Map indicating triage areas Aerial view showing where plane hit
Pentagon map Loading Ambulance
Triage Area on Route 27 Triage area in Center Courtyard
DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic Triage alongside Route 27
Triage under Route 27 Stretchers
Helicopter landing Pentagon damage
Pentagon at night  

The 184 whose lives were taken in this place -- veterans and recruits, soldiers and civilians, husbands and wives, parents and children -- left behind family and friends whose loss cannot be weighed.  The murder of innocence cannot be explained, only endured.  And though they died in tragedy, they did not die in vain.

Today, the nation pays our respects to them.  Here, and in Pennsylvania, and in New York, we honor each name, and each life.  We ask God to bring comfort to every home where they are loved and missed.  And on this day, and on every day, may He watch over the United States of America.

President George W. Bush
President's Remarks at the Pentagon
September 11, 2002

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