Press Release of Senator Feingold

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on the Attempted Coup in Guinea Following the Death of President Lansana Conté

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

“I join the African Union, the European Union and the Bush Administration in condemning the attempted coup by military officials in Guinea in the wake of President Lansana Conté’s death.  I urge the military and all parties in Guinea to respect the constitution and pave the way for elections.  Over recent years, Guineans has suffered from increasing civil unrest, skyrocketing food prices, and new levels of brutality by security forces.  If the current events in Guinea lead to greater instability and violence, this could have devastating humanitarian consequences and could undermine the fragile peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone.  I call on regional leaders working with the African Union and international community to take steps to prevent conflict and ensure a peaceful transition of power in Guinea.”

Senator Feingold is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs.