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Information Resources on the North American Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)

A Bibliography on Its Natural History and

Use in Biomedical Research

September 2001

AWIC Resource Series No. 9

opossums in a barrel
Photo by Dr. William J. Krause




Compiled by:

William J. Krause, Ph.D.

Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences

School of Medicine

University of Missouri - Columbia

Columbia, Missouri 65212

Published by:

U. S. Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

National Agricultural Library

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General References on the Biology of Marsupials
Natural History : Ecology
Evolution : Paleontology
Chromosomes: Genetics
General Morphological Features
Temperature Regulation
Use as Model
Experimental Techniques using Didelphis
Experimental (Induced) Pathologies
Diseases : Natural Pathologies
Parasitology : Bacteriology : Virology
Guanylate Cyclase : Guanylin : Uroguanylin : Lymphoguanylin
Musculo-Skeletal System
Blood Vascular System
Lymph Vascular System
Lymphoid Organs
Hemopoietic Tissues
Tolerance (Resistance) to Snake Venoms
Nervous System
Eye : Optic Nerve
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Urinary System
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Gametes : Fertilization
Fetal Membranes
Embryology and Early Development
Mammary Glands: Milk
Useful Web Sites




In recent years there has been a renewed interest in the use of marsupials as unique models for biomedical research (Tyndale-Biscoe and Janssens 1988; Saunders and Hinds 1997). Of these the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) has received more scientific scrutiny than any other marsupial to date. Didelphis has long been a popular animal model among gastroenterologists (Krause and Cutts 1992) and numerous studies concerned with its reproductive biology (Hartman 1952), early embryology (Hartman 1916, 1919; McCrady 1938), histogenesis/organogenesis (Krause 1998a, 1998b), developmental neurobiology (Martin and Wang 1997) and spinal cord regeneration (Wang et al. 1998a, 1998b; Martin et al. 2000) have been published. In addition, Didelphis virginiana has played a pivotal role not only in predicting the existence of a newly discovered family of guanylyl cyclase stimulating peptides (guanylin, uroguanylin, and lymphoguanylin) but also was the animal model used in the initial discovery, isolation and purification of the most recent members of this family of peptides, uroguanylin and lymphoguanylin (Krause et al.1998, Forte et al. 1999, 2000). Recently, a small protein known as lethal toxin neutralizing factor (LTNF) was isolated from opossum serum. This factor has been shown to be a potent antidote for several animal, plant, and bacterial toxins. An effective, synthetic form of LTNF has been made so that this peptide can be made in abundance without depending upon the natural source, opossum serum. It is believed that the synthetic form of LTNF may become a universal therapy against animal, plant and bacterial toxins ( Lipps 1999, Lipps 2000).


The purpose of this literature survey is to provide an introduction into the literature with regard to the biology of Didelphis virginiana and to gather together a variety of studies that have focused on this particular species. Although numerous studies have been published on Didelphis, these are scattered throughout a very diverse literature with regard both to discipline and time. The primary aim is to gather these references under one cover as a desk reference for those interested either in using Didelphis as a biomedical model for study or in the biology and natural history of this North American marsupial. The bibliography cites the primary references and serves as a guide into the diverse literature where specific topics with regard to Didelphis virginiana are most likely to be encountered. The reference list has been restricted as much as possible to Didelphis virginiana although some confusion does exist in the early literature with regards as to which actual species was used in some studies. According to Gardner (1973), the genus Didelphis contains three distinct species: Didelphis virginiana of North and Central America; Didelphis marsupialis of Central and South America; and Didelphis albiventris of the highlands in South America. Prior to this work, the North American opossum was commonly referred to as either Didelphis marsupialis or Didelphis virginiana. The references cited in this survey are restricted as much as possible to the North American or Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana. The earliest reference is Tyson 1698, the latest includes a few references published in 2001. The references have been organized under 43 subheadings to aid the reader in finding specific references with regard to general areas or topics of interest. In addition to published accounts on the husbandry of Didelphis, videotape also is available on its husbandry and care as well as the establishment of a temporary-breeding colony for the North American opossum (Krause 1999).




