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The 2003 Army Modernization Plan

On Point for Readiness Today--Transforming for Security Tomorrow

The United States Army today remains actively and forcefully engaged throughout the world and at home in service of the Nation's interests.  Over 180,000 Soldiers are deployed in more than 80 countries, with many at the forefront of the Global War on Terrorism as part of Operation Enduring Freedom and others prepared for any potential contingency at home or abroad.  The broad array of Army forces -- from Special Operations Forces (Rangers, Special Forces, Special Operations Aviation, Psychological Operations, and Civil Affairs units) to conventional forces from active duty, National Guard and Reserve units -- remain "on point" to meet any challenges and fulfill all missions that may be assigned by our national leaders.  Maintaining the warfighting readiness of this superb force remains the enduring priority and commitment for the Army.

The 2003 Army Modernization Plan describes the Army's Modernization and Investment Strategies, which are the concrete means of implementing the Army's strategic vision of a transformed force for the future while still preserving sufficient readiness for the challenges of the present.   The ultimate purpose is a fully capable force that will deliver future readiness at every point on the possible range of military operations.  Balanced Modernization continues as the overall strategy for weighing current requirements versus the need for transforming to an even more ready and relevant force tomorrow.   To free up the valuable resources to support Transformation, the Army has reduced investments in the current force to more limited modernization and recapitalization efforts.  Today's Army still remains fully capable of performing all missions assigned, but it also is investing in creating the force for tomorrow that will meet the demands that lie ahead.

2003 Army Modernization Plan
Cover - Army Modernization Plan 2003 Annex A: Doctrine
Letter of Transmittal by
Lieutenant General Benjamin S. Griffin
Army G-8
Annex B: Force Structure (Organizations)
Annex C: Training and Leader Development
Annex D: Materiel
Table of Contents Annex E: Personnel
Executive Summary Annex F: Installations (Facilities/Infrastructure)
2003 Army Modernization Plan Annex G: Homeland Security
Introduction to Annexes Glossary
*All documents are in .pdf form
For further information pertaining to the Modernization Plan contact the Army G-8 Office.