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 An Information Resource on the Giant Panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca: Ecology, Biology, Conservation and Captive Care

1993 - 2003

AWIC Resource Series No. 27 - May 2004


Introduction | Evolution / Taxonomy | Habitat in China | Genetics | Anatomy

Physiology - General | Physiology - Breeding and Reproduction | Behavior | Diseases

Care in Captivity | Conservation Efforts | Selected Web Resources

Jean Larson
Animal Welfare Information Center

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD 20705-2351
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An Introduction to the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

General introductory comments:


            If someone mentions the name Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing, most of us in the United States will know that they are talking about the delightful giant pandas that entertained visitors to the National Zoo in Washington DC for many years.  For many of us, it was the first time that we were able to see these rare and endearing creatures placidly eating their bamboo and sprawled in a relaxed pose on the rocks of their enclosure. 


            Although we knew pandas were rare in the wild, most of didn’t realize how fragile their existence as wild creatures really was.  Their habitat in the mountain bamboo forests of China is threatened by human activity of all sorts—farming, logging, poaching, removal of individuals for collections, breaking up of contiguous forests into a patchwork of plots, loss of their favorite bamboo species, exposure to new diseases, etc.  Today their numbers are probably only around 1000. They are considered one of the most endangered species on Earth.  


            There are many efforts on the part of wildlife biologists, zoos and governmental conservation programs to ensure that the giant panda will continue to exist as a wild creature.  Many of them are reflected in the scientific literature that forms the basis of this information resource on these creatures.  Research is being performed to help us understand panda physiology, behavior, dietary requirements, habitat requirements, communication, reproduction, how best to protect their habitat, the roll that captive individuals (both in China and in other parts of the world) might play in keeping the species viable, etc.  


            There are some basic questions that most of us have about giant pandas:  How unique are they? Where do they fit into the animal world taxonomically?  What sort of habitat do they prefer and where is it?  How do they behave and communicate with each other?




            Giant pandas, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, are currently considered to be the most primitive member of the bear family—Ursidae—and have been placed in their own sub-family.  However, work is still being done to determine via genetic analysis who the closest family members are, so accepted taxonomy may change.  




            Giant pandas have the smallest range of all the bears.  They are found in the Tibetan Plateau of Southwestern China.  They live in mountain ranges that have large areas of bamboo forests at elevations of between 4,000-12,000 feet.  Since bamboo is the basis of most of the animal’s diet, they are limited to environments where bamboo is plentiful.  They are also easily disturbed by the presence of humans.  They tend to be solitary with a home range of 2-3 miles.  Males and females may overlap home ranges, but males do not overlap ranges with other males. Currently there are only about 6 small populations with a total of about 1000 animals.


General characteristics:


            Morphologically, bears have large heads, forward facing eyes, and rounded ears.  They have crushing molars and long canines.  Pandas have very flattened molars due to their vegetarian diet.  Adults can measure 5½-6 feet in length and weigh 175-280 lbs. 


            Pandas are unique by having what is essentially a 6th toe on the front paws.  This toe acts like our thumb and allows them to manipulate small objects. 


            They are crepuscular—meaning they are most active in the early evening and the early morning. 


            Most bears have a delayed implantation of fertilized eggs.  Those species in cold climates usually have a short mating season once a year.  Pandas mate during a 1-2 week period in the spring and deliver 1-3 very tiny cubs in late summer.  The mother will only raise one cub and the others will die. The surviving cub will be weaned at 9 months and will stay with the mother for about 1½ years.


            Communication between pandas is by scent marking and vocalization.  The males mark out their territory by marking trees, and other objects with their unique uroanogenital scents.  It is often placed high up on tree trunks while standing on their “hands.” Through chemical analysis, scientists have found that the chemical mixtures used in communication are unique to individual animals.  The height of the scent placement may also tell males how large the resident male is.


Pandas and society:  


            There is little in ancient Chinese literature or art regarding the giant panda.  An emperor of the Han Dynasty (206BCE-24CE) had one in an animal collection.  In the Tang Dynasty (618-907) two live pandas were sent to Japan—the first Panda diplomacy.  The Tibetan people have always venerated the panda as a minor god, but there was never a big role for these animals in the Chinese society until they were discovered by Western societies. 


            The first glimpse of these animals was when Pere Armand David, a French missionary, sent a specimen back to the Paris Museum of Natural History in the late 1800’s.  Live pandas were not seen again until 1916.  During the big game hunter period, two of Teddy Roosevelt’s sons went to China and were the first Westerners to see one alive and to shoot one which was donated to the Field Museum in Chicago.  In the 1930’s many collecting trips were made and these animals could be seen in several zoos around the world.  Many of those collected never made it to their destinations alive since their death rate during transport was very high.  Those animals did live through transport and were placed on exhibit caused a sensation wherever they were seen. People around the world became very enamored with these animals and the Panda version of the Teddy Bear was developed along with many other toys and kitchy items. 


            After the formation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, few pandas were allowed out of the country.  It was not until U.S. President Richard Nixon met with Chairman Mao Zedong in 1972 that the United States received Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing for the National Zoo.  Once again the pandas generated huge crowds and lots of panda related items were made and sold.  But more importantly, they also became the world symbol for the plight of many animals that are headed for extinction as a direct result of human activity. 


Concerns about survival:


            Since there are only about 1000 animals in the wild, it has become the goal of zoo captive programs to breed and raise individuals for release into wild populations.  This does not seem to be working very well with this species.  According to the information in Grizmeks ( v. 12, 224)  about 140 animals are currently in a captive status.  226 animals were born to captive mothers between 1963 and 1998.  Only 52% of them have survived longer than 1 month.  To date, not one individual from these captive populations has reached reproductive status. Therefore, it is unlikely that the captive programs will have greater success in the near future with these reproductively complex and fragile animals.


            The best hope for pandas is the protection of them in their habitats, better management of the activities in the habitats, ensuring that the panda’s favorite bamboo species are healthy, reducing habitat fragmentation, reducing the level of interactions with humans in the prime habitats, and keeping diseases such as dog distemper virus out of the populations, etc.


            It is hoped that conservation efforts will enable the giant panda to survive in the wild environment of their homeland.  With the lessons learned in keeping these rare creatures from extinction, we may discover how to provide the proper stewardship for other rare creatures both in the wild and in captive situations.


            It is with these hopes in mind, that the compiler dedicates this document to those interesting, lovable, attention getting, and playful animals we know as the giant panda.  May there continue to be wild pandas living life as they have evolved to live it--in their mountain forest of bamboo.


References used:


1. Lumpkin, Susan and John Seidensticker.  Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas.  Washington and London; Smithsonian Institution Press.  2002.  ISBN: 1-56098-038-4. (cloth) 1-58834-013-0 (pbk) 

NAL call no: QL737.C214L86 2002


2. Grzimek, Bernhard. Other authors Neil Schlager, Donna Olendorf, and Melissa McDade. Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia.  2nd ed .  2003.  Detroit: Gale, 2003. ISBN: 0-78765-362-4 (hard cover-alk paper). Note:  The volume on Mammals I-V was the source material.

NAL call no: QL7.G7813 2003


Selected WWW resources:


The five websites listed below are on the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), some CITES related documents specific to the Giant Panda.  “The third generation of the CITES website was officially launched on 18 June 2001. It was designed to facilitate access to the official documents maintained or received by the secretariat (Resolutions and Decisions of the Conference of the Parties, documents of the committees, Notifications to the Parties sent by the Secretariat at the end of each month, etc.) as well as to establish a general source of information about CITES for the general public.”  It covers many topics including information about the Convention and how it works, programs, resource databases, reports, terminology, useful links and many of the official documents and committee reports, etc.  It also has a wonderful photo gallery of all species on the endangered list.   The site on the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is produced and maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service International division.  There is a full text summary section of the 25 articles of the law.  There are also sections listing party and non-party countries, the species currently under CITES protection, U.S. designated ports of entry, etc.  In addition, there are sections containing U.S. conventions and laws, fact sheets, U.S. Federal Register Notices, CITES updates, topics of the recent U.S. National Reports. This links to the full text of the  August 27, 1998, Federal Register notice from the U.S. Department of Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service, International Affairs Policy on Giant Panda Permits. It is clarification of “what information the Service considers in making the permit findings under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and the U.S. Endangered Species Act and to assist persons in filing a complete application.”


Giant Panda Species Survival Plan:

The website contains the text of "Giant Panda 98 Fact Sheet with the date 9/1/98". Species Survival Plan for giant pandas that was developed by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association with other organizations.  Dr. Donald G. Lindburg is the author and the Species Survival Plan coordinator.


Giant Panda Species Survival Plan:

The website contains the Species Survival Plan for giant pandas that was developed by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association with other organizations.  The “plan is a coordinated effort in breeding, genetic management, and scientific studies.”  The site also has information about pandas, their care and management in captivity, and a number of links to zoo with pandas.  There is also a section on news and information of interest.


  About this Document

            There have been a number of decisions made regarding the topics that are included in this publication. In most cases, the topics are related to the whole animal: biology, behavior, nutrition, feeds, reproductive physiology and the birth process, breeding and genetics, diseases, disease organisms, external and internal parasites, hand rearing, veterinary care, etc.  Since there is a very concerted effort to house, breed and raise these animals in a variety of captive situations, you will find numerous papers on that topic. Although the papers selected are mostly related to the biology and husbandry/care of the panda, there are also papers on the economics and sociological aspects related to panda conservation efforts and natural reserves and the role of pandas in the lives of the local people.

            The information in this document was extracted primarily from a variety of resources and is quite comprehensive.  The published sources of most of the information include:  journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, and reports.  Abstracts are included when available. Some credible World Wide Web resources are also listed. All references for materials in the National Agricultural Library (NAL) collection include the NAL call number for ease when requesting photocopies or interlibrary loans. Please go to for lending and document delivery information.

            The bibliographic citation section of the document is organized by subject areas and further arranged chronologically by publication year and then alphabetically by author within each year.  There is not an index.  It is expected that by searching with key words, the user will find what is of interest.  Although much of the information is in English there is a significant amount of this material in Chinese.  All translated titles are in []’s.  References include materials published from 1993-2003. Also see the earlier publication by K. Kenyon, The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): A Bibliography 1936-1994

            The compiler welcomes additional information from other sources for inclusion as well as any comments or suggestions.  Since it is desirable to have a comprehensive resource of information on these animals, collaborators are also welcome. If you have or know of science-based information that would enhance this publication, please contact the compiler.  Note that any information submitted must include important elements of identification and access i.e. author, year, publication information, title, accessibility, etc.

Please send your comments, information, or suggestions -- Contact us


  Evolution / Taxonomy




Endo, Hideki; Taru, Hajime; Yamamoto, Masako; Arishima, Kazuyoshi; Sasaki, Motoki.  Comparative morphology of the muscles of mastication in the giant panda and the Asiatic black bear.  Annals of Anatomy. 2003, 185(3): 287-292.  ISSN:  0940-9602   

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Asiatic black bear, Ursus thibetanus, skull characteristics, muscles of mastication weights, macroscopically observation, differences, zygomatic width, pterygoid muscles, lateral slips, masseter muscle, relationships to food sources.




Nash, W.G.; Menninger, J.C.; Wienberg, J.; Padilla-Nash, H.M.; O'Brien, S.J.  The pattern of phylogenomic evolution of the Canidae.  Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 2002; 95(3-4): 210-224. ISSN:  0301-0171

NAL call no:  442.8 C992

Descriptors:  Canidae, phylogeny, genetic relationships, chromosomes, chromosome composition and homology, phylogenomic evolutionary pattern implications, chromosome structure, phylogenomic evolutionary pattern, karyotypes.  


Wang, Xiao Jing; Wang, Xiao Xing; Wang, Ya Jun; Wang, Xi Zhong; He, Guang Xin; Chen, Hong Wei; Fei, Li Song. Molecular cloning of the DNA sequence of Activin [beta]A subunit gene mature peptides from panda and related species and its application in the research of phylogeny and taxonomy.  Acta Genetica Sinica. 2002 Sep; 29(9): 782-786. ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  phylogeny analysis, PHYLIP software, phylogeny tree, Ailurus fulgens, red panda,  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, Helarctos malayanus, Malayan sun bear, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, phylogenetic and systematic significance, Activin-[beta]A DNA sequences, giant panda should be in the bear family (Uersidae), red panda should be its own family.




Nash, W.G.; Menninger, J.C.; Wienberg, J.; Padilla-Nash, H.M.; O' Brien, S.J.  The pattern of phylogenomic evolution of the Canidae. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 2001, 95(3-4): 210-224.  ISSN:  0301-0171

NAL call no:  442.8 C992

Descriptors:  Zoo FISH, chromosomal painting, flow-sorting chromosomes, Japanese raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides, arctic fox, Alopex lagopus, crab-eating fox, Cerdocyon thous, domestic cat, Felis catus, representative of the ancestral carnivore karyotype (ACK), and giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca.




Urashima, T.; Saito, T.; Nakamura, T.; Arai, I.  [Phylogenetic development of milk oligosaccharides, especially in the Ursidae and the related species in Carnivora.] Symposium 2000. Milk Science. 2000, 49(3): 195-202.  ISSN: 1343-0289 Note:  In Japanese.

Descriptors:  mammal milk comparisons, brown bear milk, polar bear milk, seal milk, panda milk, walrus milk, oligosaccharides, chromatographic analysis.




Wang, Ya Jun; Yang, Yu Hua; Wang, Xi Zhong; Chen, Hong Wei; He, Guang Xin; Fei, Li Song; Song, Yun Fang; Yang, Yun; Yu, Gang. [A comparative study of banded chromosomes of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus).]  Acta Genetica Sinica. 1999; 26(4): 309-314.  ISSN: 0379-4172.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Selenarctos thibetanus, chromosome banding patterns, late replication patterns, comparison study, evolutionary implications, species divergence.  




Lan, Hong; Wang, Wen.  Phylogenetic relationships among giant panda and related species based on restriction site variations in rDNA spacers.  Zoological Research. 1998 Oct; 19(5): 337-343.  ISSN:  0254-5853.  Note:  In English with a Chinese summary.

Descriptors:  Arctoidea, Felis lynx, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, phylogeny, phylogenetic relationships, biochemical variation, rDNA restriction maps, species comparisons, phylogenetic-implications; red panda, Ailurus fulgens, racoon, Procyon lotor, giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Helarctos malayanus, Selenarctos thibetanus.




Lin, Feng; Yang, Yu Hua; Zhang, Yiz Heng; Chen, Hong Wei; Fei, Li Song; Song, Yun Fang; He, Guang Xi; Zhang, An Ju. A preliminary study on the taxonomy position of giant panda using RAPD.  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1997; 17(3): 161-164.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, nucleic acids, DNA fragment, analysis and comparisons, taxonomic position.




Ledje, C.; Arnason, U.  Phylogenetic analyses of complete cytochrome b genes of the order Carnivora with particular emphasis on the Caniformia.  Journal of Molecular Evolution Feb 1996. 42(2): 135-144.  ISSN: 0022-2844

NAL call no: QH359.J6

Descriptors: dogs, cats, bears, pandas, carnivores, mammals, mitochondrial DNA, structural genes, cytochrome B, nucleotide sequences, phylogeny, chemotaxonomy.

Abstract:  The evolutionary relationships among the Carnivora were studied in a phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The study, which addressed primarily the relationships among the Caniformia, included 4 feliform and 26 caniform species, with 9 pinnipeds. The analysis identified five caniform clades: Canidae, Ailuridae (with the monotypic lesser panda), Musteloidea (Mustelidae + Procyonidae), Ursidae (including the giant panda), and Pinnipedia. The closest relatives of the Pinnipedia among terrestrial caniforms were not identified conclusively. Our analysis shows that the skunks are only distantly related to remaining mustelids (Mustelidae sensu stricto) and that the family Mustelidae, including the skunks, is paraphyletic. The relationship among the five caniform clades was unresolved, suggesting an evolutionary separation within a relatively short period of time. Based on distance values, we propose that this primary diversification took place approximately 45 million years ago.


Tougard, Christelle; Chaimanee, Yaowalak; Suteethorn, Varavudh; Triamwichanon, Somchai; Jaeger, Jean Jacques.  Extension of the geographic distribution of the giant panda (Ailuropoda) and search for the reasons for its progressive disappearance in Southeast Asia during the latest Middle Pleistocene.  Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II A: Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes. 1996 2 Decembre; 323(11): 973-979.  ISSN:  1251-8050.  Note:  Abridged French version.  In French and English with summaries in both languages.

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi, paleontology, Pleistocene distribution and range, climate and weather changes, range contraction relations, Oriental region, Thailand Chaiyaphum, Kon San, Thum Wiman Nakin cave, fossil records, first record for Thailand, zoogeographical significance, possible explanations.




Gittleman, John L.  Are pandas successful specialists or evolutionary failures? Bioscience. 1994 July-August; 44(7): 456-464. ISSN:  0006-3568.

NAL call no: 500 AM322A

Descriptors: Ailurus fulgens, red panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, adaptation, conservation measures, phylogeny implications, divergence, a review.




Hashimoto, Tetsuo; Otaka, Eiko; Adachi, Jun; Mizuta, Keiko; Hasegawa, Masami. The giant panda is closer to a bear, judged by [alpha]- and [beta]-hemoglobin sequences.  Journal of Molecular Evolution. 1993 March; 36(3): 282-289.  ISSN:  0022-2844.

NAL call no: QH359.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, taxonomy, beta hemoglobin sequences, proteins, amino acids, phylogenetic analysis of alpha and beta hemoglobin, phylogenetic relationships between panda and bears. 


Huang, Wan Po.  [The skull, mandible and dentition of giant pandas (Ailuropoda): morphological characters and their evolutionary implications.] Vertebrata Palasiatica. 1993; 31(3): 191-207.  ISSN:  1000-3118   Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no: QE841.K8 

Descriptors:  Ursidae, Ailuropoda, Ailurarctos, Ursus, Pleistocene, evolution and skull morphology, measurements, differences, comparisons, dentition, mandibles, China.  


O'Brien, Stephen J. Fuzzy thinking about the giant panda's ancestry.  In: Stirling, Ian [Ed.]. Bears: A Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild. Harper Collins. London. 1993: 34-35.  ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, evolutionary adaptation, phylogeny, closest genetic relatives.


Pan, Wen Shi; Lu, Zhi.  The giant panda.  In: Stirling, Ian (ed.).  Bears: A Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild.  Harper Collins. London. 1993: 140-145. ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population distribution, biology, life history, diets, habitats, China.   


Wang, Ren Fei; et al. [The skeleton of the giant panda in Mt. Huayinshan.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1994 Nov; 13(4): 181.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, skeleton record, Huayinshan Mountains, Sichuan, China.  


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  Habitat in China




Chen,You Ping; et al. [Surveillance on giant panda habitats in Wanglang Nature Reserve, Sichuan.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2003 February; 22(1): 49-50.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.  

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Wanglang Nature Reserve, habitats surveillance and analysis.  


Li, Yun; Ren, Yi; Jia, Hui. [The taxonomic studies on the bamboo as the main food of giant panda from Mt. Qinling.] Acta Botanica Boreali Occidentalia Sinica. 2003, 23(1): 127-129. ISSN:  1000-4025.   Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  QK1.H75

Descriptors:  4 genera, wild bamboo, food sources for pandas, Bashania fargesii, Fargesia qinlingensis, Fargesia dracocephala, Indocalamus latifolius, Chimonobambusa angustifolia, Phyllostachys sulphurea.   


Loucks, C.J.; Lu, Zhi; Dinerstein, E.; Wang, Da Jun; Fu, Da Li; Wang, Hao; The giant pandas of the Qinling Mountains, China: a case study in designing conservation landscapes for elevational migrants. Conservation Biology. 2003, 17(2): 558-565.  ISSN:  0888-8892.  Note:  In English with a Spanish summary.

NAL call no:  QH75.A1C5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, 24 montane forest areas, refuge has 220 pandas, elevational migrants, nature reserves, linkages between habitat blocks, outlook for long term survival of the species in the wild, Shaanxi Province, China.  


Lu, Yihe; Chen, Liding; Fu, Bojie; Liu, Shiliang.  A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas: The case of Wolong Biosphere Reserve. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2003 15 May; 63(4): 213-223.  ISSN: 0169-2046

NAL call no:  QH75.A1L32

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, Wolong Biosphere Reserve, operational framework for conservation, effectiveness of reserve, China.  


Zeng, Tao; Ran, Jiang Hong; Liu, Shao Ying; Sun, Zhi Yu; Liu, Shi Chang; Zeng, Zong Yong.  [Habitat exploitation by panda in the Baihe Nature Reserve.]  Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2003; 9(4): 405-408; Serial No 44.  ISSN: 1006-687X.   Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, habitat usage, route method, sampling spots, droppings spots, gnawing spots, preferred locations, elevations, water resources, Fargesia nitida, bamboo forests, areas with no human disturbance, Baihe Nature Reserve, China.    




An, L.; Lupi, F; Liu, J.G.; Linderman, M.A.; Huang, JinYan  Modeling the choice to switch from fuelwood to electricity implications for giant panda habitat conservation.  Ecological Economics. 2002, 42(3): 445-457. ISSN:  0921-8009

NAL call no:  QH540.E26

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, biodiversity of habitat concerns, electrical energy, fuelwood, environmental impact, panda habitats, human activity, conservation, Wolong Nature Reserve, habitat loss, sociological study of choices for cooking and heating, China.


Chen, Yong Hong; Guo, Jian; Hu, Jin Chu.  [The application of cluster analysis in the census of giant panda in field.] Nanjing Shida Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban. 2002 20 Mar; 25(1): 24-27, 37.  ISSN:  1001-4616.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, censusing techniques, population studies, accuracy determination, cluster analysis, bite site of panda faces, Yele Natural Reserve, China.


Guo, Jian; Chen, Yong Hong; Zhang, Hong De; Chen, Guo Zhong; Hu, Jin Chu; Wu, Yi;  A mathematical model for the population of giant pandas and bamboo in Yele Nature Reserve of Xiangling Mountains.  Journal for Nature Conservation. 2002, 10(2): 69-74.  ISSN: 1617-1381

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, mathematical model, relationship between panda populations and bamboo Bashania spanostachya collapse, food sources, Yele Nature Reserve, China.


Guo, Jian; Chen, Yong Hong; Hu, Jin Chu. Population viability analysis of giant pandas in the Yele Nature reserve. Journal for Nature Conservation. 2002; 10(1): 35-40.  ISSN: 1617-1381.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, population genetics, population dynamics, Sichuan, population sustainability, Xiangling Mountains, Yele Nature Reserve, China.


Hu, Jie; Li, Yan Hong; Hu, Jin Chu; Yu, Xiao Yan.  Population of giant panda in Qingchuan County, Sichuan.  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2003 February; 22(1): 46-48.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population size trends, forest habitat preference, Qingchuan County, Sichuan, China.


Kontoleon, A.; Swanson, T.; Wang, Qi Wen; Xuejun, Q; Yang, C; Pearce, D (ed.); Pearce, C (ed.); Palmer, C.  Optimal ecotourism: the economic value of the giant panda in China.  Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; Cheltenham; UK.  Valuing the Environment in Developing Countries: Case Studies. 2002, 206-235.  ISBN: 1-84064-148-7

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, tourist value, ecotourism development, Wolong Reserve, willing to pay, carrying-capacity, contingent valuation, demand, nature reserves, returns on investment, China.


Liu, Xue Hua; Skidmore, Andrew K.; Wang, Tie Jun; Yong, Yange; Prins, Herbert H.T. Giant panda movements in Foping Nature Reserve, China.  Journal of Wildlife Management. 2002 October; 66(4): 1179-1188.  ISSN:  0022-541X

NAL call no:  410 J827

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, field study, radio tracking data, behavior and movement patterns within habitat, seasonal ranges, winter range below 1,950 m, summer range above 2,150m, conservation planning, Foping Nature Reserve, China. 


Lu, Zhi. Giant Pandas in the Wild: Saving an Endangered Species.  New York. 2002: 1-128.  ISBN:  0893819972.  Note:  Includes an essay by G.B. Shaller.     

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation of endangered species, comprehensive works, distribution, biology and conservation, comprehensive account, China.  


Lumpkin, Susan; Seidensticker, John. Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas. Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002. xiii, 206 p.: col. ill.  ISBN: 1588340384 

NAL call no:  QL737.C214 L86 2002

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biology, habitat, life history, interactions between animals and humans, zoos.


Ran, Jiang Hong; et al. [Main associated animals in giant panda habitat in Qingchuan County, Sichuan.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2002 Feb; 21(1): 50-52.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, comprehensive zoology, mountain habitat, fauna associated with habitat, endangered pandas, China.


Shen, Guo Zhen; Li, Jun Qing; Ren, Yan Lin; Ma, Yu Fei.  [Indicators for giant panda's habitat degradation and restoration.]  Journal of Beijing Forestry University. 2002, 24(4): 1-5.  ISSN:  1000-1522.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.P45

Descriptors:  Abies, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Picea, topography, altitude, slope grade, aspect, bamboos, botanical composition, forest canopy, forest trees, habitat destruction indicators, natural and wildlife conservation, plant communities, plant heights, restoration, reallocation and rehabilitation, shrubs, stand density, China.


Wang, Hao; Li, Sonn Gang; Pan, Wen Shi.  Population viability analysis of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Qinling Mountains.  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 2002 Nov 20; 38(6): 756-761; Total No 190. ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered status, Qinling Mountains, wild animal population dynamics, population viability analysis model.  


Zhang, Ying Yi; Wang, Hao; Wang, Da Jun; Zhu, Xiao Jian.  Feeding behavior of wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Qinling Mountains.  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 2002 July 20; 38(4): 478-486; Total No 188. ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.  

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, wild animals, feeding behavior, bamboo, Qinling Mountains, China.  


Zeng, Zong Yong; Yue, Bi Song; Ran, Jiang Hong; Liu, Shao Ying; Chen, You Ping; Jiang, Shi Wei.  Panda's exploitation of habitats at the Wanglang Nature Reserve.  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 2002 Dec; 39(6): 1140-1144; Sum No 150. ISSN:  0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, animal behavior, habitat utilization, behavior patterns, effects of human activities, Wanglang Nature Reserve, nature reserve, montane forests habitat, China.  




An, L.; Liu, J.G.; Ouyang, Zhi Yun; Linderman, M.; Zhou, Shi Qiang; Zhang, He Min. Simulating demographic and socioeconomic processes on household level and implications for giant panda habitats.  Ecological Modelling. 2001, 140(1-2): 31-49.  ISSN: 0304-3800

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M3E25

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, demography, fuel consumption, fuelwood, habitats, nature reserves, simulation models, socioeconomics, wildlife conservation, China.  


Cai, Xu Shen.  Superfical [Superficial] view on reasons why giant panda becoming rare and in imminent danger. Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 August; 20(3): 168.  ISSN: 1000-7083

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered status, comment.


Guo, Ji An; Hu, Jin Chu.  The study of the distribution pattern of giant panda's feces and it's [sic] application.  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 2001 Aug; 21(3): 180-186. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, abundance and distribution of feces, indicators of population density, habitat utilization, new methods of temporary spatial distribution plots, 8 individuals, Yele Natural Reserve, China.


Li, Zhao Hua; Denich, M. An approach on the survivorship of giant panda in wild.  Journal of Forestry Research. 2001, 12(1): 59-62.  ISSN:  1007-662X

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population declines, natural habitat destruction, catching and poaching, bamboo flowering, conservation, possible reintroduction, China.


Liu, J.; Linderman, M.; Ouyang, Z.; An, L.; Yang, J.; Zhang, H.  Ecological degradation in protected areas: the case of Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas.  Science. (Washington)  Apr 6, 2001. 292(5514): 98-101.  ISSN: 0036-8075.

NAL call no:  470 SCI2

Descriptors:  nature reserves, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation concerns, endangered species, environmental degradation, China.

Abstract:   It is generally perceived that biodiversity is better protected from human activities after an area is designated as a protected area. However, we found that this common perception was not true in Wolong Nature Reserve (southwestern China), which was established in 1975 as a "flagship" protected area for the world-renowned endangered giant pandas. Analyses of remote sensing data from pre- and post-establishment periods indicate that the reserve has become more fragmented and less suitable for giant panda habitation. The rate of loss of high quality habitat after the reserve's establishment was much higher than before the reserve was created, and the fragmentation of high-quality habitat became far more severe. After the creation of the reserve, rates of habitat loss and fragmentation inside the reserve unexpectedly increased to levels that were similar to or higher than those outside the reserve, in contrast to the situation before the reserve was created.


Liu, Xue Hua.  Mapping and Modelling the Habitat of Giant Pandas in Foping Nature Reserve, China. 2001, viii + 156 pp.; many ref.  Wageningen Universiteit; Wageningen; Netherlands.  ISBN:  90-5808-496-5.  Note: a thesis in English with Chinese and Dutch summaries.

Descriptors:  mapping habit, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, remote sensing data, digital terrain data, radio tracking data, field survey plot data, GIS, panda movement, habitat use, woody plant species richness and spatial structure of tree and bamboo layers, environmental factors, elevation, slope gradient, aspect, China.


Loucks, C.J.; Lu Zhi; Dinerstein, E; Wang, Ha O.; Olson, D.M.; Zhu, Chunquan; Wang, Da Jun. Giant pandas in a changing landscape.  Science (Washington.) 2001, 294(5546): 1465.  ISSN: 0036-8075. 

NAL call no:  470 SCI2

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, mountain habitats, Qinling mountains, landscape and habitat protection, wildlife conservation, China.

Abstract: This paper presents the situation of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in the changing landscape of China. A landscape analysis of pandas in the Qinling mountains found that increased protection and linkage of fragmented mid-elevation habitat, much of it outside of existing reserves, is necessary to meet habitat requirements of panda populations. Given proper habitat protection, wild panda populations will rebound and grow.




Guo, Jian; Hu, Jin Chu.  [The food base of the giant panda in Yele Natural Reserve.]  Journal of Nanjing Forestry University. 2000, 24: 5, 41-44.  ISSN:  1000-2006.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD85.N3

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, food source analysis, bamboo, Fargesia forax, Fargesia dulcicula, Fargesia exposixa, Yushania tineloata, Y. lineolata, Bashania spanostachya, availability of food, China. 


Hu, Jie; Hu, Jin Chu; Qu, Zhi Biao; Yang, Dong Lei.  [The study on the giant panda's selection and utilization to Fargesia nitida in Huanglong.]  Zoological Research. 2000, 21(1): 48-52.  ISSN:  0254-5853.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, selection and utilization, bamboo, Fargesia nitida, Huanglongsi Reserve compared to other locations, age of shoots, seasonal variation, bamboo choice varies with location, wild animals, China.


Wei, Fu Wen; Wang, Zu Wang; Feng, Zuo Jian.  Energy flow through populations of giant pandas and red pandas in Yele Natural Reserve.  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 2000 Sept; 46(3): 287-294.  ISSN:  0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Ailurus fulgens, comparison study, bamboo resources, Bashania sapnostachya, energy flow analysis, food availability, population comparisons, Yele Natural Reserve, China. 




Carter, J.; Ackleh, A.S.; Leonard, B.P.; Wang, Hai Bin. Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population dynamics and bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae) life history: a structured population approach to examining carrying capacity when the prey are semelparous. Ecological Modelling. 1999, 123(2-3): 207-223.  ISSN:  0304-3800

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M3E25

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, life history, population dynamics, biomass, starvation concerns, mathematical models for carrying capacity of forage, bamboos, natural resources, populations, implication for panda conservation, bamboo die-offs, corridors to food supplies.


Chen, Li Ding; Fu, Bo Jie (ed.); Nakagoshi, N (ed.); Xiao, Du Ning (ed.); Godron, M.  Application of landscape connectivity in habitat suitability evaluation - case study in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China.  The Principle and Application of Landscape Ecology: Selected Papers from International Conference on Landscape Ecology of Asia and Pacific Region, Shenyang, China, 5-7 October 1998. In:  Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1999, 11(2): 221-226.

NAL call no:  TA1.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, case studies, evaluation, Wolong Nature Reserve, nature conservation, survival requirements, landscape, habitats, endangered species, GIS, geographical information systems, China.


Liu, Jian Guo; Ouyang, Zhi Yun; Taylor, W.W.; Groop, R.; Tan, Ying Chun; Zhang, He Ming.  A framework for evaluating the effects of human factors on wildlife habitat: the case of giant pandas. Conservation Biology. 1999, 13(6): 1360-1370.  ISSN: 0888-8892.  Note:  In English with a Spanish summary.

NAL call no:  QH75.A1C5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, evaluation, wildlife, case studies, Wolong Nature Reserve, nature conservation, endangered wild animals, impacts of human activity, habitats, government policy, regional policy, social policy, China.  




Angel, Heather. Pandas. Voyageur Press, Stillwater. 1998: 1-72. ISBN:  0896583643

Descriptors: red panda, Ailurus fulgens, giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, life history, endangered species, behaviors, popular press, conservation, China.  




Li, Xin Hai; Li, Dian Mo; Yong, Yan Ge; Zhang, Jian. [A preliminary analysis on population viability analysis for giant panda in Foping.]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1997 Sept; 43(3): 285-293.  ISSN: 0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population studies, relevance to conservation, inbreeding concerns, outlook for long term survival in the wild, significance, population viability analysis, Foping Reserve, China.  


Taylor, A.H.; Qin, Z.; Chapman, G.P.  The dynamics of temperate bamboo forests and panda conservation in China.  The Bamboos. Proceedings of an International Symposium, London, 25-29 March 1996. Linnean Society Symposium Series No. 19. 1997, 189-203; ISBN:  0-12-168555-1

NAL call no:  QK658.A1L5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, habitat maintenance and restoration, forest canopy characteristics, bamboo stand characteristics, forest management, clear cutting, conservation, China.




Hearn, J.P. Mechanisms regulating the reproduction and fertility of some mammalian species in their natural environments.  Journal of Public Health Policy. 1996, 17(1): 152-158.  ISSN:  0197-5897

Descriptors:  fertility regulation, links to environmental constraints, giant panda, black rhinoceros, African elephant, tamar wallaby, marmoset, stumptailed macaque, humans.


Wei, Fu Wen; Zhou, Ang; Hu, Jin Chu; Wang, Wei; Yang, Guang.  [Habitat selection by giant pandas in Mabian Dafengding Reserve.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(4): 241-245. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, food plants, bamboo stands preferred, habitat preference, slope and bamboo stands selected, Mabian Dafengding Reserve, Liangshan Mountains, China.


Wei, Fu Wen; Zhou, Cai Quan; Hu, Jin Chu; Yang, Guang; Wang, Wei.  [Giant panda's selection for bamboo resources in Mabian Dafengding Reserve.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(3): 171-175  ISSN: 1000-1050  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, bamboo food plants, Qiongzhuea macrophylla, Yushania glauca, stem size, species selected, bamboo preferences, Liangshan Mountains, Mabian Dafengding Reserve, China.   


Wu, Hsin I.; Stoker, Revin L.; Gao, Long Chang.  A modified Lotka-Volterra simulation model to study the interaction between arrow bamboo (Sinarundinaria fangiana) and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Ecological Modelling. 1996 January; 84(1-3): 11-17.  ISSN:  0304-3800

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M3E25

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, ecological techniques, mathematical techniques, bamboo food plants, Sinarundinaria fangiana, arrow bamboo, interactions, Lotka-Volterra simulation model, population dynamics, computer modeling, Wolong Natural Reserve, China.




Kiefer, Michael. Of pandas & principles.  International Wildlife. 1994 July-August; 24(4): 30-35.  ISSN:  0020-9112

NAL call no:  S960.I5

Descriptors:  comprehensive zoology, conservation of endangered species, wildlife protection, contribution of G. Schaller, biography of a naturalist, his contributions to wildlife protection.


MacKinnon, John; De Wulf, Robert.  Designing protected areas for giant pandas in China.  In:  Miller, Ronald I. [ed.]. Mapping the Diversity of Nature. Chapman & Hall. London, Glasgow etc. 1994: 127-142.

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M64M37 1994

Descriptors:  Aluropoda elanoleuca, mountain habitat management, survey and planning, national parks and reserves, management planning, ecological mapping, satellite imagery, conservation planning, China. 


O'Brien, Stephen J.; Wen Shi, Pan; Zhi, Lu.  Pandas, people and policy.  Nature (London). 1994 19 May; 369(6477): 179-180.  ISSN:  0028-0836

NAL call no:  472 N21

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation, policy review, societal pressures, endangered species, China


Qin, Zi Sheng; Taylor, A.H.; Liu, Jie.  [Population structure and dynamics of bamboo and its relevance to giant panda conservation.]  Journal of Bamboo Research. 1994, 13(3): 4-15.  ISSN:  1000-6567.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SB317.B2C4

Descriptors:  population structure, dynamics, Fargesia robusta, Bashania fangiaia, Wolong Natural Reserve, giant pandas staple diet, conservation concerns, China.




Carter, Jacoby; Wang, Hai Bin. A model linking the population dynamics of the giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca with bamboo life history dynamics.  Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists Congress. 1993; 21(1): 299-309.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, bamboo food plants, plant life history, reproductive productivity. 


Pan, Wen Shi; Lu, Zhi.  The giant panda.  In: Stirling, Ian (ed.). Bears: A Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild. Harper Collins. London. 1993: 140-145. ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population distribution, biology, life history, diets, habitats, China.   


Yong, Yan Ge; Zhang, Ji An; Zhang, Shan Ning.  [The distribution and number of the giant panda in the Foping reservation.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1993; 13(4): 245-250.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population density measurements, mathematical models, estimates, National Foping Natural Reserve, China.


Yong, Yan Ge; Wang, Kuan Wu; Wang, Tie Jun.  [Giant panda's moving habit in Foping.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(1): 9-14  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, wild animals, habitat, food availability, seasonal movements between bamboo forests, population within habitat, bamboo forests, seasonal movements and food availability, Foping National Natural Reserve, China. 


Zhang, Li Ming; Gong, Ji En; Dai, Bo.  [Preliminary analysis on the effective population of wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) populations in Sichuan and Gansu Province.]   Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1994 Mar; 40(1): 105-107.  ISSN:  0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population dynamics, population analysis, China. 


Zhi Yong, Fan; Yan Ling, Song.   On the importance of nature reserves in nature conservation in China and giant panda protection.  Tigerpaper (Bangkok). 1993 April-June; 20(2): 23-27.  ISSN:  1014-2789

NAL call no:  QL84.5.A1T53

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, national parks and reserves, importance of protected habitats, conservation, China.

Return to: Contents




Liao, Ming Juan; Zhu, Mu Yuan; Zheng, Xu; Zhang, Zhi He; Zhang, An Ju.  cDNA cloning of growth hormone from giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and its expression in Escherichia coli.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2003 May; 135B(1): 109-116.  ISSN:  1096-4959

NAL call no:  QP501.C6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, growth hormone, pituitary total RNA, RT-PCR cDNA cloning and expression in bacterial vector E. Coli, amino acid sequence, gene expression, biological expression.  




Fang, S.G.; Wan, Q.H.; Fujihara, N. Genetic diversity of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) between big and small populations.  Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2002, 21(1): 65-74.  ISSN:  0971-2119   Note:  In English with a Hindi summary.

NAL call no:  SF55.I4J68

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, genetic distance, genetic diversity, genetic variation, mathematical models, nature conservation, population genetics, species diversity and richness, wild animals, China.


Fang, Sheng Guo; Wan, Qiu Hong; Fujihara, Noboru. A new oligonucleotide probe for the giant panda.  Molecular Ecology Notes. 2002 September; 2(3): 352-355.  ISSN:  1471-8278

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M632

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic techniques,  genetic diversity, prevention of inbreeding, molecular genetics, new oligonucleotide probe, paternity probability, homozygous loci, individual identification.


Shen, Fu Jun; Zhang, Zhi He; Li, Guang Han; Zhang, An Ju. [Pedigree analysis of captive giant panda.]  Acta Genetica Sinica. 2002 Apr; 29(4): 307-313.  ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, population genetics, captive populations, pedigree analysis, Sparks Ver1.4 Software, genetic diversity, pedigree analysis indications, significance to long-term conservation. 


Wang, Xiao Jing; Wang, Xiao Xing; Wang, Ya Jun; Wang, Xi Zhong; He, Guang Xin; Chen, Hong Wei; Fei, Li Song. [Molecular cloning of the DNA sequence of Activin [beta]A subunit gene mature peptides from panda and related species and its application in the research of phylogeny and taxonomy.]  Acta Genetica Sinica. 2002 Sep; 29(9): 782-786. ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  phylogeny analysis, PHYLIP software, phylogeny tree, Ailurus fulgens, red panda,  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, Helarctos malayanus, Malayan sun bear, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, phylogenetic and systematic significance, Activin-[beta]A DNA sequences, giant panda should be in the bear family (Uersidae), red panda should be in its own family.




Cao, Mei; Yang, Yu Hua; Wang, Xi Zhong; Wang, Ya Jun; Zhang, Yi Zheng; Song, Yun Fang; Fei, Li Song; He, Guang Xin. [Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA from giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) genome.]  Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2001 25 June; 7(3): 277-280; Serial No 31.  ISSN: 1006-687X.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, DNA sequence, microsatellites, isolation and characterization.  


Chen, Hong Wei; et al. [Introduction and application of fragile sites induction in giant panda's chromosome research.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 August; 20(3): 144-146.  ISSN: 1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cytogenetic techniques, chromosomes, fragile sites, induction and research application.  


Huang, Yan; Li, De Sheng; Zhang, He Min; Du, Jun; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; McGeehan, Laura; Howard, Jogayle; Tang, Chun Xiang; Wang, Peng Yan. [Artificial insemination of a giant panda with cooled semen: an effort to promote genetic diversity in a captive population.] Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2001; 7(6): 558-562; Serial No 34. ISSN:  1006-687X.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive breeding and rearing records, artificial insemination, case report.


Huang, Yan; Zhang, Gui Quan; Zou, Xing Huai. [Demographic analyses of the captive population of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 2001 Mar 25; 29(2): 109-112.  ISSN:  1000-5382. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animal breeding programs, demographic analyses of captive population, life tables.


Lu, Zhi; Johnson, Warren E.; Menotti-Raymond, Marilyn; Yuhki, Naoya; Martenson, Janice S; Mainka, Susan; Huang, Shi Qiang; Zheng, Zhihe; Guanghan, Li; Wenshi, Pan; Xiarong, Mao; O'Brien Stephen J. Patterns of genetic diversity in remaining giant panda populations.  Conservation Biology. 2001 December; 15(6): 1596-1607. ISSN: 0888-8892.  Note: In English with a Spanish summary.

NAL call no:  QH75.A1C5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic diversity, implications for conservation measures, endangered status, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, population genetics, biochemical variation, China.  


Wang, Xiao Jing; Wang, Xiao Xing; Tan, Yan Fei; Wang, Ya Jun; Wang, Xi Zhong; Chen, Hong Wei; He, Guang Xin; Fei, Li Song.  [Studies of the corelation between fragile sites and giant panda's breeding problem.]  Acta Genetica Sinica. 2001 July; 28(7): 621-627.  ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproduction, chromosomes, chromosome No. 2 and No.12, diseases and disorders, breeding problems, environmental factors effect, chromosome fragile sites frequency relations, abiotic factors.




Ding, Bo; Shi, Peng; Xiang Yu, Jing Gong; Zhang, Ya Ping; Chen, Da Yuan; Sun, Qing Yuan; Li, Guang Peng; Wang, Min Kang; Liu, Yi Long; Kang, Li; Han, Zhi Ming; Song, Xiang Fen; Li, Jing Song; Chen, Yu Chun. Microsatellite DNA analysis proves nucleus of interspecies reconstructed blastocyst coming from that of donor giant panda. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2000 October; 45(20): 1883-1885.  ISSN: 1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cloning techniques, interspecies reconstructed blastocyst, microsatellite, DNA sequences, nucleic acids, embryo development, molecular genetics.


Zheng, Huarui; et al.  [Current situation of study on molecular genetics of giant panda.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2000 28 November; 19(4): 227-229. ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, molecular genetics, current knowledge and research.  




Ding, Bo.; Zhang, Y.; Ryder, Oliver A.  Extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA from scent mark and feces in the giant panda. Zoo Biology. 1998. 17(6): 499-504.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic analysis, polymerase chain reaction, mitochondrial DNA, feces and scent glands secretions, cytogenetic techniques, nucleic acids, feces, scents, molecular genetics, mtDNA-extraction, polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing.  


Ding, Bo; Ryder, Oliver A.; Zhang, Ya Ping; Zhang, Jin Guo; Zhang, Cheng Lin; Zhang, Xi Ge.  [DNA preparation and sequencing from scent marks in the giant panda.] Zoological Research. 1998 Oct; 19(5): 344-349.  ISSN:  0254-5853. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, scent mark analysis, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, biochemical variation, DNA analyses.  


Lin, Feng; Yang, Yuhua; Zhang, Yizheng; Chen, Hongwei; Fei, Lisong; Song, Yunfang; He, Guangxin; Zhang, Anju.  [Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene from giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1998; 18(2): 95-99. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cloning techniques, amplified fragment, brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene, amplification and genetic code, molecular genetics.  


Smantek, Gunter.  Ein Bambusbar (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) im Tierpark Berlin - Erinnerungen an "Chi-Chi".  [A giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Berlin Zoo - memories of "Chi-Chi".]  Milu. 1998; 9(5): 496-501. ISSN:  0076-8839 Note:  In German.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, history of an individual giant panda specimen, care and handling, Berlin Zoo, Germany. 


Wang, Ya Jun; Wang, Xi Zhong; Yang, Yu Hua; Qian, Yong Sheng; Chen, Wen Yuan; Wang, Zi Shu; Fei, Li Song; Chen, Hong Wei; He, Guang Xin; Song, Yun Fang . [Studies on late replication bands of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) chromosomes.]  Acta Genetica Sinica. 1998; 25(1): 22-27.  ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, chromosome banding patterns, late replication bands.  


Zhou, Rong Jia; Cheng, Han Hua; Yu, Qi Xing; Zhang, Ya Ping.  Sox and Zfx genes in giant panda. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 1998 December; 41(6): 623-627.  ISSN: 1006-9305

NAL call no:  QD1.S34

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sex determination genetics, molecular genetics, sex determination genes, characterization.   




Fang, Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; Huang, Xiang Ming; He, Guang Xin; Fei, Li Song. [The comparative analysis on the genetic diversity of giant pandas between Liangshan and Xiaoxiangling Mountains.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1997; 17(4): 248-252.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, gene frequency, mountain habitats, genetic diversity, comparison, Liangshan and Xiaoxiangling Mountains, China.    


Fang, Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju. [The developing of giant panda DNA fingerprinting probe F2ZGP96060801 and the comparative test analysis of 5 probes.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1997; 17(3): 165-171.  ISSN: 1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprinting probe, identification of individuals, individual identification techniques, DNA fingerprint probe.  


Fang, Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; He, Guang Xin; Fei, Li Song. [DNA fingerprinting analysis on the paternity determination of giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1997; 17(2): 92-99. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprinting, paternity determination, artificial insemination, polygamy, polyandry, paternity of offspring, zoos, China.


Fang Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Shao Chang; He, Guang Xin; Huang, Xiang Ming; Chen, Hong Wei. [The paternity determination of artificial breeding giant pandas by using fluorescein and radioisotope labelled probe LZF-1.] Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 1997 Apr; 34(2): 225-228; Sum No 116.  ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, population genetics techniques, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, fluorescein and radioisotope labeled DNA, population genetics.  


Peng, Jian Jun; Shi, Hong Yan. [Developments in researches on physiology biochemistry and cell genetics of giant panda.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1997 June; 32(3): 54-58.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese. 

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, whole animal, cytogenetics, physiology, biochemistry, research developments.  


Wang, Yajun; Qian, Yong Sheng; Wang, Xi Zhong; Chen, Wen Yuan; Wang, Zi Shu; Zhang, Yong Mei; Fei, Li Shong; He, Guang Xin; Song, Yun Fang; Chen, Hong Wei. [Studies of fragile sites of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) chromosomes induced by BrdU.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 1997 Aug; 34(4): 511-515; Sum No 118. ISSN:  0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cytogenetic techniques, BrdU induction, fragile sites of chromosomes molecular genetic techniques.


Zhang, Ya Ping; Ryder, Oliver A.; Fan, Zhi Yong; Zhang, He Ming; He, Ting Mei; He, Guang Xin; Zhang, An Ju; Fei, Li Song; Zhong, Shun Long; Chen, Hong; Zhang, Cheng Lin; Yang, Ming Hai; Zhu, Fei Bing; Peng, Zhen Xin; Pu, Tian Chun; Chen, Yu Cun; Yao, Min Da; Guo, Wei.  Sequence variation and genetic diversity in the giant panda.  Science in China Series C:  Life Sciences. 1997 April; 40(2): 210-216.  ISSN: 1006-9305

NAL call no:  QD1.S34

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, mtDNA-D loop region, tRNA gene sequence variation, population genetics, phylogeny, genetic diversity implications, biochemical variation, evolutionary implications, significance for conservation.  




Congleton, W.R. Jr.; Farrar, L.M. An object-oriented database with ancestry for controlling inbreeding.  AI Applications. 1996, 10(2): 51-61.  ISSN:  1051-8266

NAL call no:  QA76.76.E95A5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant pandas, C++ for database, ancestry, breeding decisions, inbreeding control, computer programming, red pandas.


Fang, Sheng Guo; Chen, Guan Qun; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Shao Chang; He, Guang Xin; Wei, Fu Wen; Guo, Ji An. [DNA fingerprinting applied to the investigation of wild population of giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(4): 246-249. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprinting for individual identification, population size, recognition of individuals, wild populations, Yele, Sichuan, China.


Fang, Shengguo; Ding, Zhaowu; Feng, Wenhe; Zhang, Anju; Li, Guanghan; Li, Shaochang; Yu, Jianqiu; Li, Xuebing.  [A preliminary study on the material resource of DNA in the DNA fingerprinting analysis of giant pandas.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(3): 166-170. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprinting, preliminary analysis and materials required.  




Zhang, Ya Ping; Wang, Wen; Su, Bing; Ryder, Oliver A.; Fang, Zhi Yong; Zhang, He Min; He, Ting Mei.  [Microsatellite DNAs and kinship identification of giant panda.]   Zoological Research. 1995; 16(4): 301-306.  ISSN:  0254-5853.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic techniques, genetics, kinship identification, microsatellite DNA polymorphism, molecular genetics, variation, kinship identification method.




Fang Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Yu, Ya Li; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; Huang, Xiang Ming; Song, Yun Fang.  [DNA "fingerprints" applied to paternity determination in the filial generation of artificial breeding giant pandas.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao. (Ziran Kexueban). 1994 August; 31(3): 389-395. ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive populations, breeding programs, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprints, paternity determination, dizygotic twins identification, ovary, ovulation timing during estrus phase.


Zhang, Y.; Ryder, O.A.; Zhao, Q.; Fan, Z.; He, G.; Zhang, A.; Zhang, H.; He, T.; Yucun, C. Non-invasive giant panda paternity exclusion.  Zoo Biology.  1994. 13(6): 569-573.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, hair sampling, paternity, polymerase chain reaction, PCR. 




Su, Bing; Shi, Li Ming; He, Guang Xin; Zhang, An Ju; Song, Yun Fang; Zhong, Shun Long; Fei, Li Song.  Genetic diversity in the giant panda: evidence from protein electrophoresis. Chinese Science Bulletin. 1994 August; 39(15): 1305-1309.  ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation, genetic diversity implications, molecular genetics, population genetics, inbreeding concerns, protein analysis for genetic diversity, biochemical variation.


Zhang, Siz Hong; Zhou, Rong Jia.  [PCR amplification and cloning of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) SRY gene.] Acta Genetica Sinica. 1994; 21(4): 281-286.  ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cloning techniques, sex determination genetics, gene homologous to human SRY gene, restriction map.

Return to: Contents





Endo, Hideki; Sasaki, Motoki; Narushima, Etsuo; Komiya, Teruyuki; Hayashida, Akiko; Hayashi, Yoshihiro; Stafford, Brian J. Macroscopic study of the functional significance of the forearm muscles in the giant panda.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 2003 August; 65(8): 839-843.  ISSN:  0916-7250

NAL call no:  SF604.J342

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, forearm, palm, Musculus flexor, carpi ulnaris, two heads, accessory carpal bone, Musculus abductor digiti I. longus, Musculus pronator quadratus, Musculus pronator teres, Musculus supinator, pronator spinator action.




Endo, H.; Komiya, T; Narushima, E; Suzuki, N. Three-dimensional image analysis of a head of the giant panda by the cone-beam type CT.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 2002, 64(12): 1153-1155.  ISSN:  0916-7250

NAL call no:  SF604.J342

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, analytical methods, animal anatomy, animal behavior, computed tomography, head image analysis, reproductive behavior, smell.  




Endo, Hideki; Sasaki, Motoki; Hayashi, Yoshihiro; Koie, Hiroshi; Yamaya, Yoshiki; Kimura, Junpei. Carpal bone movements in gripping action of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Anatomy. 2001 February; 198(2): 243-246. ISSN:  0021-8782

NAL call no:  447.8 J826

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, carpal bones, movement, anatomy, CT scan, 3 dimensional volume rendering techniques, gripping action, rotation, flexing, radial sesamoid, pincer-like paw structure.




Sasaki, M.; Endo, H.; Yamagiwa, D.; Takagi, H.; Arishima, K.; Makita, T.; Hayashi, Y.T.  Adaptation of the muscles of mastication to the flat skull feature in the polar bear (Ursus maritimus).  Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 2000, 62(1): 7-14.  ISSN:  0021-5295

NAL call no:  SF604.J342

Descriptors:  pandas, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Ursus arcto, Thalarctos maritimus, anatomy, mastication muscles, skull, mandible, mouth, jaws.




Endo, H.; Makita, T.; Sasaki, M.; Arishima, K.; Yamamoto, M.; Hayashi, Y. Comparative anatomy of the radial sesamoid bone in the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), the brown bear (Ursus arctos) and the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 1999, 61(8): 903-907.  ISSN:  0021-5295

NAL call no:  SF604.J342

Descriptors:  polar bear, Ursus maritimus, brown bear, Ursus arctos, giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, radial sesamoid bones, attachments, comparison study, M. abductor pollicis longus, M. opponens pollicis, carpus, muscles, sesamoid bones, radial carpal, anatomy.


Endo, H.; Hayashi, Y.; Yamagiwa, D.; Kurohmaru, M.; Koie, H.; Yamaya, Y.; Kimura, J. CT examination of the manipulation system in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Anatomy. 1999, 195(2): 295-300.  ISSN:  0021-8782

NAL call no:  447.8 J826

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, anatomy, computed tomography, sesamoid bones, phalanges.  


Endo, Hideki; Yamagiwa, Daishiro; Hayashi, Yoshihiro; Koie, Hiroshi; Yamaya, Yoshiki; Kimura, Junpei.  Role of the giant panda's 'pseudo-thumb'.  Nature (London). 1999, 28 January; 397(6717): 309-310.  ISSN:  0028-0836

NAL call no:  Q1.N3

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, forelimbs, pseudo thumb, biomechanics, anatomical and functional study, skeletal musculature, sesamoid bone, radial sesamoid bone movement.




Endo, H.; Sasaki, N.; Yamagiwa, D.; Uetake, Y.; Kurohmaru, M.; Hayashi, Y.  Functional anatomy of the radial sesamoid bone in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Anatomy. 1996, 189: 3, 587-592.  ISSN:  0021-8782

NAL call no:  447.8 J826

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, functional anatomy, radial sesamoid bone.  




Huang, Wan Po.  [The skull, mandible and dentition of giant pandas (Ailuropoda): morphological characters and their evolutionary implications.] Vertebrata Palasiatica. 1993; 31(3): 191-207.  ISSN:  1000-3118.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QE841.K8

Descriptors: Ursidae, Ailuropoda, Ailurarctos, Ursus, Pleistocene, evolution and skull morphology, measurements, differences, comparisons, dentition, mandibles, China.  


Tanabe, K. [Sexing pandas.]  Animals and Zoos. 1993; 45(1): 12.  ISSN: 0288-4887.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sexing techniques, gender.

Return to: Contents

  Physiology - General




Hagey, Lee; MacDonald, Edith. Chemical cues identify gender and individuality in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2003 June; 29(6): 1479-1488. ISSN:  0098-0331

NAL call no:  QD415.A1J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conspecific communication, phermones, scent marking, chemical composition, scent glands, urine, vaginal secretions, short chain fatty acids, gender and individual differences, identification techniques for use in field biology.


Liao, Ming Juan; Zhu, Mu Yuan; Zheng, Xu; Zhang, Zhi He; Zhang, An Ju.  cDNA cloning of growth hormone from giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and its expression in Escherichia coli.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2003 May; 135B(1): 109-116  ISSN:  1096-4959

NAL call no:  QP501.C6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, growth hormone, pituitary total RNA, RT-PCR cDNA cloning and expression in bacterial vector E. Coli, amino acid sequence, gene expression, biological expression.  


Liu, Xuan Zhen; Yu, Jian Qiu; Li, Ming Xi; Huang, Xiang Ming; Li, Guang Han  [Nutrient content of the milk of captive giant pandas.]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 2003 Aug; 49(4): 494-500.  ISSN:  0001-7302.  Note:  In English with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda milk, 14 year old female, post-parturition, crude protein, crude fat, lactose, 17 amino acids, 5 macrominerals (Ca, P, K, Na, Mg), 6 trace minerals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Se), changes over time.


Liu, Ding Zhen; Wang, Li Wen; Zhang, Xiao Tong; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, Gui Quan; Yun, Zi Hou; Sun, Ru Yong.  [Urinary volatile profiles of the giant panda pertaining to gender, season and sexual ability.]  Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science). 2003 Feb; 39(1): 123-130.  ISSN:  0476-0301.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, urine, volatile profiles, differences, gender, season and sexual ability, reproductive behaviors, pheromones, chemical signals.


Nakamura, Tadashi; Urashima, Tadasu; Mizukami, Taiji; Fukushima, Michihiro; Arai, Ikichi; Senshu, Tatsudo; Imazu, Koji; Nakao, Tatsuko; Saito, Tadao; Ye, Zhiyong; Zuo, Hong; Wu, Kongju.  Composition and oligosaccharides of a milk sample of the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B:  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2003 July; 135B(3): 439-448.  ISSN: 1096-4959

NAL call no:  QP501.C6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, biochemistry, mammary glands, milk chemical composition, whey fractions, alpha]-lactalbumin, [beta]-lactoglobulin, alpha]s casein, triacylglycerol, cholesterol, Gal([alpha]1-3)Gal([beta]1-4)Glc (isoglobotriose), Gal([alpha]1-3)Gal([beta]1-4)[Fuc([alpha]1-3)]Glc (fucosyl isoglobotriose), Neu5Ac([alpha]2-3)Gal([beta]1-4)Glc (3'-N-acetylneuraminyl-lactose), Neu5Ac([alpha]2-6)Gal([beta]1-4)Glc (6'-N-acetylneuraminyl-lactose), Neu5Ac([alpha]2-3)Gal([beta]1-4)[Fuc([alpha]1-3)]Glc.




Long, Yu; Cao, Zhuo; Pan, Wen Shi. [Utilization of cell wall bamboo shoot by wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Qinling Mountains.]  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 2002 July 20; 38(4): 576-581; Total No 188. ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, digestion, bamboo food plants, Fargesia, plant cell wall utilization/digestion, Qinling Mountains, China.


Lumpkin, Susan; Seidensticker, John. Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas. Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002. xiii, 206 p.: col. ill.  ISBN: 1588340384 

NAL call no:  QL737.C214 L86 2002

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biology, habitat, life history, interactions between animals and humans, zoos.




Fei, Li Song; Chen, Hong Wei; Zheng, Yu Cai; Wang, Qiang; Wang, Jie; Li, Guang Han; Zhang, An Jiu.  Protein composition of the giant panda milk.  Zoological Research. 2001, 22(5): 421-424.   ISSN:  0254-5853.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.  

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, female animals, Holstein-Friesian cow milk, Chegdu Brown goat milk, casein, lactose, milk composition, milk proteins, protein composition, protein content, skim milk, species differences.  


Lei, Lei; Yu, Xing Ming; Zeng, Wei; Fei, Li Song; Wang, Qiang; Zhang, Zai Rong. A survey of vaginal flora from giant panda.  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2001, 31(9): 10-11.  ISSN:  1000-6419

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, vaginal microflora, isolated, identified, Lactobacillus, Peptostreptococcus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Geotrichum candidum.  


Liu, Ding Zhen; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Chen, Lin Qiang; Zhang, He Min.  A study on the growth and development of captive-born giant panda cubs.  Journal of Beijing Normal University, Natural Science. 2001 Jun; 37(3): 396-401. ISSN: 0476-0301.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sex differences, young animals, development and growth, captive animals.  


Peng, Jian Jun; Jiang, Zhi Gang; Liu, Wei Xing; Huang, Shi Qiang; Zhang, Jing Guo; Wang, Wan Ming. Growth and development of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) cubs at Beijing Zoo.  Journal of Zoology. 2001, 254(2): 261-266.  ISSN:  0952-8369

NAL call no:  QL1.J68

Descriptors: giant panda cubs, males, females, growth rates, gender differences, artificial and maternal feeding differences, body length, chest circumferences, tail length, teeth, fur color changes, sense organs, limbs, body weight, zoo animals.


Wang, Cheng Dong; Wang, Qiang; Zhong, Shun Long; Zhang, Zhihe; Yu, Jian Qiou; Hou, Rong; He, Ting Mei; Li, Guang Han. [The separation and purification of giant panda's immunoglobulins in colostrum and serum and the serumal preparation of rabbit anti-giant panda's immunoglobulins.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 2001 Feb; 21(1): 73-75, 56, 80. ISSN: 1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, proteins, separation and purification, colostrums, serum, plasma, mammary glands, immune response, immunoglobulins. 


Zou, Xing Huai; Zhang, Gui Quan; Hong, Mei Ling; Liang, Ming Shan; Wang, Li Jun; Yang, Chun Hua; Xu, Er Xing; Sun, Mei; Huang, Zhi. [Study on the effect of exotic enzyme on the digestion rate of the nutritional matter of giant panda's diet.] Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 2001 Apr; 38(2): 259-262; Sum No 140.  ISSN:  0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diets in captivity, enzymes, digestion rate, effect of exotic enzyme preparations.




Hou, Wan Ru. [Amendment on the life table and relevant datum indicators of giant panda.] Zoological Research. 2000 Oct; 21(5): 361-366.  ISSN:  0254-5853.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive productivity, longevity, life expectancy, life tables, amendment, revised age structure determination, age class distribution, China.


Huang, Yan. [Measurement of mineral elements in giant panda's organs and tissues.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2000 May; 30(5): 43-44; Sum 273. ISSN: 1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, inorganic substances, mineral content, organs and tissues.


Swaisgood, Ronald R.; Lindburg, Donald G.; Zhou, Xiao Ping; Owen, Megan A.  The effects of sex, reproductive condition and context on discrimination of conspecific odours by giant pandas.  Animal Behaviour. 2000 August; 60(2): 227-237. ISSN: 0003-3472

NAL call no:  Film S-1802

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproduction, reproductive condition, behavioral sex differences, sex recognition, chemical signals, odors, species recognition, conspecific odor discrimination. 


Urashima, T.; Saito, T.; Nakamura, T.; Arai, I.  [Phylogenetic development of milk oligosaccharides, especially in the Ursidae and the related species in Carnivora.] Symposium 2000. Milk Science. 2000, 49(3): 195-202.  ISSN: 1343-0289.  Note:  In Japanese.

Descriptors:  mammal milk comparisons, brown bear milk, polar bear milk, seal milk, panda milk, walrus milk, oligosaccharides, chromatographic analysis.




Lu, Guang Han; Hou, Rong; Yang, Zhi; Yang, Z.; Ye, Z.Y.; Wang, J.S.; Yu, J.Q.; Li, X.B.; Liu, X.Z.  [Report on 47 physiological and biochemical parameters of the blood of giant pandas.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 1999, 19(1): 95-96.  Note:  In Chinese.  

NAL call no:  SF604.C58

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, blood chemistry, normal values, hematology.  


Swaisgood, Ronald R.; Lindburg, Donald G.; Zhou, Xiaoping.  Giant pandas discriminate individual differences in conspecific scent. Animal Behaviour. 1999 May; 57(5): 1045-1053.  ISSN:  0003-3472

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, chemoreception, conspecific scents, discrimination of individual differences, anogenital gland secretion marking, urine, female scent, behavioral sex differences, discriminatory capacity, physiological and biochemical sex differences, genitalia, individual discrimination capacity, scents.




Ding, Bo.; Zhang, Y.; Ryder, Oliver A.  Extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA from scent mark and feces in the giant panda. Zoo Biology. 1998. 17(6): 499-504. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, genetic analysis, polymerase chain reaction, mitochondrial DNA, feces and scent glands secretions, cytogenetic techniques, nucleic acids, feces, scents, molecular genetics, mtDNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing.  


Ding, Bo; Ryder, Oliver A.; Zhang, Ya Ping; Zhang, Jin Guo; Zhang, Cheng Lin; Zhang, Xi Ge.  DNA preparation and sequencing from scent marks in the giant panda. Zoological Research. 1998 Oct; 19(5): 344-349.  ISSN:  0254-5853. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, scent mark analysis, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, biochemical variation, DNA analyses.  


Lin, Feng; Yang, Yuhua; Zhang, Yizheng; Chen, Hongwei; Fei, Lisong; Song, Yunfang; He, Guangxin; Zhang, Anju.  [Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene from giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1998; 18(2): 95-99. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cloning techniques, amplified fragment, brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene, amplification and genetic code, molecular genetics.  


Pan, Wen Shi; Oftedal, Olav T.; Zhu, Xiao Jian; Childs, Sara; Wang, Da Jun; Kleiman, Devra G. Milk composition and nursing in a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 1998 Apr 20; 34(2-3): 350-351; (Total No 162-163).  ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, mammary glands, milk composition, nursing behaviors of females and cubs, Qinling Mountain area, China.




Dierenfeld, E.S.; Chapman, G.P.  Chemical composition of bamboo in relation to giant panda nutrition.   The Bamboos. Proceedings of an International Symposium, London, 25-29 March 1996.  Linnean Society of London, Symposium Series. 1997, 205-211.  ISBN:  0-12-168555-1

NAL call no:  QK658,A1L5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, nutrition, diets, protein, plant cell walls, soluble organics, digestible energy, mineral levels, vitamins.    


Jensen, B.B. Methanogenesis in monogastric animals.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 1996, 42(1-2): 99-112.  ISSN:  0167-6369

NAL call no:  TD194.E5

Descriptors:  rat, horse, pig, monkey, baboon, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, giant panda, goose, turkey, chicken, monogastric animals, feces, methane releasing microorganisms,  Methanobrevibacterium, Methanobacterium, Methanobrevibacter, Methanogenium, contribution to global levels, lower than ruminants.


Peng, Jian Jun; Shi, Hong Yan. [Developments in researches on physiology biochemistry and cell genetics of giant panda.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1997 June; 32(3): 54-58.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, whole animal, cytogenetics, physiology, biochemistry, research developments.  


Sun, Q.Y.; Liu, H.; Li, X.B.; Song, X.F.; Yu, J.Q.; Li, G.H.; Chen, D.Y.  The role of Ca2+ and protein kinase C in the acrosome reaction of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) spermatozoa.  Theriogenology. July 15, 1996. 46(2): 359-367.  ISSN: 0093-691X

NAL call  no:  QP251.A1T5

Desciptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, spermatozoa, semen, calcium ions, motility, acrosome reaction, ionophores, dosage, transmission electron microscopy, protein kinase, cytology, China.

Abstract:  Fresh semen was collected from adult male giant pandas and the role of Ca2+, Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and protein kinase C (PKC) in sperm motility and acrosome reaction (AR) was assessed by lens culinaris agglutinin conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-LCA) labeling and transmission electron microscopy. The AR in giant panda spermatozoa was characterized by vesiculation of the outer acrosomal membrane through its invagination. Both the sperm motility and the AR rate decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in Ca2+-free and low Ca2+ medium. The addition of 10 micromolar Ca2+ ionophore A23187 potently stimulated AR. After incubation for capacitation, the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulated AR in a dose-dependent manner and its effect could be overcome by the PKC inhibitor staurosporine. These results suggest that Ca2+ and PKC play an important role in the sperm acrosome reaction of the giant panda.


Wei, Fu Wen; Hu, Jin Chu; Wang, Wei; Yang, Guang.  Estimation of daily energy intake of giant pandas and energy supply of bamboo resources in Mabian Dafengding Reserve.  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1997; 17(1): 8-12.  ISSN:  1000-1050.   Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, energy intake, diets, bamboo food plants, Qiongzhuea macrophylla, Liangshan Mountains, China.


Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Chen, M.; He, T.; Wei, R.; Mainka, S.A. Growth and development of infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve, China. Zoo Biology.  1996. 15(1): 13-19. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, newborn animals, growth rate, biological development, animal husbandry, artificial rearing, China.


Zhang, Gui Quan; Zhang, He Min; Chen, Meng; He, Ting Mei; Wei, Rong Ping; Mainka, Susan A.  Growth and development of infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve, China.  Zoo Biology. 1996; 15(1): 13-19.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, rearing techniques, maternal vs human rearing, infant growth and development, comparison study, size, weight, daily weight gain, growth and ontogeny.   




Chen, Qian. [Assay and analysis of six trace elements in hair of giant pandas.] Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1995, 25(9): 35-36.  ISSN:  1000-6419. Note: In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, hair sampling, hair chemical analysis, zinc, copper, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium.


Mainka, S.A.; He, Ting Mei; Chen, Meng; Direnfeld, E.S.  Hematologic and serum biochemical values for healthy captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve, Sichuan, China.  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1995, 26(3):  377-381.  ISSN:  1042-7260  

NAL call no:  SF601.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, hematology, serum biochemistry, vitamin levels, captive animals, gender differences, red blood cell counts, blood urea nitrogen, age effects, retinol, alpho-tocopherol.


Peng, Lang; Zhang, Long Xiang. [Separation and some characteristics of lactate dehydrogenase isozyme H4 of giant panda.]  Chinese Biochemical Journal. 1995 Feb; 11(1): 85-90.  ISSN:  1000-8543.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, enzymes, LDH isozyme, separation and partial characterization.  


Tang, Chun Xiang. [A female giant panda coming into first oestrus at 2.5 year-old.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1995 Feb; 14(1): 44.  ISSN:  1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, age of first estrus, sexual maturation, China.


Yang, Guibo; Chen, Mao Sheng; Deng, Zepei; Wang, Ping.   [The distribution of endocrine cells in the gut mucosa of the giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1995; 15(1): 4-10.  ISSN: 1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, distribution of endocrine cells, gut mucosa, digestive system.


Yang, Guibo; Chen, Mao Sheng; Deng, Zepei; Wang, Ping. [The morphology of endocrine cells in the gut mucosa of the giant panda.]  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 1995 Nov; 31(6): 732-738.  ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, stomach, intestine, mucosa, endocrine cell types, morphology and distribution. 


Zhao, Guang Lu.  [Clinical application of determining blood platelet aggregation of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1995, 21(11): 35.  Note:  In Chinese. 

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, case reports, hematology, platelet clumping, test method.   




Chen, M.; Zhang, G.; Mainka, S.A.  Semen evaluation of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve. Zoo Biology. 1994. 13(1): 83-86. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, semen evaluation, ejaculate volume, density, motility, pH abnormalities, temporal variation, Sichuan, China.  


Fang, Sheng Guo; Huang, Min; Feng, Wen He; Liu, Shao Long; Zhang, An Ju; Yu, Jian Qiou; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Huang, Xiang Ming; Liu, Chen Guang.  [Study on the EDS of male reproductive organs of the giant pandas.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 1994 May; 31(2): 269-274.  ISSN:  0490-6756 Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, inorganic substances, males, reproductive organs element content, breeding success relationships.




Hashimoto, Tetsuo; Otaka, Eiko; Adachi, Jun; Mizuta, Keiko; Hasegawa, Masami. The giant panda is closer to a bear, judged by [alpha]- and [beta]-hemoglobin sequences.  Journal of Molecular Evolution. 1993 March; 36(3): 282-289.  ISSN:  0022-2844

NAL call no:  QH359.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, taxonomy, beta hemoglobin sequences, proteins, amino acids, phylogenetic analysis of alpha and beta hemoglobin, phylogenetic relationships between panda and bears. 


Huang, Yan.  [Contents of copper, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium in hair, liver and kidney of giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1993 March; 23(3): 28 ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, heavy metal levels, hair, liver, kidney, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mg, Ca.


Pan, Wen Shi; Lu, Zhi.  The giant panda.  In: Stirling, Ian (ed.). Bears: A Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild. Harper Collins. London. 1993: 140-145. ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population distribution, biology, life history, diets, habitats, China.   


Shen, Xue Fei; Zhang, Ting Fang. [Purification and some properties of calmodulin in giant panda uterus.]  Chinese Biochemical Journal. 1993 Dec; 9(6): 748-754.  ISSN:  1000-8543.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, proteins, Calmodulin, purification and properties, panda uterus.  

Return to: Contents

  Physiology - Breeding and Reproduction





Czekala, Nancy; McGeehan, Laura; Steinman, Karen; Xuebing, Li; Gual Sil, Fernando.  Endocrine monitoring and its application to the management of the giant panda.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 389-400.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive females, assay techniques, immunoassays, care in captivity, captive management, reproductive techniques, endocrine monitoring, urinary estrogen and progestin hormone levels analysis, management applications.


Durrant, Barbara S.; Olson, Mary Ann; Amodeo, Dianne; Anderson, Autumn; Russ, Kara D.; Campos-Morales, Rogelio; Gual-Sill, Fernando; Garza, Juan Ramos.  Vaginal cytology and vulvar swelling as indicators of impending estrus and ovulation in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 313-321.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, females, reproduction, monitoring the estrus cycle, timing mating and artificial insemination, vaginal cytology, trichrome staining, histology, ovulation onset detection, behavior changes, urinary estrogens.  


Lan, Jing Chao; Lu, Wen Qi; Zhang, Zhi He; Li, Guang Han; Wang, Cheng Dong; Yu, Jian Qiu; Wang, Ji Shan; Huang, Xiang Ming; et al. [Fall estrus and mating in a giant panda.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology.  2003 February; 22(1): 9-11. ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, breeding season, autumn season estrus, mating in captivity, case report, captive breeding and rearing records.  


Liu, Ding Zhen; Wang, Li Wen; Zhang, Xiao Tong; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, Gui Quan; Yun, Zi Hou; Sun, Ru Yong.  [Urinary volatile profiles of the giant panda pertaining to gender, season and sexual ability.]  Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science). 2003 Feb; 39(1): 123-130. ISSN:  0476-0301.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, urine, volatile profiles, differences, gender, season and sexual ability, reproductive behaviors, pheromones, chemical signals.


Narushima, Etsuo; Hayashi, Takako; Hara, Tatsuoko; Nose, Nagahiro; Komiya, Teruyuki.  Changes in urinary concentrations of total estrogen and pregnanediol in a female giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) from 1991 to 2000. Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 383-387.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive female animal, estrogen, pregnanediol concentrations, urine sampling, estrus behavior, pregnancy prediction accuracy.


Olson, Mary Ann; Yan, Huang; De Sheng, Li; Hemin, Zhang; Durrant, Barbara.  Comparison of storage techniques for giant panda sperm.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 335-345.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, semen collection, long and short-term sperm storage techniques, comparative evaluation for captive breeding programs, artificial insemination, electroejaculation, buffering solutions, liquid nitrogen, glycerol, 4 cooling methods, San Diego Zoo, California, Wolong Nature Reserve, China.


Perez-Garnelo, S.S.; Delclaux, M.; Talavera, C.; Lopez, M.; de la Fuente, J. Use of computerized image analysis in the morphometric characterization of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) spermatozoa obtained from the epididymis 4 hours postmortem.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 355-364. ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cytological techniques, sperm morphometric characterization, sperm head, sperm tail, postmortem semen collection, size, computerized image analysis, Madrid Zoo, Spain.




Chen, Da Yuan; Wen, Duan Cheng; Zhang, Ya Ping; Sun, Qing Yuan; Han, Zhi Ming; Liu, Zhong Hua; Shi, Peng; Li, Jin Song; Xiang Yu, Jing Gong; Lian, Li; Kou, Zhao Hui; Wu, Yu Qi; Chen, Yu Cun; Wang, Peng Yan; Zhang, He Min;  Interspecies implantation and mitochondria fate of panda-rabbit cloned embryos.  Biology of Reproduction. 2002, 67(2): 637-642.  ISSN: 0006-3363

NAL call no: QL876.B5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, rabbits, cats, blastocyst, clones, embryo cloning, embryo implantation, embryo transfer, embryonic development, fetus, mitochondria, nuclei, estrus.  


Chen, Guan Qun; Li, Xue Bing; Li, Guo Wei. [The design and implementation of the imformation [information] management system for the giant panda breeding research.]   Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science). 2002 Sept 20; 25(5): 540-543.  ISSN:  1001-8395.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, breeding information management system, database design and implementation.  


Durrant, B.; Czekala, N.; Olson, M.; Anderson,  A.; Amodeo, D.; Campos-Morales, R.; Gual-Sill, F.; Ramos-Garza, J. Papanicolaou staining of exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells facilitates the prediction of ovulation in the giant panda. Theriogenology. Apr 15, 2002. 57(7): 1855-1864.  ISSN: 0093-691X

NAL call no:  QP251.A1T5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda  melanoleuca, vagina epithelium staining,  prediction of ovulation, estrous cycle, artificial insemination, estrus, detection, basophils, color, urine.

Abstract:  The giant panda is seasonally monoestrus, experiencing a single estrous with spontaneous ovulation in the spring. Therefore, accurate monitoring of the estrous cycle to pinpoint the time of ovulation is critical for the success of timed mating or artificial insemination. Analysis of exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells is a simple technique that rapidly yields information about the estrous status of a panda. Vaginal swabs were obtained during five estrous cycles of two nulliparous females. Cells were stained with the trichrome Papanicolaou and classified as basophils, intermediates or superficials. The color of stained cells, basophilic, acidophilic or keratinized, was recorded as a characteristic independent of the three standard cell types. The day urinary conjugates of estrogen fell from peak levels was considered the day of ovulation. A chromic shift occurred 8-9 days before ovulation when the majority of exfoliated vaginal cells changed from basophilic (blue) to acidophilic (pink) without accompanying nuclear or cytoplasmic changes. A second chromic shift was consistently observed 2 days prior to ovulation when keratinized (orange) cells replaced acidophils as the majority of vaginal cells. Monochrome staining of vaginal cells is sufficient to quantify superficial cells, which is a useful adjunct to behavioral and endocrinological data in determining estrous in the giant panda. However, the timing and duration of superficial cell elevations are substantially different between and within individual females, which limits the accuracy of timing ovulation for artificial insemination. The predictive value of vaginal cytology was greatly enhanced with the trichrome stain and evaluation of cell color.


He, Ting Mei; Guo, Da Zhi; Zhang, He Min; Hu, Da Ming; Guo, Hai; Zhang, Gui Quan; Li, De Sheng; Wei, Rong Ping; Du, Jun. Urinary progesterone profiles in female giant pandas after mating.  Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University. 2002, 20(2): 170.  ISSN: 1000-2650.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, pregnancy, females, hormones, progesterone, urinary levels, ELISA procedure, zoo animals, monitoring 1-2 months prior to birth, indicator of successful birthing.  


Li, Jin Song; Chen, Da Yuan; Han, Zhi Ming; Zhu, Zi Yu; Wen, Duan Cheng; Sun, Qing Yuan; Liu, Zhong Hua; Wang, Min Kang; Li An, Li; Du, Jun; Wang, Peng Yan; Zhang, He Min.  Serial nuclear transfer improves the development of interspecies reconstructed giant panda (Aluropoda [Ailuropoda] melanoleuca) embryos.  Chinese Science Bulletin. 2002 March; 47(6): 467-469.  ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, genetic techniques, nuclear transfer, invitro fertilization techniques, effect on development of reconstructed embryos, endangered species, interspecies somatic nuclear transfer, embryo development.  


Lumpkin, Susan; Seidensticker, John. Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas. Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002. xiii, 206 p.: col. ill.  ISBN: 1588340384

NAL call no:  QL737.C214L86 2002

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biology, habitat, life history, interactions between animals and humans, zoos.


McGeehan, L.; Li, X.; Jackintell, L.; Huang, S.; Wang, A.; Czekala, N.M.  Hormonal and behavioral correlates of estrus in captive giant pandas.  Zoo Biology. 2002. 21(5): 449-466.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, zoo animals, estrus, female sexual behavior, standing reflex, daily urine sampling, progestogens, creatinine, physical activity, appetite, urination, vocalization, ovulation monitoring, individual characteristics, estrus expression variable, estrogen peaks, relationship between behavior and ovarian hormones, scent marking, vocalizations, lordosis, tail up, variations may not be hormonally driven.


Swaisgood, R.R.; Lindburg, D.G.; Zhang, H.  Discrimination of oestrous status in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) via chemical cues in urine. Journal of Zoology. 2002 July; 257(3): 381-386.  ISSN:  0952-8369

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, chemoreception, urine, ovary, estrus, male cues for reproductive status of females, vomeronasal organ, flehmen and licking behavior, implications for captive breeding programs.




Goeritz, Frank; Hildenbrandt, Thomas B; Blottner, Steffen; Hermes, Robert; Ochs, Andreas; Goeltenboth, Reinhard; Kloes, Heiner; Kolter, Lydia; Jewgenow, Katarina. Comparative investigations on reproductive biology in captive giant panda and ursids.  Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Conference, Orlando, Florida, September 18-23, 2001. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 2001: i-xx, 1-411. Chapter pagination: 339-340.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, breeding techniques, reproductive biology.  


Huang, Yan; Li, De Sheng; Du, Jun; Wang, Peng Yan; Zhang, He Min; Howard, J.G.; Spindler, R.  [Study for freezing semen of giant pandas.]  Chinese Journal of Zoology. 2001, 36(2): 25-29. ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note: In Chinese with an English summary.   

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sperm, freezing semen, procedure development, influence of various treatments, glycerol, sperm washing, cryodiluents, freezing effects sperm motility, sperm viability, acrosome morphology, Conservation Center of the Wolong Nature Reserve, China.


Huang, Yan; Li, De Sheng; Zhang, He Min; Du, Jun; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; McGeehan, Laura; Howard, Jogayle; Tang, Chun Xiang; Wang, Peng Yan. [Artificial insemination of a giant panda with cooled semen: an effort to promote genetic diversity in a captive population.] Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2001; 7(6): 558-562; Serial No 34. ISSN:  1006-687X.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive breeding and rearing records, artificial insemination, case report.


Huang, Yan; Zhang, Gui Quan; Zhang, He Min. [Reproduction and life table of captive population of giant panda (Ailiropoda [Ailuropoda] melanoleuca).] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 May; 20(2): 94-96.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive breeding programs, reproduction and life tables, age, weight, pregnancy, gestation period, sexual maturation, breeding season, litter numbers, and size, life tables, sex ratios.


Huang, Yan; Zhang, Gui Quan; Zou, Xing Huai. Demographic analyses of the captive population of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 2001 Mar 25; 29(2): 109-112.  ISSN:  1000-5382. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animal breeding programs, demographic analyses of captive population, life tables


Lindburg, D.G.; Czekala, N.M.; Swaisgood, R.R. Hormonal and behavioral relationships during estrus in the giant panda. Zoo Biology. 2001. 20(6): 537-543. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, female animals, zoo animals, estrus, estrogens, sexual behavior, vocalization, ovulation prediction, reproductive biology.


Tang, Chun Xiang; Zhang, He Min.  [Role of captive breeding in giant panda's conservation biology.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 May; 20(2): 91-93.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, captive breeding, possible role in conservation, endangered species, a review.  


Wang, Xiao Jing; Wang, Xiao Xing; Tan, Yan Fei; Wang, Ya Jun; Wang, Xi Zhong; Chen, Hong Wei; He, Guang Xin; Fei, Li Song. [Studies of the corelation between fragile sites and giant panda's breeding problem.]  Acta Genetica Sinica. 2001 July; 28(7): 621-627.  ISSN:  0379-4172. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproduction, chromosomes, chromosome No. 2 and No. 12, diseases and disorders, breeding problems, environmental factors effect, chromosome fragile sites frequency relations, abiotic factors.


Zhang, Mei Jia; Zhang, Zhi He; Hou Rong; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jian Qiu; Zhang, An Ju; Wang, Ji Shan; He, Guang Xin; Lan, Jing Chao.  [Isolation and electron microscopy of "twin oocytes" in the ovaries of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 2001 May; 32(3): 220-223.  ISSN:  0366-6964.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  41.8 AC86

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, oogenesis, twin oocytes, isolation and EM observations, rates of twining, litter size.


Zhu, Xiaojian; Lindburg, Donald G.; Pan, Wenshi; Forney, Karin A.; Wang, Dajun.  The reproductive strategy of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): Infant growth and development and mother-infant relationships.  Journal of Zoology (London). 2001 February; 253(2): 141-155.  ISSN:  0952-8369

NAL call no:  QL1.J68

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, mating, birth dates, litter size, cub sex, den use, 3 females, cub and maternal behaviors, den changes, gestation length, birthing intervals, growth rates,  comparative analysis, Qinling Mountains, China.




Fujihara, N.; Xi, Y.M.  Possible application of animal reproductive researches to the restoration of endangered and/or extinct wild animals. Review.  Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2000, 13(7): 1026-1034.  ISSN:  1011-2367

NAL call no:  SF55.A78A7

Descriptors:  giant pandas, crested ibis, cattle, fowl, wild animals, poultry, animal breeding, animal cloning, gametes, germ cells, invitro procedures, reproduction, endangered species, wild birds, cryopreservation, nuclear transfer.


Zhang, Zhi He; Zhang, Mei Jia; Hou, Rong; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jiang Qiu; Wang, Ji Shan; Zhang An Ju; Yang, Zhi; Lan, Jing Chao; He, Guang Xin; Chen, Hong Wei.  [Transmission electron-micrography of giant panda's oocytes after IVM and IVF.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 2000, 20(5): 501-504.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SF604.C58

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, non-breeding animals, oocyte recovery by aspiration and disexrion, in-titro oocyte maturation, invitro fertilization, mitochondria had light density and homogeneous base.




Cheng, Meng; et al. [Observation on vaginal epithelial cell kerotosis [keratosis] rate in estrus period of giant panda.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1998 28 February; 17(1): 27.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, vaginal tissue cellular changes, keratosis, ovary, estrus period.


Fei, Li Song; Chen, Hong Wei; He, Guang Xin; Zhang, Zhi He; Zhang, An Jiu; Li, Dan; Wang, Xiz Hong.  Study on in vitro sperm capacitation of giant panda. Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1998 28 November; 17(4): 164-165.  ISSN: 1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, methods development and applications, sperm, in vitro sperm capacitation, methodological development and applications, laboratory study, in vitro fertilization.