Forte LR, Eber SL, Fan X, London RM, Wang Y, Rowland LM, Chin DT, Freeman RH, Krause WJ (1999) Lymphoguanylin: Cloning and characterization of a unique member of the guanylin peptide family. Endocrinology 140: 1800-1806

Forte LR, London RM, Krause WJ, Freeman RH (2000) Mechanisms of guanylin action via cyclic GMP in the kidney. Annu Rev Physiol 62: 673-695


Gardner AL (1973) The systematics of the genus Didelphis (Marsupialia:Didelphidae) in North and Middle America. Spec Publ Mus Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock, TX, 4: 1-81


Hartman CG (1916) Studies in the development of the opossum Didelphys virginiana L. I. History of early cleavage. II. Formation of the blastocyst. J Morphol 27:1-83


Hartman CG (1919) Studies in the development of the opossum Didelphys virginiana L. III. Description of new material on maturation, cleavage and entoderm formation. IV. The bilaminar blastocyst. J Morphol 32:1-142


Hartman CG (1952) Possums. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, pp 1-147


Krause WJ (1998a) A review of histogenesis/organogenesis in the developing North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol I. 143:1-143


Krause WJ (1998b) A review of histogenesis/organogenesis in the developing North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol II. 143:1-120


Krause WJ, Cutts JH (1992) Development of the digestive system in the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol 125:1-151


Krause WJ, London RM, Freeman RH, Forte LR (1997) The guanylin and uroguanylin peptide hormones and their receptors. Acta Anat 160:213-231


Krause WJ (1999) Tips on the husbandry and establishment of a temporary breeding colony for the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Videotape presentation. Housed in the Animal Welfare Information Center Audio-Visual Series, National Agricultural Library Collection, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland.


Lipps BV (1999) Anti-lethal factor from opossum serum is a potent antidote for animal, plant and bacterial toxins. J Venom Anim Toxins [Online] 5: 1-16


Lipps BV (2000) Small synthetic peptides inhibit, in mice, the lethalithy of toxins derived from animal, plant and bacteria. J Venom Anim Toxins [Online] 6: 1-10


Martin GF, Terman JR, Wang XM (2000) Regeneration of descending spinal axons after transection of the thoracic spinal cord during early development in the North American opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Brain Res Bull 53: 677-687


Martin GF, Wang XM (1997) Development and development plasticity of descending spinal pathways in the North american opossum, Didelphis virginiana. In: Saunders NR, Hinds LA (eds) Marsupial biology:recent research, new perspectives. Univ New South Wales Press, Sydney, Chapt 21, pp 358-481


McCrady E Jr (1938) The embryology of the opossum. Am Anat Mem 16: 1-233


Saunders NR, Hinds LA (1997) Marsupial biology: recent research, new perspectives. Univ New South Wales Press, Sydney


Tyndale-Biscoe CH, Janssens PA (1988) The developing marsupial:models for biomedical research. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg


Wang XM, Basso DM, Terman JR, Martin GF (1998a) Adult opossums (Didelphis virginiana) demonstrate near normal locomotion after spinal cord transection as neonates. Exp Neurol 151: 50-69


Wang XM, Terman JR, Martin GF (1998b) Regeneration of supraspinal axons after transection of the thoracic spinal cord in the developing opossum, Didelphis virginiana. J Comp Neurol 398: 83-97



1.1    General References on the Biology of Marsupials


Archer M (1982) Carnivorous marsupials, Vol 1. Surrey Beatty & Sons and the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney


Archer M (1982) Carnivorous marsupials, Vol 2. Surrey Beatty & Sons and the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney


Archer M (1987) Possums and opossums: studies in evolution, Vol 1. Surrey Beatt y & Sons and the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney


Archer M (1987) Possums and opossums: studies in evolution, Vol II. Surrey Beatty & Sons and the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney


Ellsworth AF (1976) The North American opossum: an anatomical atlas. Robert Krieger, Huntington, New York


Grigg G, Farman P, Hume I (1989) Kangaroos, wallabies and rat-kangaroos, Vol I. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Sydney


Hartman CG (1952) Possums. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas


Hume ID (1982) Digestive physiology and nutrition of marsupials. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge


Hunsaker DII (1977) The biology of marsupials. Academic Press, New York


Lee AK, Cockburn A (1985) The evolutionary ecology of marsupials. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge


Lee AK, Handesyde KA, Sanson GD (1990) Biology of the koala. Surrey Beatty & Sons and the World Koala Research Corporation, Sydney


McCrady E Jr (1938) The embryology of the opossum. Am Anat Mem 16:1-233


Saunders NR, Hinds LA (1997) Marsupial biology: recent research, new perspectives. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney


Smith A, Hume I (1984) Possums and gliders. Surrey, Beatty & Sons and the Australian Mammal Society, Sydney


Stonehouse B, Gilmore D (1977) The biology of marsupials. University Park Press, Baltimore


