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Information Resources on Elephants

AWIC Resource Series No. 18 - April 2003

Updated by Information Resources on Elephants, 2006

Compiled by:

Richard L. Crawford, D.V.M.

D'Anna Jensen, B.S., LATG

Tim Allen, M.S.

Animal Welfare Information Center

National Agricultural Library

U.S. Department of Agriculture

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U. S. Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

National Agricultural Library

Animal Welfare Information Center

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Published in cooperation with the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

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Introduction | General | African (Loxodonta africana) | Asian (Elephas maximus) | Selected Web Sites


Although there is a considerable amount of information available on elephants in data bases it is not readily available in an organized manner to most persons. The references in this publication were obtained from seven different data bases and compiled chronologically, and alphabetically by title, under various general headings. There area number of papers and articles dealing with elephants in the wild, their tracking, number estimation, feeding habits, environmental damage, conflicts with people, etc. Only a few of these types of articles are included in this resource reference. Most of the references in this publication are concerned with captive animals and their care, behavior, health, handling and bodily functions, etc. This publication is not meant to be all inclusive as there are a number of private database collections on elephants which are not included here. The references listed in this publication were collected and organized into general categories for easier reference and locating pertinent articles. The references are listed first under a General category which pertains to elephants in general and then under separate sections for African and Asian elephants. These two sections are further broken into thirteen subsections as indicated in the Table of Contents. An additional section on Selected Elephant Web Sites has been added at the end of the publication. It is hoped this publication will be of use to those interested in elephants and their care, treatment and conservation in captivity and in the wild.

Information on how to request materials that are included in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) may be found on the Document Delivery Services Branch website at Please read carefully as there are certain restrictions on media and document types.



2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1971 | 1969 | 1962



Elephants. Emanuelson, Karen A.; Kinzley, Colleen E. Hand-Rearing Wild and Domestic Mammals. Gage, Laurie J. (Ed.). Iowa State Press, Ames. 2002, i-xvii, 1-279 p. Chapter pagination: 221-228. ISBN: 0813826837.

            NAL call no: SF41.H36 2002

            Descriptors: rearing techniques, hand rearing, Elephas, Loxodonta.


Keeping of elephants in zoo and circus. Rietschel, W. DTW Deutsche Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, Mar. 2002, v. 109 (3), p. 123-126. ISSN: 0341-6593.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: education, entertainment, care in zoos and circuses, animal welfare.


Mycobacterial isolations in captive elephants in the United States. Payeur, Janet B.; Jarnagin, J.L.; Marquardt, J.G.; Whipple, D.L. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. The Domestic animal/wildlife interface: Issues for disease control, conservation, sustainable food production, and emerging diseases. Oct. 2002; 969: 256-258. ISSN: 0077-8923.

            NAL call no: 500 N484

            Descriptors: tuberculosis, bacterial disease, diagnosis, therapy.


The properties of geophysical fields and their effects on elephants and other animals. Arnason, Byron T.; Hart, Lynette A.; O’Connell- Rodwell, Caitlin E. Journal of Comparative Physiology, Jun. 2002, v. 116 (2), p. 123-132. ISSN: 0735-7036.

            NAL call no: BF671.J6

            Descriptors: geophysical fields, effects, elephants, animals.


Simple enrichment techniques for bears, bats and elephants - untried and untested. Law, Graham; Kitchener, Andrew. International Zoo News, Jan/Feb. 2002, v. 49 (1), p. 4-12. no. 314. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, natural enrichment, simple feeding dispenser, zoos.


Why doesn’t the elephant have a plural space? West, John B. News in Physiological Sciences, Apr. 2002, v. 17, p. 47-50. ISSN: 0886-1714.

            Descriptors: physiology, respiratory system, elephant, pleural space.


The world of elephants. Mussi, Margherita. Current Anthropology, Aug./Oct. 2002, v. 43 (4), p. 656-660. ISSN: 0011-3204.

            Descriptors: animals, bones, tools, skeletal system, elephants, humans.

Return to:   General   |   Contents    |   Top of Document



Africa’s elephant: A biography. Meredith, Martin. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001, ix. 244 p. ill. ref. index. ISBN: 0340770813.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98M47 2001

            Descriptors: elephants Africa, history.


Captive disorders in elephants: Impacted molars and broken tusks. Fagan, D.A.; Oosterhuis, J.E.; Roocroft, A. Zoologische Garten, Sept. 2001, v. 71 (5), p. 281-303. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: animal care, dental and oral system, broken tusk, impacted molar.


Comparative cytogenetics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and Asiatic elephant (Elaphus maximus). Houck, M.L.; Kumamoto, A.T.; Gallagher, D.S. Jr.; Comparative cytogenetics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and Asiatic elephant (Elaphus maximus). Benirschke, K. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 2001, v. 93 (3-4), p. 249-252. ISSN: 0301-0171.

            NAL call no: 442.8 C992

            Descriptors: karyotypes, cytogenetics, African elephant, Asian elephant.


Do elephants run? Hutchinson, J.R.; Famini, D.; Kram, R.; Lair, R. American Zoologist, Dec. 2001, v. 41 (6), p. 1479. ISSN: 0003-1569.

            NAL call no: 410 Am3

            Descriptors: behavior, muscular system, movement, support.


Disease risk and inter-institutional transfer of specimens in cooperative breeding programs: Herpes and the Elephant species Survival Plans. Ryan, S.J.; Thompson, S.D. Zoo Biology. New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2001, v. 20 (2), p. 89-101. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: Loxodonta africana, Elephas maximus, studbooks, disease transmission.


Elephant breeding soundness examination forms and database. Wyatt, Jeff. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians and the National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Conference, Orlando, FL Sept. 18-23, 2001: i-xx, p. 1-411: Chapter pagination: 396-400.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: information handling, reproductive techniques, breeding soundness exam.


Exploring the potential use of seismic waves as a communication channel by elephants and other large animals. O’Connell, Rodwell C.E.; Hart, L.A.; Arnason, B.T. American Zoologist, Nov. 2001, v. 41 (5), p. 1157-1170. ISSN: 0003-1569.

            NAL call no: 410 AM3

            Descriptors: communication, seismic waves, group cohesion.


Genetic and ultrastructural characterization of a European isolate of the fatal endotheliotropic elephant herpesvirus. Ehlers, B.; Burkhardt, S.; Goltz, M.; Bergmann, V.; Ochs, A.; Weiler, H.; Hentschke, J. Journal of General Virology, 2001, v. 82 (3), p. 475-482. ISSN: 0022-1317.

            NAL call no: QR360.A1J6

            Descriptors: ultrastructure, phylogeny, DNA-directed-DNA-polymerase, gB-gene.


Immunolocalization of zona pellucida antigens in the ovarian follicle of dogs, cats, horses and elephants. Barber, M.R.; Lee, S.M.; Steffens, W.L.; Ard, M.; Fayrer-Hosken, R.A. Theriogenology, May 2001, v. 55 (8), p. 1705-1717. ref. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: antibodies, antigens, contraception, oocytes, ovaries, zona pellucida.


Mycobacterium elephantis sp. nov. a rapidly growing non-chromogenic Mycobacterium isolated from an elephant. Shojaei, Hasan: Magee, John G.; Freeman, Roger; Yates, Malcom; Horadagoda, Neil U.; Goodfellow, Michael. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Sept. 2000, v. 50 (5), p. 1817-1820. ISSN: 1466-5026.

            NAL call no: QR1.I577

            Descriptors: Mycobacterium elephantis, new species, pathogen, lung.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis risk for elephant handlers and veterinarians. Davis, M. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Mar. 2001, v. 16 (3), p. 350-353. ISSN: 1047-322X.

            Descriptors: animal husbandry, elephants, occupational diseases, control, prevention.


Oligosaccharides of milk and colostrum in non-human mammals. Urashima, T.; Saito, T.; Nakamura, T.; Messer, M. Glycoconjugate Journal, May 2001, v. 18 (5), p. 357-371. ISSN: 0282-0080.

            NAL call no: TP248.65.G49G59 1999

            Descriptors: colostrum chemistry, milk chemistry, oligosaccharides analysis.


An overview of the central nervous system of the elephant through a critical appraisal of the literature published in the XIX and XX centuries. Cozzi, B; Spagnoli, S.; Bruno, L. Brain Research Bulletin, 2001, v.54 (2), p. 219-227. ISSN: 0361-9230.

            NAL call no: QL737.P933S74 1998

            Descriptors: brain architecture, central nervous system, reviews.


Snorkel breathing in the elephant explains the unique anatomy of its pleura. West, J.B. Respiration Physiology, May 2001, v. 126 (1), p. 1-8. ISSN: 0034-5687.

            NAL call no: QP121.A1R4

            Descriptors: elephants. anatomy, physiology, snorkel breathing.


Snorkel breathing in the elephant explains the unique anatomy of its pleura. West, J.B. Journal of Morphology, Jun. 2001, v. 248 (3), p. 300. ISSN: 0362-2525.

            NAL call no: 444.8 J826

            Descriptors: lung, respiratory system, pleural cavity, trunk, elephant.

Return to:   General   |   Contents    |   Top of Document



The astonishing elephant. 1st ed. Alexander, Shana. New York: Random House 2000, xviii, 300 p. [16] p. of plates. ill. ref. index. ISBN: 0679456600.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98A43 2000

            Descriptors: elephants, North America, animals and man.


Captive elephant anesthesia. Heard, D.J. Proceeding of the North American Veterinary Conference, Eastern States Veterinary Association, 2000, v. 14, p. 1043-1044. Jan. 15-19, 2000.

            NAL call no: SF605.N672

            Descriptors: elephantidae, anesthetics.


Clinical and pathological findings of a newly recognized disease of elephants caused by endotheliotropic herpesviruses. Richman, L.K.; Montali, R.J.; Cambre, R.C.; Schmitt, D.; Hardy, D.; Hildbrant, T.; Bengis, R.G.; Hamzeh, F.M.; Shahkolahi, A.; Hayward, G.S. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2000, v. 36 (1), p. 1-12. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: pathogenesis, symptoms, antiviral agents, polymerase chain reaction.


Cracking the chemical signal code of elephant reproductive behavior. Rasmussen, L.E.L. Advances in Ethology, 2000, no. 35 Suppl., p. 14-16. ISSN: 0301-2808.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: chemical communication, reproductive behavior, Elaphus maximus.


Elephant communication. Langbauer, W.R. Jr. Zoo Biology. New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 425-445. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: elephant, communication.


Are elephant enrichment studies missing the point? Rees, P.A. Ratel, Dec. 2000, v. 27 (6), p. 230-232. ISSN: 0305-1228. Also in: International Zoo News, Sept. 2000, v. 47 (6), p. 369-371; no. 303. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, enrichment studies, evaluation.


Elephant herpesvirus infections. Richman, L.K.; Montali, R.J.; Williams, E.S. (Ed.); Barker, I.K. Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals, 2000, Ed. 3, p. 170-173. ref. ISBN: 0813825563.

            NAL call no: SF996.4.I54 2000

            Descriptors: disease transmission, diagnosis, epidemiology, immunity, treatment.


Enhanced elephant management and keeper education: A cooperative effort in Mexico. Whittaker, Margaret; Gibson, Karen. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference, 2000, p. 170-176. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, contact management, Elaphus, Loxodonta.


ESR study of elephant tooth enamel from the Karlich-Seeufer site in Germany. Debuyst, R.; Callens, F.; Frechen, M.; Dejehet, F. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, May 2000, v. 52 (5), p. 1327-1336. ISSN: 0969-8043.

            NAL call no: QC770.I57

            Descriptors: dental enamel, radiation effects, elephants, fossils.


Evaluation of a multiple-antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in captive elephants. Larsen, R.S.; Salman, M.D.; Mikota, S.K.; Isaza, R.; Montali, R.J.; Triantis, J. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 2000, v. 31 (3), p. 291-302. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: diagnostic antigens, ELISA, diagnosis, screening, seroprevalence.


Exploring the possibility of low-frequency seismic communication in elephants and other large animals. O’Connell, Rodwell C.E.; Arnason, B.; Hart, L.A. American Zoologist, Dec. 2000, v. 40 (6), p. 1154-1155. ISSN: 0003-1569.

            NAL call no: 410 AM3

            Descriptors: communication, behavioral effects, low frequency, seismic, elephants.


Exploring the potential of novel low frequency auditory communication mechanisms in elephants. O”Connell, Rodwell C.E.; Arnason, B.; Hart, L.Al Advances in Ethology, 2000, (35), p. 51. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: behavior, communication, elephants.


Molecular and morphological evidence on the phylogeny of the Elaphantidae. Thomas, M.G.; Hagelberg, E.; Jones, H.B.; Yang, Z.; Lister, A.M. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B- Biological Sciences. Dec. 2000, v. 22 (267) (1461), p. 2493-2500. ISSN: 0962-8452.

            NAL call no: 501 L84B

            Descriptors: elephant genetics, physiology, phylogeny, nucleic acids.


Musth in elephants. Deepa, Ananth; Ananth, D. Zoo’s Print Journal, 2000, v. 15 (5), p. 259-262. ref.

            Descriptors: animal behavior, aggressive behavior, castration, neuroleptics.


Mycobacterium elephantis sp. Nov.: A rapidly growing non-chromogenic Mycobacterium isolated from an elephant. Shojaei, H.; Magee, J.G.; Freeman, R.; Yates, M.; Horadagoda, N.U.; Goodfellow, M. International Journal of Systematic Evolutionary Microbiology, Sept. 2000, v. 50 (5), p. 1817-1820. ref. ISSN: 1466-5026.

            NAL call no: QR1.I577

            Descriptors: new species, respiratory diseases, lungs, taxonomy, descriptions.


Older bull elephants control young males. Slotow, R.; van Dyk, G.; Poole, J.; Page, B.; Klocke, A. Nature, 2000, v. 408 (6811), p. 425-426. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: social interactions, aggressive behavior, sexual behavior, musth.


Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and their use in the Asian elephant (Elaphus maximus). Eggert, S.L.; Ramakrishnan, U.; Mundy, I.N.; Woodruff, S.D. Molecular Ecology, Dec. 2000, v. 9 (12), p. 2223-2225. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: polymorphism, ecological genetics, Elephantidae, population studies.


A postcryogenic comparison of membrane fatty acids of elephant spermatozoa. Swain, J.E.; Miller, R.R, Jr. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 461-473. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: arachidonic acid, cryogenics, fatty acids, frozen semen.


Reproductive endocrine monitoring of elephants: An essential tool for assisting captive management. Brown, J.L. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 347-367. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: breeding programs, oestrus, pregnancy diagnosis, prolactin.


Review of a newly recognized disease of elephants caused by endotheliotropic herpesviruses. Richman, L.K.; Montali, R.J.; Hayward, G.S. Zoo Biology. New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 383-392. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: disease, elephants, herpesvirus.


Sexual maturity in male elephants. Fritsch, G.; Hermes, R.; Goeritz, F.; Maltzahn, J.; Rohleder, M. Advances in Ethology, 2000, (35), p. 84. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: development, reproductive system, elephants, male.


Snorkel breathing in the elephant. West, J.B. FASEB Journal, Mar. 15, 2000, v. 14 (4), p. A610. ISSN: 0892-6638.

            NAL call no: QH301.F3

            Descriptors: respiratory system, cardiovascular system, elephants, snorkel breathing.


Social structure and helping behavior in captive elephants. Schulte, B.A. Zoo Biology. New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 447-459. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: elephants, social structure, helping behavior.


Special issue on elephant biology. Brown, J.L.; Brown, J.L. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), 184 p. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: animal behavior, reproduction, capture of animals, epidemiology.


Temporary ovarian inactivity in elephants: Relationship to status and time outside. Schulte, B.A.; Feldman, E.; Lambert, R.; Oliver, R.; Hess, D.L. Physiology and Behavior, Oct. 2000, v. 71 (1-2), p. 123-131. ISSN: 0031-9384.

            NAL call no: QP1.P4

            Descriptors: elephants, physiology, estrus, ovary, progesterone, blood.


Tuberculosis in elephants in North America. Mikota, S.K.; Larsen, R.S.; Montali, R.J. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 393-403. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: diagnosis, epidemiology, tuberculosis.


Ultrasonography of the urogenital tract in elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus): An important tool for assessing male reproductive function. Hildebrandt, T.B.; Hermes, R.; Pratt, N.C.; Fritsch, G.; Blottner, S.; Schmitt, D.L.; Ratanakorn, P.; Brown, J.L.; Rietaschel, W.; Gortiz, F. Zoo Biology. New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 333-345. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: ultrasonography, urogenital tract, male, elephant, reproductive function.


Ultrasonography of the urogenital tract in elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus): An important tool for assessing female reproductive function. Hildebrandt, T.B.; Goritz, F.; Pratt, N.C.; Brown, J.L.; Montail, R.J.; Schmitt, D.L.; Fritsch, G.; Hermes, R. Zoo Biology. New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 321-332. ref. ISSN: 073303188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: ultrasonography, urogenital tract, female, elephant, reproductive function.

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Antibiotic therapy in elephants. Olsen, John H. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy. 4th ed. Fowler, Murray E.; Miller, R. Eric. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. i-xxiii, p. 1-747. Chapter pagination: 533-541. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, antibiotic therapy in captivity, review.


Body size and record measurements of African and Asian elephants. Free living and working elephants in Asia, zoos and circuses. Anon. (Elephant documentation 1999). European Elephant Group. 1999. P. 1-160. Chapter pagination: 19-34.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: size, weight, field and captive data evaluation.


Browsing and grazing in elephants: the isotope record of modern and fossil proboscideans. Cerling, Thure E.; Harris, John M.; Leakey, Meave, G. Oecologia Berlin, Aug. 1999, v. 120 (3), p. 364-374.

            Descriptors: grass, plants, nutrition browsing diet.


Comments on “elephant hearing”. O’Connell, C.; Hart, L.A.; Arnason, B.T. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Mar. 1999, v. 105 (3), p. 2051-2052. ISSN: 0001-4966.

            NAL call no: QC221.A27

            Descriptors: elephant physiology, hearing physiology, sensory reception.


Developments in elephant breeding in Europe. Stock taking and future perspectives. Asian elephants and African elephants. Anon. (Elephant documentation 1999) European Elephant Group. 1999, p. 1-160: Chapter pagination: 93-112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: care in captivity, breeding developments, reproductive techniques.


Death of elephants in zoos and circuses. Europe 1988-1999. The problem of bull care. Technique rather than space. Anon. (Elephant documentation 1999). European Elephant Group. 1999, p. 1-160. Chapter pagination: 75-92.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: population dynamics, care in captivity, bull care problems, solutions.


Diseases of the elephant: A review. Mikota, Susan L. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 1-15. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: diseases, signs and symptoms, parasites, review, elephants.


Dystocia in the elephant. Foerner, Joseph J. Zoo and wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 4th edition. Fowler, Murray E and Miller, R. Eric (Eds). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 1999. i-xxiii, p. 10747. Chapter pagination: 522-525. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: diagnostic techniques, treatment techniques, dystocia, diagnosis, treatment.


Early sexual maturity and breeding ages of Asian and African elephants. Field Asian working camps and zoos. Anon. (Elephant documentation 1999) European Elephant Group. 1999, p. 1-160. Chapter pagination: 63-74.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: sexual maturation, maturity and breeding age, age.


Elephant dental pulp tissue: Where are the nerves? Fagen, D.A.; Benirschke, K.; Simon, J.H.; Roocroft, A. Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, Dec. 1999, v. 16 (4), p. 169-172. ISSN: 0898-7564.

            NAL call no: SF867.V47

            Descriptors: dental pulp innervation, anatomy, histology, blood supply.


Elephant herpes virus - a problem for breeding and housing of elephants. Burkhardt, Sabine; Hentschke, J.; Weiler, H.; Ehlers, B.; Ochs, A.; Walter, J.; Wittstatt, U.; Goltenboth, R. Berliner und Muenchener Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, Jun. 1999, v. 112 (5), p. 174-179. ISSN: 0005-9366.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: care in captivity, herpes virus, diagnostic techniques, husbandry, breeding.


The elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis in African and Asian elephants of the Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde. Tscherner, W.; Strauss, G. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 81-87. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: parasite taxonomy, biology, infection pathology, management in captivity.


Elephants in Thailand: Determinants of health and welfare in working populations. Chatkupt, T.T.; Sollod, A.E.; Sarobol, S. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Mahwah, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 1999, v. 2 (3), p. 187-203. ref. ISSN: 1088-8705.

            NAL call no: HV4701.J68

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, animal welfare, animal husbandry, body condition.


Evaluation of carbohydrates of the dog, cat, and elephant zona pellucida using lectins. Barber, M.R.; Merkle, R.K.; Fayrer, Hosken R.A. Theriogenology, Jan. 1, 1999, v. 51 (1), p. 278. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: reproductive system, oocytes, zona pellucida, lectins.


Evolution of the motor system: Why the elephant’s trunk works like a human’s hand. Onodera, Satoru; Hicks, T. Philip. Neuroscientist, Jul. 1999, v. 5 (4), p. 217-226. ISSN: 1073-8584.

            Descriptors: evolution, adaptation, nervous system, motor system.


Growth and captively conditioned growth delay. African and Asian elephants. A comparison: Working elephants in Asia, imported elephants in zoos and circuses and elephants born in zoos. Anon. (Elephant Documentation 1999). European Elephant Group. 1999, p. 1-160. Chapter pagination: 35-62.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: biometrics, growth, natural and captive data evaluation.


Lactose-derived oligosaccharides in the milk of elephants: Comparison with human milk. Kunz, C.; Rudloff, S.; Schad, W.; Braun, D. British Journal of Nutrition, 1999, v. 82 (5), p. 391-399. ref. ISSN: 0007-1145.

            NAL call no: 389.8 B773

            Descriptors: human milk, oligosaccharides, milk composition, immunity.


Novel endotheliotropic herpesviruses fatal for Asian and African elephants. Richman, L.K.; Montali, R.J.; Garber, R.L.; Kennedy, M.A.; Lehnhardt, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Schmitt, D.; Hardy, D.; Alcendor, D.J.; Hayward, G.S. Science, Washington, DC, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Feb. 19 1999, v. 283 (5405), p. 1171-1176. ref. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 Sci2

            Descriptors: herpesviridae, fatal infections, zoo animals, polymerase chain reaction.


Nuclear insertion sequences of mitochondrial DNA predominate in hair but not in blood of elephants. Greenwood, A.D.; Paabo, S. Molecular Ecology, 1999, v. 8 (1), p. 133-137. ref. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: hair, blood, mitochondrial DNA, genetic variation, biotechnology.


Oral and nasal diseases of elephants. Kuntze, A.; Fowler, M.E. (Ed.); Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999 ed. 4, p. 544-546. ref. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: diseases, mouth, mouth diseases, trauma, nose, tooth diseases.


Physiological correlates of Musth: Lipid metabolites and chemical composition of exudates. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Perrin, T.E. Physiology and Behavior, 1999, v. 67 (4), p. 539-549. ISSN: 0031-9384.

            NAL call no: QP1.P4

Descriptors: sexual behavior, chemical communication, testosterone, chemical composition.


Polymorphism, homoplasy and evolutionary patterns in the Elephantidae. Todd, Nancy E. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Sept. 14, 1999, v. 19 (Suppl. 3), p. 80A-81A. ISSN: 0272-4634.

            Descriptors: evolution, adaptation, elephant.


Poxvirus infections in elephants. Kuntze, A.; Fowler, M.E. (Ed.); Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999, Ed. 4, p. 547-550, ref. ISBN: 0721696648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: diagnosis, prophylaxis, treatment.


Problems with ovarian dysfunction in elephants. Brown, J.L. Biology of Reproduction, 1999, v. 60 (Suppl. 1), p. 236. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: reproductive system, elephant, ovarian dysfunction.


Proboscidea. Lambert, W. David; Shoshani, Jeheskel. Evolution of Tertiary mammals of north America. Volume 1: terrestrial carnivores, ungulates, and ungulatelike mammals. Janis, Christine M.; Scott, Kathleen M.; Jacobs, Louis L. [Eds]. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, New York & Melbourne. 1998: i-xii, 1-691. Chapter pagination: 606-621. ISBN: 0521355192

            Descriptors: elephants, mammals, Artiodactyla.


Standard guidelines for elephant management. Elephant Managers Association. Zoos’ Print Journal. Dec. 1999, v. 1-14 (3-12), p. 9-10. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: care in captivity, standard guidelines, Elephantidae.


A throbbing in the air: The discovery of infrasonic communication among elephants has given researchers a whole new way of hearing things. Ben-Ari, Elia T. Bioscience, May, 1999, v. 49 (5), p. 353-358. ISSN: 0006-3568.

            NAL call no: 500 AM322A

            Descriptors: communication, elephants, infrasonic, atmospheric effects.


Using novel phylogenetic methods to evaluate mammalian mtDNA, including amino acid-invariant sites-LogDet plus site stripping, to detect internal conflicts in the data, with special references to the position of hedgehog, armadillo, and elephant. Waddell, Peter J.; Cao, Ying; Hauf, Joerg; Hasegawa, Masami. Systematic Biology, Mar. 1999, v. 48 (1), p. 31-53. ISSN: 1063-5157.

            NAL call no: QH83.S9

            Descriptors: mitochondria, nucleic acids, molecular genetics, mtDNA, phylogeny.

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All about elephants. Gillson, Lindsey. Elephants. Care for the Wild International, Jordan, W.J.; Poole, Joyce; Sheldrick, Daphne; Gillson, Lindsey. Rusper, West Sussex. 1998, p. 1-127. Chapter pagination: 21-39. ISBN: 1872266037.

            Descriptors: biology, ecology, overview, distribution, Elephantidae.


Chemical signals in the reproduction of Asian (Elaphus maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. Rasmussen, L.E.; Schulte, B.A. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 19-34. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: reproduction physiology, urine, sex attractants, ovulation.


Detection and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from elephants (Elephas maximus) using traditional and molecular techniques. Curry, J.I.; Prabhu, S.V.; Moore, D.F. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1998, v. 98, P. 182.

             NAL call no: QR1.A5

            Descriptors: elephant, infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Differences in spatial genetic population structure between African and Asian elephant (Loxodonta africana, Elephas maximus) as revealed by sequence analysis of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene. Tiedemann, Ralph; Kurt, Fred; Haberhauer, Alois; Hartl, Guenther B. Acta Theriologica, 1998, v. 5, (Suppl.), p. 123-134. ISSN: 1509-4537.

            NAL call no: 410 AC88

            Descriptors: population genetics, sequence analysis, spatial genetic population.


The efficacy of an experimental oil-adjuvanted encephalomyocarditis vaccine in elephants, mice and pigs. Hunter, P.; Swanepoel, S.P.; Esterhuysen, J.J.; Raath, J.P.; Bengis, R.G.; Lugt, J.J.van der; Van-der Lugt, J.J. Vaccine,1998, v. 16 (1), p. 55-61. ref. ISSN: 0264-410X.

            NAL call no: QR189.V32

            Descriptors: efficacy, encephalitis, Elephantidae, mammals.


Elephants. Jordan, W.J.; Poole, Joyce; Sheldrick, Daphne; Gillson, Lindsey. Care for the Wild International, Rusper, West Sussex. 1998: p. 1-127. ISBN: 1872266037.

            Descriptors: general works, biology, ecology, evolution, Elephantidae.


Elephant hearing. Reuter, T.; Nummela, S.; Hemila, S. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Aug. 1998, v. 104 (2 Pt. 1), p. 1122-1123. ISSN: 0001-4966.

            NAL call no: QC221.A27

            Descriptors: elephant physiology, vocalization, hearing.


Elephants in need: Alert action. Humane Society of the United States. Washington, DC. 1998, 1 videocassette (6 min.). sd. col. VHS format.

            NAL call no: Videocassette no. 2744

            Descriptors: elephants handling, animal welfare.


Elephants: Trimming the herd. In south Africa, biologists are experimenting with new birth control methods designed to reduce elephant populations humanely. Butler, V. BioScience, 1998, v. 48 (2), p. 76-81. ISSN: 0006-3568.

            NAL call no: 500 AM322A

            Descriptors: contraception, methodology, trimming, populations.


Endocrinology of the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the Asian (Elaphus maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephant. Hodges, J.K. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 3-18. ref. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: reproduction, oestrus cycle, pregnancy, parturition, hormones.


A global elephant network. Schwammer, Harald M.; Riddle, Heidi S. Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Conference AAZK, EMA, AZH, Indianapolis Zoological Society, Inc. 1998, p. 1-286: Chapter pagination: 157-160.

            NAL call no: QL82.A28 1998

            Descriptors: global elephant network, conservation measures, organizations, goals.


Hands off, hands on: Some aspects of keeping elephants. Schmid, Jeannette. International Zoo News, Dec. 1998, v. 45 (8), p. 476-486. no. 289. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, zoos, different approaches, Elephas, Loxodonta.


Identification of sequence tagged sites in the Asian and African elephant. Burk, N.E.; Messer, L.A.; Ernst, C.W.; Rothschild, M.F. Animal Biotechnology, New York, N.Y. Marcel Dekker, 1998, v. 9 (2), p. 156-160. ref. ISSN: 1049-5398.

            NAL call no: SF140.B54A55

            Descriptors: Loxodonta africana, Elephas maximus.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis in elephants: Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis utilizing both IS6110 and pTBN12 probes. Yasuda, L.M.; Lehnkering, E.L.; Kilman, R.J.; Ortiz, E.A.; Tsunawaki, L.A.; Harvey, S.M. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1998, v. 98, p. 503. ISSN: 1060-2011.

            NAL call no: QR1.A5

            Descriptors: mycobacterial infection, polymorphism, probe, pTBN12, IS6110.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection as a zoonotic disease: Transmission between humans and elephants. Michalak, K.; Austin, C.; Diesel, S.; Bacon, M.J.; Zimmerman, P.; Maslow, J.N. Emerging Infectious Diseases, Apr./Jun. 1998, v. 4 (2), p. 283-287. ISSN: 1080-6040.

            NAL call no: RA648.5.E46

            Descriptors: elephants, tuberculosis, disease outbreaks, diagnostic use, husbandry.


The need for routine elephant blood draws. Brown, Janine. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Sept. 1998, v. 25 (9), p. 357-359. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: care in captivity, reproductive techniques, monitoring, blood sampling.


Staining patterns to the zona pellucida of the dog, cat, horse and elephant with porcinezona pellucida (pzP) antisera. Barber, M.R.; Lee, S.M.; Fayrer, Hosken R.A. Theriogenology, Jan. 1, 1998, v. 49 (1), p. 307. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: development, immune system, reproductive system, elephant.


Reproductive assessment of male elephants (Loxodonta africana and elaphus maximus) by ultrasonography. Hildebrandt, T.B.; Goritz, F.; Pratt, N.C.; Schmitt, D.L.; Quandt, S.; Raath, J.; Hofmann, R.R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1998, v. 29 (2), p. 114-128. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: male genitalia, clinical examination, ultrasound.


Reproduction in elephants: An enzyme immunoassay for monitoring oestrus from urine samples. Townsend, A. Uppsala. 1998 28 p. ref.

            Descriptors: animal physiology, reproduction, oestrus detection, monitoring, urine.

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Antral follicle development in xenograft of cryopreserved elephant ovarian tissue. Gunasena, K.T.; Lakey, J.R.T.; Villiness, P. M.; Bush, M.; Raath, C.; Critser, E.S.; McGann, L.E.; Critser, J.K. Cryobiology, Dec. 1997, v. 35 (4), p. 356-357. ISSN: 0011-2240.

            NAL call no: QH324.C7

            Descriptors: cell biology, development, reproduction, ovarian tissue.


The Asian elephant conservation: A global strategy. Santiapillia, Charles. Gajah, Jul. 1997, v. 18, p. 21-39. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors; global strategy, conservation measures, Elaphus maximus.


Brains of ants and elephants. Gregory, R. Perception,1997, v. 26 (3), p. 249-252. ISSN: 0301-0066.

            Descriptors: ants, elephant, anatomy, brain, histology, body weight.


Detection of rinderpest antibodies in elephants, spotted deer and blackbucks. Bhat, M.N.; Manickam, R. International Journal of Animal Sciences, 1997, v. 12 (2), p. 253-254. ref. ISSN: 0970-2857.

            NAL call no: SF81.F3

            Descriptors: rinderpest, zoo animals, viral diseases, drought animals.


Elephants. Poole, Joyce. Voyager Press, Stillwater, MN. 1997, p. 1-72. ISBN: 0896583570.

            Descriptors: popular works, Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Elephants in the zoo and circus. Documentation Part 2: North America. 200 years of elephant keeping in North America 1796-1996. Haufellner, Alexander; Schilfarth, Jurgen; Schweiger, Georg (Eds.) 1997.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: zoo and wildlife parks, captive care history 1796-1996.


The elephant’s respiratory system: Adaptation to gravitational stress. Brown, R.E.; Butler, J.P.; Godleski, J.J.; Loring, S.M. Respiration Physiology, Aug. 1997, v. 109 (2), p. 177-194. ISSN: 0034-5687.

            NAL call no: QP121.A1R4

            Descriptors: bronchi, anatomy, histology, diaphragm, lung, stress.


Salmonellosis in elephants: Possibilities and limits of control. Pagan, O.; Heldstab, A.; Vollm, J.; Weiser, T.; Hockenjos, P. Erkrankungen der Zootiere: Verhandlungsbericht des 38. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere von 7 bis 11 May 1997, p. 305-310. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: elephants, outbreaks, epidemiology, drug therapy, Salmonella.


Secretory patterns of serum prolactin in Asian (Elaphus maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants during different reproductive states: Comparison with concentrations in noncycling African elephant. Brown, J.L.; Lehnardt, J. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 1997, v. 16 (2), p. 149-159. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: prolactin, blood serum, hormone secretion, reproductive physiology.


Three new intestinal protozoan species of the genus Latteuria n.g. (Ciliophora: Trichostomatia) from Asian and African elephants. Timoshenko, O.; Imai, S. Parasitology International, 1997, v. 46 (4), p. 297-303- ref.

            NAL call no: 436.8 J27

            Descriptors: new genus, new species, Ciliophora, protozoa.


Tuberculosis in elephants. (Correspondence). Furley, C.W. Lancet, (British edition) Jul. 1997, v. 350 (9072), p. 224. ref. ISSN: 0140-6736.

            NAL call no: 448.8 L22

            Descriptors: tuberculosis, elephants, ELISA, infectious diseases, zoonoses.

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Application of a transrectal ultrasound in elephants. Goritz, F.; Hildebrandt, Th. Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. i-iii, p. 1-78. Chapter pagination: 76-78.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, transrectal ultrasound application.


The biogeography of the gomphotheriid proboscideans of North America. Lambert, W. David. The Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and Their Relatives. Oxford University Press, 1996. i-xxx, p.1-472. Chapter pagination: 143-148. Shoshani, Jeheskel; Tassy, Pascal (Eds.). ISBN: 0198546521.

            Descriptors: taxonomy, evolution ecology, zoogeography, distribution.


Chemical immobilization and treatment of a wild elephant. Manna, S. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1996, v. 73 (12), p. 1260-1261. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, trauma, etorphine, acepromazine, immobilization.


Collecting data from dead elephants. Whyte, I.J. Studying Elephants, Kangwana, Kadzo (Ed.). African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi, 1996. I-iv p. 1-178. Chapter pagination: 171-178. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: data collection from dead elephants or groups.


Elephants. Kremer, Michael; Morcom, Charles. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. 1996, v. 35, 8 p. ref. p. 34-35.

            NAL call no: HB1.A2N3 no. 5674

            Descriptors: elephants, economic aspects.


Elephant care in North America. Riddle, Heidi. Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. Munster, i-iii, p. 1-78. Chapter pagination: 66-71.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: North America, captive management, elephant, guidelines.


Elephant conservation: An African perspective. Watts, S. AWI Quarterly, Animal Welfare Institute, Spring/Summer 1996, v. 45 (2-3), p. 12-13. ISSN: 1071-1384.

            NAL call no: HV4761.A5

            Descriptors: elephants, wildlife conservation, animal welfare, trade in animals.


The elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget, 1869. Schmaschke, R. Eulenberger. K. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 71-79. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: general morphology, characterization, mammalian hosts, clinical effects


Elephants and man. Workshop on management of captive elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. Schaller, K.; Ziegler, Christel. Allwetterzoo Munster, 1996: i-iii, p. 1-78.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: care in captivity, captive management workshop, collected papers.


‘Hands-off’, protected contact or free contact: Linguistic and other problems in elephant husbandry. Adler, H. Jorg. International Zoo News, Jan./Feb. 1996, v. 43 (1), p. 18-24; no. 266. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, case study and discussion, animals and man.


Hands off - Hands on, some comments on the care of elephants. Schmid, Jeannette. Elephant and Man Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. i-iii, p. 1078: Chapter pagination: 48-57.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: care in captivity, contact with man, elephants, management regulation.


How to immobilize elephants. Thouless, Chris. Studying Elephants. Kangwana, Kadzo (Ed.). African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi. 1996. i-iv, p. 1-178. Chapter pagination: 164-170. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: sedation, immobilization methods, elephants.


Isotopes and elephants. Koch, Paul L.; Hoppe, Kathryn A. American Paleontologist, Nov. 1996, v.4 (4), p. 2-3. ISSN: 1066-8772.

            Descriptors: biochemistry, nutrition, ecology, diet, isotopic analysis.


Insect pheromone in elephants. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Lee, T.D.; Roelofs, W.L.; Zhang, Aljun; Doyle, Daves G. Jr. Nature, 1996, v. 379 (6567), p. 684. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: sex pheromone, urine chemical composition, insects, vomeronasal organ.


Monitoring reproductive status in female elephants by urinary hormone analysis: Experience and results of the first 3 years. Oerke, A.K.; Heistermann, M.; Hagedorn, J.; Hodges, J.K. Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. i-iii, p. 1-78. Chapter pagination: 71-74.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: hormones, urinary hormone analysis, fertility, reproductive status.


Ontogenetic evidence for incisor homologies in proboscideans. Luckett, W. Patrick. The Proboscideans: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and Their Relatives. Oxford University Press, 1996. I-xxx, p. 1-472. Chapter pagination: 26-31. Shoshani, Jeheskel; Tassy, Pascal (Eds.). ISBN: 0198546521.

            Descriptors: teeth, incisor homology, embryo development, dentition, evolution.


Proboscidean relationships based on immunological data. Lowenstein, Jerold M.; Shoshani, Jeheskel. The Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and Their Relatives. Oxford University Press, 1996, i-xxx, p. 1-472. Chapter pagination: 49-54. ISBN: 01985465231.

            Descriptors: genetic relationships, evolution, biochemistry, immunological analysis.


Riddle’s elephant breeding farm and wildlife sanctuary and Hendrix College - people helping animals and people. Arnold, C. Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on the International Society for Applied Ethology, 14-17 Aug. 1996, Guelph, Ontario, Canada: Col. K.L. Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare, 1996, p.74. ISBN: 0889554528.

            NAL call no: SF756.7.I57 1996

            Descriptors: elephants, zoo animals, circus animals.


Studying elephant movements. Whyte, I.J. Studying Elephants. Kangwana, Kadzo (Ed.). African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi. 1996, i-iv, p. 1-178. Chapter pagination: 75-89. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: techniques, nutrition, feeding behavior, behavior, study of movements.


Studying the reproductive physiology of elephants. Mutinda, Hamisi. Studying Elephants. Kangwana, Kadzo (Ed.). African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi. 1996. i-iv, p. 1-178. Chapter pagination: 126-129. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: techniques, reproduction, endocrinology, hormones, physiology.

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Atmospheric controls on elephant communication. Garstang, Michael; Larom, David; Raspet, Richard; Lindeque, Malan. Journal of Experimental Biology, 1995, v. 198 (4), p. 939-951. ISSN: 0022-0949.

            NAL call no: 442.8 B77

            Descriptors: behavior, communication, climatology, elephant.


Elephant raiders and rogues. Sukumar, R. Natural History, American Museum of Natural History, Jul 1995, v. 104 (7), p. 52-61. ISSN: 0028-0712.

            NAL call no: 500 N483J

            Descriptors: elephants, crop damage, behavior patterns, India.


Eleven new ciliate species of the genus Triplumaria (Ciliophora, Entodiniomorphidia) from Asian elephant, Elephas maximus and African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Timoshenko, Olga; Imai, Soichi. Journal of Protozoology Research, 1995, v. 5 (4), p. 157-175. ISSN: 0917-4427.

            NAL call no: QL366.J68

            Descriptors: parasites, host, digestive system, feces, elephant.


Erythrocyte metabolism in the gibbon, the elephant and the lion. Agar, N.S.; Gay, C.A. Comparative Haematology International, 1995, v. 5 (3), p. 158-162. ISSN: 0938-7714.

            Descriptors: biochemistry, proteins, blood, circulatory system, erythrocyte metabolism.


Evidence for long-term memory in elephants. Rasmussen, L.E.L. Chemical Senses, 1995, v. 20 (6), p. 762. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: behavior, chemosensory response, communication, sense organs.


The evolution of elephant husbandry from free contact to protected contact-A veterinarian’s perspective. Oosterhuis, James E. AAZV. AAWV, and WDA, Proceedings of a joint conference, Aug. 12-17, 1995. 1995, 250 p.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: ecology, veterinary medicine, wildlife management, elephants.


Haemorrhagic septicemia in wild elephants - a case report. Thiruthalinathan, R.; Swaminathan, D. Indian Journal of Veterinary Research, 1995, v. 4 (2), p. 60-62. ref. ISSN: 0971-4251.

            Descriptors: bacterial diseases, diagnosis, elephants, haemorrhagic septicemia.


Homegrown protected contact elephant management. Smith, Steve. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1995, p. 361-363. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: handling techniques, care in captivity, management methods.


Integrating the Specialized Training and Reinforcement System (STARS) into the elephant management program at the National Zoological Park. Flynn, Debbie; Lehnhardt, John. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1995, p. 547-551. ISSN: 1088-0402

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: handling techniques, captive management, training, reinforcement.


New intestinal ciliate genus (Ciliate: Paraisotrichidae) from the elephants. Timoshenko, O.; Imai, S. European Journal of Protistology, 1995, v. 31 (4), p. 468. ISSN: 0932-4739.

            NAL call no: QL362.A1P7

            Descriptors: cell biology, parasitology, morphology, Ciliata, elephant.


Principles and practice of fixing dose of drugs for elephants. Cheeran, Jacob V.; Chandrasekharan, K.; Radhakrishnan, K. A Week With Elephants: Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Conservation of Asian Elephant. Daniel, J.C.; Datye, Hemant S. (Eds.). Jun. 1993. Oxford University Press, 1995, i-vii, p. 1-535. viii-xi. Chapter pagination: 430-438. ISBN: 0195638506.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98I67 1995

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, fixing of drug dosage, principles and practice.


Restraint and handling of wild and domestic animals. 2nd ed. Fowler, Murray E. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1995, viii, 383 p. ill. ref. index. ISBN: 0813818923.

            NAL call no: QL62.5.F68 1995

            Descriptors: animal immobilization.


RNA structure. Describing the elephant. Baskerville, S.; Ellington, A.D. Current Biology, Feb. 1, 1995, v. 5 (2), p. 120-123. ISSN: 0960-9822.

            NAL call no: QH301.C85

            Descriptors: RNA, base sequence, cross linking, RNA chemistry, elephant.


Urinary cortisol analysis for monitoring adrenal activity in elephants. Brown, J.L.; Wemmer, C.M.; Lehnhardt, J. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y., Wiley-Liss, Inc. 1995, v. 14 (6), p. 533-542. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana, hydrocortisone, urine, adrenal glands.


When elephants weep: The emotional lives of animals. Masson, J. Moussaieff; McCarthy, Susan. New York. Delacorte, 1995, xxii, 291 p. ref. index. ISBN: 0385314256.

            NAL call no: QL785.27.M37 1995

            Descriptors: emotions in animals.


A week with elephants: Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Conservation of Elephants, June 1993. Datye, Hemant S. Bombay Natural History Society, 1995, xi, 535 p. ill. maps. ISBN: 0195638506.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98I67 1995

            Descriptors: Asiatic elephant ecology congress, wildlife management.

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Amino acid sequence and properties of vasopressin-associated elephant neurophysin. Huang, H.B.; Wellner, D.; Naude, R.; Oelofsen, W.; Oosthuizen, M.M.; Breslow, E. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research, Sept. 1994, v. 44 (3), p. 270-277. ISSN: 0367-8377.

            NAL call no: QD431 A1I5

            Descriptors: neurophysins chemistry, pituitary gland, vasopressins chemistry.


Answers to questions about protected contact elephant management. Priest, Gary. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Mar. 1994, v. 21 (3), p. 80-91. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: care in captivity, protected contact management methods.


Cooperative elephant breeding between zoos and circuses - a realistic proposal? Cimino, Ray. International Zoo News, Jul./Aug. 1994, v. 41 (5), p. 29-34; no. 254. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: breeding programs, care in captivity, behavior, circus and zoo animals.


Elephants. Spinage, Clive A. 1994, xvi, 319 p. T and AD Poyser, 24-28 Oval Road, London, England. ISBN: 0856610887.

            Descriptors: behavior, development, nutrition, reproduction, physiology.


The elephant. Lane, T.J. Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference, Eastern States Veterinary Association, 1994, p. 931-932. Jan. 15-20, 1994.

            NAL call no: SF605.N672

            Descriptors: Loxodonta africana, Elephas maximus.


Elephant encounter: A free contact management program. Blasko, David R. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 334-336.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: care in captivity, exhibit design, husbandry program.


In the eye of the beholder: Our image of the African Elephant. Dublin, H. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin. Washington, DC, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Jan./Feb. 1994, v. 19 (1), p. 5-6. ISSN: 0145-9236.

            NAL call no: S960.E5

            Descriptors: wildlife management, Africa, Loxodonta africana.


Managing elephants: An introduction to the training and management of elephants. Roocroft, Alan; Zoll, Donald Atwell. Ramona, CA. Fever Tree Press, 1994, 198 p. ill. ISBN: 0964007304.

            NAL call no: SF401.E3R66 1994

            Descriptors: elephants training, elephants handling.


Medical Management of the Elephant. Susan K. Mikota, D.V.M; Eva Lee Sargent, PhD; G.S. Ranglack, D.V.M., PhD. Indira Publishing House, P.O. Box 250456, West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0456. Tel: 313-661-2529; FAX: 313-661-4066. ISBN: 0930337-14-X


Propagation of elephants in captivity. Lehnhardt, John A. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 353-356.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: breeding programs, breeding problems, Elaphus, Loxodonta.


Research and captive elephant management. Olson, Debbie. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 364-368.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: care in captivity, role and value in management, research projects.


Reverse perspective: Basic elephant management or enrichment? Haight, Jay. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Mar. 1994, v. 21 (3), p. 115-116. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: care in captivity, management techniques.


Spondyloarthropathy in proboscideans. Rothschild, Bruce M.; Wang, Xiaoming; Shoshani, Jeheskel. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1994, v. 25 (3), p. 360-366. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: diagnosis, reactive arthritis, skeletal system, veterinary medicine.


A summary of survey results. What direction are we headed with our elephants? Bullock, Jeff. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 16-21. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, captive management, free versus protected contact.


The UK Elephant workshop - an insight. Spooner, Neil G. Ratel, Feb. 1994, v. 21 (1), p. 20-23. ISSN: 0305-1218.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.R37

            Descriptors: breeding programs, care in captivity, captive husbandry, breeding.       


Vitamin E in exotics: Effects, evaluation and ecology. Dierenfeld, E.S. Journal of Nutrition, Bethesda, MD. American Institute of Nutrition, Dec. 1994, v. 124 (12S), p. 2579S-2581S. ISSN: 0022-3166. ref.

            NAL call no: 389.8 J82

            Descriptors: vitamin deficiencies, deer, horses, zebra, elephants, rhinoceros, exotics.

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Breeding elephants in captivity. Schmidt, Michael J. Zoo and Wildlife Medicine: Current Therapy. 3rd ed. Fowler, Murray E. (Ed.). W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1993. i-xxv, p. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 445-448.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: care in captivity, bull management, reproductive techniques.


Current immobilization procedures used in elephants. Kock, Richard A.; Morkel, Peter; Kock, Michael D. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, Fowler, Murray E. (Ed.). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 1993: i-xxv, p. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 436-441.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: sedation, current immobilization procedures and anesthetics, review.


Elephant caretaker bond and show performance in a zoo. Koene, P.; Jansen, R.G.; Nichelmann, M, (Ed); Wierenga, H.K. (Ed.); Braun, S. Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Ethology, Berlin, 1993, 3rd joint meeting, p. 190-194. ref.

            Descriptors: elephants, caretakers, bond.


Feeding strategies and metabolism in elephants and sauropod dinosaurs. Colbert, E.H. American Journal of Science, 1993, v. 293A, p. 1-19. ISSN: 0002-9599.

            NAL call no: 470 AM34

            Descriptors: feeding, metabolism, Elephas, Loxodonta, gigantism, Sauropoda.


Playing with their food - ideas for elephants. Haight, Jay. Shape of Enrichment, Nov. 1993, v.2 (4), p. 5-6. May, v. 2 (2), p. 5-6. ISSN: 1088-8152.

            NAL call no: HV4737.S53

            Descriptors: care in captivity, enrichment, techniques, diet in captivity.


Problems of wild elephant translocation. Lahiri-Choudhury, D.K. Oryx, 1993, v. 27 (1), p. 53-55. ISSN: 0030-6053.

            NAL call no: 410 OR9

            Descriptors: translocation, human impact, population establishment.


The reproductive physiology of the elephant. Taya, Kazuyoshi. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 1993, v. 39 (6), p. J77-J91. ISSN: 0916-8818.

            Language: Japanese.

            NAL call no: SF1.K3

            Descriptors: reproductive system, behavior, endocrine system, testosterone.


Reverse perspective: Basic elephant management or enrichment? Haight, Jay. Shape of Enrichment, Nov. 1993, v. 2 (4), p. 5-6. ISSN: 1088-8152.

            NAL call no: HV4737.S53

            Descriptors: care in captivity, enrichment, techniques.


Tool use by wild and captive elephants. Chevalier-Skolnikoff, S.; Liska, J. Animal Behavior, London. Academic Press, Aug. 1993, v. 46 (2), p. 209-219. ref. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: animal behavior, Loxodonta africana, Elephas maximus, tool using.

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Comparative physiological responses to stressors in animals. Hattingh, J.; Petty, D. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Comparative Physiology, 1992, v. 101 (1), p. 113-116. ref. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: restraint of animals, stress, measurement, blood composition.


Ecological implications of metabolic biochemistry: Elephant parts and the third secret of life. Introduction. Suarez, R.K. Experientia, 1992, v. 48 (6), p. 535-536. ISSN: 0014-4754.

            NAL call no: 475 Ex7

            Descriptors: comprehensive zoology, whole animal physiology, biochemistry.


Efficacy of micellized natural alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) in captive elephants. Stuart, R.L.; Ingram. K.A.; Dierenfeld, E.S.; Patton, R.S. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1992, p. 265-271. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, nutrition, diet, biochemistry, vitamin E requirement.


Elephantine contraception. Lancet (British edition). 1992, v. 340 (8819), p. 583-584. ref. ISSN: 0099-5355.

            NAL call no: 448.8 L22

            Descriptors: elephants, contraceptives, reproduction control.


Origins and evolution. Shoshani, J. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Elephants: From Their Origins and Evolution to Their Ceremonial and Working Relationship With Man. Eltringham, S.K. Salamander Books, London. 1991. P. 1-188: chapter pagination: 12-29.

            Descriptors: Proboscidea, evolution, Caenozoic, general work.


Serum vitamin E status in captive elephants during prolonged supplementation of micellized natural alpha-tocopherol. Wallace, Carolee; Ingram, Kathy A.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Stuart, Robert L. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1992, p. 388-394. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: diet in captivity, vitamin E supplement, serum levels, diet, nutrition.

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Diseases of elephants. Colly, L. Proceedings of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal: Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park, Apr. 20-30, 1991. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 106-114.

            Descriptors: parasites, diseases, disorders, review, Elaphus, Loxodonta.


Efficacy of absorption of various vitamin E forms by captive elephants and black rhinoceroses. Papas, A.M.; Cambre, R.C.; Citino, S.B.; Sokol, R.J. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1991, v. 22 (3), p. 309-317. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: vitamin E forms, dietary implications, absorption efficiency.


The elephant. Pathak, S.C. Journal of the Assam Veterinary Council, 1991, v. 1, p. 65-68.

            Descriptors: anatomy, physiology, diseases, parasites, elephants.


Elephant handling - a problem of risk management and resource allocation. Lehnardt, John. AAZPA Annual Conference Proceedings, 1991, p. 569-575. ISSN: 0731-0390.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: elephants, handling techniques, safety considerations, care in captivity.


Elephant treatments: A challenge for the zoo veterinarian. Ruedi, D. Berliner und Muenchener Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, 1991, v. 104 (3), p. 79-83. ref. graphs. ISSN: 0005-9366.

            Language: German with Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: elephant treatments, diseases, diagnosis, therapy.


Mammoths, mastodonts, and elephants: Biology, behavior, and fossil record. Haynes, Gary. New York. Cambridge University Press, 1991, xi, 413 p. , ill. ref, index. ISBN: 0521384354.

            NAL call no: QE882.P8H39 1991

            Descriptors: elephants, fossil.


Methods of sampling food consumption by free-ranging elephant. De Villiers, P.A.; Pietersen, E.W.; Hugo, T.A.; Meissner, H.H.; Kok, O.B. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1991, v. 21 (1), p.23-27.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: sampling, food consumption, Loxodonta africana.


Observations on the placenta of elephants. Davis, S.; Benirschke, K. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1991, no. 33, p. 39-45. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: weight, placenta, morphology, histology.


Protected contact elephant training. Desmond, Tim; Laule, Gail. AAZPA Annual Conference Proceedings, 1991, p. 606-613. ISSN: 0731-0390.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: techniques, care in captivity, handling techniques, physical restraint.


Protocol of a parturition in the elephant. Lang, E.M.; Eggenberger, U. Zoologische Garten, 1991, v. 61 (1), p. 5-7. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: zoo animals, obstetrics, parturition, elephants, case reports.


Synthesis and receptor binding activity of elephant beta-endorphin, a beta-endorphin homolog with highly potent analgesic activity. Cheng, Heung Chin; Yamashiro, D. International Journal of Peptide Protein Research, 1991. V. 38 (1), p. 66-69.

            NAL call no: QD431.A1I5

            Descriptors: Elephas, beta-endorphin, synthesis, brain, receptors, binding.


Treatment of elephants, a challenge for zoo veterinarians. Ruedi, D. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 1991, v. 3, p. 79-83. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: diseases, animal husbandry, elephants, zoo animals.


Vitamin E considerations in practical animal feeding and case studies with elephants and rhinoceros. Papas, A.M.; Cambre, R.C.; Citino, S.B. Proceedings of the Annual Dr. Scholl Conference on the Nutrition of Captive Wild Animals.1991, v. 8, p. 59-72. ISSN: 0749-1778.

            NAL call no: SF95.D7

            Descriptors: rhinoceros, elephant, vitamin E, feeding, vitamin E levels, diet in captivity.

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The brain in aged elephants. Cole, G.; Neal, J.W.; Cork, L.C. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 1990, v. 49 (2), p. 190-192. ref. ISSN: 0022-3069.

            Descriptors: histology, nervous system diseases, brain, aging, elephants.


Carbon and nitrogen isotopes in elephants. Vogel, J.C.; Talma, A.S.; Hall-Martin, A.J.; Viljoen, P.J. South African Journal of Science, 1990, v. 86 (3), p. 147-150.

            NAL call no: 515 S084

            Descriptors: environmental conditions, Loxodonta africana.


Elephants. Redmond, I. 1990, p. 1-32. Wayland (Publishers), Hove, East Sussex.

            Descriptors: biology, conservation, Elaphus, Loxodonta, distribution.


Elephant life: Fifteen years of high population density. 1st ed. Buss, Irven O. Ames. Iowa State University Press, 1990, xxvi, 191 p., ill. maps. ISBN: 0813801397.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98B8 1990

            Descriptors: elephants, populations.


Elephant pituitary gonadotropins. McFarlane, J.R.; Cabrera, C.M.; Oosthuizen, M.M.J.; Papkoff, H. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 1990, v. 79 (2), p. 193-200. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: leuteinizing hormone, pituitary, Loxodonta africana.


Heat transfer in elephants thermal partitioning based on skin temperature profiles. Williams, T.M. Journal of Zoology, London. 1990, v. 222 (2), p. 235-246. ISSN: 0952-8369.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: elephant, heat production, dissipation physiology, temperature.


A method of skull-based sex determination of elephant carcasses. Vijoen, P.J. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1990, v. 20 (3), p. 118-119.

            Language: Afrikaans; English.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: sexual dimorphism, skull, Loxodonta africana.


Piromyces mae and Piromyces dumbonica, two new species of uniflagellate anaerobic chytridiomycete fungi from the hindgut of the horse and elephant. Li, J.; Heath, I.B.; Bauchop, T. Canadian Journal of Botany, May 1990, v. 68 (5), p. 1021-1033. ill. ref. ISSN : 0008-4026.

            NAL call no: 470 C16C

            Descriptors: fungi, elephants, hind gut, new taxa, anaerobes, cell ultrastructure.


Preliminary study on the antinociceptive effect of elephant beta-endorphin. Wong, Chak Lam.; Wai, Man Keung; Cheng, Heung Chin; Chung D.; Yamashiro, D. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 1990, v. 17 (1), p. 33-37.

            NAL call no: QP1.C55

            Descriptors: pain perception, elephant.


Quality of food and voluntary intake by elephants as measured by lignin index. Meissner, H.H.; Spreeth, E.B.; de Villiers, P.A.; Pietersen, E.W.; Hugo, T.A.; Terblanche, B.F. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1990, v. 20 (3), p. 104-110.

            Language: Afrikaans; English.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: lignin, Loxodonta africana, food intake.


Rearrangement of the distal pocket accompanying E7His arrow right Gln substitution in elephant carbonmonoxy and oxymyoglobin: Super (1) H NMR identification of a new aromatic residue in the heme pocket. Yu, Liping P.; La-Mar, C.N.; Mizukami, H. Biochemistry, 1990, v. 29 (10), p. 2578-2585.

            NAL call no: 381 B523

            Descriptors: oxymyoglobin, Elphantidae.


Rescue the African elephant. Droscher, Vitus B. Hamburg: Rasch und Rohring, 1990, 146 p. ill. ISBN: 3891362919.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98R47 1990

            Descriptors: African elephant.


Serum testosterone and musth in captive male African and Asian elephants. Cooper, K.A.; Harder, J.D.; Clawson, D.H.; Frederick, D.L.; Lodge, G.A.; Peachey, N.C.; Spellmire, T.J.; Winstel, D.P. Zoo Biology, 1990, v. 9 (4), p. 297-306. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: sexual maturity, androgens, sex hormones, testosterone, elephants.


A veterinary view of elephant husbandry. Rueedi, D. Tieraerztliche Umschau, 1990, v. 45 (3), p. 199-200. ref. table. ISSN: 0049-3864.

            Language: German with Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 41.8 T445

            Descriptors: elephants, zoos, animal husbandry, therapy , diseases, control.


Views of a zoo veterinarian on keeping elephants. Ruedi, D. Tierarztliche Umschau, 1990, v. 45 (3), p. 199-200.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 T445

            Descriptors: diseases, elephants, zoo animals, health and hygiene.

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Dermatopathies in elephants and their treatment. Kuntze, A. Kleintierpraxis, 1989, v. 34 (8), p. 405-416. ref. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: ectoparasites, elephants, skin diseases, reviews.


Dermatopathies and their therapy in elephants. Kuntze, A. Kleintierpraxis, 1989, v. 34 (8), p. 405-415. ref. graphs. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German with Summary in English and French.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: elephants, zoos, skin diseases, therapy.


Electrophoretic variation within and between the two extant elephant species (Mammalia: Proboscidea). Drysdale, T.A.; Florkiewicz, R.F. Journal of Mammalogy, 1989, v. 70 (2), p. 381-383. ISSN: 0022-2372.

            NAL call no: 410 J823

            Descriptors: Elaphus maximus, Proboscidea.


Elephant. Collector’s ed. National Geographic Special, Distributed by Vestron Video, 1989. 1 videocassette (60 min.) s.d., col. ISBN: 0805108637.

            NAL call no: Videocassette no. 1154

            Descriptors: elephants, behavior, communication.


Elephant management in changing times. Tuttle, Dale. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1989, p. 611-615. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: animals and man, education and entertainment, techniques, captivity, care.


Fabricational noise in elephant dentitions. Roth, V.L. Paleobiology, 1989, v. 15 (2), p. 165-179. ISSN: 0094-8373.

            Descriptors: dentition, morphological variation, ontogenesis, phylogony.


Primary structure of elephant growth hormone. Hulmes, J.D.; Miedel, M.C.; Li, Choh Hao; Pan, Yu Ching E. International Journal of Peptide Protein Research, 1989, v. 33 (5), p. 368-372. ISSN: 0367-8377.

            NAL call no: QD431.A1I5

            Descriptors: Elephantus, growth hormone, structure.


Primary structure of elephant pituitary prolactin. Li, Choh Hao; Oosthuizen, M.M.J.; Chung, D. International Journal of Peptide Protein Research, 1989, v. 33 (1), p. 67-69. ref. ISSN: 0367-8377.

            NAL call no: QD431.A1I5

            Descriptors: pituitary, Elephantus, prolactin, amino acids.


Warts (pappilloma/Sarcoid) in two elephants. Hegel, G. von; Hanichen, T.; Mahnel, H.; Wiesner, H. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 31, International Symposiums. Uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere, Dortmund, 1989, p. 207-209. ref. ISBN: 3055006518.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5 no. 31

            Descriptors: elephants, dermatomycoses, infections, skin, case reports.

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Chemosensory response in two species of elephants to constituents of temporal gland secretion and musth urine. Rasmussen, L.E.L. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1988, v. 14 (8), p. 1687-1712. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A1J6

            Descriptors: avoidance behavior, secretions, urine, chemical communication.


Contribution to pregnancy diagnosis in Asian and African elephants. Koch, E.; Elsaesser, F.; Boeer, M.; Dittrich, L.; Ellendorff, F. Deutsche Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, 1988, v. 95 (3), p. 111-114. ISSN: 0341-6593.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: elephants, gestation period, diagnosis, progesterone.


Isolation and primary structure of elephant adrenocorticotropin and beta-lipotropin. Li, C.H.; Oosthuizen, M.M.; Chung, D. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research, Dec. 1988, v. 32 (6), p. 573-578. ISSN: 0367-8377.

            NAL call no: QD431.A1I5

            Descriptors: amino acid sequence, chromatography, peptide fragments.


Managing giants. Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL. 1988, 1 videocassette (17 min.), sd. col.

            NAL call no: Videocassette no. 1561

            Descriptors: elephants, behavior, handling.


Ovarian function in the elephant: Luteinizing hormone and progesterone cycles in African and Asian elephants. Plotka, E.D.; Seal, U.S.; Zarembka, F.R.; Simmons, L.G.; Teare, A.; Phillips, L.G.; Hinshaw, K.C.; Wood, D.G. Biology of Reproduction, 1988, v. 38 (2), p. 309-314. ref. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: oestrus cycle, duration, elephants, blood, progesterone, gonadotropins.


Pregnancy diagnosis in Asian and African elephants. Koch, E.; Elsaesser, F.; Boer, M.; Dittrich, L.; Ellendorff, F. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 1988, v. 05 (3), p. 111-114. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: progesterones, elephants, pregnancy diagnosis, gonadotropins.


Raising of downer elephants by means of inflatable lifting cushions. Jarofke, D. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im deutschsprachigen Raum, 1988, p.77. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: elephants, transport, methods, air.


Treatment of some diseases in elephants (slide lecture). Rueedi, D. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im deutschsprachigen Raum, 1988, p. 72-77.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: elephants, zoos, animal diseases, therapy.


The trumpeting elephant sign of gastroesophageal reflux. Rowen, S.J.; Gyepes, M.T. Radiology, 1988, v. 167 (1), p. 138. ISSN: 0033-8491.

            Descriptors: digestive system, pathology, reflux, elephant.


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An attempt to deepfreeze elephant semen. Merkt, H.; Bader, H.; Rath, D.; Dittrich, L. Deutsche Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, 1987, v. 94 (8), p. 488-489. ref. graphs. ISSN: 0341-6593.

            Language: German with Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: elephants, semen, freezing.


Diseases of Zoo Animals. Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium of Diseases of Zoo Animals, 20-24 May, Cardiff (UK). Ippen, R. (Ed.); Schroder, H.D. 1987, 369 pp. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: English, German, French, Russian.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, parasitosis, diseases, parasites, helminths, zoo animals.


Elephant growth hormone: Isolation and characterization. Li, C.H.; Bewley, T.A.; Chung, D.; Oosthuizen, M.M.J. International Journal of Peptide Protein Research, 1987, v. 29 (1), p. 62-67.

            NAL call no: QP431.A1I5

            Descriptors: growth hormone, Loxodonta africana.


Elephant prolactin: Isolation and characterization. Li, C.H.; Chung, D.; Bewley, T.A.; Cabrera, C.M. International Journal of Peptide Protein Research, 1987, v. 29 (4), p. 472-477.

            NAL call no: QP431.A1I5

            Descriptors: prolactin, pituitary, Loxodonta africana.


Elephant talk. Ringer, R. International Zoo News, 1987, v. 34 (2), p. 12-14. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: communication, response to commands, care in captivity.


Experiments with yohimbine as the antidote for xylazine immobilization of zoo animals in Berlin Zoo. Goltenboth, R.; Kloss, H.G. Verhandlungsbericht des Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1987, v. 29, p. 143-149. ref.

            Language; German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: injectable anaesthetics, restraint of animals, immobilization.


New data on the molar morphology of the elephants. Sher, A.V.; Garutt, V.E. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1985, v. 285 (1), p. 221-225. ISSN: 0002-3264.

            Language: Russian.

            NAL call no: 511 P444A

            Descriptors: teeth, structure, function, phylogeny, morphology.


Surface sculpturing and water retention of elephant skin. Lillywhite, H.B.; Stein, B.R. Journal of Zoology, London, 1987, v. 211 (4), p. 727-734. ISSN: 0952-8369.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68 

            Descriptors: integumentary system, biology, biochemistry, wallowing, heat loss.


Surgery on elephants. Kuntze, A. Monatshefte fur Veterinarmedizin, 1987, v. 42 (11), p. 399-403. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 M742

            Descriptors: zoo animals, circus animals, neoplasms, foot diseases, anaesthesia.


The upper lip of the elephant. Fischer, M.S. Zeitschrift fuer Saeugetierkunde, 1987, v. 52 (4), p. 262-263. ISSN: 0044-3468.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: QL700.Z4

            Descriptors: development, biology, anatomy, trunk.


Wound healing in elephants. Kuntze, A. Verhandlungsbericht des Internationalen Symposiums die Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1987, v. 29, p. 167-171. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: zoo animals, case reports, skin diseases, elephants, tail abscesses.

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Elephants (Probiscidea). Schmidt, M. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Fowler, M.E. (Ed.). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 1986, i-xxiv, p. 1-1127. Chapter pagination: 883-897.

            NAL call no: SF966.Z66

            Descriptors: care in captivity, sedation, medication techniques, biology, review.


Habits of elephants in captivity. Ramesh, T.M.; Gopalakrishnan, A.V. Livestock Advisor, 1986, v. 11 (3), p. 17-19.

            NAL call no: SF1.L53

            Descriptors: elephant, captivity, behavior.


On the keeping of elephants in a circus with regard to their minimal requirements. Schulze, W. Praktische Tierarzt, 1986, v. 67 (9), p. 809-811. ref. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: elephants, performing animals, husbandry methods, feeds.


Origin of elephants Elephantidae and their phylogeny. Garutt, V.E. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, 1986. V. 149, p. 15-32. ISSN: 0206-0477.

            Language: Russian.

            NAL call no: 410.9 L543

            Descriptors: origin of taxon, phylogeny, pliocene, Elephantidae.


Physiological measurement of stress. Hattingh, J. South African Journal of Science, 1986, v. 82 (11), p. 612-614. ref. ISSN: 0038-2353.

            NAL call no: 515 S084

            Descriptors: elephants, slaughter, stress, blood chemistry, statistical analysis.


A plastic tail collar for marking wild elephants. Viljoen, P.J. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1986, v. 16 (4), p. 158-162.

            Language: Afrikaans; English.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: marking, population studies, Loxodonta africana.


Tertiary dentine in the root of an elephant tusk. Gainer, R.S. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1986, v. 17 (2), p. 69-72. ref.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: elephants, tooth diseases.


Training of elephants as work animals. Ramesh, T.M.; Gopalakrishnan, A.V. Livestock Advisor, 1986, v. 11 (4), p. 25-29.

            NAL call no: SF1.L53

            Descriptors: training, elephants.

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Elephant trunks morphology and motion. Croner, L.J.; Wainwright, S.A. American Zoologist, 1985, v. 25 (4), p. 12A. ISSN: 0003-1569.

            NAL call no: 410 AM3

            Descriptors: radial muscle, longitudinal muscle, oblique muscle, soft tissue.


Endoparasites of the African and Asian elephant. Bauer, C.; Stoye, M. Praketische Tieraerzt, Jan. 1, 1985, v. 66 (1), p. 55-60. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: elephants, parasitosis, diagnosis, therapy, disease control.


Energy of the oscillating legs of a fast-moving cheetah, pronghorn, jackrabbit, and elephant. Hildebrand, M.; Hurley, J.P. Journal of Morphology, Apr. 1985, v. 184 (1), p. 23-31. ISSN: 0362-2525.

            NAL call no: 444.8 J826

            Descriptors: biophysics, leg physiology, running, comparative study.


Episiotomy, a new obstetrical intervention in elephant cow. Merkt, H.; Ahlers, D.; Bader, H.; Brandt, H.P.; Boeer, M.; Dittrich, L. Deutsche Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, 1985, v. 92 (10), p. 428-432. ref. graphs. ISSN: 0341-6593.

            Language: German with Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: elephants, obstetrics, surgical operations.


Galen’s dissection of the elephant. Scarborough, J. Korot, Summer, 1985, v. 8 (11-12), p. 123-134. ISSN: 0023-4109.

            Descriptors: anatomy, history, biography, historical article.


Illustrated account of methods of euthanasia of the elephant. Jarofke, D.; Adami, A Kleintierpraxis, 1985, v. 30 (4), p. 205-206, 208. ref. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: elephants, etorphine, euthanasia.


Illustrated report of the removal of a dead elephant fetus by perineotomy at the 645th day of gestation and 65 hours after the start of parturition. Merkt, H.; Ahlers, D.; Bader, H.; Brandt, H.P.; Boer, M.; Dittrich, L. Praktische Tierarzt, 1985, v. 66 (5), p. 377-378. plates. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: zoo animals, case reports, surgical operations, fetal death,


Ivermectin treatment of lice infestations in two elephant species. Karesh, W.B.; Robinson, P.T. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1235-1236. ill. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: African elephant, Indian elephant, ivermectins, drug therapy.


Modified technique of the venous cannulation in swamp buffalo and elephant. Pibul, Chaianan; Rungcharoen, Kanchanomai. Kasetsart Veterinarians, Feb. 1985, v. 6 (1), p. 46-56. ill. ISSN: 0125-5169.

            Language: Thai with an English summary.

            Descriptors: blood vessels, blood collections, anatomy, elephants.


Observations during anesthetic management of an adult elephant. (Abstract). Dunlop, C.I.; Hodgson, D.S.; Steffey, E.P.; Fowler, M.E. Veterinary Surgery, 1985, v. 14 (1), p. 71-72. ISSN: 0161-3499.

            NAL call no: SF911.V43

            Descriptors: halothane, anaesthesia, elephants, zoo animals.


A reliable method for the sex differentiation in elephants. Jarofke, D.; Neitzel, H. Praktische Tierarzt, Jan.1, 1985, v. 66 (1), p. 53-54. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: elephants, sex, diagnosis, chromosomes.


Taming young elephants with Rompun ®). Trembath, P.R. Veterinaer Medizinische Nachrichten, 1985, no. 2, p. 169-170. table. ISSN: 0341-7085.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF601.V43

            Descriptors: elephants, anesthetics, analgesics, training.


Tool use by elephants. Reid, J.B. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1985, v. 82 (2), p. 402-403. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: behavior, elephant, tool use.

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African elephant. Douglas, Hamilton I. Evolution of Domesticated Animals. Edited by Ian L. Mason. London. 1984, p. 185-193. maps. ref. ISBN: 0582460468.

            NAL call no: S41.E93

            Descriptors: African elephant, domestication, history.


Alcohol self-administration by elephants. Siegel, R.K.; Brodie, M. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 1984, v. 22 (1), p. 49-52. ISSN: 0090-5054.

            Descriptors: alcohol, drug self-administration, Elaphus maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Asian elephant. Olivier, R.C.D. Evolution of Domesticated Animals. Edited by Ian L. Mason. London. 1984, p. 185-193. maps. ref. ISBN: 0582460468.

            NAL call no: S41.E93

            Descriptors: Asian elephant, domestication, history, training.


Do elephants need to sweat? Wright, P.G.; Luck, P.G. South African Journal of Zoology, 1984, v. 19 (4), p. 270-274. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: thermoregulation, climactic conditions, water loss, evaporation.


Elephant management within the American Zoo. Meyer, D.J. American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums Regional Conference Proceedings, 1984, p. 131-134. ISSN: 0731-0493.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: Elephantidae, care in captivity. 


Fatal infection of an elephant calf caused by the trematode Protofasciola robusta (Lorenz 1881) in Somaliland. Vitovec, J.; Kotrla, B.; Haji, H.; Hayles, L.B. Zentralblatt fuer Veterinaermedizin, 1984, v. 31 (8), p. 597-602. ISSN: 0721-1856.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Z5

            Descriptors: pest of animals, parasitic worms other than nematodes, elephant calf.


LSD-induced effects in elephants: Comparisons with musth behavior. Siegel, R.K. Bull. Psychon. Soc. 1984, v. 22 (1), p. 53-56.

            Descriptors: LSD, aggressive behavior, locomotion, Elaphus maximus.


Managing elephant depredation in agricultural and forestry projects. Seidensticker, John. A World Bank Technical Paper, 0253-7494. Washington, DC, World Bank, 1984, 33 p. ill. ISBN: 0821302973.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98S45 1984

            Descriptors: elephants, wildlife management, wildlife depredation.


Management of tusk disorders in elephants. Allen, J.L.; Welsch, B.; Jacobson, E.R.; Kollias, G.V. Abstracts or Papers of the Annual Meeting, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 1984, p. 63-64. ref.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: zoo animals, dentistry, inflammation, tooth diseases, elephants.


Salmonellosis in a herd of captive elephants. Janssen, D.L.; Karesh, W.B.; Cosgrove, G.E.; Oosterhuis, J.E. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1984, v. 185 (11), p. 1450-1451. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: salmonellosis, diarrhea, Elaphus maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentrations in elephant serum and temporal gland secretions. Rasmussen, L.E.; Buss, I.G.; Hess, D.L.; Schmidt, M.J. Biology of Reproduction, Mar. 1984, v. 30 (2), p. 352-362. ref. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: testosterone, concentrations, serum, temporal gland, elephant.


Why do elephants flap their ears? Wright, P.G. South African Journal of Zoology, 1984, v. 19 (4), p. 266-169. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: ear, flapping, thermoregulatory behavior, Loxodonta africana.


Yohimbine antagonism of ketamine/xylazine tranquilization and immobilization of hoofstock. Jacobson, E.R.; Kollias, G.V. Abstracts or Papers of the Annual Meeting, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 1984, v. 57 (3), ref.

            NAL call no: SF605 A4

            Descriptors: elephants, zoo animals, sheep, drug combinations, restraint.

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Age estimation and population age structure of elephants from footprint dimensions (Loxodonta africana). Western, D.; Moss, C.; Georgiadis, N. Journal of Wildlife Management, Oct. 1983, v. 47 (4), p. 1192-1197. ref. ISSN: 0022-541X.

            NAL call no: 410 J827

            Descriptors: footprint, age estimation, population age structure.


Amputation of the tail in an elephant. Jarofke, D. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im Duetschsprachigen Raum, 1983, no. 2, p. 46-47. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: animal disorders, tail amputation, elephant.


Diseases of Exotic Animals. Medical and Surgical Management. Wallach, J.D.; Boever, W.J. 1983, xii, 1159 p. ref. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721691056.

            NAL call no: SF981.W34

            Descriptors: animal diseases, zoo animals, birds, fishes, veterinary medicine.


Electrocardiography in lying and standing elephants, with reference to the use of xylazine. Mill, J.; Kuntze, A.; R. Ippen (ed.); H.D Schroder (ed.). Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 25. International Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere, May 1983, v. 11 (15), p. 349-355. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: anesthesia, cardiovascular system, blood pressure, electrocardiograms.


Elephant behavior in a semi-arid environment. Barnes, R.F.W. African Journal of Ecology, 1983, v. 21 (3), p. 185-196.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: ranging behavior, movements, climactic conditions, food availability.


Interaction of ligands with the distal glutamine in elephant myoglobin. Bartnicki, D.E.; Mizukami, H.; Tomero-Herrera, A.E. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Feb. 10, 1983, v. 258 (3), p. 1599-1602. ill. ref. ISSN: 0021-9258.

            NAL call no: 381 J824

            Descriptors: elephant myoglobin, ligands, interaction, distal glutamine.


Lifting of lying elephants. Jarofke, D. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im deutschsprachigen Raum,1983, no. 2, p. 48-50. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: lying elephants, lifting.


Perissodactyla (equids, tapirs, rhinos), Proboscidae (elephants), and Hippopotamidae (hippopotamus). Wallach, J.D.; Boever, W.J. Diseases of Exotic Animals, 1983, p. 761-829. fig. ref. ISBN: 0721691056.

            NAL call no: SF981.W34

            Descriptors: diseases, elephants, reviews.


Technique and indication of slow drip infusion in elephants. Schulze, W.; Hertrampf, B. Kleintierpraxis, May, 1983, v. 28 (3), p. 159-162. ref. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German with Summary in English, French, Italian.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: diseases, slow drip infusion, elephant.

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Elephants. Eltringham, S.K. Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset, 1982: p. 1-262. Blandford Mammal Series.

            Descriptors: general morphology, general anatomy, nutrition, diet, reproduction.


Mate searching behavior of elephant bulls in a semi-arid environment. Barnes, R.F.W. Animal Behavior, 1982, v. 30 (4), p. 1217-1223. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: mating behavior, mate selection, Loxodonta africana, population density.


Non-lethal poisoning of an elephant. Folwell, D. Veterinary Record, Mar. 27, 1982, v. 110 (13), p. 313. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: elephants, plant poisoning, case report.

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The housing of large animals in hot environments, cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, camels, elephants. MacFarlane, W.V. Environ Aspect Housing Anim Prod. London, Butterworths. 1981, p. 259-284. ill. 3 pg. ref.

            NAL call no: S217.E2 no. 31

            Descriptors: housing, large animals, hot environments.


How do elephants replace their teeth? Hooijer, D.A. Acta Morphologica Neerlando Scandinavica, 1981, v. 19 (3), p. 240. ISSN: 0001-6225.

            Descriptors: tooth replacement, teeth, dentition, horizontal versus vertical replacement.


Problems with immobilizing and anesthetizing elephants. Fowler, M.E. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 87-91. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: elephants, anesthesia, immobilization, review.


Rheumatoid arthritis in elephants - a review to date. Clark, H.W.; Laughlin, D.C.; Brown, T.M. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 95-100. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: elephants, bacterial diseases, rheumatoid arthritis.


Rhynchophthirina - ectoparasites of elephants. Moucha, P. Ziva, 1981, v. 29 (4), p. 144-145. ISSN: 0044-4812.

            Language: Czech.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Z6

            Descriptors: parasites, elephants, insects, diseases.


Studies on ringworm in common seals and an elephant. Choi, W.P. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research, 1981, v. 21 (2), p. 113-116. fig. ref.

            Language: Korean.

            NAL call no: 41.9 T12

            Descriptors: dermatophytes, hosts, elephants, infection.


Transport of elephants (correspondence). Joss, G.E. Veterinary Record, 1981, v. 108 (1), p. 22. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: transport, elephants.


Wild elephants in captivity. Adams, J. Center for the Study of Elephants, Carson CA. 1981: p. 1-201.

            Descriptors: animals and man, care in captivity, reproduction, behavior, anatomy.

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Mycoplasma species and arthritis in captive elephants. Clark, H.W.; Laughlin, D.C.; Bailey, J.S.; Brown, T.M. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1980, v. 11 (1), p. 3-15. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: parasites, diseases, disorders.


Remarks upon the dentition and tooth replacement in elephants. Hooijer, D.A. Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 1980, v. 30 (3), p. 510-515. ISSN: 0028-2960.

            NAL call no: 410 AR27

            Descriptors: Elephantidae, tooth replacement, horizontal replacement, forward moving.


Use of xylazine for the transport of elephants by air. Bongso, T.A. Veterinary Record, Nov. 22, 1980, v. 107 (21), p. 492. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: elephants, air transport, xylazine.

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Allometry of the limb bones of mammals from shrews (Sorex) to elephant (Loxodonta). Alexander, R.M.; Jayes, A.S.; Maloiy, G.M.O.; Wathuta, E.M. Journal of Zoology, London, 1979, v. 189 (3), p. 305-314.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: weight, limb bones, forelimb skeleton, hindlimb skeleton, allometry. 


Anthelmintic efficacy of oxibendazole against the common strongylids in elephants. Sathianesan, V.; Chandrasekharan, K.; Sundaram, R.K.; Pythal, C. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1979, v. 10 (1), p. 153-156. ref. ISSN: 0374-8744.

            NAL call no: SF604.K42

            Descriptors: anthelmintics, elephants, drug therapy, parasites.


Laboratory characteristics of poxviruses isolated from captive elephants in Germany. Baxby, D.; Ghaboosi, B. Archives de l’ Institut Razi, 1979, v. 31, p. 67-77. ISSN: 0365-3439.

            NAL call no: 41.9 In72

            Descriptors: viral diseases, poxviruses, captivity, elephants.


Methyridine as an effective anthelmintic against strongylosis in elephants. Chandrasekharan, K.; Puthal, C.; Radhakrishnan, K.; Sundaram, R.K. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1979, v. 10 (1), p. 163-166. ref. ISSN: 0374-8744.

            NAL call no: SF604.K42

            Descriptors: anthelmintics, elephants, metyridine, drug therapy, parasites.

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Elephants and perissodactylids (Proboscidea and Perissodactyla). Elephantidae. Schmidt, M. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Fowler, M.E. (Ed.), W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1978, i-xvi, p. 1-951. Chapter pagination: 709-752.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: breeding techniques, care in captivity, sedation, anatomy, blood, urine.


Reproduction in elephants (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana) under special emphasis on estrus diagnosis in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European captivity. Ertelt, Helga. Hannover, 1978, 107 p. ill. Inaugural Dissertation, 1978, no. 55. Bibliography p. 91-107.

            Language: German; Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 41.2 H198 [1978 no. 55]

            Descriptors: elephants, reproduction, estrus diagnosis.

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Elephant. Shoshani, Jeheskel. Elephant Interest Group Newsletter, Detroit Wayne State University, Dept. Of Biology. ill. 1977.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98E3

            Descriptors: elephants, societies.


Harnessing elephant energy (Animal waste compost used for heating greenhouses). Albert, J. Garden, Mar/Apr. 1977, v. 1 (1), p. 2-3.

            NAL call no: SB403.G3

            Descriptors: elephant, waste compost, greenhouse heating.


Primary structures of [alpha]-crystallin A chains of elephant, whale, hyrax and rhinoceros. de Jong, W.W.; Nuy, Terwindt. E.C.; Versteeg, M. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, 1977, v. 491 (2), p. 573-580. ISSN: 0006-3002.

            NAL call no: 381 B522

            Descriptors: protein content, amino acid sequence, lens, elephant, whale, hyrax, rhino.

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Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of Bathmostomum sangeri Cobbold, 1879, of elephants. Setasuban, P. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 1976, v. 7 (3), p. 390-394. ISSN: 0038-3619.

            NAL call no: RC960.S6

            Descriptors: nematoda, buccal region, Bathmostomum sangeri Cobbold-1879.

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Characterization of a pox virus strain isolated from an elephant. Kubin, G.; Kolb, O.; Gerstl, F. Wien Tierarztl Monatsschr, 1975, v. 62 (6-8), p. 271-276.

            Language: German with Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 41.8 T345

            Descriptors: pox virus, elephant, strain.


Elephants and their habitats: The ecology of elephants in North Bunyoro, Uganda. Laws, R.M.; Parker, I.S.C.; Johnstone, R.C.B. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975, 376 p. ill. index, bibl.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98L3

            Descriptors: elephants, wildlife conservation, wildlife management.


Exungulation of all extremities in a female elephant in consequence of a smallpox infection. Kuntze, A.; Burger, M.; Jancke, S.; Topfer, I. Monatsh Veterinarmed, Sept. 15, 1975, v. 30 (18), p. 703-705. ref.

            Language: German with an English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8 M742

            Descriptors: small pox, elephant, exungulation, feet.

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A note on microfilaria in peripheral blood of elephants. Ghose, J.N.; Prakash, S.; Mondal, C.K.; Khurana, D.D. Journal of Communicable Diseases, 1974, v. 6 (4), p. 301-302. ISSN: 0019-5138.

            NAL call no: RA643.7.I6

            Descriptors: Filarioidea, peripheral blood, mammalian host, elephant.

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Blackleg in an elephant. (Clostridium septicum). Prescott, C.W. Veterinary Record, Jun. 5, 1971, v. 88 (23), p. 598-599. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: elephant, blackleg.


The natural history of the African elephant. Sikes, Sylvia K. New York. American Elsevier, 1971, 397 p. ill. ref.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98S5

            Descriptors: elephants, history.

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Myiasis flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae, Oestridae and Gasterophilidae) of the African and Indian elephant (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus). Wetzel, H. Z Angew Zool. 1969, v. 56 (4), p. 489-502. ref.

            Language: German with Summary in English.

            NAL call no: 449.8 Z36

            Descriptors: flies, Indian elephant, African elephant.


Viscometric characteristics of blood of the elephant, man, dog, sheep and goat. Usami, S.; Chien, S.; Gregersen, M.I. American Journal of Epidemiology, Sept. 1969, v. 217 (3), p. 884-890. bibl.

            NAL call no: 447.8 AM3

            Descriptors: viscometric characteristics, blood, elephant, man, dog, sheep, goat.

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The elephants. Blond, Georges. London, Deutsch, 1962, 180 p. ill.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98B6

            Descriptors: elephants, training, animals.

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AFRICAN (Loxodonta africana)

Anatomy / Histology | Anesthesia / Analgesia / Sedation / Capture | Behavior / Care / Enrichment / Handling / Training | Biology | Blood / Circulation / Cardiac / Hematology | Communication / Vocal / Hearing | Digestive / Food / Nutrition | Diseases / Conditions | Genetics / DNA | Parasites | Reproductive | Research | Veterinary





Anatomy of the elephant foot. Ramsay, Edward C.; Henry, Robert W. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-vii, 1l-163 p. Chapter pagination: 9-12. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: limbs, feet, anatomy, Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Morphological features of the stifle joint of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana, Blumenbach, 1797). Forstenpointner, G.; Weissengruber, G.; Kuebber, Heiss A.; Hittmair, K.; Konar, M. Journal of Morphology, Jun. 2001, v. 248 (3), p. 230. ISSN: 0362-2525.

            NAL call no: 444.8 J826

            Descriptors: skeletal system, movement, support, stifle joint, tibia, elephant.


Elephant tusks: where are the nerves? Crossley, D.A. Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, Mar. 2000, v. 17 (1), p. 37. ISSN: 0898-7564.

            NAL call no: SF867.V47

            Descriptors: innervation, anatomy, dental pulp, nerve tissue, elephant, tusk.


On the morphology of the temporal gland (Glandula temporalis) in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Weissengruber, G.E.; Kubber, Heiss, A.; Forstenpointner, G.; Riccaboni, P. Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift, 2000, v. 87 (10), p. 303-308. ref. ISSN: 0043-535X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 T345

            Descriptors: morphology, zoo animals, anatomy, histology.


The seventh back teeth (4th molars) in the lower jaw bone of an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Lang, Ernst M.; Meier, Daniel; Oppliger, Daniel. Zoologische Garten, Oct. 2000, v. 70 (5), p. 295-303. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: dental and oral system, lower jaw bone, fourth teeth.


A practical anesthesia monitoring protocol for free-ranging adult African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Osofsky, Steven A. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1997, v. 33 (1), p. 72-77. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: heart rate, hemoglobin, monitoring method, pulse oximetry, respiration.


The intestine and endocrine pancreas of the African elephant: A histological, immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence study. Aswegen, G. Van; Noorden, S. Van; Kotze, S.H.; Vos, V. de; Schoeman, J.H.; Van Aswegen, G. Van Noorden, S.; De Vos, V. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Dec. 1996, v. 63 (4), p. 335-340. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: immunofluorescence, histology, intestines, pancreas, anatomy.


The osteology of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): Vertebral column, ribs and sternum. Bezuidenhout, A.J.; Seegers, C.D. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Jun. 1996, v. 63 (2), p. 131-147. fig. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: osteology African elephant, vertebral column, ribs, sternum.


Skeletal and other basic anatomical features of elephants. Shoshani, Jeheskel. The Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and Their Relatives. Shoshani, Jeheskel; Tassy, Pascal (Eds.). Oxford University Press, 1996, i-xxx, p. 1-472. Chapter pagination: 9-20. ISBN: 0198546521.

            Descriptors: general morphology, internal and external anatomy, skeleton, anatomy.


Kidney of elephants. Maluf, N.S. Anatomical Record, Aug. 1995, v. 242 (4), p. 491-514. ISSN: 0003-276X.

            NAL call no: 447.8 AN1

            Descriptors: elephant, anatomy, kidney, histology.


The neuromuscular junction in the African elephant Loxodonta africana and African buffalo syncerus caffer. Kramer, Beverley; Hattingh, J.; Teixeira, Maria; Wolf, D.; Raath, J.P. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, Mar. 1995, v. 25 (1), p. 14-16. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: neuromuscular junction, localization, ultrastructure.


The skull and mandible of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Van Der Merwe, N.J.; Bezuidenhout, A.J.; Seegers, C.D. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Dec. 1995, v. 62 (4), p. 245-260. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: skull, mandible, animal anatomy, Loxodonta africana.


The adrenals of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): A few observations: 1. The capsule, zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata. Strassberger, F.G.W.; Nel, M.M.; Nel, P.P.C. Suid Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 1994, v. 13 (3), p. 88-97. ISSN: 0254-3486.

            Language: Afrikaans.

            Descriptors: endocrine system, urinary system, kidney, steroid secretion.


The adrenals of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): A few observations: 2. The Zona reticularis, medullary capsule, F-zone and medulla. Strassberger, F.G.W.; Nel, M.M.; Nel, P.P.C. Suid Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tetnologie, 1994, v. 13 (3), p. 98-106. ISSN: 0254-3486.

            Language: Afrikaans.

            Descriptors: kidney, morphology, endocrine system, steroid secretion.


The oesophagus and stomach of the African elephant: A histological immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence study. Aswegen, G. Van; Schoeman, J.H.; Vos, V de; Noorden, S. Van; Van Aswegen, G.; De Vos, V.; Van Noorden, S. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 1994, v. 61 (3), p. 223-229. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: immunofluorescence, digestive system, hormones, oesophagus, histology.


Osteology of the pelvic limb of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Smuts, M.M.S.; Bezuidenhout, A.J. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Mar. 1994, v. 61 (1), p. 51-66. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: pelvis, legs, limb bones, anatomy, sex differences, age differences.


Osteology of the thoracic limb of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Smuts, M.M.S.; Bezuidenhout, A.J. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Mar. 1993, v. 60 (1), p. 1-14. ref. ISSN: 0300-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: bones, thoracic limb, Loxodonta africana.


Anatomy and physiology. Shoshani, J. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Elephants: From Their Origins and Evolution to Their Ceremonial and Working Relationship With Man. Eltringham, S.K., Salamandar Books, London. 1991, p. 1-188. chapter pagination: 30-47.

            Descriptors: Elaphus maximus, Loxodonta africana, general morphology, physiology.


The histology of the adrenal gland of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Kramer, B.; Teixeira, M.; Hatting, J. South African Journal of Zoology, 1991, vol. 26 (4), p. 193-198. ref. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: anatomy, cytology, adrenal glands, African elephant, epinephrine.


The adrenal gland of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana, a light and electron microscopic study. Teixeira, M.; Kramer, B.; Hattingh, J. South African Journal of Science, 1990, v. 86 (3), p. 161. ISSN: 0038-2353.

            NAL call no: 515 S084

            Descriptors: histology, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis, morphology, adrenal gland.


The osteology of the thoracic limb of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): Preliminary findings. Smuts, M.M.S. South African Journal of Science, 1990, v. 86 (3), p. 160. ISSN: 0038-2353.

            NAL call no: 515 S084

            Descriptors: anatomy, characteristic feature dissection, in situ study, elephant.


The basic morphology of the heart as well as the histology and ultrastructure of the atria of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Nel, P.P.C.; Nel, M.M. Annales de la Societe Royale Zoologique de Belgique, 1989, v. 119 (1), p. 34. ISSN: 0049-1136.

            NAL call no: 410.9 SO194

            Descriptors: cardiovascular system, anatomy, atria, heart, histology, elephant.


Kidney of the African elephant. Maluf, N.S.R. Anatomical Record, 1989, v. 223 (4), p. 74A. ISSN: 0003-276X.

            NAL call no: 447.8 AN1

            Descriptors: urinary system, kidney, anatomy, elephant, physiology.


The morphology histology and ultrastructure of the ventricles ventricular wall and interventricular septum of the heart of the African elephant Loxodonta africana. Nel, M.M.; Nel, P.P.C. Annales de la Societe Royale Zoologique de Belgique, 1989, v. 119 (1), p. 33. ISSN: 0049-1136.

            NAL call no: 410.9 S0194

            Descriptors: cardiovascular system, anatomy, ventricles, morphology, histology.


Topography of the retina in the elephant Loxodonta africana. Stone, J.; Halasz, P. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 1989, v. 34 (2), p. 84-95. ISSN: 0006-8977.

            Descriptors: retina, layers, neurons, distribution, neuroanatomy, histology.


Anatomy of the reproductive tract of the female African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with reference to development of techniques for artificial breeding. Balke, J.M.E.; Boever, W.J.; Ellersieck, M.R.; Seal, U.S.; Smith, D.A. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1988, v. 84 (2), p. 485-492. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: elephants, artificial insemination, anatomy, female genital system.


Comparative surgical anatomy of the Indian and African elephants, based on a review of the literature. Gussgen, B. 1988, 276 p. ref.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: anatomy, elephants.


Comparative survey of all literature findings about the anatomy of Indian and African elephants as a basis for practicing veterinary surgeons. Grussen, Beatrix. Hannover, 1988, 276 p. ill. Doctoral Thesis.

            Language: German with an English summary. 

            NAL call no: 41.2 H198 1988 [no. 1]

            Descriptors: literature survey, anatomy, Elephus, Loxodonta.


The muscles of the crus of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Henry, R.W.; Orosz, S.E. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 1988, v. 17 (4), p. 370. ISSN: 0340-2096.

            NAL call no: SF761.Z4

            Descriptors: anatomy, elephants, muscles.


Tertiary dentine in the root of an elephant tusk. Gainer, R.S. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1986, v. 17 (2), p. 69-72. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: teeth, dentition, skeleton, tusk, Loxodonta.


Observations on the morphological characteristics of elephant tusks. Layser, T.R.; Buss, I.O. Mammalia, 1985, v. 49 (3), p. 407-414. ISSN: 0025-1461.

            NAL call no: 410 M31

            Descriptors: size, tusk length, weight, tusk morphometrics and growth rate.


The adrenal gland weights of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Baranga, J. Zeitschrift fuer Saeugetierkunde, 1984, v. 49 (6), p. 341-348. ISSN: 0044-3468.

            NAL call no: QL700.Z4

            Descriptors: weight, adrenal gland, age relationships, Loxodonta.


Studies of the deferent ducts from the testes of an African elephant Loxodonta africana. Jones, R.C.; Holt, W.V. Journal of Anatomy, 1981, v. 133 (2), p. 247-255. ISSN: 0021-8782.

            NAL call no: 447.8 J826

            Descriptors: testis ductuli efferentes, ultrastructure, chemical composition.

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A simple method of providing intermittent positive-pressure ventilation to etorphine-immobilized elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the field. Horne, William A.; Tchamba, Martin N.; Loomis, Michael R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 2001, v. 32 (4), p. 519-522. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: sedation, oxygen consumption, ventilation rate, physiological techniques.


Etorphine-halothane anaesthesia in two five-year-old African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Stegmann, G.F. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Dec. 1999, v. 70 (4), p. 164-166. tables, ref. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, neurotropic drugs, drugs, African elephant.


Chemical immobilization of African elephant in lowland forest, southwestern Cameroon. Elkan, Paul W.; Planton, Hubert P.; Powell, James A.; Haigh, Jerry A.; Karesh, William B. Pachyderm, Jan. 1998, v. 25, p. 32-37. ISSN: 1026-2881.

            Descriptors: sedation, chemical immobilization, problems, solutions.


A practical anesthesia monitoring protocol for free-ranging adult African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Osofsky, S.A. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1997, v. 33 (1), p. 72-77. ref. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, monitoring, immobilization, etorphine, wild animals.


Chemical capture of the free ranging African elephant. Bengis, R.G. Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference, Eastern States Veterinary Association. 1996, v. 10, p. 892-894.

            NAL call no: SF605.N672

            Descriptors: capture of animals, etorphine, carfentanil, diprenorphine, naltrexone, dosage.


Immobilization of African elephant, Loxodonta africana, with etorphine hydrochloride (M99R). Yabe, Tomoko; Tasaka, Kiyoshi; Shichiri, Shigemi; Hashizaki, Fumitaka; Hiramatsu, Hiroshi; Sotani, Katsunori; Saito, Masaru. Journal of Japanese Association of Zoological Gardens and Aquariums, Mar. 1996, v. 37 (3-4), p. 92-98. ISSN: 0386-7498.

            Language: Japanese.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.D63

            Descriptors: sedation, etorphine hydrochloride, dose and behavior, Loxodonta.


Management of musth in a male African elephant by chemical sedatives in the Assam State Zoo, Guwahati. Thakuria, D.B.; Barthakur, T. Indian Veterinary Journal, Mar. 1996, v. 73 (3), p. 339-340. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: sedation, chemical sedation, management in captivity, musth.


Respiratory and circulatory parameters of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) anaesthetised with etorphine and azaperone. Still, J.; Raath, J.P.; Matzner, L. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Sept. 1996, v. 67 (3), p. 123-127. ref. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, immobilization, heart rate, cardiovascular system.


Comparative effects of etorphine and carfentanil on cardiopulmonary parameters in juvenile African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Schumacher, Juergen; Heard, Darryl J.; Caligiuri, Randolph; Norton, Terry; Jacobson, Elliott R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 1995, v. 26 (4), p. 503-507. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: analgesic drug, etorphine, carfentanil, efficacy, safety, general anesthetic.


The neuromuscular junction in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana, and African buffalo, Syncerus caffer. Kramer, Beverley; Hattingh, J.; Teixeira, Maria, Wolf, D.; Raath, J.P. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1995, v. 25 (1), p. 14-16. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: nervous system, acetylcholine receptor, anesthetic drug, respiration.


Pulse oximetry monitoring of free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana) immobilized with an etorphine/hyaluronidase combination antagonized with diprenorphine. Osofsky, S.A. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Wildlife Disease Association, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Joint Conference, Aug. 12-17, 1995, p. 273-277.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, immobilization, narcotic antagonists, elephants, etorphine.


Arterial blood pressure of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) under etorphine anaesthesia and after remobilization with diprenorphine. Hattingh, J.; Knox, C.M.; Raath, J.P. Veterinary Record, Nov. 5, 1994, v. 135 (19), p. 458-459. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: immobilization, blood pressure, anaesthetics drugs, blood circulation.


Arterial blood pressure in anaesthetized African elephants. Hattingh, J.; Knox, C.M.; Raath, J.P.; Keet, D.F. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1994, v. 24 (1-2), p. 15-17. ref. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: immobilization, elephants, blood pressure, adverse effects.


Cardiopulmonary effects of three prolonged periods of isoflurane anesthesia in an adult elephant. Dunlop, C.I.; Hodgson, D.S.; Cambre, R.C.; Kenny, D.E.; Martin, H.D. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 15, 1994, v. 205 (10), p. 1439-1444. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, drugs, cardiovascular system, cardiopulmonary effects.


Chemical capture of the African elephant Loxodonta africana. Raath, J.P. The Capture and Care Manual: Capture, Care, Accommodation and Transportation of Wild African Animals. McKenzie, Andrew A. (Ed.). 1993: i-xxviii, 1-729. Chapter pagination: 484-493.

            NAL call no: SK571.C36 1993

            Descriptors: sedation, chemical capture procedures, elephant.


Chemical immobilization of free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Zimbabwe, using etorphine (M99) mixed with hyaluronidase and evaluation of biological data collected soon after immobilization. Kock, M.D.; Martin, R.B.; Kock, N. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1993, v. 24 (1), p. 1-10. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: blood chemistry, stress, immobilization, elephants, etorphine.


Current immobilization procedures used in elephants. Kock, Richard A.; Morkel, Peter; Kock, Michael D. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy. 3rd ed. Fowler, Murray E. (Ed.). W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1993, i-xxv, 1-617. Chapter pagination: 436-441.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: Elaphus, Loxodonta, sedation, immobilization procedures, anesthetics.


Etorphine-azaperone anaesthesia in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Still, J. Journal of Veterinary Anaesthesia. 1993, v. 20, p. 54-55. ref. ISSN: 0950-7817.

            NAL call no: SF914.V47

            Descriptors: elephants, drugs, neurotropic drugs, analgesics, anaesthetics.


Immobilization of African elephants with carfentanil and antagonism with nalmefene and diprenorphine. Jacobson, E.R.; Kollias, G.V.; Heard, D.J.; Caligiuri, R. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1988, v. 19 (1-2), p. 1-7. ref. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: zoo animals, anaesthesia, fentanyl, elephants, immobilization.


Prolonged isoflurane anesthesia of an Adult elephant on two occasions. Dunlop, C.I.; Hodgson, D.S.; Cambre, R.C.; Kenney, D. Veterinary Surgery, 1988, v. 17 (3), p. 167-168. ISSN: 0161-3499.

            NAL call no: SF911.V43

            Descriptors: adverse effects, inhaled anaesthetics, elephants, isoflurane.


Use of halothane to maintain anesthesia induced with etorphine in juvenile African elephants. Heard, D.J.; Kollias, G.V.; Webb, A.I.; Jacobson, E.R.; Brick, K.A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1988, v. 193 (2), p. 254-256. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: anaesthetics, young animals, elephants, halothane, etorphine, induction.