Hou, Rong; Li, Guanghan; Zhang, Zhihe; Huang, Xiangming; Li, Xuebing; Wang, Jishan; Zhang, Meijia.  A preliminary report on ovulation prediction using resistance value of vaginal mucus of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1998 28 August; 17(3): 106-108.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  Chinese with Chinese and English summaries.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, ovulation prediction, mucous resistance.


Liu, Ding Zhen; Fang, Ji Ming; Sun, Ru Yong; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Min. Behavioral comparison in individuals of different sexual ability in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1998 Mar; 44(1): 27-34.  ISSN:  0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sexual maturation, reproductive behavior, sexual abilities effect on behavior, observations of captive animals.


Zhang, M.J.; Hou, R.; Zhang, A.J.; Zhang, Z.H.; He, G.X.; Li, G.H.; Wang, J.S.; Li, S.C.; Song, Y.F.; Fei, L.S.; Chen, H.W.  In vitro maturation of follicular oocytes of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): a case report. Theriogenology.  May 1998. 49(7): 1251-1255.  ISSN: 0093-691X

NAL call no:  QP251.A1T5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, cultured oocytes, maturation, oocyte harvesting, post mortem tissue harvesting.  

Abstract:  The giant panda is an endangered species that would benefit from biotechnological assistance in reproduction. However, because there are only a few of these animals left in the world, and scientists hesitate to use them for research procedures. We were fortunate to obtain ovaries from a giant panda that died of hepatic cirrhosis during the non-breeding season. Oocytes were harvested within 4 h of death by dissecting the ovarian cortex in physiological saline and collecting the cumulus-oocyte complexes from the fluid, and then were classified into large (>125 micrometers) and small (100 to 124 micrometers) follicular oocytes and placed in TCM199 supplemented with FSH (10 micrograms/mL) and LH (20 micrograms/mL). After culture for 22 h at 37 degrees C in air with 5% CO2, response was evaluated by growth of oocytes and presence of the first polar body. Of the 26 large follicular oocytes that were harvested, 12 were considered suitable for IVM, and 14 were degenerated, had a broken zona pellucida or had lost some cytoplasm. Of the 12 cultured oocytes, all grew to a mean diameter of 141.1 (SD = +/- 6.7, n = 12), and 4 released the first polar body. None of the small follicular oocytes showed growth or other signs of maturation. We conclude from our preliminary results that it is possible to obtain functional giant panda oocytes from ovaries obtained post mortem during the nonbreeding season.




Chen, Da Yuan; Song, Xiang Feng; Duan, Chong Wen; Li, Ming Wen; Sun, Qing Yuan; Liu, Hui; Zhang, Anju; Ye, Zhi Yong; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jian Qiu; Zhang, Fu Xiang; Feng, Wen He; Zhong, Shun Long; He, Guang Xi; Son, Yun Fang; Fei, Li Song.  Applying bases for "double control" artificial breeding of giant panda in captivity. Chinese Science Bulletin. 1997 May; 42(9): 775-779.  ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, breeding programs, female hormone treatment and semen storage techniques, captive breeding significance. 


Deng, Shiquan; Chen Meng.  [A study of special estrus behaviour in giant pandas and its diagnosis.]  Xinan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. 1997 Aug; 19(4): 386-388.  ISSN:  1000-2642.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, female estrus behavior, ovary, follical maturation.


Fang, Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; He, Guang Xin; Fei, Li Song. [DNA fingerprinting analysis on the paternity determination of giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1997; 17(2): 92-99. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprinting, paternity determination, artificial insemination, polygamy, polyandry, paternity of offspring, zoos, China.


Fang Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Shao Chang; He, Guang Xin; Huang, Xiang Ming; Chen, Hong Wei.  [The paternity determination of artificial breeding giant pandas by using fluorescein and radioisotope labelled probe LZF-1.] Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran-Kexueban). 1997 Apr; 34(2): 225-228; Sum No 116.  ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, population genetics techniques, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, fluorescein and radioisotope labeled DNA, population genetics.  


Fei, Li Song; et al.  [Impact on sperm quality of giant panda induced by different season and sperm collecting frequency.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1997 28 May; 16(2): 83-85. ISSN:  1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, captive breeding, semen collection, sperm quality, seasonal affects, collecting frequency effects.


Feng, Wen He; Xiao, Lei; Zhao, Tao; Zhang, Anju; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jian Qiu; Chen, Dayuan.  [Studies on the development of ovarian follicles and oocytes of giant pandas.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(3): 161-165. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, oogenesis, ovarian follicle development, histological examination.  


Feng, Wen He; Zhao, Jia; Fuji Hara, N.  Physiological characteristics of electro-ejaculated giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) semen. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1997, 2(2): 107-112.  ISSN:  1342-6133

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, frozen semen, semen, spermatozoa, testes, zoo animals.


Gual, S.F.; Pulido, R.J.  Resultados preliminares de la inseminacion artificial del panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) en el Zoologico de Chapultepec, de la Ciudad de Mexico.  [Preliminary results of the artificial insemination of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City.] Veterinaria Mexico. 1997, 28(3): 261-267.   Note:  In Spanish with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SF604.V485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endoscopy, artificial insemination, zoo animals, Mexico.  


Lindburg, Donald G.; Millard, Susan E. Behavioral issues in reproductive management of cheetahs, with implications for the giant panda.  In: Holst, Bengt [Ed.]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, 21-25 August 1995, Copenhagen. Copenhagen Zoo. Frederiksberg. 1997: 251-259.  ISBN:   8789431146

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Acinonyx jubatus, cheetahs, captive care and husbandry, reproduction, mating, scents and olfactory cues required for mating, breeding and rearing records, management problems, zoos and wildlife parks. 


Wei, Rong Ping; et al.  [Postpartum breeding and management to giant panda in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1997 28 August; 16(3): 133-135.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, management, reproduction, postpartum breeding, nature reserve, Wolong Nature Reserve, China.   


Wildt, David E.; Seal, Ulysses S.  The Conservation Breeding Specialist Group and the development of a captive management masterplan for giant pandas in China.  American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 1997: 565-567

NAL call no:  Ql76.5.U6A472

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, zoos and wildlife parks, zoos, captive management masterplan, breeding programs, Nearctic region, North America.   


Zheng, Shu Ling; Zhao, Q.; Xie, Zhong; Wildt, D.E.; Seal, U.S. [Ed]  Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Captive Management Planning Workshop, Chengdu, China 10-13 December 1996. IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Apple Valley, Minnesota. 1997: 1-266.  Note:  In Chinese and English.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, meetings, breeding programs, captive management planning workshop report, captive animals, China.   




Congleton, W.R. Jr.; Farrar, L.M. An object-oriented database with ancestry for controlling inbreeding.  AI Applications. 1996, 10(2): 51-61.  ISSN:  1051-8266

NAL call no:  QA76.76.E95A5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant pandas, C++ for database, ancestry, breeding decisions, inbreeding control, computer programming, red pandas.


Feng, Wen He; Xiao, Lei; Zhao, Tao; Zhang, Anju; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jian Qiu; Chen, Dayuan.  [Studies on the development of ovarian follicles and oocytes of giant pandas.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(3): 161-165. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, oogenesis, ovarian follicle development, histological examination.  


Hearn, J.P. Mechanisms regulating the reproduction and fertility of some mammalian species in their natural environments.  Journal of Public Health Policy. 1996, 17(1): 152-158.  ISSN:  0197-5897

Descriptors:  fertility regulation, links to environmental constraints, giant panda, black rhinoceros, African elephant, tamar wallaby, marmoset, stumptailed macaque, humans.


Li, Ming Wen; Song, Xiang Fen; Jao, Ri; Zhang, Fu Xiang; Chen, Da Yuan.  [X-ray microanalysis of the anterior and posterior heads and midpiece of the giant panda and mouse spermatozoa during capacitation.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 1996, 16(1): 22-27.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SF604.C58

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, levels of Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Cl, P, S, anterior and posterior heads and midpiece, uncapacitated and capacitated spermatozoa, X-ray micro analysis.


Li, Ming Wen; Song, Xiang Fen; Zhang, Fu Xiang; Da Yuan, Chen.  One simple and rapid method for evaluating acrosome reaction of giant panda and other mammalian sperm.  Chinese Science Bulletin. 1996 May; 41(10): 846-851. ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sperm, acrosome reaction, cytological techniques, reproductive techniques, evaluation method, description and general application, fertilization. 


Sun, Q.Y.; Liu, H.; Li, X.B.; Song, X.F.; Yu, J.Q.; Li, G.H.; Chen, D.Y.  The role of Ca2+ and protein kinase C in the acrosome reaction of giant panda (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca) spermatozoa.  Theriogenology. July 15, 1996. 46(2): 359-367.  ISSN: 0093-691X

NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, spermatozoa, semen, calcium ions, motility, acrosome reaction, ionophores, dosage, transmission electron microscopy, protein kinase, cytology, China.

Abstract:  Fresh semen was collected from adult male giant pandas and the role of Ca2+, Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and protein kinase C (PKC) in sperm motility and acrosome reaction (AR) was assessed by lens culinaris agglutinin conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-LCA) labeling and transmission electron microscopy. The AR in giant panda spermatozoa was characterized by vesiculation of the outer acrosomal membrane through its invagination. Both the sperm motility and the AR rate decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in Ca2+-free and low Ca2+ medium. The addition of 10 micromolar Ca2+ ionophore A23187 potently stimulated AR. After incubation for capacitation, the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulated AR in a dose-dependent manner and its effect could be overcome by the PKC inhibitor staurosporine. These results suggest that Ca2+ and PKC play an important role in the sperm acrosome reaction of the giant panda.




Chen, Da Yuan; Duan, Chong Wen; Song, Xiang Fen; Zhao, Xue Kun; Zhang, Fu Xiang; Ye, Zhi Yong; Zhang, An Ju; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Feng, Wen He. [Examination of the semen quality of giant panda - studies on the ultrastructures of the sperm and non-sperm cell components in semen.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1995; 15(1): 1-3, 79.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sperm, semen quality, ultrastructure, spermatozoon and surrounding epithelium, seminal fluid, TEM study, probably immature male.  


Feng, Wen He; Huang, Xiang Ming; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; Fang, Sheng Guo.  [Study on the numberal [numeral] change and artificial breeding effect of giant panda.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 1995 February; 32(1): 82-88; Sum No 103.  ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.  

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, artificial breeding considerations, habitat management, decrease in habitat distribution, forest and woodland, management, considerations based on decrease in habitat distribution.  


Li, Ming Wen; Duan, Chong Wen; Song, Xiang Fen; Chen, Da Yuan; Zhang, Fu Xiang; Ye, Zhi Yong; He, Guang Xi; Li, Shao Chang.  Changes of calcium distribution during capacitation and acrosome reaction of the giant panda sperm.  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1995 Dec; 41(4): 420-424.  ISSN:  0001-7302  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sperm, inorganic substances, calcium distribution, changes during sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction, fertilization. 


Tang, Chun Xiang. [A female giant panda coming into first oestrus at 2.5 year-old.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1995 Feb; 14(1): 44.  ISSN:  1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, age of first estrus, sexual maturation, China




Chen, M.; Zhang, G.; Mainka, S.A.  Semen evaluation of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve. Zoo Biology. 1994. 13(1): 83-86. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, semen evaluation, ejaculate volume, density, motility, pH abnormalities, temporal variation, Sichuan, China.  


Fang, Sheng Guo; Huang, Min; Feng, Wen He; Liu, Shao Long; Zhang, An Ju; Yu, Jian Qiou; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Huang, Xiang Ming; Liu, Chen Guang.  [Study on the EDS of male reproductive organs of the giant pandas.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 1994 May; 31(2): 269-274.  ISSN:  0490-6756. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, inorganic substances, males, reproductive organs element content, breeding success relationships.


Fang Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Yu, Ya Li; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; Huang, Xiang Ming; Song, Yun Fang.   [DNA "fingerprints" applied to paternity determination in the filial generation of artificial breeding giant pandas.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 1994 August; 31(3): 389-395. ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive populations, breeding programs, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprints, paternity determination, dizygotic twins identification, ovary, ovulation timing during estrus phase.


Feng, Wen H.; Zhang, An Ju; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Ye, Zhi Yong; Fang, Sheng Guo.  [The influence of different mating way to breeding effect of giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(4): 249-254.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, different methods, pregnancy rate, natural and artificial insemination, geographic effect, reproductive behavior, conception rate in captivity, China.


Gao, Feng Qi; Bu, Hua; Zhao, Yang; Lu, Bao Jun; Wu, Shu Qin. [Observation on the sexual behaviour of male giant panda during the mating.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(2): 81-85.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive male animal, sexual behaviors, feeding rate, male animals, seasonal behaviors, mating period, mating activity behavior patterns, vocalizations, feeding rate, acoustic signals.


Meng, Chen; Gui Quan, Zhang; Main Ka, Susan A.  Semen evaluation of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve.  Zoo Biology. 1994; 13(1): 83-86.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, males, testes, size, seminal fluid characteristics, Wolong Reserve, China.




Li, Fu Dong; Peng, Shi Yuan; Ye, Zhi Yong; He, Guang Xin; Huang, Xiang Ming.  [Changes of urinary 17[beta]-estradiol and progesterone levels in female giant pandas during oestrus and its relation with breeding.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1993; 13(3): 166-171.  ISSN: 1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, progesterone levels in urine, predictions of optimum mating time, female hormones, progesterone and 17beta-oestradiol changes during estrus, ovaries, reproductive biochemistry.


Liang, Qihui; Li, Gang. [A preliminary study on the breeding ecology of the wild giant panda in the Qinling Mountains.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1993; 28(5): 23-27.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproduction, breeding ecology and behavior, Qinling Mountains, China.  


Liu, Wei Xin; Xie, Zhong; Liu, Nong Lin; Wang, Xiao.  Observations on the parturient activities of the giant panda. Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1993; 13(4): 241-244.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, birth process, duration, fetal position, maternal behavior.  


Peng, Shi Yuan; Li, Fu Dong; Ye, Zhi Yong; Huang, Xiag Ming; He, Guang Xin.  The changes of the sexual hormone concentration in female giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) urine during the estrous cycle and pregnancy.  Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1993; 28(2): 25-28.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.   

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, levels of sex hormone levels in urine, estrus cycle changes, reproductive cycles, ovaries, mating behavior, pregnancy.


Qiu, Xian Meng. [Comparative study on artifical [sic] sperm collecting in giant pandas and brack [black] bears.] Chinese Wildlife. 1993 September; 1993(5): 3-5, 15.  ISSN:  1000-0127.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, black bears, semen collection, sperm collection, techniques for each species, China.


Qiu, Xian Meng. [The relationship of cornified cell count in vaginal smear to sexual behavior of the female giant panda during spring mating season.]  Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1993; 28(2): 43-45.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, vaginal cells, vaginal smear, cornified cell counts, relationship to sexual behavior, reproductive behavior.


Saito, K. [Artificial insemination of pandas.]  Animals and Zoos. 1993; 45(1): 14-16.  ISSN:  0288-4887.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, artificial insemination, methods, successes.  


Wei, Fu Wen; Hu, Jin Chu.  [Studies on the reproduction of giant panda in Wolong Natural Reserve.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(4): 243-248.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, female animals, age of sexual maturity, bamboo food plants, Bashania fangiana, bamboo, bamboo flowering, impact on estrus timing, sexual maturation, ovary, estrous timing, nutritional status impacts estrus, reproductive rate, Wolong Natural Reserve, China.  

Return to: Contents






Bloomsmith, M.A.; Jones, M.L.; Snyder, R.J.; Singer, R.A.; Gardner, W.A.; Liu, S.C.; Maple, T.L. Positive reinforcement training to elicit voluntary movement of two giant pandas throughout their enclosure.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 323-334. ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, behavioral techniques, care in captivity, environmental enrichment, conditioning, positive reinforcement training, within enclosure voluntary movement induction using positive reinforcement training, evaluation, Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia.  


Hagey, Lee; MacDonald, Edith. Chemical cues identify gender and individuality in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2003 June; 29(6): 1479-1488. ISSN:  0098-0331

NAL call no:  QD415.A1J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conspecific communication, phermones, scent marking, chemical composition, scent glands, urine, vaginal secretions, short chain fatty acids, gender and individual differences, identification techniques for use in field biology.


Liu, Ding Zhen; Wang, Zhi Peng; Tian, Hong; Yu, Chang Qing; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Ming. Behavior of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in captive conditions: gender differences and enclosure effects.  Zoo Biology. 2003, 22(1): 77-82.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  giant pandas, captive animals, dimorphic pattern of behaviors, gender differences, anogenital-marking, semi-natural vs traditional enclosures, facility design, stereotypical behaviors.


Snyder, Rebecca J.; Zhang, An J.; Zhang, Zhi H.; Li, Guang H.; Tian, Yu Z.; Huang, Xiang M.; Luo, Lan; Bloomsmith, Mollie A.; Forthman, Debra L.; Maple, Terry L. Behavioral and developmental consequences of early rearing experience for captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2003 September; 117(3): 235-245. ISSN:  0735-7036

NAL call no:  410 J822

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animals, behavioral development, peer rearing, maternal behavior, maternal rearing provides more social stimulation.




Liu, Ding Zhen; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Min; Fang, Ji Ming; Sun, Ru Yong.  [Effects of sex and age on the behavior of captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 2002 Oct; 48(5): 585-590.  ISSN: 0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, age differences, gender differences, behavioral sex differences, field study, anogenital rubbing, sniffing, behavioral variations, activity levels, wild and captive animals, China Conservation and Research Center, China.  


Liu, Xue Hua; Skidmore, Andrew K; Wang, Tie Jun; Yong, Yange; Prins, Herbert H.T. Giant panda movements in Foping Nature Reserve, China.  Journal of Wildlife Management. 2002 October; 66(4): 1179-1188.  ISSN:  0022-541X

NAL call no:  410 J827

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, field study, radiotracking data, behavior and movement patterns within habitat, seasonal ranges, winter range below 1,950 m, summer range above 2,150m, conservation planning, Foping Nature Reserve, China. 


Lumpkin, Susan; Seidensticker, John. Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas. Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002. xiii, 206 p.: col. ill.  ISBN: 1588340384

NAL call no:  QL737.C214L86 2002

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biology, habitat, life history, interactions between animals and humans, zoos.


Swaisgood, R.R.; Lindburg, D.G.; Zhang, H.  Discrimination of oestrous status in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) via chemical cues in urine. Journal of Zoology. 2002 July; 257(3): 381-386.  ISSN:  0952-8369

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca,chemoreception, urine, ovary, estrous, male cues for reproductive status of females, vomeronasal organ, flehmen and licking behavior, implications for captive breeding programs.


White, Angela M.; Swaisgood, Ronald R.; Zhang, He Min. The highs and lows of chemical communication in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): Effect of scent deposition height on signal discrimination. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2002 May; 51(6): 519-529.  ISSN:  0340-5443

NAL call no:  QL751.B4

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanolea, social system, competition and avoidance characteristics, chemical communications, marking postures, squat, reverse, legcock, handstand, anogenital gland secretions, urine, all age and sex groups, differences in scent deposit elevations, higher scent marks may be for competitive ability and size, intra-specific competition.


Zhang, Ying Yi; Wang, Hao; Wang, Da Jun; Zhu, Xiao Jian.  [Feeding behavior of wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Qinling Mountains.]  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 2002 July 20; 38(4): 478-486; Total No 188.  ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.  

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, wild animals, feeding behavior, bamboo, Qinling Mountains, China.  


Zeng, Zong Yong; Yue, Bi Song; Ran, Jiang Hong; Liu, Shao Ying; Chen, You Ping; Jiang, Shi Wei.  Panda's exploitation of habitats at the Wanglang Nature Reserve.  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran-Kexueban). 2002 Dec; 39(6): 1140-1144; Sum No 150. ISSN:  0490-6756   Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, animal behavior, habitat utilization, behavior patterns, effects of human activities, Wanglang Nature Reserve, nature reserve, mountain forests habitat, China.  




Guo, Ji An; Hu, Jin Chu.  [The study of the distribution pattern of giant panda's feces and it's [sic] application.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 2001 Aug; 21(3): 180-186. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, abundance and distribution of feces, indicators of population density, habitat utilization, new methods of temporary spatial distribution plots, 8 individuals, Yele Natural Reserve, China.




Hu, Jie; Hu, Jin Chu; Qu, Zhi Biao; Yang, Dong Lei.  [The study on the giant panda's selection and utilization to Fargesia nitida in Huanglong.]  Zoological Research. 2000, 21(1): 48-52.  ISSN:  0254-5853.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T85

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, selection and utilization, bamboo, Fargesia nitida, Huanglongsi Reserve, compared to other locations, age of shoots, seasonal variation, bamboo choice varies with location, wild animals, China.


Swaisgood, Ronald R.; Lindburg, Donald G.; Zhou, Xiao Ping; Owen, Megan A.  The effects of sex, reproductive condition and context on discrimination of conspecific odours by giant pandas.  Animal Behaviour. 2000 August; 60(2): 227-237. ISSN: 0003-3472

NAL call no:  410 B77

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproduction, reproductive condition, behavioral sex differences, sex recognition, chemical signals, odors, species recognition, conspecific odor discrimination. 


Zhang, G.Q.; Swaisgood, R.R.; Wei, R.P.; Zhang, H.M.; Han, H.Y.; Li, D.S.; Wu, L.F.; White, A.M.; Lindburg, D.G.  A method for encouraging maternal care in the giant panda.  Zoo Biology. 2000, 19(1): 53-63.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5 Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, maternal care and behavior, zoo animals, cub rejection, post-parturition, surrogate toy panda, infant vocalization, urine, mother own milk, reunification of infant and mother after training regime.  




Swaisgood, Ronald R.; Lindburg, Donald G.; Zhou, Xiaoping.  Giant pandas discriminate individual differences in conspecific scent. Animal Behaviour. 1999 May; 57(5): 1045-1053. ISSN:  0003-3472

NAL call no:  410 B77

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, chemoreception, conspecific scents, behavior, discrimination of individual differences, anogenital gland secretion marking, urine, female scent, behavioral sex differences, discriminatory capacity, physiological and biochemical sex differences, genitalia, individual discrimination capacity, scents.