Szalay FS (1994) Evolutionary history of the marsupials and an analysis of osteological characters. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge


Tyndale-Biscoe CH (1973) Life of marsupials. Elsevier, New York


Tyndale-Biscoe CH, Janssens PA (1988) The developing marsupial: models for biomedical research. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg


Tyndale-Biscoe CH, Renfree M (1987) Reproductive physiology of marsupials. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge



1.2    Folklore


Barton BS (1823) Facts, observations and conjectures relative to the generation of the opossum of North America. Ann Philos 6: 349-354


Eastman CP (1915) Early protrayals of the opossum. Am Nat 49: 585-594


Elliott D (1992) Advanced 'possumology'. In: Wildwoods Wisdom. Paragon Press, New York, New York, Chapt 18, pp 160-173


Hartman CG (1921) Traditional beliefs concerning the generation of the opossum. J Am Foke-Lore 34: 321-323


Hartman CG (1952) Possums. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas


Keefe JF (1967) The world of the opossum. J B Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Ley W (1940) Animal fables. Nat Hist 46: 85-87



1.3    Natural History : Ecology


Abbott RL (1944) The fool of the forest. Frontiers 8:136-137, 146


Allen CH, Marchinton RL, MacLentz W (1985) Movement, habitat use and denning of opossums in the Georgia Piedmont. Am Midl Nat 113:408-412


Allen DL (1940) Nobody loves the 'possum. Mich Cons 9:5-10


Allen JA (1900) Note on the generic names Didelphis and Philander. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist 13:185-190


Allen JA (1901) A preliminary study of the North American opossums of the genus Didelphis. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist 14:149-188


Altevolmer AK (1999) Virginia opossums, minimum reproductive age and predators in the Penna aging model. Int J Mod Phys C 10: 717-721


Amundson R (1949) The opossum. Wildl North Carol 13:4-6


Anton TG (2000) Thamnophis radix (plains garter snake). Predation. Herpetol. Rev 31: 47

Ashbrook FG, Arnold BM (1927) Fur-bearing animals of the United States: the opossum. Fur Jour 1:28-29


Ashby KR (1972) Patterns of daily activity in mammals. Mammal Rev 1:171-185


Atkinson AA (1953) Br'er possum, hermit of the lowlands. Nat Geogr Mag 103: 405-418


Atkinson AA (1960) The opossum, America's only pouched mammal. In: Wild animals of North America. National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, Chapt 22, pp 312-319


Audubon JJ, Bachman J (1851) The quadrupeds of North America. VG Audubon, New York, Vol 2, pp 334


Austad SN (1988) The adaptable opossum. Sci Am 258: 98-104


Austad SN (1993) Retarded senescence in an insular population of Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana). J Zool 229: 695-708


Austin GP (1924) Opossums now plentiful in Ventura County. Calif Fish Game 10:46


Bachmann E (1948) Passive 'possum. Conserv 2:21-23


Bailey V (1923) The Virginia opossum and its way. Nat Mag 2:5-7


Barger NR (1947) Wisconsin wildlife for boys and girls-animals. Opossum (Didelphis virginiana virginiana). Wis Cons Bull 12:24-25


Benedict RA, Genoways HH, Freeman PW (2000) Shifting distributional patterns of mammals in Nebraska. Trans Neb Acad Sci 26: 55-84.


Beidelman RG (1952) Possums, and points west. Colo Cons 1:2-5


Bermudez FC, Stuart JN, Frey JK, Valdez R (1995) Distribution and status of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in New Mexico. Southwest Nat 40: 336-340


Beyer WN, Connor EE, Gerould S (1994) Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J Wild Manag 58: 375-382


Blair FW (1936) An opossum dies of cold and hunger. J Mammal 17:410


Blumenthal EM, Kirkland GL (1976) The biology of the opossum, Didelphis virginiana, in southcentral Pennsylvania. Proc Pa Acad Sci 50:81-85


Bradt GW (1947) Opossum-invader from the South. Mich Cons 16:4-5


Brocke RH (1970) Ecological inferences from oxygen consumption data on the opossum. Bull Ecol Soc Am 51:29


Brown LN (1965) Status of opossum, Didelphis marsupialis, in Wyoming. Southwest Nat 10: 142-143


Bryant HC (1927) The opossum reaches San Diego County. Calif Fish Game 13:146


Campbell MR (1981) Records of albinotic opossum from central California. Southwest Nat 25: 560


Caro TM, Shargel JA, Stoner CJ (2000) Frequency of medium-sized mammal road kills in an agricultural landscape in California. Am Midl Nat 144: 362-369