Physiologic effects of etorphine and carfentanil in African elephants. Jacobson, E.R.; Heard, D.J.; Caligiuri, R.; Kollias, G.V. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Zoological and Avian Medicine, Association of Avian Veterinarians and American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 1987, p. 1-586. Chapter pagination: 525-527.

            NAL call no: SF994.I57 1987

Descriptors: carfentanil and etorphine, effects, heart, respiratory system, blood pressure, body temperature, haemodynamics, Loxodonta.


A practical anesthesia monitoring protocol for free-ranging adult African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Osofsky, Steven A. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Jan. 1997, v. 33 (1), p. 72-77. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: sedation, anaesthesia monitoring, free-ranging adults, Loxodonta.


Effects of oxygen supplementation on blood gas values in chemically restrained juvenile African elephants. Heard, D.J.; Jacobson, E.R.; Brock, K.A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1071-1074. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen supplementation.


Serum concentrations of etorphine in juvenile African elephants. Jacobson, E.R.; Chen, C.L.; Gronwall, R.; Tiller, A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 1, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1079-1081. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: restraint of animals, etorphine, elephants, pharmacokinetics.


Use of tolazoline as an antagonist to xylazine-ketamine-induced immobilization in African elephants. Allen, J.L. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1986, v. 47 (4), p. 781-783. ref. ISSN: 0002-9645.

            NAL call no:41.8 AM3A

            Descriptors: zoo animals, restraint, xylazine, ketamine, sympathomimetics.


Effects of yohimbine on combined xylazine-ketamine-induced sedation and immobilization in juvenile African elephants. Jacobson, E.R.; Allen, J.; Martin, H.; Kollias, G.V. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1195-1198. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: xylazine, ketamine, sympathomimetics, restraint of animals, elephants.


Restraint of baby elephants with Rompun. Trembath, P.R. Veterinary Medical Review, 1985, v. 2, p. 169-170.

            NAL call no: SF601.V43

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, zoo animals, xylazine, restraint of animals, elephants.


Etorphine analgesia supplemented by halothane anesthesia in an adult African elephant. Tamas, P.M.; Geiser, D.R. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1983, v. 183 (11), p. 1312-1314. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: zoo animals, etorphine, halothane, anaesthesia, elephants.


Casting an elephant. Anon. Africana, 1980, v. 7 (2), p. 22-26.

            NAL call no: QL337.E25A4

            Descriptors: cast preparation, immobilization, tranquilization, sedation.

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Behavioral and endocrine analysis of African and Asian elephant cows in the peripartal period. Szdzuy, K.; Denhard, M.; Strauss, G.; Ochs, A.; Eulenberger, K.; Hofer, H. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 151. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: stillbirth, reproductive system, disease, female.


Chemosignalling of musth by individual wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana): Implications for conservation and management. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Wittemyer, George. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B, Apr. 22, 2002, v. 269 (1493), p. 853-860. ISSN: 0962-8542.

            NAL call no: 501 L84B

            Descriptors: communication, olfaction, musth, biophysics, elephant.


Simple enrichment techniques for bears, bats and elephants-untried and untested. Law, Graham; Kitchner, Andrew. International Zoo News, Jan./Feb. 2002, v. 49 (1), p. 4-12; No. 314. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, natural enrichment, simple feeding dispensers.


Visual displays of wild African elephants during musth. Kahl, M. Philip; Armstrong, Billie D. Mammalia, 2002, v. 66 (2), p. 159-171. ISSN: 0025-1416.

            NAL call no: 410 M31

            Descriptors: behavior, communication, reproduction, terrestrial ecology.


Behavioral ecology. Elephant matriarchs tell friend from foe. Pennisi, E. Science, Apr. 2001, v. 292 (5516), p. 417-419. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: behavior, elephant physiology, discrimination, psychology.


A close call: Salient points of a serious elephant keeper injury by an adult African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Shellabarger, Wynona; Reichard, Timothy A. Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Conference, Sept. 18-23, 2001, i-xx, p. 1-411. Chapter pagination: 273-274.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: handling and management policy, keeper injury, handling techniques.


DNA evidence for elephant social behavior breakdown in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. Nyakaana, Silvester; Abe, Eve L.; Arctander, Peter; Siegismund, Hans R. Animal Conservation, Aug. 2001, v. 4 (3), p. 231-237. ISSN: 1367-9530.

            NAL call no: QH75.A1A54

            Descriptors: behavior, elephants, social behavior, mitochondrial-nucleotide sequences.


The elephant’s foot: Prevention and care of foot conditions in captive Asian and African elephants. Csuti, B.; Sargent, E.L.; Bechert, U.S. 2001, i-vii, 163 p. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: F997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: foot diseases, treatment, disease prevention.


Matriarchs as repositories of social knowledge in African elephants. McComb, E.; Moss, C.; Durant, S.M.; Baker, L.; Sayialel, S. Science, Apr. 20, 2001, v. 292 (5516), p. 491-494. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SC12

            Descriptors: age composition, memory, social interactions, breeding success.


Noninvasive stress and reproductive measures of social and ecological pressures in free-ranging African elephants. Foley, C.A.; Papageorge, S.; Wasser, S.K. Conservation Biology, Aug. 2001, v. 15 (4), p. 1134-1142. ISSN: 0888-8892.

            NAL call no: QH75.A2C5

            Descriptors: reproductive status, stress, social organization, feces.


Selective habitat utilization and impact on vegitation by African elephant within a heterogenous landscape. Steyn, A.; Stalmans, M. Koedo, 2001, v. 44 (1), p. 95-103. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: wildlife management, ecology, environment, impact, elephants.


African elephants and humans in conflict: The outlook for co-existence. Hoare, Richard. Oryx, Jan. 2000, v. 34 (1), p. 34-38. ISSN: 0030-6053.

            NAL call no: 410 OR9

            Descriptors: agriculture, animal-human conflict, land use, coexistance.


Older bull elephants control young males. Slotow, R.; Van Dyk, G.; Poole, J.; Page, B.; Klocke, A. Nature, Nov. 23, 2000, v. 408 (6811), p. 425-426. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: elephants, physiology, behavior, sex, testosterone.


A preliminary study of the behavioral effects of feeding enrichment on African elephants. Stoinski, T.S.; Daniel, E.; Maple, T.L. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (6), p. 485-493. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

Descriptors: animal feeding, animal behavior, physical activity, enrichment.


Seed dispersal by African elephants in semiarid woodland habitats of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Dudley, J.P. Biotropica, Sept. 2000, v. 32(3), p. 556-561. ISSN: 0006-3606.

            NAL call no: QH301.B52

            Descriptors: food plants, seed dispersal, role of importance in climate.


Transition and development of protected contact elephant program at the Dallas Zoo. Schanberger, Anita. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 2000, p. 165-166. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, protected contact management, Loxodonta africana.


Unusually extensive networks of vocal recognition in African elephants. McComb, Karen; Moss, Cynthia; Sayialel, Soila; Baker, Lucy. Animal Behavior, Jun. 2000, v. 59 (6), p. 1103-1109. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: communication, infrasonic contact call, vocal recognition.


What if? When protected contact elephant management isn’t. Kinzley, Colleen. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 2000, p. 157-160. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, protected contact management, Loxodonta africana.


Nocturnal behavior in a group of unchained female African elephants. Brockett, R.C.; Stoinski, T.S.; Black, J.; Markowitz, T.; Maple, T.L. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 1999, v. 18 (2), p. 101-109. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: restraint of animals, chains, nocturnal activity, animal behavior.


Painting as enrichment for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s 0.1 protected contact African elephant. Landucci, Gina; Dobrzelecki, Laura; Keefe, Kirk. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Oct. 1999, v. 26 (10), p. 400-404. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: painting as enrichment, behavioral enrichment, enrichment in captivity.


Relocation of African elephants. Raath, J.P.; Fowler, M.E. (Ed.); Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999, Ed. 4, p. 525-533. ref. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: transport of animals, immobilization, crates, anaesthesia.


Seed dispersal of Acacia erioloba by African bush elephants in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Dudley, J.P. African Journal of Ecology, Dec. 1999, v. 37(4), p. 375-385. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 EA7

            Descriptors: seed digestibility, dung content, dry season, climate and weather, seed dispersal, role of importance.


The social context for learning and behavioral development among wild African elephants. Lee, Phyllis; Moss, Cynthia J. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London; Mammalian Social Learning: Comparative and Ecological Perspectives. 1999, v. 72, p. 102-125. ISSN: 0084-5612.

            NAL call no: QP301.V47

             Descriptors: behavioral development, learning, mother-infant relationships.


Elephant emotion. Sheldrick, Daphne. Elephant Care for the Wild International. Jordan, W.J.; Poole, Joyce; Sheldrick, Daphne; Gillson, Lindsey. Rusper, West Sussex. 1998, p. 1-127. Chapter pagination: 53-64.

            Descriptors: rearing techniques, hand rearing, rehabilitation, behavior, emotion.


Short-term gland secretion in the African elephant: Tourist disturbance or social interactions as source of secretion. Weibull, Ann Christin; Eriksson, Helena. African Journal of Ecology, Dec. 1998, v. 36 (4), p. 360-367. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: tourist disturbance, integumentary glands, reproductive behavior.


Aimed object-throwing by a wild African elephant in an interspecific encounter. Wickler, Wolfgang; Seibt, Uta. Ethology, May 1997, v. 103 (5), p. 365-368. ISSN: 0179-1613.

            NAL call no: QL750.E74

            Descriptors: aimed object throwing, agonistic behavior, tool-using.


Management of African elephant populations by immunocontraception. Fayrer, Hosken Richard; Brooks, Paula; Bertschinger, Henk J.; Kirkpatrick, Jay F.; Turner, John W.; Liu, Irwin K.M. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1997, v. 25 (1), p. 18-21. ISSN: 0091-7648.

            NAL call no: SK357.A1W5

            Descriptors: contraception regulation, contraceptive drug, elephants, management.


About Dillenia aurea and feeding behavior of elephants. Datye, Hemant, S. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1996, v. 93 (2), p. 289-290. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: Dilleniaceae, plants, feeding behavior, nutrition.


Husbandry alert (elephant browse). Ball, Ray. Animal Keepers’ Forum, 1996, v. 23 (8), p. 447. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: care in captivity, nutrition, diet, parasites, diseases, toxic effects.


Husbandry and hand rearing of a newborn African elephant calf. Parrott, Joel J. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 706-712. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: rearing techniques, hand rearing, Loxodonta, case report.


Management of musth in a male African elephant by chemical sedatives in the Assam Stat Zoo, Guwahati. Thakuria, D.B.; Barthakur, T. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1996, v. 73 (3), p. 339-340. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: behavior, nervous system, diazepam, efficacy, tranquilizer drugs.


Social organization in translocated juvenile African elephants: The dominance hierarchy. Garai, Marion E. Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, 7-9 Sept. 1996, i-iii, p. 1-78. Chapter pagination: 21-25. Munster All Weather Zoo, Munster.

Descriptors: agonistic behavior, aggressive and submissive behavior, social organization, translocated groups.


Studying the behavior of elephants. Lee, P.C. Studying Elephants, Kangwana, Kadzo (Ed.) African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi, 1996, i-iv. p. 1-178; chapter pagination: 98-110. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: behavioral techniques, study methods, behavior, elephants.


Studying elephants. Kangwana, Kadzo. African Wildlife Foundation, P.O. Box 48177, Nairobi, Kenya. 1996, i-iv, 1-178. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, techniques, study methods.


Behavioral ecology of ‘hand reared’ African elephants (Loxodonta africana) (Blumenbach) in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya. McKnight, B.L. African Journal of Ecology, 1995, v. 33 (3), p. 242-256. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: activity patterns, animal behavior, social behavior, reintroduction.


The domestication of the African elephant. Iversen, Eve. Pachyderm, 1995, v. 20, p. 65-68. ISSN: 1026-2881.

            Descriptors: domestication, history, current status, future prospects.


Isotropic tracking of change in diet and habitat use in African elephants. Koch, Paul L.; Heisinger, Jennifer; Moss, Cynthia.; Carlson, Richard W.; Fogel, Marilyn L.; Behrensmeyer, Anna K. Science,1995, v. 267 (5202), p. 1340-1343. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL c all no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: behavior, diet shift, nitrogen, ecology, nutrition, carbon.


A top-side down view of enrichment: The elephant model. Leach, Ellen. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference, 1995, p. 339-345.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: Elaphus, Loxodonta, care in captivity, enrichment needs.


The transition from “hands-off” to “hands-on” elephant management at the San Francisco Zoo. Kinzley, Colleen. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1995, p. 508-509. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: handling techniques, conditioning, captive management, Loxodonta.


Behavioral and dietary similarities of elephants and apes in the Lope Reserve, Gabon: should forest elephants be re-classified as apes? White, L.J.T.; Tutin, C.E.G.; Fernandez, M. Current Primatology, Vol.1: Ecology and evolution, 1994, i-x, 1-398: Chapter pagination: 19-27. Thierry, B.; Anderson, J.R.; Roeder, J.J.; Herrenschmidt, N. (Eds.).

            Descriptors: nutrition, behavior, agonistic behavior, competition, diet, gorilla.


Managing elephants: An introduction to their training and management. Roocroft, Alan; Atwell-Zoll, Donald. Fever Tree Press, Ramona, CA. 1994, i-xii, 1-198.

            NAL call no: SF401.E3R66 1994

            Descriptors: captive management, training relationships, behavior, techniques.


A nocturnal behavioral study of three African elephants (Loxodonta africana) at Zoo Atlanta. Black, James; Brockett, Robin C.; Markowitz, Timothy. Proceedings of the 20th National Conference of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc. 1994. i-iii, 1-127. Chapter pagination: 10-11.

            NAL call no: QL76.A46 1993

            Descriptors: nocturnal activity, nocturnal behavior study, elephant, Zoo Atlanta.


Performance of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) on a two-choice object discrimination task. Savage, A.; Rice, J.M.; Brangan, J.M.; Martini, D.P.; Pugh, J.A.; Miller, C.D. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1994, v. 13 (1), p. 69-75. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: learning ability, vision, evolution.


Sex differences in the behavior of African elephants. Poole, Joyce H. The Differences Between the Sexes. Short, R.V.; Balaban, E. (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, N.Y., 1994, i-xvi, 1-479. Chapter pagination: 331-346.

            Descriptors: sex differences, behavior, communication, acoustic signals, review.


Accommodation of the African elephant Loxodonta africana. Du Toit, J.G.; Bengis, R. The Capture and Care Manual: Capture, Care, Accommodation and Transportation of Wild African Animals. McKenzie, Andrew A. (Ed.). 1993, i-xxviii, 1-729. Chapter pagination: 498-505. ISBN: 0620176083.

            NAL call no: SK571.C36 1993

            Descriptors: housing techniques, pen design, review, elephant.


The capture and care manual: Capture, care, accommodation and transportation of wild African animals. McKenzie, Andrew A. Pretoria. Wildlife Decision Support Services, South African Veterinary Foundation, 1993. Xxvvii, 729 p. 16 plates, ill. ISBN: 0620176083.

            NAL call no: SK571.C36 1993

            Descriptors: wildlife management, animal immobilization, Africa.


Care of the African elephant Loxodonta africana in captivity. Bengis, R. The Capture and Care Manual: Capture, Care, Accommodation and Transportation of Wild African Animals. 1993, i-xxviii, 1-729. Chapter pagination: 506-511. ISBN: 0620176083.

            NAL call no: SK571.C63 1993

            Descriptors: care in captivity, feeding and clinical problems, diseases, parasites.


A nocturnal behavioral study of three African elephants (Loxodonta africana) at Zoo Atlanta. Black, J.; Brockett, R.C.; Makowitz, T. Proceedings of the 20th National Conference of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc. 1993, p. 10-11.

            NAL call no: QL76.A46 1993

            Descriptors: animal behavior, nocturnal activity.


Transportation of the African elephant Loxodonta africana. Raath, J.P. The Capture and Care Manual: Capture, Care, Accommodation and Transportation of Wild African Animals. McKenzie, Andrew A. (Ed.). 1993, i-xxviii, 1-729. Chapter pagination: 493-498. ISBN: 0620176083.

            NAL call no: SK571.C63 1993

            Descriptors: care in captivity, techniques, transportation, procedures, elephant.


Electric fences for elephant management. Robson, Evan. Proceeding of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal: Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park, Apr. 20-30, 1993. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 64-69.

            Descriptors: electric fences, management, evaluation, elephant.


Select bibliography on the management of the African elephant. Anon. Elephant Management in Zimbabwe, Martin, R.B.; Craig, G.C.; Booth, V.E. (Eds.). Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, Harare. 1992: i-x, p.1-124. Chapter pagination: 93-124.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, wildlife management, bibliographies, conservation.


Elephants and habitats. Viljoen, P.J. Proceedings of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal: Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park. Wildlife Group of the South African Veterinary Association, Onderstepoort, April 20-30, 1991. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 26-34.

            Descriptors: habitat utilization, terrestrial habitat, habitat requirements, Loxodonta.


Experiences with the short term management and care of newly captured juvenile African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kruger National Park. Bengis, R.G.; Keet, D.F.; Raath, J.; De Vos, V. Proceedings of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal, Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park, Apr. 29-30, 1991, p. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 75-84.

            Descriptors: newly captured, short term management, care in captivity, juveniles.


Are elephants in zoos and circuses distressed? Kiley, Worthington, M. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 1990, v. 26 (3), p. 299. ref. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: stress, animal behavior, elephants, circus animals, zoo animals.


Raising baby orphaned elephants. Sheldrick, D. Swara, 1990, v. 13 (4), p. 13-17. ISSN: 1018-6174.

            NAL call no: QL337.E25S9

            Descriptors: hand rearing orphans, care in captivity, rearing techniques, Loxodonta.


Raising baby orphaned elephants: Part 2. Sheldrick, D. Swara, 1990, v. 13 (5), p. 23-27. ISSN: 1018-6174.

            NAL call no: QL337.E25S9

            Descriptors: care in captivity, techniques, rearing orphans, Loxodonta.


Announcing intent: The aggressive state of musth in African elephants. Poole, J.H. Animal Behavior, 1989, v. 37 (1), p. 140-152. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: musth, behavior, aggression.


Environmental enrichment - the elephant. Green, C. Ratel, 1989, v. 16 (3), p. 73-75. ISSN: 0305-1218.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.R37

            Descriptors: care in captivity, environmental enrichment, techniques, elephant.


Mate guarding, reproductive success and female choice in African elephants. Poole, J.H. Animal Behavior, 1989, v. 37 (5), p. 842-849. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: biometrics, reproduction, behavior, Loxodonta, mate guarding.


Elephant mate searching: Group dynamics and vocal and olfactory communication. Poole, J.H.; Moss, C.J. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 1989, p. 111-125, no. 61. ISSN: 0084-5612

            NAL call no: QP301.V47

            Descriptors: reproduction, behavior, communication, acoustic signals, Loxodonta.


Allomothering among African elephants. Lee, P.C. Animal Behavior, 1987, v. 35 (1), p. 278-291. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: maternal behavior, Loxodonta africana.


Developmental behavior of three African elephant calves (Loxodonta africana) in captivity. Berg, J.K. Zoologische Garten, 1987, v. 57 (2-3), p. 171-196. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: feeding behavior, behavior in captivity, social behavior.


Elephants in musth, lust. Poole, J.H. Natural History, 1987, v. 961 (1), p. 46-53. ISSN: 0028-0712.

            NAL call no: 500 N483J

            Descriptors: temporal gland activity, chemoreception, behavior, communication.


Rutting behavior in African elephants: the phenomenon of musth. Poole, J.H. Behavior, 1987, v. 102 (3-4), p. 283-316. ISSN: 0005-7959.

            NAL call no: 410 B393

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, aggressive behavior, male signals.


Early maternal investment in male and female African elephant calves. Lee, P.C.; Moss, C.J. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1986, v. 18 (5), p. 353-361. ISSN: 0340-5443.

            NAL call no: QL751.B4

            Descriptors: suckling behavior, sex differences, food intake, survival.


Early social development among African elephant calves. Lee, P.C. National Geographic Research, 1986, v. 2 (3), p. 388-401.

            NAL call no: G3.N3

Descriptors: mother-offspring interactions, sex differences, social behavior, development.


Hydraulic squeeze for African bull elephants. Simmons, L. G.; Vires, C. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 1986, p. 60-65.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: elephants, restraint of animals, zoo animals.


Cooperation and reproductive competition among female African elephants. Dublin, H.T. Social Behavior of Female Vertebrates. Wasser, S.K. (Ed.). Academic Press, N.Y. 1983, p. 1-399. Chapter pagination: 291-313.

            Descriptors: care of young, allomothering, female group cooperation, behavior.


Elephant behavior in a semi-arid environment (Ruaha National Park, Tanzania). Barnes, R.F.W. African Journal of Ecology, Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, Sept. 1983, v. 21 (3), p. 185-196. ref. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 EA7

            Descriptors: elephant behavior, semi-arid environment.


Vocalizations and associated behaviors of the African elephant ( Loxodonta africana) in captivity. Berg, J.K. Zeitschrift fuer Tierpsychologie. 1983, v. 63 (1), p. 63-79.

            Language: German, English.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35

            Descriptors: vocalization-behavior, activity patterns.


Elephants and their habitats: How do they tolerate each other. Crose, H.; Hillman, A.K.K.; Lang, E.M. Dynamics of Large Mammal Populations. Fowler, C.W.; Smith, T.D. (Eds.). John Wiley and sons, N.Y. 1981, i-xviii. 1-477. Chapter pagination: 297-316.

            NAL call no: QL700.D96

            Descriptors: wildlife management, population dynamics, habitat interactions.


Behavior of female African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in captivity. Adams, J.; Berg, J.E. Applied Animal Ethology, Jul. 1980, v. 6 (3), p. 257-276. ref.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: female African elephant, behavior, captivity.


Mechanical stresses in fast locomotion of buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and elephant (Loxodonta africana). Alexander, R.M.; Maloiy, G.M.O.; Hunter, B.; Jayes, A.S.; Nturibi, J. Journal of Zoology, London, Academic Press. Oct. 1979, v. 189 (Pt.2), p. 135-144. ill. ref. ISSN: 0022-5460.

            NAL call no: 410.9 L84P

            Descriptors: mechanical stress, locomotion, elephant, buffalo.


Among the elephants. Douglas-Hamilton, Iain; Douglas-Hamilton, Oria. New York: Viking Press, 1975, 284 p. 54 p of plates. ill. maps. ISBN: 0670122084.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98D68

            Descriptors: African elephant behavior.


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Chemosignalling of musth by individual wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana): Implications for conservation and management. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Wittemyer, George. Proceeding of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B, Apr. 22, 2002, v. 269 (1493), p. 853-860. ISSN: 0962-8452.

            NAL call no: 501 L84B

            Descriptors: urine, scent marking, musth chemosignalling, reproductive behavior.


Africa’s elephant: A biography. Meredith, Martin. Hodder & Stoughton, London. 2001, i-ix, 1-244 p. ISBN: 0340770813.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98 M47 2001

            Descriptors: animals and man, Loxodonta africana, history of relationship.


Analysis of metric and kinematic parameters of the locomotion in African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Schwerda, D.; Voges, D.; Witte, H.; Fischer, M.S. Journal of Morphology, Jun. 2001, v. 248 (3), p. 282. ISSN: 0362-2525.

            NAL call no: 444.8 J826

            Descriptors: locomotion, forelimb, hindlimb, kinetics, limb joint, elephant.


Drought mortality of African bush Elephants in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Dudley, J.P.; Craig, G.C.; St. C. Gibson, D.; Haynes, G.; Klimowicz, J. African Journal of Ecology, Jun. 2001, v. 39(2), p. 187-194. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 EA7

            Descriptors: age, mortality, droughts, aridity, climate and weather, population dynamics.


Heat loss in Dumbo: A theoretical approach. Phillips, P.K.; Heath, J.E. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2001, v. 26 (2), p. 117-120. ref. ISSN: 0306-4565.

            NAL call no: QP82.2.T4J6

            Descriptors: heat loss, wind speed, mathematical models, elephant.


Development of the tush and tusk and tusklessness in African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Raubenheimer, E.J. Koedoe, 2000, v. 43 (2), p. 57-64. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: maxillae, dental and oral system, tush, tusk, tusklessness.


Early development of the tush and the tusk of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Raudenheimer, E.J. Archives of Oral Biology, Nov. 2000, v. 45 (11), p. 983-986. ISSN: 0003-9969.

            NAL call no: RK1.A6989

            Descriptors: development. dental and oral system, mineralization.


First disclosure and preliminary investigation of a liquid released from the ears of African elephants. Riddle, H.S.; Riddle, S.W.; Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Goodwin, T.E. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 475-480. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: ear liquid, African elephant.


A preliminary study of the behavioral effects of feeding enrichment on African elephants. Stoinski, T.S.; Daniel, E.; Maple, T.L. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (6), p. 485-493. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: feeding enrichment, hay, food, inactivity, nutrition, captivity, energetics.


African elephant database 1998. Barnes, R.F.W.; Craig, G.C.; Dublin, H.T. Overton, G.; Simons, W.; Thouless, C.R. Occasional Papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. 1999, v. 22: i-vi, p. 1-249. ISSN: 1026-4965.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.S63S64 1982

            Descriptors: database, population and geographic information, Loxodonta.


African elephant sesquiterpenes. Goodwin, T.E.; Rasmussen, E.L.; Guinn, A.C.; McKelvey, S.S.; Gunawardena, R.; Riddle, S.W.; Riddle, H.S. Journal of Natural Products, 1999, v. 62 (11), p. 1570-1572. ref. ISSN: 0163-3864.

            NAL call no: 448.8 L77

            Descriptors: extracts, pheromones, secretions, aroma, sesquiterpenoids.


The developing renal, reproductive, and respiratory systems of the African elephant suggest an aquatic ancestry. Gaeth, A.P.; Short, R.V.; Renfree, M.B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 11, 1999, v. 96 (10), p. 5555-5558. ref. ISSN: 0027-8424.

            NAL call no: 500 N21P

            Descriptors: kidneys, fetus, reproductive physiology, respiratory system, testes, lung.


Locomotion of kinematics of African elephants. Famini, D.J.; Hutchinson, J.R.; Kram, R. American Zoologist, 1999, v. 39 (5), p. 84A. ISSN: 0003-1569.

            NAL call no: 410 AM3

            Descriptors: movement, support, locomotion kinematics, footfall patterns.


Morphological aspects and composition of African elephant (Loxodonta africana) ivory. Raubenheimer, E.J. Koedoe, 1999, v. 42 (2), p. 57-64. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: ivory, skeletal system, morphology, calcium, amino acid, cobalt, zinc.


African elephant myoglobin with an unusual autoxidation behavior: Comparison with the H64Q mutant of sperm whale myoglobin. Tada, T.; Watanabe, Y.H.; Matsuoka, A.; Ikeda, Saito M.; Imai, K.; Ni, hei Y.; Shikama, E. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, Sept. 8, 1998, v. 1387 (1-2), p. 165-176. ISSN: 0006-3002.

            NAL call no: 381 B522

            Descriptors: elephant, myoglobin chemistry, whales, myoglobin genetics.


Geographic variations in the composition of ivory of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Raubenheimer, E.J.; Brown, J.M.M.; Rama, D.B.K.; Dreyer, M.J.; Smith, P.D.; Dauth, J. Archives of Oral Biology, Aug. 1998, v. 43 (8), p. 641-647. ISSN: 0003-9969.

            NAL call no: RK1.A6989

            Descriptors: dental and oral system, ivory composition, geographical variations.


Histogenesis of the chequered pattern of ivory of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Raubenheimer, E.J.; Bosman, M.C.; Vorster, R.; Noffke, C.E. Archives of Oral Biology, Dec. 1998, v. 43 (12), p. 969-977. ISSN: 0003-9969.

            NAL call no: RK1.A6989

            Descriptors: dental and oral system, morphology, formation, odontoblast.


Short-term gland secretion in the African elephant: Tourist disturbance or social interactions as source for secretion? Weibull, A.C.; Eriksson, H. African Journal of Ecology, 1998, v. 36 (4), p. 360-367. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: QL337.E25E3

            Descriptors: glands, secretions, social interactions, disturbance.


The African elephant. Poole, Joyce. Studying Elephants. African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi. 1996: i-v, p. 1-178. Chapter pagination: 1-8. ISBN: 9966991506.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, behavior, reproduction, ecology, review.


Chemical profiles of male African elephants, Loxodonta africana: Physiological and ecological implications. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Hall-Martin, Anthony J.; Hess, David L. Journal of Mammalogy, May 1996, v. 77 (2), p. 422-239. ISSN: 0022-2372.

            NAL call no: 410 J823

            Descriptors: whole animal physiology, blood, circulatory system, plasma, serum.


African elephant database 1995. Said, M.Y.; Chunge, R.N.; Craig, G.C.; Thouless, C.R.; Barnes, R.F.W.; Dublin, H.T. Occasional Papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, 1995, 11: i-v, p.1-225. ISSN: 1026-4965.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.S63S64

            Descriptors: population census, population size, Loxodonta, distribution.


The domestication of the African elephant. Iversen, Eve. Pachyderm, 1995, v. 20, p. 65-68. ISSN: 1026-2881.

            Descriptors: domestication, history, status, Loxodonta africana.


Morphology of the deciduous tusk (tush) of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Rubenheimer, E.J.; van Heerden, W.F.P.; van Niekerk, P.J.; de Vos, V.; Urner, M.J. Archives of Oral Biology, Jun. 1995, v. 40 (6), p. 571-576. ISSN: 0003-9969.

            NAL call no: RK1.A6989

            Descriptors: dentition, teeth, deciduous tusk, tusk formation, morphology.


Moving cheaply: Energetics of walking in the African elephant. Langman, V.A.; Roberts, T.J.; Black, J.; Maloiy, G.M.; Heglund, N.C.; Weber, J.M.; Kram, R.; Taylor, C.R. The Journal of Experimental Biology, Mar. 1995, v. 198 (3), p. 629-632. ISSN: 0022-0949.

            NAL call no: 442.8 B77

            Descriptors: elephant physiology, energy metabolism, walking physiology.


The neuromuscular junction in the African elephant Loxodonta africana and African buffalo Syncerus caffer. Kramer, Beberley; Hattingh, J.; Teixeira, Maria; Wolf, D.; Raath, J.P. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, Mar. 1995, v. 25 (1), p. 14-16. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: nervous system, neuromuscular junction, synapses, ultrastructure.


Statural growth in known-age elephants (Loxodonta africana). Lee, P.C.; Moss, C.J. Journal of Zoology, May 1995, v. 236 (1), p. 29-41. ISSN: 0952-8369.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: size, height, foot length, morphological sex differences.  


Urinary cortisol analysis for monitoring adrenal activity in elephants. Brown, J.L.; Wemmer, C.M.; Lehnhardt, J. Zoo Biology, 1995, v. 14 (6), p. 533-542. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: adrenal glands, urinary cortisol, activity, monitoring, elephants.


The puzzle of the pygmy elephant. Cousins, Don. International Zoo News, Jul./Aug. 1993, v. 40 (5), p. 18-24, no. 246. ISSN; 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: size, size variation, dwarf race, taxonomic significance,


Heat exchange by the pinna of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Phillips, P.K.; Heath, J.E. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Comparative Physiology. 1992, v. 101 (4), p. 693-699. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: thermal regulation, ears, ambient temperature, physiologic functions.


Chemical profiles of temporal gland secretions from captive Asian bull elephants during musth and from African bull elephants living in wild but crowded conditions. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Hess, Martin A. Chemical Senses, 1990, v. 15 (5), p. 628. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: behavioral biology, biochemical studies, animal communication.


The elephant book. Redmond, L. Overlook Press, Woodstock, N.J., 1990. p. 1-48.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta africana, biological notes.


The African elephant. Clarke, R.; Bertin, I. Unep Gems Environmental Library, 1989, p. 1-40, no. 3. ISSN: 1012-7852.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, overview, trade in animals, conservation, legislation.


Estimating age in African elephants a revision of laws’ molar evaluation technique. Jachmann, H. African Journal of Ecology, 1988, v. 26 (1), p. 51-56. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: dental and oral biology, elephants, methods and materials.


Maximum rate of increase in the African elephant. Calef, G.W. African Journal of Ecology, 1988, v. 26 (4), p. 323-328. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: calf frequency, general biology, population growth, elephant.


Observations on the structure and composition of African elephant (Loxodonta africana) ivory. Van Niekerk, J.P.; Els, H.J.; Raubenheimer, E.J.; Dauth, J.; Dreyer, M.J. Elektronmikroskopieverniging van Suidelike Afrika Verrigtings, 1988, v. 18, p. 91-92. ISSN: 0250-0418.

            Descriptors: inorganic substances, composition in tusk ivory, ultrstructure.


Estimating age in African elephants Loxodonta africana. Jachmann, H. African Journal of Ecology, 1985, v. 23 (3), p. 199-202. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: molar progression stage, shoulder height, death, dental anatomy.


A comparison between techniques for estimating the ages of African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Lark, R.M. African Journal of Ecology, 1984, v. 22 (1), p. 69-71. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: tooth eruption and wear, age determination, tooth replacement,


Do elephants need to sweat? Wright, P.G.; Luck, C.P. South African Journal of Zoology, 1984, v. 19 (4), p. 270-274. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: thermoregulation, skin, evaporative water loss, physiology.


Why do elephants flap their ears? Wright, P.G. South African Journal of Zoology, 1984, v. 19 (4), p. 266-269. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: thermoregulation, haemodynamics, blood flow in ear, ear flapping.


Constituents of temporal gland secretions of the African elephant Loxodonta africana. Wheeler, J.W.; Rasmussen, L.E.; Ayorinde, F.; Buss, I.O.; Smuts, G.L. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1982, v. 8 (5), p. 821-835. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A2J6

            Descriptors: chemical composition, scent glands, temporal gland secretions.


Musth in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Poole, J.H.; Moss, C.J. Nature, 1981, v. 292 no. 5826, p. 830-831. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: temporal gland, enlargement, secretion, urine, behavior.


Age determination in African elephants. Fatti, L.P.; Smuts, G.L.; Starfield, A.M.; Spurdle, A.A. Journal of Mammalogy, 1980, v. 61 (3), p. 547-551. ISSN: 0022-2372.

            NAL call no: 410 J823

            Descriptors: age determination, age class distribution, Loxodonta africana.


Observations on growth and molar change in the African elephant. Lang, E.M. African Journal of Ecology, 1980, v. 18 (2-3), p. 217-234. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: size, weight, molar change, tooth replacement.


Application of stereo photogrammetric technique for measuring African elephants. Hall, Martin A.J.; Ruther, H. Koedoe, 1979, v. 22, p. 187-198. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: biometrical techniques, stereo photogrammetric techniques.


Mechanical stresses in fast locomotion of buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and elephant (Loxodonta africana). Alexander, R.M.; Maloiy, G.M.O.; Hunter, B.; Jayes, A.S.; Nturibi, J. Journal of Zoology, 1979, v. 182 (2), p. 135-144.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: biomechanics, skeletal musculature, running, stress in fast locomotion.


The African elephant. Some interesting facts and figures. Young, E. Fauna and Flora, 1978, v. 32, p. 10-13. ISSN: 0046-3388.

            NAL call no: 410 F276

            Descriptors: Life history, popular account, life cycle, Loxodonta africana.


Neutral lipids from the temporal gland of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Cmelik, S.H.W.; Ley, H. Lipids, 1978, v. 13 (3), p. 195-198. ISSN: 0024-4201.

            NAL call no: QP751.L5

            Descriptors: lipid and fatty acid content, integumentary glands.


The African elephant. Nasimovich, A.A. Nauka, Moscow. 1975, p. 1-56.

            Language: Russian.

            Descriptors: behavior, ecology, conservation, population dynamics, herd movements.

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Blood platelets of the African elephant. Plessis, L. du; Stevens, K. Journal of Comparative Pathology, Aug./Oct. 2002, v. 127 (2-3), p. 208-210. ref. ISSN: 0021-9975.NAL call no: 41.8 J82

            Descriptors: cell ultrastructure, glycogen, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, platelets.


Counts and morphology of elephant blood platelets. du Plessis, L.; Stevens, K. Microscopy Society of South Africa Proceedings, 2000, 30, p. 56. ISSN: 1028-3455.

            Descriptors: blood cells, platelets, baseline counts, morphology observations.


The measurement of glucocorticoid concentrations in the serum and faeces of captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) after ACTH stimulation. Stead, S.K.; Meltzer, D.G.A.; Palme, R. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 2000, v. 71 (3), p. 192-196. ref. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: blood serum, glucocorticoids, faeces, blood chemistry.


Serum oxytetracycline concentrations in African elephant (Loxodonta africana) calves after long-acting formulation injection. Bush, M.; Stoskopf, M.K.; Raath, J.P.; Papich, M.G. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Mar. 2000, v. 31 (1), p. 41-46. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: oxytetracycline, intramuscular injection, dosage, intravenous injection.


Isolation and characteristics of immunoglobulin G and IgG subclasses of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Kelly, P.J.; Carter, S.D.; Azwai, S.M.; Cadman, H.P. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 1998, v. 21 (1), p. 65-73. ISSN: 0147-9571

            NAL call no: QR180.C62

            Descriptors: monoclonal antibodies, immunoglobin G and IgG, electrophoresis.


Arterial blood pressure of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) under etorphine anaesthesia and after remobilisation with diprenorphine. Hattingh, L.; Knox, C.M.; Raath, J.P. Veterinary Record, Nov. 5, 1994, v. 135 (19), p. 458-459. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: sedation, anaesthesia, arterial blood pressure changes, haemodynamics.


Arterial blood pressure in anaesthetized African elephants. Hattingh, L.; Knox, C.M.; Raath, J.P.; Keet, D.F. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, Jun. 1994, v. 24 (1-2), p. 15-17. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: AK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: arterial blood pressure, sedation, anaesthetizing agent, arteries.


Serum concentrations of cationic minerals in free-ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kruger National Park. Brown, Janine L.; Schoenmann, Herman M.; Raath, Jacobus P.; de Vos, Valerius; Bush, Mitchell. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 1994, v. 25 (4), p. 495-499. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: serum concentrations, cationic minerals, inorganic substances, plasma.


Arterial blood pressure and blood gas values in normal standing and laterally recumbent African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elaphus maximus) elephants. Honeyman, V.L.; Pettifer, G.R.; Dyson, D.H. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun. 1992, v. 23 (2), p. 205-210. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: oxygen, carbon dioxide, normal values blood pressure, elephants.


Clinical chemistry values for free-ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Hill, F.W.G.; Smith, D.A. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, Mar. 1990, v. 21 (1), p. 33-42. ref. ISSN: 1016-1511.

            NAL call no: SF601.R5

            Descriptors: blood serum, blood chemistry, urine, serum albumin, cholesterol.


Leukocyte counts in African elephants. Fithian, Claire L.; Briggs, Michael B. American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums Regional Conference Proceedings, 1990, p. 189-193. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: blood cells, leucocyte counts, seasonal variation, Loxodonta africana.


Blood lead levels in African elephant in the Kruger National Park. Dauth, J.; Dreyer, M.J.; Raubenheimer, E.J.; Mare, L.E.; de Vos, V. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1987, v. 17 (4), p. 134-135.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: lead, blood levels, Loxodonta africana, Kruger National Park.


Effects of oxygen supplementation on blood gas values in chemically restrained juvenile African elephants. Heard, D.J.; Jacobson, E.R.; Brock, K.A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1071-1074. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3

            Descriptors: restraint of animals, oxygen, xylazine, etorphine, ketamine, elephants.


Blood lead values in African elephant in the Kruger National Park South Africa. Dauth, J.; Dreyer, M.J.; Raubenheimer, E.J.; Mare, L.K.; de Vos, V. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1987, v. 17 (4), p. 134-135. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: blood lead levels, elephant, Kruger National Park.


Hematologic and serum chemical values for young African elephants (Loxodonta africana) with variations for sex and age. Allen, J.L.; Jacobson, E.R.; Harvey, J.W.; Boyce, W. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1985, v. 16 (3), p. 98-101. ref.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: normal values, blood chemistry, heamatology, elephants.


Blood composition in culled elephants and buffaloes. Hattingh, J.; Wright, P.G.; de Vos, V.; McNairn, I.S.; Ganhao, M.F.; Silove, M.; Wolverson, G.; Cornelius, S.T. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 1984, v. 55 (4), p. 157-164. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: stress and blood composition changes, blood, composition, culling.


Effects of etorphine and succinyldicholine on blood composition in elephant and buffalo. Hattingh, J.; Wright, P.G.; Vos, V. de; Levine, L.; Ganhao, M.; McNaim, I.S.; Russell, A.; Knox, C.; Comelius, S.T.; Bar, Noy J. South African Journal of Zoology, 1984, v. 19 (4), p. 286-290. ref. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: Etorphine, pharmacodynamics, hydrocortisone, elephants.


Effects of oxygen supplementation on blood gas values in African elephants. Jacobson, E.R.; Heard, D.J.; Brock, K.A. Abstracts or Papers of the Annual Meeting, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Louisville, KY. 1984, 60 p. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

Descriptors: blood chemistry, anaesthesia, xylazine, ketamine, oxygen, etorphine, elephants, drug combinations.


Phosphate-haemoglobin interaction. The primary structure of the haemoglobin of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana, Proboscidea): Asparagine in position 2 of the beta-chain. Braunitzer, G.; Stangl, A.; Schrank, B.; Krombach, C.; Wiesner, H. Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie, 1984, v. 365 (7), p. 743-749. ref. ISSN: 0018-4888.

            NAL call no: 384 Z38

            Descriptors: hemoglobin, amino acid sequence, Loxodonta africana.


Plasma testosterone levels in relation to musth in the male African elephant. Hall, Martin A.J.; Van der Walt, L.A. Koedoe, 1984, (27), p. 147-150. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: aggressive behavior, temporal gland, plasma testosterone levels.


Elephant blood haematology and chemistry. Brown, I.R.F.; White, P.T. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Comparative Biochemistry, 1980, v. 65 (1), p. 1-12. ISSN: 0305-0491.

            NAL call no: QP501.C6

            Descriptors: blood, haematology, chemistry, review, Elephantidae.


Blood characteristics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis). Woodford, M.H. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1979, v. 15 (1), p. 111-113. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: circulatory system, blood, blood cells, haematological values.


Serum electrolytes, lipids and cortisol in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Brown, I.R.F.; White, P.T. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 1979, v. 62 (4), p. 899-901. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: serum electrolyte levels, lipid and fatty acid content, hormones.


Haematological studies on wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana). White, P.T.; Brown, I.R.F. Journal of Zoology, 1978, v. 185 (4), p. 491-503.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: blood, Loxodonta africana, Uganda, haematological characteristics.


Proteins and other nitrogenous constituents in the blood serum of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Brown, I.R.F.; White, P.T.; Malpas, R.C. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 1978, v. 59 (3), p. 267-270. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: protein content, serum, blood, serum protein, nitrogenous compounds.

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Auditory communication, meteorology, and the Umwelt. Larom, D. Journal of Comparative Psychology, Jun. 2002, v. 116 (2), p.133-136. ISSN: 0735-7036.

            NAL call no: BF671.J6

            Descriptors: low frequency calls, vocalization, Elephas, Loxodonta.


The elephant listening project. Groo, M. AWI Quarterly, Animal Welfare Institute, Washington, DC. Winter 2001, v. 50 (1), p. 10. ISSN: 1071-1384.

            NAL call no: HV4761.A5

            Descriptors: acoustic tracking, communication between animals, Loxodonta.


Elephant communication. Langbauer, W.R. Jr. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 425-445. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: communication, literature review, Elaphus, Loxodonta.


Unusually extensive networks of vocal recognition in African elephants. McComb, K.; Moss, C.; Sayialel, S.; Baker, L. Animal Behavior, 2000, v. 59 (6), p. 1103-1109. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: auditory communication, bioacoustics, conspecific recognition.


Signals and assessment in African elephants: Evidence from playback experiments. Poole, J.H. Animal Behavior, London, Academic Press. Jul. 1999, v. 58 (pt. 1), p. 185-193. ref. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: vocalization, social dominance, estrus, communication between animals.


Communication and social structure of African elephants. Poole, Joyce. Elephants. Care for the Wild International. Rusper, West Sussex. 1998, p. 1-127. Chapter pagination: 40-52. ISBN: 1872266037.

            Descriptors: sensory reception, sensory abilities, communication, social behavior.


Language in elephants. Jelaska, Sven. Priroda, 1993, v. 82 (6-7), p. 16-18. 789-790. ISSN: 0351-0662.

            Language: Serbo-Coatian.

            NAL call no: 410 P934

            Descriptors: acoustic signals, frequency, social behavior, Loxodonta africana.


African elephants respond to distant playbacks of low frequency conspecific calls. Langbauer, W.R. Jr.; Payne, K.B.; Charif, R.A.; Rapaport, L.; Osborn, F. Journal of Experimental Biology, 1991, v. 157, p. 35-46. ISSN: 0022-0949.

            NAL call no: 442.8 B77

            Descriptors: stimuli. Communication, elephants, behavioral biology.


Vocalization of African elephants recorded by radio telemetry. Langbauer, W.R. Jr.; Charif, R.A.; Payne, K.B.; Martin, R.B. American Zoologist, 1991, v. 31 (5), p. 98A. ISSN: 0003-1569.

            NAL call no: 410 Am3

            Descriptors: behavioral, biology, retrieval, computer applications.


Response of captive African elephants to playback of low-frequency calls. Langbauer, W.R. Jr.: Payne, K.B.; Charif, R.A.; Thomas, E.M. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1989, v. 67 (10), p. 2604-2607.

            NAL call no: 470 C16D

            Descriptors: vocalizations, infraspecific communication, response to playback calls.


The social context of some very low frequency calls of African elephants. Poole, J.H.; Payne, K.; Lanfbauer, W.R. Jr.; Moss, C.J. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1988, v. 22 (6), p. 385-392. ISSN: 0340-5443.

            NAL call no: QL751.B4

            Descriptors: social interactions, vocalization behavior, low-frequency, sound.


Elephant trunk calls. Poole J. Swara, 1987, v. 11 (6), p. 28-31. ISSN: 1081-6174.

            NAL call no: QL337.E25S9

            Descriptors: vocalizations, interpreted meanings, social organization.


The secretion of the temporal gland of the African elephant Loxodonta africana as an elephant repellent. Gorman. M.L. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 1986, v. 2 (2), p. 187-190. ISSN: 0266-4674.

            NAL call no: QH541.5.T7J68

            Descriptors: scent glands, behavior, gland secretions, use as a repellent.

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Geophagy in the African elephant in relation to availability of dietary sodium. Holdo, Ricardo M.; Dudley, Joseph P.; McDowell, Lee R. Journal of Mammalogy, Aug. 2002, v. 83 (3), p. 652-664. ISSN: 0022-2372.

            NAL call no: 410 J823

            Descriptors: behavior, mineral licks, activity budgets, nutritional requirements.


The role of nutrition and its possible impact on elephant foot care. Sadler, William C. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2002, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 13-15. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, nutritional aspects, diet in captivity, feet.


3D-kinematics of trunk movements in captive feeding African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Martin, F.; Niemitz C. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 115. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: cognition, feeding, movement, reaching, trunk movement.


Circulating levels of alpha-tocopherol and retinol in free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Savage, A.; Leong, K.M.; Grobler, D.; Lehnhardt, J.; Dierenfeld, E.S.; Stevens, E.F.; Aebischer, C.P. Zoo Biology, 1999, v. 18 (4), p. 319-323. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: blood plasma, nutritional state, retinol, alpha-tocopherol.


Investigation of selected plants as possible causes of flaccid trunk paralysis in free-ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Zimbabwe. Wrench, A.: Kock, N.D.: Gordon, S.J.G.; Turner, A.D.; Fries, D.S. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 1999, v. 30 (3-4), p. 93-97. ref.

            NAL call no: SF601.R5

            Descriptors: paralysis, brain, poisoning, histopathology, nervous system.


The intestine and endocrine pancreas of the African elephant: a histological, immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence study. Van Aswegen, G.; Van Noorden, S.; Kotze, s.H.; De Vos, V.; Schoeman, J.H. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Dec. 1996, v. 63 (4), p. 335-340. tables, fig. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: intestines, pancreas, elephant, digestive system.


Characterization of mucus glycoproteins in the intestinal mucosa of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) following lectin histochemistry. Coetzee, H.L.; Kotze, S.H.; Lourens, N. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Sept. 1995, v. 62 (3), p. 187-192. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: glycoproteins, intestinal mucosa, lectins, histochemistry.


Isotopic tracking of change in diet and habitat use in African elephants. Koch, Paul L.; Heisinger, Jennifer; Moss, Cynthia; Carlson, Richard W.; Fogel, Marilyn L.; Behrensmeyer, Anna K. Science, Mar. 3, 1995, v. 267 (5202), p. 1340-1343. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: biochemistry, carbon and nitrogen isotope composition, diet, habitat.


A histocytochemical study of mucus glycoproteins or mucins in the intestinal tract of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Kotze, S.H.; Coetzee, H.L. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Jun. 1994, v. 61 (2), p. 177-181. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: intestinal mucosa, mucins, histochemistry.


The oesophagus and stomach of the African elephant: A histological, immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence study. Van Aswegen, G.; Schoeman, J.H.; De Vos, V.; Van Noorden, S. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Sept. 1994, v. 61 (3), p. 223-229. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: esophagus, stomach, histology, cells, animal anatomy.


Suspected cardiac glycoside poisoning in elephants (Loxodonta africana). Brain, C.; Fox, V.E.B. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 1994, v. 65 (4), p. 173-174. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: elephants, cardiovascular system, toxicolgy, cardiac glycosides.


Bioavailable forms of vitamin E for correcting a biochemical deficiency in captive elephants. Crissey, S.D.; Papas, A.; Petric, A. Proceedings on the International Symposium”Ongules/Ungulates 91'. Toulouse, France, Sept. 2-6, 1991. i-xii, p. 1-661. Chapter pagination: 163-166. 1992.

            NAL call no: QL737.U4O54 1992

            Descriptors: diet in captivity, vitamins, diet deficiency, vitamin E, plasma.


Applied aspects of digestive physiology of elephant. Meissner, H.H. Proceedings of Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal. Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park Apr. 29-30, 1991, p. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 125-135.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta africana, nutrition, digestive physiology.


Coprophagy in African elephants. Lowis, R. EANHS Bulletin, 1991, v. 21 (1), p. 11-12. ISSN: 0374-7387.

            NAL call no: QH1.E3

            Descriptors: diet, coprophagy, Africa, nutrition, Loxodonta africana.


Method of sampling food consumption by free-ranging elephant. De Villiers, P.A.; Pietersen, E.W.; Hugo, T.A.; Meissner, H.H.; Kok, Q.B. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1991, v. 21 (1), p. 23-27. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: food plant, chemical analysis, field technique, elephant.


Lameness in young African elephants (Loxodonta africana) caused by inadequate nutrition. Spala, P.; Vahala, J.; Kralove, D.; Hradecky, P. Zoologische Garten, 1990, v. 60 (3-4), p. 244-247. ref. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: legs, disorders, diets, lameness, nutritional disorders, elephants.


Quality of food and voluntary intake by elephant as measured by lignin index. Meissner, H.H.; Spreeth, E.B.; Villiers, P.A. de; Pietersen, E.W.; Hugo, T.A.; Terblanche, B.F.; De Villiers, P.A. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1990, v. 20 (3), p. 104-110. ref. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: broadleaves, browse, elephants.