Angel, Heather. Pandas. Voyageur Press, Stillwater. 1998: 1-72. ISBN:  0896583643

Descriptors: red panda,  Ailurus fulgens, giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, life history, endangered species, behaviors, popular press, conservation, China.  


Liu, Ding Zhen; Fang, Ji Ming; Sun, Ru Yong; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Min. [Behavioral comparison in individuals of different sexual ability in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1998 Mar; 44(1): 27-34.  ISSN:  0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sexual maturation, reproductive behavior, sexual abilities effect on behavior, observations of captive animals.




Deng, Shiquan; Chen, Meng.  [A study of special estrus behaviour in giant pandas and its diagnosis.]  Xinan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. 1997 Aug; 19(4): 386-388.  ISSN:  1000-2642.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, female estrus behavior, ovary, follical maturation.


Li, De Seng; et al.  [Superficial analysis on penned giant panda giving feed to twins for 76 hours.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1997 28 November; 16(4): 176-177.  ISSN: 1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, twin cubs, parental care, feeding young, captive observations.


Lindburg, Donald G.; Millard, Susan E.  Behavioral issues in reproductive management of cheetahs, with implications for the giant panda.  In: Holst, Bengt [Ed.]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, 21-25 August 1995, Copenhagen. Copenhagen Zoo. Frederiksberg. 1997: 251-259.  ISBN:   8789431146

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Acinonyx jubatus, cheetahs, captive care and husbandry, reproduction, mating, scents and olfactory cues required for mating, breeding and rearing records, management problems, zoos and wildlife parks. 




Wei, Fu Wen; Zhou, Ang; Hu, Jin Chu; Wang, Wei; Yang, Guang.  Habitat selection by giant pandas in Mabian Dafengding Reserve.  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(4): 241-245. ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, food plants, bamboo stands preferred, habitat preference, slope and bamboo stands selected, Mabian Dafengding Reserve, Liangshan Mountains, China.


Wei, Fu Wen; Zhou, Cai Quan; Hu, Jin Chu; Yang, Guang; Wang, Wei.  Giant panda's selection for bamboo resources in Mabian Dafengding Reserve.  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1996; 16(3): 171-175.  ISSN: 1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, bamboo food plants, Qiongzhuea macrophylla, Yushania glauca, stem size, species selected, bamboo preferences, Liangshan Mountains, Mabian Dafengding Reserve, China.   




Gao, Wei; Zhu, Ben Ren. [Cub delivering and nursing behaviors of giant panda under hight [sic] ambient temperature.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1995 June; 30(3): 44-46.  ISSN:  0250-3263. Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animal, neonates, birth, delivery behavior, high temperatures, parental care, nursing behavior. 




Gao, Feng Qi; Bu, Hua; Zhao, Yang; Lu, Bao Jun; Wu, Shu Qin. Observation on the sexual behaviour of male giant panda during the mating.  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(2): 81-85.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive male animal, sexual behaviors, feeding rate, male animals, seasonal behaviors, mating period, mating activity behavior patterns, vocalizations, feeding rate, acoustic signals.


Lu, Z.; Pan, W.; Harkness, J.  Mother-cub relationships in giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains, China, with comment on rescuing abandoned cubs.  Zoo Biology. 1994. 13(6): 567-568. ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, maternal behavior, foraging, relationships, age differences, wildlife conservation, China.


Mainka, Susan A.; Hemin, Zhang.  Daily activity of captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve. Zoo Biology. 1994; 13(1): 13-20.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animal behavior, activity survey, seasonal effects, age differences, diurnal effects, reproductive state, sex differences, adults and young animals, development of young animals, sex differences, age differences, pregnancy, Wolong Nature Reserve. 




Liang, Qihui; Li, Gang. [A preliminary study on the breeding ecology of the wild giant panda in the Qinling Mountains.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1993; 28(5): 23-27.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproduction, breeding ecology and behavior, Qinling Mountains, China.  


Liu, Wei Xin; Xie, Zhong; Liu, Nong Lin; Wang, Xiao.  [Observations on the parturient activities of the giant panda.] Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1993; 13(4): 241-244.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, birth process, duration, fetal position, maternal behavior.  


Pan, Wen Shi; Lu, Zhi.  The giant panda.  In: Stirling, Ian (Ed.). Bears: a Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild. Harper Collins. London. 1993: 140-145. ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population distribution, biology, life history, diets, habitats, China.   


Yong, Yan Ge; Wang, Kuan Wu; Wang, Tie Jun.  [Giant panda's moving habit in Foping.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(1): 9-14.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, wild animals, habitat, food availability, seasonal movements between bamboo forests, population within habitat, bamboo forests, seasonal movements and food availability, Foping Natural Reserve, China.


Return to: Contents






Chen, Yu Cun; Zhao, Guang Jian; Dou, Yuan Yuan. [Cataract operation on a giant panda.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 2003 June 20; 38(3): 47-49.  ISSN:  0250-3263.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, elderly animal, cataracts, eye disease, case study, excision operation, successful surgical procedure.


Gardner, Wendy. Treatment of bronchitis in a giant panda.  Animal Keepers' Forum. 2003 October; 30(10): 423-424. ISSN:  0164-9531

NAL call no:  QL77.5.A54

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive individual, lung disease, bronchitis, treatment techniques.  




Guo, Ding Zhong; Zhou, Shi Qi; Li, Jia Kui; Hu, Xue Ying; Yang, Shi Jin; Wang, Ming Quan; Du, You Shun; Yu, Han Cheng.  [Pathological observation on multiple organ failure of aging giant panda.]  Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 2002 May; 33(3): 295-298.  ISSN:  0366-6964.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary. 

NAL call no:  41.8 AC86

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, senescence, elderly animal, aging effects, diseases and disorders, multiple organ failure, pathology, case study.  


Wang, Yong Xian; Yang, Yun Fei; Yang, Yu Zhao; et al. [Isolation and identification of Aeromonas hydrophila and Klebsiella pneumoniae from giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2002 Feb; 32(2): 36-37; Sum 294.  ISSN: 1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, bacterial diseases, Aeromonas hydrophila, Klebsiella pneumoniae, isolation and identification.  




Lei, Lei; Yu, Xing Ming; Zeng, Wei; Fei, Li Song; Wang, Qiang; Zhang, Zai Rong. A survey of vaginal flora from giant panda.  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2001, 31(9): 10-11.  ISSN:  1000-6419

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, vaginal microflora, isolated, identified, Lactobacillus, Peptostreptococcus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Geotrichum candidum.  


Li, De Sheng; Hu, Da Ming; Tang, Chun Xiang; Sutherland-Smith, Meg; Rideout, Bruce.  Diagnosis and treatment of acute renal failure in an eight-month-old giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Conference Orlando, Florida, September 18-23, 2001. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Place of publication unknown. 2001: i-xx, 1-411. Chapter pp. 239-241.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animals, diagnostic techniques, treatment techniques, kidney diseases and disorders, acute renal failure, diagnosis and treatment.


Yang, Wen; et al. [Detection and treatment of body surface mite in giant panda.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 28 February; 20(1): 54.  ISSN: 1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, mites, skin parasites, detection, treatment.


Yu, Jian Qiu; Ye, Zhi Yong; Li, Guang Han; Yang, Zhi; Ding, Pei Lin; Yang, Zhong Lin; Zhong, Shun Long; Zhu, Zhu.  [Study on the prevention and treatment of chronic gastroenteritis of giant pandas.]  Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 2001 Jan; 32(1): 73-79.  ISSN: 0366-6964.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  41.8 AC86

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, treatment techniques, diseases and disorders, chronic gastroenteritis, host pathology, disease treatment and prevention.


Yu, Shu Rong; Yu, Jian Qiu; Li, Guang Han; Yang, Zhi; Huang, Xiang Ming; Zhang, Zhi He; Lan, Jing Cao; Zhang, Shu Tao. [Isolation of E. agglomerans and Micrococcus were from oral cavity secretion of baby giant panda.] Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2001, 7(3): 286-287. ISSN: 1006-687X.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, baby animal, chemical control, drug therapy; treatment, antibiotic sensitivity test, Micrococcus, Pantoea agglomerans, clinical case study.  




He, Hong Bin; Xia, Xian Zhu; Fan, Quan Shui; Li, Jin Zhong; Zou, Xiao Huan; Huang, Geng; Li Zhao Chun; Qiao, Jun; Zhou, Dong Yu.  Recognition of canine distemper virus infection in the lesser panda.  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 2000, 20(5): 447-449.  ISSN:  1005-4545.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SF604.C58

Descriptors:  lesser panda, canine distemper like virus (CDV), post mortem, liver sample isolation, cubs immunized.


Wang, Kai Yu; Xiong, Yan; Geng, Yi; Li, Ying Lun; Zhang, He Min; Zhang, Gui Quan; Han, Hong Ying.  [Pathological observations on bacterial septicaemia in submature giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2000, 30(1): 28-29.  ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sub-adult, bacterial septicemia, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, gross lesions many parts of the body, case reports, clinical picture, zoo animal, China.  


Xiong, Yan; Zu, Zhi Wen; Bai, Yu; et al.  [Influence of antibiotics and micro-ecologic preparation on intastinal [intestinal] flora of sub-mature giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2000 Jul; 30(7): 34-35; Sum 275 ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, treatment techniques, antibiotics and micro ecologic preparation, microbial associations, intestinal flora of immature pandas, antibiotic effects, chemical factors. 


Yang, Guang Cheng; Wang, Jian Tang; Li, Tong Yi; et al.  [Application of enzogram technique to examine collagenase IV for diagnosis of spontaneous liposarcoma in giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2000 Dec; 30(12): 39-40; Sum 280. ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, biochemical techniques, diagnostic techniques, enzymes, collagenase IV analysis as a diagnostic, neoplastic diseases, spontaneous liposarcoma.




Li, Jin Zhong; Xia, Xian Zhu; He, Hong Bin; Yu, Chun; Hu, Gui Xue; Fan, Quan Shui; Zheng, Xian Chun; Huang, Geng; Wu, Yin Lian. Gene sequence analysis diagnosis of giant pandas infected by canine distemper virus.  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 1999, 19(5): 448-450.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SF604.C58

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, viral disease, canine distemper virus, genetics, nucleotide sequences, phylogeny, PCR, polymerase chain reaction, laboratory diagnosis, liver, dog diseases, China.  


Mainka, S.A.; Fowler, M.E. (ed.); Miller, R.E.  Giant panda management and medicine in China.  Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4. W.B. Saunders; Philadelphia; USA. 1999, Ed. 4, 410-414.  ISBN:  0-7216-8664-8

NAL call no:  SF996.Z66 1999

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, animal health, wild animals, zoo animals, China.  

Xiong, Yan; Peng, Guang Neng; Zhang, Gui Quan; Li, De Sheng; Wang, Peng Yan;  [Application of dot-enzyme immunobinding assay for detecting enterotoxin of Escherichia coli strain EL-1 from giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1999, 29(5): 28-29. ISSN: 1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, E. coli strain EL-1, diagnostic techniques, enzyme immunoassay, assays for enterotoxins, bacterial toxins.  


Yang, Guang Cheng; Wang, Jian Tang; Li, Tong Yi; et al. [Operative extirpation of synoviosarcoma in giant padan [panda]: a case.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1999 Feb; 29(2): 40; Sum 258.  ISSN:  1000-6419. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, neoplastic disease, surgical removal techniques, case study, pathology.


Zhu, Beu Ren; Guo, Wei.  [Preliminary studies on the relation between the discharge of intestinal mucus and bamboo intake in captive giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1999, 34(4) 35-37.  ISSN:  0250-3263.   Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, intestinal secreted mucus, feed intake responses, bamboo, captive animals, China. 




Hu Da Ming; et al. [Dignosis [diagnosis] and treatment of a giant panda whelp with intractable abdominal distension.] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1998 28 February; 17(1): 31.  ISSN: 1000-7083 Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animal, diagnosis and treatment, abdominal distension, reproductive techniques.


Inaba, T. [Fusion of the cervical vertebrae in the giant panda.] Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1998, 3(1): 37-42. ISSN: 1342-6133.  Note: Japanese with an English summary.   

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, bone fractures, congenital abnormalities, spine.   


Long, Xiao Hai; Wen, Chuan Liang; Chen, Xiao Qin.  [Rapid diagnosis of canine distemper in giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1998 May; 28(5): 30; Sum 249.  ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, rapid diagnostic techniques, canine distemper virus.


Peng, Zhen Xin; Zhu, Fei Bing; Lu, Hui; Zhang, Cheng Lin.  [Study of the microbial flora of the faeces of giant pandas at Beijing Zoo.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1998, 28(12): 46-47.  ISSN:  1000-6419.   Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, fecal samples, bacteria and fungi isolation, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., fungi, microflora, zoo animals, China.


Wang Qiang; et al. [Hemorrhagic enteritis induced by Klebsielia [Klebsiella] pneumoniae in giant panda.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1998 28 February; 17(1): 29.  ISSN:  1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, bacterial diseases, Klebsiella pneumoniae, bacterial caused hemorrhagic enteritis.


Xong,Yan; Wang, Yin; Peng, Guang Neng; et al.  [Study on the causes and natures of bacterial septicaemis [septicemias] in sub-adult giant panda.] Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1998 Jan; 28(1): 7-9; Sum 245. ISSN: 1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sub-adult animals, bacterial diseases, septicemia.  


Yang, Guang You.  [Advances on parasites and parasitology of Ailuropoda melanoleuca.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 1998, 18(2): 206-208.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C58

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, parasites, protozoans, nematodes, Ascaris schroederi, Ancylostoma caninum, Toxascaris selenactis, Sarcocystis sp.


Ye, Zhi Yong; Lu, Wen Qi; Liu, Xin Hua; Jiang, Wen Qiu; Quan, Zhu Wan; Jin, Yin Gui; Li, Chang Yu.  [Yersinia enterocolitica infection in a giant panda and its treatment.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1998, 24(8): 11.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diarrhea, female animal, case study, symptoms, clinical findings, pathogen isolation, medicinal plants, antibiotic resistance, oral rehydration, saline, potassium chloride, vitamins, natural reserve park, Korea.     


Zou, Xing Huai; Zeng, Lu Jun; Sun, Zhong Wu; Yan, Wen; He, Guang Xin; Wu, Kong Ju; Chen,Yu Cun; Weng, Ni Na.  [Analysis of lethal factors of diseased giant pandas and prevention countermeasures.]  Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 1998, 26(1): 53-56.  ISSN:  1000-5382.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary. 

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, commonest causes of death, gastrointestinal disease,  malnutrition and exhaustion,  young (pre-adult) animals, mixed forage, green bamboo powder, starvation, preventative diet.  


Zou, Xing Huai; Wang, Ai Min; Zeng, Lu Jin; He, Guang Xin; Wu, Kong Ju; Chen, Yu Cun; Weng, Ni Na.  Lethal factors of diseases and protective countermeasures of wild and penned Giant pandas.  Journal of Forestry Research. 1998, 9(2): 77-80.   

NAL call no:  SD221.J67  

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, disease morbidity and mortality, digestive system diseases, epilepsy, gastroenteritis, hemorrhage, malnutrition, pericarditis, pneumonia, poisoning, wild and captive animals, helminthoses, tumors, age, zoo animals, China.




Han, Hong Ying. [Tiaolisheng (8501) for treating diarrhea of giant panda - a case report.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1997 28 August; 16(3): 136  ISSN:  1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diarrhea, case report, treatment techniques, herbal medicine. 


Wang, Qiang; Jiang, Hua; Tateko, N; Osamu, I; Imazu, Koji; Yonekitsu, Osa; Hayashi, Teruaki.   Campylobacter jejuni infection in a giant panda.  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1997, 27(10): 35-36.  ISSN:  1000-6419. Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, hemorrhagic enteritis, intestinal disease, drug therapy, treatment, ampicillin, vitamins, case reports, diagnosis, feces, captive zoo animals. 


Zhang, Cheng Lin; Zhu, Fei Bing; Zhang, Jin Guo; Chen, Yong Lin; Guan, Fu Shi.   [Study on the pathogenicity of Klebsiella to giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1997, 27(4): 40-41.  ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, gram negative bacillus, feces, enteritis, Klebsiella  pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae, drug sensitivity, cefazolin, tobramycin, cephalosporin, chloromycetin, kanamycin, amikacin, gentamicin, pathogenicity test with mice.




Lopez, M.; Talavera, C.; Rest, J.R.; Taylor, D.  Haemangiosarcoma of the conjunctiva of a giant panda.  Veterinary Record. 1996, 138(1): 24.  ISSN:  0042-4900

NAL call no:  41.8 V641

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, lesion, bulbar conjunctive, outer limbus of eye, male, excision, case study, solar radiation, neoplasms, zoo animal, surgical procedure, Spain.    


Luna-Alvarez, M.A.; Moles-Cervantes, L.P. Torres-Barranca, J.I.; Gual-Sill, F.  Investigacion serologica de leptospirosis en fauna silvestre mantenida en cautiverio en el zoologico de Chapultepec de la ciudad de Mexico. [Serological survey of leptospirosis in zoo animals in the Chapultepec zoo in Mexico City.] Veterinaria Mexico. 1996, 27(3): 229-234.   Note:  In Spanish with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SF604.V485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda, Tayassu, Thalarctos, Zalophus, Odocoileus, Pongo, Panthera, Ceratotherium, coyotes, Lupus vulgaris, Ursidae, Leptospira interrogans, seroprevalence, serovars, icterohaemorrhagiae, canicola and pyrogenes, hebdomadis, Pomona, grippotyphosa, autumnalis, panama, antibodies, serological surveys, hosts, carrier state, zoonoses, bacterial diseases, captive zoo animals, Mexico. 




Gao, Qi Yu; et al. Pathomorphological observation on atherosclerosis in giant panda.Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 1995, 26(1): 76-80.  ISSN:  0366-6964. Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  41.8 AC86

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, spontaneous atherosclerosis; 22, 25 and 29 years old, 1 male and 2 female, pancreatitis, pneumonia and myocarditis as cause of death, arcus aorta major, thoracic and abdominal segments of the aorta, arteriola renalis, lesion descriptions, pathology.


He Ting Mei; et al.  [Diagnosis of allergic dermatitis in giant panda at a lactation period.] Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 1995; 25(7): 35-36; Sum No 215.  ISSN:  1000-6419.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, lactation period, mammary glands, allergic dermatitis.


Li, G.H.; Zhong, S.L.; Zhang, A.J.; Yu, J.Q.; Li, S.C.; Gao, X.K.; Gu, S.J.; Zhang, C.B.; Chen, L.L.; Ke, H.; Qin, G.M.. [Studies on hemorrhagic enteritis in giant pandas.] Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 1995, 26(3): 268-275.  ISSN: 0366-6964.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  41.8 AC86

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, hemorrhagic enteritis, intestinal diseases, viral diseases, pathology, diagnosis, drug therapy, wild animals, endangered species, enteritis, China.


Shin, Nam Sik; Choi, Yoon Ju; Kwon, Shoo Wahn; Han, Duk Hwan; Lee, Gi Hwan; Jeong, Heek Kyoung; Lee, Chang Woo; Chae, Chan Hee; Kim, Sun Joong; Kweon, Oh Kyeong; Lee, Heung Shik; Ye, Zhi Yong.  [Case report of yersiniosis in a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Korean Journal of Veterinary Clinical Medicine. 1995, 12(1): 109-116.  ISSN: 1225-4800.  Note:  In Korean with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, zoo animals, enteritis bacterial disease, symptoms, drug therapy, drug resistance, antibiotics, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, cefalotin, tetracyclines, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, erythromycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, nafcillin, danofloxacin, case report, Yersinia enterocolitica, Korean Republic.


Yu, Jian Qiu; et al.  [Treatment of cirrhosis ascites of a giant panda using a combination of Chinese traditional and western medicine.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1995 February; 21(2): 37.  ISSN:  0529-6005.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, treatment techniques, diseases and disorders, liver cirrhosis ascites treatment.  


Zhang, Zhi He; He, Guang Xin; Wang, Xing Liang; Zhong, Shun Long; Zhang, An Ju; Li, Guang Han.  [The study on the giant panda's intestinal flora.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1995; 15(3): 170-175.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, juvenile to adult animals, digestion, mutualism, bacteria, intestinal microflora, relationship to digestion and diseases, bacterial diseases. 




Mainka, S.A.; Qui, X.M.; He, T.M; Appel, M.J.  Serologic survey of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), and domestic dogs and cats in the Wolong Reserve, China.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 1994, 30(1): 86-89.  ISSN:  0090-3558

NAL call no:  41.9 W648

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, village cats and dogs, sera, antibody testing, viral diseases, canine distemper virus (CDV), canine coronavirus (CCV), canine herpesvirus (CHV), Aujeszky virus (ADV), canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV), and canine parvovirus (CPV), Wolong Reserve, China.


Moles-Cervantes, L.P.; Pulido-Reyes, J.; Banda-Ruiz, V.M.; Luna-Alvarez, M.A.; Galvadon-Rosas, D.G.; Torres-Barranca, J.I.  Diagnostico serologico de leptospirosis en un panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  [Serological diagnosis of leptospirosis in a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Tecnica Pecuaria en Mexico. 1994, 32(3): 145-149.  Note: In Spanish with an English summary. 

NAL call no:  49 T222

Descriptors:  Leptospira interrogans, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, case reports, bacterial diseases, serovars, diagnosis, serum, antibodies, drug therapy, antibiotics, symptoms, zoo animals, urinary tract diseases, Mexico.  


Zhang, Hua Xian; Wang, De Jun; Qiu, Xian Meng; He, Yan Mei; Tang, Chun Xiang; Chen, Meng.  [Pathological observations on a young giant panda that died after 160 days of artificial nursing.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1994, 20(2): 14-15.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cub, hand rearing, case reports, zoo animals, twinning, milk, pneumonia.  