Chamberlain EB (1928) The Florida opossum on the coast of South Carolina. J Mammal 9:247


Coleman RH (1929) Opossum in the lower Hudson Valley, New York. J Mammal 10:250


Cook A (1948) The opossum. NY State Cons 3:25


Coues E (1871) Notes on the natural history of Fort Macon, NC, and vicinity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 12-29


Crawford LE (1948) Drama in the woods. Okla Game Fish News 4:11


Cristoffer C (1993) Fruit removal and interplant distance in the persimmon, Diospyros virginiana . Florida Scient 56: 223-225


Cuyler WK (1924) Cinnamon and albino opossums found at Austin, Texas. J Mammal 5:130


Darsie JC (1944) The primitive opossum. NC Wildl Cons 8:10,15


Davis C (1963) The peculiar opossum. Wildl North Carol 27:4-6


Davis DD (1939) The opossum, prophet without honor. Chicago Nat 2:99-104


Davis GW (1938) Virginia opossum in Vermont. J Mammal 19:499


Dexter RW (1951) Earthworms in the winter diet of the opossum and raccoon. J Mammal 32:464


Dickins JH, Clark DW, White SC, Heidt GA (1999) Survey of medium and large mammals in an urban park (Murray Park), Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas. J Arkansas Acad Sci 53: 41-44


Dijak WD, Thompson FR (2000) Landscape and edge effects on the distribution of mammalian predators in Missouri. J Wildl Manage 64: 209-216


Doutt KJ (1954) The swimming of the opossum, Didelphis marsupialis virginiana. J Mammal 35:581-583


Duck L (1947) Ol' mister 'possum is quality folks. Okla Game Fish News 3:6-7,12-13


Dumond C (1944) Opossums get about. Nat Mag 37:154-155


East B (1945) Possums are duds. Field Stream 49:14-15-65-71


Eastman CR (1915) Early portrayals of the opossum. Am Nat 49:585-594


Edmunds RM, Goertz JW, Linscombe G (1978) Age ratios, weights, and reproduction of the Virginia opossum in north Louisiana. J Mammal 59:884-885


Engelmann G (1863) Remarks on the young, twelve in number, attached to the teat s of an opossum. Trans St Louis Acad Sci 2:224


Findley JS (1943) 'Possum ways. Bull Cleveland Mus Nat Hist 75:3-4


Fisher AK (1885) Capture of an opossum in Essex County, New York. Forest & Stream 24:184


Fitch HS, Sandidge LL (1953) Ecology of the opossum on a natural area in northeastern Kansas. Univ Kansas Publ, Mus Natl Hist 7:305-338


Fitch HS, Shirer HW (1970) A radiotelemetric study of spatial relationships in the opossum. Am Midl Nat 84:170-186


Gardner AL (1973) The systematics of the genus Didelphis (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) in North and Middle America. Spec Publ Mus Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock 4: 3-81


Gardner AL (1982) Virgina opossum. Didelphis virginiana. In: Chapman JA, Feldhamer GA (eds) Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and economics.The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp 3-36


Gehrt SD, Clark DE, Fritzell EK (1997) Population dynamics and ecology of Virginia opossums in southern Texas. Southwest Nat 42: 170-176


Gillette LN (1980) Movement patterns of radio-tagged opossums in Wisconsin. Am Midl Nat 104:1-12


Gowanloch JN (1950) Incredible "brother 'possum". Iowa Conserv 9:81,84


Grinnell J (1915) The Tennessee possum has arrived in California. Calf Fish Game 1: 114-116


Grote JC, Dalby PL (1973) An early litter for the opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) in Ohio. Ohio J Sci 73:240-241


Hall ER, Kelson KR (1952) Comments on the taxonomy and geographic distribution of some North American marsupials, insectivores and carnivores. Univ Kansas Publ, Mus Nat Hist 5:319-341


Hall ER, Kelson KR (1959) The mammals of North America. Ronald Press, New York


Hallett JG, O'Connell MA, Sanders GD, Seidensticker J (1991) Comparison of population estimators for medium-sized mammals. J Wildl Manage 55: 81-93


Hamilton WJ (1933) The northward spread of the opossum in New York. J Mammal 14: 151-152


Hamilton WJ (1942) Birth in the opossum family. Nat Hist 1:188-190


Hamilton WJ (1951) The food of the opossum in New York State. J Wildlife Manag 15: 258-264