Digestibility of timothy hay by African elephants. Roehrs, J.M.; Brockway, C.R.; Ross, D.V.; Reichard, T.A.; Ullrey, D.W. Zoo Biology, 1989, v. 8 (4), p. 331-338. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: nutrition, dietary studies, dry matter intake, metabolism.


Parotid salivary gland of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): Structure and composition of saliva. Raubenheimer, E.J.; Dauth, J.; Dreyer, M.J.; De Vos, V. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Dec. 1988, v. 59 (4), p. 184-187. ref. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: saliva, electrolytes, parotid gland, deglutition, elephants.


Regulatory peptides in the endocrine cells and nerves of the gut of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Van Aswegen, G.; Van Noorden, S.; Viljoen, A.T.; Polak, J.M. Regulatory Peptides, 1987, v. 18 (5-6), p. 352. ISSN: 0167-0115.

            NAL call no: QP572.P4C66

            Descriptors: biochemical studies, metabolism, proteins, peptides, amino acids.


African elephant and hippopotamus: The results of nutritional research. Van Hoven, W. Proceedings of the Annual Dr. Scholl Conference on the Nutrition of Captive Wild Animals, 1983, v. 2, p. 47-62. ISSN: 0749-1778.

            NAL call no: SF95.D7

            Descriptors: nutrition, digestion, diet, gut contents, lipid and fatty acid metabolism.


Nutrient digestibility and gastrointestinal electrolyte flux in the elephant and rhinoceros. Clemens, E.T.; Maloiy, G.M.O. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 1983, v. 75 (4), p. 653-658. ref. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: digestion, elephants, rhinoceros.


The digestive physiology of three East African herbivores: The elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus Kenya. Clemens, E.T.; Maloiy, G.M.O. Journal of Zoology, London. Oct. 1982, v. 198 (2), p. 141-156. ill. ISSN: 0022-5460.

            NAL call no: 410.9 L84P

            Descriptors: digestive physiology, elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus.


Gross assimilation efficiency and food passage time in the African elephant. Rees, P.A. African Journal of Ecology, 1982, v. 20 (3), p. 193-198.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: assimilation, food consumption, excretion, Loxodonta africana.


Diet and feeding behavior of the forest elephant. Short, J. Mammalia, 1981, v. 45 (2), p. 177-185. ISSN: 0025-1461.

            NAL call no: 410 M31

            Descriptors: diet, food plants, food preferences, foraging, feeding behavior.


Fermentative digestion in the African elephant. Van Hoven, W.; Prins, R.A.; Lankhorst, A. South African Journal of Wildlife Research, 1981, v. 11 (3), p. 78-86. ISSN: 0379-4369.

            NAL call no: SK575.S6S6

            Descriptors: digestion, microbial fermentation, nutrition, elephant.


The daily food intake of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana Blumenbach, in Rhodesia. Guy, P.R. Arnoldia, v. 7 (26), 6 p.

            NAL call no: QL461.A7

            Descriptors: elephant, daily food intake.


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Clostridium perfringens beta2-toxin in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with ulcerative enteritis. Bacciarini, L.N.; Pagan, O.; Frey, J.; Grone, A. Veterinary Record, Nov. 17, 2001, v. 149 (20), p. 618-620. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: enteritis, clostridium perfringens, bacterial toxins, digestive tract.


Dermatomycosis in a young African elephant (Loxodonta africana) case report. Seidel, Bernd. Milu, 2001, v. 10 (4), p. 467-471. ISSN: 0076-8839.

            Descriptors: fungal diseases, dermatomycosis, Loxodonta africana.


Review of a newly recognized disease of elephants caused by endotheliotropic herpesviruses. Richman, Laura K.; Montali, Richard J.; Hayward, Gary S. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 383-392. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: animal viruses, elephant, disease.


Elephant herpes virus: A problem for breeding and housing of elephants. Burkhardt, S.; Hentschke, J.; Weiler, H.; Ehlers, B.; Ochs, A.; Walter, J.; Wittstatt, U.; Goltenboth, R. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 1999, v. 115 (5), p. 174-179. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: animal housing, case reports, herpes virus, elephants.  


Novel endothelioltropic herpesvirus fatal for Asian and African elephants. Richman, Laura K.; Montali, Richard J.; Garber, Richard L.; Kennedy, Melissa A.; Lehnhardt, John; Hildebrandt, Thomas; Schmitt, Dennis; Hardy, Douglas; Alcendor, Donald J.; Hatward, Gary S. Science, Feb. 19, 1999, v. 283 (5405), p. 1171-1176. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: diseases and disorders, viral diseases, elephants.


Septicaemic salmonellosis of elephants in Tanzania. Mbise, A.n.; Mlengeya, T.D.K.; Mollel, J.O. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 1998, v. 46 (2), p. 95-100. ref. ISSN: 0378-9721.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B872

            Descriptors: disease control, epidemiology, salmonellosis, surveys.


Clinical pathologic features of chronic renal failure in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Morris, P.J.; Held, J.P.; Jensen, J.M. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Zoological and Avian Medicine. Association of Avian Veterinarians & American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 1997: p. 1-586, chapter pagination: 468-472.

            NAL call no: SF994.I57 1987

            Descriptors: excretory system, kidney, metabolic disorders, chronic renal failure.


Salmonellosis in elephants: Possibilities and limits of control. Pagan, O.; Heldstab, A.; Vollm, J.; Weiser, Th.; Hockenjos, Ph. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1997, v. 38, p. 305-310. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: bacterial diseases, outbreak and control, salmonellosis.


Ulcerative pododermatitis in free-ranging African elephant (Loxodonta africana) in the Kruger National Park. Keet, D.F.; Grobler, D.G.; Raath, J.P.; Gouws, J.; Carstens, J.; Nesbit, J.W. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Mar. 1997, v. 64 (1), p. 25-32. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: foot dermatoses, ulcer, pathology, elephant, microbiology.


Epidemiology of African horsesickness: Antibodies in fee-living elephants (Loxodonta africana) and their response to experimental infection. Barnard, B.J.H.; Bengis, R.G.; Keet, D.F.; Dekker, E.H. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Dec. 1995, v. 62 (4), p. 271-275, ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: African horsesickness, antibodies, experimental infection.


The evaluation of a vaccine against encephalomyocarditis infection in elephants (Loxodonta africana) under controlled conditions. Raath, Jacobus P.; Bengis, Roy G. Proceedings Joint Conference American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Wildlife Disease Association, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Aug. 12-17, 1995, i-xxviii, p. 1-546. Chapter pagination: 304-308.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: diseases, disorders, treatment techniques, vaccine, encephalomyocarditis.


Lymphoid follicular vulvitis in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elaphus maximus) elephants. Munson, Linda; Karesh, William; Shin, Sang; Balke, Jennifer; Calle, Paul; Cambre, Richard; Cranfield, Michael; Citino, Scott; Junge, Randall. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1995, v. 26 (3), p. 353-358. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: transmissible venereal disease, urogenital canal, elephants.


An outbreak of encephalomyocarditis-virus infection in free-ranging African elephants in thre Kruger National Park. Grobler, D.G.; Raath, J.P.; Braack, L.E.O.; Keet, D.F.; Gerdes, G.H.; Barnard, B.J.H.; Kriek, N.P.J.; Jardine, J.; Swanepoel, R. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Jun. 1995, v. 62 (2), p. 97-108. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: encephalomyocarditis virus, disease distribution, histopathology.


African horsesickness epidemiology: Five species of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) collected live behind the ears and at the dung of the African elephant in Kruger National Park, south Africa. Meiswinkel, R.; Braack, L.E.O. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Jun. 1994, v. 61 (2), p. 155-170. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 On1

            Descriptors: culicoides, ears, feces, host preference, hematophagy, ectoparasites.


Flacid trunk paralysis in free-ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Zimbabwe. Koch, N.D.; Goedegebuure, S.A.; Lane, E.P.; Lucke, V.; Tyrrell, d. Kock, M.D. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1994, v. 30 (3), p. 432-435. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: muscular system, muscle atrophy, neuropathy, elephant.


Anthrax and cowdriosis in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Okewole, P.A.; Oyetunde, I.L.; Irokanulo, E.A.; Chima, J.C.; Nwankpa, N.; Laleye, Y.; Bot, C. Veterinary Record, Aug. 14, 1993, v. 133 (7), p. 168. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641.

            Descriptors: bacillus anthracis, cowdria, ruminantium, Loxodonta africana.


Afrotropical Culicoides: C. (Avaritia) Loxodontis sp. nov., a new member of the Imicola group (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) associated with the African elephant in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Meiswinkel, R. Onderstepoot Journal of Veterinary Research, Jun. 1992, v. 59 (2), p. 145-160. ref. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: new species culicoides, taxonomy, Loxodonta africana


Oesophageal choke in an African elephant. Wood, D.T. Veterinary Record, 1992, v. 131 (23), p. 536-537. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: elephant, diseases and disorders, oesophageal obstruction by food.


Outbreak of pox among African elephants in Thuringer Zoo at Erfurt, Germany. Pilaski, J.; Kulka, D.; Neuschulz, N.; Ippen, R.; Schroder, H.D. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 31. Internationalen symposims uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere, Santander, Spain. 1992, p. 111-118. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: zoo animals, elephants, pox.


Recurrent skin lesions in an African elephant. Schanberger, Anita. AAZPA Regional Proceedings, 1992, p. 308-315. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: diseases and disorders, recurrent skin lesions, case history, parasites.


Diseases of elephants. Colly, L. Proceedings of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal. Berd en Dal, Kruger National Park, Apr. 29-30, 1991. P. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 106-114.

            Descriptors: parasite diseases, disorders, review, Elaphus, Loxodonta.


Dermatomycosis in two African elephants. Muller, M.; Rytz, U. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 31. Internationslen symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere. Dortmund, 1989, p. 207-209. ref. ISBN: 3055006518.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: dermatomycosis, elephants, skin, infections, hosts, case reports.


Odontoma in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Raubenheimer, E.J.; Heerden, W.F.P.van; Turner, M.; Mare, L.K.; Van Heerdem, W.F.P. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Sept. 1989, v. 60 (3), p. 149-150. ref. ISSN: 0301-0732.

            NAL call no: 41.8 S08

            Descriptors: mouth diseases, case reports, teeth, neoplasms, elephants.


Stiff leg lameness in elephants. Elze, K.; Selbitz, H.J.; Seifert, S.; Eulenberger, K. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 31. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere, Dortmund, 1989, p. 189-194. ref. ISBN: 3055006518.

            Language: German

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: joint disease, elephants, lameness.


Idiopathic chronic diarrhea and malabsorption in a juvenile African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Heard, D.J.; Kollias, G.V.; Merritt, A.M.; Jacobson, E.R. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1988, v. 19 (3), p. 132-136. ref.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: chronic course, diarrhea, malabsorption, case reports.


Acute myocarditis in a captive African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Seaman, J.T.; Finnie, E.P. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1987, v. 23 (1), p. 170-171. ref. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: heart diseases, elephants, myocarditis.


Complication in tusk eruption in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Gass, H. Kleintierpraxis, 1987, v. 32 (8), p. 387-388. ref. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: dentistry, elephants, tooth diseases.


Cutaneous papillomas associated with a herpesvirus-like infection in a herd of captive African elephants. Jacobson, E.R.; Sundberg, J.P.; Gaskin, J.M.; Kollias, G.V.; Banion, M.K. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1075-1081. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: skin diseases, neoplasms, papillomas, elephants.


Dermoid cyst in and African elephant. Ritchie, B.W.; Thomas, Baker B.; Latimer, K.S. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 1, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1192. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: skin diseases, surgery, case reports, cystic degeneration, elephants.


Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in an African elephant. Johnson, B.; Burton, M.; Qualls, C.W.Jr. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 1, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1188-1190. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: respiratory diseases, case reports, elephants. 


Polyp in the urogenital canal of an African elephant. Munson, L.; Heuschele, W.; O’Banion, M.K.; Sundberg, J.P. Oosterhuis, J.E. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 1, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1190-1191. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: elephants, polyps, urogenital neoplasms.


Cutaneous fibrous polyps in a captive herd of African elephants. Jacobson, E.R. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1985, p. 71. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: skin disorders, parasites, integument, diseases, elephant.


Salmonellosis in an African elephant (in a zoo with fatal outcome; correspondence). Scott, W.A. Veterinary Record, 1984, v. 115 (15), p. 391. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: salmonellosis, elephants, fatal, necrosis.


Death of an African elephant from probable toxemia attributed to chronic pulpitis. McGavin, M.D.; Walker, R.D.; Schroeder, E.C.; Patton, C.S.; McCracken, M.D. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1983, v. 183 (11), p. 1269-1273. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: zoo animals, elephants, tooth disease.


Fatal aspiration pneumonia in an African elephant. McGavin, M.D.; Schroeder, E.C.; Walker, R.D.; McCracken, M.D. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1981, v. 179 (11), p. 1249-1250. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: bacterial diseases, parasite diseases, disorders, pathology, elephants.


Intestinal protozoa of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana, (Blumenbach). Eloff, A.K.; van Hoven, W. South African Journal of Zoology, 1980, v. 15 (2), p. 83-90. ISSN: 0254-1858.

            NAL call no: QL336.Z6

            Descriptors: gut microorganisms, intestinal protozoa, Loxodonta africana.


Dislocation of the elbow and its social consequences for an African elephant. Hall, Martin A.J.; de Boom, H.P.A. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 1979, v. 50 (1), p. 19-22. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: elbow dislocations, social effects, injuries, Loxodonta africana.


Plague antibody in large African mammals: Elephants, buffalo, zebras, sable antelope. Gordon, D.H.; Isaacson, M.; Taylor, P. Infection and Immunity, American Society for Microbiology, Nov. 1979, v. 26 (2), p. 767-769. ill. ref. ISSN: 0019-9567.

            NAL call no: QR1.I57

            Descriptors: Plague, antibody, elephant, buffalo zebra, sable antelope.


The susceptibility of zebra and elephants to African horsesickness virus. Erasmus, B.J.; Young, E.; Pieterse, L.M.; Boshoff, S.T. Journal of Equine Medicine and Surgery Supplement, 1978, Suppl, 1, p. 409-413.

            NAL call no: SF951.J6 Suppl.

            Descriptors: zebra, elephant, susceptibility, African horsesickness virus.


Traumatic granuloma in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and its treatment with Yatren-Casein. Obi, T.U. East African Wildlife Journal, 1978, v. 16 (1), p. 69-71.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: injuries, traumatic granuloma, treatment, Loxodonta.


Elephants and zebras as possible reservoir hosts for African horse sickness virus. Davies, F.G.; Otieno, S. Veterinary Record, Apr. 2, 1977, v. 100 (14), p. 291-292. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: African horse sickness virus, possible reservoir hosts.


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The evolution and phylogeography of the African elephant inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence and nuclear microsatellite markers. Eggert, Lori S.; Rasner, Caylor A.; Woodruff, David S. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B, Oct. 2002, v. 269 (1504), p. 1993-2006. ISSN: 0962-8452.

            NAL call no: 501 L84B

            Descriptors: biochemistry and molecular biophysics, population studies.


On the evolutionary genetics of tusks in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus): Model predictions and evidence from elephant breeding. Tiedemann, R.; Kurt, F.; Mar, K.U. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 105. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: tusk, dental, evolutionary genetics, sexual selecetion.


Patterns of molecular genetic variation among African elephant populations. Comstock, Kenine E.; Georgiadis, Nicholas; Pecon-Slattery, Jill; Roca, Alfred L.; Ostrander, Elaine A.; O’Brian, Stephen J.; Wasser, Samuel K. Molecular Ecology, Dec. 2002, v. 11 (12), p. 2489-2498. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: genetic diversity, molecular genetic variation, species affiliation.


Comparative cytogenetics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and Asiatic elephant (Elaphus maximus). Houck, M.L.; Kumamoto, A.T.; Gallagher, D.S.Jr.; Benirschke, E. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 2001, v. 93 (3-4), p. 249-252. ref. ISSN: 0301-0171.

            NAL call no: 442.8 C992

            Descriptors: chromosome analysis, cytogenetics, karyotypes, chromosomes.


DNA evidence for elephant social behavior breakdown in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. Nyakaana, Silvester; Abe, Eve L.; Arctander, Peter; Seigismund, Hans R. Animal Conservation, Aug. 2001, v. 4 (3), p. 231-237. ISSN: 1367-9430.

            NAL call no: QH75.A1A54

            Descriptors: molecular genetics, DNA sequence, biochemical variation, behavior.


Ecology. African elephant species splits in two. Vogel, G. Science, Aug. 24, 2001, v. 293 (5534), p. 1414. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: mitochondrial genetics, DNA, sequence analysis, elephants genetics.


Genetic evidence for two species of elephant in Africa. Roca, A.L.; Georgiadis, N.; Pecon, Slattery J.; O’Brian, S.J. Science, Aug. 24, 2001, v.293 (5534), p. 1473-1477. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: genetic distance, speciation, L. africana, L. cyclotis.


The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), phylogenetic relationships of Proboscidea to other mammals, and D-loop heteroplasmy. Hauf, Jorg; Waddell, Peter J.; Chalwatzis, Nicolas; Joger, Ulrich; Zimmerman, Friedrich K. Zoology, 2000, v. 102 (4), p. 184-195. ISSN: 0944-2006.

            NAL call no:QL1.Z769

            Descriptors: mtDNA, molecular genetics, genome, nucleic acids, mitochondria.


Living African elephants belong to two species: Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach 1797) and Loxodonta cyclotis (Matschie 1900). Grubb, P.; Groves, C. P.; Dudley, J.P.; Shoshani, J. Elephant, 2000, v. 2 (4), p. 1-4.

            Descriptors: genetic distance, speciation, L. africana, L. cyclotis.


Polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci identified in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Comstock, E.K.; Wasser, K.S.; Ostrander, A.E. Molecular Ecology, Jul. 2000, v. 9 (7), p. 1004-1006. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: loci, microsatellites, ecological genetics, Loxodonta africana.


Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and their use in the Asian elephant (Elaphus maximus). Eggert, L.S.; Ramakrishnan, U.; Mundy, N.I.; Woodruff, D.S. Molecular Ecology, 2000, v. 9 (12), p. 2223-2225. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: molecular genetics, biochemistry, DNA markers.


Allozyme variation in African elephant (Loxodonta africana) from the Kruger National Park, south Africa. Coetzee, e.M.; Van der Bank, F.H.; Greyling, M. South African Journal of Animal Science, Oct. 1999, v. 29 (3), p. 214-221. ISSN: 0375-1589.

            NAL call no: SF1.S6

            Descriptors: genetic variation, allozymes, south Africa, African elephant.


The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), phylogenetic relationships of Proboscidea to other mammals, and D-loop heteroplasmy. Hauf, Joerg; Waddell, Peter J.; Chalwatzis, Nicolas; Joger, Ulrich; Zimmermann, Friedrich K. Zoology, 1999(2000), v. 102 (4), p. 184-195. ISSN: 0944-2006.

            NAL call no: QL1.Z769

            Descriptors: molecular genetics, evolution, adaptation, mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA.


Nuclear insertion sequences of mitochondrial DNA predominate in hair but not in blood of elephants. Greenwood, A.D.; Paabo, S. Molecular Ecology, 1999, v. 8 (1), p. 133-137. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: hair, blood, mitochondria, DNA, genetic variation, elephants.


Population genetic structure of the African elephant in Uganda based on variation at mitochondria and nuclear loci: Evidence for male-based gene flow. Nyakaana, S.; Arctander, P. Molecular Ecology, 1999, v. 8 (7), p. 1105-1115. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: population genetics, genetic diversity, gene flow, mitochondrial DNA.


Identification of sequence tagged sites in the Asian and African elephant. Burk, Nikki E.; Messer, Lori A.; Ernst, Catherine W.; Rothschild, Max F. Animal Biotechnology, Jul. 1989, v. 9 (2), p. 155-160. ISSN: 1049-5398.

            NAL call no: SF140.B54A55

            Descriptors: molecular genetics, leptin receptor genes, sequence tagged sites.


Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Nyakaana, S.; Arctander, P. Molecular Ecology, Oct. 1998, v. 7 (10), p. 1436-1437. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: base sequence, DNA primers genetics, genetics, alleles,


Mitochondrial DNA analysis of two southern African elephant populations. Essop, M.F.; Hall, Martin A.J.; Harley, E.H. Koedoe, 1996, v. 39 (1), p. 85-88. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: mitochondrial genetics, DNA, subspecies, African elephant.

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The effect of some ecological factors on the intestinal parasite loads of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in southern India. Vidya, T.N.C.; Sukumar, R. Journal of Biological Sciences Bangalore, 2002, V.27 (5), p. 521-528. ISSN: 0250-5991.

            NAL call no: QH1.J63

            Descriptors: digestive system, parasite egg density, ecological factors.


Three new intestinal protozoan species of the genus Latteruria n.g. (Ciliophora: Trichostomatia) from Asian and African elephants. Timoshenko, Olga.; Imai, Soichi. Parasitology International, Dec. 1997, v. 46 (4), p. 297-303.

            NAL call no: QL757.P3747

            Descriptors: parasites, protozoa, host, elephants, Latteuria.


Ivermectin treatment of lice infestation in two elephant species. Karesh, W.B.; Robinson, P.T. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1235-1236. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: Haematomyzus elephantis, Loxodonta, Elaphus, treatment, ivermectin.


Fatal infection of an elephant calf caused by the trematode Protofasciola robusta (Lorenz, 1881) in Somaliland. Vitovec, J.; Kotrla, B.; Haji, H.; Hayles, L.B. Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin, B, 1984, v. 31 (8), p. 597-602. ref.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Z5

            Descriptors: helminths, colon, Digenea, Loxodonta africana.


Blood parasites in free-living African elephants. White, P.T. Zoologische Garten, 1980, v. 50 (1), p. 45-48. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: nematode parasites, microfilariae prevalence in blood, Loxodonta.


Helminths of the African elephant. Boulot, J.A.P.A. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1980, 40C, 4, 620.

            NAL call no: Z5053.D5

            Descriptors: Helminths, parasites, elephants.


Skin myiasis due to Ruttenia loxodontis Rodhain in an African elephant. Stehlik, M. Veterinary Record, Sept. 6, 1980, v. 107 (10), p. 227. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: skin diseases, myiasis veterinary, parasitic, elephants.


Parabronema longispiculatum n. sp., a stomach parasite of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana Blumenbach, 1797). Graber, M. Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays. Trop., 1975, v. 28 (4), p. 473-479. ref.

            Language: French with English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R3262

            Descriptors: parasite, elephant, stomach.


Fly parasites (Diptera: Oestridae and Gasterophilidae) of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach), and their problems. Koedoe, 1970, v. 13, p. 109-121.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: fly parasites, elephant, problems.

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Assessment of testicular endocrine function in captive African elephants by measurement or urinary and fecal androgens. Ganswindt, Andre; Heistermann, Michael; Borragan, Santiago; Hodges, J. Keith. Zoo Biology, 2002, v. 21 (1), p. 27-36. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: feces, testicle, urine, reproductive system, musth.


Artificial insemination in the Asian elephant. Brown, Janine L.; Goeritz, Frank; Hermes, Robert; Pratt-Hawkes, Nancy; Galloway, Marie; Hildebrandt, Thomas B. Biology of Reproduction, 2002, v. 66 (Suppl. 1), p. 259-260. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: artificial insemination, diagnostic method, semen, ovulation time.


Behavioral and endocrine parameters around parturition in African and Asian elephant cows. Szdzuy, K.; Dehnhard, M.; Hofer, H.; Strauss, G.; Ochs, A. Zoology, 2002, v. 105 (Suppl. 5):99. ISSN: 0944-2006.

            NAL call no: QL1.Z769

            Descriptors: behavior, captivity, endocrine system, reproductive system.<


Enzyme-immunoassay for the measurement of luteinizing hormone in the serum of African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Graham, Laura H.; Bolling, Jeff; Miller, Gary; Pratt-Hawkes, Nancy; Joseph, Sharon. Zoo Biology, 2002, v. 21 (4), p. 403-408. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: plasma, serum, hormones, LH, enzyme immunoassay, Loxodonta.


Non-invasive monitoring of ovarian activity and predicting parturition in female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) using 5alpha-androst-2-en-17-one and androst-2-en-17beta-o1. Dehnhard, M.; Eulenberger, K.; Hatt, J.M.; Ochs, A.; Strauss, G. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 130. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: parturition, pregnancy, ovary, reproductive system, urine.


Reproductive survey of the African elephant population in North America. Freeman, Elizabeth W.; Weiss, Emily; Brown, Janine L. Biology of Reproduction, 2002, v. 66 (Suppl. 1): 259. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: adrenal, endocrine system, reproductive system, ovary.


Sex of neonates and maternal investment in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Kurt, F.; Mar, K.U.; Tiedemann, R. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 50. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: calving interval, mortality, sex ratio, survival, development.


Ten-years old elephant project in Vienna, Austria: A breeding project for the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Pechlaner, Helmut; Schwammer, Harald M. Zoologische Garten, 2002. V. 72 (1), p. 28-41. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: sperm, reproductive system, artificial insemination.


African elephants and contraception. Pimm, S.L.; van Aarde, R.J. Nature, Jun. 14, 2001, v. 411 (6839), p. 766. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: contraception, elephants physiology, immunologic veterinary.


First successful artificial insemination in an African elephant in Europe. Schwammer, Harald M.; Hildebrandt, Thomas; Goeritz, Frank. IZN International Zoo News, Oct./Nov. 2001, v. 48 (7), p. 424-429. no. 312. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: artificial insemination, methodology and prospects, captive breeding.


Population control: African elephants and contraception. Pimm, S.L.; van Aarde, R.J. Nature, 2001, v. 411 (6839), p. 766. ref. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: control programs, contraception, reviews, Loxodonta.


Population control: African elephants and contraception - Fayrer-Hosken et al. reply. Fayrer-Hosken, R.A.; Grobler, D.; van Altena, J.J.;Bertschinger, H.J.: Kirkpatrick, J.F. Nature, 2001, v. 411 (6839), p. 766. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: control programs, reviews, contraception, Loxodonta.


Serum hydrocortisone levels in a manually restrained African elephant (Loxodonta africana) pre- and post-semen collection. Suedmeyer, Wm. Kirk. Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians and National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, Orlando, FL. Sept. 18-23, 2001. i-xx, p. 1-411. Chapter pagination: 388-389.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: plasma, hormones, hydrocortisone content, serum, semen collection.  


“Hey baby, I’m here!”: Advertisement of estrus in captive female African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Ortolani, A.; Partan, S.; Leong, K.; Burks, K.; Graham, L.; Mellen, J.; Savage, A. Advances in Ethology, 2000, no. 35, p. 52. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: behavior, reproductive system.


Immunocontraception of African elephants. Fayrer-Hosken, R.A.; Grobler, D.; Van Altena, J.J.; Bertschinger, H.J.; Kirkpatrick, J.F. Nature, Sep. 14, 2000, v. 407 (6801), p. 149. ref. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: contraception, vaccines, fertilization, antibody response.


Iodine as a possible controlling nutrient for elephant populations. Milewski, Antoni. Pachyderm, Jan./Jun. 2000, v. 28, p. 78-90. ISSN: 1026-2881.

            Descriptors: population management, iodine nutrient control, dietary deficiency.


Non-invasive assessment of testicular endocrine function in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) by measurement of testosterone metabolites in faeces. Ganswindt, A.; Heistermann, M.; Borragan, S.; Hodges, J.K. Advances in Ethology, 2000, no. 35, p. 85. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL: call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: feces, digestive system, testicular, fecal hormone analysis.


Patterns of urinary and fecal steroid excretion during the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Fiess, M.; Heistermann, M.; Hodges, J.K. General and Comparative Endocrinology, Jul. 1999, v. 115 (1), p. 76-89. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.4 G28 

            Descriptors: faeces, urine, steroid hormone levels, pregnancy, ovarian cycle.


A postcryogenic comparison of membrane fatty acids of elephant spermatozoa. Swain, Jason E.; Miller, Robert R. Jr. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 461-473. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: cryogenic spermatozoa freezing, storage method, comparison method.


State of the North American African elephant population and projections for the future. Olson, Deborah; Wiese, Robert J. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 311-320. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: captive reproduction, fecundity, juvenile survival, mortality.


Temporary ovarian inactivity in elephants: Relationship to status and time outside. Schulte, Bruce A.; Feldman, Elizabeth; Lambert, Ruth; Oliver, Renee; Hess, David L. Physiology and Behavior, Oct. 1-15, 2000, v. 71 (1-2), p. 123-131. ISSN: 0031-9384.

            NAL call no: QP1.P4

            Descriptors: housing techniques, ovary, ovarian inactivity in captivity.


Ultrasonography of the estrous cycle in female African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Hermes, R.; Oloson, D.; Goritz, F.; Brown, J.L.; Schmitt, D.L.; Hagan, D.; Peterson, J.S.; Fritsch, G.; Hildebrandt, T.B. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 369-382. ref. ISSN:0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: anatomy, corpus luteum, FSH, LH, oestrus, ovulation, progestogens.


Ultrasonography of the urogenital tract in elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus): An important tool for assessing male reproductive function. Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Hermes, Robert; Pratt, Nancy C.; Fritsch, Guido; Blottner, Steffen; Schmitt, Dennis L.; Ratanakorn, Parntep; Brown, Janine L.; Rietschel, Wolfram; Goeritz, Frank. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 333-345. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: care in captivity, reproductive techniques, male urogenital tract.


Calving elephants (normal). Schmidt, M.J.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999. Ed. 4. p. 521-522. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: pregnancy, parturition.


Contraceptive potential of the porcine zona pellucida vaccine in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Fayrer, Hosken R.A.; Bertschinger, H.J.; Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Grobler, D.; Lamberski, N.; Honneyman, G.; Ulrich, T. Theriogenology, Oct. 1, 1999, v. 52 (5), p. 835-846. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: ovary, reproductive system, zona pellucida, vaccine.


Dystocia in the elephant. Foerner, J.J.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999. Ed. 4, p. 522-525. ref. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: dystocia, parturition, fetal death, parturition complications.


Endocrine and ultrasound evaluation of a non-cycling African elephant: Identification of an ovarian follicular cyst. Brown, J.L.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Theison, W.; Neiffer, D.L. Zoo Biology, 1999, v. 18 (3), p. 223-232. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: ovarian disease, ovarian cysts, ultrasound, reproductive disorders.


Patterns of urinary and fecal steroid excretion during the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Fiess, M.; Heistermann, M.; Hodges, J.K. General and Comparative Endocrinology, Jul. 1999, v. 115 (1), p. 76-89. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: estrus physiology, feces chemistry, pregnancy, steroids metabolism.


Pregnancy induced vulva edema of an African elephant cow. Strauss, Gunter. Milu, 1999, v. 9 (6), p. 694-701. ISSN: 0076-8839.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: pregnancy, vulva edema, genitalia, Loxodonta.


Serum prolactin concentration in the captive female African elephant (Loxodonta africana): Potential effects of season and steroid hormone interactions. Bechert, Ursula S.; Swanson, Lloyd; Wasser, Samuel K.; Hess, David L.; Stormshak, Fredrick. General and Comparative Endocrinology, May 1999, v. 114 (2), p. 269-278. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: cortisol, progesterone, prolactin, steroid hormone interactions.


Antral follicles develop in xenografted cryopreserved African elephant (Loxodonta africana) ovarian tissue. Gunasena, K.T.; Lakey, J.R.T.; Villines, P. M.; Bush, M.; Raath, C.; Crister, E.S.; McGann, L.E.; Crister, J.K. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 265-275. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: ovarian tissue, cryopreservation, xenografting, grafting method.


Chemical signals in the reproduction of Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Schulte, B.A. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 19-34. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, chemical signals, review.


Elephant contraception research in the Kruger National Park. Whyte, Ian J.; Grobler, Dave G. Pachyderm, Jan./Jul. 1998, v. 25, p. 45-52. ISSN: 1026-2881.

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, contraception, immunocontraception.


Endocrinology of the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephant. Hodges, J.K. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 3-18. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: ovarian cycle and pregnancy, hormones, birth, Elephas, Loxodonta.


Factors affecting prolactin secretion in the African elephant. Bechert, U.S,; Swanson, L.; Wasser, S.K.; Hess, D.L.; Stormshak, F. Biology of Reproduction, 1998, v. 58 (Suppl. 1), p. 175. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: reproductive system, elephant, ovarian function, stress.


Histo- and cytophysiology of the lactating mammary gland of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Welsch, Ulrich; Feuerhake, Friedrich; Van Aarde, Rudi; Buchheim, Wolfgang; Patton, Stuart. Cell and Tissue Research, Dec. 1998, v. 294 (3), p. 485-501. ISSN: 0302-766X.

            NAL call no: QH581.A1Z4

            Descriptors: mammary gland, reproductive system, cyto and histophysiology.


Influence of gestation on uterine endometrial steroid receptor concentrations in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Greyling, M.D.; Ford, M.; Potgieter, H.C.; Van Aarde, R.J. Biology of Reproduction, Jan. 1998, v. 58 (1), p. 60-64. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: endocrine system, reproductive system, progesterone, elephants.


Reproductive assessment of male elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus) by ultrasonography. Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Goeritz, Frank; Pratt, Nancy C.; Schmitt, Dennis L.; Quandt, Sybille; Raath, Jacobus; Hofmann, Reinhold R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun. 1998, v. 29 (2), p. 114-128. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: reproductive system, transrectal ultrasonography, diagnostic method.


Assessment of ovarian function in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) by measurement of 5 [alpha]-reduced progesterone metabolites in serum and urine. Hiestermann, M.; Trohorsch, B.; Hodges, J.K. Zoo Biology, 1997, v. 16 (3), p. 273-284. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: reproductive cycle monitoring, ovary, ovarian cycle relations.


Binding activity of 5alpha-reduced gestagens to the progestin receptor from African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Meyer, H.H.; Jewgenow, K.; Hodges, J.K. General and Comparative Endocrinology, Feb. 1997, v. 105 (2), p. 164-167. ISSN: 0016-6480. NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: endometrium metabolism, progestational hormones metabolism.


Concentrations of progesterone and the 5alpha-reduced progestins, 5alpha-pregnane-3, 20-dione and 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one, in luteal tissue and circulating blood and their relationship to luteal function in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Hodges, J.K.; Heistermann, M.; Beard, A.; Aarde, R.J. van; van Aarde, R.J. Biology of Reproduction, Mar.1997, v. 56 (3), p. 640-646. ref. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: progesterone, blood, progestogens, corpus luteum, ovaries, pregnancy.


Evaluation of the immune response to zona pellucida proteins in feral African elephants. Schwoebel, E.; Skinner, S.; Mutinda, H.; Poole, J.; Leakey, R.; Dunbar, B. Biology of Reproduction, 1997, v. 56 (Suppl. 1), p. 182. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: immune response, zona pellucida, proteins, immune system, elephants.


Evaluation of progesterone and 20-oxo-progestagens in the plasma of Asian (Elaphus maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. Schwarzenberger, Franz; Strauss, Gunter; Hoppen, Hans O.; Schaftenaar, Willem; Dieleman, Steph J.; Zenker, Wolfgang; Pagan, Olivier. Zoo Biology, 1997, v. 16 (5), p. 403-413. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: endocrine system, blood and lymphatics, reproductive system.


Ligand specificity of uterine oestrogen and progesterone receptors in the subadult African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Greyling, M.D.; Aarde, R.J. van; Potgieter, H.C. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Mar.1997, v. 109 (2), p. 199-204. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: progesterone, chemoreceptors, uterus, corpus luteum hormones.


Management of African elephant populations by immunocontraception. Fayrer-Hosken, R.A.; Brooks, P.; Bertschinger, H.J.; Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Turner, J.W.; Liu, I.K.M. Wildlife Society Bulletin (US), Spr. 1997, v. 25 (1), p. 18-21. ref. ISSN: 0091-7648.

            NAL call no: SK357.A1W5

            Descriptors: management, disease control, family planning, elephant.


The new elephant park in Vienna: A project for state-of-the-art keeping and breeding of African elephants. Schwammer, Harald; Pechlaner, Helmut. Zoologische Garten, Dec. 1997, v. 67 (6), p. 375-385. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: elephants, Austria, elephant park.


Potential of the porcine zona pellucida (PZP) being an immunocontraceptive agent for elephants. Fayrer, Hosken R.A.; Brooks, P.; Kirkpatrick, J.; Bertschinger, H.; Raath, J.P.; Soley, J.M. Theriogenology, 1997, v. 47 (1), p. 397. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: immunocontraceptive agent, reproduction, animal care, elephants.


Secretory patterns of serum prolactin in Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants during different reproductive states: Comparison with concentrations in a noncycling African elephant. Brown, Janine L.; Lehnhardt, John. Zoo Biology, 1997, v. 16 (2), p. 149-159. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: plasma, hormones, ovary, reproductive states, cycle stage, lactation status.


Analysis of African elephant mature milk in early lactation and formulation of an elephant calf milk replacer. Parrott, Joel J. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 102-112.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: diet in captivity, rearing techniques, milk replacer formulation.


Can porcine zona pellucida (pZP) be a contraceptive for elephants? Fayrer-Hosken, R.A.; Kirkpatrick, J.; Bertschinger, H.; Soley, J.T.; Praath, K. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 248-250. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: contraception, reproductive techniques, porcine zona pellucida.


Excretory fate of estradiol and progesterone in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and patterns of fecal steroid concentrations throughout the estrous cycle. Wasser, S.K.; Papageorge, S.; Foley, C.; Brown, J.L. General and Comparative Endocrinology, May 1996, v. 102 (2), p. 255-262. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: ovarian activity, estradiol, progesterone, elephant.


Nonluteal estrus cycles of 3-week duration are initiated by anovulatory luteinizing hormone peaks in African elephants. Kapustin, N.; Critser, J.K.; Olson, D.; Malven, P.V. Biology of Reproduction (US), Nov. 1996, v. 55 (5), p. 1147-1154. ref. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: oestrus cycle, duration, hormones, blood serum, ovulation.


Age- and parity-dependent differences in ovarian activity and oocyte maturity in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Kidson, A.; Loskutoff, N.M.; Raath, C.;Wood, C.A.; Williams, K.R.; Van Schalkwyk, J.O.; Dyche, W.K.; Barry, D.M.; Bartels, P. Theriogenology, 1995, v. 43 (1), p. 246. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: breeding, developmental incompetence, animal husbandry.


Fecal steroid analysis: Validation of extraction and radioimmunoassay for estradiol and progesterones in African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and analysis of fecal samples utilizing a validated method. Papageorge, Sophie; Wasser, Samuel K.; Foley, Charles; Brown, Janine. Proceedings of a Joint Conference American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Wildlife Disease Association, and American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, East Lansing, MI. Aug. 12-17, 1995. p. 447.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: elephant, fecal steroid analysis, radioimmunoassay, estradiol.


The oestrus cycle of the Asian and African elephants, Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana. Techniques to monitor reproduction of females in captivity. Plouzeau, E.; Da-Cunha, S.; Shaw, H.J. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire, Dec. 1994, v. 145 (12), p. 905-911. ISSN: 0035-1555.

            Language: French.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R32

            Descriptors: females, oestrus cycle, blood plasma, oestrogens, urine.


Placentation in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Mathias, Susanna; Vanarde, R.J.; Wooding, P.F.; Allen, W.R. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Abstract Series, 1994, v. 0 (14), p. 5-6. ISSN: 0954-0725.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: blood vessel, endometrial arteriole, elephant calf, fertility.


Progesterone and 5-alpha-dihydroprogesterone concentrations in plasma and individual corpora lutea of non-pregnant and pregnant African elephants. Hiestermann, M.; Beard, A.; Van Aarde, R.J.; Hodges, J.K. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Abstract Series, 1994, v. 0 (13), p. 11-12. ISSN: 0954-0725.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: corpus luteum function, reproductive status, 5-alpha-pregnane-3.


Progesterone content and biosynthetic potential of the corpus luteum of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Hodges, J.K.; Van Aarde, R.J.; Heistermann, M.; Hoppen, H.O. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Sept.1994, v. 102 (1), p. 163-168. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: enzyme immunoassay, progesterone, endocrine system, elephant.


Breeding elephants in captivity. Schmidt, Michael J. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 3rd ed., Fowler, Murray E. W.B. Saunders Co. 1993, i-xxv, p. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 445-448.

            NAL call no: SF966.Z66

            Descriptors: bull management, captive breeding methods, artificial insemination.


Effects of GnRH analogues on pituitary-testicular function in free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Brown, J.L.; Bush, M.; Wildt, D.E.; Raath, J.R.; Vos, V de: Howard, J.G. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Nov.1993, v. 99 (2), p. 627-634. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: gonadotropins, blood, androgens, testosterone, elephants.


Breeding elephants in captivity. Partridge, J. IZN International Zoo News, 1992, v. 39 (8), p. 42-44. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, captive breeding, workshop report.


Elephants and birth control. Short, R. New Scientist, 1992, v. 135, no. 1832, p. 21-23. ISSN: 0262-4074.

            NAL call no: 472 N42

            Descriptors: fertility, pregnancy, control, reproductive techniques, possible methods.


Parturition and placentation in African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Soma, H.; Kawakami, S. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1991, no. 33, p. 47-51. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: placenta, birth, morphology, observations in captivity, Elephantidae. 


Determining the estrus cycle in a group of African elephants by evaluating serum progesterone levels. Roach, Russell; Briggs, Michael; Fithian, Claire. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1990, p. 185-188. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: progesterone level fluctuations, hormones, ovary, plasma, serum.


Elephant pituitary gonadotropins. McFarlane, J.R.; Cabrera, C.M.; Oosthuizen, M.M. J.; Papkoff, H. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 1990, v. 79 (2), p. 193-200. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, pituitary gland, hormones, FSH, LH, characteristics.


Serum testosterone and musth in captive male African and Asian elephants. Cooper, K.A.; Harder, J.D.; Clawson, D.H.; Frederick, D.L.; Lodge, G.A.; Peachey, H.C.; Spellmire, T.J.; Winstel, D.P. Zoo Biology, 1990, v. 9 (4), p. 297-306. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: temporal gland secretions, testosterone levels, hormones, musth.


Circulating progesterone concentrations and ovarian functional anatomy in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). de Villiers, D.J.; Skinner, J.D.; Hall, Martin A.J. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, May 1989, v. 86 (1), p. 195-201. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: pregnancy, plasma progesterone levels, ovarian cycle, placenta.


Long and short estrous cycles in the African elephant: An endocrine profile. Brannian, John D.; Terranova, Paul F.; Griffin, Frank. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1989, p. 16-18. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47 

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, oestrus cycle, ovary, hormones, mating.


Mate guarding, reproductive success and female choice in African elephants. Poole, J.H. Animal Behavior, 1989, v. 37 (5), p. 842-849. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: breeding success, mate selection, Loxodonta.


Urinary androstenedione and luteinizing hormone concentrations during musth in a mature African elephant. Brannian, J.D.; Griffin, F.; Terranova, P.F. Zoo Biology, 1989, v. 8 (2), p. 165-170. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: steroid content, urinary androstenedione, hormones, musth.


Anatomy of the reproductive tract of the female African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with reference to development of techniques for artificial breeding. Balke, J.M.E.; Boever, W.J.; Ellersieck, M.R.; Seal, U.S.; Smith, D.A. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1988, v. 84 (2), p. 485-492. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL c all no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: artificial insemination, female genitalia, anatomy, elephants.


Ovarian function in the elephant: Lutenizing hormone and progesterone cycle in African and Asian elephants. Plotka, E.D.; Seal, U.S.; Zarembka, F.R.; Simmons, L.G.; Teare, A.; Phillips, L.G.; Hinshaw, K.C.; Wood, D.G. Biology of Reproduction, Mar. 1988, v. 38 (2), p. 309-314. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: LH blood, ovary physiology, progesterone blood, elephant physiology.


Short and long phases of progesterone secretion during the oestrus cycle of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Brannian, J.D.; Griffin, F.; Papkoff, H.; Terranova, P.F. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1988, v. 84 (1), p. 357-365. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: hormones, oestradiol, LH, levels, ovarian cycle, serum progesterone.


Circulating hormones during pregnancy in the Asian and African elephants, Elaphus maximus and Loxodonta africana: A diagnostic test based on the measurement of prolactin. Hodges, J.K.; McNeilly, A.S.; Hess, D.L. International Zoo Year Book, 1987, v. 26, p. 285-289. ISSN: 0074-9664.

            NAL call no: QL76.I5

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, prolactin levels, pregnancy, hormones,


Role of musth in the reproductive strategy of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Hall-Martin A.J. South African Journal of Science, 1987, v. 83 (10), p. 616-620. ISSN: 0038-2353.

            NAL call no: 515 SO84

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, musth implications, Loxodonta.


SEM of sperm in the testis and Wolffian duct of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Van der Horst, G.; Jacobs, S.; van Aswegen, G. Elektronmikroskopievereniging van Suidelike Afrika Verrigtings, 1987, v. 17, p. 79-80. ISSN: 0250-0418.

            Descriptors: sperm, Wolffian duct, sperm structural changes, testis.


Influence of cryoprotective diluent on post-thaw viability and acrosomal integrity of spermatozoa of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Howard, J.G.; Bush, M.; de Vos, V.; Schiewe, M.C.; Pursel, V.G.; Wildt, D.E. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1986, v. 78 (1), p. 295-306. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: cryopreservation techniques, diluents, freezing and thawing evaluation.


Polyp in the urogenital canal of an African elephant. Munson, L.; Heuschele, W.; O’Banion, M.K.; Sundberg, J.P.; Oosterhuis, J.E. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1190-1191. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: female genital diseases, neoplasms, polyps, elephants.


The secretion of the temporal gland of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana, as an elephant repellent. Gorman, M.L. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 1986, v. 2 (2), p. 187-190. ISSN: 0266-4674.

            NAL call no: QH5451.5.T7J68

            descriptors: repellents, avoidance behavior, control programs, temporal glands.


Further developments in comparative semen freezing in free-ranging African elephants. Howard, J.G.; Bush, M.; Schiewe, M.C.; de Vos, V.; Wildt, D.E. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1985, p. 31-32. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: semen, cryopreservation techniques, semen freezing.


Plasma testosterone levels in relation to musth in the male African elephant. Hall-Martin, A.J.; van der Walt, L.A. Koedoe, 1985, v. 27, p. 147-149. ISSN: 0075-6458.

            NAL call no: SB484.S6K6

            Descriptors: hormones, testosterone, levels in plasma, relation to musth.


Electroejaculation, semen characteristics and serum testosterone concentrations of free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Howard, J.G.; Bush, M.; de Vos, V.; Wildt, D.E. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Sept. 1984, v. 72 (1), p. 187-195. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: semen collection, testosterone plasma levels, ejaculate volume.


Foetal mass and date of conception in African elephants: A revised formula. Craig, G.C. South African Journal of Science, 1984, v. 80 (11), p. 512-516. ISSN: 0038-2353.

            NAL call no: 515 SO84

            Descriptors: weight, foetus, conception date, revised formula and results.


Musth and urinary testosterone concentrations in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Poole, J.H.; Kasman, L.H.; Ramsay, E.C.; Lasley, B.L. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Jan. 1984, v. 70 (1), p. 255-260. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: steroid content, testosterone in urine, hormones, musth, behavior.


Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentrations in elephant serum and temporal gland secretions. Rasmussen, L.E.; Buss, I.O.; Hess, D.L.; Schmidt, M.J. Biology of Reproduction, 1984, v. 30 (2), p. 352-362. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: Elephas, Loxodonta, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, serum levels.


On afterbirth, especially elephants. Benirschke, K. Zoonooz, 1983, v. 56 (9), p. 12-13. ISSN: 0044-5282.

            NAL call no: QL1.Z65

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, placenta, after birth description.


Blood concentrations of gonadotropins, prolactin and gonadal steroids in males and in non-pregnant and pregnant female African elephants (Loxodonta africana). McNeilly, A.S.; Martin, R.D.; Hodges, J.K.; Smuts, G.L. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1983, v. 67 (1), p. 113-120. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222 

            Descriptors: animal genetics and breeding, gonadal steroids, prolactin.


Circulating oestrogen concentrations during pregnancy in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Hodges, J.K.; Henderson, C.; McNeilly, A.S. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1983, v. 67 (1), p. 121-127. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: hormones, oestrogen concentrations during pregnancy, pregnancy.


Oestrus behavior and female choice in the African elephant. Moss, C.J. Behavior, 1983, v. 86 (3-4), p. 167-196. ISSN: 0005-7959.

            NAL call no: 410 B393

            Descriptors: reproduction, ovarian cycle, oestrous behavior, mating, Loxodonta.


Musth in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Poole, J.H.; Moss, C.J. Nature, 1981, v. 292 (5826), p. 830-831. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: males, aggressive behavior, Loxodonta.


Semen collection in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): A step towards artificial insemination. Rueedi, D.; Kuepfer, U. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 142-143. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: Loxodonta, semen collection, electroejaculation, ovarian cycle.


Studies on the deferent ducts from the testes of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. 1. Structural differentiation. Jones, R.C.; Brosnan, M.F. Journal of Anatomy, May 1981, v. 132 (3), p. 371-386. ISSN: 0021-8782.

            NAL call no: 447.8 J826

            Descriptors: testis, deferent ducts, transversal, structural differentiation.


Luminal composition and maturation of spermatozoa in the genital ducts of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Jones, R.C. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Sept. 1980, v. 60 (1), p. 87-93. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: rete testis fluid, sperm, maturation site in genital ducts.


Studies of the deferent ducts from the testis of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. 2. Histochemistry of the epididymis. Holt, W.V.; Jones, R.C.; Skinner, J.D. Journal of Anatomy, Mar.1980, v. 130 (2), p. 367-379. ISSN: 0021-8782.

            NAL call no: 447.8 J826

            Descriptors: sperm ducts, epididymis ultrastructure, histochemistry, Loxodonta.


Cervico-vaginal prolapse in an African elephant. Mollel, C.L. East African Wildlife Journal, 1978, v. 16 (1), p. 59.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: ducts of female, injuries, cervico-vaginal prolapse, Loxodonta.


Studies on handling spermatozoa from the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Jones, R.C. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 1978, No. 43, p. 261-269. ISSN: 0084-5612.

            NAL call no: QP301.V47

            Descriptors: semen collection, sperm survival, sperm, laboratory survival.


Parturition and related behavior in the African elephant. Leuthold, W.; Leuthold, B.M. Z. Tierpsychol, 1975, v. 39, p. 75-84.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35

            Descriptors: parturition, behavior, elephant.


Reproduction of elephant in Gonarezhou, South-Eastern Rhodesia. Sherry, B.Y. Salisbury: National Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, 1975, 14 p. ill. map.

            NAL call no: QL461.A7 v. 7 (29).

            Descriptors: reproduction, elephant, Gonarezhou, Rhodesia.


The formation and function of the corpus luteum in the African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Hanks, J.; Short, R.V. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Apr. 1972, v. 29 (11), p. 79-89. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: corpus luteum, formation, function, elephant.


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Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay for luteinizing hormone (LH) in the African and Asian elephants, Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus. Hedley, Nancy; Roser, Janet; Sibley, Lilian; Olson, Deborah; Schmitt, Dennis; Blasko, David. Biology of Reproduction, 2002, v. 66 (Suppl. 1): 242. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: endocrine system, method and techniques, monoclonal antibody.


Implementation of SPME and GC-MS to identify organic compounds in African elephant urine. Dowdy, Nichole C.; Goodwin, Thomas E.; Rasmussen, L.E.L. Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society, 2002, v. 223 (1-2), CHED 234. ISSN: 0065-7727.

            NAL call no: 381 Am33Pa

            Descriptors: urinary system, methods and techniques, urine, excretory system.