Zhang, Chuan Bin; Gao, Xun Kun; Gu, Shu Jun; Zhang, Zai Rong; Li, Guang Ha; Zhong, Shun Long; Zhang, An Ju; Yu, Jian Qiu; Li, Sao Chang; Chen, Li Li; Ke, Hong; Qin, Guang Ming.  [The determination of MIC and MBC of three antimicrobial agents to pathogenic bacteria of giant panda with hemorrhagic enteritis].  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1994 Nov; 13(4): 179-180.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note: In Chinese with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, treatment techniques, bacterial disease, antibiotics used and separation of strains, bacterial diseases, hemorrhagic enteritis, bacterial strains separated and antibiotics used.  




Bush, M.; Montali, R.J.; Fowler, M.E. Medical management of giant pandas.  W.B. Saunders Company; Philadelphia; USA.  Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine.  1993, 408-411.  ISBN:  0-7216-3667-5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diet, anesthesia, blood chemistry, hematology, pathology, vaccination, nematodes, anemia, renal failure, diarrhea, reproduction management.  


Kirkwood, James K. Medical management of pandas in Europe.  In: Fowler, Murray E. [ed.]. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy. 3rd edition. W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, London etc. 1993: 404-408. ISBN:  0-7216-3667-5

NAL call no:  SF996.Z66 1993

Descriptors:  Ailurus fulgens, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, diets,  hand rearing techniques, sedation, chemical restraint and anesthesia, blood profile, blood values, hematology, parasites, diseases, reproductive disorders, pathology, nutrition, digestive diseases.


Lai, Cong Long; et al.  [Sarvey [sic] [survey] of endoparasites of wild giant pandas.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1993 May; 19(5): 10.  ISSN:  0529-6005.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, wild animals, endoparasites, levels, species, survey, China.


Mainka, Susan A.; He, Tingmei.  Immobilization of healthy male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Nature Reserve.  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1993 December; 24(4): 430-433.  ISSN:  1042-7260

NAL call no:  SF601.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, males, immobilizations, chemical restraint, sedation immobilization records, data review, Wolong Nature Reserve, China.


Qiu, Xian Meng; Mianka, Susan A. Review of mortality of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1993 December; 24(4): 425-429.  ISSN:  1042-7260

NAL call no:  SF601.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, mortality factors, causes of death, a review, parasites, diseases, disorders, captive and wild individuals, China. 


Qiu, Xianmeng; et al. [Symptoms of digestive [sic] of giant panda caused by hard water.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1993 August; 12(3): 45.  ISSN: 1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, water quality, hard water, effects on digestive system, symptoms, chemical factors.   


Qiu, Xian Meng; et al.  [Aetiological investigation and treatment of intestinal obstruction in giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1993 July; 19(7): 27. ISSN:  0529-6005.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, intestinal obstruction, etiology, treatment.


Zhang, Hua Xian; et al.  [Pathological observation on a young giant panda died after 160 days of artificial nursing.] Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1994 February; 20(2): 14-15 ISSN:  0529-6005.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animal, care in captivity, diseases and disorders, pathology, case study report.


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  Care in Captivity





Bloomsmith, M.A.; Jones, M.L.; Snyder, R.J.; Singer, R.A.; Gardner, W.A.; Liu, S.C.; Maple, T.L. Positive reinforcement training to elicit voluntary movement of two giant pandas throughout their enclosure.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 323-334. ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, behavioral techniques, care in captivity, environmental enrichment, conditioning, positive reinforcement training, within enclosure voluntary movement induction using positive reinforcement training, evaluation, Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia.  


Czekala, Nancy; McGeehan, Laura; Steinman, Karen; Xuebing, Li; Gual Sil, Fernando.  Endocrine monitoring and its application to the management of the giant panda.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 389-400.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive females, assay techniques, immunoassays, care in captivity, captive management, reproductive techniques, endocrine monitoring, urinary estrogen and progestin hormone levels analysis, management applications.


Durrant, Barbara S.; Olson, Mary Ann; Amodeo, Dianne; Anderson, Autumn; Russ, Kara D.; Campos-Morales, Rogelio; Gual-Sill, Fernando; Garza, Juan Ramos. Vaginal cytology and vulvar swelling as indicators of impending estrus and ovulation in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 313-321.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, females, reproduction, monitoring the estrus cycle, timing mating and artificial insemination, vaginal cytology, trichrome staining, histology, ovulation onset detection, behavior changes, urinary estrogens.  


Hare, Valerie J.; Ripsky, Dallas; Battershill, Rhonda; Bacon, Kim; Hawk, Kathy; Swaisgood, Ronald R. Giant panda enrichment: Meeting everyone's needs.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 401-416.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, housing techniques, environmental enrichment program establishment and evaluation, San Diego Zoo, California, animal welfare, behavior, exploration and exercise opportunities, the Zoo’s Giant Panda Enrichment Plan, enrichment items, effectiveness, problems, solutions, guidelines.


Liu, Ding Zhen; Wang, Zhi Peng; Tian, Hong; Yu, Chang Qing; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Ming. Behavior of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in captive conditions: gender differences and enclosure effects.  Zoo Biology. 2003, 22(1): 77-82.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  giant pandas, captive animals, dimorphic pattern of behaviors, gender differences, anogenital-marking, semi-natural vs traditional enclosures, facility design, stereotypical behaviors.


Olson, Mary Ann; Yan, Huang; De Sheng, Li; Hemin, Zhang; Durrant, Barbara.  Comparison of storage techniques for giant panda sperm.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 335-345.  ISSN:   0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, semen collection, long and short-term sperm storage techniques, comparative evaluation for captive breeding programs, artificial insemination, electroejaculation, buffering solutions, liquid nitrogen, glycerol, 4 cooling methods, San Diego Zoo, California, Wolong Nature Reserve, China.


Snyder, Rebecca J.; Zhang, An J.; Zhang, Zhi H.; Li, Guang H.; Tian, Yu Z.; Huang, Xiang M.; Luo, Lan; Bloomsmith, Mollie A.; Forthman, Debra L.; Maple, Terry  L. Behavioral and developmental consequences of early rearing experience for captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2003 September; 117(3): 235-245. ISSN:  0735-7036

NAL call no:  BF671.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animals, behavioral development, peer rearing, maternal behavior, maternal rearing provides more social stimulation.


Swaisgood, Ronald R.; Ellis, Susie; Forthman, Debra L.; Shepherdson, David J. Commentary:  Improving well-being for captive giant pandas: Theoretical and practical issues.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 347-354.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animals, panel discussion, enrichment programs, physical and psychological well-being, stereotypies, improved enclosure design and husbandry practices, bamboo feeding, social interaction and communication, routine exposure to diverse/novel objects to stimulate play and exploration.


Wilson, Megan; Kelling, Angela; Poline, Laura; Bloomsmith, Mollie; Maple, Terry.  Post-occupancy evaluation of Zoo Atlanta's Giant Panda Conservation Center: Staff and visitor reactions.  Zoo Biology. 2003; 22(4): 365-382.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, zoos and wildlife parks, Zoo Atlanta Giant Panda Conservation Center, post-occupancy evaluation, staff and visitor reactions, Georgia, USA. 




Chen, Guan Qun; Li, Xue Bing; Li, Guo Wei. [The design and implementation of the imformation [information] management system for the giant panda breeding research.]  Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science). 2002 Sept 20; 25(5): 540-543.  ISSN:  1001-8395.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, breeding information management system, database design and implementation.  


Li, De Sheng; Zhang, Hemin; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wang, Peng Yan; Wei, Rong Ping; Huang, Yan; Hu, Da Ming. [Study progress on hand-rearing techniques of giant panda at Wolong.] Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2002; 8(2): 179-183; Serial No 36.  ISSN: 1006-687X.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, hand rearing, history of hand rearing techniques, key factors, appropriate environment, acquirement of immune ability, proper recipe of artificial milk, prevention and treatment of diseases and proper feeding ways, Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda of China, review.  


Liu, Ding Zhen; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Min; Fang, Ji Ming; Sun, Ru Yong.  [Effects of sex and age on the behavior of captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 2002 Oct; 48(5): 585-590.  ISSN: 0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, age differences, gender differences, behavioral sex differences, field study, anogenital rubbing, sniffing, behavioral variations, activity levels, wild and captive animals, China Conservation and Research Center, China.  


Liu, X.; Yu, J.; Li, M.; Yang, Z.; Li, G.   Study of crude protein intake and growth response in captive sub-adult giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).  Zoo Biology.  2002. 21(3): 223-232.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animals, dietary protein intake, crude protein, live weight gain, age differences, protein requirements, feed intake, dry matter, dietary concentrates, bamboos Bambusa, China.


Liu, Xuan Zhen; Li, Ming Xi; Yu, Jian Qiu; Hu, Da Ming; Yang, Zhi; Hu Ang, Xiang Ming.  [Study on apparent digestibility of crude protein by captive sub-adult giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2002; 8(2): 174-178; Serial No 36.  ISSN:  1006-687X . Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, digestibility of crude protein, sub-adult level animals, diets with various levels of protein, age effects.


Lumpkin, Susan; Seidensticker, John. Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas. Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002. xiii, 206 p.: col. ill.  ISBN: 1588340384

NAL call no:  QL737.C214L86 2002

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biology, habitat, life history, interactions between animals and humans, zoos.


Shen, Fu Jun; Zhang, Zhi He; Li, Guang Han; Zhang, An Ju. Pedigree analysis of captive giant panda.  Acta Genetica Sinica. 2002 Apr; 29(4): 307-313.  ISSN:  0379-4172.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH431.I172

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, population genetics, captive populations, pedigree analysis, Sparks Ver. 1.4 Software, genetic diversity, pedigree analysis indications, significance to long-term conservation. 


Swaisgood, R.R.; Lindburg, D.G.; Zhang, H.  Discrimination of oestrous status in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) via chemical cues in urine. Journal of Zoology. 2002 July; 257(3): 381-386.   ISSN:  0952-8369

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, chemoreception, urine, ovary, estrous, male cues for reproductive status of females, vomeronasal organ, flehmen and licking behavior, implications for captive breeding programs.


Wang, Ai Min; Zhang, Gui Quan. [Balanced trial of different ratio of dietay roughage in sub-adult giant pandas.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 2002 Feb; 22(1): 71-73, 52.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diets, captive animals, roughage ratio effects, digestibility, energy intake.   




Huang, Yan; Li, De Sheng; Zhang, He Min; Du, Jun; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; McGeehan, Laura; Howard, Jogayle; Tang, Chun Xiang; Wang, Peng Yan. [Artificial insemination of a giant panda with cooled semen: an effort to promote genetic diversity in a captive population.] Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. 2001; 7(6): 558-562; Serial No 34. ISSN:  1006-687X.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  QH301.Y56

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive breeding and rearing records, artificial insemination, case report.


Huang, Yan; Zhang, Gui Quan; Zhang, He Min. [Reproduction and life table of captive population of giant panda (Ailiropoda [Ailuropoda] melanoleuca).] Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 May; 20(2): 94-96.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive breeding programs, reproduction and life tables, age, weight, pregnancy, gestation period, sexual maturation, breeding season, litter numbers, and size, life tables, sex ratios.


Huang, Yan; Zhang, Gui Quan; Zou, Xing Huai. [Demographic analyses of the captive population of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 2001 Mar 25; 29(2): 109-112.  ISSN:  1000-5382. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animal breeding programs, demographic analyses of captive population, life tables


Liu, Ding Zhen; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Chen, Lin Qiang; Zhang, He Min.  [A study on the growth and development of captive-born giant panda cubs.]  Journal of Beijing Normal University, Natural Science. 2001 Jun; 37(3): 396-401. ISSN: 0476-0301.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sex differences, young animals, development and growth, captive animals.  


Peng, Jian Jun; Jiang, Zhi Gang; Liu, Wei Xing; Huang, Shi Qiang; Zhang, Jing Guo; Wang, Wan Ming. Growth and development of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) cubs at Beijing Zoo.  Journal of Zoology. 2001, 254(2): 261-266.  ISSN:  0952-8369

NAL call no:  QL1.J68

Descriptors: giant panda cubs, males, females, growth rates, gender differences, artificial and maternal feeding differences, body length, chest circumferences, tail length, teeth, fur color changes, sense organs, limbs, body weight, zoo animals.


Swaisgood, R.R.; White, A.M.; Zhou, Xiao Ping; Zhang, He Min; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Hare,V.J.; Tepper, E.M.; Lindburg, D.G.  A quantitative assessment of the efficacy of an environmental enrichment programme for giant pandas. Animal Behaviour. 2001, 61(2): 447-457.  ISSN:  0003-3472

NAL call no:  410 B77

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Wolong Breeding Center, environmental enrichment, psychological wellbeing, plastic objects, straw filled burlap sacks, spruce branches, apple-filled ice blocks, puzzle feeders, activity levels with enrichment, decrease in stereotypical behaviors, captive environments.


Tang, Chun Xiang; Zhang, He Min.  [Role of captive breeding in giant panda's conservation biology.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 May; 20(2): 91-93.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, captive breeding, possible role in conservation, endangered species, a review.  


Zhang, Gui Quan; Zou, Xing Huai; Liang, Ming Shan; Hong, Mei Ling; Yang, Chun Hua; Han, Hong Ying; Sun, Me I.; Wu, Li Feng.  Effects of the enzyme preparation adding to giant panda's diets on the digestion and absorption of gross energy. Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 2001, 29(1): 57-59. ISSN: 1000-5382.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diet supplements, several compound enzyme preparations, digestion and absorption rates, bamboo digestion, feed additives, net energy, zoo animals.


Zou, Xing Huai; Zhang, Gui Quan; Hong, Mei Ling; Liang, Ming Shan; Wang, Li Jun; Yang, Chun Hua; Xu, Er Xing; Sun, Mei; Huang, Zhi. Study on the effect of exotic enzyme on the digestion rate of the nutritional matter of giant panda's diet. Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban). 2001 Apr; 38(2): 259-262; Sum No 140.  ISSN:  0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with Chinese and  English summaries.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, diets in captivity, enzymes, digestion rate, effect of exotic enzyme preparations.




Hawk, Kathy.  Giant panda management: a keeper's perspective.  American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings. 2000, p. 152-156.  ISSN: 1088-0402

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, care in captivity, animal care taker, husbandry.   


Hou, Rong; Huang, Xiang Ming; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jian Qiu; Yie, Zhi Yong; Yang, Zhi; Zhang, Zhi He; Zuo, Hong.  Hand-rearing on newborn infant of low body weight of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanleuca [melanoleuca]).  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 2000 May; 20(2): 146-150. ISSN: 1000-1050

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, low weight infant animals, hand rearing techniques. 


Zhang, G.Q.; Swaisgood, R.R.; Wei, R.P.; Zhang, H.M.; Han, H.Y.; Li, D.S.; Wu, L.F.; White, A.M.; Lindburg, D.G.  A method for encouraging maternal care in the giant panda.  Zoo Biology. 2000, 19(1): 53-63.  ISSN:  0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5 Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, maternal care and behavior, zoo animals, cub rejection, post-parturition, surrogate toy panda, infant vocalization, urine, mother own milk, reunification of infant and mother after training regime.  




Mainka, S.A.; Fowler, M.E. (ed.); Miller, R.E.  Giant panda management and medicine in China.   Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, W.B. Saunders; Philadelphia; USA. 1999, Ed. 4, p. 410-414.  ISBN:  0-7216-8664-8

NAL call no:  SF996.Z66 1999

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, animal health, wild animals, zoo animals, China.   


Zhu, Beu Ren; Guo, Wei.  [Preliminary studies on the relation between the discharge of intestinal mucus and bamboo intake in captive giant panda.]  Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1999, 34(4): 35-37.  ISSN:  0250-3263   Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, intestinal secreted mucus, feed intake responses, bamboo, captive animals, China. 




Chen, Yu Cun; Zou, Long Yi; Zheng, Ding Tuan.  Study of the digestive rate of coarse cellulose of [in] giant pandas. Journal of Forestry Research. 1998, 9(1): 44-47.

NAL call no:  99.8 F768

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, cellulose, bamboo concentrates, feeds, diets, utilization, digestibility, meal, China.


Chen,Yu Cun; Weng, Ni Na; Zou, Xing Huai; Wang, Ai Min; Zheng, Ding Tuan.  [Comparative study on digestion rates of coarse cellulose between combined bamboo powder feed and regular feed for giant pandas.]  Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 1998, 26(4): 36-38.  ISSN:  1000-5382.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, digestion rates, bamboos, cellulose digestion, processing, crushing, endangered species, China.


Liu, Ding Zhen; Fang, Ji Ming; Sun, Ru Yong; Zhang, Gui Quan; Wei, Rong Ping; Zhang, He Min. [Behavioral comparison in individuals of different sexual ability in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1998 Mar; 44(1): 27-34.  ISSN:  0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sexual maturation, reproductive behavior, sexual abilities effect on behavior, observations of captive animals.


Niu, Li Li. [The raising management of a 22-year old giant panda during exhibition period in Thailand.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1998 28 February; 17(1): 28.  ISSN:  1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, care in captivity, management during exhibition period.  


Smantek, Gunter.  Ein Bambusbar (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) im Tierpark Berlin - Erinnerungen an "Chi-Chi".  [A giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Berlin Zoo - memories of "Chi-Chi".]  Milu. 1998; 9(5): 496-501. ISSN:  0076-8839. Note:  In German.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, history of an individual giant panda specimen, care and handling, Berlin Zoo, Germany. 


Zou, Xing Huai; Zeng, Lu Jun; Sun, Zhong Wu; Yan, Wen; He, Guang Xin; Wu, Kong Ju; Chen,Yu Cun; Weng, Ni Na.  [Analysis of lethal factors of diseased giant pandas and prevention countermeasures.]  Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 1998, 26(1): 53-56.  ISSN:  1000-5382.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary. 

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, commonest causes of death, gastrointestinal disease, malnutrition, exhaustion,  young (pre-adult) animals, mixed forage, green bamboo powder, starvation, preventative diet.  




Chen, Da Yuan; Song, Xiang Feng; Duan, Chong Wen; Li, Ming Wen; Sun, Qing Yuan; Liu, Hui; Zhang, Anju; Ye, Zhi Yong; Li, Shao Chang; Li, Guang Han; Yu, Jian Qiu; Zhang, Fu Xiang; Feng, Wen He; Zhong, Shun Long; He, Guang Xi; Son, Yun Fang; Fei, Li Song.  Applying bases for "double control" artificial breeding of giant panda in captivity.  Chinese Science Bulletin. 1997 May; 42(9): 775-779.  ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, reproductive techniques, breeding programs, female hormone treatment and semen storage techniques, captive breeding significance. 


Feng, Wen He; Zhao, Jia; Fuji Hara, N.  Physiological characteristics of electro-ejaculated giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) semen. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1997, 2(2): 107-112.  ISSN:  1342-6133

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, frozen semen, semen, spermatozoa, testes, zoo animals.


Gual, S.F.; Pulido, R.J.  Resultados preliminares de la inseminacion artificial del panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) en el Zoologico de Chapultepec, de la Ciudad de Mexico.  [Preliminary results of the artificial insemination of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City.]  Veterinaria Mexico. 1997, 28(3): 61-267.   Note:  In Spanish with an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endoscopy, artificial insemination, zoo animals, Mexico.  


Li, De Seng; et al.  [Superficial analysis on penned giant panda giving feed to twins for 76 hours.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1997 28 November; 16(4): 176-177.  ISSN: 1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, twin cubs, parental care, feeding young, captive observations.


Lindburg, Donald G.; Millard, Susan E.  Behavioral issues in reproductive management of cheetahs, with implications for the giant panda.  In: Holst, Bengt [Ed.]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, 21-25 August 1995, Copenhagen. Copenhagen Zoo. Frederiksberg. 1997: 251-259.  ISBN:   8789431146

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Acinonyx jubatus, cheetahs, captive care and husbandry, reproduction, mating, scents and olfactory cues required for mating, breeding and rearing records, management problems, zoos and wildlife parks. 


Zheng, Shu Ling; Zhao, Q.; Xie, Zhong; Wildt, D.E.; Seal, U.S. [Ed]  Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Captive Management Planning Workshop Chengdu, China 10-13 December 1996.  IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Apple Valley, Minnesota. 1997: 1-266.  Note:  In Chinese and English.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, meetings, breeding programs, captive management planning workshop report, captive animals, China.   


Zou, Xing Huai; Wang, Ai Min.  [Study on amino acid apparent digesting rate of giant pandas diet.]  Journal of Economic Animal. 1997, 1(3): 15-18.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary. 

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, nutrition, amino acids, absorption, digestibility, body weight, zoo animals.  




Feng, Wen He; Zhao, Jia; Fujihara, N.  [Natural conservation and research trends of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1996, 1(2): 135-142. Note:  In Japanese with an English summary.   

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding, endangered species conservation, zoo animals, research trends.  


Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Chen, M.; He, T.; Wei, R.; Mainka, S.A. Growth and development of infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve, China. Zoo Biology.  1996. 15(1): 13-19. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL Call no:   QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, newborn animals, growth rate, biological development, captive animals, rearing techniques, maternal vs human rearing, infant growth and development, comparison study, size, weight, daily weight gain, growth and ontogeny, animal husbandry, artificial rearing, China.




Dierenfeld, E.S.; Qiu, X.; Mainka, S.A.; Liu, W.  Giant panda diets fed in five Chinese facilities: an assessment.  Zoo Biology. 1995. 14(3): 211-222.  ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, feed formulation and evaluation, zoological gardens, nutrient requirements, reproductive performance, China.


Feng, Wen He; Huang, Xiang Ming; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; Fang, Sheng Guo.  [Study on the numberal [numeral] change and artificial breeding effect of giant panda.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran-Kexueban). 1995 February; 32(1): 82-88; Sum No 103.  ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.  

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding programs, artificial breeding considerations, habitat management, decrease in habitat distribution, forest and woodland, management, considerations based on decrease in habitat distribution.  


