Annual Energy Outlook Forecast Evaluation

Susan H. Holte and Eugene J. Reiser

This paper evaluates the projections in the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO),1 by comparing the projections from the Annual Energy Outlook 1982 through the Annual Energy Outlook 1998 with actual historical values and providing the rationale for the differences. A set of 16 major consumption, production, imports, price, and economic variables were chosen for evaluation, updating a similar analysis published in the previous edition of Issues in Midterm Analysis and Forecasting.2 This paper expands on the previous one by adding the most recent AEO to the evaluation, including 1997 as an additional historical year, adding a comparison of high and low economic growth cases when available, and including a regression analysis of the historical data.

purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Introduction
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Overview
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Energy Consumption
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Energy Production
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Energy Imports and Exports
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Energy Prices and Economic Growth
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  High and Low Economic Growth Cases
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Regression Analysis on Historical Data
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Conclusion
purcube.gif (374 bytes)  Appendix A: Total Energy Consumption (TE)


This paper presents an analysis of the forecast record of the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO). It compares the projections for major energy variables from the reference case for each of the AEOs published from April 1983 through December 1997 with actual data.3 The purpose of the analysis is to provide a measure of the accuracy of the forecasts; however, prediction of future energy markets is not the primary reason for developing and maintaining the models that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) uses to produce the AEO. Because the EIA models are developed primarily as tools for policy analysis, a key assumption of the forecasts is that current laws and regulations will remain in effect throughout the forecast horizon. This assumption, while necessary to provide a baseline against which changes in policy can be evaluated, also virtually guarantees that the forecasts will be in error, as laws and regulations pertinent to energy markets change considerably over the years.

The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS)—the current EIA model used to produce the midterm projections in the AEO—and the predecessor models were designed to enforce a discipline on the process of energy market analysis by providing a comprehensive set of assumptions that are consistent with our understanding of the factors that affect energy markets—for example, technological innovation, energy service demand growth, and energy resources. The models are modified each year to ensure their relevance to evolving energy issues and to update baseline data, parameters, and assumptions with the most recent historical data. NEMS, first used for the Annual Energy Outlook 1994 (AEO94),4 was specifically designed for a high level of technological detail and flexibility to address a wide range of policy options.

These models are frequently used in studies conducted for the U.S. Congress, the Department of Energy, and other Government agencies to analyze the impacts of changes in energy policies, regulations, and other major assumptions on future energy supply, demand, and prices, typically using assumptions specified by the client. The most recent examples of analytical studies include an analysis of the Electric System Public Benefits Protection Act of 19975 at the request of Senator James M. Jeffords (R-Vt), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; a study of carbon reduction policies6 for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Policy and International Affairs; a study on the costs and economic impacts of oil imports7 for the U.S. General Accounting Office; an analysis for Senator Jeffords on open access regulatory changes and their impacts on the electricity industry;8 and an analysis of carbon mitigation policies9 prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Just in the period analyzed in this paper, many legislative actions and policies have been enacted, including the National Appliance and Energy Conservation Act of 1987, the Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act of 1989, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA90), the Energy Policy Act of 1992, the repeal of the Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 (FUA), the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, the Outer Continental Shelf Deep Water Royalty Relief Act of 1995, the Tax Payer Relief Act of 1997, the Climate Change Action Plan developed by the Clinton Administration in 1993 to achieve stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions, and various orders issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Examples of FERC orders include Order 636, which restructured interstate natural gas pipeline companies and required the separation of sales and transportation functions, and Orders 888 and 889, which provided open access to interstate electricity transmission lines. These actions have had significant impacts on energy supply, demand, and prices, but because of the assumption on current laws and regulations, the impacts were not incorporated in the AEO projections until their enactment or effective dates.

In several cases, EIA’s models have been used to evaluate some of the potential impacts of these changes in laws and regulations before they were enacted, thus fulfilling EIA’s designated role in policy analysis. For example, EIA provided comprehensive analysis to the House Energy and Commerce Committee concerning the impacts of the CAAA90 on the coal and electricity industries. In other cases, the models have been used to analyze policies that were eventually rejected; a prime example is the British thermal unit (Btu) tax proposed in early 1993. Both of these uses of the models illustrate the importance of maintaining a modeling capability apart from the forecasting function, using current laws and regulations as a baseline assumption.

In addition to changes in laws and regulations, a number of other factors can cause energy markets to deviate from the longer term trends represented by the forecasts in the AEO. For example, the forecasts assume normal weather patterns; however, the weather will rarely, if ever, be normal in any given year. Although the AEO models have not generally been used for analysis of weather conditions on energy markets, temperatures that are colder or warmer than normal for sustained periods have a significant impact on energy consumption. Strikes and political incidents, such as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, are other unanticipated events whose impacts on energy markets are not captured in a mid- to long-term energy projection. Any of these events can cause price volatility and fluctuations in energy consumption and supply. EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)10 reflects the impacts of these events and the near-term adjustments to them, and each AEO adjusts its near-term forecasts to the most recent STEO projections. By presenting quarterly projections and accounting for stock fluctuations and other short-term adjustments, the STEO is more applicable to the analysis of such events than is the AEO, which presents annual average projections.

Although the primary purpose of the models is policy analysis, many users of the AEO view the projections as forecasts. Thus, analyzing the models’ performance and the reasons for differences between the projections and history is important both for users and for those responsible for the projections. The models and assumptions used in the AEOs undergo continuous evaluation and change, in part because of changes in energy markets and in part as a result of internal assessment of the models’ performance. Natural gas markets are an example of both points. The representation of natural gas markets has been revised significantly to reflect deregulation. In addition, the fundamental assumptions about the size and potential growth of natural gas resources have been revised because evaluations of past forecasts have shown that price projections for gas were too high.