Molecular and functional characterization of an odorant binding protein of the asian elephant, Elephas maximus: Implications for the role of lipocalins in mammalian olfaction. Lazar, Josef; Greenwood, David R.; Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Prestwich, Glenn D. Biochemistry, Oct. 1, 2002, v. 41 (39), p. 11786-11794. ISSN: 0006-2960.

            NAL call no: 381 B523

            Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, mammalian olfaction.


The measurement of glucocorticoid concentrations in the serum and faeces of captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) after ACTH stimulation. Stead, S.K.; Meltzer, D.G.A.; Palme, R. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Sept. 2000, v. 71 (3), p. 192-196. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: glucocorticoids, faeces, captivity, corticotropin, hormones, elephants.


Isolation and characterisation of immunoglobulin g and IgG subclasses of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Kelly, P.J.; Carter, S.D.; Azwai. S.M.; Cadman, H.F. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Jan.1998, v. 21 (1), p. 65-73.

            NAL call no: QR180 C62

            Descriptors: immuniglobulins, glycoproteins, elephants, mamiferos, proteins.


Research on African elephants Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach 1797): A bibliography. Bossen, B. African Journal of Ecology, Dec. 1998, v. 36 (4), p. 371-376. ISSN: 0141-6707.

            NAL call no: 409.6 Ea7

            Descriptors: research programs, publications, Loxodonta africana.


Binding activity of 5-alpha-reduced gestagens to the progestin receptor from African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Meyer, H.H.D.; Jewgenow, K.; Hodges, J.K. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 1997, v. 105 (2), p. 164-167. ISSN: 0016-6480.

            NAL call no: 444.8 G28

            Descriptors: biochemistry, endocrine system, reproductive system, Loxodonta.


Characterization of mucus glycoproteins in the intestinal mucosa of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) following lectin histochemistry. Coetzee, H.L.; Kotze, S.H.; Lourens, N. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Spt. 1995, v. 62 (3), p. 187-192. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: mucus glycoproteins, diet, intestine, mucosal mucus.


Epidemiology of African horsesickness Antibodies in free-living elephants (Loxodonta africana) and their response to experimental infection. Barnard, B.J.H.; Bengis, R.G.; Keet, D.F.; Dekker, E.H. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 1995, v. 62 (4), p. 271-275. ISSN: 0030-2465.

            NAL call no: 41.8 ON1

            Descriptors: immune system, infection, metabolism, Elephantidae, viruses.


The evaluation of a vaccine against encephalomyocarditis infection in elephants (Loxodonta africana) under controlled conditions. Raath, Jacobus P.; Bengis, Roy G. Proceedings of a Joint Conference of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, The Wildlife disease Association and the American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, East Lansing, MI Aug, 12-17, 1995. 1995, p. 304-308.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: cardiovascular system, ecology, immune system, pathology.


Elephant myoglobin with the distal glutamine: An unusual stability property of oxymyoglobin. Tada, T.; Matsuoka, A.; Shikama, K. Zoological Science Tokyo, 1992, v. 9 (6), p. 1136. ISSN: 0289-0003.

            NAL call no: QL1.Z68

            Descriptors: glutamine, dioxygen, stability properties, elephant.


Comparative pharmacokinectics of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole administered intravenously and orally to captive elephants. Page, C.D.; Mautino, M.; Hartmut, M.S.; Derendorf, D.; Anhalt, J.P. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1991, v. 22 (4), p. 409-416. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: drug combinations, elephants, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole.


Carbon and nitrogen isotopes in elephants. Vogel, J.C.; Talma, A.S.; Hall-Martin, A.J.; Viljoen, P.J. South African Journal of Science, 1990, v. 86 (3), p. 147-150. ISSN: 0038-2353.

            NAL call no: 515 SO84

            Descriptors: elephant, metabolism, proteins, peptides, nutrition, diet.


Primary structure of elephant growth hormone. Hulmes, J.D.; Miedel, M. C.; Li, C.H.; Pan, Y.C.E. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research, 1989, v. 33 (5), p. 368-372. ISSN: 0367-8377.

            NAL call no: QD431.A1I5

            Descriptors: amino acid sequence, molecular sequence data, Loxodonta.


Resonance Raman studies of CO and 02 binding to elephant myoglobin (distal his (E7) Gln). Kerr, E.A.; Yu, N.T.; Bartnicki, D.E.; Mitzukami, H. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1985, v. 260 (14), p. 8360-8365. ISSN: 0021-9258.

            NAL call no: 381 J824

            Descriptors: protein metabolism, myoglobin, carbon monoxide, Loxodonta.


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Clinical treatment of a leg problem in an adult bull elephant. Mpanduji, D.G.; Mdegela, R.H.; Batamuzi, E.K.; Mtambo, M.M.A.; Bittegeko, S.B.P. Pachyderm, Jan./Jun. 2002, v. 32, p. 67-68. ISSN: 1026-2881.

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, swollen left foreleg, tentative diagnosis, treatment.


Conjunctival microflora in clinically normal Asian elephants in Thailand. Tuntivanich, P.; Soontornvipart, K. Tuntivanich, N.; Wongaumnuaykul, S.; Briksawan, P. Veterinary Research Communications, Jun. 2002, v. 26 (4), p. 251-254. ISSN: 0165-7380.

            NAL call no: SF601.V38

            Descriptors: conjunctiva, sensory system, eye, microorganisms.


Dosage requirements of orally administered Ibuprofen in African and Asian elephants. Bechert, U.; Christensen, J.M.; Finnegan, M. Proceedings of the Mayday Conference: A Cross-Species Approach to Pain and Analgesia, 2002. Ludders, J.W.; Paul-Mur, Robertson S.; Gaynor, J.; Hellyer, P.W.; Wong, P.; Barakatt, C. (Eds.).

            Descriptors: Ibuprofen, dosage requirements, oral administration.


Monitoring of adrenocortical activity in elephants by measuring urinary cortisol metabolites. Dehnhard, M.; Szdzuy, K.; Heistermann, M.; Mostl, E. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 162. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z354

            Descriptors: parturition, pregnancy, adrenal gland, enzyme immunoassay.


Non-invasive assessment of adrenal function in the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and its relation to musth. Ganswindt, A.; Heistermann, M.; Palme, R.; Borragan, S.; Hodges, J.K. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 167. ISSN; 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: behavior, endocrine system, adrenal gland , enzyme immunoassay.


Pharmacokinetics and effects of succinylcholine in African elephant (Loxodonta africana), and impala (Aepyceros melampus). Pitts, Neville Iain; Mitchell, Graham. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Apr. 2002, v. 15 (3), p. 251-260. ISSN: 0928-0987.

            Descriptors: general anesthetic drug, intramuscular administration, plasma, blood.


Captive elephant foot care: Natural-habitat husbandry techniques. Buckley, Carol. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 53-55. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, natural habitat, husbandry, limbs, feet.


Determining dosages for antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents. Mortenson, Jack. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 141-144. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents, dosages.


Diagnostic imaging of the limbs of African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Hittmair, K.; Vielgrader, H.; Konar, M.; Weissengruber, G.; Forstenpointner, G. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, Mar./Apr. 2001, v. 42 (2), p. 175. ISSN: 1058-8183.

            NAL call no: SF757.8.A4

            Descriptors: degenerative joint disease, diagnosis, severity, foot, inflamation.


The elephant’s foot: Prevention and care of foot conditions in captive Asian and African elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: foot care, pathological conditions, treatment techniques, feet.


Elephant husbandry and foot care at the Schoenbrunner Tiergarten, Vienna. Schwammer, Harald M. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair, Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S.; (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 69-71. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, husbandry, foot care, limbs, feet.


Foot care for captive elephants. Roocroft, Alan; Oosterhuis, James. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2001, 9-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 21-52. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, limbs, feet. Elephas, Loxodonta.


Foot care at the Indianapolis Zoo: A comprehensive approach. Sampson, Jill. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 57-62.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, comprehensive approach, limbs, feet.


A history of elephant foot care at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Sorenson, David. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 65-68. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, history, limbs, feet.


Occurance and treatment of nail/foot abscesses, nail cracks, and sole abscesses in captive elephants. West, Gary. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press. 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 93-97. ISBN: 0813829201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, limbs, feet, nails, abscesses, nail cracks.


An overview of foot conditions in Asian and African elephants. Fowler, Murray E. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, 2001, i-viii, 1-165 p. Chapter pagination: 3-7.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: limbs, feet, foot conditions, diseases, disorders.


Split nails, abscesses, and cuticular fluid pockets. Rutkowski, Charlie; Marion, Fred; Hopper, Ray. The Elephants Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 85-86. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, limbs, feet, diseases and disorders.


Treatment of an abscessed foot pad of an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) using a sandal and topically applied chitosan. Houser, Daniel; Simmons, Lee G.; Armstrong, Douglas L. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captives Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 107-113. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, hind limbs, abscessed foot pad, case report.


Treatment of osteomyelitis in elephant feet. Gage, Laurie J. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-vii, 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 117-118.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, forelimb skeleton, hind limb, osteomyelitis, feet.


Evaluation of a multiple-antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in captive elephants. Larsen,Scott; Salman,

M.D.; Mikota, Susan K.; Isaza, Ramiro; Montali, Richard J.; Triantis, Joni. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 2000, v. 31 (3), p. 291-302. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: infection, veterinary medicine, methods and techniques, Mycobacterium.


The measurement of glucocorticoid concentrations in the serum and faeces of captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) after ACTH stimulation. Stead, S.K.; Meltzer, D.G.A.; Palme, R. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Sept. 2000, v. 71 (3), p. 192-196. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: SF41.8.SO8

            Descriptors: faeces, serum, blood and lymphatics, corticosterone, measurement.


Radiographic diagnosis of lameness in African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Hittmair, Kathaeina M.; Vielgrader, Hanna D. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, Nov./Dec. 2000, v. 41 (6), p. 511-515. ref. ISSN: 1058-8183.

            NAL call no: SF757.8.A4

            Descriptors: radiology, joint disease, animal care, elephants, lameness.


Serum oxytetracycline concentrations in African elephant (Loxodonta africana) calves after long-acting formulation injection. Bush, M.; Stoskopf, M.K.; Raath, J.P.; Papich, M.G. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Mar. 2000, v. 31 (1), p. 41-46. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: infection, pharmacology, serum oxytetracycline, antibacterial drug.


African elephant sesquiterpenes. Goodwin, T.E.; Rasmussen, E.L.; Guinn, A.C.; McKelvey, S.S.; Gunawardena, R.; Riddle, S.W.; Riddle, H.S. Journal of Natural Products, Nov. 1999, v. 62 (11), p. 1570-1572. ISSN: 0163-3864.

            NAL call no: 442.8 L77

            Descriptors: animal glands, secretions, chemical composition, chemical structure.


Antibiotic therapy in elephants. Olsen, J.H.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wildlife Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999, p. 533-541. ref. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: pesticides and drugs, general, zoo animals.


Flaccid trunk paralysis in free-ranging elephants. Kock, N.D.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Anim al Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999, p. 541-544. ref. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: non-communicable diseases, injuries, toxicology poisoning.


Intravenous fluid therapy in a juvenile African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with salmonella diarrhea with simulatneous control of the blood values. Lawrenz, A.; Marholdt, D.; Olbricht, G.; Schurer, U. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 113-119.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, intravenous fluid therapy, bacterial diseases.


Radiography of elephant limbs. Hittmair, Katharina; Vielgrader, Hanna. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 135-137. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: skeleton, appendages, techniques, limb disorders. Elephants.


Radiographic techniques for the elephant foot and carpus. Gage, L.J.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999, p. 517-520. ref. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: animal treatment and diagnosis, non drug, zoo animals.


Surgical treatment of gunshot wounds under xylazine and ketamine anaesthesia in an elephant: Clinical case report. Sharma, S.P. Indian Veterinary Journal, Nov. 1997, v. 74 (11), p. 973-974. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: gunshot wound, injury, treatment, elephant.


Respiratory and circulatory parameters of the African elephants (Loxodonta africana) anaesthetised with etorphine and azaperone. Still, J.; Raath, J.P.; Matzner, L. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Sept. 1996, v. 67 (3), p. 123-127. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: respiratory system, cardiovascular system, anaesthesia.


Serum oxytetracycline levels in free-ranging male African elephants (Loxodonta africana) injected with a long-acting formulation. Bush, Mitchell; Raath, J.P.; DeVos, Valerius; Stoskopf, Michael K. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1996, v. 27 (3), p. 382-385. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: antiinfective drug, oxytetracycline, metabolism, pharmacology.


Urinary cortisol analysis for monitoring adrenal activity in elephants. Brown, Janine L.; Wemmer, Christen M.; Lehnhardt, John. Zoo Biology, 1995, v. 14 (6), p. 533-542. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: urinary cortisol analysis, adrenal function, physiological techniques.


Arterial blood pressure of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) under etorphine anaesthesia and after remobilization with diprenorphine. Hattingh, J.; Know, C.M.; Raath, J.P. The Veterinary Record, Nov. 5, 1994, v. 135 (19), p. 458-459. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: blood pressure, arteries, anaesthesia etorphine, Loxodonta, diprenorphine.


Cardiopulmonary effects of three prolonged periods of isoflurane anesthesia in an adult elephant. Dunlop, C.I.; Hodgson, D.S.; Cambre, R.C.; Kenny, D.E.; Martin, H.D. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 15, 1994, v. 205 (10), p. 1439-1444. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: anesthesia, inhaled anesthetics, drug effects, cardiopulmonary system.


Pharmacokinetics of amikacin in African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Lodwick, L.J.; Dubach, J.M.; Phillips, L.G.; Brown, C.S.; Jandreski, M.A. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1994, v. 25 (3), p. 367-375. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: antibiotics, amikacin, elephants, pharmacokinetics.


Surgical castration of the elephant (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana). Foerner, J.J.; Houck, R.I.; Copeland, J.F.; Schmidt, M.J.; Byron, H.T.; Olsen, J.H. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1994, v. 25 (3), p. 355-359. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF602.J6

            Descriptors: surgery, zoo animals, anaesthesia, castration, elephants.


Suspected cardiac glycosides poisoning in elephants (Loxodonta africana). Brain, C.; Fox V.E.B. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 1994, v. 65 (4), p. 173-174. ref. ISSN: 0038-2809.

            NAL call no: 41.8 SO8

            Descriptors: animal toxicology, poisoning and pharmacology, plants, Loxodonta.


Autopsy procedure and a review of diseases of the African elephant, Loxodonta africana, in the Kruger National Park. Keet, D.F. Proceedings of an International

Symposium on Capture, Care and Management of Threatened Mammals, Skukuza, Kruger Natiuonal Park Sept. 14-18, 1993, i-iv, p. 1-84. Chapter pagination: 25-33.

            Descriptors: dissection, autopsy procedure, pathological techniques, disease.


Castration of the elephant. Olson, John H.; Byron, H.T. Jr. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 3rd, Fowler, Murray E. (Ed.) W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 1993, i-xxv. P. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 441-444.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, testis, castration methods, review.


Foot care in elephants. Fowler, Murray E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 3rd, 1993, i-xxv. P. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 448-453. W.B. Saunders, Co., Philadelphia.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: care in captivity, toenail care procedures, foot care procedures, review.


Veterinary care of performing elephants. Houck, Richard. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 3rd, W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1993,. i-xxv. P. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 453-454. Fowler, Murray E. (Ed.)

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: care in captivity, treatment techniques, diseases, disorders.


Oesophageal choke in and African elephant. Wood, D.T. The Veterinary Record, Dec. 5, 1992, v. 131 (23), p. 536-542. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: esophageal diseases, Loxodonta africana.


An approach to the autopsy on an African elephant. Keet, D.F. Proceedings of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal. Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park, Apr. 29-30, 1991, p. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 136-146.

            Descriptors: Loxodonta africana, anatomical techniques, autopsy procedure.


Comparative pharmacokinetics of trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole administered intravenously and orally to captive elephants. Page, C.D.; Mautino, M.; Derendorf, H.; Anhalt, J.P. Pharmaceutical Research New York, 1991, v. 8 (Suppl. 10), p. S263. ISSN: 0724-8741. Also: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1991, v. 22 (4), p. 409-416. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6 (Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine)

            Descriptors: antibacterial, drug serum concentration, half life, clearance.


The diagnosis of diseases in elephants (Loxodonta africana). Meltzer, D.G.A. Proceedings of a Symposium on the African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal, Berg en Dal, Kruger National Park, Apr. 29-30, 1991, p. 1-146. Chapter pagination: 115-124.

            Descriptors: diagnostic techniques, disease diagnosis, heamatological data, review.


Clinical chemistry values for free-ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Hill, F.W.G.; Smith, D.A. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 1990, v. 21 (1), p. 33-42. ref. ISSN: 1016-1511.

            NAL call no: SF601.R5

            Descriptors: blood serum, urea, protein, calcium, phosphorus, normal values.


Tusk extraction in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Welsch, B.; Jacobson, E.R.; Kollias, G.V.; Kramer, L.; Gardner, H.; Page, C.D. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1989, v. 20 (4), p. 446-453. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: animal health, hygiene, animal disorders, zoo animals.


Reconstruction of the distal trunk of an African elephant. Caffee, H.H. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1989, v. 83 (6), p. 1049-1051. ref. ISSN: 0032-1052.

            NAL call no: SF601.V523

            Descriptors: trauma, zoo animals, surgery, elephants, amputation, stumps.


Complication in tusk eruption in an African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Gass, H. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im deutschsprachigen Raum, 1988, p. 87-88. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: elephants, tooth diseases, surgical operations, zoos.


Extraction of an infected tusk in an adult African elephant. Briggs, M.; Schmidt, M.; Black, D.; Roach, R.; Opdahl, J.; Stark, G.; Owens, D.; Driver, M. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, May 15,1988, v. 192 (10), p. 1455-1456. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.9 AM3

            Descriptors: surgical operations, anaesthesia, tusk extraction, elephants.


Foot and skin care: Vital components of the elephant management program at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Bettenbender, Robin. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1988, p. 545-547. ISSN: 0731-0493.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot and skin care methods, care limbs, foot care.


Acute myocarditis in a captive African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Seaman, J.T.; Finnie, E.P. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Jan. 1987, v. 23 (1), p. 170-171. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: acute disease, myocarditis, pathology, elephants.


Elephant radiology. Fowler, M.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1986. I-xxiv, p. 1-1127. Chapter pagination: 897-901.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: elephant, radiology, techniques, review.


Medical treatment of tusk pulpitis in an African elephant. Wyatt, J.D. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 1, 1986, v. 189 (9), p. 1193. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: antibiotics, tooth disease, elephants, case reports.


Postoperative care and recovery of a female elephant after delivery of a dead fetus by episiotomy. Merkt, H.; Ahlers, D.; Bader, H.; Rath, D.; Brandt, H.P.; Boer, M.; Dittrich, L. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 1986, v. 99 (10), p. 329-333. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: postoperative care. Perineum, blood transfusion, vulva, obstetrics.


Ivermectin treatment of lice infestations in two elephant species. Karesh, W.B.; Robinson, P.T. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1235-1236. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: ivermectin, lice, drug therapy, insecticides, elephants.


Medical and surgical management of a fractured tusk in an African elephant. Allen, J.L.; Welsch, B.; Jacobson, E.R.; Turner, T.A.; Tabeling, H. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1984, v. 185 (11), p. 1447-1449. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: elephants, dentistry, etorphine, ketamine, xylazine, butorphanol.


Management of a tibial fracture in an adult African bush elephant. Oosterhuis, J.E.; Nelson, L.S. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 109. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: injuries, tibial fracture, management, case report, Loxodonta.


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ASIAN (Elephas maximus)

Anatomy / Histology | Anesthesia / Analgesia / Sedation / Capture | Behavior / Care / Enrichment / Handling / Training | Biology | Blood / Circulation / Cardiac / Hematology | Communication / Vocal / Hearing | Digestive / Food / Nutrition | Diseases / Conditions | Genetics / DNA | Parasites | Reproductive | Research | Veterinary





Morphological characteristics of the vomernasal organ of the newborn Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Johnson, Edward W.; Rasmussen, Lei. The Anatomical Record, Jul. 1, 2002, v. 267 (3), p. 252-259. ISSN: 0003-276X

            NAL call no: 447.8 AN1

            Descriptors: vomernasal organ morphological characteristics, newborn.


The renal structure in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Endo, H.; Akihisa, N.; Sasaki, M.; Yamamoto, M.; Arishima, K. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, Oct. 2002, v. 31 (5), p. 269-272. ISSN: 0340-2096.

            NAL call no: SF761.Z4

            Descriptors: Bowman’s capsule, excretory system, urinary tubules.


Anatomy of the elephant foot. Ramsay, Edward C.; Henry Robert W. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 9-12. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: limbs, feet, anatomy, Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Characterization of interdigital glands in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Lamps, L.W.; Smoller, B.R.; Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Slade, B.E.; Fritsch, G.; Goodwin, T.E. Research in Veterinary Science, Dec. 2001, v. 71 (3), p. 197-200. ISSN: 0034-5288.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R312

            Descriptors: limbs, biochemistry, integumentary glands, interdigital sweat glands.


Muscle architecture of the elongated nose in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Endo, H.; Hayashi, Y.; Komiya, T.; Narushima, E.; Sasaki, M. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, May, 2001, v. 63 (5), p. 533-537. ref. ISSN: 0916-7250.

            NAL call no: SF604.J342

            Descriptors: animal anatomy, innervation, muscles, nose.


Biometry of the cerebral ventricles of elephant. Malik, M.R.; Srivastava, A.B.; Jain, N.K.; Rakhi, Vaish; Vaish, R. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 2000, v. 12 (1), p. 110-112. ref. ISSN: 0971-1937

            Descriptors: biometry, brain, elephant.


Elephant tusks: Where are the nerves? Crossley, D.A. Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, Mar. 2000, v. 17 (1), p. 37. discussion p. 38. ISSN: 0898-7564.

            NAL call no: SF867.V47

            Descriptors: dental pulp innervation, nerve tissue, elephant anatomy and histology.


Lobar pattern of kidneys of elephant. Malik, M.E.; Shrivastava, A.B.; Jain, N.K.; Rakhi, Vaish; Vaish, R. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 2000, v. 12 (1), p. 18-22. ref. ISSN: 0971-1937.

            Descriptors: anatomy, kidneys, elephant.


Morphometry of kidney in elephant. Malik, M.R.; Shirvastav, A.B.; Jain, N.K.; Rakhi, Vaish; Vaish, R. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 2000, v. 12 (1), p. 101-102. ref. ISSN: 0971-1937.

            Descriptors: kidneys, zoo animals, elephant.


A note on encephalometry of Asian elephant. Malik, M.R.; Shrivastava, A.B.; Jain, N.K.; Rakhi, Vaish; Vaish, R. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 2000, v. 12 (1), p. 103-104. ref. ISSN: 0971-1937.

            Descriptors: brain, cerebellum, elephant.


The sensorineural specialization of the trunk tip (finger) of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E.; Munger B.L. The Anatomical Record, Sept. 1996, v. 246 (1), p. 127-134. ISSN: 0003-276X.

            NAL call no: 447.8 AN1

            Descriptors: lip anatomy and innervation, nerve endings, sensation physiology.


Kidney of elephants. Maluf, N.S. The Anatomical Record, Aug. 1995, v. 242 (4), p. 491-514. ISSN: 0003-276X.

            NAL call no: 447.8 AN1

            Descriptors: kidney anatomy and histology, blood supply, radiography.


Physiological optics and ocular anatomy of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Kern, T.J.; Murphy, C.J.; Howland, H.C. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Saint Louis, Oct. 10-15, 1993, p.406.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: refraction, measurement, eyes, elephant.


On disassembling an elephant: Anatomical observations bearing on Paleoindian exploitation of Proboscidea. Laub, Richard. Proboscidean and Paleoindian Interactions. Fox, John W.; Smith, Calvin b.; Wilkins, Kenneth T. Markham Press Fund of Baylor University Press, Waco. 1992, i-viii, p.1-232. Chapter pagination: 99-109.

            Descriptors: Elephas, dissection, difficulties, problems, implications.


Refractive state, corneal curvature, accommodative range and ocular anatomy of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Murphy, C.J.; Kern, T.J.; Howland, H.C. Vision Research, Nov. 1992, v. 32 (11), p. 2013-2021. ISSN: 0042-6989.

            NAL call no: QP474.I5

            Descriptors: iris anatomy and histology, uvea anatomy and histology.


Gross and microscopic anatomy of the vermonasal organ in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Hultgren, B. Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, 1990, v. 5, p. 154-161.

            NAL call no: QL750.C48

            Descriptors: vermonasal organ, anatomy, ultrastructure, chemoreception, Elephas.


Presentation of the Vena caudalis centralis, a further important anatomical structure for venipuncture in Asian elephant situated dorsally in the tail. Wissdorf, H.; Poulsen, Naatrup C.; Naatrup, C.P. Anatomia Histologica Embryologia, 1989, v. 13 (3), p. 279-280. ISSN: 0340-2096.

            NAL call no: SF761.Z4

            Descriptors: blood vessels, anatomy, veins, tail, elephants, blood specimen collection.


Anatomical aspects of blood sampling from the caudal central vein, dorsal on the tail of the Indian elephant. Wissdorf, H.; Bach, F. Effem Forschung fur heimtiernahrung Report, 1988, no. 26, 4 p. ref.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: tail, veins, blood specimen collection, elephants.


Comparative surgical anatomy of the Indian and African elephants, based on a review of the literature. Gussgen, B. Thesis. Tierarztliche Hochschule, Hannover, GFR, 1988, 276 p. ref.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: anatomy, elephants.


Ligament of the head of the femur in the orangutan and Indian elephant. Crelin, E.S. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 1988, v. 61 (5), p. 383-388. ref.

            NAL call no: 44.8 Y1

            Descriptors: limb bones, anatomy, ligaments, femur, elephants, Pongidae.


Anatomy and Histology of the Indian Elephant. Mariappa, D. Indira Publishing House, Oak Park, MI. 1986. i-xv. p. 1-209.

            Descriptors: Elaphus, anatomy and histology, skeleton, joints anatomy, muscle. 

Return to:    Asian (Elephas maximus)   |    Contents   |   Top of Document




Oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetic characteristics of ketoprofen enantiomers after oral and intravenous administration in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Hunter, Robert P.; Isaza, Ramiro; Koch, David E. American Journal of Veterinary Research, Jan. 2003, v. 64 (1), p. 109-114. ISSN: 0002-9645.            

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3A

            Descriptors: ketoprofen, dosage, IV administration, oral administration, safety.


Medetomidine: A novel immobilizing agent for the elephant (Elephas maximis). Sarma, B.; Pathak, S.C.; Sarma, K.K. Research in Veterinary Science, 2002, v. 73 (3), p. 315-317. ISSN: 0034-5288.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R312

            Descriptors: medetomidine, adverse effects, dosage, sedative, IM administration.


Cardio vascular response to xylaxine and Hellabrunn mixture with yohimbine as reversal agent in Asian elephants. Sarma, K.K.; Pathak, S.C. Indian Veterinary Journal, 2001, v. 78 (5), p. 400-402. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, drug combinations, heart rate, ketamine, yohimbine.


Facilitation of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) standing immobilization and anesthesia with a sling. Fowler, Murray E.; Steffey, Eugene P.; Galuppo, Larry; Pascoe, John R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Mar. 2000, v. 31 (1), p. 118-123. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: sedation, physical restraining techniques, standing immobilization, sling.


Bizarre behavior of an elephant during xylazine anaesthesia. Sarma, K.K. Indian Veterinary Journal, Nov.1999, v. 76 (11), p. 1018-1019. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, xylazine, adverse effects, abnormal behavior, elephant.


Immobilization of wild elephant (tusker). Navin, Kumar M. Zoo’s Print Journal, Apr. 1999, v. 14 (4), p. 6. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: immobilization, Elephas maximus, conservation measures.


Azaperone for standing sedation in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Schmitt, Dennis L.; Bradford, John P.; Hardy, Doug A. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 48-51.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: sedation, standing sedation, azaperone use, Elephas maximus.


Chemical capture of a problem elephant in Bolangir, Orissa. Singh, L.A.K.; Nayak, B.N.; Acharjya, S.K. Indian Forester, 1996, v. 122 (10), p. 955-960. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 IN2

            Descriptors: darting equipment, tranquilization techniques, wildlife management.


Chemical immobilization and treatment of a wild elephant. Manna, S. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1996, v. 73 (12), p. 1260-1261. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: chemical immobilization, tranquilizer drug, wildlife management.


Excitement in an elephant after intravenous administration of atropine. Gross, M.E.; Clifford, C.A.; Hardy, D.A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 15, 1994, v. 205 (10), p. 1437-1438. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: atropine, injection, side effects, elephant, caesarean section.  


Use of immobilization for capture and translocation of elephants in the Province of Lanpung, Sumatra. Santiapillai, C. Tigerpaper: (FAO). Apr./Jun. 1994, v. 21 (2), p. 1-4. ISSN: 1014-2789. FAO Accession No. XF95:348777 (Microfiche).

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: elephants, capture, immobilization, translocation, Indonesia.


Current immobilization procedures used in elephants. Kock, Richard; Morkel, Peter; Kock, Michael D. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 3rd. Fowler, Murray E. (ED.). W.B. Saunders, Co. Philadelphia. 1993, i-xxv, p. 1-617. Chapter pagination: 536-441.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1993

            Descriptors: Elephas, Loxodonta, sedation, anaesthetics, immobilization procedures.


Elephant restraint: The next generation. Ricketts, Tod A. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1993, p. 283-288. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, physical restraining procedures, restraint design.


Etorphine and acepromazine combination for immobilizing wild Indian elephants (Elephas maximus). Johnsingh, A.J.T.; Joshua, J.; Ravi, Chellam; Ashraf, N.V.K.; Krishnamurthy, V.; Khati, D.V.S.; Chellam, R. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1993, v. 90 (1), p. 45-49. ref. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: acepromazine, anaesthetics, immobilization, drug combinations.


Prolonged isoflurane anesthesia of an adult elephant on two occasions. Dunlop, C.I.; Hodgson, D.S.; Cambre, R.C.; Kenney, D. Veterinary Surgery, 1988, v. 17 (3), p. 167-168. ref. ISSN: 0161-3499.

            NAL call no: SF911.V43

            Descriptors: adverse effects, inhaled anaesthetics, elephants, anaesthesia.


Pulse oximetry and end-tidal CO2 monitoring of an adult Asian elephant. Mihm, F.G.; Machado, C.; Snyder, R. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1988, v. 19 (3), p. 106-109. ref. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: monitoring, anaesthesia, etorphine, haemoglobin, oxygen, Elephas.


Anatomical basis for epidural anaesthesia in the Indian elephant. Wissdorf, H.; Bach, F.; Leopold, Keighley, B.; Kristinsson, G. Verhandlungebericht des International Symposium uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1987, v. 29, p. 157-165. fig. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: amputation, tail, local anaesthesia, surgical operation, elephant.


Drug immobilization of Indian elephant. Sale, J.B.; Rishi, V.; Singh, K.N.; Verma, V.K. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1986, v. 83 (1), p. 49-56. ref. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: restraint of animals, elephants, etorphine, immobilization.


Repeated general anaesthesia in a male Indian elephant. Lateur, N.; Stolk, P. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, 1986, p. 128-131.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: etorphine, halothane, diprenorphine, anaesthesia, elephants.


Immobilization techniques and complications associated with a bull Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) during musth. Kock, M.; Kock, N.; Arif, A.; Wahid, M.N.S.A. Abstracts or Papers of the Annual Meeting, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Louisville, KY. 1984, p. 68-72, 74. ref. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: etorphine, promazine, xylazine, drug combinations, elephants.


Antagonism of xylazine sedation by yohimbine and 4-aminopyridine in and adult Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Schmidt, M.J. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1983, v. 14 (3), p. 94-97. ref. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, restraint of animals, xylazine, antagonism, elephants.


Immobilization of Indian elephants with nicotine. Cheeran, J.V.; Chandrasetharan, K.; Radhakrishnan, K. Cheiron, 1981, v. 10 (6), p. 268-274. ISSN: 0379-542X.

            NAL call no: SF604.C56

            Descriptors: immobilization, nicotine utilization, nicotine darting, Elephas maximus.


Use of halothane-oxygen anesthesia in elephants (Elephas maximus). Jarofke, D. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1981, v. 12 (3), p. 93-95. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, halothane-oxygen anaesthesia, evaluation, technique.


Use of xylazine for the transport of elephants by air. Bongso, T.A. Veterinary Record, 1980, v. 107 (21), p. 492. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: transportation of live animals, sedation with xylazine, air transport.


General anaesthesia in an elephant (Elephas maximus) - a clinical case report. Muraleedharan, Nair, K.N.; Chandrasekharan, K.; Cheeran, J.V.; Radhakishnan. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1979, v.10 (2), p. 197-200. ISSN: 0374-8774.

            NAL call no: SF604.K2

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, Elephas maximus, Flaxedil and intraval sodium use.


Sedation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) with xylazine. Bongso, T.A. Veterinary Record, 1979, v. 105 (19), p. 442-443. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: sedation, xylazine, effectiveness, Elephas maximus.


The use of etorphine hydrochloride for restraint of a domesticated elephant (Elephas maximus). Jainudeen, m.R. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Sept. 1, 1970, v. 157 (5), p. 624-626. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: etorphine hydrochloride, restraint, elephant.


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Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) dust bathe in response to an increase in environmental temperature. Rees, Paul A. Journal of Thermal Biology, Oct. 2002, v. 27 (5), p. 353-358. ISSN: 0306-4565.

            NAL call no: QP82.2.T4J6

            Descriptors: weight, body mass, thermoregulation, social behavior, dust bathing.


Behavioral and endocrine analysis of African and Asian elephant cows in the peripartal period. Szdzuy, K.; Dehnhard, M.; Strauss, G.; Ochs, A.; Eulenberger, K.; Hofer, H. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 151. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: behavior, endocrine system, enzyme immunological analysis.


Side preferences of trunk movements in wild Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Martin, F.; Niemitz, C. Zoology, 2002, v. 105 (Suppl. 5):69. ISSN: 0944-2006.

            NAL call no: QL1.Z769

            Descriptors: feeding behavior, trunk, maneuverability, anatomy, movement.


Simple enrichment techniques for bears, bats and elephants - untried and untested. Law, Graham; Kitchner, Andrew. International Zoo News, Jan./Feb. 2002, v. 49 (1), p. 4-12; No. 314. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no:QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, natural enrichment, simple feeding dispenser, elephant.


Cognitive behavior in Asian elephants: Use and modification of branches for fly switching. Hart, B.L.; Hart, L.A.; McCoy, M.; Sarath, C.R. Animal Behavior, 2001, v. 62 (5), p. 839-847. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no:410 B77

            Descriptors: tool use, cognitive ability, Elephas maximus.


Effective care for orphaned baby elephants. Jayewardene, Jayantha. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Jul. 2001, v. 28 (7), p. 289-291. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL c all no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: breeding program, conservation, Sri Lanka, orphaned baby elephants.


The elephants foot: Prevention and care of foot conditions in captive Asian and African elephants. Csuti, B.; Sargent, E.L.; Bechert, U.S. Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii, 163 p. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: foot diseases, treatment, disease prevention, elephants.


Introduction of foreign female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) into an existing group: Behavioral reactions and changes in cortisol levels. Schmid, J.; Heistermann, M.; Ganslosser, U.; Hodges, J.K. Animal Welfare, Nov. 2001, v. 10 (4), p. 357-372. ref. ISSN: 0962-7286.

            NAL call no: HV4701.A557

            Descriptors: social interactions, exploratory behavior, stress, steroid hormones.


The purchase and transport of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Minion, John. Ratel, Apr. 2001, v. 28 (2), p. 38-45. ISSN: 0305-1218.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.R37

            Descriptors: care in captivity, transport from sanctuary, techniques, case report.


How chemical signals integrate Asian elephant society: The known and the unknown. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Krishnamurthy, V. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 405-423. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: communication, chemical communication, elephant society integration.


Molecular genetic and behavioral analysis of social organization in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Fernando, P.; Lande, R. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2000, v. 48 (1), p. 84-91. ref. ISSN: 0340-5443.

            NAL call no: QL751.B4

            Descriptors: mitochondrial DNA, social organization, behavioral genetics.


Variation in stereotypic behavior related to restraint in circus elephants. Gruber, T.M.; Friend, T.H.; Gardner, J.M.; Packard, J.M.; Beaver, B.; Bushong, D. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (3), p. 209-221. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: restraint of animals, abnormal behavior, chains, pens, electric fences.


Behavior of picketed circus elephants. Friend, T.H. Applied Animal Behavior Science, Feb. 15, 1999, v. 62 (1), p. 73-88. ref. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: housing, stereotyped behavior, animal welfare, Elephas, Loxodonta.


The effects of penning versus picketing on stereotypic behavior of circus elephants. Friend, T.H.; Parker, M.L. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 1999, v. 64 (3), p. 213-225. ref. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: housing, stereotyped behavior, captivity, circus, Elephas maximus.


Elephants in Thailand: Determinants of health and welfare in working populations. Chatkupt, T.T.; Sollod, A.E.; Sarobol, S. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1999, v. 2 (3), p. 187-203. ISSN: 1088-8705.

            NAL call no: HV4701.J68

            Descriptors: health, welfare, elephants, Thailand.


Evolution of chemical signals in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus: Behavioral and ecological influences. Rasmussen, L.E.L Journal of Biosciences, Jun.1999, v. 24 (2), p. 241-251. ref. ISSN: 0250-5991.

            NAL call no: QH1.J63

            Descriptors: ecology, males, pheromones, sex pheromones, social structure.


Influences on the feeding behavior of three mammals in the Maruyama Zoo: Bears, elephants and chimpanzees. Morimura, N.; Ueno, Y. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1999, v. 2 (3), p. 169-186. ref. ISSN: 1088-8705.

            NAL call no: HV4701.J68

            Descriptors: zoo animals, feeding behavior, enrichment, abnormal behavior.


Signal-receiver interplay in the communication of male condition by Asian elephants. Schulte, B.A.; Rasmussen, L.E.L. Animal Behavior, 1999, v. 57 (6), p. 1265-1274. ref. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: urine, sexual behavior, oestrus cycle, females, communication.


Elephant management at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Turning challenges into success. Upchurch, Bruce. Proceedings of a Joint Conference AAZK, EMA, AZH, Indianapolis, 1998. 1998. 1-286 p. Chapter pagination: 164-168.

            NAL call no: QL82.A28 1998

            Descriptors: care in captivity, management program, techniques, elephants.


Food hiding and enrichment in captive Asian elephants. Weidenmayer, C. Applied Animal Behavior Science, Feb.1998, v. 56 (1), p. 77-82. ref. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: foraging behavior, enrichment, environmental effects, Elephas maximus


Olfactory enrichment for Asian elephants: Is it as effective as it smells? Leach, Matt; Young, Rob; Waran, Natalie. International Zoo News, Jul./Aug. 1998, v. 54 (5), p. 285-290. no. 286. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: care in captivity, chemoreception, chemical factors, Elephas maximus.


Study on the courtship-mating behavior of Asian elephant. Sai, Dac Jian; Chen, Zhao Bo; Zhang, Ji Zhong; et. al. Chinese Journal of Zoology, Dec. 20, 1998, v. 33 (6), p. 28-31. ISSN: 0250-3263.

            Language: Chinese.

            NAL call no: QL1.T8

            Descriptors: elephant, courtship, mating, Elephas maximus, reproductive behavior.


Activity time budget of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus L.) In Idukki Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, South India. Vinod, T.R.; Cheeran, Jacob V. Indian Forester, Oct. 1997, v. 123 (10), p. 948-951. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 IN2

            Descriptors: activity time budget, drinking, feeding, grazing, seasonality.


Debarking behavior or elephants, Elephas maximus indicus, in Vazhacal Forest Division, Kerala South India. Animon, M.M.; Jacob, Y Cheeran; Nagara, B.N. Journal of the Bombay Natural Historical Society, Aug. 1997, v. 94 (2), p. 392-393. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: elephant, tree, plants, behavior.


Gone astray: The care and management of the Asian elephant in domesticity. Lair, Richard C. RAP publication, 1997, no.16. Bangkok, Thailand. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 1997, xvi, 300 p. co. ill. ref. FAO Accession No. XF98:379729.

            NAL call no: SF401.E3L35 1997

            Descriptors: Asiatic elephants, behavior, care, management.


Managing of Asian elephants through voluntary contact at the Bronx Zoo. Doherty, James G. Zoologische Garten, Feb.1997, v. 67 (1-2), p. 16-20. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: animal care, Asian elephant, animal management, voluntary contact.


Medical management of a herd of Asian elephants at the Houston Zoological Gardens. Abadie, Margaret. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1997, p. 5-8.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: techniques, care in captivity, medical management procedures.


Modern housing facilities for breeding of elephants, in Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park, Triupati, Andhra Pradesh. Kumar, S,V.; Raghazaiah, P.S. Indian Forester, 1997, v. 123 (10), p. 924-928. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 IN2

            Descriptors: housing, breeding, nutrition, chemoprophylaxis, elephant.


Neuroendocrine-associated behavioral patterns in the male Asian elephant. Dickerman, R.D.; Zachariah, N.Y.; Fouraker, M.; Mcconathy, W.J. Physiology and Behavior, May 1997, v. 61 (5), p. 771-773. ref. ISSN: 0031-9384.

            NAL call no: QP1.P4

            Descriptors: aggressive behavior, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, musth.


Plasma cortisol concentrations and behavioral traits of two female Asian elephants. Bettinger, Tammie; Larry, Martha; Goldstein, Mark; Laudenslager, Mark. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1997, p. 88-90.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: housing techniques, stress monitoring, plasma cortisol level monitoring.


Social behavior and breeding physiology of a group of Asian elephants, Elephas maximus, at the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Sri Lanka. Poole, T.B.; Taylor, V.J.; Fernando, S.B.U.; Ratnasooriya, W.G.; Ratnayeke, A.; Lincoln, G.; McNeilly, A.; Manatunga, A.M.V.R. International Zoo Year Book, 1997, v. 35 (0), p. 297-310. ISSN: 0074-9664.

            NAL call no: QL76.I5

            Descriptors: behavior, reproduction, breeding estrus cycle, social behavior.


About Dillenia aurea and feeding behavior of elephants. Datye, Hemant S. Journal of the Bombay Natural Historical Society, 1996, v. 93 (2), p. 289-290. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: behavior, nutrition, feeding behavior, vascular plants, spermatophytes.


The Bronx Zoo’s protected contact program with Asian elephants. Doherty, J.G.; Kalk, P.; Thomas, P. Annual Conference of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, 1996, p. 96-100.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: elephants, zoo animals, animal husbandry.


Husbandry alert (elephant browse). Ball, Ray (Elephant Management Team). Animal Keepers’ Forum, Aug. 1996, v. 23 (8), p. 447. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: diet in captivity, food plants, toxic effects, browse items.


Stereotypic behavior in circus elephants and the effect of “anticipation” of feeding, watering and performing. Proceeding of the 30th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Aug. 14-17, 1996. Col. K.L. Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare, c 1996, p. 30. ISBN: 0889554528.

            NAL call no: SF756.7.I57 1996

            Descriptors: elephants, circus, abnormal behavior, behavior patterns.


Testosterone secretion, musth behavior and social dominance in captive male Asian elephants living near the equator. Lincoln, G.A.; Ratnasooriya, W.D. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1996, v. 108 (1), p. 107-113. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: behavior, endocrine system, secretion, musth behavior, dominance.


Facility renovations for protected-contact elephant management program at the Houston Zoological Gardens. Abadie, Margaret; Schanberger, Anita. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1995, p. 4-8. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, protected contact management, exhibit redevelopment.


History of elephants in captivity in India and their use: An overview. Lahiri Choudhury, Dhriti K. Gajah, Jun.14, 1995, p. 28-31. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: animals and man, India, history in captivity, use by man.


Keeping circus elephants temporarily in paddocks: The effect on their behavior. Schmid, J. Animal Welfare, May 1995, v. 4 (2), p. 87-101. ISSN: 0962-7286.

            NAL call no: HV4701.A557

            Descriptors: behavior, ecology, elephants, ethics.


A top-side down view of enrichment: The elephant model. Leach, Ellen. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1995, p. 339-345.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: care in captivity, environmental enrichment, needs, new ideas.


Untethered housing of Asian elephants, Elephas maximus, at Zurich Zoo. Wiedenmayer, Christoph; Tanner, Ruedi. International Zoo Year Book, 1995, v. 34 (0), p. 200-205. ISSN: 0074-9664.

            NAL call no: QL76.I5

            Descriptors: behavior, free contact, protected contact, veterinary medicine.


The Asian elephants –driver partnership: The drivers’ perspective. Hart, L.A. Applied Animal Behavior Science, Jun. 1994, v. 40 (3-4), p. 297-312. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: training of animals, relationships, interactions, animal behavior.


Chemosensory responses of female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to cyclohexanone. Perrin, Thomas E.; Rasmussen, L.E.L. Journal of Chemical Ecology, Nov. 1994, v. 20 (11), p. 2857-2866. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A1J6

            Descriptors: behavior, biochemistry, communication, temporal gland secretion.


Choices for elephant programs in North American zoos. Sheng, Y. Sherry; Haight, Jay; Schmidt, Michael. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 376-379.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: techniques, conservation, reproduction techniques, breeding.


The establishment of paddocks as to keeping elephants in the circus. Schmid, J.; Zeeb, K. Deutsche Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, 1994, v. 101 (2), p. 50-52. ill. graphs, ref. ISSN: 0341-6593.

            Language: German with an English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482 

            Descriptors: performing animals, husbandry, behavior, free-range husbandry.


Fly switching by Asian elephants: Tool use to control parasites. Hart, B.L.; Hart, L.A. Animal Behavior, Jul. 1994, v. 48 (1), p. 35-45. ref. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: insect control, animal behavior, diptera, efficacy, branches, elephants.


Isolation of potential musth-altering signals from temporal gland secretions of male Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), a new method. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Perrin, T.E.; Gunawardena, R. Chemical Senses, 1994, v. 19 (5), p. 540. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: behavior, nervous system, sense organs, sensory reception.


Managing elephants: An introduction to their training and management. Roocroft, Alan; Atwell Zoll, Donald. Fever Tree Press, Ramona, CA. 1994, i-xii. 1-198 p.

            NAL call no: SF401.E3R66 1994

            Descriptors: care in captivity, training, behavior, captive management.


Preliminary results of protected-contact management system for mixed social group of Asian elephants. Schanberger, Anita. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 53-56. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: care in captivity, protected contact management, preliminary evaluation.


Preservation of Indian elephant in human care - a comparison between different husbandry systems in South Asia and Europe. Kurt, F. Zeitschrift des Koelner Zoo, 1994, v. 37 (3), p. 91-113. ill. tables, ref. ISSN: 0375-5290.

            Language: German with an English summary. 

            NAL call no: QL76.Z4

            Descriptors: animal husbandry, elephant, Asia, Europe, performing animals.


Utilizing multiple elephant management systems at the Dickerson Park Zoo. Glazier, Jeff. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 350-352.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: management systems, elephants, techniques, North America.


Hand rearing an Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, at the Nooder Zoo, Emmen. Rieterk, F.E.; Hiddingh, H.; Van Dijk, S. International Zoo Year Book, 1993, v. 32 (0), p. 244-252. ISSN: 0074-9664.

            NAL call no: QL76.I5

            Descriptors: social behavior, development, nutrition, veterinary medicine.


Management of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, at Houston Zoological Gardens. Ruhter, David; Olsen, Tammery. International Zoo Year Book, 1993, v. 32 (0), p. 253-257. ISSN: 0074-9664.

            NAL call no: QL76.I5

            Descriptors: behavior, training, general life studies, wildlife management.


Behavioral sleep in the Asian elephant in captivity. Tobler, I. Sleep, Feb. 1992, v. 15 (1), p. 1-12. ISSN: 0161-8105.

            Descriptors: sleep stages, social environment, circadian rhythm, physiology.


Preliminary observations on the training of Burmese elephants using xylazine. Aik, S.S. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 1992, v. 40 (2), p. 81-84. ref.

            NAL call no: 41.8 N483

            Descriptors: elephants, behavior, training, xylazine.


Special relationships between female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in zoological gardens. Garai, M.E. Ethology, 1992, v. 90 (3), p. 187-205. ISSN: 0179-1613.

            NAL call no: QL750.E74

            Descriptors: females, social interaction, Elephas maximus.


Enrichment techniques for elephants at the Phoenix Zoo. Schanberger, Anita. AAZ PA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1991, p. 277-283. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: behavioral techniques, environmental enrichment in captivity.


Management of elephant camps and elephant care. Saxena, A. Indian Forester, 1991, v. 117 (10), p. 926-934. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 IN2

            Descriptors: elephant management, endangered species, conservation.


Management of elephants in the Xishuangbanna Nature reserve, P.R. china. A case study. Santiapillai, C. Tigerpaper (FAO). Apr./Jun. 1991, v. 18 (2), p. 1-5. FAO Accession No: XF92:312115. ISSN: 1014-2789.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: elephants, nature, conservation, Asia, East Asia, China.


Are elephants in zoos and circuses distressed? Kiley, Worhtington M. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 1990, v. 26 (3), p. 299. ref. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: stress, animal behavior, animal welfare, elephants, circus animals.


Care and treatment of orphaned baby elephants. Santha, B.K. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 1990, v. 37 (1-2), p. p.33.

            NAL call no: 41.8 C33

            Descriptors: newborn animals, young animals, elephants.


The design and construction of an elephant squeeze. Raboy, David; Doyle, Charles. AAZPA Annual Conference Proceedings, 1990, p. 176-184. ISSN: 0731-0390.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: housing techniques, elephant squeeze design, construction.


Elephant training and management in Nepal. Sanat, Dhungel, Brawner C.; Yoder, J. Tigerpaper (FAO). Oct./Dec. 1990, v. 17 (4), p. 1-6. FAO Accession No. XF91:305749. ISSN: 1014-2789.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: Indian elephant, training, breeding, feeding, husbandry.


The Asian elephant: Ecology and management. Sukumar, R. Cambridge Universit y Press, Cambridge, N.Y. 1989, xvii, 251 p. ill. ref. ISBN: 0521360803.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98S95

            Descriptors: Asiatic elephant, ecology, wildlife management, Asia.


Development of nonsocial behavior in the Asiatic elephant. Nair, P.V. Ethology, 1989, v. 82 (4), p. 46-60. ISSN: 0179-1613.

            NAL call no: QL750.E74 

            Descriptors: feeding behavior, drinking behavior, grooming, play, locomotion.


Environmental enrichment - the elephant. Green, C. Ratel, 1989, v. 16 (3), p. 73-75. ISSN: 0305-1218.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.R37

            Descriptors: care in captivity, environmental enrichment, Elephantidae.


Failure to find self-recognition in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in contrast to their use of mirror cues to discover hidden food. Povinelli, D.J. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1989, v. 103 (2), p. 122-131. ISSN: 0735-7036.

            NAL call no: BF671.J6

            Descriptors: elephant, foraging, mirror cues use, species recognition.


Training a baby Asian elephant, reasons and techniques. Swanson, Mark AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1989, p. 723-725. ISSN: 0731-0439.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: handling techniques, methods and rational, zoo born juvenile.


Management of elephants in Thailand. Santiapillai, C.; Soekarno, M.; Sukohadi, W. Tigerpaper (FAO-RAPA), Jan./Mar. 1987, v. 14 (2), p. 7-15. ISSN: 1014-2789. FAO Accession No. XF8769083.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: Thailand, elephants, working animals, training, wild animals.


Some observations regarding allomaternal caretaking among captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Rapaport, L.; Haight, J. Journal of Mammalogy, 1987, v. 68 (2), p. 438-442. ISSN: 0022-2372.

