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About Phil

Congressman Phil Hare was born on February 21, 1949 in Galesburg, Illinois. He has lived his whole life in the 17th Congressional District. He graduated from Alleman High School and attended Blackhawk College in Moline. He learned the value of hard work and dedication from his parents. Phil’s mother worked for $1.00 an hour at the New York Store to help make ends meet after the family lost their house. She was active in local politics and volunteered on John Kennedy’s campaign for President. His father was a machinist and a proud member of his local union. Together, they raised 4 kids.

In 1969, Phil took his first job at the Seaford Clothing Factory in Rock Island. During the 13 years he cut lining for men’s suits there, Phil served as a union leader and as the President of UNITE HERE Local 617. He also served six years in the U.S. Army Reserves. These experiences gave him the determination to always fight for working families and veterans.

Phil left his union position to work for Congressman Lane Evans in 1982. For nearly 24 years, Phil worked on behalf of his neighbors in the 17th District by serving as District Director. Whether it was helping constituents solve their problems, mediating labor disputes, or furthering Democratic principles, Phil has always sought to help the people of his district. In his spare time, Phil volunteered at a local hospice and coached youth basketball and football.

When his boss and good friend Lane Evans decided to retire in 2006, Phil was devastated. After discussing it with his wife (Beckie) and two children (Lou, Amy), he decided to run in Lane’s stead. Phil knew that his candidacy was the best way to carry on the fight for working families and veterans.

Phil Hare was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on November 7, 2006 with 57 percent of the vote. He serves on the Education and Labor and Veterans’ Affairs Committees. He is also an assistant whip under Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC). Assistant whips are responsible for mobilizing party members from their respective regions on important votes.



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