Publication Number: EP 1110-3-8
Title: Engineering and Design - Public Participation in the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) for Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS)
Proponent: CEMP-RA
Publication Date: 9 April 2004
Distribution Restriction Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Errata Sheet #1 - 06 Jan 06
Errata Sheet #2 - 04 Dec 07
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Establishing and Maintaining Public Involvement Programs
Chapter 3 - Establishing and Maintaining RABs
Chapter 4 - Establishing and Maintaining Administrative Records
Chapter 5 - Conclusion
Appendix A - References
Appendix B - Community Interview Questions
Appendic C - Sample RAB Public Notice
Appendix D - Sample RAB Community Interest Format
Appendix E - Sample RAB Letter of Invitation
Appendix F - Sample RAB Fact Sheet
Appendix G - Sample RAB Operating Procedures
Appendic H - Reporting Matrix and Reporting Tables
Appendix I - Selecting Documents for the Administrative Record
Appendix J - Model Permanent Project File Structure
Appendix K - Administrative Record Documents
Appendix L - Model Administrative Record Index
Appendix M - Model Administrative Record Data Element Definition Index
Appendix N - Sample Visitor Sign-In Book Format
Appendix O - Model Administrative Record Transmittal Cover Letter
Appendix P - Model Administrative Record Document Transmittal Acknowledgment Form
Appendix Q -Sample Administrative Record Fact Sheet
Appendix R - Model Administrative Record Notice of Public Availability