Services: The Review Process

I have appointed an Academy Review Board with the assigned responsibility of interviewing qualified applicants in the fall semester of the applicant's senior year. The board conducts interviews in several locations throughout the state to assure ease of attendance for applicants. The interview dates are carried out in November and announced to each individual with ample notice. I can nominate up to ten applicants for the vacancies I have (at least one each year) to the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy. In addition, I may nominate a maximum of ten candidates each year to the Merchant Marine Academy. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy is not handled through congressional offices; therefore, no nomination is needed; only an application to that academy is required.

I make my final selections from the recommendations of the Academy Review Board. I will only nominate candidates who have submitted an application to the appropriate Service Academy. I inform all nominees of their status in December of each year. Each academy makes the final decision on the appointments offered from the list that I submit.