This paper presents projections for each AEO from 1982 to 1998.11 The forecast horizon has expanded over the period examined in this paper; for example, the Annual Energy Outlook 1982 (AEO82)12 projections of energy markets extended only through 1990. Also, although year-by-year forecasts were produced for each AEO, many AEOs published only selected years. This evaluation includes all projected years, including unpublished projections where available. A set of 16 key energy variables is used to provide a comprehensive picture of the projections. The projections in this analysis were produced by the models in use at the time. Before 1994, the Intermediate Future Forecasting System was the primary model for midterm projections; however, this evaluation is not meant to assess a specific model but rather to assess the forecasts and the underlying assumptions that shape the results. An evaluation of models is inappropriate at this point, because NEMS—a longer run model—was first used for the 1994 forecasts, and historical data for comparison are available only for four short-term years. In this case, the best effort is to compare the NEMS results with forecasts from other organizations, as is done in each AEO.


Table 1 provides a summary of the average absolute forecast errors,13 expressed as percentage differences from actual, for each of the major variables included in this analysis.14 As the table indicates, the forecasts of consumption, production, and economic variables have generally been the most accurate; net import projections have been less accurate; and the price projections15 have been the least accurate when evaluated on the basis of average absolute percent errors.

Table 1.  Average Absolute Percent Errors for AEO Forecasts, 1982-1998


Average Absolute Percent Error



 Total Energy Consumption


 Total Petroleum Consumption


 Total Natural Gas Consumption


 Total Coal Consumption


 Total Electricity Sales




 Crude Oil Production


 Natural Gas Production


 Coal Production


Imports and Exports


 Net Petroleum Imports


 Net Natural Gas Imports


 Net Coal Exports


Prices and Economic Variables


 World Oil Prices


 Natural Gas Wellhead Prices


 Coal Prices to Electric Utilities


 Average Electricity Prices


 Gross Domestic Product


AEO = Annual Energy Outlook.
Source:  Tables 2 through 17.

Each of the consumption, production, and economic variables has been projected with an average absolute percent error of 5.7 percent or less. For both total energy consumption and total electricity sales, the most accurately projected variables during this period, the average absolute percent error is 1.7 percent. Average absolute percent errors for net imports range from 9.5 percent for petroleum to 22.8 percent for coal. For prices, forecasting has proven to be a much greater challenge. Average absolute percent errors for the world oil price, the price of coal to electric utilities, and the average natural gas wellhead price range from 35.3 to 72.1 percent over the period, with natural gas wellhead prices proving to have the highest error of the variables evaluated. Average electricity price projections, however, fared better, with an 11.0-percent average absolute percent error.

The following sections discuss the underlying results in some detail; however, it is clear that quantities are more amenable to the forecasting methods used in the AEO than are prices; that the errors in forecasting prices have not, in general, affected the accuracy of projected quantities; and that natural gas has tended to have the highest average forecast error within most categories—consumption, production, and prices. Some of the major factors leading to inaccurate forecasts include the assumption in the earlier AEOs that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cartel would maintain the market power and cohesiveness to set world oil prices; the decline of oil production in the former Soviet Union; underestimates of the impact of technology improvements on the production and prices of oil, natural gas, and coal; the impacts of changes in laws and regulations on natural gas prices; the treatment of fuel supply contract provisions for natural gas and coal as fixed and binding; and other events that have caused the actual trends to differ from projected long-term trends, as discussed above.

Energy Consumption

Total Energy Consumption

Total energy consumption forecasts have shown a generally good track record for most of the AEO publications.16 The overall average absolute percent error for the period examined here is 1.7 percent (Table 2), with the largest errors occurring in forecasts for the year 1996 (3.0 percent), and the smallest errors in forecasts for 1991 (0.9 percent).

In terms of the AEO publications, the Annual Energy Outlook 1986 (AEO86)17 had the largest absolute and average absolute percent errors for total energy consumption, at 3.0 quadrillion Btu and 3.4 percent, respectively. There was a significant underestimate of energy consumption for most of the projected years in AEO86, in part due to the high fossil fuel prices projected for the publication, which was completed prior to the 1986 collapse in oil prices and published early in 1987. After AEO86, there was general improvement in the forecast record, as EIA’s experience with lower priced energy markets expanded. It is worth noting, however, that the overall average absolute percent errors for oil price forecasts in AEO86 were better than in the preceding AEOs. Price forecasts for some years in AEO86 were also better than in some subsequent AEOs; for example, some of the subsequent AEOs projected world oil prices that were too low for the years 1989 and 1990, and the Annual Energy Outlook 1991 (AEO91)18 projected much higher prices for 1991 and 1992.

One of the aspects of modeling energy consumption that is important in the evaluation of the forecasts is the effect of regulations such as appliance and automobile efficiency standards. When such standards are incorporated, some decisions that would otherwise be made by the interaction of supply and demand factors are in fact set by fiat, helping to reduce some of the uncertainty associated with the forecasts and reducing at least one source of forecast error.

Total Petroleum Consumption

Total petroleum consumption forecasts have an average absolute percent error of 2.9 percent during the period covered in this evaluation (Table 3). The least accurate forecast year was 1988, for which the AEOs averaged about 0.75 million barrels per day lower than the actual consumption of 17.3 million barrels per day. For 1988, the forecasts of the world oil price were also consistently too high, as noted later, with an average absolute percent error of 80.9 percent, the highest error for any year other than 1986 and 1995. As described in the section on world oil prices, the early AEO world oil price projections were influenced by the notion that OPEC could curtail production sufficiently and hold prices up throughout the forecast horizon. This led to extremely high forecasts for 1995 in the early AEOs, like AEO83 and AEO84. In addition, the forecasts of economic growth in 1988 tended to be too low in most of the AEO publications, which would also lead to an underestimate of demand.

AEO82, the earliest publication considered in this analysis,19 and AEO86 had the highest average absolute percent errors for petroleum consumption at 5.3 and 5.7 percent, respectively. Projections of petroleum consumption were underestimated for all years in AEO86, which was the last AEO completed before the oil price collapse. The projections for the years 1985 through 1987 in AEO82 were above actual demand; however, the errors for 1988 through 1990 were much smaller and in the opposite direction.