Hamilton WJ (1958) Life history and economic relations of the opossum (Didelphis marsupialis virginiana) in New York State. Cornell Univ Exper Station Mem 354: 3-48


Hamilton WJ (1963) Success story of the opossum. High reproductive rate and low predation favor this marsupial. Nat Hist 72: 17-25


Hartman CG (1920) The free-martin and its reciprocal: opossum, man, dog. Scienc e 52:469-471


Hartman CG (1921) The Virginia opossum. Photographs of two new varieties and th e two normal phases of this animal. J Hered 12:471-473


Hartman CG (1921) Traditional belief concerning the generation of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). J Am Folk-lore 34:321-323


Hartman CG (1922) A brown mutation in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) with remarks upon the gray and the black phases in this species. J Mammal 3:146-149


Hartman CG (1930) The story of the baby opossum. Nat Mag 16:93-96


Hayes JJ (1939) How about these quints? Nat Notes 6:201-202


Hazard EB (1963) Records of the opossum in Northern Minnesota. J Mammal 44: 118


Heske EJ, Robinson SK, Brawn JD (1999) Predator activity and predation on songbird nests on forest-field edges in east-central Illinois. Landscape Ecol 14: 345-354


Hills FC (1882) The opossum at Elmira, New York. Ann Nat 16:403


Hjelte C (1956) Opossum. Colorado Outdoors 5: 8-10


Hock RJ (1952) The opossum in Arizona. J Mammal 33:464-470


Hollander RR, Hogan KM (1992) Occurrence of the opossum, Didelphis virginiana Kerr, in the Trans-pecos of Texas. Tex J Sci 44:127-128


Holmes ACV, Sanderson GC (1965) Populations and movements of opossums in east-central Illinois. J Wild Mgmt 29:287-295


Hopkins DD (1977) Nest-building behavior in the immature Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Mammalia 41:361-362


Hopkins DD, Forbes RB (1979) Size and reproductive patterns of the Virginia opossum in northwestern Oregon. Murrelet 60: 95-98


Hopkins DD, Forbes RB (1980) Dietary patterns of the Virginia opossum in an urban environment. Murrelet 61:20-30


Hossler RJ, McAninch JB, Harder JD (1994) Maternal denning behavior and survival of juveniles in opossums in southeastern New York. J Mammal 75: 60-70


Hubert GF, Wollenberg GK, Hungerford LL, Bluett RD (1999) Evaluation of injurie s to Virginia opossums captured in the EGG (TM) trap. Wildl Soc Bull 27: 301-305


Hunsaker DII (1977) Ecology of new world marsupials. In: Hunsaker DII (ed) The biology of marsupials. Academic Press, New York, Chapt 3, pp 95-156


Hunter J (1969) Baby opossums. Living Mus 30:84-85


Jewett SG, Dobyns HW (1929) The Virginia opossum in Oregon. J Mammal 10:351


Johnson GE (1931) Hibernation in mammals. Quart Rev Biol 6:439-461


Keefe JF (1967) The world of the opossum. JB Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pp 1-144


Kennard FG (1925) The Virginia opossum in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. J Mammal 6:196


King JO, King DT (1994) Use of a long-distance night vision device for wildlife studies. Wildl Soc Bull 22: 121-125


Kirk GL (1921) Opossum in Vermont. J Mammal 2:109


Kirk GL (1922) Another opossum taken in Vermont. J Mammal 3:115


Kirsch JAW (1977) The six-percent solution: second thoughts on the adaptedness of the marsupialia. Amer Sci 65: 276-288


Kirsch JAW (1977) The classification of marsupials. In: Hunsaker DII The biology of marsupials. Academic Press, New York, Chapt 1, pp 1-50


Kissell RE Jr, Kennedy ML (1992) Ecologic relationships of co-occurring populations of opossums (Didelphis virginiana) and raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Tennessee. J Mammal 73:808-813


Koppel IL (1915) Opossums near San Jose continue to increase. Calif Fish Game 1: 195


Kovacic DA, Guttman SI (1979) An eletrophoretic comparison of genetic variability between eastern and western populations of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Am Midl Nat 101:269-277


Ladine TA (1997) Activity patterns of co-occurring populations of Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) and raccoons (Procyon lotor). Mammalia 61: 345-354


Landholt LM, Genoways HH (2000) Population trends in furbears in Nebraska. Trans Nebraska Acad Sci 26: 97-110