            NAL call no: 410 J823

            Descriptors: maternal behavior, Elephas maximus.


Evaluation and monitoring of Asian elephant habitat: Problems and some potential solutions. Salter, R.E. Tigerpaper (FAO-RAPA), 1986, v. 13 (4), p. 5-9. ISSN: 1014-2789. FAO Accession No. XF8765047.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: elephants, habitats, ecology, population, distribution.


Keeping of circus elephants and their minimum nutritional requirements. Schulze, W. Praktische Tierarzt, 1986, v. 67 (8), p. 809-811. ref. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: nutritional requirements, elephants, feeding, circus animals.


Problems in keeping circus animals. Wiesner, H. Tierarztliche Umschau, 1986, v. 41 (10), p. 753-755. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 T445

            Descriptors: animals welfare, animal behavior, abnormal behavior, elephants.


Tool use by elephants. Reid, J.B. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1985, 82 (2), p. 402-403. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: tool using, review of uses, comfort behavior, Elephas maximus,


Behavior of a neonate elephant (Elephas maximus). Sharma, R.; Krishnamurthy, K.V. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 1984, c. 13 (1-2), p. 157-161. ref. ISSN: 0168-1591.

            NAL call no: QL750.A6

            Descriptors: development. social interactions, Elephas maximus.


An exercise in elephant management. Ratnam, L. Biotrop (Special publication) , 1984, p. 129-139, no. 21. ISSN: 0125-975X.

            NAL call no: QK474.5.B6

            Descriptors: wildlife management, methods, Malaysia, Elephas maximus.


LSD-induced effects in elephants: Comparisons with musth behavior. Siegel, R.K. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1984, v. 22 (1), p. 53-56. ISSN: 0090-5054.

            Descriptors: integumentary glands, temporal glands, musth, aggressive behavior.


Domestication of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in India. Gogoi, P. C. Tigerpaper (FAO - RAPA), 1983, v. 10 (4), p. 21-26. ISSN: 1014-2789. FAO Accession No. XF8440021.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: animal production, elephants, India.


Observations on the social behavior of free ranging groups of tame Asiatic elephants (Elephas maximus Linn.). Gadgil, M. Nair, P.V. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Animal Science, 1983, v. 93 (3), p. 225-233. ISSN: 0253-4118.

            NAL call no: QL1.I48

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, social behavior.


Training and husbandry of work elephants in Thailand. Fischer, H. Tierarztl Umsch, Jun. 1, 1974, v. 29 (6), p. 346-351. ref.

            Language: German with English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8.T445

            Descriptors: elephant, training, husbandry, Thailand.


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Growth in the sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) and age estimation based on dung diameter. Reilly, Joanne. Journal of Zoology, Oct. 2002, v. 258 (2), p. 205-213. ISSN: 0952-8369.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: age estimation, biomass, dung diameter, age structure.


Survival rates of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) at the Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE). Mar, K.U. Advances in Ethology, 2002, v. 37, p. 184. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: captivity, longevity, survival rate, working load.


Characterization of interdigital glands in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Lamps, L.W.; Smoller, B.R.; Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Slade, B.E.; Fritsch, G.; Goodwin, T.E. Research in Veterinary Science, Dec. 2001, v. 71 (3), p. 197-200. ISSN: 0034-5288.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R312

            Descriptors: integumentary system, interdigital glands, immunohistochemistry.


Oxygen radical production by Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) heterophils and Holstein cattle (Bos taurus) neutrophils. Tell, Lisa; Kabbur, Mahendra, B.; Smith, Wayne; Gage, Laurie; Cullor, James S. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1999, v. 30 (3), p. 402-407. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: animal care, blood and lymphatics.


Physiological correlates of musth: Lipid metabolites and chemical composition of exudates. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Perrin, T.E. Physiology and Behavior, 1999, v.67 (4), p. 539-549. ref. ISSN: 0031-9384.

            NAL call no: QP1.P4

            Descriptors: chemical composition, metabolites, aggressive behavior, hormones.


Thermoregulatory behavior (selecting the shade and bathing) of the Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus, in captivity. Terada, Mitsuhiro; Itano, Shiro; Kawaguchi, Yukio. Journal of Japanese Association of Zoological Gardens and Aquariums. Oct. 1999, v. 40 (4), p. 117-132. ISSN: 0386-7498.

            Language: Japanese.

            NAL call no: QL77.5 D63

            Descriptors: thermoregulation, bathing, seeking shade, behavior.


The Asian elephant: A natural history. Daniel, J.C. Natraj, Dehra Dun, 1998, p. 1-306. ISBN: 8185019738.

            Descriptors: general morphology, tusks, reproductive behavior, locomotion.


Remarks on body growth and phenotypes in Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Kurt, Fred.; Kumarasinghe, Janak C. Acta Theriologica, 1998, v. 0 (Suppl. 5), p. 135-153. ISSN: 1509-4537.

            NAL call no: 410 AC88

            Descriptors: body growth, phenotypes, sexual dimorphism.


Sensitivity of the trunk of Asian elephants for texture differences of actively touched objects. Dehnhardt, G.; Friese, Christina; Sachser, N. Zeitschrift fuer Saeugetierkunde, 1997, v. 62 (Suppl. 2), p. 37-39. ISSN: 0044-3468.

            NAL call no: QL700.Z4

            Descriptors: trunk, tactile receptors, sensitivity to texture differences.


Age-related changes in the brain of an Indian elephant. Soltysiak, Z. Zycie Weterynarjne, 1996, v. 71 (9), p. 309-311. ref.

            NAL call no: SF604.Z9

            Descriptors: postmortem examinations, histopathology, brain, aging, elephants.


Body size, weight and weight estimation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in menschlicher Obhut. Kurt, F.; Purcher, Herwig. Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996, i-iii, 1-78 p. Chapter pagination: 13-20.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: diet, locomotion, size, shoulder height, weight, Elephas maximus.


Distribution of selected heavy metals in blood of Asian elephant. Jayasekera, S.; Kuruwita, V.Y. Gajah, Jan. 1996, v. 15, p. 29-31. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, metal pollution, blood, heavy metal levels.


Evidence of nitric oxide in the exhaled gas of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Lewandowski, K.; Busch, T.; Lewandowski, M.; Keske, U.; Gerlach, H.; Falke, K.J. Respiration Physiology, Oct. 1996, v. 106 (1), p. 91-98. ISSN: 0034-5687.

            NAL call no: QP121.A1R4

            Descriptors: elephants physiology, pulmonary ventilation physiology, nitric oxide.


The sensorineural specialization of the trunk tip (finger) of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Munger, B.L. Anatomical Record, Sept. 1996, v. 246 (1), p. 127-134. ISSN: 0003-276X.

            NAL call no: 447.8 AN1

            Descriptors: tactile perception, skin, innervation, sensory neurons, trunk-tip-finger.


Asian elephants ( Elephas maximus) in captivity - a challenge for zoo biological research. Kurt, Fred; Hartl, Gunther B. Research and Captive Propagation, Ganslosser, Udo; Hodges, J. Keith; Kaumanns, Werner (Eds.). 1995, 1-338 p. Chapter pagination: 310-326.

            NAL call no: SF408.R47 1995

            Descriptors: conservation, techniques, reproduction, behavior, biological research.


The Asian elephant: Ecology and management. Sukumar, R. Camb. Stud. Appl. Ecol. Resour. Manage. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995, 255 pp. ISBN: 052143758X.

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, management, population ecology, books.


A bibliography on elephants. Part 3: Indo-Malayan & Indo-Chinese realms. Saravanamuttu, Shantha; Santiapillai, Charles. Gajah, Jun. 1995, v. 14, p. 49-62. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, bibliographies.


Clinical biology and care of the elephant. Atapattu, S. Elephants in Logging Operations in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera, P.; Atapattu, S. F.A.O., Rome, Italy. FAO, 1995, p. 27-36. Forest Harvesting Case Study no. 5. FAO Accession No.: XF96:362035. ISSN: 1014-9945.

            Descriptors: ecology, diseases, parasitoses, behavior, elephants.


A bibliography on elephants. Part 1: Sri Lanka. Saravanamuttu, Shantha; Santiapillia, Charles. Gajah, Jun. 1994, v. 12, p. 58-84. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: bibliographies, Sri Lanka, Elephas maximus, 1682-1994.


A bibliography on elephants. Part 2: India, Nepal, Shutan & Bangladesh. Saravanamuttu, Shantha; Santiapillai, Charles. Gajah, Dec. 1994, v. 13, p. 40-56. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: bibliographies, Elephas maximus.


Creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme measurements in the male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) during Nonmusth and musth. Dickerman, Robby D.; Pernikoff, Doug; Zachariah, N.Y.; McConathy, W.J.; Gracy, R.W.; Raven, P.B. Clinical Chemistry, 1994, v. 40 (6), p. 989. ISSN: 0009-9147.

            NAL call no: 396.8 C61

            Descriptors: blood sampling, enzymology, urinary system, reproductive system.


Energy value of elephant labour. Gajaseni, Jiragorn. Indian Forester, 1993, v. 119 (10), p. 804-806. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 IN2

            Descriptors: metabolism, energetics, elephant.


Preliminary observations of the morphology of the vomeronasal organ of a newborn Asian elephant. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Johnson, E.W.; Jafke, B.W. Chemical Senses, 1993, v. 18 (5), p. 618. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: development, sense organs, sensory reception, elephant.


Structure-dynamics-function relationships in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) myoglobin: An optical spectroscopy and flash photolysis study on functionally important motions. Cupane, Antonio; Leone, Maurizio; Vitrano, Eugenio; Lorenzo, Cordone; Hiltpold, Urs R.; Winterhalter, Kaspar H.; Yu, Weiming; Di Iorio, Ernesto E. Biophysical Journal, 1993, v. 65 (6), p. 2461-2472. ISSN: 0006-3495.

            NAL call no: 442.8 B5238

            Descriptors: molecular biophysics, movement and support, elephant.


Estrogen metabolism in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Czekala, N.M.; Roocroft, A.; Bates, M.; Allen, J.; Lasley, B.L. Zoo Biology, 1992, v. 11 (2), p. 75-80. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: urine, feces, estradiol, 17-Beta estrone, conjugated estradiol.


Rectal temperature of Sri Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus maximus). Ratnasooriya, W.D. Premakumara, G.A.S.; Fernando, S.B.U. Medical Science Research, 1992, v. 20 (13), p.499-500. ISSN: 0269-8951.

            Descriptors: physical activity, behavior, temperature, general biology.


Altered androstenedione to testosterone ratios and LH concentrations during musth in the captive male Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Niemuller, C.A.; Liptrap, R.M. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 1991, v. 91 (1), p. 139-146. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: temporal gland secretion, sexual behavior, aggressive behavior.


The Asian elephant. Lair, R. South East Asia Wildlife, Bernard, H.U.; Brooke, M. (Eds.). 1991, 1-430 p. Chapter pagination: 122-125. APA Publications, Ltd, UK.

            Descriptors: distribution and biology, Elephas maximus, South East Asia.


Asian elephants. Eisenberg, J.F.; McKay, G.M.; Seidensticher, J. Friends of the National Zoo & National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1990, 271 p. Contains 3 reprints separately paginated i-iv, 1-113, i-v, 1-118, i-ii, 1-19.

            Descriptors: collected reprints, publications, Elephas maximus, biology, conservation.


Chemical analysis of temporal gland secretions collected from an Asian bull elephant during a four-month musth episode. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Hess, D.L.; Haight, J.D. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1990, v. 16 (7), p. 2167-2182. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A1J6

            Descriptors: androgen, testosterone, metabolism, musth, radioimmunoassay.


Chemical profiles of temporal gland secretions from captive Asian bull elephants during musth and from African bull elephants living in wild but crowded conditions. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Hess, D.L.; Hall, Martin A. Chemical Senses, 1990, v. 15 (5), p. 628. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: endocrine system, gonads, placenta, behavioral biology.


Estimation of the total surface area in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Veterinary Research Communications, 1990, v. 14 (1), p. 5-17. ill. ref. ISSN: 0165-7380.

            NAL call no: SF601.V38

            Descriptors: elephants, biometry, body surface area, estimation.


The Asian Elephant: Ecology and Management. Sukumar, R. Cambridge University Press, N.Y., 1989, i-xiv, 1-249 p.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98S95

            Descriptors: diet and feeding behavior, drinking, food plants, attacks on man.


Estimation of body weight in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Veterinary Research Communications, 1989, v. 13 (1), p. 3-9. ref. ISSN: 0165-7380.

            NAL call no: SF601.V38

            Descriptors: Indian elephant, weight, body measurements.


Estrogen metabolism in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Czekala, N.M.; Roocroft, A.; Bates, M. Biology of Reproduction, 1989, v. 40 (Suppl. 1), p. 119. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: progesterone, urine, feces, pregnancy, radioimmunoassay.


Mineral composition of elephant tusk. Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 1989, v. 59 (12), p. 1561-1562. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: biochemistry, elephants, teeth.


Dental identification and age determination in Elephas maximus. Roth, V.L.; Shoshani, J. Journal of Zoology, 1988, v. 214 (4), p. 567-588. ISSN: 0952-8369.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: dentition, aging methods, Elephas maximus.


Development of the elephant molar and the evolution of its enamel structure. Kozawa, Y.; Mishima, H.; Sakae, T. Memoires du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle Series C Sciences de la Terre, 1988, v. 53, p. 125-131. ISSN: 0246-1196.

            Descriptors: teeth, skeleton, molar tooth, enamel structure, molar development.


Growth in the Asian elephant. Sukumar, R.; Joshi, N.V.; Krishnamurthy, V. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Animal Sciences, 1988, v. 97 (6), p. 561-571. ref. ISSN: 0370-0097.

            NAL call no: QL1.I48

            Descriptors: growth, elephants, body weight, tropics.


Predicting body weight from body measurements in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Hile, M.E.; Hintz, H.F.; Erb, H.N. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1987, v. 28 (4), p. 424-427. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: heart girth, body weight, body measurements, prediction.


Surface sculpturing and water retention of elephant skin. Lillywhite, H.B.; Stein, B.R. Journal of Zoology, 1987, v. 211 (4), p. 727-734.

            NAL call no: QL1.J68

            Descriptors: water relations, skin surface, structure and retention properties.


Rotation of the leg segments of three fast-running cursors and an elephant. Hildebrand, M. Journal of Mammalogy, 1984, v. 65 (4), p. 718-720. ISSN: 0022-2372.

            NAL call no: 410 J823

            Descriptors: forelimbs, hindlimbs, locomotion, rotation of joints, running.


Hearing in the elephant (Elephas maximus): Absolute sensitivity, frequency discrimination, and sound localization. Heffner, R.S.; Heffner, H.E. Journal of Comparative Physiology and Psychology, Dec. 1982, v. 96 (6), p. 926-944. ISSN: 0021-9940.

            NAL call no: 410 J822

            Descriptors: auditory perception, threshold, sound localization, hearing.


Estimation of shoulder height from fore-foot circumference in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) (Sri Lanka). Bongso, T.A.; Perera, B.M.A.O.; Motha, M.X.J.; Ross-Parker, H.M. Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences, Apr. 1981, v. 14 (1-2), p. 79-82. ISSN: 0069-2379.

            NAL call no: 475 C33

            Descriptors: Asian elephant, shoulder height estimation, fore-foot circumference.


Hearing in the elephant (Elephas maximus). Heffner, R.; Heffer, H. Science, May 1980, v. 208 (4443), P. 518-520. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: hearing physiology, sound localization physiology, anatomy, histology.


Recent research on the biology of the Asiatic elephant (Elephas m. maximus) on Sri Lanka. Eisenberg, J.F. Spolia Zeylanica, 1980, v. 35, p. 213-218. ISSN: 0081-3745.

            NAL call no: 410.9 SP6

            Descriptors: feeding behavior, reproductive behavior, biology, Elephas maximus.


Some weight and body measure estimates of Asiatic elephants (Elephas maximus) Thailand. Tumwasorn, S.; Udsanakornkul, S.; Leenanuruksa D.; Kaeophrommarn, C. Thai Journal of Agricultural Science, Jul. 1980, v. 13 (3), p. 179-185. ISSN: 0049-3589.

            NAL call no: S3.T48

            Descriptors: weight, body measure, estimates, Asiatic elephant.


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Application of an enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) for rapid screening of 5alpha-pregnane-3, 20-dione (DHP) in blood plasma of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Denhard, M.; Hildebrandt, T.; Rohleder, M.; Strauss, G.; Meyer, H.H.D.; Goritz, F. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 2001, v. 114 (5-6), p. 161-165. ref. ISSN: 0005-9366.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: blood chemistry, enzyme immunoassay, hormones, monitoring.


Comparative cell shape and diffusional water permeability of red blood cells from Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) and man (Homo sapiens). Benga, G.; Kuchel, P.W.; Chapman, B.E.; Cox, G.C.; Ghiran, I.; Gallagher, C.H. Comparative Haematology International, 2000, v. 10 (1), p. 1-8. ISSN: 0938-7714.

            Descriptors: blood cells, red blood cells, cell shape, water permeability, Elephas.


Serum cholinesterase levels in elephants. Subhachalat, P.; Panichkriangkrai, W.; Mahasawangkul, S.; Angkawanich, T.; Yibchok, A. Nun S.; Piyarat, Subhachalat; Wara, Panichkriangkrai; Sittidet, Mahasawangkul; Taweepok, Angkawanich; Sirintorn, Yibchok A. Nun. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2000, v. 30 (3), p. 63-68. ref. ISSN: 0125-6491.

            NAL call no: SF604.T43

            Descriptors: blood serum, cholinesterase, sex differences, seasonality.


Haematological and biochemical findings in captive Asiatic elephants (Elephas maximus). Jayathangaraj, M.G.; John, M.C.; Ramesh, S.; Ahamed, N.M. International Journal of Animal Sciences, 1999, v. 14 (2), p. 245-247. ref. ISSN: 0970-2857.

            NAL call no: SF81.F3

            Descriptors: haematology, blood chemistry, normal values.


Mineral status of elephant. Sarmah, B.C.; Kalita, D.J.; Pathak, S.C.; Sharma, B. Indian Veterinary Journal, Jul.1999, v. 76 (7), p. 661-662. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: blood chemistry, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, normal values.


Oxygen radical production by Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) heterophils and Holstein cattle (Bos taurus) neutrophils. Tell, Lisa; Kabbur, Mahendra B.; Smith, Wayne L.; Gage, Laurie; Cullor, James S. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1999, v. 10 (3), p. 402-407. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: biochemistry, oxygen radical, blood cells, immune response.


Serum creatinine level in captive Asiatic elephants (Elephas maximus). Senthilkumar, A.; Jayathangaraj, M.G.; John, M.C.; Srinivasan, S.R. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 1999, v. 38 (2), p. 181. ref. ISSN: 0019-5057.

            NAL call no: SF1.I4

            Descriptors: creatinine, blood chemistry, blood serum, normal values.


Alterations in blood platelet morphology during aggregate formation in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Cheryk, L.A.; Gentry, P.A.; Bast, T.; Yamashiro, S. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun.1998, v. 29 (2), p. 177-182. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: haematology, platelets, blood cells.


Plasma concentrations of immunoreactive relaxin activity and progesterone in the pregnant Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Niemuller, C.A.; Gray, C.; Cummings, H.; Liptrap, R.M. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 119-131. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: plasma, immunoreactive relaxin, hormones, plasma content.


Plasma vitamin E and other analyte levels in Nepalese camp elephant (Elephas maximus). Shrestha, Sunder P.; Ullrey, Duane E.; Bernard, Joni B.; Wemmer, Christian; Kraemer, Duane C. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1998, v. 29 (3), p. 269-278. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: plasma vitamin E, diet, vitamins, food plants, plasma.


A rapid isolation of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) blood heterophils on Percoll density gradients. Smith, W.L.; Tell, L.A.; Kabbur, m.B.; Gage, L.; Cullor, J.S. Comparative Haematology International, 1998, v. 8 (1), p. 37-42. ISSN: 0938-7714.

            Descriptors: haematological techniques, blood cells, heterophils, methods,


Blood coagulation profile of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Gentry, P. A.; Ross, M.L.; Yamada, M. Zoo Biology, New York, N.Y. Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1996, v. 15 (4), p. 413-423. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: blood coagulation factors, hemostasis, blood plasma, Elephas maximus.


Determination of mean arterial pressure (MAP) in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Sarma, K.K.; Kalita, D.; Dutta, B.; Barua, S.K. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1996, v. 73 (7), p. 777-778. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: measurement, techniques, blood pressure, elephants.


Distribution of selected heavy metals in blood of Asian elephant. Jayasekera, S.; Kuruwita, V.Y. Gajah, Jan. 1996, v. 15, p. 29-31. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: pollutants, blood heavy metal levels, blood, metal pollution.


Total serum cholesterol levels of Sri Lankan elephants (Elephas maximus maximus). Ratnasooriya, W.D.; Amarasinghe, A.B.C.; Kodikara, D.S. Ceylon Journal of Science and Biological Sciences, Jun. 1995, v. 24 (1), p. 11-16. ISSN: 0069-2379.

            NAL call no: 475 C33

            Descriptors: steroids, plasma, serum cholesterol levels, sex differences.


Ultrastructure of cardiac myocyte in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Endo, H.; Yamada, T.K.; Suzuki, N.; Suwa, G.; Uetsuka, K.; Hashimoto, O.; Kurohmaru, M.; Hayashi, Y. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, Dec. 1995, v. 57 (6), p. 1035-1039. ISSN: 0916-7250.

            NAL call no: SF604.J342

            Descriptors: myocardium, cell structure, ultrastructure, Indian elephant.


Hematology, plasma, and serum biochemistry values in domesticated elephants (Elephas maximus ceylonicus) in Sri Lanka. Silva, Indira D.; Kuruwita, Vijitha Y. Gajah, Jun. 1994, v. 12, p. 47. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: biochemistry, blood, blood chemistry, Elephas maximus.


The osmotic fragility of erythrocytes of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Silva, Indira D.; Kuruwita, Vijitha Y. Gajah, Dec. 1994, v. 13, p. 25-29. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: ion and water relations, blood cells, osmotic fragility, erythrocytes.


Hematology, plasma, and serum biochemistry values in domesticated elephants (Elephas maximus ceylonicus) in Sri Lanka. Silva, Indira D.; Kuruwita, Vijitha Y. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 1993, v. 24 (4), p. 440-444. ISSN: 1042-7260

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: biochemistry, blood chemistry, blood, hematology, normal values.


Hematology, plasma, and serum biochemistry values in free-ranging elephants (Elephas maximus ceylonicus) in Sri Lanka. Silva, Indiria, D.; Kuruwita, Vijitha Y. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 1993, v. 24 (4), p. 434-439. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: biochemistry, blood chemistry, blood, plasma, normal values.


Some haematological values during normal pregnancy in the Sri Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus maximus). Ratnasooriya, W.D.; Caldera, H.S.; Premakumara, G.A.S.; Liyanage, G.K.; Manatunga, A.M.V.R.; Fernando, S.B.U. Medical Science Research, 1993, v. 21 (4), p. 153-156. ISSN: 0269-8951.

            Descriptors: blood, lymphatics, cardiovascular system, development.


Arterial blood pressure and blood gas values in normal standing and laterally recumbent African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants. Honeyman, V.L.; Pettifer, G.R.; Dyson, D.H. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun.1992, v. 23 (2), p. 205-210. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: oxygen, carbon dioxide, normal values. Blood pressure, elephants.


Clinico-haematological observations in Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus). Yathiraj, S.; Choudhuri, P.C.; Rao, D.S.T.; Reddy, P.K. Indian Veterinary Journal, Nov. 1992, v. 69 (11), p. 995-997. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: normal values, heart rate, leukocytes, erythrocytes, haematology.


Normal values for certain serum enzymes of clinical value in Indian elephants. Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Veterinary Research Communications, 1992, v. 16 (6), p. 411-414. ref. ISSN: 0165-7380.

            NAL call no: SF601.V38

            Descriptors: blood chemistry, elephants, normal values.


Haemoglobin polymorphism in Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, with special reference to elephant population in South India. Datye, H.S.; Bhagawat, A,M.; Krishnamurthy, V. Journal of the Bombay Natural Historical Society, 1991, v. 88 (1), p. 17-19. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: biochemical variation, haemoglobin polymorphism, homozygosity.


Certain physical characteristics of the blood of Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 1990, v. 60 (9), p. 1061-1064. ref. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: viscosity, PH, blood chemistry, haematology, elephants.


The fatty acid composition of plasma lipids in the Indian elephant, Elephas maximus indicus. Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Veterinary Research Communications, 1990, v. 14 (6), p. 427-431. ISSN: 0165-7380.

            NAL call no: SF601.V38

            Descriptors: diet, triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol, chromatography.


Haematological values for adult Asian elephants (Elephas maximus maximus) at the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Sri Lanka. Ratnasooriya, W.D.; Fernando, S.B.U.; Manatunga, A.M.V.E.; Caldera, H.S.; Liyanage, G.K.; Premakumara, G.A.S. Medical Science Research, 1990, v. 18 (22), p. 899-902. ref. ISSN: 0269-8951.

            Descriptors: normal values, haematology, elephants.


Kinetic parameters of lactate dehydrogenase in the Indian elephant. George, S.; Nirmalan, G. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 1990, v. 60 (1), p. 25-27. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: plasma, erythrocyte, hemolysate, general biology, body fluids,


Longitudinal study of haematological and biochemical constituents in blood of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Niemuller, C.; Gentry, P.A.; Liptrap, R.M. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Comparative Physiology, 1990, v. 96 (1), p. 131-134. ref. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: blood composition, testosterone, transferases, creatinine.


Mineral status in the blood of Indian elephants. Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 1989, v. 59 (10), p. 1253-1258. ref. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: electrolytes, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, sodium, blood chemistry.


Platelet aggregation in the Asian elephant is not dependent on thromboxane B2 production. Gentry, P.A.; Niemuller C.; Ross, M.L.; Liptrap, R.M. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Comparative Physiology, 1989, v. 94 (1), p. 47-51. ref. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: haematology, platelets, elephants.


Serum proteins in Indian elephants. Sreekumaran, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1989, v. 20 (2), p. 88-93. ref. ISSN: 0374-8744.

            NAL call no: SF601.K42

            Descriptors: serum proteins, Indian elephants.


Haematological and blood biochemical studies in female domesticated Indian elephants (Elephas maximus L.). Gromadzka, Ostrowska J.; Jakubow, K.; Zalewska, B.; Krzywicki, Z. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Comparative Physiology, 1988, v. 89 (3), p. 313-315. ref. ISSN: 0300-9629.

            NAL call no: QP1.C6

            Descriptors: blood picture, blood composition, normal values, blood chemistry.


Studies on haemoglobin and albumin polymorphism in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Sreekumar, K.P.; Nirmalan, G. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1987, v. 18 (2), p. 69-72. ISSN: 0374-8774.

            NAL call no: SF604.K42

            Descriptors: blood and serum proteins, haemoglobin, albumin, Elephas maximus.


Plasma concentrations of oxytetracycline in elephants following intravenous and intramuscular administration of Terramycin/LA injectable solution. Limpoka, M.; Chai, Anan P. Sirivejpandu, S.; Kanchanomai, R.; Rattnanmonthianchai, S.; Puangkum, P. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 1987, publ. 1988, v. 56 (1-2), p. 173-179. ref. ISSN: 0001-7213.

            NAL call no: SF604.B7

            Descriptors: antibiotics, pharmacokinetics, oxytetracycline, elephants.


Hematological studies of Asiatic elephants in various parts of Thailand. Ayus, Pichaicharnarong; Narongsak, Chaiyabutr; Prapa, Loypetjra. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Sept. 1985, v. 15 (3), p. 197-213. ref. ISSN: 0125-6491.

            Language: Thai.

            NAL call no: SF604.T3

            Descriptors: blood, blood coagulation, haemoglobin, anatomy, body fluids.


Hemoglobins, XLVIII: the primary structure of hemoglobin of the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus, Proboscidea): beta 2=Asn. Braunitzer, G.; Jelkmann, W.; Stangl, A.; Schrank, B.; Krombach, C. Hoppe Seyler’ S. Z. Physiol. Chem. 1982, v. 363 (7), p. 683-691.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 384 Z38

            Descriptors: hemoglobin, amino acid sequence, oxygen.


Demonstration of alpha naphthyl acid esterase activity in the leucocytes of the peripheral blood smear of Indian elephants. Rajan, A.; Reddi, M.V. Indian Veterinary Journal, Dec. 1981, v. 58 (12), p. 932-933. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: animal physiology, biochemistry, animal structure.


Demonstration of T lymphocyte distribution in the peripheral blood of Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) using acid Alpha Naphthyl Acetate Esterase activity as a T cells marker. Rajan, A.; Vikram-Reddy, M.; Sulochana, S.; Valsala, K.V. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 1981, v. 2 (4), p. 357-362.

            Descriptors: lymphocytes T, peripheral blood, markers, Elephas maximus.


Elephant blood haematology and chemistry. Brown, I.R.F.; White, P.T. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Comparative Biochemistry, 1980, v. 65 (1), p. 1-12. ISSN: 0305-0491.

            NAL call no: QP501.C6

            Descriptors: blood, haematology and chemistry, review.


A note on agar gel electrophoresis of sera of Indian elephants. Moses, J.S.; Gopalakrishnan, A.V. Cheiron, 1979, v. 8 (2), p. 145-148. ISSN: 0379-542X.

            NAL call no: SF604.C56

            Descriptors: blood and serum proteins, serum proteins, electrophoresis.


Electrophoretic pattern of the haemoglobin in Indian elephants. Rangachar, T.R.S.; Narendranath, R.; Hegde, V.R. Mysore Journal of Agriculture Science, 1970, v. 4 (1), p. 120-122.

            NAL call no: S19.M9

            Descriptors: haemoglobin, electrophoretic pattern, Elephas maximus.


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Auditory communication, meteorology, and the Umwelt. Larom, D. Journal of Comparative Psychology, Jun. 2002, v. 116 (2), p. 133-136. ISSN: 0735-7036.

            NAL call no: BF671.J6

            Descriptors: low frequency calls, vocalization , success, Elephas maximus.


Elephant communication. Langbauer, W.R. Jr. Zoo Biology, Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 425-445. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: communication, elephants.


How chemical signals integrate Asian elephant society: The known and the unknown. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Krishnamurthy, V. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 405-423. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: chemical signals, elephants, elephant society.


Seismic properties of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) vocalizations and locomotion. O’Connell, Rodwell C.E.; Aranason, B.T.; Hart, L.A. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Dec. 2000, v. 108 (6), p. 3066-3072. ISSN: 0001-4966.

            NAL call no: QC221.A27

            Descriptors: behavior, sense organs, acoustic signals, long-distance communication.


Signal-receiver interplay in the communication of male condition by Asian elephants. Schulte, B.A.; Rasmussen, L.E.L. Animal Behavior, Jun.1999, v. 57 (6), p. 1265-1274. ref. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410 B77

            Descriptors: urine, sexual behavior, oestrus cycle, communication, testosterone.


Chemical communication: An integral part of functional Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) society. Rasmussen, L.E.L. Ecoscience, 1998, v. 5 (3), p. 410-426. ISSN: 1195-6860.

            NAL call no: QH540.E366

            Descriptors: behavior, sense organs, sensory reception, chemical communication.


Infrasonic calls of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Payne, K.B.; Langbauer, W.R. Jr.; Thomas, E.M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1986, v. 18 (4), p. 297-301. ISSN: 0340-5443.

            NAL call no: QL751.B4

            Descriptors: vocalization, behavior, Elephas maximus.


Unusual case of the trunk for sound production in a captive Asian elephant: A second case. Wemmer, C.; Mishra, H.; Dinerstein, E. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1985, v. 82 (1), p. 187. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: trunk, sound production, Elephas maximus, sound production mechanism.


Hearing in the elephant (Elephas maximus): Absolute sensitivity, frequency discrimination, and sound localization. Heffner, R.S.; Heffner, H.E. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1982, v. 96 (6), p. 926-944.

            NAL call no: 444.8 Z3

            Descriptors: sound reception, ear, absolute sensitivity, frequency discrimination.


Observational learning by an Asiatic elephant of an unusual sound production method. Wemmer, C.; Mishra, H.R. Mammalia, 1982, v. 46 (4), p. 556-557. ISSNL 0025-1461.

            NAL call no: 410 M31

            Descriptors: behavior, communication, acoustic signals, learning, observational.


Role of the elephant pinna in sound localization. Heffner, R.; Heffner, H.; Stichman, N. Animal Behavior, 1982, v. 30 (2), p. 628-630. ISSN: 0003-3472.

            NAL call no: 410.B77

            Descriptors: ear, pinna, role in sound localization, Elephas maximus.


Hearing in the elephant (Elephas maximus). Heffner, R.; Heffner, H. Science , 1980, v. 208 (4443), p. 518-520.

            NAL call no: Q1.A3S3

            Descriptors: sound reception, auditory thresholds, Elephas maximus.


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Long-term administration of alpha-tocopherol in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Kenny, David E. Zoo Biology, 2001, v. 20 (4), p. 245-250. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: animal care, nutrition, alpha tocopherol, vitamin E, elephants.


The role of nutrition and its possible impact on elephant foot care. Sadler, William C. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair, Sargent Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-165 p. Chapter pagination: 13-15. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, nutritional aspects, diet in captivity, feet.


Mineral status of elephant. Sarmah, B.C.; Kalita, D.J.; Pathak, S.C.; Sharma, B. Indian Veterinary Journal, Jul. 1999, v. 76 (7), p. 661-662. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: calcium, iron, copper, minerals, elephants.


A preliminary study on feeding activity patterns and budgets of domesticated elephants (Elephas maximus maximus) in Sri Lanka. Karunaratne, S.H.P.P.; Ranawana, K.B. Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences, 1999, v. 27 (1), p. 61-65. ref. ISSN: 0069-2379.

            NAL call no: 475 C33

            Descriptors: feeding behavior, leaves, browse, jackfruits, behavior.


A record of the food retention time of the Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus. Weerasinghe, Udayani; Jayasekara, Palitha; Takatsuki, Seiki. Mammal Study, Dec. 1999, v. 24 (2), p. 115-119. ISSN: 1343-4152.

            Descriptors: dung, digestive system, body size, food retention time.


Plasma vitamin E and other analyte levels in Nepalese camp elephants (Elephas maximus). Shrestha, S.P.; Ullrey, D.E.; Bernard, J.B.; Wemmer, C.; Kraemer, D.C. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept.1998, v. 29 (3), p. 269-278. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: retinol, alpha tocopherol, vitamin E, blood, plasma, age.


A preliminary study of the food preferences of domesticated elephants (Elephas maximus L). In Sri Lanka. Karunaratne, S.H.P.P.; Ranawana, K.B. Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences, 1998, v. 25, p. 58-64. ref. ISSN: 0069-2379.

            NAL call no: 475 C33

            Descriptors: feeding preferences, feeding behavior, leaves, trees, browse.


Preliminary studies on mineral supplements for Asian elephants. Cheeran, J.; Nagaraj, B.N.; Animon, M.M. Tigerpaper (FAO), Oct./Dec. 1997, v. 24 (4), p. 18-20. ref.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: Indian elephant, supplement feeding, mineral nutrients.


About Dillenia aurea and feeding behavior of elephants. Datye, Hemant S. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Aug. 1996, v. 93 (2), p. 289-290. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: food plants, Dillenia aurea, Elephas maximus.


Nutrient value of elephant forages in elephant training center, Lampung. Mukhtar, Abdullah Syarief. Buletin Penelitian Hutan, 1995, v. 0 (589), p. 55-65. ISSN: 0215-028X.

            Language: Indonesian.

            NAL call no: SD97.I42B8

            Descriptors: animal husbandry, forage nutrient value, grazing area, training center.


Studies on diet preferences of the elephant (Elephas maximus) in Royal Chitwan National Park. Dhakal, G.; Ojha, N.P. Tigerpaper (FAO), Oct./Dec. 1995, v. 22 (4), p. 29-31. ISSN: 1014-2789. FAO Accession No. XF97:364751.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: feeding preferences, elephants, behavior, feeding habits.


Bioavailable forms of vitamin E for correcting a biochemical deficiency in captive elephants. Crissey, S.D.; Papas, A.; Petric, A. Ongules/Ungulates 91': Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Ongules/Ungulates 91', Toulouse, France, Sept. 2-6, 1991. 1992, i-xii, 1-661 p. Chapter pagination: 163-166.

            NAL call no: QL737.U4054 1992

            Descriptors: diet in captivity, vitamin E levels, dietary supplementation, plasma.


Stable carbon isotope ratios in Asian elephant collagen: Implications for dietary studies. Sukumar, R.; Ramesh, R. Oecologia, 1992, v. 91 (4), p. 536-539. ISSN: 0029-8549.

            NAL call no: QL750.03

            Descriptors: protein, bone, bone collagen, stable carbon isotope ratios, Elephas.


Vertebrate ecology workshop - Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu. Feeding behavior of domesticated elephants. Chandra, M.S.; Ravoof, A.; Khan, I.A. Myforest, 1990, v. 26 (3), p. 239-242.

            Descriptors: feeding behavior, activity patterns, light, shade, temperature.


Circulatory levels of vitamin E in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Dierenfeld, E.S.; Dolensek, E.P. Zoo Biology, 1988, v. 7 (2), p. 165-172. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: dietary requirements, Elephas maximus, plasma, vitamin E content.


Carbon isotopic evidence for different feeding patterns in an Asian elephant population. Sukumar, R.; Bhattacharya, S.K.; Krishnamurthy, R.V. Current Science, 1987, v. 56 (1), p. 11-14. ISSN: 0011-3891.

            NAL call no: 475 SCI23

            Descriptors: grazing, browsing, diets, Elephas maximus.


Feeding elephants. Abeyratne, A.S. Loris, 1986, v. 17 (4), p. 172-174. ISSN: 0024-6514.

            Descriptors: dietary requirement, Elephas maximus, nutrition, diet.


A case of rhododendron poisoning in circus elephants. Schaller, K. Kleintierpraxis, Feb. 1983, v. 28 (1), p. 53-56. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: miscellaneous animal disorders, rhododendrons, azaleas, poisoning.


Nutritional implications of dental problems in elephants. Reichard, T.A.; Ullrey, D.E.; Robinson, P.T. Proceedings of the Annual Dr. Scholl Conference on the Nutrition of Captive Wild Animals, 1983, p. 63-67. ISSN: 0749-1778.

            NAL call no: SF95.D7

            Descriptors: diet in captivity, dentition, dental problems, digestibility, Elephas.


Studies on nutritional requirements of the elephant (Elephas maximus). Ananthasubramaniam, C.R.; Chandrashekharan, K.; Surendran, P.U. Indian Veterinary Journal, Mar. 1982, v. 59 (3), p. 227-232. ref. tables. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: animal nutrition, studies, elephant.


Studies on the nutritional requirements of elephant (Elephas maximus) 1. Evaluation of the nutritive value of palm leaf (Caryota urens). Bhaskaran, Nair V.; Ananthasubramaniam, C.R. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1979, v. 56 (8), p. 667-671. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: diet, food plants, nutritive value, palm leaf, ageing, Elephas maximus.


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Comparison of glycoprotein B (gB) variants of the elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) isolated from Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Fickle, J.; Lieckfeldt, D.; Richman, L. K.; Streich, W.J.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Pitra, C. Veterinary Microbiology, Jan. 2, 2003, v. 91 (1), p. 11-21. ISSN: 0378-1135.

            NAL call no: SF601.V44

            Descriptors: Herpesviridae, viruses, infection, polymerase chain reaction.


Deadly virus strikes zoo elephants. Pellegrini Neena. Animal Keepers’ Forum. Jan. 2002, v. 29 (1), p. 14-17. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: viral diseases, herpes virus, Elephas maximus.


Clinicopathologic findings in Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture-positive elephants (Elephas maximus) in comparison to clinically normal elephants. Harr, Kendal; Isaza, Ramiro; Harvey, John. Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, American Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians and National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, Sept. 18-23, 2001. i-xx, 1-411 p. Chapter pagination: 209-213.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: blood, haematological parameters, pathological effects, Elephas maximus.


Cowpox virus infection causing stillbirth in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Wisser, J.; Pilaski, J.; Strauss, G.; Meyer, H.; Burck, G.; Truyen, U.; Rudolph, M.; Frolich, K. Veterinary Record, Aug. 2001, v. 149 (8), p. 244-246. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: clinical aspects, diagnosis, fetal death, histopathology.


Death of an elephant by sunstroke in Orissa, India. Swain, Debabrata. Tigerpaper, Jul./Sept. 2001, v. 28 (3), p. 31. ISSN: 1014-2789.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: sunstroke, mortality, Elephas maximus, diseases and disorders.


On death of a wild elephant due to sunstroke in Orissa. Swain, Debabrata. Indian Forester, Oct. 2001, v. 127 (10), p. 1199-1200. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 IN2

            Descriptors: cerebral thrombosis, nervous system diseases, sunstroke.


Epidemiology and diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in captive elephants (Elephas maximus). Mikota, Susan K.; Peddie, Linda; Isaza, Ramiro; Dunker, Freeland; West, Gary; Lindsay, William; Larsen, R.Scott; Salman, M.D.; Chatterjee, Delphi; Payer, Janet; Whipple, Diana; Thoen, Charles; Davis, Donald S.; Sedgwick, Charles; Montali, Richard; Ziccardi, Michael; Maslow, Joel. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Mar. 2001, v. 32 (1), p. 1-16. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, infection, bacterial diseases, treatment.


Genetic and ultrastructure characterization of a European isolate of the fatal endotheliotropic elephant herpesvirus. Ehlers, B.; Burkhardt, S.; Goltz, M.; Bergmann, V.; Ochs, A.; Weiler, H. Journal of General Virology, Mar. 2001, v. 82 (3), p. 475-482. ref. ISSN: 0022-1317.

            NAL call no: QR369.A1J6

            Descriptors: genes, viral diseases, nucleotide sequences, glycoproteins, zoo animals.


Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in elephants (Elephas maximus indicus) in Thailand. Tuntasuvan, D.; Mohkaew, K.; Dubey, J.P. Journal of Parasitology, Feb. 2001, v. 87 (1), p. 229-230. ISSN: 0022-3395.

            NAL call no: 448.8 J824

            Descriptors: immune system, seroprevalence, parasite, agglutination test.


A variant of the endotheliotropic herpesvirus in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos. Fickel, J.; Richman, L.K.; Montali, R.; Schaftenaar, W.; Goritz, F.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Pitra, C. Veterinary Microbiology, Sept. 20, 2001, v. 82 (2), p. 103-109. ref. ISSN: 0378-1135.

            NAL call no: SF601.V44

            Descriptors: circus animals, DNA sequencing, zoo animals, herpesviridae.


A case of Pasteurellosis in elephant. Shrivastav, A.B.; Chaturvedi, V.K. Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 2000, v. 21 (2), p. 159. ref. ISSN: 0970-9320.

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Pasteurella multocida, clinical aspects, case report.


Corneal opacity in a captive elephant. Jayathangaraj, M.G.; Thirunavukarasu, P.S.; Vasu, P.; John, M.C. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal, Mar. 2000, v. 24 (1), p. 81-82. ISSN: 0250-5266.

            NAL call no: SF601.I45

            Descriptors: corneal opacity, eye disease, treatment, vitamin A.


Investigations on the occurrence of herpes virus infections in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Fickel, J.; Lieckfeldt, D.; Feinsch, A.; Goeritz, F.; Hildebrandt, T.B. Advances in Ethology, 2000, v. 35, p. 133. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: animal viruses, infection, viral diseases, elephant.


Isolation of Actinomyces pyogenes (Arcanobacterium pyogenes) from fistula in an elephant. Ronald, B.S.M.; Sukumar, K.; Meenachiselvan, M.S.; Dorairajan, N. Zoo’s, 2000, v. 15 (7), p. 306. ref.

            Descriptors: fistula, case reports, elephant, Actinomyces.


Review of a newly recognized disease of elephants caused by endotheliotropic herpesviruses. Richman, Laura K.; Montali, Richard J.; Hayward, Gary S. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 383-392. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5. Z6

            Descriptors: viral diseases, elephant, endotheliotropic herpesvirus infection.


Tuberculosis in elephants in North America. Larsen, R.S.; Montali, R.J. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 399-403. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: elephants, tuberculosis, North America.


Use of famciclovir for the treatment of endotheliotropic herpesvirus infections in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Schmitt, D.L.; Hardy, D.A.; Montali, R.J.; Richman, L.K. Lindsay, W.A.; Isaza, R.; West, G. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 2000, v. 31 (4), p. 518-522. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: blood composition, drugs, herpes, oedema, Elephas maximus.


Bacterial and fungal pathogens isolated from corneal ulcerations in domesticated elephants (Elephas maximus maximus) in Sri Lanka. Kodikara, D.S.; Silva, N. de.; Makuloluwa, C.A.B.; Silva, N. de; Gunatilake, M. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 1999, v. 2 (3), p. 191-192. ISSN: 1463-5216.

            NAL call no: SF891.V47

            Descriptors: ulcers, eye diseases, bacterial diseases, fungal diseases, morbidity.


First reported case of elephant rabies in Sri Lanka. Wilmalaratne, O.; Kodikara, D.E. The Veterinary Record, Jan. 23, 1999, v. 144 (4), p. 98. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: rabies, Elephas maximus, case report, Sri Lanka.


New disease in Asian elephants. Montali, R.J.; Richman, L.K.; Hildebrandt, Thomas. International Zoo News, Jun. 1999, v. 46 (4), p. 233. No. 293. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: parasites diseases, diseases and disorders, viral diseases, elephants.


Novel endotheliotropic herpesvirus fatal for Asian and African elephants. Richman, Laura K.; Montali, Richard J.; Garber, Richard L.; Kennedy, Melissa A.; Lehnhardt, John; Hildebrandt, Thomas; Schmitt, Dennis; Hardy, Douglas; Alcendor, Donald J.; Hayward, Gary S. Science, Feb. 19, 1999, v. 283 (5405), p. 1171-1176. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: viral diseases, novel endothelial herpesviruses, Elephas, Loxodonta.


Staphlococcal septicemia in Asiatic elephants. Mehrotra, P.X.; Mathur, B.B.L.; Sudhir, Bhargava; Bhargava, S. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 1999, v. 38 (2), p. 175. ref. ISSN: 0019-5057.

            NAL call no: SF1.I4

            Descriptors: septicemia, treatment, diagnosis, antibiotics, abscesses.


Detection of Bluetongue antibody and antigen in Indian elephants, spotted deer and blackbucks. Bhat, M. Narayana; Manickam, R.; Aruni, Wilson. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Feb. 1998, v. 68 (2), p. 135. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: epidemiology, infection, bluetongue virus, deer, elephant.


Detection of leptospiral antibodies in the sera of elephants. Bhatt, M.R.; Manickam, R.; Neduncheilian, S.; Vajravelu, Jayakumar; Jayakumar, V. Indian Veterinary Journal, Mar. 1998, v. 75 (3), p. 201-203. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: antibodies, agglutination tests, serological surveys, bacterial diseases.


Isolation of Pseudomonas organism from an affected tusk of an elephant. Sutopa, Das; Kalita, D.; Barman, N.N.; Sarmah, B.; Das, S. Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology: Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 1998, v. 19 (2), p. 129. ref. ISSN: 0970-9320.

            Descriptors: tooth diseases, diagnosis, case reports, elephant.


Managing a Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive elephant at the San Francisco Zoo. “ A pain in the butt for her and us”. Rudovsky, Michele; Dunker, Freeland; Channon, Connie. Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Conference of AAZK, EMA, AZH, Indianapolis, IN. 1998, 1-286 p. Chapter pagination: 127-138.

            NAL call no: QL82.A28 1998

            Descriptors: diagnostic techniques, treatment techniques, bacterial diseases.


A case study of colic in an Asian elephant. Jayathangaraj, M.G.; Suresh, R.V.; John, Mathew C. Gajah, Jan. 1997, v. 17, p. 37-40. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: colic, elephant, case study, treatment.


Detection of rinderpest antibodies in elephants, spotted deer and blackbucks. Narayana, Bhat.; Manickan, R. International Journal of Animal Sciences, Jul./Dec. 1997, v. 12 (2), p. 253-254. ISSN: 0970-2857.

            NAL call no: SF81.F3

            Descriptors: viral diseases, Bovidae, Cervidae, Elephas, rinderpest.


Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in wild white-tailed deer in Michigan and elephants. Whipple, D.L.; Meyer, R.M.; Berry, D.F.; Jarnagin, J.L.; Payeur, J.B. Proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association, Louisville, KY, Oct. 18-24, 1997, p. 543-546. ref.

            NAL call no: 49.9 UN3R

            Descriptors: epidemiology, elephants, tuberculosis, DNA fingerprinting.


Paralysis of the trunk in Asian elephants. Krishnamurthy, V. Gajah, Jan. 1997, v. 17, p. 47-48. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: trunk, paralysis, causes, diseases and disorders, Elephas maximus.


Preputial diverticulum in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus): A case report. Sarma, K.K.; Dutta, B. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1997, v.74 (1), p. 59-60. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: glans penis, micturition, phimosis, preputial diverticulum.


Serological evidence of bovine herpesvirus 1 and 2 in Asian elephants. Bhat, M.N.; Manickam, R.; Kumanan, K. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Oct. 1997, v. 33 (4), p. 919-920. ref. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: serology, seroprevalence, haemagglutination tests, viral diseases.


Lymphoid follicular vulvitis in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants. Munson, L.; Karesh, W.; Shin, Sang; Balke, J.; Calle, P.; Cambre, R.; Cranfield, M.; Citino, S.; Junge, R.; Shin, S. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1995, v. 26 (3), p. 353-358. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: microbial flora, elephants, vulvitis, diseases of animals, genital diseases.


Review of the incidence, etiology and control of common diseases of Asian elephants with special reference to Kerala. Chandrasekharan, K.; Radhakrishnan, K.; Cheeran, Jacob V.; Muraleedharan, Nair K.N.; Praghakaran, T. A Week With Elephants: Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Conservation of Asian Elephants, June 1993. Oxford University Press, 1995, i-vii, 1-535 p., viii-xi. Chapter pagination: 439-449. ISBN: 0195638506.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98I67 1995

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, parasites and disorders, pathological techniques.


Alexander, the elephant who couldn’t eat peanuts. Leavitt, Susan; Davis, Bill; Davis, Colleen. Fairfax, VA Food Allergy Network, c 1994. 1 videocassette (9min. 53 sec.) sd. col. ISBN: 1882541022.

            NAL call no: Videocassette no. 2065.

            Descriptors: food allergy, videocassette, elephant.


A case of mandibular caries in a domestic elephant (Elephas maximus). Ranganath, L.; Ranganath, B.N.; Srinivas, C.L.; Rao, N. Madhur; Jayadevappa, S.M. Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, 1993, v. 14 (1), p. 37. ISSN: 0254-4105.

            NAL call no: SF604.I45

            Descriptors: dental and oral systems, surgery, morphology, veterinary medicine.


Chronic metritis in a captive Indian elephant: A case report. Acharjya, L.N.; Tripathy, S.B.; Rao, A.T.; Mohanty, B.N. Pashudhan, 1992, v. 7 (6), p. 5. ref.

            NAL call no: SF604.P27

            Descriptors: zoo animals, uterine diseases, endometritis, elephants.


A fibroma in the trunk of an Indian elephant. Pandey, S.K.; Bandopaphyay, A.C. Indian Veterinary Journal, Sept. 1992, v. 69 (9), p. 847. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: trunk, neoplastic diseases, fibroma, Elephas maximus.


