Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869

Vice President Schuyler Colfax
Inauguration Date Thursday, March 4, 1869
Location East Portico, U.S. Capitol
Oath Administered By: Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice
Bible Used: Unknown
Length of Inaugural Address: 1,122 words
Attire (what the president wore): Unknown
Weather: Light rain all morning stopping just before noon. The afternoon was mostly sunny. Total rainfall was .11 inches and the estimated noon temperature was 40°F.
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: Andrew Johnson did not accompany President-elect Grant to the Capitol, nor did he attend the Inagural ceremonies. Instead, he remained at the White House signing last-minute legislation.