The AEO82 forecast for the year 1985 had the highest percent error of all the petroleum forecasts evaluated. Residential and commercial consumption was projected to be more than 0.4 million barrels per day higher in 1985 than it actually was, and consumption of petroleum for electricity generation was projected to be more than 1.8 million barrels per day higher in 1985, more than triple the actual value. Both numbers were reduced in the Annual Energy Outlook 1983 (AEO83)20 and were considerably more accurate. Although the AEO82 total petroleum consumption projection for 1990 was equal to the historical value at 16.99 million barrels per day, the sectoral projections were not accurate. Residential and commercial demand was projected to be about 0.6 million barrels per day higher, industrial 1.0 million barrels per day higher, transportation 2.5 million barrels per day lower, and electricity generation 1.2 million barrels per day higher than actual. Between AEO82 and AEO83, the role of natural gas had been reevaluated, giving it a larger role in the residential and commercial sectors and, in particular, in the electricity sector. The projections for oil demand in these sectors declined between AEO82 and AEO83, and those for natural gas demand increased.

Following AEO82, the projections of residential and commercial oil consumption remained rather close to the actual values, although the slight downturn in 1990 was missed. A general characterization of the forecasts is a tendency to underestimate energy consumption for several years after the Annual Energy Outlook 1984 (AEO84).21 At that time, there was an assumption that residential and commercial customers would purchase the most energy-efficient technologies, an assumption that led to overly optimistic expectations of efficiency improvements. The Annual Energy Outlook 1985 (AEO85)22 shows this impact in the residential and commercial sectors.

In the early forecasts, industrial consumption of oil was overestimated, partially reflecting somewhat optimistic assumptions about the growth of energy-intensive industries but also due to an underestimation of the potential growth of natural gas in an era of high gas prices. Later projections were somewhat underestimated due to assumptions of higher efficiency gains.

Through many of the forecasts, transportation consumption was significantly underestimated. The projected world oil prices were too high; and, in reaction to the higher prices, estimated vehicle efficiency improvements were too high and vehicle miles traveled too low, leading to transportation demand forecasts that were up to 2.5 million barrels per day too low in AEO82 and frequently up to 1 million barrels per day too low in the next several AEOs. These forecasts improved significantly in the Annual Energy Outlook 1987 (AEO87),23 which contained the first set of projections after the oil price collapse in 1986.

Total Natural Gas Consumption

The average absolute percent error for natural gas consumption forecasts for this period is 5.7 percent (Table 4). Projections for 1995 had the highest average absolute percent error at 9.2 percent. For 1995, all the AEOs underestimated consumption by anywhere from 1 to 22 percent, primarily due to high natural gas price projections. For many of the statistics presented in this paper, 1995 through 1997 show some of the highest percent errors, because these years have many of the oldest projections, which were made 10 to 12 years earlier. Particularly in the natural gas industry, there were significant changes in energy markets throughout the 1980s. Natural gas price forecasts were very high, as discussed later, and were important causes for the underestimation of consumption in many years in the analysis period, as prices were overstated considerably in comparison with the actual prices.

The FUA also contributed to low estimates of gas consumption by industrial customers. In reaction to a perceived scarcity of natural gas, the FUA legislation attempted to restrict gas use by large electric utility and industrial customers. Because of the number of exemptions granted to electric utilities; however, the FUA had little impact on the forecasts of gas consumption by utilities, except in AEO82. The legislation did have some restraining influence on industrial gas consumption forecasts until its repeal in 1987.

With the exceptions of the projections for 1985 through 1988 made in AEO83 through AEO85, natural gas consumption was generally underestimated, concurrent with high price projections. Where consumption was overestimated, the tendency to conservation and the impact of higher prices on demand were not fully captured, even though prices were generally overestimated as well. Before 1995, 1986 was the year with the highest average absolute percent error, at 7.0 percent. Except for AEO82, all the errors for 1986 were overestimates. Although natural gas price projections for 1986 were high, oil price projections were also high, and fuel switching from oil to gas was projected.

Among the AEOs, overall average absolute percent errors ranged from 1.1 to 9.5 percent, excepting the Annual Energy Outlook 1998 (AEO98),24 which included a single estimate of the most recent historical year, with a 0.7-percent error. AEO86 and AEO87 had the highest average absolute percent errors, mainly because of underestimates of natural gas use in the industrial sector, although projections for the residential and commercial sectors were also low in the later years. Projections in the 1980s underestimated natural gas consumption for most years, particularly the later years in the horizon, with high price forecasts contributing to the errors. Consumption forecasts improved considerably starting with the Annual Energy Outlook 1990 (AEO90),25 with average absolute percent errors of 4.1 percent or less. Natural gas price forecasts improved starting with AEO91, with average absolute percent errors no more than 20.1 percent.

Total Coal Consumption

The forecasts for coal consumption have been stable and displayed fairly low average errors, in part due to the good record in forecasting electricity sales, for which coal is a major fuel. The average absolute percent error for coal consumption is 3.0 percent (Table 5). As has generally been the case, forecasts for the years 1995, 1996, and 1997 tend to have the highest errors, averaging 4.4, 5.0, and 5.3 percent, respectively. There was a strong tendency to overestimate in the earlier AEOs, particularly AEO84, whose forecast for 1995 was 15.4 percent over actual consumption. Factors contributing to the overestimate included a 5.6-percent overestimate for electricity sales, an estimate of efficiency that was about 5 percent too low for coal-fired generating units, and a share for coal in generation that did not account for the eventual greater role of natural gas, particularly among nonutility electricity producers. The shares of coal and natural gas in the industrial sector were similarly affected, with high natural gas price forecasts and an overly optimistic view of the future of metallurgical coal in steelmaking being the primary factors.

Until the later AEOs, AEO84 had the highest average absolute percent error for coal consumption at 5.4 percent, because of the high 1995 projection. Following an increase in natural gas prices in 1996 and 1997, coupled with declining coal prices, there was a drop in gas consumption by electricity generators and a notable surge in coal consumption by generators in 1996 and 1997, which caused some of the larger errors for those years in most AEOs. Consequently, the Annual Energy Outlook 1996 (AEO96)26 and Annual Energy Outlook 1997 (AEO97)27 have average absolute percent errors of 5.4 and 5.7, respectively.