Insect-inflicted nodular myositis on the trunk of an Indian elephant, Elephas maximus bengalensis de Blainville. Pythal, C.; Rajan, A. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 1992, (1993) v. 23 (2), p. 55-57. ISSN: 0971-0701.

            NAL call no: SF604.K42

            Descriptors: Diptera, insects, pathology, animals.


Persistent corneal erosion in an Asian elephant. Wolfer, J.; Rich, P. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 1992, v. 33 (5), p. 337-339. ref. ISSN: 0008-5286.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R3224

            Descriptors: cornea, zoo animals, eye diseases, elephant, case reports.


Detection and inhibition of fungi from the excised trunk of an Asian elephant. Riha, V.F.; Peterson, L.J.; Rossmoore, H.W.; Shoshani, J. Int. Biodeterioration, 1991, v. 28 (1-4), p. 113-124.

            NAL call no: QH301.I54

            Descriptors: fungi, formaldehyde, penicillium notatum, thymol.


Diseases of elephants. Colly, L. Proceedings of a symposium on the African elephant as a game ranch animal. South African Veterinary Association, 1991?, 1-146 p. Chapter pagination: 106-114.

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana, diseases.


Epidermoid cysts in the skin of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Anderson. W.I.; Scott, D.W. Veterinary Dermatology, 1991, v. 2 (3-4), p. 171-172. ref. ISSN: 0959-4493.

            NAL call no: SF901.V47

            Descriptors: skin diseases, epidermis, cysts, case reports, Elephas maximus.


Tusk root infection in an Indian elephant. Bhardwaj, R.M. Zoos’ ,1991 v. 6 (5), p. 10. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: tusks, bacterial diseases, tusk root infection, case report.


Acute enteritis in a domestic elephant (Elephas maximus). Vasantha, M.S.; Yathiraj, S. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1990, v. 67 (1), p. 63-64. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: diet, enteritis, diarrhoea, elephants, case report.


Acute and fatal herpesvirus infection in a young Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Oosent, P.; Guscetti, F.; Metzler, A.E.; Lang, E.M.; Rubel, A.; Hauser, B. Veterinary Pathology, Mar. 1990, v. 27 (2), p. 131-133. ill. ref. ISSN: 0300-9858.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P27

            Descriptors: herpesvirus, acute course, Elephas maximus, nuclear inclusions.


Bronchopneumonia in an elephant. Panicker, K.R.; Valsala, K.V. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 1990, v. 29 (1), p. 85-86. ISSN: 0019-5057.

            NAL call no: SF1.I4

            Descriptors: respiratory diseases, abscesses, pneumonia, elephants, case report.


Foot and mouth disease in an elephant in Calcutta Zoological Garden: A case report. Chakraborty, T.; Majumder, B.K. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal, 1990, v. 14 (3), p. 213-214. ISSN: 0250-5266.

            NAL call no: SF601.I45

            Descriptors: viral diseases, foot and mouth, elephant.


Osteoarthritis in an Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus). Koshy, Varghese; Mammen, Abraham; Valsala, K.V.; Rajan, A. Cheiron, 1990, v. 19 (4), p. 185-186. ISSN: 0379-542X

            NAL call no: SF604.C56

            Descriptors: osteoarthritis, joint diseases, elephants, arthritis.


Osteo-arthritis in an elephant (Elaphus maximus indicus). George, P.O.; Rajan, A.; Varkey, C. Abraham; Balagopalan, T.P.; Rajankutty, K. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 1990, v. 21 (1), p. 157-159. ISSN: 0971-0701.

            NAL call no: SF604.C56

            Descriptors: joint ulcers, immobility, bone rarefaction, histopathology.


Serological evidence of herpesvirus infection in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Metzler, A.E.; Ossent, P.; Guscetti, F.; Rubel, A.; Lang, E.M. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1990, v. 26 (1), p. 41-49. ref. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: serology, infection, bovine herpesvirus, neutralization.


Detection of virus-infection-associated (VIA) antibody in serum of animals susceptible to foot and mouth disease virus (elephants). Short communication. Pattnaik, B.; Venkatarmanan, R. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Mar. 1989, v. 59 (3), p. 356-357. ref. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: elephants, foot and mouth disease, antibodies, aphthovirus.


Disorders of performing elephants: Perineal hernia, prepatellar bursitis and olecranal tyloma. Kuntze, A. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbicht des 31. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere, Dortmund, 1989, p. 185-187. ref. ISBN: 305006518.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: circus animals, lameness, stifle, elephants.


Stiff leg lameness in elephants. Elze, K.; Selbitz, H.J.; Seifert, S.; Eulenberger, K. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 31. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere, Dortmund. 1989, p. 189-194. ref. ISBN: 3055006518.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: joint diseases, lameness, elephants.


Surgical treatment of purulent pododermatitis in an Indian elephant. Franz, W.; Seidel, B.; Jacob, A. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 31. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere, Dortmund, 1989, p. 195-199. ref. ISBN: 3055006518.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: foot diseases, surgical operations, pododermatitis, case reports.


Foot and mouth disease in elephant (Elephas maximus). Short communication. Rahman, H.; Dutta, P.K.; Dewan, J.N. Journal of Veterinary Medicine,-Series B. Jan. 1988, v. 35 (1), p. 70-71. ref. ISSN: 0931-1793.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Z52

            Descriptors: elephants, foot and mouth disease, diagnosis, aphthovirus.


Salmonellosis in a captive Asian elephant. Chooi, K.F.; Zahari, Z.Z. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1988, v. 19 (1-2), p. 48-50. ref.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: zoo animals, Salmonellosis, elephants, case reports.


Two different viral diseases (pox and herpes) in Asian elephants in a small traveling circus. Pilaski, J.; Hentschke, J.; Sinn, d.; Francke, R.; Rosenbruch, M.; Olberding, P.; Molle, G. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 30. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere, 1988, p. 263-269. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: animal health, pathogens, biogenic diseases of animals.


Herpesvirus infection in an Asiatic elephant. Pilaski, J.; Rosenbruch, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Olberding, P.; Hagenbeck, C. Zootiere, 1987, v. 29, p. 179-184. fig. ref.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.S37 1989

            Descriptors: zoo animals, viral diseases, skin diseases, cytoplasmic inclusions.


Isolation and drug susceptibility of Escherichia coli from zoo animals. Rahman, H.; Saika, G.K.; Boro, B.R.; Barua, D.K. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Jul. 1986, v. 56 (7), p. 765-766. ref. ISSN: 0367-8381.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: animals, diarrhoea, escherichia, drugs, elephants, deer, lions, tigers.


An outbreak of foot and mouth disease in circus elephants. Piragino, S. Karachi, Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Society, 1985, 7 p. Translated from Zooprofilassi, v. 25 (1-2), p. 17-22, 1970.

            NAL call no: TRANSL-33985

            Descriptors: bibliography, foot and mouth disease, circus elephants, outbreak.


Pox in Asiatic elephants in the Carl Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg. Pilaski, J.; Magunna, E.; Hagenbeck, C. Zootiere, 1985, v. 27, p. 437-447. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.S37 1989

            Descriptors: viral disease, skin diseases, epidemiology, elephants.


Association of a Stephanofilaria indistinguishable from S. assamensis with lesions on the feet of Indian elephants (Elephas maximus). Chatterjee, A. Indian Journal of Animal Health, Jun. 1984, v. 23 (1), p. 29-35. ill. ref. ISSN: 0019-5057.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.S37 1989

            Descriptors: pests, parasitic worms other than nematodes, elephants.


Isolation of anthrax bacillus from an elephant in Bangladesh. Mustafa, A.H.M. Veterinary Record, Jun. 16, 1984, v. 114 (24), p. 590. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: anthrax bacillus, elephant, isolation.


Rabies in an Indian wild elephant calf (Virus, zoonosis). Gopal, T.; Rao, B.U. Indian Veterinary Journal, Jan. 1984, v.61 (1), p. 82-83. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: elephant calf, rabies.


Salmonellosis in a herd of captive elephants. Janssen, D.L.; Karesh, W.B.; Cosgrove, G.E.; Oosterhuis, J.E. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1984, v. 185 (11), p. 1450-1451. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: bacterial diseases, Salmonellosis, Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a circus elephant. Saunders, G. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1983, v. 183 (11). p. 1311-1312. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: diseases of animals, parasites, vectors, animal health, hygiene.


Suppurative pneumonia in an elephant calf due to Corynebacterium pyogenes. Rao, M.S.; Ramachandra, R.N.; Raghavan, R.; Keshavamurthy, B.S. Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, 1983, v. 4 (3), p. 177. ref.

            Descriptors: respiratory diseases, bacterial diseases, wild animals, case report.


Agalactia in an elephant - a case report. Ghosh, K.N.A.; Nair, K.P. Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 1982, v. 8 (1), p. 74-75. ref. ISSN: 0970-2997

            NAL call no: SF871.I443

            Descriptors: lactation, agalactia, case reports, elephants.


A case report of haemorrhagic septicaemia in a wild elephant. Wickremasuriya, U.G. L.S.; Kenderagama, K.W.T. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 1982, v. 30 (2), p. 24. ref.

            NAL call no: 41.8 C33

            Descriptors: elephants, case reports, Pasteurella multocida.


Microfilaria in elephants. Somkiat, Trongwongsa. Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok (Thailand). Abstracts of the Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of Kasetsart University on Veterinary Medicine. 1981, p. 37-38. Kasetsart University Library, Bangkhen, Bankkok 10900, Thailand.

            Descriptors: animal diseases, pests of animals, parasitic worms other than nematodes.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an Asian elephant. Gutter, A. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 105-106. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: bacterial diseases, Elephas maximus, case report.


Papillomatosis in Indian elephants. Sundberg, J.P.; Russell, W.C.; Lancaster, W. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1981, v. 179 (11), p. 1247-1249. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: papillmatosis, papilloma virus, Elephas maximus.


Disease of working Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) with regard to the local possibilities of diagnosis and therapy. Jainudeen, M.R. 1977. 19 leaves.

            NAL call no: TRANSL-30311

            Descriptors: diseases, working elephants, Sri Lanka, therapy, diagnosis.


Grammocephalosis in an Indian elephant in Karnataka (Grammocephalus hybridatus). Pillay, K.R.S.; Rahman, S.A.; Hegde, K.S.; Rajasekaran, D. Indian Veterinary Journal, Sept. 1976, v. 53 (9), p. 670-671.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Grammocephalosis.


An outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus). Pyakural, S.; Singh, U.; Singh, N.S. Veterinary Record, Jul. 10, 1976, v. 99 (2), p. 28-29. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: foot and mouth disease, elephants.


Diseases of working Asian elephants (Elaphus maximus) in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) with regard to the local possibilities of diagnosis and therapy. Jainudeen, M.R.; Scheurmann, E. DTW Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr, Sept. 5, 1975, v. 82 (9), p. 355-359. ref.

            Language: German with English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: diseases, working elephants, Sri Lanak.


Tuberculosis in domesticated Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus. Pinto, M.R.M.; Jainudeen, M.R.; Panabokke, R.G. Veterinary Record, Dec. 29 1973, v. 29 (26), p. 662-664. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641

            Descriptors: Tuberculosis, Asiatic elephant.


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Sequence variation at two mitochondrial genes in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) population of Sri Lanka. Vandebona, Himesha; Goonesekere, N.C.W.; Tiedemann, R.; Ratnasooriya, W.D.; Gunasekera, Maya B. Mammalian Biology, 2002, v. 67 (4), p. 193-205. ISSN: 1616-5047.

            NAL call no: QL700.Z4

            Descriptors: molecular genetics, mtDNA, population genetics, variation.


Comparative cytogenetics of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Houck, M.L.; Kumamoto, A.T.; Gallagher, D.S. Jr.; Benirschke, K. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 2001, v. 93 (3-4), p. 249-252. ref. ISSN: 0301-0171.

            NAL call no: 442.8 C992

            Descriptors: chromosome analysis, cytogenetics, karyotypes, chromosomes.


Isolation and characterization of tri- and tetranucleotide micro satellite loci in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Fernando, Prithiviraj; Vidya, T.N.C.; Melnick, Don J. Molecular Ecology Notes, Dec. 2001, v. 1 (4), p. 232-233. ISSN: 1471-8278.

            NAL call no: QH541.15.M632

            Descriptors: molecular genetics, population genetics, nucleotide sequence.


Phylogeography of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), based on mitochondrial DNA. Fleischer, R.C.; Perry, E.A.; Muralidharan, K.; Stevens, E.E.; Wemmer, C.M. Evolution, Sept. 2001, v. 55 (9), p. 1882-1892. ISSN: 0014-3820.

            NAL call no: 443.8 EV62

            Descriptors: phylogeny, tRNA, mitochondrial DNA, nucleotide sequence.


The GTG-banded karyotype and telomere FISH in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Suwattana, D.; Koykul, W.; Mahasawangkul, S.; Kanchanapangka, S.; Joerg, H.; Stranzinger, G. Veterinarni Medicina, 2000, v. 45 (10-11), p. 285-289. ref. ISSN: 0375-8427.

            NAL call no: 41.9 C333

            Descriptors: karyotypes, Elephas maximus.


Mitochondrial DNA variation, phylogeography and population structure of the Asian elephant. Fernando, P.; Pfrender, M.E.; Encalada, S.E.; Lande, R. Heredity, Mar. 2000, v. 84 (3), p. 362-372. ref. ISSN: 0018-067X.

            NAL call no: 443.8 H42

            Descriptors: DNA, genetic analysis, genetic diversity, mitochondria.


Molecular genetic and behavioral analysis of social organization in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Fernando, P.; Lande, R. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Jun. 2000, v. 48 (1), p. 84-91. ref. ISSN: 0340-5443.

            NAL call no: QL751.B4

            Descriptors: animal behavior, genetics, social behavior, Elephas maximus.


Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the African elephant ( Loxodonta africana) and their use in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Eggert. L.S.; Ramakrishnan, U.; Mundy, N.I.; Woodruff, D.S. Molecular Ecology, Dec. 2000, v. 9 (12), p. 2223-2226. ISSN: 0962-1083.

            NAL call no: QH540.M64

            Descriptors: elephants genetics, polymorphism genetics, microsatellite repeats.


Chromosome profile of Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Sakthikumar, A.; Mukundan, G.; Raghunandana, K.V. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 1999, v. 69 (2), p. 175-182.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: X-chromosome, Y-chromosome, chromosome number, diploidy.


The chromosomes of the Asian elephant. Chen, Yuze; Liu, Ruiqing; Nai, Wenhui; Wang, Jinhuan; Yang, Mei; He, Conghao; Bao, Yanfen; Lei, Wenhong; Chen, Y.Z.; Liu, R.Q.; Nai, W.H.; Wang, J.H.; Yang, M.; He, C.H.; Bao, Y.F.; Lei W.H. Zoological Research, Feb.1998, v. 19 (1), p. 93-94. ISSN: 0254-5853.

            Language: Chinese

            NAL call no: QL1.T85

            Descriptors: karyotypes, chromosomes, chromosome banding, Elephas maximus.


Identification of sequence tagged sites in the Asian and African elephant. Burk, Nikki E.; Messer, Lori A.; Ernst, Catherine W.; Rothschild, Max F. Animal Biotechnology, Jul. 1998, v. 9 (2), p. 155-160. ISSN: 1049-5398.

            NAL call no: SF140.B54A55

            Descriptors: gene identification, genetic diversity, gene sequence, tagged sites.


Identification of sequence tagged sites in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Elavsky, N.E.; Ernst, C.W.; Messer, L.A.; Rothschild, M.F. Journal of Animal Science, 1997, v. 75 (Suppl. 1), p. 146. ISSN: 0021-8812.

            NAL call no: 49 J82

            Descriptors: sequence tagged sites, species comparison, elephant.


Population genetics and systematics of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus): A study based on sequence variation at the Cyt b gene of PCR-amplified mitochondrial DNA from hair bulbs. Hartl, G.B.; Kurt, F.; Tiedemann, R.;Gmeiner, Christine; Nadlinger, K. Mar, Khyne, U.; Rubel, A. Zeitschrift fuer Saeugetierkunde, Oct. 1996, v. 61 (5), p. 285-294. ISSN: 0044-3468.

            NAL call no: QL700.Z4

            Descriptors: population genetics, sequence variation, Cyt b gene, mitochondrial DNA.


Electrophoretic and chromosomal variation in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Hartl, G.B.; Kurt, F.; Hemmer, W.; Nadlinger, K. Zoo Biology, Wiley-Liss, Inc. NY, NY. 1995, v. 14 (2), p. 87-95. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: genetic polymorphism, genetic analysis, Elephas maximus.


A stochastic simulation model for Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, population and the inheritance of tusks. Tiedemann, Ralph; Kurt, Fred. Acta Theriologica, 1995, v. 40 (Suppl.3), p. 111-124. ISSN: 0001-7051.

            NAL call no: 410 AC88

            Descriptors: inheritance, mathematical model, population dynamics.


Tuskless bulls in Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. History and population genetics of a man-made phenomenon. Kurt, Fred; Hartl, Gunther B.; Tiedemann, Ralph. Acta Theriologica (Suppl.), 1995, v. 3, p. 125-143. ISSN: 1509-4537.

            NAL call no: 410 AC88

            Descriptors: tuskless bulls, human influence, population genetics.


Relatedness estimation of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) by DNA fingerprinting. Bischof, L.L.; Duffield, D.A. Zoo Biology, Wiley-Liss, Inc. NY, NY. 1994, v. 13 (1), p. 77-82. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: paternity, DNA-fingerprinting, inbred lines, Elephas maximus.


Chromosome profile of Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Sakthikumar, A.; Mukundan, G.; Raghunandanan, K. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 1990, v. 60 (2), p. 175-182. ref. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: chromosomes, karyotypes, elephants.


Genetic differentiation among local populations of Asian elephant. Nozawa, K.; Shotake, T. Zeitschrift fuer Zoologische-Systematik und Evolutionsforschung. 1990, v. 28 (1), p. 40-47. ISSN: 0044-3808.

            NAL call no: QL351.Z4

            Descriptors: genetic distance, genetic variation, population genetics, Elephas maximus.


Genetic variability within and between Sri Lankan and Indian subspecies of tamed Asian elephants, Elephas maximus. Shotake, T.; Nozawa, K.; Singh, M.; Cyril, H.W.; Crusz, H. Report of the Society for Researches on Native Livestock, Japan. 1986, No. 11, p. 215-221. ref.

            Language: Japanese.

            Descriptors: biochemical polymorphism, gene frequency, blood, elephants.


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The louse, Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget, 1869, (Mallophaga Haematomyzidae) infection of captive Asian elephants and its treatment. Murata, K. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 2002, v. 7 (2), p. 145-148. ref. ISSN: 1342-6133.

            Language: English, Japanese.

            Descriptors: carbaryl, pruritus, pyrethroids, zoo animals, Elephas maximus.


Epidemiological and clinico-therapeutic studies of strongylosis in elephants. Suresh, K.; Choudhuri, P.C.; Kumari, K.N.; Hafeez, M.; Hamza, P.A. Zoos`, 2001, v. 16 (7), p. 539-540. ref. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: drug therapy, faeces, helminth ova, albendazole, epidemiology.


In vitro survivability of strongylid larvae of elephants. Taman, M.; Jayathangaraj, M.G.; Malik, P.K. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Nov. 2001, v. 71 (11), p. 1043-1044. ISSN: 0367-9318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: Strongylidae, mammalian hosts, larval in-vitro survivability.


Parasites found in faeces of Indian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Thailand following treatment with mebendazole, with observations on Pfenderius papillatus (Cobbold, 1882) Stiles and Goldberger, 1910 by scanning electron microscope. Carreno, R.A.; Neimanis, A.S.; Lindsjo, J.; Thongnoppakun, P.; Barta, J.R.; Peregrine, A.S. Helminthologia Bratislava, Jun. 2001, v. 38 (2), p. 75-79. ref. ISSN: 0440-6605.

            NAL call no: 436.8 H36

            Descriptors: drug therapy, faeces, mebendazole, scanning electron microscopy.


Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in elephants (Elephas maximus indicus) in Thailand. Tuntasuvan, D.; Mohkaew, K.; Dubey, J.P. Journal of Parasitology, Feb. 2001, v. 87 (1), p. 229-230. ISSN: 0022-3395.

            NAL call no: 448.8 J824

            Descriptors: antibodies, Toxoplasma immunology, parasitology, elephants.


In vitro survivability of strongylid larvae of elephants. Raman, M.; Jayathangaraj, M.G.; Malik, P.K. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Nov. 2001, v. 71 (11), p. 1043-1044. ref. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: in vitro, larvae, survival, strongylid, elephants.


Strongylosis in captive elephants: A report. Raman, M.; Jayathagaraj, M.G.; Rajavelu, G.; John, M.C. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 2000, v. 39 (2), p. 85-86. ref. ISSN: 0019-5057.

            NAL call no: SF1.I4

            Descriptors: anaemia, anthelmintics, drug therapy, fenbendazole, larvae.


On the occurrence of Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Mallophaga: Haematomyzidae) on the elephant, Elephas maximus indicus Cuvier, a new record for peninsular Malaysia. Jeffery, J.; Vellayan, S.; Sulaiman, S.; Oothuman, P.; Zahedi, M.; Krishnasamy, M. Tropical Biomedicine, Dec. 1999, v. 16 (2), p. 51-52. ISSN: 0127-5720.

            Descriptors: Haematomyzus elephantis, mammalian hosts, parasite distribution.


Pathology of concurrent Gastrodiscus secundus and Pseudodiscus collinsi infection in two captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Saidul, Islam; Abdul, Mukit; Manoranjan, Das; Islam, S.; Mukit, A.; Das, M. Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 1999, v. 13 (2), p. 151-152. ref.

            Descriptors: caecum, parasites, helminths, elephants, case reports.


The study of a flagellate protozoan, Triplumaria selenica, from the colon of an elephant. Chardez, Didier. Revue Vervietoise d’Histoire Naturelle, 1999, p. 11-13. ISSN: 0375-1465.

            Language: French.

            Descriptors: Triplumaria selenica, general cell ultra structure, parasite.


Coproculture and demonstration of third stage larvae of Murshidia sp. In elephants (Elephas maximus). Bhat, M.N.; Manickam, R. Indian Veterinary Journal, Dec.1998, v. 75 (12), p. 1140-1142. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: faeces, zoo animals, case report, parasites.


Parasitic infections of Sumatran elephant in the Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia. Matsuo, Kayoko; Hayani, Sprahman; Kamiya, Masao. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept.1998, v. 3 (2), p. 95-100. ISSN: 1342-6133.

            Language: Japanese.

            Descriptors: parasites, infection, Elephas maximus sumatranus, survey.


Asian elephants with longer tusks have lower parasite loads. Watve, Milind G.; Sukumar, R. Current Sciences, Jun. 10,1997, v. 72 (11), p. 885-889. ISSN: 0011-3891.

            NAL call no: 475 SCI23

            Descriptors: parasitology, behavior, elephants.


Some parasites from Sumatran elephants in Indonesia. Matsuo, K.; Suprahman, H. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington, Jul. 1997, v. 64 (2), p. 298-299. ref. ISSN: 1049-233X.

            NAL call no: QL392.J68

            Descriptors: nematoda, trematoda, gasterophilidae, Elephas maximus.


Studies on some aspects of fascioliasis in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Saidul, Islam; Islam, S. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology, 1997, v. 11 (1), p. 109.

            NAL call no: SF810.A3J6

            Descriptors: trematode infections, liver, helminth ova, elephants, faeces, drug therapy.


Three new intestinal protozoan species of the genus Latteuria n.g. (Ciliophora: Trichostomatia) from Asian and African elephants. Timoshenko, Olga; Imai, Soichi. Parasitology International, Dec. 1997, v. 46 (4), p. 297-303. ISSN: 1383-5769.

            NAL call no: QL757.P3747

            Descriptors: parasite host, parasitology, Latteuria, elephants.


Eleven new ciliate species of the genus Triplumaria (Ciliophora, Entodinimorphida) from Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, and African elephant, Loxodonta africana. Timoshenko, O.; Imai, S. Journal of Protozoology Research, 1995, v. 5 (4), p. 157-175. ref. ISSN: 0917-4427.

            NAL call no: QL366.J68

            Descriptors: elephants, faeces, ciliates, parasites, new species.


Helminth parasites of elephants: Ecological aspects. Watve, Milind G. A Week With Elephants: Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Conservation of Asian Elephant, June 1993. Oxford University Press, N.Y., N.Y. Daniel, J.C.; Datye, Hemant S. (Eds). 1995, i-vii, 1-535 p., viii-xi. Chapter pagination: 289-295. ISBN: 0195638506.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98I67 1995

            Descriptors: Cestoda, Nematoda, mammalian hosts, Elephas maximus.


Pathology due to Fasciola jacksoni in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus). Singh, K.P.; Srivastava, V.K.; Prasad, A.; Pandey, A.P. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Aug. 1994, v. 64 (8), p. 802-804. ISSN: 0367-8313.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Fasciola, helminths, parasitology.


A study of helminth parasites of elephants (Elephas maximus). Li, C.X.; Rong, Y.M.; Xie, Q.P. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 1993, v. 28 (5), p. 43-44. ref. ISSN: 0250-3263.

            Language: Chinese.

            NAL call no: QL1.T8

            Descriptors: elephants, parasites, helminths.


A new species of parasitic nematodes from Indian elephant (Strongylata: Trichonematidae). Zhang, L.P.; Xie, Q.P. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 1992, v. 17 (2), p. 151-155. ISSN: 1000-0739.

            NAL call no: QL351.T85

            Descriptors: Quilonia edentata, Elephas maximus, mammalian hosts, new species.


Treatment of helminthiosis in elephants. Rao, D.S.T.; Yathiraj, S.; Choudhuri, P.C.; Reddy, P.K.; Konda, Reddy P. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, Dec.1992, v. 62 (12), p. 1155-1156. ref. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: parasitoses, fenbendazole, helminthoses elephants.


Helminth infection with reference to the clinical and haematological observations in elephants. Sarode, D.B.; Hatwar, A.K.; Hiwase, S.D. Zoos’, 1991, v. 6 (11), p. 10-11. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: Oesophagostomum, mammalian hosts, haematological effects.


Morphological study of the adult stage of elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis with light and scanning electron microscopy (Insecta: Rhyncophthiraptera). Jeu, Minghwa; Pan, Peifang; Juang, Fuming. Journal of Shanghai Agricultural College, Mar. 1990, v. 8 (1), p. 9-19. ISSN: 1000-193X.

            Language: Chinese.

            Descriptors: Haematomyzus elephantis, general morphology, parasite morphology.


Anthelmintic activity of fenbendazole (Panacur) against Murshidia murshida in zoo elephants. Roy, S.; Mazumdar, B.K. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1988, v. 65 (6), p. 531-532. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: elephants, anthelmintics, drug therapy, fenbendazole.


Anthelmintic efficacy of albendazole against parasites in Indian elephants. Li, C.X.; Rong, Y.M.; Lan, J.G. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 1988, v. 9, p. 42-43. ISSN: 1000-6419.

            Descriptors: Trematoda, Nematoda, Digenea, Elephas maximus.


A note on the successful treatment of Trichostrongyle infection of elephants (Elephas maximus) with Panacur (fenbendazole). Lahkar, B.C.; Das, M.R. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1988, v. 65 (6), p. 538. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: elephants, anthelmintics, drug therapy, fenbendazole.


Endoparasites of African and Asian elephants. Bauer, C.; Stoye, M. Praktische Tierarzt, 1985, v. 66 (1), p. 55-56, 58-60. col. plt. ref. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: elephants, parasites, Helminths, zoo animals.


Ivermectin treatment of lice infestation in two elephant species. Karesh, W.B.; Robinson, P.T. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1235-1236. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3

            Descriptors: insect parasites, treatment with Ivermectin, Elephas maximus.


Association of a Stephanofilaria indistinguishable from S. Assamensis with lesions on the feet of Indian elephants (Elephas maximus). Chatterjee, A. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 1984, v. 23 (1), p. 29-35. ISSN: 0019-5057.

            NAL cll no: SF1.I4

            Descriptors: reaction of host to parasite, pathology, Nematoda, Elephas maximus.


A new ear mite from the Indian elephant (Acari: Anoetidae) (L oxanoetus lenae).Domrow, R.; Ladds, P.W. Journal of Natural History, London. Sept./Oct. 1984, v. 18 (5), p. 759-764. ill. ref. ISSN: 0022-2933.

            NAL call no: QH7.J6

            Descriptors: acari, taxonomy, Indian elephants, case reports.


Record of some nematodes from an Indian elephant. Gupta, N.K.; Kalia, D.C. Research Bulletin of the Punjab University, Science, 1984, v. 35, (1-2), p. 7-9. ref. ISSN: 0555-7631.

            NAL call no: 513 EA72

            Descriptors: parasites, morphology, helminths, elephants.


On Bivitellobilharzia naiti (Mudaliar and Ramanujachari, 1945) Dutt and Srivastava, 1955 (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) parasitic in Indian elephants (Elephas maximus), with a redescription of the species. Sundaram, R.K.; Tyer, R.P.; Peter, C.T.; Alwar, V.S. Indian Veterinary Journal, Jan. 1972, v. 49 (1), p. 1-10.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, parasites, Trematoda.


On Indofilaria elephantis n. sp. from Indian elephant (Elephas maximus). Chandrasekharan, K. Sundaram, R.K.; Peter, C.T. Indian Veterinary Journal, Sept. 1972, v. 49 (9), p. 857-862. ref.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: Indofilaria, parasites, Elephas maximus.


Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1802) Cobb, 1898 from an Indian elephant in Mysore. Rahman, S.A.; Pillay, K.R.S.; Prema, B.V.; Narayanaswamy, M. Current Science, Aug. 5, 1970, v. 39 (15), p. 356-357.

            NAL call no: 475 SCI23

            Descriptors: parasites. Elephant, Haemonchus.


A case of cestode infection in an Indian elephant. Chandrasekharan, K.; Rajamohanan, K.; Sundaram, R.K. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1979, v. 10 (1), p. 157-158. ISSN: 0374-8774.

            NAL call no: SF604.K42

            Descriptors: Cestoda, Anoplocephala manubriata, Elephas maximus.


Some clinico-pathologic findings in elephants (Elephas maximus) infected with Fasciola jacksoni. Caple, I.W.; Jainudeen, M.R.; Buick, T.D.; Song, C.Y. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 1978, v. 14 (1), p. 110-115. ISSN: 0090-3558.

            NAL call no: 41.9 W64B

            Descriptors: Digenean parasites, Fasciola jacksoni, Elephas maximus.


Louse (Haematomyzus elephantis) infestation of Asian elephants. Kane, K.K.; Corwin, R.M.; Boever, W.J. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 1, 1976, v. 169 (9), p. 906-908. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3

            Descriptors: Louse, Haematomyzus elephantis, Elephas maximus


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Mellifluous matures to malodorous in musth. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Riddle, H.S.; Krishnamurthy, V. Nature, Feb. 28, 2002, v. 415 (6875), p. 975-976. ISSN: 0028-0836.

            NAL Call no: 472 N21

            Descriptors: elephant physiology, sex attractants, sex behavior, ketones.


Utility of maternal serum total testosterone analysis for fetal gender determination in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Duer, Connie; Carden, Melissa; Schmitt, Dennis; Tomasi, Thomas. Animal Reproduction Science, Jan. 23, 2002, v. 69 (1-2), p. 47-52. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: blood, sex determination, pregnancy, testosterone blood.


Demonstration of 2-unsaturated C19-steroids in the urine of female Asian elephants, Elephas maximus, and their dependence on ovarian activity. Dehnhard, M.; Heistermann, M.; Goritz, F.; Hermes, R.; Hildebrandt, T.; Haber, H. Reproduction, 2001, v. 121 (3), p. 475-484. ref. ISSN: 1470-1626.

            NAL call no: QP251.J75

            Descriptors: androsterone, oestrus cycle, pheromones, steroid hormones, elephants.


Guidelines for veterinary assistance during the reproductive process in female elephants. Schaftenaar, Willem; Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Flugger, Michael; Goeritz, Frank; Schmitt, Dennis; West, Gary. Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, and National Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, Sept. 18-23, 2001, i-xx, 1-411 p. Chapter pagination: 348-355.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, reproductive techniques, guidelines.


Macroscopic changes in the mucous membrane of vaginal vestibule during the estrous cycle of female Asian elephant. Doi, O.; Yamada, T.; Terazono, M.; Wada, S.; Akihisa, N.; Sakamoto, H.; Hamazaki, T.; Yanagimoto, H.; Nakano, K.; Matsuoka, K.; Ito, A.; Iwahashi, N.; Mizuno, A.; Kusunoki, H. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 2001, v. 6 (2), p. 55-59. ref. ISSN: 1342-6133.

            Language: Japanese.

            Descriptors: mucosa, oestrus cycle, progesterone, vagina, vulva.


Source and cyclic release pattern of (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate, the pre-ovulatory pheromone of the female Asian elephant. Rasmussen, L.E.L. Chemical Senses, Jul. 2001, v. 26 (6), p. 611-623. ref. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: acetates-esters, sex pheromones, sexual behavior, flehmen, Elephas.


Analysis of musth episodes in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Prasad, A.; Dinesh, M.T.; Hareesh, P.S.; Biju, S.; Harikumar, S.; Saseendran, P.C. Zoos’, 2000, v. 15 (9), p. 322-327. ref.

            Descriptors: breeding season, reproductive behavior, males, sexual maturity.


Cracking the chemical signal code of elephant reproductive behavior. Rasmussen, L.E.L. Advances in Ethology, 2000, (35), p. 14-16. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: behavior, reproductive system, musth episodes, estrous cyclicity.


Demonstration of 2-unsaturated C-19 steroids in urine of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, and its dependence on gonadal activity. Dehnhard, M.; Heistermann, M.; Goritz, F.; Hermes, R.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Ochs, A.; Strauss, G.; Weisgerber, C.; Haber, H. Advances in Ethology, 2000, (35), p. 81. ISSN: 0931-4202.

            NAL call no: 410 Z35B

            Descriptors: endocrine system, reproductive system, ovary, urine.


Effects of various extenders and egg yolk on Asian elephant semen cooled to 5 degrees C. Graham, Laura H.; Bando, Jenn; Gray, Charlie; Buhr, Mary M. Biology of Reproduction, 2000, v. 62 (Suppl. 1), p. 321-322. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: egg yolk, reproductive system, semen, artificial insemination.


Evaluation of sperm acrosome reaction in the Asiatic elephant. Kitiyanant, Y.; Schmidt, M.J.; Pavasuthipaisit, K. Theriogenology, Mar. 2000, v. 53 (4), p. 887-896. ref. ISSN: 0093-691X.

            NAL call no: QP251.A1T5

            Descriptors: spermatozoa, semen characteristics, Elephas maximus, acrosome.


Exfoliative cytology in vaginal vestibule of female Asian elephants: Relation to circulating progesterone concentrations. Doi, O.; Komatsumoto, M.; Terazono, M.; Wada, S.; Akihisa, N.; Sakamoto, H.; Hamasaki, T.; Yanagimoto, H.; Nakano, K.; Matsuoka, K.; Ito, A.; Kusunoki, H.; Nakamura, T. Zoological Science, 2000, v. 17 (9), p. 1303-1309. ref. ISSN: 0289-0003.

            NAL call no: QL1.Z68

            Descriptors: cytology, dioestrus, metoestrus, smears, vagina, progesterone.


A postcryogenic comparison of membrane fatty acids of elephant spermatozoa. Swain, Jason E.; Miller, Robert R. Jr. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 461-473. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: cryogenic spermatozoa freezing, storage method, comparison method.


Reproductive endocrine monitoring of elephants: An essential tool for assisting captive management. Brown, J.L. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 347-367. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: endocrine monitoring, elephants, captive management.


Ultrasonography of the urogenital tract in elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus): An important tool for assessing male reproductive function. Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Hermes, Robert; Pratt, Nancy C.; Fritsch, Guido; Blottner, Steffen; Schmitt, Dennis L.; Ratanakorn, Parntep; Brown, Janine L.; Rietschel, Wolfram; Goeritz, Frank. Zoo Biology, 2000, v. 19 (5), p. 333-345. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: care in captivity, ultrasonography of male urogenital tract.


Calving elephants (normal). Schmidt, M.J.; Fowler, M.E. (Ed.); Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999 Ed., i-xxiii, 1-747 p. Chapter pagination: 522-525. W.B. Saunders; Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: pregnancy, parturition, Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana.


Dystocia in the elephant. Foerner, J.J.; Fowler, M.E. (Ed.); Miller, R.E. Zo o and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999 Ed. 4, 522-525. ref. W. Saunders, Philadelphia. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: dystocia, parturition, fetal death, complications.


Hormone secretion in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus): Characterization of ovulatory and anovulatory luteinizing hormone surges. Brown, J.L.; Schmitt, D.L.; Bellem, A.; Graham, L.H.; Lehnhardt, J. Biology of Reproduction, Nov. 1999, v. 61 (5), p. 1294-1299. ref. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, progesterone, estradiol, prolactin, blood serum.


Use of oxytocin for birth assistance in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). A case report. Flugger, M. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 59-62. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, delayed parturition assistance, oxytocin, birth.


Captive breeding and infant mortality in Asian elephants: A comparison between twenty western zoos and three eastern elephant centers. Taylor, V.J.; Poole, T.B. Zoo Biology, 1998, v. 17 (4), p. 311-332. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: reproductive efficiency, calving rate, stillbirths, conception rate.


Chemical signals in the reproduction of Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Schulte, B.A. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 19-34. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, chemical signals, communication, review.


Endocrinology of the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephant. Hodges, J.K. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 3-18. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: ovarian cycle, pregnancy, birth, hormone concentrations, review.


Manual collection and characterization of semen from Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Schmitt, D.L.; Hildebrandt, T.B. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct.1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 309-314. ref. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: ejaculate volume, ejaculation, semen, techniques, seminal plasma.


Plasma concentrations of immunoreactive relaxin activity and progesterone in the pregnant Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Niemuller, C.A.; Gray, C.; Cummings, E.; Liptrap, R.M. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct.1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 119-131. ref. ISSN: 0378-4320.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: relaxin, progesterone, pregnancy, abortion, gestation period.


Reproductive assessment of male elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus) by ultrasonography. Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Goeritz, Frank; Pratt, Nancy C.; Schmitt, Dennis L.; Quandt, Sybille; Raath, Jacobus; Hofmann, Reinhold. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun. 1998, v. 29 (2), p. 114-128. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: transrectal ultrasonography, diagnostic method, reproductive system.


Status and reproductive capacity of the Asian elephant in zoos and circuses in Europe. Schmid, Jeannette. International Zoo News, Sept. 1998, v. 45 (6), p. 341-351; No. 287. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: breeding programs, fertility, reproductive capacity, Elephas maximus.


Study on the courtship-mating behavior of Asian elephant. Sai, Daojian; Chen, ZhaoBo; Zhang, JiZhong (et-al); Sai, D.J.; Chen, Z.B.; ZhangJ.Z. Chinese Journal of Zoology, Dec. 1998, v. 33 (6), p. 28-31. ref. ISSN: 0250-3263.

            Language: Chinese.

            NAL call no: QL1.T8

            Descriptors: mating behavior, Elephas maximus.


Utility of serum progesterone and prolactin analysis for assessing reproductive status in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Carden, M.; Schmitt, D.; Tomasi, T.; Bradford, J.; Moll, D.; Brown, J. Animal Reproduction Science, Oct. 1998, v. 53 (1-4), p. 133-142. ref.

            NAL call no: QP251.A5

            Descriptors: progesterone, prolactin, blood, oestrus cycle, sexual behavior.


Chemical manipulation of delayed parturition in captive Asiatic elephant at Mysore Zoo. Raju, R.; Rao, B.S.G.; Khadri, S.M.; Asha, D. Indian Forester, Oct.1997, v. 123 (10), p. 910-916. ref. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 In2

            Descriptors: parturition, complications, case reports, oxytocin, Elephas maximus.


Evaluation of progesterone and 20-oxo-progestagens in the plasma of Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. Schwarzenberger, F.; Strauss, G.; Hoppen, H.O.; Schaftenaar, W.; Dieleman, S.J.; Zenker, W.; Pagan, O. Zoo Biology, 1997, v. 16 (5), p. 403-413. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: blood plasma, progesterone, metabolites, estrus cycle, pregnancy.


Modern housing facilities for breeding of elephants in Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Kumar, S.V.; Raghavaiah, P.S. Indian Forester, Oct. 1997, v. 123 (10), p. 924-928. ISSN: 0019-4816.

            NAL call no: 99.8 In2

            Descriptors: breeding, diet, bathing, housing facilities, elephants.


Pregnancy determination in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus): A change in the plasma progesterone to 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone ratio. Niemuller, C.A.; Shaw, H.J.; Hodges, J.K. Zoo Biology, 1997,v. 16 (5), p. 415-426. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: pregnancy, progesterone, diagnosis, bioassays, Elephas maximus.


Purification, identification, concentration and bioactivity of (Z)-7-dodecen-lyl acetate: Sex pheromone of the female Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E. L.; Lee, T.D.; Zhang, A.; Roelofs, W.L.; Daves, G.D.Jr. Chemical Senses, Aug. 1997, v. 22 (4), p. 417-437. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: dodecanol isolation and purification, es trus metabolism, estrus urine.


Secretory patterns of serum prolactin in Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants during different reproductive states: Comparison with concentrations in a noncycling African elephant. Brown, Janine L.; Lehnhardt, John. Zoo Biology, 1997, v. 16 (2), p. 149-159. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: plasma, hormones, mammary glands, lactation status, ovary.


Sexual selection in Asian elephants. Tiedemann, R. Science, Nov. 28, 1997, v. 278 (5343), p. 1550-1551. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: sex behavior, anatomy, histology, physiology.


Ultrasonography and pathology of genital tract leiomyomas in captive Asian elephants: Implications for reproductive soundness. Montali, R.J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Goritz, F.; Hermes, R.; Ippen, R.; Ramsay, E. Erkrankungen der Zootiere: Verhandlungsbericht des 38. Internationalen Symposium uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere von 7 bis May 11, 1997, p 253-259. ref.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: neoplasms, uterine diseases, ultrasonic diagnosis, uterus, pathology.


Artificial insemination (AI) of an Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Hildebrandt, T.S.; Goritz, F.; Pratt, N.C.; Lehnhardt, J.L.; Brown, J.L.; Howard, J.G.; Schmitt, D.L.; Cambre, R.C.; Montali, R.J. Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. i-iii, 1-78 p. Chapter pagination: 74-75.

            Descriptors: artificial insemination, procedure, description, potential.


Captive breeding of Asian elephants in Myanmar: An analysis of the reproductive parameters of domestic female elephants of the Union of Myanmar. Mar, K.U. Tigerpaper, Oct./Dec. 1996, v. 23 (4), p. 6-13. FAO Accession No: XF98:378457. ISSN: 1014-2789.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: captivity, animal breeding, reproductive performance, elephants.


Further investigations on the ovarian cycle of the Asiatic elephant in Berlin-Friedrichsfelde Zoo. Strauss, Gunter. Milu,1996, v. 9 (1), p. 51-56. ISSN: 0076-8839.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: hormones, progesterone profiles, ovary, ovarian cycle, captivity.


Management of Asian elephants for breeding and artificial insemination. Schmitt, Dennis; Carden, Melissa; Bradford, John; Tomassi, Tom. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 788-789. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, breeding management, artificial insemination.


Reproduction of working elephants in Myanmar. Mar, Khyne U.; Kurt, Fred; Nyunt, Thaung; Myint, Aung, Elephant and Man. Workshop on Management of Captive Elephants, Sept. 7-9, 1996. i-iii, 1-78 p. Chapter pagination: 26-37. Schaller, K.; Ziegler, Christel.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, breeding productivity, offspring number.


Reproductive performance of captive Asian elephants in Myanmar. Schmidt, Michael J.; Mar, Khyne U. Gajah, Jul. 1996, v. 16, p. 34-42. ISSN: 1391-1996.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98G34

            Descriptors: reproduction, captive breeding and rearing, review.


Testosterone secretion, musth behavior and social dominance in captive male Asian elephants living near the equator. Lincoln, G.A.; Ratnasooriya, W.D. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Sept. 1996, v. 108 (1), p. 107-113. ref. ISSN: 0022-4521.

            NAL call no: 448.8 J8222

            Descriptors: testosterone, aggressive behavior, androgens, elephants.


Determination of sex hormone-binding globulin in the male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) during nonmusth and musth. Dickerman, R.D.; Zachariah, N.Y.; McConathy, W.J. Clinical Chemistry, 1995, v. 41 (S6 Part 2), p. S162. ISSN: 0009-9147.

            NAL call no: 396.8 C61

            Descriptors: aggression, behavior, clinical chemistry, temporal gland secretion.


Electroejaculation and semen characteristics in Myanmar timber elephants. Mar, Khyne U.; Maung, M.; Thein, M.; Khaing, A.T.; Tun, W.; Nyunt, T. A Week With Elephants: Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Conservation of Asian Elephant, June 1993. Oxford University Press, N.Y. 1995: i-vii, 1-535 p. viii-xi. Chapter pagination: 473-482. ISBN: 0195638506.

            NAL call no: QL737.P98I67 1995

            Descriptors: semen collection, gametes, reproductive system, electroejaculation.


Elephants and their hormone balance. Schaftenaar, Willem. Dieren, May/Jun. 1995, v. 12 (1), p. 4-9. ISSN: 0168-6631.

            Language: Dutch.

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, breeding techniques, hormones.


Estrus cycle and pregnancy in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) . Magunna, Christian. Thesis. Hannover, 1995. 117 p. ill. ref.

            Language: German with summary in English.

            NAL call no: DISS. F1995191

            Descriptors: estrus cycle, pregnancy, Elephas maximus, thesis.


Length of reproduction cycle in Asian elephants. Palm, M. Svensk Veterinaertidning, Sept. 1995, v. 47 (12), p. 519-521. ref. ISSN: 0346-2250.

            Language: Swedish.

            NAL call no: 41.9 SV23

            Descriptors: oestrous cycle, daylight, biological rhythms, elephants.


Serum and urinary hormones during pregnancy and the peri- and postpartum period in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Brown, J.L.; Lehnhardt, J. Zoo Biology, 1995, v. 14 (6), p. 555-564. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, progesterone, prolactin, pregnancy, urine, blood serum.


Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) milk composition during the first 280 days of lactation. Mainka, S.A.; Cooper, R.M.; Black, S.R.; Dierenfeld, E.S. Zoo Biology, 1994, v. 13 (4), p. 389-393. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: milk composition, lactation stage, variation, Elephas maximus.


Chemosensory responses of female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to cyclohexanone. Perrin, T.E.; Rasmussen, L.E.L. Journal of Chemical Ecology, Nov. 1994, v. 20 (11), p. 2857-2881. ref. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A1J6

            Descriptors: glands animal, secretions, responses, flehmen, Elephas maximus.


Choices for elephant programs in North American zoos. Sheng, Y. Sherry; Haight, Jay; Schmidt, Michael. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1994, p. 376-379.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A472

            Descriptors: breeding programs, semen collection, artificial insemination, research.


Collection of semen in an Asian elephant by artificial vagina. Marion, Sioux. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Mar. 1994, v. 21 (3), p. 118. ISSN: 0164-9531.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.A54

            Descriptors: semen collection, artificial vagina, elephant.


Determination of reproductive cyclicity and pregnancy in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) by rapid radioimmunoassay of serum progesterone. Olsen, J.H.; Chen, C.L.; Boules, M.M.; Morris, L.S.; Coville, B.R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1994, v. 25 (3), p. 349-354. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: radioimmunoassay, oestrous cycle, progesterone, elephants, pregnancy.


The oestrus cycle of the Asian and African elephants, Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana. Techniques to monitor reproduction of females in captivity. Plouzeau, E.; Da Cunha, S.; Shaw, H.J. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire. Dec. 1994, v. 145 (12), p. 905-911. ref. ISSN: 0035-1555.

            Language: French.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R32

            Descriptors: females, sexual reproduction, oestrus cycle, blood plasma, elephants.


Oocyte recovery and in-vitro hormone secretion from ovarian tissue of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Turczynski, C.J.; Mau, Y.H.; Bryant, W.; Renner, M.; Davis, J.S.; May, J.V. Biology of Reproduction, 1994, v. 50 (Suppl. 1), p. 83. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: cell biology, metabolism, reproductive system, Elephas maximus.


Breeding elephants in captivity. Schmidt, Michael J. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 3rd edition, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. 1993, i-xxv, 1-617 p. Chapter pagination: 445-448. Fowler, M.E. (Ed.).

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: care in captivity, bull management, reproductive techniques.


Castration of the elephant. Olsen, John H.; Byron, H.T, Jr. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 3rd edition. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. 1993, i-xxv, 1-617 p. Chapter pagination: 441-444. Fowler, M.E. (Ed).

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, testis, castration methods, review.


Female to male sex pheromones of low volatility in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Lee, T.D.; Daves, G.D. Jr.; Schmidt, M.J. Journal of Chemical Ecology, Oct. 1993, v. 19 (10), p. 2115-2128. ref. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A1J6

            Descriptors: sex pheromones, preovulatory period, estrus, indoles, Elephas maximus.


Non-invasive monitoring of ovarian function in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) by measurement of urinary 5beta-pregnanetriol. Niemuller, C.A.; Shaw, H.J.; Hodges, J.K. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Nov.1993, v. 99 (2), p. 617-625. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251. ref.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: blood, urine, oestrus cycle, progesterone, detection, elephants.


Oestrus and pregnancy detection by flehmen-like responses of Asian bull elephants to urine samples of Asian female elephants. Diephuis, E.P. Zoologische Garten, Aug.1993, v. 63 (4), p. 235-245. ref. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: pregnancy diagnosis. Phermones, females, urine, detection.


Attempts to monitor oestrus and pregnancy in Indian elephants by urine testing. Hagenbeck, D. Thesis, 1992, 66 p., 33 ref. Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover, Germany.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: reproductive physiology, oestrogens, progesterone, elephants.


The labor, birth, and post delivery management of an Asian elephant and her calf. Wallace, Carolee; Doyle, Chuck. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1992. p. 104-109. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: care in captivity, birth and post delivery management, birth.


The monitoring of oestrus cycle and pregnancy in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Hagenbeck, Dorothea. Thesis. Hannover, 1992, 66 p. ill. ref.

            Language: German with summary in English.

            NAL call no: DISS. 1992266

            Descriptors: oestrus cycle, pregnancy, monitoring, Elephas maximus, thesis.


Ovarian cycle influence in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Turczynski, C.J.; Pernikoff, D.; Garcia, R.; Gross, T.S.; Kraemer, D.C. Biology of Reproduction, 1992, v. 46 (Suppl. 1), p. 95. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: biochemical studies, sterols, steroids, Elephas maximus.


Serum testosterone levels of Sri Lankan female elephants, Elephas maximus maximus. Ratnasooriya, W.D.; Fernando, S.B.U.; Manatunga, A.M.V.R. Medical Science Research, 1992, v. 20 (2), p. 79-80. ISSN: 0269-8951.

            Descriptors: estrus cycle, captivity, endocrine system, gonads.


Thrombocytosis: A possible signal of conception in elephants? Ratnasooriya, W.D.; Liyanage, G.K.; Caldera, H.S.; Premakumara, G.A.S.; Manatunga, A.M.V.R.; Fernando, S.B.U. Medical Science Research, 1992, v. 20 (21), p. 801-802. ISSN: 0269-8951.

            Descriptors: blood and lymphatics, reproductive system, pregnancy.


An unusual compound and further characterization of a preovulatory pheromone of Asian elephants, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, Bets; Davies, G.Doyle; Lee, Terry D. Chemical Senses, 1992, v. 17 (5), p. 687-688. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, endocrine system, sense organs.


