U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

January 26, 2006

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Comm. Director


Andrew Nannis  – Press Secretary


Senators Salazar, Schumer Call on Gonzales to Appoint a Special Counsel in Abramoff Scandal

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senators Ken Salazar (CO) and Charles Schumer (NY) sent a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales asking him to appoint a special counsel to continue the investigation into, and prosecution of, the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal.

Sen. Salazar served as the former Attorney General in Colorado from 1998-2004. Schumer called for a similar special counsel to head the investigation into the White House leak of a covert CIA operative and persisted until Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed in 2003.

The scope of the Republican-centered Abramoff scandal is still growing, and it is clear that many officials in and around the White House and Congress are involved. Continuing the investigation and prosecution under a special counsel would ensure that it would proceed without favor or fear of reprisal within the Administration.

Salazar stated, “As a former Attorney General I believe in upholding the law and rooting out corruption. The American people deserve an open, unbiased investigation into this matter. Appointing a special counsel will begin the process of restoring America’s faith in government.”

Schumer said, “With public trust in government at very low levels, it is crucial that we remove any appearance of impropriety from the investigation of the Abramoff scandal by appointing a special counsel who is independent of the Bush Administration and the current Justice Department.”

Below is the letter to Gonzales:

January 26, 2006

The Honorable Alberto Gonzales
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear General Gonzales:

We write to ask you to appoint a special counsel to continue the investigation and the prosecution of those involved in the corruption scandal surrounding Jack Ambramoff’s dealings with the federal government. This scandal has shaken the public’s confidence in our government and all involved must be pursued vigorously. A special counsel will ensure the public’s confidence in the investigation and prosecution and help to restore its faith in our government. FBI officials have said the Abramoff investigation “involves systemic corruption within the highest levels of government.” Such an assertion indicates extraordinary circumstances and it is in the public interest that you act under your existing authority to appoint a special counsel.

Mr. Abramoff’s significant ties to Republican leadership in Congress, and allegations of improper activity involving Administration officials, reaching, possibly, into the White House itself, pose a possible conflict of interest for the Department and thus further warrant the appointment of a special counsel. Recent news reports confirm that Mr. Abramoff met the President on several occasions and during some of those meetings, Mr. Abramoff and his family had their photos taken with the President. Mr. Abramoff also organized at least one and possibly several meetings with White House staff for his clients. These meetings with the President and White House staff occurred while you were serving as White House Counsel. Given the possible ties between Mr. Abramoff and senior government officials, we believe the appointment of a special counsel is not only justified, but necessary.

The Public Integrity section of the Department has thus far pursued this case appropriately, and we applaud its pursuit of Mr. Abramoff and his colleagues. As the investigation turns to government officials and their staffs, both in the Executive and Legislative branches, we have no doubt that if the investigation is left to the career prosecutors in that section, the case would reach its appropriate conclusion. Unfortunately, the highly political context of the allegations and charges may lead some to surmise that political influence may compromise the investigation. This concern is heightened by allegations that Frederick Black, the former acting U.S. Attorney for Guam and the Northern Marianas, was replaced, perhaps improperly, as a result of his investigation of Mr. Abramoff.

Because this investigation is vital to restoring the public’s faith in its government, any appearance of bias, special favor or political consideration would be a further blow to our democracy. Appointment of a special counsel would ensure that the investigation and prosecution will proceed without fear or favor and provide the public with full confidence that no one in this country is above the law.

We know you share our commitment to restoring the public’s trust in our government. We hope you will take the only appropriate action here and appoint a special counsel so we can ensure that justice is done while preserving the integrity of the Justice Department.

We look forward to hearing from you on this matter soon.


Chuck Schumer
United States Senator
Ken Salazar
United States Senator