Total Electricity Sales

Electricity sales have an average absolute percent error of 1.7 over the period studied (Table 6); 1996 is the year with the highest average absolute percent error of 2.5 percent. Electricity sales for all years were overestimated in AEO82, and, with the exception of AEO87, AEO85 through AEO90 tended to underestimate the earlier years and overestimate the later years. In earlier AEOs, overestimates tended to occur because of strong growth in electricity demand in the industrial sector resulting from high projections of oil and gas prices and strong growth in consumption in the sector in general. This growth projection was moderated in later forecasts, which incorporated energy efficiency gains and structural shifts in the industrial sector to less energy-intensive industries.

In the forecasts since AEO91, electricity sales have been underestimated in most years, primarily as a result of optimistic estimates of efficiency improvements, coupled with continued growth in new uses for electricity that was not captured in the projections. In addition, electricity price forecasts have tended to be overstated in most years, largely due to the influence of overstated natural gas and coal prices to electricity producers, as discussed later.

In terms of the AEO publications, the highest average absolute percent error was that of AEO82, at 2.7 percent, as the models used in that AEO continued to anticipate electricity growth at a pace near that of economic growth, a ratio that has actually been reduced considerably in this decade. The error in electricity sales was more than halved in AEO83.

Energy Production

Crude Oil Production

Crude oil production forecasts have an overall average absolute percent error of 4.3 percent over the period evaluated (Table 7). The largest error for any year was 1989, with an average absolute percent error of 7.8 percent and all AEOs overestimating actual production for that year. Since domestic oil production is assumed to be determined by prices rather than demand, an important input to production forecasts is the world oil price, which has also been overestimated for most years, particularly in the AEO82 through AEO85 projections. For 1989, the first four AEOs had significantly high world oil price projections, leading to high production forecasts. Following AEO85, EIA’s price forecasts were either very close to, or significantly under, the actual 1989 price, with a consequent improvement in production projections.

Each of the AEOs has had average absolute percent errors for crude oil production of 7.2 percent or lower, with the exception of AEO83, which had an average absolute percent error of 10.2 percent. AEO83 overestimated crude oil production for all years after 1985, with particularly large errors for 1989, 1990, and 1995, the latter of which was 23.6 percent, primarily because of high price forecasts.

Following the oil price collapse of 1986, there were more underestimations than overestimates of crude oil production. As price projections have been reduced over time, the forecasts have captured the impacts of technological improvements in the oil industry, preventing the production forecasts from falling as precipitously as the price projections.

Natural Gas Production

The overall average absolute percent error for natural gas production forecasts is 4.8 percent (Table 8), lower than the 5.7-percent average absolute percent error for consumption forecasts. Unlike crude oil, most demand for natural gas is met by domestic production; thus, natural gas production tends to follow the projections for consumption. Forecasts for 1994 display the highest average absolute percent error, at 6.8 percent, followed by 1995 at 6.5 percent. The highest error for 1995, and for all the production forecasts, occurred in AEO83, the first AEO to project 1995 production. Despite a very high price forecast, the AEO83 production projection was about 20 percent below the 1995 actual production, reflecting the low demand projection.

AEO82 underestimated gas production in all years and had an 11.7-percent average absolute percent error, followed by AEO87 at 7.7 percent; for all the other AEOs the average error rate has been 6.4 percent (for AEO86) or less. The errors in production forecasts have resulted primarily from the low consumption forecasts, due to high price forecasts. In general, the AEOs have understated production, with the exception of the years prior to 1990 in AEO84 and AEO85, and most of the errors have been similar to those for the forecasts of natural gas consumption.

The difficulty of predicting technological improvement in the industry—and, consequently, of predicting the amount of gas that would be available at a given price—led to the high price and low production forecasts in the earlier AEOs. Following the gas shortages of the late 1970s and the low resource estimates by most geologists, the conventional wisdom of the early to mid-1980s was that natural gas was a scarce resource. This perception changed as the impact of price controls that had curtailed production began to diminish. Also, beginning in the mid-1980s, a number of technological advances, such as directional drilling, 3-D seismic imaging, and slim-hole drilling, lowered the cost of gas exploration and production and expanded the estimates of the resource base. Beginning with AEO90, the forecasts of both production and price improved.

Coal Production

Similar to coal consumption, coal production forecasts have an overall average absolute percent error of 3.6 percent (Table 9). Like those for natural gas, the forecasts for coal production have generally followed the consumption forecasts, with electricity sales being the dominant factor. However, an additional input is the level of coal exports, which also affects coal production significantly. Where coal production has been overestimated, a large part of the reason has been an overstating of the level of coal exports, especially for the years 1993 through 1995, as discussed below.

The year 1993 shows the highest average absolute percent error for coal production, at 9.7 percent. In 1993, there was a strike by coal miners that sharply curtailed production. Consequently, all AEOs produced before the strike show high forecast errors for 1993. The second highest average absolute percent error is for 1995, at 5.7 percent. The forecasts for 1995 in AEO83 through AEO86 range from 8.0 to 18.2 percent above the actual 1995 level, although later forecasts show errors of 5 percent or less. This reflects the overestimation of coal consumption, particularly in AEO83 and AEO84, and the higher-than-realized coal export projections in AEO83 through AEO86, discussed below. The forecasts for other years average much closer to the actual values, with average absolute percent errors ranging from 1.3 to 3.8 percent. The AEO publications display little variation in their overall average errors, with AEO84 showing the highest average absolute percent error of 5 percent, mainly because of its very high projection for 1995.

Energy Imports and Exports

While the United States is a major importer of petroleum, it also imports natural gas, although in much smaller quantities. Coal is the only fuel for which the United States is a net exporter.

