging their adoption at all levels of government and making recommendations on other ways the Federal government can encourage state, local, and federal fire agencies to comply with these standards.

Section 8: Coordination on Fire Service-Based Emergency Medical Services

Amends Section 21(e) of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 by directing the Administrator to include fire service-based emergency medical services in his liaison and coordination activities across the Federal government.   

Section 9: Definitions

Defines wildland urban interface and hazardous materials.

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