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What They're Saying

“I wanted to compliment you on the quality of the seminar last week.  I found it very interesting and informative, and thought Greg was a great instructor.  I'm highly recommending your program to anyone at SAS who will be involved with the electric utility business.”


Michael Gilliland

SAS Institute

"Very educational, great class. One of the best instructors I have ever heard."

Mirielys Fernandez

Florida Power & Light

"Thank you for a great seminar. I learned quite a lot about the natural gas/electric business and all of my questions during the training were thoroughly answered.

Jennifer Hodgin

Framatome ANP, Inc.

"This was the best training seminar I've ever had, very complete and presented in a logical manner."

Eryn Lorcher

Hunt Power

"Thanks again for the Gas and Electric Business Understanding course. As a new employee with very little previous exposure to the energy industry, I found the class very helpful and interesting."

Ken Owen

PG&E Corporation

"Thank you very much for a great course. So many questions were answered and thoroughly explained that I am still trying to absorb. I look forward to using the workbook in my daily tasks and perhaps attending more courses as I grow with the business."

LInda S. Haskins


"The instructor was very passionate about her subject matter and had a terrific delivery. She made students feel very comfortable asking questions and was extremely approachable. The course was choc full of very current information - which was well researched with plenty of footnotes/sources for individual followup."

Debra Reyes Castro


"I truly meant every word I said about how impressed I was with your knowledge of these industries from physical, financial, regulatory, political, historical, and ecomonic perspectives.  And your style of conveying the information was extremely engaging. The training truly exceeded my expectations."

Sherrie Austin

Vice President, Market Strategies, Inc.

"The course was GREAT!  I made some great contacts to boot! I'm going to try REALLY hard to get to the Chicago workshop for the 2-day on electric market dynamics. My comfort level in my job increased exponentially just from the 1-day on the energy industry. I can't imagine how good I would feel after 2 full days of that!"

John Allen Flynt


Public Seminars
Electric Market Dynamics

Electric Market Dynamics offers participants an in-depth understanding of electric markets and how they function in the U.S. today. Topics covered include electric market structures (ranging from monopoly utility to the various ISO markets); the various energy, capacity, ancillary services, and transmission markets within those structures; how participants interact in these markets; the business strategies and decision-making processes used by market participants; how wholesale trading operates and how prices are set; retail marketing business models and services that have proved successful; and much more. (see Course Content for details on the many topics covered). This seminar is highly interactive and stresses participation from all attendees through discussionand a number of market simulation exercises. Class size is limited to ensure personal attention for all attendees.

Course length

Two Days


Electric Business Understanding or a thorough knowledge of the electric industry.

Who should take this course?
Professionals with a basic understanding of the electricity business who need a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of the marketplace:

  • Previous participants in Enerdynamics' Electric Business Understanding seminar
  • Finance and accounting professionals
  • Fuel buyers and sellers
  • Generation planners and developers
  • Legal professionals
  • Regulatory professionals
  • Sales professionals
  • Support functions for wholesale trading and risk management
  • System operators
  • Transmission planners and developers
  • Utility account representatives and department managers

What you will learn

This course will provide you with a solid understanding of the workings of the North American electric marketplace from supply to consumer. After this two-day seminar, you will understand the ins and outs of:

  • The various market structures in North America
  • Details on how capacity, energy, ancillary services, and transmission markets work
  • How the markets set prices
  • Techniques used to forecast and evaluate supply, demand, and price
  • Concepts used to measure value and risk
  • Techniques used to manage risk
  • Market strategies used by generation, wholesale, and retail market participants

You will also be prepared to evaluate risks and opportunities for your organization as well as for other market participants.

Registration fee

$1,290 (save $200 - only $1,090 if paid three weeks prior to seminar). This fee includes continental breakfast, lunch and morning and afternoon breaks. The fee also includes course materials and a networking reception the first night.


April 8-9, 2009

The Omni Houston Hotel
4 Riverway
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 871-8181
$195 single/double
Earlybird discount ends 3/18/09

October 7-8, 2009

The Omni Chicago Hotel

676 North Michigan Ave.

Chicago, IL 60611

(312) 753-5800

$199 single/double

Earlybird discount ends 9/16/09


Group discount

Attend this seminar with your workgroup and you can save up to 25%. For every three people from the same company who attend this course, the fourth is free!

Networking reception

At all two-day seminars we offer a hosted reception the first night which gives you the opportunity to network with colleagues in a casual and comfortable environment.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Enerdynamics believes its seminars and training programs are the best in the industry. We are proud to offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee: If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your program, we'll gladly refund your entire registration fee. For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact us at 866.765.5432.

Cancellation policy

Registrations cancelled two weeks or more prior to the seminar date will receive a full refund minus a 10% administrative fee or a credit for 100% of the registration fee good towards any other Enerdynamics product. Registrations cancelled with less than two weeks notice but more than two days notice will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee good towards any other Enerdynamics product. Registrations cancelled with less than two days notice are not eligible for refund or credit. Substitutions may be made at any time and without additional cost.

Course content

Electric Market Details

  • The reason for electric markets
  • Customers and load curves
  • Satisfying needs – the electric system
  • Suppliers and supply curves
  • The basic market structures (ranging from vertical monopoly to full wholesale/retail competition)
  • The specific markets that underlie the market structures (self-owned generation, bilateral, ISO day-ahead, ISO real-time, ancillary services, transmission, capacity)
  • Models for different ways of structuring capacity, energy, ancillary services, and transmission markets
  • Details of how the different markets work

Concepts of Forecasting Loads, Supply and Price

  • Basic tools for forecasting – fundamentals, modeling, random generation
  • Quantification of uncertainty in forecasting
  • Key factors in load fluctuations
  • Forecasting individual loads
  • Forecasting portfolio loads
  • Key factors in supply
  • Modeling supply availability
  • Key factors in price
  • Forecasting fuel price
  • Techniques in forecasting electric price levels and volatility

Concepts of Value, Risk and Return

  • Definitions
  • How to describe value, risk and return
  • Determining mark-to-market
  • Measuring risk – determining VaR
  • Measures beyond VaR
  • Physical transactions and basic hedging techniques
  • The concept of optionality
  • Use of derivatives to hedge risk
  • Use of value and risk in transaction and portfolio analysis

Market Strategies Generation

  • Markets available to generators based on generation types
  • Revenue streams based on market availability
  • Costs associated with different types of generation
  • Risks associated with different types of generation
  • Structuring bilateral deals for sale of generation
  • Bidding generation into ISO markets
  • Pricing generation products
  • Determining asset values
  • Keys for success in generation

Market Strategies Wholesale Trading

  • Trading strategies and goals
  • Revenues streams in wholesale trading
  • Costs associated with wholesale trading
  • Risks associated with wholesale trading
  • Structuring bilateral deals in wholesale trading
  • Covering wholesale positions in ISO markets
  • Pricing wholesale products
  • Construction of portfolios
  • Valuing portfolios
  • Keys for success in wholesale trading

Market Strategies Retail Sales

  • Sales strategies and goals
  • Revenues streams in retail trading
  • Costs associated with retail trading
  • Risks associated with retail trading
  • Structuring deals in wholesale trading
  • Covering retail sales positions by acquiring supply
  • Pricing retail products
  • Keys for success in retail trading

CPE Credits

Enerdynamics Corp. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site: www.nasba.org

Upon completion, you will received 16 hours of CPE credit for this course.

Delivery Method


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