Net Petroleum Imports

Because domestic production of petroleum is insufficient to meet demand, imports make up the difference between demand and supply.28 The average absolute percent error for net petroleum imports over the period studied was 9.5 percent (Table 10). The forecast year with the highest average absolute percent error proved to be 1985, for which the AEOs averaged a 28.1-percent error; subsequent years showed considerable improvement. In general, there was a tendency to underestimate imports for the mid-1980s, because of underestimates of consumption and overestimates of production. Except for AEO83 and AEO85, this tendency was generally reversed in projections of the 1990s, with significant overestimates of net petroleum imports for many years in AEO84 through the Annual Energy Outlook 1995 (AEO95).29 Although in some AEOs this corresponded to overestimates of consumption and/or underestimates of production, it was also exacerbated by the contribution of inaccurate forecasts for other sources of supply, such as natural gas liquids and processing gain, the treatment of stocks, and assumptions about the pace of acquisition of crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

By publication, the AEOs for 1982 through 1985, 1987, 1989, and 1994 proved to have the highest average absolute percent errors for forecasts of net petroleum imports. AEO82 strongly overestimated imports for 1985 through 1987; however, its forecasts for the subsequent years were markedly better. Because high estimates of oil prices led to high production forecasts, AEO83, AEO84, and AEO85 strongly underestimated imports in many years, as did AEO86 for the late 1980s. Later reports tended to overestimate imports due to underestimates of production.

Net Natural Gas Imports

Net natural gas imports play a small, but important, supplementary role in meeting natural gas demand. The overall average absolute percent error for the period covered in this study is 16.7 percent, with the largest average absolute percent error for the year 1986 at 49.2 percent (Table 11). All the forecasts for 1986 were overstated, with errors as high as 72.7 percent (AEO82). There was a substantial oil price collapse in 1986, and petroleum imports displaced other energy sources, such as Canadian gas, for much of the Nation’s consumption needs, especially in the industrial and electricity generation sectors. Forecasts for 1987 were overstated in the first four AEOs, but AEO86 and AEO87 reversed the pattern with underestimates. AEO85 also showed high overestimates through 1992 and underestimates for later years. Most AEOs tended to underestimate imports, with errors as high as 54.2 percent for 1995 in AEO83.

The major determining factors of natural gas imports have been the economics of natural gas trade with Canada, the assumptions of pipeline capacity from Canada, the assessment of liquefied natural gas imports from Algeria, and prospects for trade with Mexico and Japan. The tendency was for net gas imports to be overstated for the first four AEOs, except for the 1989, 1990, and 1993 through 1995 forecasts. Since the AEO86 forecast, there has been a greater tendency to underestimate gas imports. Since the Annual Energy Outlook 1993 (AEO93),30 the projections have been much closer to the actual values, with average absolute percent errors of 5.6 percent or less, although the AEO98 projection for 1997 reflects an historical update.

Net Coal Exports

The absolute percent errors in projections for net coal exports have averaged 22.8 percent over the period of this study (Table 12). The forecast year 1994 had the highest average absolute percent error at 48.1 percent, followed by 1993 at 39.9 percent. All the AEOs except AEO95 overstated 1994 coal exports by anywhere from about 30 to 77 percent. For AEO84 through AEO94, coal exports were generally underestimated through 1992 and overestimated in later years. AEO95 and AEO96 underestimated exports by a range of 8 to 19 percent.

AEO82 overestimated future coal exports with an average absolute percent error of 37.5 percent, due largely to the assumption that U.S. coal exports would garner an ever-increasing share of world coal trade, which was also expected to grow in reaction to high world oil prices. AEO83, in contrast, had a much more realistic view of future coal exports and, with the exception of 1995, had much smaller errors. AEO83, AEO96, AEO97, and AEO98 were the closest of all the AEOs with respect to projected coal exports. Projections for 1993 through 1997 in AEO91 through AEO94 were far too high, in part because of the 1993 coal miners’ strike that reduced this country’s competitive position in world coal markets. In addition, world coal trade has not grown as much as previously assumed, because European consumers have turned increasingly to natural gas for industry and power generation, and environmental concerns have led some countries to reduce coal consumption as a means of reducing carbon emissions. AEO95 and AEO96 appear to be overcompensating for this trend. AEO98 reflects historical data for 1997.

Energy Prices
and Economic Growth

World Oil Prices

World oil prices have the second highest average absolute percent errors of all the variables evaluated in this paper, with natural gas prices at the wellhead having the highest. Overall, the average absolute percent error for world oil price forecasts has been 51.3 percent (Table 13). However, the earlier AEOs had a much higher average absolute percent error, and the publications after AEO86 show considerable improvement, with the exception of AEO91, which was affected by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. AEO91, prepared during the short-term escalation of oil prices caused by the invasion, projected continually rising prices. In fact, oil prices declined over each of the next 4 years. Similarly, the year with the highest average absolute percent error was 1995, followed closely by 1986, with very high percentage errors in the earliest AEOs only partially offset by smaller errors in the more recent forecasts. In nominal terms, the first forecast for 1995, from AEO83, was nearly $75 per barrel, compared with the actual 1995 price of $17.14 per barrel.

For many of the variables examined in this paper, the highest average errors are seen for the year 1995. As mentioned before, the 1995 projections include those made furthest in the past—up to 12 years earlier. In addition, projections for 1991 through 1994 are not available from the earliest publications, so that 1995 appears to be more of an outlier.

Although the forecasts of world oil prices appearing in the earlier AEOs were almost uniformly too high, from AEO86 on there were several instances of forecasts that were too low. These included the 1987 and 1990 forecasts appearing in AEO86 and AEO87, the forecasts for 1989 through 1991 appearing in the Annual Energy Outlook 1989 (AEO89)32 and AEO90, and the most recent forecasts for 1996. Clearly, following the oil price collapse of 1986, EIA’s forecasts were significantly reduced; as a consequence, the projections for 1990 tended to be too low, in part because of the rise in oil prices beginning in August 1990 associated with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Even with the lower price forecasts, 1995 had high percentage errors until AEO94, as most AEOs continued to show rising prices in response to perceived rising world oil demand.