Lay DW (1942) Ecology of the opossum in eastern Texas. J Mammal 23:147-159


Layne JN, Benton AH (1954) Some speeds of small animals. J Mammal 35:103-104


Layne JN (1951) The use of the tail by an opossum. J Mammal 32:464-465


Leberg PL, Kennedy ML, Van Den Bussche RA (1983) Opossum demography and scent-station visitation in western Tennessee. Proc Ann Conf SEAFWA 37: 34-40


Lemelin P (1999) Morphological correlates of substrate use in didelphid marsupials: implications for primate origins. J Zool 247: 165-175


Lewis JB (1929) Opossum in captivity. J Mammal 10:167-168


Lincecum G (1872) The opossum. Am Nat 6:555-557


Lippincott JW (1924) Why the 'possum thrives. Nat Mag 4:273-277, 319


Lippincott JW (1937) A biography of a backyard visitor, the friendly and adventurous 'possum. Frontiers1:89-91


Little EV (1916) The opossum in Los Angeles County. Calif Fish Game 2:46-47


Llewellyn LM, Dale FH (1964) Notes on the ecology of the opossum in Maryland. J Mammal 45:113-122


Long CA, Copes FA (1968) Note on the rate of dispersion of the opossum in Wisconsin. Am Midl Nat 80: 283-284


Loring JA (1899) Occurrence of the Virginia opossum in southern central New York. Science 9:71


MacCallum GA (1901) The opossum in Canada. Forest & Stream 57:205


Manuel BJ (1977) Occurrence of the opossum on the Tug Hill Plateau. NY Fish Game J 24:98


Marquez M (1994) The Virginia opossum in a tropical dry forest in Costa Rica: female reproductive strategies and male dimorphic characters (sexual dimorphism, Didelphis virginiana). Ph D Thesis, University of Florida, Gainsville pp 85


McComb WC, Noble RE (1981) Nest-box and natural-cavity use in three mid-south forest habitats. J Wildl Mgmt 45:93-101


McComb WC, Chambers CL, Newton M (1993) Small mammal and amphibian communities and habitat associations in red alder stands, central Oregon coast range. Northwest Sci 67: 181-188


McKeever S (1958) Reproduction in the opossum in southwestern Georgia and northwestern Florida. J Wildl Mgmt 22:303


McManus JJ (1974) Didelphis virginiana. Mammalian Species 40: 1-6


Middleton HT (1923) Obliging Bill possum. Nat Mag 2:171-174, 181


Mitchell PC (1911) On longevity and relative viability in mammals and birds: with a note on the theory of longevity. Proc Zool Soc Lond 1: 425-548


Mohr C (1931) Opossum and spotted skunk in Blue Earth County, Minnesota. J Mammal 12:162-163


Moore JC (1955) Opossum taking refuge under water. J Mammal 36:559


Moseley VP (1969) Is the 'possum playing? Virginia Wildl 30:16-17


Nixon CM, Sullivan JB, Esker T, Koerkenmeier R (1994) Notes on the life history of opossums in west-central Illinois. Trans Ill State Acad Sci 87: 187-193


Olds FA (1900) A North Carolina 'possum hunt. Outing 36:33-35


Olson CA, Werner PA (1999) Oral rabies vaccine contact by raccoons and nontarget species in a field trial in Florida. J Wildl Dis 35: 687-695


Payne P (1954) Possum makes a nest. Everglades Nat Hist 2:101


Peterson RL, Downing SC (1956) Distributional records of the opossum in Ontario . J Mammal 37:431-435


Petrides GA (1949) Sex and age determination in the opossum. J Mammal 30:364-37 8


Pray LL (1921) Opossum carries leaves with its tail. J Mammal 2:109-110


Reed AW, Kennedy ML (2000) Conservation status of the eastern spotted skunk Spilogale putorius in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee. Am Midl Nat 144: 133-138


Rehn JAG (1901) The application of Didelphis marsupialis Linneanus. Am Nat 35:147-149


Reynolds HC (1942) A contributon to the life history and ecology of the opossum, Didelphis virginina Kerr, in central Missouri. MS thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia


Reynolds HC (1945) Some aspects of the life history and ecology of the opossum in central Missouri. J Mammal 26:361-379


Reynolds HC (1952) Studies on reproduction in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana virginiana). Univ Calf Publ Zool 52: 223-283


Reynolds HC (1953) The opossum. Sci Amer 188: 88-94


Rogers CM (1998) Song sparrows, top carnivores and nest predation: a test of the mesopredator release hypothesis. Oecologia 116: 227-233


Rosenblatt DL, Heske EJ, Nelson SL, Barber DM, Miller MA, Mccallister B (1999) Forest fragments in east-central Illinois: Islands or habitat patches for mammals? Am Midl Nat 141: 115-123


