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Successes in Stewardship Newsletter

Successes in Stewardship is a Federal Highway Administration monthly newsletter highlighting current environmental streamlining practices from around the country. Read this month's newsletter, Moving Environmental Documents through the EIS Process: Effective Strategies and Approaches.

To subscribe to the newsletter, visit the Successes in Stewardship subscription page.

Newsletter Archives


November 2008 Congestion Pricing and NEPA: Environmental Benefits and Considerations
October 2008 FHWA and Caltrans Complete First Year Under NEPA Pilot Program
September 2008 Carbon Sequestration Along Highway Rights of Way: Piloting a Concept
August 2008 The 11th Street Bridges: Building Teams to Improve Outcomes and Expedite Environmental Review
July 2008 FHWA 2008 Environmental Conference: FHWA's Role in a Changing Climate
June 2008 New Professional Development Tool Introduced by the Environmental Competency Building Program
May 2008 The Hoover Dam Bypass Project: Environmental Streamlining through Multi-Agency Collaboration
April 2008 The Buckland Bridge Replacement Project: Using Innovative Construction Techniques to Preserve a Historic District
March 2008 Section 4(f) Final Rule: New Guidance on a Complex Regulation
February 2008 Maryland's Intercounty Connector: Using Environmental Stewardship to Redefine Project Management
January 2008 FHWA Awards Grants for Ecosystem-Based Infrastructure Projects


December 2007 Streamlining Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) through Statewide GIS Applications
Novemeber 2007 TDOT's Environmental Procedures Manual: A First-Line Resource for Environmental Reviews
October 2007 The Congestion Initiative: Working for Relief
September 2007 Design-Build Final Rule Outlines New Contracting Procedures to Streamline Project Development
August 2007 Successes in Stewardship Celebrates Its Sixth Year!
July 2007 Streamlining the Environmental Process: State DOTs Take on NEPA Compliance Responsibilities
June 2007 NHI Training Solutions: New and Updated NHI Classes for Environmental Transportation Professionals
May 2007 Federal Lands Highway: Finding an Efficient Method to Track Environmental Commitments
April 2007 Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL): Streamlining Transportation Decisionmaking
March 2007 Celebrating 50 Years of the Interstate
February 2007 The Stillwater Lift Bridge Project: From Impasse to Agreement Using Alternative Dispute Resolution
January 2007 Linking Conservation and Transportation Planning Workshops

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December 2006 Major Projects: A New Challenge in Stewardship
November 2006 Rebuilding New York City: US DOT Oversees the Reconstruction of Transportation in Lower Manhattan
October 2006 More Training Opportunities Available to Transportation and Environmental Professionals
September 2006 How Can Agencies Improve the Quality of Environmental Documents? A New Guide Answers Your Questions
August 2006 FHWA 2006 Environmental Conference: A Look at the Past, Present, and Future
July 2006 SAFETEA-LU Section 6002: Efficient Environmental Reviews for Project Decision-making
June 2006 Routine Bridge Replacement Becomes Award-Winning Historic Preservation Project in South Carolina
May 2006 Environmental Conflict Resolution: Working Together to Make Better Decisions
April 2006 Wyoming Takes a Programmatic Approach to Biological Assessment
March 2006 Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects
February 2006 Easing the Transition to SAFETEA-LU: FHWA Provides Useful Tools
January 2006 Context Sensitive Solutions: Integrating New Principles and Practices to Address a Range of Community Needs

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December 2005 Winter's on the Way: Cleaner Roads and a Cleaner Environment
November 2005 Scenario Planning: A Holistic Approach to Integrating Land Use and Transportation
October 2005 Improving Section 106 Compliance by Improving Relationships: FHWA Tribal Consultation Workshops
September 2005 Protecting Mussels: Innovative Practices in Endangered Species Stewardship
August 2005 New FHWA Workshop Helps Clarify Indirect and Cumulative Impacts
July 2005 A New Tool for Managing Environmental Reviews: the Negotiated Timeframe Wizard
June 2005 Navigating Section 4(f): Updated Policy Paper and New Programmatic Evaluation Now Available
May 2005 The Interstate Highway System 106 Exemption: Maintaining a Unique Resource
April 2005 South Carolina's Interstate 73 Interagency Partnership
March 2005 Improving Environmental Performance in Construction and Maintenance
February 2005 The New Echota Tribal Consultation Process: Building Trust with Non-resident Native American Tribes
January 2005 Linking Planning and NEPA: Facilitated Workshops Sponsored by FHWA and FTA