The early AEO projections were strongly influenced by the notion that OPEC would continue to hold a large measure of power in world oil markets. Conventional wisdom in the early projections assumed that OPEC would be able to curtail production sufficiently to hold prices up, and that the cartel’s members would continue their cooperation throughout the forecast horizon. Even as it became clear that OPEC’s cohesiveness was not permanent, EIA continued to assume that oil prices would rise with increasing demand, although at a much slower rate of growth than in the 1970s. Increasing investment in areas outside OPEC and technological advances in oil exploration and production have contributed to the growth in oil reserves and production capacity of non-OPEC producers. These trends, combined with competition from natural gas and energy conservation, have kept prices lower than expected in the earlier forecasts.

Natural Gas Prices

Natural gas prices at the wellhead have had the highest average absolute percentage forecast errors in the AEOs, with an overall average error of 72.1 percent (Table 14). Occasionally, near-term gas prices have been underestimated, but most of the projections were overestimates. Similar to the forecasts for world oil prices, those for natural gas prices were highest in the earlier AEOs, when the projections for all prices were influenced by the assumption that market forces would tend to increase demand for, and therefore prices of, natural gas and coal in response to higher world oil prices.

The year 1995 had the highest average absolute percent error; with the exception of AEO96, which was essentially estimating the recent historical year for 1995, the smallest error for 1995 was 28.6 percent in AEO95. The year with the lowest average absolute percent error was 1985, with an average absolute error for four AEOs of 23.3 percent, even including the 65.2-percent error in the AEO82 projection for 1985. Despite the large errors, the forecasts in each subsequent AEO have tended to show considerable improvement, as the downward trend in gas prices has been better captured from one AEO to another.

Nevertheless, each AEO has tended to predict rising prices over time, either because of the assumption in the earlier AEOs that long-term, high-priced contracts would continue or because the depletion effects associated with rising consumption were expected to overcome technological improvement in the more recent forecasts. In summary, three factors have had significant impacts on the projections:

  • In the earlier AEOs, it was assumed that natural gas contracts whose provisions were governed by the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 would not be abrogated and that the prices that prevailed under those contracts would essentially set the market price over time. In fact, when oil prices fell in 1986, many of those contracts were abrogated, and the price of natural gas fell, although not as much as the price of oil.
  • Estimates of the recoverable resource base rose and estimates of exploration and production costs fell over time, in contrast to the assumptions in the earlier forecasts. Because the models use this information as an input, higher assumed levels of recoverable resources and lower assumed costs would have resulted in forecasts characterized by more gas available for production at lower prices. More recent AEOs have allowed for increases in the resource base and decreases in costs due to technology improvements.
  • Consistent with the assumption of existing regulations, the earlier AEOs did not assume that there would be additional competition in the transmission and distribution sectors of the market; however, from 1985 on, FERC moved to open access to the interstate pipeline transmission system, lowering end-use prices and stimulating additional price competition at the wellhead as well.

Thus, although the forecasts have improved with additional information, they have continued to be affected by the impacts of wellhead price deregulation and the changing competitive structure of the industry and by overestimates of the impacts of reserve depletion relative to technology improvements.

It is worth noting that approximately one-fourth of the domestic production of natural gas is as a coproduct of the crude oil extraction process, which means that, as crude oil production rises with higher oil prices, there may be a depressing effect on the wellhead price of gas. This effect has added to the complexity of forecasting natural gas prices.

Coal Prices to Electric Utilities

Although they are better than those for oil and gas prices, the AEO forecasts of coal prices to electric utilities still show an average absolute percent error of 35.3 percent over the period studied (Table 15). All forecasts were overstated. The forecasts for 1995 had the highest average absolute percent error of 57.5 percent. There was, however, significant improvement in the 1995 forecast over time, with the error improving from 137.9 percent in AEO83 to 10.6 percent in AEO95 (excluding AEO96, which provided an estimate for the historical year 1995 based on partial year data). Across forecast years, the further out the forecast, the higher the error, with the lowest average absolute percent error shown for the year 1985 at 13.3 percent.

The early AEOs—AEO82 through AEO86—tended to have the highest average absolute percent errors, exacerbated by their forecasts for 1995. There was steady improvement in the AEOs through AEO90, which had an average absolute percent error of 16.8. After AEO90, overestimates for 1995 through 1997 adversely affected the overall average errors for a number of the subsequent AEOs.

The major factors in the high forecasts of coal prices were assumptions about depletion effects, productivity improvements, capacity utilization, transportation, and the impacts of CAAA90. Depletion was assumed to overcome productivity improvements in the long run; however, the onset of such new technology as longwall mines and the growth of surface mining in the West have led to continuing productivity improvements. Similarly, with high world oil price forecasts, the impacts of excess capacity and competition among existing mines were not seen to be as important as they in fact became. In addition, high world oil prices were assumed to affect both the production process and the costs of transportation. In fact, the collapse of oil prices in 1986 reduced the impact on both, and the increasing competitiveness of rail transportation has held transportation costs below expectations. Finally, it was assumed that high prices would follow the enactment of CAAA90 as the demand for low-sulfur coal increased. Price increases did not materialize, however, as productivity increases and transportation cost reductions made increased production from western mines possible at lower-than-anticipated prices.

Average Electricity Prices

Average electricity prices showed the best forecasting record among the prices examined here, with an average absolute percent error of 11.0 percent (Table 16). As with all the price forecasts, because of the projections made 12 years earlier, the year with the highest average absolute percent error was 1995, which had an average error of 15.5 percent. Except for the two near-term forecasts of 1985 for AEO82 and 1989 for AEO90, price forecasts have been higher than actual. By publication, AEO83 had the highest average absolute error of 18.2 percent, and AEO97 had the lowest at 3.3 percent (with the exception of the AEO98 estimate of the most recent historical year of 1997 based on partial year data). Recent AEOs, from the Annual Energy Outlook 1992 (AEO92)33 on, have had average absolute percent errors of 9.4 percent or less.

