Promote the FDLP at Your Library with the Easy As FDL Video E-mail
Tuesday, 04 November 2008

Using our theme, "Easy As FDL: Free Information, Dedicated Service, and Limitless Possibilities", this video demonstrates what makes Federal depository libraries so unique and essential to the American public. People who are dedicated to and knowlegeable about the FDLP were interviewed and asked to express thier opinions about Federal depository libraries and how the FDLP benefits the American public.

This video is available for you to distribute as you choose. Post it to your library’s Web site, various social media sites, social networking sites, or in your presentations. You may also ask local government offices and educational institutions to place it on their Web sites.

This is the first of several upcoming FDLP promotional videos. GPO will be using this and subsequent videos in staff presentations and for distribution. It is a highly effective tool when used in conjunction with the new marketing plan in our efforts to promote the FDLP.

GPO wishes to thank the stars of the first video for their participation:

  • Mary Alice Baish
  • Andie Craley
  • Jeff Elliott
  • Tim Morton
  • Barbie Selby
  • Bill Sleeman

How to download and use this video

Download one of the three versions we offer:

Easy As FDL Promotional Video-Low Resolution Easy As FDL Promotional Video-Low Resolution (8MB)
Easy As FDL Promotional Video-Medium Resolution Easy As FDL Promotional Video-Medium Resolution (21MB)
Easy As FDL Promotional Video-High Resolution Easy As FDL Promotional Video-High Resolution (34MB)

When the download is complete, you will need to unzip the package. (For windows, double click on downloaded package, then click on "extract all". For Mac, control-click on downloaded package, navigate to "open with" in the contextual menu, then click on "Disk Utility.app".)

Upload the "easyasfdl" folder to your web server (the file and folder names will be slightly different depending on which resolution you decided to download).

In order for the video to function properly, all three files must be kept together in the same folder. Example HTML code is provided in the readme.txt file.

This video is also available from YouTube at: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRSalwvVSnA>.

Remember to read the FDLP Marketing Plan for more great ideas on how to promote your depository and the FDLP! Don’t forget to order the new Easy as FDL promotional products available.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 November 2008 )


In an effort to strengthen security and re-emphasize depository responsibilities in using this important service, STAT-USA, with assistance from LSCM, will assign new passwords.


FDLP Signage Requirement

The FDLP emblem or signage on or near depository library buildings is used to demonstrate that Federal depository libraries provide free, public access to U.S. Government information resources. GPO’s ongoing review of the 2007 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries indicates that dozens of libraries and selective housing sites do not have the emblem or signage posted on or near their library buildings.


Publication of the Cong. Record

At the request of several libraries in the FDLP, GPO staff have obtained an update on the printing and publication of issues of the Congressional Record (Bound) Index and Daily Digest (X 1.1: item nos. 0993-B and 0993-C).


New Item Number Procedure

GPO has begun to create separate item numbers for the online only (EL) format of the U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings and Prints and related miscellaneous publications, known as "Y 4's". Read more.
File Repository.

FDLP Site Migration

arrow.png We are in the process of migrating the FDLP Desktop site content to our new domain. Click here to access the original FDLP Desktop.

Events Countdown

12 days until ALA Midwinter Meeting
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189 days until Interagency Depository Seminar

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