Ryser JT (1990) The mating system, ecology, and biology of the Virgina opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in north-central Florida. Ph D Thesis, Univ Berne, Switzerland, pp 133


Ryser J (1995) Activity, movement and home range of Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in Florida. Bull Florida Mus Nat Hist 38: 177-194


Sampson F (1950) 'Possums: dumb but numerous. Missouri Cons 11:4,5,12


Sanderson GC (1961) Estimating opossum populations by marking young. J Wild Mgmt 25:20-27


Sandidge LL (1953) Food and dens of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) i n northeastern Kansas. Trans Kansas Acad Sci 59:97-106


Sands JL (1960) The opossum in New Mexico. J Mammal 41:393


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1.6    General Morphological Features


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1.7    Energetics


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1.8    Temperature Regulation


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1.9    Behavior


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1.10  Husbandry


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1.11  Use as Model


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Jurgelski W Jr, Hudson PM, Falk HL, Kotin P (1972) Ethyl nitrosourea carcinogenesis in the neonatal marsupial (Didelphis marsupialis virginiana Kerr) - a new animal model for oncogenesis. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 13:93


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New DAT, Mizell M (1972) Opossum fetuses grown in culture. Science 175:533-536


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Northway MG, Libshitz HI, West JJ, Withers HR, Mukhopadhyay AK, Osborne BM, Szwarc IA, Dodd GD (1979) The opossum as an animal model for studying radiation esophagitis. Radiology 131:731-735


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Steinhardt GF, Salinas-Madrigal L, Farber R, Lynch R, Vogler G (1990) Experimental ureteral obstruction in the fetal opossum. I. Renal functional assessment. J Urol144:564-566


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Wiedorn WS (1954) A new experimental animal for psychiatric research: the opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Science 119:360-361



1.12  Experimental Techniques using Didelphis


Feldman DB, Self JL (1971) Sedation and anesthesia of the Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Lab Anim Sci 21:717-720


Jackson RK (1971) Experimental talipes in the Virginia opossum. Clin Orthopaed Related Res 81:152-157


Jurgelski W Jr (1971) Administration of test materials to the neonatal North American opossum (Didelphys marsupialis virginiana Kerr). Lab Anim Sci 21:748-751


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Moore DM (1984) A simple technique for blood collection in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Lab Anim 18:52-54


Nelsen OE, White EL (1941) A method for inducing ovulation in the anoestrous opossum (Didelphys virginiana). Anat Rec 81:529-535


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Steinhardt GF, Vogler G, Salinas-Madrigal L, and LaRegina M (1988) Induced renal dysplasia in the young pouch opossum. J Pediatr Surg 23:1127-1130



1.13  Experimental (Induced) Pathologies


Amundson TE, Yuill TM, DeFoliar GR (1985) Experimental La Crosse virus infection of red fox (Vulpes fulva), raccoon (Procyon lotor), opossum (Didelphis virginiana), and woodchuck (Marmota monax). Am J Trop Med Hyg 34:586-595


Andrews EJ (1973) Methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis in the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana). J Natl Cancer Inst 51:1217-1225


Bowen GS (1976) Experimental infection of North American mammals with epidemic Venezuelan encephalitis virus. Am J Trop Med Hyg 25:891-899


Box ED, Duszynski DW (1978) Experimental transmission of Sarcocystis from icterid birds to sparrows and canaries by sporocysts from the opossum. J Parasitol 64:682-688


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Fenger CK, Granstrom DE, Gajadhar AA, Williams NM, Mccrillus SA, Stamper S, Langemeier JL, Dubey JP (1997) Experimental induction of equine myeloencephalitis in horses using Sarcocystis sp., sporocysts from the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Vet Parasitol 68: 199-213


Gandolfi R, Culbertson R (1983) Corticosteroid-induced death in an opossum. J Am Vet Med Assoc 183:1277-1279


Johnson JI, Hamilton TC, Hsung J-C, and Ulinski PS (1972) Gracile nucleus absen t in adult opossums after leg removal in infancy. Brain Res 38:421-424


Jurgelski W Jr, Hudson PM (1971) The response of the pituitary-thyroid axis of the opossum (Didelphis marsupialis virginiana Kerr) to chronic neonatal administration of Aminotriazole. Fed Proc 30: 294


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Jurgelski W Jr, Hudson PM, Henery JM, Falk HL (1978) Chemically induced ganglioglioma in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana Kerr). J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 37: 638