The primary reason for high price forecasts was the impact of fuel costs and capital costs on expected prices. Fuel costs were consistently overestimated for oil, natural gas, and coal, with a strong effect on the estimates of electricity prices, especially for AEO82 through AEO84. In addition, the costs of new capacity were assumed to be higher in earlier projections than they actually turned out to be, and this assumption also helped to raise the forecasts. Finally, a 1992 study34 on the accuracy of AEO electricity forecasts for 1985 and 1990 indicated that part of the explanation for high price estimates was public utility commission disallowances and phase-ins of costs of some capital-intensive generating capacity that were not incorporated in the projections because actual regulatory practices varied from those assumed in the projections. For example, some nuclear units had significant shares of their costs disallowed, and the remaining costs were phased in on a longer time schedule than the utilities had requested, contributing to lower-than-expected prices in some years.

Gross Domestic Product

The economic forecasts in the AEOs are based on projections from DRI/McGraw-Hill, adjusted for EIA’s world oil price projections. The forecasts for gross domestic product (GDP) show an average absolute percent error of 5.0 percent (Table 17). Most of the projections have been less than 10 percent from actual, with the exception of some of the forecasts in AEO83, AEO84, AEO85, AEO86, and AEO89 for the mid-1990s, which ranged up to 28.9 percent above the actual GDP. In general, from AEO82 through AEO90, the GDP forecasts tended to be underestimated for the earlier years and overestimated for the later years. In subsequent reports, GDP has been consistently underestimated.

The major reason for the pattern of overestimates in the longer term forecasts in the early AEOs is the recession that began in the latter part of 1990 and continued into 1991. The economic forecasts produced for the AEO are trend forecasts, which do not attempt to foresee the timing or magnitude of business cycles. The economic cycle in 1990-91 created a breakpoint in the series being used for evaluating forecast errors. Therefore, early AEOs did not forecast the recession and, consequently, overestimated long-term growth beyond 1991. Conversely, the underestimates in later AEOs resulted in part from overestimates of world oil prices, which tend to dampen economic growth, plus several other factors such as actual utility bond rates being lower than expected.

High and Low
Economic Growth Cases

All the preceding analysis has focused on the reference case projections from the AEOs. In fact, all the AEOs have presented projections for more than one case. During the period covered in this paper, the reports have included two to six alternative cases, which have varied key reference case assumptions and examined the impacts of those assumptions across all energy markets. Most frequently, the alternative cases have varied the macroeconomic growth or world oil market assumptions, although other cases have been examined, such as different oil and gas resource base assumptions. Also, many AEOs have included a variety of additional cases that have analyzed the impacts of different assumptions on a portion of the energy market. AEO98, for example, included 28 such cases in addition to the reference case, high and low macroeconomic growth cases, and high and low world oil price cases.

To analyze the uncertainty associated with varying economic conditions, many AEOs included two cases with alternative economic growth rates. Where available, the domestic GDP projections for the high and low economic growth cases are presented here, along with the accompanying total energy consumption, electricity sales, and coal consumption projections in Tables 18 through Table 25. These variables were chosen because total consumption and electricity sales tend to be closely linked to economic growth, with coal consumption determined by electricity sales to a large degree. Note that AEO85, AEO89, and AEO90 had no high or low economic growth cases, and AEO91 included no low economic growth case.

Some caution must be used in interpreting the results from these cases. First, during the mid-1980s, attention in the AEOs was focused on international and domestic oil markets. In AEO86 and AEO87, the high economic growth cases included low world oil price assumptions that would tend to increase projected energy consumption beyond the level caused by the higher economic growth alone. Conversely, in AEO86 and AEO87, the low economic growth cases included high world oil price assumptions. The cases were designed in this way to examine the uncertainty in petroleum imports that results from changes in both prices and economic growth. The high economic growth case in AEO91 also included the assumption of low world oil prices in order to present a case with the highest level of energy consumption from the combination of various price and growth assumptions. For all the other AEOs examined in this paper, the economic growth cases included moderate world oil price assumptions.

The second cautionary note concerns the definition of the economic growth cases. Through the years, the low and high economic growth cases have sometimes been defined by varying only the growth in economic output. At other times, labor productivity (output per person), labor force growth rates, and population have also varied at different rates for the high and low economic growth cases. In addition, some of the AEOs attempted to define a broad band of uncertainty around the reference case projections of economic growth rate, while others defined a more narrow range. In short, the definitions of the economic growth cases have not been consistent. Nevertheless, the presentation of these results should highlight some of the ranges of the forecasts presented over the years.

Overall, the GDP projections for both the low and high economic growth assumptions (Tables 21 and 25) have lower error rates—average absolute percent errors of 4.6 and 3.9, respectively—than the reference case projections (5.0 percent average). In part, this is because the AEOs with the worst errors for the reference case GDP had no economic growth cases (AEO82, AEO83, AEO85, and AEO89). Excluding these reports and AEO91, which had no low growth case, yields average absolute percent errors of 4.6, 4.4, and 3.7 percent for the low, reference and high growth cases, respectively. The largest errors are for the year 1995 in the earlier AEOs; as a result, those AEOs have the highest average absolute percent errors in all cases. In the later AEOs, GDP was consistently underestimated in both the high and low economic growth cases. The low and high growth GDP paths, in real terms, bracket the reference case. In the short term, low economic growth results from higher prices, which lead to a higher set of deflators and some apparent anomalies—with nominal GDP in the low growth case higher than in the reference case, as in the AEO94 projections for 1993 to 1997.

Total energy consumption in the low economic growth case (Table 18) shows a larger average absolute percent error (2.3 percent) than in the reference and high growth cases (1.7 and 1.6 percent, respectively). The majority of the errors in the reference case were underestimations, many of which became even worse with the lower economic growth assumptions and were further exacerbated by the AEOs with high world oil price assumptions (AEO86 and AEO87).

Coal consumption errors appear worse in the low and high economic growth cases (Table 19 and Table 23), with average absolute percent errors of 3.5 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively, compared with 3.0 percent for the reference case. When the AEOs with no economic growth cases (AEO82, AEO83, AEO85, and AEO89) are eliminated, some of the smaller errors in the reference case are eliminated, raising the average absolute percent error to 3.4 percent for the reference case, similar to those in the high and low growth cases.

