Press Release of Senator Feingold


In the New Year, Feingold to Focus on Wisconsin's Economy, Fighting for Wisconsin Families, Strengthening National Security, and Being an Independent Voice for Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate

Friday, January 2, 2009

Washington, D.C. – With the start of the new year, and with it a new administration and a new Congress, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold is outlining his priorities for 2009.  Feingold will focus on four key areas – supporting businesses, jobs and Wisconsin’s economy, fighting for Wisconsin families, strengthening America’s security and ensuring Wisconsin maintains an independent voice in the U.S. Senate.  Feingold will continue to reach across party lines to address these critical issues as the new Congress moves forward. 

“The spirit of national unity that came out of the 2008 election gives us important momentum as we get to work in the New Year,” Feingold said.  “The parties must work together to solve the great challenges we face.  I look forward to working with Democrats and Republicans to find common ground on issues like boosting job creation and economic growth, fixing our broken health care system and going after al Qaeda and other extremist groups that threaten the safety and security of Americans.”

Supporting Businesses, Jobs and Wisconsin’s Economy

Even though the country is facing tough economic times, Feingold sees great cause for optimism in Wisconsin’s many unique strengths.  Feingold will continue to push his E4 initiative – an initiative to help small business innovation and job creation in the emerging energy sector.  The effort seeks to capitalize on Wisconsin’s strong points – like businesses and research institutions working on clean water technology – to fuel job creation.  The effort is aimed not just at creating jobs, but creating jobs that will help Wisconsin lead in facing our nation’s energy and critical resource challenges.  And with the country facing record deficits, Feingold will continue his efforts to cut wasteful spending by the federal government.

Fighting for Wisconsin Families

Along with fixing our economy, health care reform is a top priority for Wisconsin families.  During Senator Feingold’s 2008 listening sessions, health care reform was the most frequently raised domestic issue.  Feingold has worked with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to push their state-based approach to health care reform which is enjoying growing bipartisan support.  Their bill, the State-Based Health Care Reform Act, is designed to break the logjam in Congress over health care by giving federal assistance to states to innovate and achieve coverage for all their residents in the best way they see fit.  Feingold looks forward to efforts in Congress to enact universal coverage.

Along with health care reform, Feingold will continue to push for reforms to the No Child Left Behind Law to ensure all our children are getting a good public education.  And he will continue to push for a cleaner environment including working to advance the Clean Water Restoration Act, a bipartisan bill to protect our nation’s waters, including the drinking water of millions of Americans.

Strengthening America’s Security

Feingold believes keeping Americans safe and secure should be the top priority of every member of Congress.  That means ending the war in Iraq – which has not made America safer – and supporting a refocused foreign policy that concentrates on destroying al Qaeda and its affiliates around the world, eliminating terrorist safe havens, and addressing threats to our national security in countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia.  Feingold will also continue to strongly support efforts like the COPS and Byrne Grant programs that give local law enforcement the resources they need to keep our communities safe.

Maintaining an Independent Voice for Wisconsin

Feingold will continue to be an independent voice for Wisconsin, as he has been since he was first elected to the U.S. Senate.  Feingold will continue to push for fiscal responsibility and the protection of taxpayer dollars, as well as for government and election reforms in order to strengthen the public’s trust in their elected officials.