Gao, Wei; Zhu, Ben Ren. [Cub delivering and nursing behaviors of giant panda under hight [sic] ambient temperature.] Chinese Journal of Zoology. 1995 June; 30(3): 44-46.  ISSN:  0250-3263 Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call no:  QL1.T8

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive animal, neonates, birth, delivery behavior, high temperatures, parental care, nursing behavior. 




Fang Sheng Guo; Feng, Wen He; Zhang, An Ju; Yu, Ya Li; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Yu, Jian Qiu; Huang, Xiang Ming; Song, Yun Fang.  [DNA "fingerprints" applied to paternity determination in the filial generation of artificial breeding giant pandas.]  Sichuan Daxue Xuebao. (Ziran Kexueban). 1994 August; 31(3): 389-395. ISSN: 0490-6756.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, captive populations, breeding programs, genetic techniques, DNA fingerprints, paternity determination, dizygotic twins identification, ovary, ovulation timing during estrus phase.


Feng, Wen H; Zhang, An  Ju; He, Guang Xin; Li, Shao Chang; Ye, Zhi Yong; Fang, Sheng Guo.  [The influence of different mating way to breeding effect of giant panda.]  Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1994; 14(4): 249-254.  ISSN:  1000-1050.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, different methods, pregnancy rate, natural and artificial insemination, geographic effect, reproductive behavior, conception rate in captivity, China.


Liu, Wei Xin; Liu, Nong Lin; Zhang, He Min; Qiu, Xian Meng; Zhang, Gui Quan. Hand-rearing of newborn giant panda. Chinese Science Bulletin. 1994 March; 39(6): 514-519.  ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, neonates, hand rearing techniques, captive breeding and rearing records, cub development, cub growth rate, Wolong Nature Reserve, China.


Lu, Z.; Pan, W.; Harkness, J.  Mother-cub relationships in giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains, China, with comment on rescuing abandoned cubs.  Zoo Biology. 1994. 13(6): 567-568. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, maternal behavior, foraging, relationships, age differences, wildlife conservation, China.




Qiu, Xianmeng; et al. [Symptoms of digestive [sic] of giant panda caused by hard water.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 1993 August; 12(3): 45.  ISSN: 1000-7083.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, water quality, hard water, effects on digestive system, symptoms, chemical factors.   


Saito, K.  [Artificial insemination of pandas.]  Animals and Zoos. 1993; 45(1): 14-16.  ISSN:  0288-4887.  Note:  In Chinese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, artificial insemination, methods, successes.  


Zhang, Hua Xian; et al.  [Pathological observation on a young giant panda died after 160 days of artificial nursing.] Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1994 February; 20(2): 14-15 ISSN:  0529-6005.  Note:  In Chinese.

NAL call  no:  SF604.C485

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, young animal, care in captivity, diseases and disorders, pathology, case study report.  

Return to: Contents

  Conservation Efforts





Loucks, C.J.; Lu, Zhi; Dinerstein, E.; Wang, DaJun; Fu, DaLi; Wang, Hao; The giant pandas of the Qinling Mountains, China: a case study in designing conservation landscapes for elevational migrants. Conservation Biology. 2003, 17(2): 558-565.  ISSN:  0888-8892.   Note:  In English with a Spanish summary.

NAL call no:  QH75.A1C5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, 24 montane forest areas, refuge has 220 pandas, elevational migrants, nature reserves, linkages between habitat blocks, outlook for long term survival of the species in the wild, Shaanxi Province, China.  


Lu, Yihe; Chen, Liding; Fu, Bojie; Liu, Shiliang.  A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas: The case of Wolong Biosphere Reserve. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2003 15 May; 63(4): 213-223.  ISSN: 0169-2046

NAL call no:  QH75.A1L3

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, Wolong Biosphere Reserve, operational framework for conservation, effectiveness of reserve, China.  




An, L.; Lupi, F; Liu, J.G.; Linderman, M.A.; Huang, JinYan.  Modeling the choice to switch from fuelwood to electricity implications for giant panda habitat conservation.  Ecological Economics. 2002, 42(3): 445-457. ISSN:  0921-8009

NAL call no:  QH540.E26

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, biodiversity of habitat concerns, electrical energy, fuelwood, environmental impact, panda habitats, human activity, conservation, Wolong Nature Reserve, habitat loss, sociological study of choices for cooking and heating, China.


Chen, Yong Hong; Guo, Jian; Hu, Jin Chu.  [The application of cluster analysis in the census of giant panda in field.] Nanjing Shida Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban. 2002 20 Mar; 25(1): 24-27, 37. ISSN:  1001-4616.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, censusing techniques, population studies, accuracy determination, cluster analysis, bite site of panda faces, Yele Natural Reserve, China.


Guo, Jian; Chen, Yong Hong; Hu, Jin Chu.  Population viability analysis of giant pandas in the Yele Nature reserve. Journal for Nature Conservation. 2002; 10(1): 35-40  ISSN: 1617-1381

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, population genetics, population dynamics, Sichuan, population sustainability, Xiangling Mountains, Yele Nature Reserve, China.


Hu, Jie; Li, Yan Hong; Hu, Jin Chu; Yu, Xiao Yan.  [Population of giant panda in Qingchuan County, Sichuan.]  Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2003 February; 22(1): 46-48.  ISSN:  1000-7083. Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population size trends, forest habitat preference, Qingchuan County, Sichuan, China.


Kontoleon, A.; Swanson, T.; Wang, Qi Wen; Xuejun, Q; Yang, C; Pearce, D. (ed.); Pearce, C. (ed.); Palmer, C.  Optimal ecotourism: the economic value of the giant panda in China. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; Cheltenham; UK.  Valuing the Environment in Developing Countries: Case Studies. 2002, 206-235.  ISBN: 1-84064-148-7

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, tourist value, ecotourism development, Wolong Reserve, willing to pay, carrying-capacity, contingent valuation, demand, nature reserves, returns on investment, China.


Lu, Zhi. Giant Pandas in the Wild: Saving an Endangered Species.  New York. 2002: 1-128. ISBN:  0893819972.  Note:  Includes an essay by G.B. Shaller.     

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation of endangered species, comprehensive works, distribution, biology and conservation, comprehensive account, China.  


Lumpkin, Susan; Seidensticker, John. Smithsonian Book of Giant Pandas. Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, c2002. xiii, 206 p.: col. ill.  ISBN: 1588340384 

NAL call no:  QL737.C214L86 2002

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biology, habitat, life history, interactions between animals and humans, zoos.


Shen, Guo Zhen; Li, Jun Qing; Ren, Yan Lin; Ma, Yu Fei.  Indicators for giant panda's habitat degradation and restoration.  Journal of Beijing Forestry University. 2002, 24(4): 1-5.  ISSN:  1000-1522.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SD221.P45

Descriptors:  Abies, Ailuropoda melanoleuca,Picea, topography, altitude, slope grade, aspect,  bamboos, botanical composition, forest canopy, forest trees, habitat destruction indicators, natural and wildlife conservation, plant communities, plant heights, restoration, reallocation and rehabilitation, shrubs, stand density, China.


Wang, Hao; Li, Sonn Gang; Pan, Wen Shi.  Population viability analysis of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Qinling Mountains.  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 2002 Nov 20; 38(6): 756-761; Total No 190. ISSN:  0479-8023.  Note: In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered status, Qinling Mountains, wild animal population dynamics, population viability analysis model.  




An, L.; Liu, J.G.; Ouyang, Zhi Yun; Linderman, M; Zhou, Shi Qiang; Zhang, He Min. Simulating demographic and socioeconomic processes on household level and implications for giant panda habitats.  Ecological Modelling. 2001, 140(1-2): 31-49.  ISSN: 0304-3800

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M3E25

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, demography, fuel consumption, fuelwood, habitats, nature reserves, simulation models, socioeconomics, wildlife conservation, China.  


Cai, Xu Shen. Superfical [Superficial] view on reasons why giant panda becoming rare and in imminent danger. Sichuan Journal of Zoology. 2001 August; 20(3): 168.  ISSN: 1000-7083

Descriptors: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered status, comment.


Li, Zhao Hua; Denich, M. Survival of giant panda in the wild.  Tigerpaper. 2001, 28(1): 10-14. ISSN:  1014-2789

NAL call no:  QL84.5.A1T53

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population dynamics, threats, logging, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, illegal hunting, mass flowering of bamboos, conservation prospects.


Li, Zhao Hua; Denich, M. An approach on the survivorship of giant panda in wild.  Journal of Forestry Research. 2001, 12(1): 59-62.  ISSN:  1007-662X

NAL call no:  SD221.J67

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population declines, natural habitat destruction, catching and poaching, bamboo flowering, conservation, possible reintroduction, China.


Liu, J.; Linderman, M.; Ouyang, Z.; An, L.; Yang, J.; Zhang, H.  Ecological degradation in protected areas: the case of Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas.  Science. (Washington)  Apr 6, 2001. 292(5514): 98-101.  ISSN: 0036-8075.

NAL call no:  470 SCI2

Descriptors:  nature reserves, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation concerns, endangered species, environmental degradation, China.

Abstract:   It is generally perceived that biodiversity is better protected from human activities after an area is designated as a protected area. However, we found that this common perception was not true in Wolong Nature Reserve (southwestern China), which was established in 1975 as a "flagship" protected area for the world-renowned endangered giant pandas. Analyses of remote sensing data from pre- and post-establishment periods indicate that the reserve has become more fragmented and less suitable for giant panda habitation. The rate of loss of high quality habitat after the reserve's establishment was much higher than before the reserve was created, and the fragmentation of high-quality habitat became far more severe. After the creation of the reserve, rates of habitat loss and fragmentation inside the reserve unexpectedly increased to levels that were similar to or higher than those outside the reserve, in contrast to the situation before the reserve was created.


Loucks, C.J.; Lu Zhi; Dinerstein, E; Wang, Ha O.; Olson, D.M.; Zhu, Chunquan; Wang, Da Jun. Giant pandas in a changing landscape.  Science (Washington.) 2001, 294(5546): 1465.  ISSN: 0036-8075. 

NAL call no:  470 SCI2

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, mountain habitats, Qinling mountains, landscape and habitat protection, wildlife conservation, China.

Abstract: This paper presents the situation of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in the changing landscape of China. A landscape analysis of pandas in the Qinling mountains found that increased protection and linkage of fragmented mid-elevation habitat, much of it outside of existing reserves, is necessary to meet habitat requirements of panda populations. Given proper habitat protection, wild panda populations will rebound and grow.


Peng, Jian Jun; Jiang, Zhi Gang; Hu, Jin Chu. Status and conservation of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): a review. Folia Zoologica. 2001, 50(2): 81-88.  ISSN:  0139-7893

NAL call no:  410 Z792

Descriptors: giant panda, distribution, population, habitat, conservation, wildlife conservation, China.




Hezlep, Richard; Perkins, Lori.  PANDA PIPELINE: audio video applications in giant panda conservation.  American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 2000: 75-82

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, zoos and wildlife parks, conservation measures, audio video applications, care in captivity, Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia.




Carter, J.; Ackleh, A.S.; Leonard, B.P.; Wang, Hai Bin. Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population dynamics and bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae) life history: a structured population approach to examining carrying capacity when the prey are semelparous. Ecological Modelling. 1999, 123(2-3): 207-223.  ISSN:  0304-3800

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M3E25

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, life history, population dynamics, biomass, starvation concerns, mathematical models for carrying capacity of forage, bamboos, natural resources, populations, implication for panda conservation, bamboo die-offs, corridors to food supplies.


Chen, Li Ding; Fu, Bo Jie (ed.); Nakagoshi, N (ed.); Xiao, Du Ning (ed.); Godron, M.  Application of landscape connectivity in habitat suitability evaluation - case study in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China.  The Principle and Application of Landscape Ecology: Selected Papers from International Conference on Landscape Ecology of Asia and Pacific Region, Shenyang, China, 5-7 October 1998. In:  Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1999, 11(2): 221-226.

NAL call no:  TA1.J6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, case studies, evaluation, Wolong Nature Reserve, nature conservation, survival requirements, landscape, habitats, endangered species, GIS, geographical information systems, China.


Liu, Jian Guo; Ouyang, Zhi Yun; Taylor, W.W.; Groop, R.; Tan, Ying Chun; Zhang, He Ming.  A framework for evaluating the effects of human factors on wildlife habitat: the case of giant pandas. Conservation Biology. 1999, 13(6): 1360-1370.  ISSN: 0888-8892.  Note:  In English with a Spanish summary.

NAL call no:  QH75.A1C5

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, evaluation, wildlife, case studies, Woolong Nature Reserve, nature conservation, endangered wild animals, impacts of human activity, habitats, government policy, regional policy, social policy, China.  


Reid, Donald G.; Jien Gong. Giant panda conservation action plan.   In: Servheen, Christopher; Herrero, Stephen; Peyton, Bernard. Bears: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, IUCN.  Published by Gland; Switzerland & Cambridge, UK. 1999: i-x, 1-309.  ISBN:  2831704626   Note: Chapter pagination: 241-254.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, disturbances by human activities, conservation threats, conservation measures, recommendations, endangered status, population estimates, China.




Angel, Heather. Pandas. Voyageur Press, Stillwater. 1998: 1-72. ISBN:  0896583643

Descriptors: red panda,  Ailurus fulgens, giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, life history, endangered species, behaviors, popular press, conservation, China.  




Li, Xin Hai; Li, Dian Mo; Yong, Yan Ge; Zhang, Jian. [A preliminary analysis on population viability analysis for giant panda in Foping.]  Acta Zoologica Sinica. 1997 Sept; 43(3): 285-293. ISSN: 0001-7302.  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

NAL call no:  410 AC87

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population studies, relevance to conservation, inbreeding concerns, outlook for long term survival in the wild, significance, population viability analysis, Foping Reserve, China.  


Taylor, A.H.; Qin, Z.; Chapman, G.P. The dynamics of temperate bamboo forests and panda conservation in China.  The Bamboos. Proceedings of an International Symposium, London, 25-29 March 1996. Linnean Society Symposium Series. 1997, 189-203; No. 19.  ISBN:  0-12-168555-1

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, habitat maintenance and restoration, forest canopy characteristics, bamboo stand characteristics, forest management, clear cutting, conservation, China.


Vehrs, Kristen. The politics of conservation: are we saving the giant panda yet?  American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings. 1997: 417-419.  ISSN:  1088-0402

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, historical review and current situation.


Wildt, David E.; Seal, Ulysses S.  The Conservation Breeding Specialist Group and the development of a captive management masterplan for giant pandas in China.  American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings.  1997: 565-567

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, zoos and wildlife parks, zoos, captive management masterplan, breeding programs, Nearctic region, North America.   


Zhang, Ya Ping; Ryder, Oliver A.; Fan, Zhi Yong; Zhang, He Ming; He, Ting Mei; He, Guang Xin; Zhang, An Ju; Fei, Li Song; Zhong, Shun Long; Chen, Hong; Zhang, Cheng Lin; Yang, Ming Hai; Zhu, Fei Bing; Peng, Zhen Xin; Pu, Tian Chun; Chen, Yu Cun; Yao, Min Da; Guo, Wei.  Sequence variation and genetic diversity in the giant panda.  Science in China Series C:  Life Sciences. 1997 April; 40(2): 210-216.  ISSN: 1006-9305

NAL call no:  QD1.S34

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, mtDNA-D loop region, tRNA gene sequence variation, population genetics, phylogeny, genetic diversity implications, biochemical variation, evolutionary implications, significance for conservation.  


Zhou, Zhi Hua; Pan, Wen Shi.  Analysis of the viability of a giant panda population.  Journal of Applied Ecology. 1997 April; 34(2): 363-374. ISSN:  0021-8901

NAL call no:  410 J828

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, conservation proposals, population viability assessment model, reproductive success, population dynamics, Qinling Mountains, China.




Butler, Sydney J. A brief history and status of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association's Giant Panda Action Plan. Animal Keepers' Forum. 1996 February; 23(2): 87-89.  ISSN:  0164-9531

NAL call no:  QL77.5.A54

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, conservation plan, history and status, USA.


Feng, Wen He; Zhao, Jia; Fujihara, N.  [Natural conservation and research trends of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).]  Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 1996, 1 (2): 135-142. Note:  In Japanese with an English summary.   

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, breeding, endangered species conservation, zoo animals, research trends.  




Pan, Wenshi. New hope for China's giant pandas.  National Geographic Magazine. 1995 February; 187(2): 100-115  ISSN: 1044-6613

NAL call no:  470 N213

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, behavior, wild animal conservation measures, Qin Ling, China.  




Gittleman, John L.  Are pandas successful specialists or evolutionary failures? Bioscience. 1994 July-August; 44(7): 456-464. ISSN:  0006-3568

NAL call no:  TP248.13.B53

Descriptors: Ailurus fulgens, red panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, adaption, conservation measures, phylogeny implications, divergence, a review.


Kiefer, Michael. Of pandas & principles.  International Wildlife. 1994 July-August; 24(4): 30-35.  ISSN:  0020-9112

NAL call no:  S960.I5

Descriptors:  comprehensive zoology, conservation of endangered species, wildlife protection, contribution of G. Schaller, biography of a naturalist, his contributions to wildlife protection.


Lu, Z.; Pan, W.; Harkness, J.  Mother-cub relationships in giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains, China, with comment on rescuing abandoned cubs.  Zoo Biology. 1994. 13(6): 567-568. ISSN: 0733-3188

NAL call no:  QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, maternal behavior, foraging, relationships, age differences, wildlife conservation, China.


MacKinnon, John; De Wulf, Robert.  Designing protected areas for giant pandas in China.  In:  Miller, Ronald I. [ed.]. Mapping the Diversity of Nature. Chapman & Hall. London, Glasgow, etc. 1994: 127-142.

NAL call no:  QH541.15.M64M37 1994

Descriptors:  Aluropoda elanoleuca, mountain habitat management, survey and planning, national parks and reserves, management planning, ecological mapping, satellite imagery, conservation planning, China. 


Masui, Mitsuko.  [The urgent need for protection of the giant panda.]  Animals and Zoos. 1994; 46(8): 17; No 534.  ISSN:  0288-4887.  Note:  In Japanese.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, endangered species, status, conservation concerns, China.  


O'Brien, Stephen J.; Wen Shi, Pan; Zhi, Lu.  Pandas, people and policy.  Nature (London). 1994 19 May; 369(6477): 179-180.  ISSN:  0028-0836

NAL call no:  Q1.N3

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation, policy review, societal pressures, endangered species, China


Qin, Zi Sheng; Taylor, A.H.; Liu, Jie.  [Population structure and dynamics of bamboo and its relevance to giant panda conservation.]  Journal of Bamboo Research. 1994, 13(3): 4-15.  ISSN:  1000-6567.  Note:  In Chinese with an English summary.

NAL call no:  SB317.B2C4

Descriptors:  population structure, dynamics, Fargesia robusta, Bashania fangiaia, Wolong Natural Reserve, giant pandas staple diet, conservation concerns, China.




Pan, Wen Shi; Lu, Zhi.  The giant panda.  In: Stirling, Ian (ed.). Bears: A Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild. Harper Collins. London. 1993: 140-145. ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population distribution, biology, life history, diets, habitats, China.   


Reid, Donald G.  Pandas and politics.  In:  Stirling, Ian (ed.). A Complete Guide to Every Species. Majestic Creatures of the Wild.  Harper Collins. London. 1993: p. 146-149. ISBN:  0002199866

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation measures, political considerations 


Su, Bing; Shi, Li Ming; He, Guang Xin; Zhang, An Ju; Song, Yun Fang; Zhong, Shun Long; Fei, Li Song.  Genetic diversity in the giant panda: evidence from protein electrophoresis. Chinese Science Bulletin. 1994 August; 39(15): 1305-1309.  ISSN:  1001-6538

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, conservation, genetic diversity implications, molecular genetics, population genetics, inbreeding concerns, protein analysis for genetic diversity, biochemical variation.


Yong, Yan Ge; Zhang, Ji An; Zhang, Shan Ning.  [The distribution and number of the giant panda in the Foping reservation.] Acta Theriologica Sinica. 1993; 13(4): 245-250.  ISSN:  1000-1050  Note:  In Chinese with a Chinese and an English summary.

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, population density measurements, mathematical models, estimates, National Foping Natural Reserve, China.


Zhi Yong, Fan; Yan Ling, Song.   On the importance of nature reserves in nature conservation in China and giant panda protection.  Tigerpaper (Bangkok). 1993 April-June; 20(2): 23-27.  ISSN:  1014-2789

NAL call no:  QL84.5.A1T53

Descriptors:  Ailuropoda melanoleuca, national parks and reserves, importance of protected habitats, conservation, China.

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  Selected Web Resources

The site is quite comprehensive about the Wolong panda reserve and research center.  Topics on the site include background information about the animals, taxonomy, distribution, habitat, threats to survival, diet, breeding, communication, raising the young, etc.  There a number of photos of baby pandas—newborn, 10, 60, 90, days of age and 8 months old.

This French site contains information on a variety of topics including a list of documents, books, reports, and articles of interest to the author.   Most of the items in the list are in English.  Note: There are additional topics included that have information about pandas. The descriptive topical information is in French. 

The site claims to contain the most “comprehensive information on the internet” about pandas.  Topics include: history, habitat, enemies, feeding, social habits, breeding, reservations, conservation, captive care, baby pandas, and famous pandas.


Bear TAG:

The site is also developed and maintained by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association.  It has information on 9 species of bears including giant pandas.  Taxonomic relationships, habits and habitats, and unique aspects of each species are included.


Web cams are available at 3 sites in the US that have giant pandas:  the National Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, and the San Diego Zoo. 


The National Zoo webcam can be found at

In addition to the webcam, there is information about the zoo’s giant panda enclosure, enrichment activities, handling and care and some other related information.


The webcam at Zoo Atlanta is at

There are several views of the panda exhibit on this site.


The webcam at the San Diego Zoo is located at 

The site has a webcam of the giant panda enclosure many photo, videotapes and other giant panda items are listed as available for sale.  There is also a list serv that will send news items to your email address.


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