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U.S. Geological Survey
Scientific Investigations Map 2813

Geologic Map of the Taussig Quadrangle (V-39), Venus

By Antony W. Brian, Ellen R. Stofan, and John E. Guest


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The Magellan spacecraft orbited Venus from August 10, 1990, until it plunged into the Venusian atmosphere on October 12, 1994. Magellan Mission objectives included (1) improving the knowledge of the geological processes, surface properties, and geologic history of Venus by analysis of surface radar characteristics, topography, and morphology and (2) improving the knowledge of the geophysics of Venus by analysis of Venusian gravity.

The Taussig quadrangle (V-39) of Venus extends from lat 0° to 25° S. and long 210° to 240° E. The area is named after the 25.8-km-wide impact crater Taussig at lat 9.2° S., long 229.0° E. Helen Brooke-Taussig (1898-1986), after whom the crater is named, was an American physician known for saving the lives of babies with heart and blood circulation problems (“blue baby” condition). Along with Alfred Blalock she developed the Blalock-Taussig operation that saved many "blue babies" from invalidism or death.

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Created: October 31, 2005
Last modified: October 31, 2005 (mfd)