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December 2004 Oh, Do You Know Where This Road Will Go?
Children's Workbook Promotes Stewardship in Mississippi
November 2004 Integrated Planning: Working to Combine Different Needs and Strategies
October 2004 Nevada's Real-time Project Compliance information on the Web
September 2004 Bridging Multiple Objectives: The Oregon Major Bridge Replacement Program
August 2004 Formalizing Relationships with Tribal Groups: Section 106 Programmatic Agreements in Minnesota
July 2004 Programmatic Stream Restoration: Improving Project Delivery While Targeting Watershed Priorities
June 2004 Negotiating New Inroads: The Section 404 Agreement in Arkansas
May 2004 How Well Do We Work Together? Results from the Gallup Study
April 2004 Back to Basics: Maintenance & Operations Activities Improving Environmental Performance
March 2004 Texas' I-69/Trans-Texas Manual: By the Book
February 2004 Measuring the Timeliness of NEPA: Berger Study Phase II
January 2004 Protecting Invaluable Wetlands While Improving Safety and Mobility: Louisiana Highway 1

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December 2003 Facilitated Interagency Coordination in Arizona Leads to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Operating Agreement
November 2003 Geographic Information Systems and Data-Sharing: Mapping the Future of Transportation
October 2003 Preserving a Sense of Place: Kentucky's Paris Pike Project
September 2003 Bankable Solutions for Habitat and Species Conservation
August 2003 Preserving History While Advancing Transportation: US 77 in Texas
July 2003 Committed to Excellence: Successful State Approaches to Implementing Environmental Commitments
June 2003 33 Months or Less: FHWA Study Highlights Common Sense Streamlining
May 2003 Questions and Answers: FHWA's Interim Guidance on Indirect and Cumulative Impacts
April 2003 Promoting Collaborative Conflict Management: FHWA's Guidance and Workshops
March 2003 Context Sensitive Solutions: Thinking Beyond the Pavement to Be in Harmony with the Environment
February 2003 Environmental Stewardship: The Right Way to Do Business
January 2003 At Your Fingertips: State DOT Online Environmental Reference Information

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December 2002 Tiering Can Work: Missouri's I-70 Project
November 2002 Building Capacity for State Departments of Transportation: AASHTO's Center for Environmental Excellence
October 2002 More than a Philosophy: Maine's Integrated Transportation Decision Making Process
September 2002 FHWA Resource Center Environmental Conferences: Talking Face-to-Face to Advance Regional Efforts
August 2002 Interagency Funding Agreements Foster Streamlining: FHWA's Guidance on Use of TEA-21 Funds to Expedite Reviews
July 2002 Respectful Communication Accelerates the Section 106 Process: Iowa's New Tribal Consultation Process
June 2002 North Carolina's Solution: Good Mitigation, Faster Permits, Better Water Quality
May 2002 Internal Process Changes Help California Advance Streamlining
April 2002 Transportation Roster: Using Dispute Resolution Professionals to Get Past Project Delays
March 2002 Resource Mapping and Early Involvement: Arkansas' Southeast Connector to Interstate 69
February 2002 "One-Stop" Permitting: Washington State's Environmental Permit Streamlining Act
January 2002 Streamlining Section 4(f): FHWA Promotes Section 4(f) Flexibility

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December 2001 Mitigating Today to Protect for Tomorrow: Prairie Protection and ESA Consultation Streamlining in Colorado
November 2001 Saving Money and Time: Michigan's Process for Streamlining State Delegated Section 404 Permitting
October 2001 Oregon's Process of Balancing Business Needs with Environmental Concerns
September 2001 Indiana's Streamlined EIS
August 2001 Pennsylvania State Route (SR) 119 South Improvement Project

For questions or feedback on this subject, please contact Ruth Rentch at 202-366-2034. For general questions or web problems, please send feedback to the web administrator.

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