Jurgelski W Jr, Hudson PM, Vogel FS (1973) Induction of a chronic somatosensory epilepsy in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana Kerr) with an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis. Brain Res 64:466-471


Jurgelski W Jr, Hudson P, Boyd C (1972) Induction of seizures on the opossum (Didelphis marsupialis virginiana) with an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis. II. Relationship between seizure induction, brain sterol composition, and drug configuration. J Cell Biol 55:126A


Jurgelski W Jr, Hudson P, Zimmerman LE, Falk HL, Kotin P (1974) Induction of malignant intraocular medulloepitheliomas in opossums orally exposed to a chemical carcinogen (ethyl nitrosourea) early in postnatal life. Am J Pathol 74:40A


Jurgelski W Jr, Alderson G, Hudson P (1973) Odontogenic tumor induction in the opossum by a chemical carcinogen. J Dent Res 52:201


Jurgelski W Jr, Palmer NF, Hudson PM, Falk HL (1980) Chemical induction of embryonal renal tumors: an accurate model for pediatric renal neoplasia. Fed Proc 39: 331


La Regina MC, Lonigro J, Woods L, Williams GA, Vogler GA (1988) Valvular endocarditis associated with experimental Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Lab Anim Sci 38:159-161


Larsen F, Schlarman D, Andrus CC, Kaminski DL (1991) The effect of the CCK receptor antagonist CR 1409 on bile reflux pancreatitis in the opossum. Pancreas 6:291-297


Lerch MM, Saluja AK, Dawra R, Ramarao P, Saluja M, Steer ML (1992) Acute necrotizing pancreatitis in the opossum: earliest morphological changes involve acinar cells. Gastroenterology 103:205-213


Lindsay DS, Hendrix CM, Blagburn BL (1988) Experimental Cryptosporidium parvum infections in opossums (Didelphis virginiana). J Wildl Dis 24:157-159


Malek EA (1970) Further studies on mammalian susceptibility to experimental infection with Heterobilharzia americana. J Parasitol 56:64-66


Mizell M (1975) Tumour induction in vivo : major events leading to tumorigenesis in embryos inoculated with oncogenic herpes viruses. IARC Sci Pub No11: 121-132


Moore CG, Schnurrenberger PR (1981) Experimental infection of opossums with Brucella abortus. J Am Vet Med Assoc 179:1113-1116


Prasad N, Bushong SC, MacIntyre RS (1973) Radiocytogenetic effects on bone marrow cells of opossum in vivo. Can J Genet Cytol 15:123-126


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Ramirez R, Brems J, Lee T, Kaminski DL (1984) The effect of 16, 16-dimenthyl prostaglandin E2 on experimental bile reflux pancreatitis in the opossum. Surg Gastroenterol 3:60-68


Rowlands DT Jr, Vakilzadeh J, Sherwood BF, LeMay JC (1970) Experimental bacterial endocarditis in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). I. Valvular changes following a single injection of bacteria in unmodified adult opossums. Am J Pathol 58:295-304


Senninger N (1992) Bile-induced pancreatitis. Eur Surg Res 24 :(Suppl1), 68-73


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Steinhardt GF, Vogler G, Salinas-Madrigal L, LaRegina M (1988) Induced renal dysplasia in the young pouch opossum. J Pediatr Surg 23:1127-1130


Vakilzadeh J, Rowlands DT Jr, Sherwood BF, LeMay JC (1970) Experimental bacterial endocarditis in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). II. Induction of endocarditis with a single injection of Streptococcus viridans. J Infect Dis 122:89-92


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Yaeger RG (1971) Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection to opossums via the oral route. J Parasitol 57:1375-1376



1.14  Diseases : Natural Pathologies


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Gupta BN, Feldman DB (1973) Carcinosarcoma in an opossum. J Am Vet Med Assoc 163:586-588


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McConnell EE, Talley FA (1977) Intracytoplasmic hyaline globules in the adrenal medulla of laboratory animals. Vet Pathol 14:435-440


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1.15  Parasitology : Bacteriology : Virology


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1.26  Tolerance (Resistance) to Snake Venoms


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1.36  Female Reproductive System


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1.37  Gametes : Fertilization


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1.38  Fetal Membranes


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1.39  Placentation


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1.41  Birth


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1.42  Pouch


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1.43  Mammary Glands : Milk


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Useful Web Sites



The National Opossum Society

Post Office Box 21197

Catonsville, MD 21228




Opossum Society of the United States

P.O. Box 16724

Irvine, CA 92623


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