Altered androstenedione to testosterone ratios and LH concentrations during musth in captive male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Niemuller, C.A.; Liptrap, R.M. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Jan.1991, v. 91 (1), p. 139-146. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: androstenedione, aggression, testosterone, elephants, behavior.


Concentrations of progesterone, testosterone and estradiol-17 beta in the serum during the estrous cycle of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Taya, K.; Komura, H.; Kondoh, M. Ogawa, Y.; Nakada, K.; Watanabe, G.; Sasamoto, S.; Tanabe, K.; Saito, K.; Tajima, H.; Narushima, E. Zoo Biology, 1991, v. 10 (4), p. 299-307. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: progesterone, testosterone, oestrogens, elephants, sex hormones.


Cyclic patterns of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, inhibin, and progesterone secretion in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Brown, J,L, ; Citino, S.E.; Bush, M.; Lehnhardt, J.; Phillips, L.G. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1991, v. 22 (1), p. 49-57. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: cyclic functions, hormones, levels, changes, Elephas maximus.


Purification and initial characterization of a pre-ovulatory urinary hormone from female Asian elephants, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Lee, T.D. Chemical Senses, 1991, v. 16 (5), p. 569-570. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: behavioral biology, animal behavior, endocrine system.


Chemical analysis of temporal gland secretions collected from an Asian bull elephant during a four-month musth episode. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Hess, D.L.; Haight, J.D. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1990, v. 16 (7), p. 2167-2182. ISSN: 0098-0331.

            NAL call no: QD415.A1J6

            Descriptors: temporal glands, chemical communication, volatiles, secretions.


A comparative study of the sex hormones in plasma, urine and faeces in male and female Asiatic elephants (Elephas maximus). Diaz Samayoa de Aguirre, Laura. Thesis. Hannover, 1990, 145 p. ill. ref.

            Language: German with an English summary. 

            NAL call no: 41.2 H198 1990 (no. 25)

            Descriptors: sex hormones, plasma, urine, male, female, elephant, thesis.


Reproductive and hormonal changes during the estrous cycle and pregnancy in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Mainka, S.A.; Lothrop, C.D. Jr. Zoo Biology, 1990, v. 9 (6), p. 411-419. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: parturition, sex hormones, oestrous cycle, elephants, pregnancy.


Serum testosterone and musth in captive male African and Asian elephants. Cooper, K.A.; Harder, J.D.; Clawson, D.H.; Frederick, D.L.; Lodge, G.A.; Peachey, H.C.; Spellmire, T.J.; Winstel, D.P. Zoo Biology, 1990, v. 9 (4), p. 297-306. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: testosterone levels, musth, hormones, reproductive behavior.


The fine art of elephant breeding. Schmidt, M.J. Animal Kingdom, 1989, v. 92 (5), p. 44-51. ISSN: 0003-3537.

            NAL call no: 410.9 N483B

            Descriptors: housing and handling breeding males, artificial insemination, Elephas.


Anestrus in an Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus). Ruebel, A. Arbeitstaging der Zootieraerzte im deutschsprachigen Raum, 1988, p. 6-8. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: oestrus cycle, progesterone, corpus luteum hormones, elephant.


Ovarian function in the elephant: Luteinizing hormone and progesterone cycles in African and Asian elephants. Plotka, E.D.; Seal, U.S.; Zarembka, F.R.; Simmons, L.G.; Teare, A.; Phillips, L.G.; Hinshaw, K.C.; Wood, D.G. Biology of Reproduction, Mar. 1988, v. 38 (2), p. 309-314. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: corpus luteum physiology, ovary physiology, LH blood, progesterone.


Reproductive anatomy of three nulliparous female Asian elephants the development of artificial breeding techniques. Balke, J.M.E.; Barker, I.K.; Hackenberger, M.K.; McManamon, R.; Boever, W.J. Zoo Biology, 1988, v. 7 (2), p. 99-114. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: artificial insemination, photograph fiberoptoscope, morphometrics.


Circulating hormones during pregnancy in the Asian and African elephants (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana): A diagnostic test based on the measurement of prolactin. Hodges, J.K.; McNeilly, A.S.; Hess, D.L. International Zoo Yearbook, 1987, v. 26, p. 285-289. ISSN: 0074-9664.

            NAL call no: QL76.I5

            Descriptors: captive breeding, estradiol, radioimmuno assay.


UFAW project to aid breeding of captive elephants. Anon. Ratel, 1987, v. 14 (6), p. 196. ISSN: 0305-1218.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.R37

            Descriptors: breeding techniques, reproductive condition, captive breeding methods.


Observations on unusual sexual behavior in elephants. Ramachandran, K.K. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1985, v. 81 (3), p. 687-688. ISSN: 0006-6982.

            NAL call no: 513 B63

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, male directed sexual activity, Elephas.


Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentrations in elephant serum and temporal gland secretions. Rasmussen, L.E.; Buss, I.O.; Hess, D.L.; Schmidt, M.J. Biology of Reproduction, 1984, v. 30 (2), p. 352-362. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: hormones, temporal gland secretions, testosterone levels, Elephas.


Reproductive cycle of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in captivity. Hess, D.L.; Schmidt, M.J. Biology of Reproduction, May 1983, v. 28 (4), p. 767-773. ref. ISSN: 0006-3363.

            NAL call no: QL876.B5

            Descriptors: reproductive cycle, captivity, Elephas maximus.


The thyroid activity of Asiatic elephants in Thailand. Pichaicharnarong, A.; Loypetjra, P.; Chaiyabutr, N.; Komonmena, V.; Usanakornkul, S.; Boonnamsiri, V.; Devakul. C. Acta Veterinaria. 1983, v. 33 (2-3), p. 73-80. ISSN: 0567-8315.

            NAL c all no: 41.8 AC83

            Descriptors: thyroid gland activity, hormones, sexual dimorphism, ageing, Elephas.


Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Heath, E.; Jeyendran, R.S.; Graham, E.F. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 1983, v. 12 (3), p. 245-252. ref. ISSN: 0340-2096.

            NAL call no: SF761.Z4

            Descriptors: zoo animals, spermatozoa, elephants.


Asian bull elephants: Flehmen-like responses to extractable components in female elephant estrous urine, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E.; Schmidt, M.J.; Henneous, R.; Groves, D. Science, Jul. 9, 1982, v. 217 (4555), p. 159-162. ISSN: 0036-8075.

            NAL call no: 470 SCI2

            Descriptors: Asian bull, response, female estrous urine, Elephas maximus.


Elephant breeding- some scientific facts. Abeyratne, A.S. Loris, 1982, v. 16 (2), p. 91-93. ISSN: 0024-6514.

            Descriptors: pregnancy, calving, ovarian cycle, aggressive behavior.


Studies on Asian elephant reproduction at the Washington Park Zoo. Schmidt, M.J. Zoo Biology, 1982, v. 1 (2), p. 141-147. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: Breeding techniques, artificial insemination, evaluation, Elephas.


The estrous cycle of the Asian elephant. Schmidt, M.J.; Hess, D.L.; Schmidt, A. M.; Henneous, R.L.; Groves, D.A.; Haight, J.D. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 91-95. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: ovarian cycle, oestrus cycle, Elephas maximus.


Leptaden (VET) as a galactagogue in an elephant with deficient lactation. Short communication. Nambiar, M.O.R. Indian Veterinary Journal, Aug. 1981, v. 58 (8), p. 667-668. ref. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: deficient lactation, elephant, galactagogue, Leptaden (VET).


Monitoring the estrous cycle of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), using urinary estrogens. Ramsay, E.C.; Lasley, B.L.; Stabenfeldt, G.H. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1981, v. 42 (2), p. 256-260. ISSN: 0002-9645.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3A

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, urine, hormones, urinary estrogen.


Some aspects of behaviour and breeding biology of the Indian wild elephant. Mohammad-Ali, S. Tigerpaper, 1980, v. 7 (4), p. 9. ISSN: 1014-2789.

            NAL call no: QL84.5.A1T53

            Descriptors: breeding habits, breeding biology, Elephas maximus.


Cyclic release of luteinizing hormone and the effects of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone injection in Asiatic elephants. Chappel, S.C.; Schmidt, M. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1979, v. 40 (3), p. 451-453. ISSN: 0002-9645.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3A

            Descriptors: hormones, cyclic functions, LH release, ovarian cycle, Elephas.


Duration of pregnancy in elephants. Sukumarapillay, K.R. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1979, v. 56 (1), p. 75. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, pregnancy, accurate diagnosis.


Certain biochemical constituents of seminal plasma of elephant (Elephas maximus). Jainudeen, M.R.; Fernando, S.T.; Sentheshanmuganathan, S. American Journal of Veterinary Research, Mar. 1972, v. 33 (3), p. 649-651. ref. ISSN: 0002-9645.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AM3A

            Descriptors: seminal plasma, biochemical constituents, Elephas maximus.


Observations on musth in the domesticated Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Jainudeen, M.R.; McKay, G.M.; Eisenberg, J.F. Mammalia, Jun. 1972, v. 36 (2), p. 247-161. ref.

            NAL call no: 410 M31

            Descriptors: musth, Asian elephant, observations.


Plasma testosterone levels in relation to musth and sexual activity in the male Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Jainudeen, M.R.; Katongole, C.B.; Short, R.V. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Apr. 1972, v. 29 (1), p. 99-103. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: testosterone levels, musth, sexual activity, Elephas maximus.


Oestrus cycle of the Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus, in captivity. Jainudeen, M.R.; Eisenberg, J.F.; Tilakeratne, N. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Dec. 1971, v. 27 (3), p. 321-328. ref. ISSN: 0022-4251.

            NAL call no: 442.8 J8222

            Descriptors: oestrus cycle, Asiatic elephant, captivity.


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Application of an enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) for rapid screening of 5 [alpha]-pregnane 3,20-dione (DHP) in blood plasma of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Dehnhard, M.; Hildebrandt, Th.; Rohleder, M.; Strauss, G.; Meyer, H.H.D.; Goeritz, F. Berliner und Muenchener Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, Mar./Jun. 2001, v. 114 (5-6), p. 161-165. ISSN: 0005-9366.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: assay techniques, enzyme immunoassay, ovarian cycle monitoring.


Characterization of interdigital glands in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Lamps, L.W.; Smoller, B.R.; Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Slade, B.E.; Fritsch, G.; Goodwin, T.E. Research in Veterinary Science, Dec. 2001, v. 71 (3), p. 197-200. ISSN: 0034-5288.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R312

            Descriptors: limbs, biochemistry, interdigital sweat glands, morphology, histology.


Isolation and characterization of tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Fernando, P.; Vidya, T.N.C.; Melnick, D.J. Molecular Ecology Notes, 2001, v. 1 (4), p. 232-233. ISSN: 1471-8278.

            NAL call no: QH541.15.M632

            Descriptors: microsatellites, Elephas maximus, genetics.


The GTG-banded karyotype and telomere FISH in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Suwattana, D.; Koykul, W.; Kanchanapangka, S.; Mahasawangkul, S.; Joerg, H.; Stranzinger, G. Veterinarni Medicina-UZPI, Nov. 2000, v. 45 (10-11), p. 285-289. ill. ref. ISSN: 0375-8427.

            NAL call no: 41.9 C333

            Descriptors: geneticism chromosomes, karyotypes, DNA, breeding methods.


Purification, identification, concentration and bioactivity of (Z)-7-dodecen-l-yl acetate: Sex phermone of the female Asian elephant, Elephas maximus. Rasmussen, L.E.L.; Lee, Terry D.; Zhang, Aijun; Roelofs, Wendell L.; Daves, G. Doyle Jr. Chemical Senses, Aug. 1997, v. 22 (4), p. 417-437. ISSN: 0379-864X.

            NAL call no: QP456.C5

            Descriptors: chemoreception, communication, behavior, female sex pheromones.


Evidence of nitric oxide in the exhaled gas of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Lewandowski, Klaus; Busch, Thilo; Lewandowski, Monika; Keske, Uwe; Gerlach, Herwig; Falke, Konrad J. Respiration Physiology, 1996, v. 106 (1), p. 91-98. ISSN: 0034-5687.

            NAL call no: QP121.A1R4

            Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, respiratory system, Elephas.


Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in captivity - a challenge for zoo biological research. Kurt, Fred; Hartl, Gunther B. Research and Captive Propagation. Filander Verlag Furth. 1995. 1-338 p. Chapter pagination: 310-326. Ganslosser, Udo; Hodges, J. Keith; Kaumanns, Werner [Eds.].

            NAL call no: SF408.R47 1995

            Descriptors: biological research, social behavior, stereotypies in captivity.


Consultancy on elephant management and research including radio telemetry, Mar. 23-Aug. 1, 1995. Final report. Desai, A. Colombo, 1995, 73. FAO Accession No: XF97:373919.

            Descriptors: telemetry, animal populations, data collection, Indian elephant.


Crystal structure of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) cyano-metmyoglobin at 1.78-A resolution. Phe29 (B10) accounts for its unusual ligand binding properties. Bisig, D.A.; Di Iorio, E.E.; Diederichs, K.; Winterhalter, K.H.; Piontek, K. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Sept. 1, 1995, v. 270 (35), p. 20754- 20762. ISSN: 0021-9258.

            NAL call no: 381 J824

            Descriptors: metmyoglobin analogs and derivatives, phenalalanine, binding sites.


1H NMR investigation of the heme cavity of elephant (E7 Gln) met-cyano-myoglobin. Evidence fo a B-helix phenylalanine interaction with bound ligand. Vyas, Krishnamurthi; Rajarathnam, Krishnakumar; Yu, Liping P.; Emerson, S. Donald; La Mar, Gerd N.; Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Jul. 15, 1993, v. 268 (20), p. 14826-14835. ISSN: 0021-9258.

            NAL call no: 381 J824

            Descriptors: met-cyano-myoglobin active site structure, functional relationships.


Structure-dynamics-function relationships in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) myoglobin. An optical spectroscopy and flash photolysis study on functionally important motions. Cupane, A.; Leone, M.; Vitrano, E.; Cordone, L.; Hiltpold, U.R.; Winterhalter, K.H.; Yu, W.; Di Iorio, E.E. Biophysical Journal, Dec. 1993, v. 65 (6), p. 2461-2472. ISSN: 0006-3495.

            NAL call no: 442.8 B5238

            Descriptors: myoglobin chemistry, carboxymyoglobin, metabolism, methods.


Domesticated elephant research - what’s new in 92. Schmidt, M.J. Asian Elephant Specialist Group. IUCN Species Survival Commission. Proceedings, Asian Elephant Specialists Group Meeting, Bogor, Indonesia, May 20-22, 1992, 1-98 p. Chapter pagination: 85-86.

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, research reports, reproduction, physiology.


Kinetic parameters of lactate dehydrogenase in the Indian elephant. George, S.; Nirmalan, G. Indian Journal of Animal Science, 1990, v. 60 (1), p. 25-28. ISSN: 0367-8318.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN22

            Descriptors: plasma, lactate-dehydrogenase, Elephas maximus.


Rearrangement of the distal pocket accompanying E7 His-Gln substitution in elephant carbonmonoxy- and oxymyoglobin: 1H NMR identification of a new aromatic residue in the heme pocket. Yu, L.P.; La Mar, G.N.; Mizukami, H. Biochemistry, 1990, v. 29 (10), p. 2578-3585. ISSN: 0006-2960.

            NAL call no: 381 B523

            Descriptors: myoglobin, Haeme pocket residue, Elephas maximus.


A proton NMR investigation of the influence of distal glutamine on structural and dynamic properties of elephant metmyoglobin. Krishnamoorthi, R.; La Mar, G.N.; Mizukami, H.; Romero, A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Jan. 10, 1984, v. 259 (1), p. 265-270. ISSN: 0021-9258.

            NAL call no: 381 J824

            Descriptors: elephants blood, glutamine, metmyoglobin, hemeproteins.


Interaction of ligands with the distal glutamine in elephant myoglobin. Bartnicki, D.E.; Hiroshi, Mizukami; Romero, Herrera A.E. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1983, v. 258 (3), p. 1599-1602. ISSN: 0021-9258.

            NAL call no: 381 J824

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, myoglobin, ligand interaction with distal glutamine.


The thyroid activity of Asiatic elephants in Thailand. Pichaicharnarong, A.; Loypetjra, P.; Chaiyabutr, N.; Komonmena, V.; Usanakornkul, S.; Boonnamsiri, V.; Devakul, C. Acta Veterinaria, 1983, v. 33 (2-3), p. 73-80. ref.

            NAL call no: 41.8 AC83

            Descriptors: thyroxine, triiodothyronine, thyroid hormones, elephants.


Demonstration of T lymphocyte distribution in the peripheral blood of Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) using acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity as a Tcell marker. Rajan, A.; Vikram, Reddy M.; Sulochana, S.; Valsala, K.V. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 1981, v. 2 (4), p. 357-362.

            Descriptors: lymph, peripheral blood, T lymphocyte distribution, Elephas maximus.


The amino acid sequence of elephant (Elephas maximus) myoglobin and the phylogeny of Proboscidea. Dene, H.; Goodman, M.; Romero-Herrera A.E. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences, Feb. 1980, v. 207 (1166), p. 111-127. ISSN: 0080-4648.

            NAL call no: 501 L84B

            Descriptors: amino acid sequence, genetics, myoglobin analysis, elephants.


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Dosage Requirements of Orally Administered Ibuprofen in African and Asian Elephants. Bechert, U.; Christensen, J.M.; Finnegan, M. Proceedings of the Mayday Conference: A Cross-Species Approach to Pain and Analgesia, 2002, Ludders, J.W.; Mur, Paul; Robertson S.; Gaynor, J.; Hellyer, P.W.; Wong, P.; Barakatt, C. (Eds.). 2002.

            Descriptors: ibuprofen, dosage requirements, orally, elephants.


Pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Hunter, R. P.; Isaza, R.; Koch, D. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, May 29/Jun.1, 2002, v. 16 (3), p. 380. ISSN: 0891-6640.

            NAL call no: SF601.J65

            Descriptors: ketoprofen, pharmacokinetics, Asian elephants.


Preoperative conditioning and postoperative treatments of a protected-contact bull elephant. Kam, Robert. The Elephant’s Foot: Preventions and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. I-viii. 1-63 p. Chapter pagination: 127-131. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: preoperative conditioning, postoperative treatments, forelimbs.


Preventive foot care for an Asian elephant at Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden. Hughes, Joan Albers; Southard, Madeline. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State university Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 73-77. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: preventive foot care, limbs, feet, care in captivity, Elephas maximus.


Captive elephant foot care: Natural-habitat husbandry techniques. Buckley, Carol. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 53-55. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, natural habitat husbandry, limbs, techniques.


Cardiovascular response to xylazine and hellabrunn mixture with yohimbine as reversal agent in Asian elephants. Sarma, K.K.; Pathak, S.C. Indian Veterinary Journal, May 2001, v. 78 (5), p. 400-402. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: sedation, cardiovascular response, reversal using yohimbine.


Determining dosages for antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents. Mortenson, Jack The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 141-144. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, antibiotics and ant-inflammatory agents, dosages.


Elephant foot care under the voluntary-contact system: Problems and solutions. Kalk, Penny; Wilgenkamp, Chris. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 63-64. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, voluntary contact, limbs, feet.


The elephant’s foot: Prevention and care of foot conditions in captive Asian and African elephants. 1st ed. Csuti, Blair, A.; Sargent, Eva Lee; Bechert, Ursula S. Iowa State University Press, 2001. viii. 163 p. ill. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: foot care and pathological conditions, limbs, feet, diseases, conditions.


Elephant husbandry and foot care at the Schoenbrunner Tiergarten, Vienna. Schwammer, Harald M. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 69-71. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, husbandry and foot care, limbs feet.


Foot care for captive elephants. Roocroft, Alan; Oosterhuis, James. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 21-52. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, limbs, feet, Elephas, Loxodonta.


Foot care at the Indianapolis Zoo: A comprehensive approach. Sampson, Jill. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 57-62. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, limbs, feet, comprehensive approach.


Guidelines for veterinary assistance during the reproductive process in female elephants. Schaftenaar, Willem; Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Flugger, Michael; Goeritz, Frank; Schmitt, Dennis; West, Gary. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians and Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Conference, Sept. 18-23, 2001. Orlando. FL. i-xx. 1-411 p. Chapter pagination: 348-355.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, reproductive techniques, guidelines.


Historical lessons for the treatment of foot diseases in captive Asian elephants. Lahiri- Choudhury, Dhriti K. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent. Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 81-83. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, foot diseases, historical lesions, limbs, feet.


A history of elephant foot care at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Sorensen, David. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 65-68. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: care in captivity, foot care, history, limbs, feet, elephants.


Making a protective boot for an Asian elephant. Woodle, Kate; Kepes, Terri; Doyle, Chuck. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.); Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 103-105. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, protective boot construction, feet, limbs.


The medical and surgical management of foot abscesses in captive Asiatic elephants: Case studies. Boardman, Wayne S.J.; Jakob-Hoff, Richard; Huntress, Sherri; Lynch, Michael; Reiss, Andrea; Monaghan, Cree. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 121-126. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, medical and surgical management, feet, limbs.


Occurrence and treatment of nail/foot abscesses, nail cracks, and sole abscesses in captive elephants. West, Gary. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 93-97. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NA call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, limbs, feet, nails, abscesses, nail cracks.


Ouch, do that again! Treatment of chronic nail infections in an Asian bull elephant using protected contact. Gibson, Karen; Flanagan, Joseph P. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 87-88. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: nails, diseases and disorders, chronic nail infections, treatment.


An overview of foot conditions in Asian and African elephants. Fowler, Murray E. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 3-7. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: limbs, feet, diseases and disorders, foot conditions, overview.


Pododermatitis in a captive Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Jayathangaraj, M.G.; John, Mathew C.; Radhakrishnan, C. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal, Mar. 2001, v. 25 (1), p. 109-110. ISSN: 0250-5266.

            NAL call no: SF601.I45

            Descriptors: pododermatitis, diseases and disorders, case report.


Procedure for nail reconstruction and treatment for an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Seidon, Allan. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001, i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 89-91. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, forelimbs, nails, split-toenail, reconstruction.


Record keeping as an aid to foot care in the Asian elephant. Rutkowski, Charlie; Hopper, Ray; Marion, Fred. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 17. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: foot care, record keeping, limbs, feet, care in captivity.


Split nails, abscesses, and cuticular pockets. Rutkowski, Charlie; Marion, Fred; Hopper, Ray. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.).Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 85-86. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: limbs, feet, diseases and disorders, treatment techniques, treatment.


Surgical management of a chronic infection involving the phalange of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Cooper, Robert M.; Honeyman, Virginia L.; French, Daniel A. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 133-134. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: surgical management, techniques, forelimb skeleton, phalange.


Surgical management of phalangeal osteomyelitis in a female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Finnegan, Mitch; Monti, Margot. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 135-137. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: phalangeal osteomyelitis, surgical techniques, forelimb skeleton.


Treatment of osteomyelitis in elephant feet. Gage, Laurie J. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Saregent, Eva L.; Bechert, Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 117-118. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: osteomyelitis, feet, limbs, causes, prevention and treatment.


The use of sonography in the follow-up care of a foot abscess in a female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). O’Sullivan, Timothy J.; Junge, Randy E. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in Captive Asian and African Elephants. Csuti, Blair; Sargent, Eva L.; Bechert Ursula S. (Eds.). Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2001. i-viii. 1-163 p. Chapter pagination: 115-116. ISBN: 0813828201.

            NAL call no: SF997.5.E4E43 2001

            Descriptors: foot abscess, sonography use in follow up care, treatment techniques.


Acupuncture treatment on a female Asian elephant with trunk paralysis. Seidon, Allan; Hine, Elizabeth A.S. American Zoo and Aquarium Association Regional Conference Proceedings, 2000, p. 3-7. ISSN: 1088-0402.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: treatment techniques, acupuncture, trunk paralysis, disorders.


A case of nephritis in an elephant. Bielecki, W.; Sobczak, Filipiak M.; Pietrak, M.; Goslawski, J.; Blaszczak, B. Zycie Weterynaryjne, 2000, v. 75 (4), p. 197-199. ref. ISSN: 0137-6810.

            Language: Polish.

            NAL call no: SF604.Z9

            Descriptors: kidney disease, nephritis, pathology, diagnosis, zoo animals.


Evaluation of a multiple-antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in captive elephants. Larsen, R. Scott; Salman, M.D.; Mikota, Susan K.; Isaza, Ramiro; Montali, Richard J.; Triantis, Joni. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 2000, v. 31 (3), p. 291-302. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, infection, bacterial disease, diagnosis.


Facilitation of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) standing immobilization and anesthesia with a sling. Fowler, M.E.; Steffey, E.P.; Galuppo, L.; Pascoe, J.R. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Mar. 2000, v.31 (1), p. 118-123. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, immobilization, surgery, etorphine, naltrexone.


Management of sinus due to necrosis of right transverse process of second lumbar vertebra in an elephant. Pandey, S.K. Zoos’, Aug. 2000, v. 15 (8), p. 328.

            Descriptors: necrosis, fractures, spinal diseases, case reports.


Use of famciclovir for the treatment of endotheliotrophic herpesvirus infections in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Schmitt, D.L.; Hardy, D.A.; Montali, R.J.; Richman, L.K.; Lindsay, W.A.; Isaza, R.; West, G. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec. 2000, v. 31 (4), p. 518-522. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: antiviral agents, drug therapy, elephants, complications.


Antibiotic therapy in elephants. Olsen, J.H.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 4, 1999, p. 533-541. ref. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: antibiotics, drug therapy, dosage, application methods, zoo animals.


Complete extirpation of the right temporal gland (“musth” gland) in a female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Kuntze, A.; Kuntze, O.; Brandstatter, F. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 107-111. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, musth gland, extirpation, healing.


Post mortem findings in a 60 years old Shri (Sri) Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus) - a case report. Zwart, P.; Ippen, R.; Flugger, M.; Goritz, F.; Hildebrandt, T.B. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 143-148. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: age, ageing associated lesions, pathological lesions, postmortem report.


Prevalence and distribution of body injuries of domesticated Sri Lankan elephants (Elephas maximus maximus). Godagama, W.K.; Wemmer, C.; Rathnasooriya, W.D. Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences, 1999, v. 27 (1), p. 47-59. ref. ISSN: 0069-2379.

            NAL call no: 475 C33

            Descriptors: trauma, abscesses, ears, feet, head, limbs, scapula, wounds, disease.


Prevalence of eye defects in domesticated Sri Lankan elephants (Elephas maximus). Godagama, W.K.; Wemmer, C.; Rathnasooriya, W.D. Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences, 1999, v. 27 (1), p. 41-45. ref. ISSN: 0069-2379.

            NAL call no: 475 C33

            Descriptors: eyes, blindness, cataracts, keratitis, diagnosis, age differences.


Radiographic techniques for the elephant foot and carpus. Gage, L.J.; Fowler, M.E.; Miller, R.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine; Current Therapy 4, 1999, i-xxiii, 1-747 p. Chapter pagination: 517-520. ref. ISBN: 0721686648.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1999

            Descriptors: carpus, feet, radiography, diagnosis, anatomy, diagnostic techniques.


Sudden death in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Wisser, Jutta. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1999, v. 39, p. 89-97. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: heart, ischaemic diseases, sudden death, ischaemic heart disease.


An episiotomy use in birth of an Asian elephant. Strauss, Gunter; Czupalla, Oliver; Lange, Andre; Hildebrandt, Thomas. Milu, 1998, v. 9 (5), p. 483-495. ISSN: 0076-8839.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: reproductive techniques, episiotomy to aid birth, case description.


Surgical ttreatment of the bilateral nictitans prolapse in an elephant. Krzywicki, Z. Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 1998, v. 7 (1), p. 29-30. ISSN: 1230-4425.

            Language: Polish.

            Descriptors: prolapse, eye diseases, surgery, case reports, circus animals.


A case of indigestion in an elephant. Krzywicki, Z. Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 1997, v. 6 (1), p. 48-50. ISSN: 1230-4425.

            Language: Polish.

            Descriptors: digestive disorders, elephants, postmortem examinations, pathology.


Chemical immobilization of a wild cross tusker with special reference to its wound management and surgical excision of crossed tusks. Jana, Debasis, Jana, Mousumi. Indian Veterinary Journal, Dec. 1997, v. 21 (4), p. 343-345. ISSN: 0250-5266.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: bullet removal, immobilization, crossed tusks, surgical excision.


Chemotherapy of chronic, suppurative pododermatitis using an antineoplastic agent in an Asian elephant - a case report. Seidel, B.; Wunsch, U.; Knaus, B.U.; Valentin, A.; Schroder, H.D. Erkrankungen der Zootiere: Verhandlungsbericht des 38. International Symposium uber die Erkrankungender Zoo und Wildtiere von bis, May 11, 1997, p. 217-220. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: pododermatitis, antineoplastic agents, pathology, case reports.


The isolation, detection, and cross-reactivity of Asian elephant IgG for the development of serological diagnostic tests. Kania, S.A.; Richman, L.K.; Kennedy, M.; Montali, R.J.; Potgleter, L.N.D. Journal of Veterinary Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1997, v. 5 (4), p. 125-128. ref.

            NAL call no: SF757.2.J68

            Descriptors: serology, ELISA, isolation, detection, IgG, immunoglobulins.


Preputial diverticulum in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) - a case report. Sarma, K.K.; Dutta, B. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1997, v. 14 (1), p. 59-60. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: obstruction, surgery, urinary tract, prepuce, urinary incontinence.


Surgical diseases in circus elephants. Kuntze, A. Praktische Tierarzt, 1997, v. 78 (3), p. 194-205. ref. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: diseases, surgery, circus animals, elephants.


Surgical removal of infected phalanges from an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Gage, L.J.; Fowler, M.E.; Pascoe, J.R.; Blasko, D. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun. 1997, v. 28 (2), p. 208-211. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: osteomyelitis, infection, feet, phalanges, removal, surgery.


Surgical treatment of gunshot wounds under xylazine and ketamine anaesthesia in an elephant: Clinical case report. Sharma, S.P. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1997, v. 74 (11), p. 973-974. ref. ISSN:0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: treatment, wounds, xylazine, ketamine, anaesthesia, surgery.


Suspected poisoning of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) with a paint solvent. Ochs, A.; Goltenboth, R.; Walter, J.H.; Wolm, M.; Wittstatt, U. Erkrankungen der Zootiere: Verhandlungsbericht des 38. Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo und Wildtiere von 7 bis, May 11, 1997, p. 237-241. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: poisoning, solvents, paints, pathology diagnosis, case reports.


Ultrasonography and pathology of genital tract leiomyomas in captive Asian elephants: Implications for reproductive soundness. Montali, R.J.; Hildebrandt, Th.; Goritz, F.; Hermes, R.; Ippen, R.; Ramsey, E. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1997, v. 38, p. 253-258. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: uterus, neoplastic diseases, genital tract leiomyomas, ultrasonography.


An autopsy of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) which died without clinical signs. Hama, N.; Murata, K.; Yasuda, S.; Shimada, A.; Sakai, H.; Yanai, T. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Feb. 1996, v. 1 (1), p. 49-53. ref. ISSN: 1342-6133.

            Language: Japanese.

            Descriptors: adrenal gland diseases, adrenal glands, atrophy, brain, myocardium.


Diagnosis and preventive-therapeutic study of periarthritis in the shoulder of an Asian elephant. Zheng, XianChun; Zheng, X.C. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 1996, v. 31 (3), p. 45-49. ref. ISSN:

            Language: Chinese.

            NAL call no: QL1.T8

            Descriptors: shoulders, arthritis, elephants, case reports.


Foot care in Asian elephants using a rotating elephant restraint device. Schmitt, Dennis L.; Bradford, J.P.; Hardy, D.A. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 52-53.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: handling techniques, rotating restraint device, foot care, limbs.


Medical management of postpartum problems in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) cow and calf. Murray, Suzan; Bush, Mitchell; Tell, Lisa A. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Jun. 1996, v. 27 (2), p. 255-258. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: postpartum problems, medical management, techniques, care.


Repair of a fractured tusk in an Asian elephant by pulp capping. Kwon, SooWhan; Hwang, BumTae; Lee, GiHwan; Jung, HeeKyoung; Shin, NamSik; Choi ChongHo; Kweon, OhKyeong; Lee, HeungShiks; Kwon, S.W.; Hwang, B.T.; Lee, G.H.; Jung, H.K.; Shin, N.S.; Choi, C.H.; Kweon, O.K.; Lee, H.S. Korean Journal of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 1996, v. 13 (2), p. 208-211. ref. ISSN: 1225-4800.

            Descriptors: dentistry, tooth diseases, elephants, case reports.


Treatment of gastrointestinal tract impaction of a 2 year-old Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Warren, K.; Bolton, J.; Swan, R.; Gaynor, W.; Pond, L. Australian Veterinary Journal, 1996, v. 73 (1), p. 37-38. ref. ISSN: 0005-0423.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Au72

            Descriptors: intestinal obstruction, treatment, therapeutic diets, case reports.


Vaginal vestibulotomy in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Schaftenaar, Willem. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Conference Proceedings, 1996, p. 434-439.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, birth, dystocia, vaginal vestibulotomy.


Urinary cortisol analysis for monitoring adrenal activity in elephants. Brown, Janine L.; Wemmer, Christen M.; Lehnhardt, John. Zoo Biology, 1995, v. 14 (6), p. 533-542. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: physiological techniques, assessment of adrenal function.


Veterinary care of Asian timber elephants in India: Historical accounts and current observations. Krishnamurthy, V. Wemmer, C. Zoo Biology, 1995, v. 14 (2), p. 123-133. ref. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: elephants, working animals, veterinary medicine, veterinary history.


Excitement in an elephant after intravenous administration of atropine. Gross, M.E.; Clifford, C.A.; Hardy, D.A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov. 15, 1994, v. 205 (10), p. 1437-1438. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3

            Descriptors: atropine, intravenous injection, adverse effects, Elephas maximus.


Radiology of the elbow of an Asian elephant. Flach, E.J.; Maguire, L.; Pead, M.; Thornton, S., Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1994, v. 36, p. 185-188. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: diagnostic techniques, radiography and computer enhancement.


Surgical castration of the elephant (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana). Foerner, Joseph J.; Houck, Richard J.; Copeland, John F.; Schmidt, Michael J.; Byron, H.T.; Olsen, H. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Sept. 1994, v. 25 (3), p. 355-359. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: reproductive system, surgery, veterinary medicine, elephants.


Castration of the elephant. Olsen, John H.; Byron, H.T. Jr. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 3rd edition. Fowler, Murray E. (Ed.). W.B. Saunders Company, 1993, i-xxv, 1-617 p. Chapter pagination: 441-444.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1993

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana, surgical techniques, testis.


Foot care in elephants. Fowler, Murray E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 3rd edition, 1993, i-xxv. 1-617 p. Chapter pagination: 448-453.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1993

            Descriptors: toenail care procedures, foot care procedures, foot conditions.


Pharmacokinetics of ampicillin administered orally in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Rosin, E.; Schlutz, Darken N.; Perry, B.; Teare, J.A. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Dec.1993, v. 24 (4), p. 515-518. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: antibiotics, penicillins, ampicillin, elephants, pharmacokinetics.


Veterinary care of performing elephants. Houck, Richard. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 3rd edition, 1993, i-xxv, 1-617. Chapter pagination: 453-454.

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1993

            Descriptors: care in captivity, veterinary care, review, Elephas, Loxodonta.


On disassembling an elephant: Anatomical observations bearing on Paleoindian exploitation of Proboscidea. Laub, Richard S. Proboscidean and Paleoindian Interactions. Fox, John W.; Smith, Calvin B.; Wilkins, Kenneth T. (Eds.). Markham Press Fund of Baylor University Press, Waco, TX. 1992, i-viii, 1-232 p. Chapter pagination: 99-109.

            Descriptors: dissection, difficulties, Elephas maximus, problems.


Persistant corneal erosion in an Asian elephant. Wolfer, J.; Rich, P. Canadian Veterinary Journal, May 1992, v. 33 (5), p. 337-339. ref. ISSN: 0008-5286.

            NAL call no: 41.8 R3224

            Descriptors: cornea, eye diseases, ulcers, Elephas maximus, case reports.


Salivary cortisol assessment for stress detection in the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, a pilot study. Dathe, H.H.; Kuckelkorn, B.; Minnemann, D. Zoo Biology, 1992, v. 11 (4), p. 285-289. ISSN: 0733-3188.

            NAL call no: QL77.5.Z6

            Descriptors: stress monitoring, noninvasive, management physiology.


Tuberculin testing in Indian elephants. John, Mathew C.; Nedunchelliyan, S.; Venkataraman, K.S.; Raghvan, N. Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Jun./Dec. 1992, v. 11 (1-2), p. 48-49. ISSN: 0970-051X.

            NAL call no: SF703.I54

            Descriptors: bacterial diseases, tuberculosis, testing, Elephas maximus.


Anaesthesia and treatment of a wounded wild Makana elephant (Elephas maximus). Nanjappa, K.A. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1991, v. 68 (4), p. 360. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, xylazine, wounds. Lameness, foot diseases, elephants.


Comparative pharmacokinetics of trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole administered intravenously and orally to captive elephants. Page, C.D.; Mautino, M.; Derendorf, H.; Anhalt, J.P. Pharmaceutical Research, N.Y. 1991, v. 8 (Suppl. 10), p. S263. ISSN: 0724-8741. Also Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1991, v. 22 (4), p. 409-416. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6 (Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine)

            Descriptors: antibacterial, drug serum concentration, half life, bioavailability.


Cryosurgery of cutaneous papilloma in two Asian elephants: A case report. Brahmasa, A. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 1991, v. 21 (3), p. 151-159. ref. ISSN: 0125-6491.

            Language: Thai.

            NAL call no: SF604.T43

            Descriptors: cryogenic surgery, case reports, elephants, papillomas.


Intussusception and tibia fracture in elephants - necropsy findings of two cases. Chakraborty, A.; Chaudhury, B. Zoos’, 1991, v. 6 (11), p. 9-10. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: hindlimb skeleton, intestine, intussusception, injuries, case study.


A note on clinical examination of elephants in Manas tiger Project and Kaziranga National Park in Assam. Chakraborty, A.; Islam, S.; Gogoi, A.R.; Chaudhury, B. Zoos’, 1991, v. 6 (11), p. 7-8. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: parasites, diseases, disorders, Elephas maximus.


Dystocia in a cow elephant (Elephas maximus). George, P.O.; Ramakrishna-Pillai, V.K.; Thomas, K. Zoos’, 1990, v. 5 (5), p. 15-16. ISSN: 0971-6378.

            Descriptors: reproductive behavior, birth, diseases and disorders, dystocia.


Note on management of traumatic injuries in an elephant. Hoque, M.M.; Das, A.K.; Wahab, M.A.; Rahman, M.L. Bangladesh Veterinarian, 1991, v. 8 (1-20, P. 82-83. ref. ISSN: 1012-5949.

            NAL call no: SF604.P3

            Descriptors: dehydration, antibiotics, therapy, wounds, trauma, elephants.


Attempted ventral herniorrhaphy in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) using xylazine sedation. Pathak, S.C.; Saikia, J.; Lahon, D.K.; Barua, S.K.; Dewan, J.N.; Vety, A.H. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 1990, v. 21 (2), p. 234-235. ref. ISSN: 1042-7260.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, surgical operations, postoperative complications, elephants.


Treatment of a wound on the trunk of an Indian elephant (Elephas maximus): A case report. George, P.O.; Cheeran, J.V.; Menon, C.P.G.; George, T.J. Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, 1989, v. 10 (1), p. 76-78. ref. ISSN: 0254-4105.

            NAL call no: SF604.I45

            Descriptors: elephants, wound treatment.


Anatomical bases for blood specimen collection from the central caudal vein dorsal on tail of the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) Linne 1758. Wissdorf, H.; Bach, F. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im Deutschsprachigen Raum, 1988, p. 78-81. ref. ill. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German with an English summary. 

            Descriptors: elephants, zoos, blood composition, diagnosis, collection method.


Anthelmintic activity of fenbendazole panacur against Murshida murshida in zoo elephants. Roy, S.; Mazumdar, B.K. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1988, v. 65 (6), p. 531-532. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: antihelmintic drug, elephants, fenbendazole, panacur.


Foot and skin care: Vital components of the elephant management program at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Bettenbender, Robin. AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings, 1988, p. 545-547. ISSN: 0731-0493.

            NAL call no: QL76.5.U6A47

            Descriptors: Elephas, Loxodonta, care in captivity, foot care, skin care.


A note on the successful treatment of trichostrongyle infection of elephants, Elephas maximus, with panacur fenbendazole. Lahkar, B.C.; Das, M.R. Indian Veterinary Journal, 1988, v. 65 (6), p. 538. ISSN: 0019-6479.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: antihelminthic drug, fecal egg count, elephant, chemotherapy.


Tusk prosthesis for elephant. Korneewa, W.; Chromow, W. Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1988, No. 30, p. 349-351. ISSN: 0138-5003.

            Language: Russian.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, tusk fracture repair, injuries, tusks, Elephas maximus.


Extraction of an infected tusk in a male Indian elephant. Lateur, N.; Kusse, G.; van den Velden, M.; Stolk, P.; Kock, R.; Kock, M.; Kock, N. Exotic Animals in the Eighties. Proceedings from the 25th Anniversary Symposium of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, Apr. 18-20, 1986. 1987, 1-165 p. Chapter pagination: 160-161.

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, infected tusk removal, chronic pulpitis.


Plasma metronidazole levels in an Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) after rectal administration. Gulland, F.M.D.; Carwardine, P.C. Veterinary Record, May 2,1987, v. 120 (18), p. 440. ref. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3

            Descriptors: blood chemistry, drug therapy, antiinfective agents, elephants.


Successful treatment of hoof cancer in an Indian elephant using Naksol (plant extracts in ethanol). Kovats, E.; Graf, Z. Verhandlungsbericht des Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere, 1987, v. 29, p. 173-178. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: SF996.I5

            Descriptors: medicinal plants, therapy, elephants. case reports, neoplasms, foot.


After care and recovery of a female Indian elephant after delivery of a dead fetus by episiotomy. Merkt, H.; Ahlers, D.; Bader, H.; Brandt, H.P.; Moeer, M.; Dittrich, L. Berliner und Muenchener Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift, 1986, v. 99 (10), p. 329-333. graphs, ref. ISSN: 0005-9366.

            Language: German with an English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45 

            Descriptors: obstetrics, surgical operations, elephants.


Anatomical fundamentals for extra dural anesthesia in Indish elephants (Elephas maximus Linne 1758) as well as comparison of the anatomical findings with those from the literature on African elephants (Loxodonta africana Blumbach 1797). Wissdorf, H.; Kristinsoon, G. Arbeitstagung der Zootieraerzte im Deutschsprachigen Raum, 1986, p. 61-65. ref. ISSN: 0722-8112.

            Language: German.

            Descriptors: anaesthetics, spinal cord, anatomy, drugs, surgical operations.


Elephant radiography. Fowler, M.E. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. W. B. Saunders Co. 1986, i-xxiv, 1-1127 p. Chapter pagination: 897-901. Fowler, M.E. (Ed.).

            NAL call no: SF996.Z66 1993

            Descriptors: radiography, review, Elephantidae.


Operation elephant detusking. Appayya, M.K. Myforest, 1986, v. 22 (3), p. 149-151.

            Descriptors: tranqulization, sedation, surgical techniques, detusking.


Postoperative care and recovery of a female elephant after delivery of a dead fetus by episiotomy. Merkt, H.; Ahlers, D.; Bader, H.; Rath, D.; Brandt, H.P.; Boer, M.; Dittrich, L. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 1986, v. 99 (10), p. 329-333. ref.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 B45

            Descriptors: postoperative care, perineum, parturition complications, obstetrics.


Schistosomiasis and its treatment in Asian elephants. Wu, Jie et al. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 1986, (3), p. 39-40. ISSN: 1000-6419.

            Descriptors: Schistosoma, parasites, treatment, Elephas maximus.


Successful treatment of chronic purulent pododermatitis in an Indian elephant. Schaller, K. Praktische Tierarzt, 1986, v. 67 (1), p. 25-30. ref. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors: disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide, feet, diseases, elephants.


Abdominal surgery in three adult male Asian elephants. Byron, H.T.Jr.; Olsen, J.; Schmidt, M.; Copeland, J.F. Jr.; Byron, L. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1236-1237. ref. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3

            Descriptors: surgery, anaesthesia, testes, elephants.


Ivermectin treatment of lice, Haematomyzus elephantis, infestations in two elephant species. Karesh, W.B.; Robinson, P.T. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dec. 1, 1985, v. 187 (11), p. 1235-1236. ISSN: 0003-1488.

            NAL call no: 41.8 Am3

            Descriptors: Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana, antiparasitic drug.


Photo-documentation of the extraction of a dead elephant fetus (Elephas maximus) by incision of the perineum on day 645 of gestation and 65 hours after the beginning of parturition. Merkt, H.; Ahlers, D.; Bader, H.; Brandt, H.P.; Boeer, M.; Dittrich, L. Praktische Tierarzt, 1985, v. 66 (5), p. 377-378. ISSN: 0032-681X.

            NAL call no: 41.8 P882

            Descriptors; elephants, parturition, obstetrics, surgery, reproduction.


Surgical approach to the abdomen of the elephant. Byron, H.T.; Copelend, J.F. Jr.; Schmidt, M.J.; Olsen, J.; Hauck, R. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1985, p. 2. ISSN: 0095-0610.

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: surgical techniques, abdominal surgery, case reports, Elephas maximus.


A case of rhododendron poisoning in circus elephants. Schaller, K. Kleintierpraxis, Feb. 1983, v. 28 (1), p. 53-56. ISSN: 0023-2076.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: miscellaneous animal disorders, rhododendrons, azaleas, poisoning.


Isoniazid therapy in an Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Devine, J.E.; Boever, W.J.; Miller, E. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1983, v. 14 (4), p. 130-133. ref.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: drug therapy, elephants, tuberculosis, Isoniazid.


Partial castration of a male elephant (Elephas maximus). Gerring, H.; Schroder, H.D. Zoologische Garten, 1982, v. 52 (5-6), p. 365-368. ref. ISSN: 0044-5169.

            Language: German.

            NAL call no: 410 Z724

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, xylazine, castration, elephants.


Delayed dentition of an Indian elephant causing obstipation and colic. Schaller, K. Deutsche Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift (Germany, F.R.), Oct. 1981, v. 88 (10), p. 439-440. ref. ill. ISSN: 0341-6593.

            Language: German with an English summary. 

            NAL call no: 41.8 D482

            Descriptors: miscellaneous animal disorders, physiological disorders, dentition.


Management of esophogotomy in an Asian elephant. Sikaraski, J.G.; Riebold, T.; Stick, J.; Washburn, J. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Proceedings, 1981, p. 106-108. ISSN:

            NAL call no: SF605.A4

            Descriptors: anaesthesia, surgical techniques, oesophogotomy, injuries, choking.


Management of a chronic paracoxial sinus in ans elephant - a case report (Elephas maximus). Misra, S.S.; Angelo, S.J. Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science, 1979, v. 10 (2), p. 320-323. ISSN: 0374-8774.

            NAL call no: SF604.K42

            Descriptors: injuries, chronic paracoxial sinus treatment, Elephas maximus.


Cataract operation on elephant saves sight. Animal Keepers’ Forum. International Zoo News, 1978, v. 25 (7), p. 33. ISSN: 0020-9155.

            NAL call no: QL76.I58

            Descriptors: cataract removal in captivity, Elephas maximus, disorders.


Penicillin G and amoxicillin in elephants: A study comparing dose regimens administered with serum levels achieved inn healthy elephants. Schmidt, M.J. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 1978, v. 9 (4), p. 127-136. ISSN: 0093-4526.

            NAL call no: SF601.J6

            Descriptors: dose regimens for penicillin and amoxicillin, evaluation of levels.


Mortal salt poisoning of a young Indian elephant. Stehlik, M.; Blazek, K. Kleintierpraxis, Jun. 1974, v. 19 (4), p. 133-136. ref.

            Language: German with an English summary.

            NAL call no: 41.8 K67

            Descriptors: salt poisoning, mortal, young Indian elephant.


Successful treatment of Choniangium epistomum and Cobboldia elephantis larva infection in elephants with tetramisole (Nilverm-I.C.I.). Datta, B.; Chakravarty, A.K.; Raquib, A. Indian Veterinary Journal, Nov. 1972, v. 49 (11), p. 1158-1159.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: parasitic larva, elephants, treatment, tetramisole.


Immobilization of aggressive working elephants (Elephas maximus). Jainudeen, M.R.; Bongso, T.A.; Perera, B.M.O.A. Veterinary Record, Dec. 25, 1971, v. 89 (26), p. 686-688. ISSN: 0042-4900.

            NAL call no: 41.8 V641 

            Descriptors: immobilization, aggressive working elephants, Elephas maximus.


Umbilical hernia in an elephant calf. Singh, B.S. Indian Veterinary Journal, May 1971, 48 (5), p. 533-536.

            NAL call no: 41.8 IN2

            Descriptors: elephant calf, umbilical hernia, case report.


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African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)


Fact sheets and information about the African elephant for kids from Defenders of Wildlife.


African Elephant Bibliography


A searchable bibliography viewed by text (lynx) or a graphic browser. An annotated list of references on the biology and ecology of the African elephant. Links to Save the Elephants and African Elephant Specialists Group.


African Elephant Conservation Trust


The goal is successful conservation of the African elephant within the context of human needs and pressures. Ambroseli Elephant Research Project. Reports from the field, news, etc.


African Elephant Pictures


From Picture gallery, books, videos, links, news, etc.


African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG)


Provides technical resources for elephant conservation and management, African elephant database, links, FAQ’s, etc. From the Species Survival Commission, IUCN.



Information on anatomy of elephants, family structure, senses, life cycles, etc. Books, news, links. Searchable elephant site.


Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)


From The Wild Ones Animal Index. Vocabulary, physical appearance, biomes, habitat, etc. Basic information on the Asian elephant.


Asian Elephants


From the National Zoo, Smithsonian Institution. Information on the Asian elephant, photogallery, Asian elephant facts, elephant cam, for kids, links to other animals.


The Asian Elephant Art & Conservation Project


Art gallery, books events, conservation project.


Center for Elephant Conservation 


From Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus. The Center for Elephant Conservation works on reproduction and breeding of the Asian elephant plus various research projects for conservation and preservation of the species. 


Elephant, Loxodonta africana


Images of elephants. Lots of good, basic information on the African elephant, what is it, where it lives, ecology, activity, social system, reproduction, maternal care, communication and more.


Elephant Anatomy


From Elephant Nature Park. Information on Sensory Perceptions, breeding, life cycle, size, diet, etc.


Elephant Bibliographic Database


A bibliographic database comprised of over 2000 articles on African and Asian elephants, primarily healthcare, science and husbandry, but also ecology and conservation.


Elephant Care International


An independent program devoted to elephant healthcare and conservation. Facilitates the sharing of elephant data among professionals. Image gallery, links.


Elephant Information Repository


An information repository consisting of anatomy, family structure, senses, life cycles impact, links, news, books, multimedia. Current elephant issues.


Elephant Managers & Owners Association EMOA (South Africa)


This group promotes, monitors and advises on all aspects of elephant management, conservation and welfare for the African elephant.


Elephant Nature Park


Many pages concerning projects, general elephant knowledge, lifestyles, photographs.


The Elephant Sanctuary


An elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. Information and photographs on elephants plus ELECAM.


European Elephant Keepers and Managers Association (EEKMA)


A forum for elephant keepers primarily but curators and other interested persons may be permitted to join. Quarterly newsletter, links, training programs, education for keepers, workshops.


Military Elephants: A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources


History of elephants and other animals in military service.


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