The average absolute percent error for total electricity sales in the low economic growth case (Table 20) is higher at 2.4 percent than those in the reference and high economic growth cases (1.7 and 1.6 percent, respectively). In the reference cases, most AEOs tended to underestimate electricity sales in most years; however, the underestimates were exacerbated by the lower economic growth assumptions leading to the larger average errors in the low economic growth cases.

Across comparable AEOs, the reference case tended to underestimate GDP growth. Therefore, in the low economic growth cases, error rates for GDP and consumption were exacerbated. Error rates in the high economic growth cases tended to be equal to or slightly lower than those in the reference case.

Regression Analysis
on Historical Data


All the preceding analyses have focused on comparing the projections from previous AEOs with actual historical values. This section describes simple regression analyses on historic data for the 16 variables from Table 1, as recommended by reviewers of an earlier version of this paper. The results of the regressions are compared with actual values to determine whether a simple trend analysis would have performed better than the AEO models. (There are other time series or trend analysis models, such as vector autoregression (VAR), Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR), or moving averages, that could also be used for comparisons with the AEO forecasts and may prove better than a simple regression analysis.) Historical data for the regressions were obtained from the Annual Energy Review 1996,35 and in most cases go back to 1950.

A simple lag regression was performed for each of the 16 variables, using the following estimation equation:

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where i = 1, . . ., 16. Two sets of estimations were made—TREND 85 and TREND 90. TREND 85, for a given energy variable, is the result of a simple trend analysis, or regression, in which the one independent variable is the energy term lagged one year, and the last historical year is 1985. TREND 90 has the same definition, except that the last historical year is 1990. Appendix A provides an example of the estimation performed for total energy consumption.

  • TREND 85: Sixteen estimations were performed, one for each variable in Table 1. The total energy consumption example had 36 observations, 1950 to 1985. After the coefficients, A and B, were determined, the above equation was used to compute the values for the forecast period, 1986 to 1997. The values in the total energy (TE) column of Appendix A for years 1986 to 1997 correspond to the TREND 85 row for total energy consumption in Table 26. The estimations were repeated for the remaining 15 variables, with the results shown in Table 26 in the TREND 85 rows.
  • TREND 90: The methodology for determining the TREND 90 rows in Table 26 was the same as for TREND 85, except that there were 41 observations for the time period 1950 to 1990. After the coefficients were determined, the values were computed for the forecast period 1991 to 1997. The results are shown in the TREND 90 rows of Table 26.

Table 26 also contains, for each energy variable, the average absolute percent errors between AEO86, TREND 85, AEO92, and TREND 90, compared with the actual values. AEO86 corresponds to TREND 85 because the first forecast year is 1986. Similarly, the first forecast year for AEO92 and TREND 90 is 1991.36


In general, the trend regressions had higher average absolute percent errors than the AEO projections (Table 26). Trend regressions do not pick up major reversals that occur in the forecast period. For example, for crude oil production, which declined steadily after 1991, both TREND 85 and TREND 90 overestimated by a large amount, whereas the AEOs, especially AEO92, were better at picking up the turnaround.

Trend analysis did poorly for price paths, especially when the directions of the price paths changed. For example, average electricity prices were initially flat, rose from 1989 to 1993, then flattened again. TREND 85 overestimated future electricity prices by a large margin, but AEO86 did better. Another example is natural gas wellhead prices, which TREND 85 tended to overestimate and TREND 90 to underestimate; however, the AEOs also did poorly at catching the turns in the price path, even though AEO86 performed better than TREND 85.

Of the 16 variables examined in this analysis, AEO86 had lower average absolute percent errors than TREND 85 for 10 of the variables. Even for the 6 variables for which TREND 85 had a lower error rate, the differences between the average absolute percent errors for AEO86 and TREND 85 were less than 1 percent for 3 of them. For all the consumption, production, import, and macroeconomic variables, AEO92 was consistently better than TREND 90, with the exception of natural gas production and coal exports. In the case of gas production, the average absolute percent errors for the two analyses differed by less than 1 percent. For the price variables, TREND 90 performed somewhat better than AEO92, although average absolute percentage errors for the two analyses were the same for electricity prices and both had relatively high error rates for all other prices.

In conclusion, a simple trend analysis model of the type used in this report does not pick up major reversals occurring in the forecast period; does poorly where many turns occur; and does not pick up the effects of legislative actions or regulations on the forecast.


Although a primary function of the models used by EIA to produce its AEO forecasts has been and remains the analysis of alternative policies, many readers of the AEO use the projected numbers as forecasts for their own purposes. Thus, it is useful for EIA analysts and users of the AEO to know the size of and reasons for the differences between the projections and actual values.

Throughout the AEOs, the variables with the highest errors, expressed as average absolute percent errors, have been prices and net imports of natural gas and coal. Natural gas, in general, has been the fuel with the most inaccurate forecasts, showing the highest average error of all the fuels for consumption, production, and prices. Natural gas was the last fossil fuel to be deregulated following the heavy regulation of energy markets in the 1970s and early 1980s, and the early AEOs assumed that natural gas would continue to be regulated until new rules were actually promulgated. Even after deregulation, the behavior of natural gas in competitive markets was difficult to predict.

The overestimation of prices is the most striking feature of this evaluation. In general, more rapid technological improvements, the erosion of OPEC’s market power, excess productive capacity, and market competitiveness were the factors that the AEO forecasts failed to anticipate. While the errors for prices were large, they appeared to have a relatively minor impact on the overall projections of demand and production, although some forecasts were clearly affected, possibly confirming the relatively low price elasticities of supply and demand embedded in the models. For the period covered by this study, productivity and technology improvements and the effects of gradual deregulation and changes in industry structure, such as the treatment of contracts, have more than offset the factors that have tended to raise fossil fuel prices. In addition, energy markets have evolved differently than projected as a result of changes in the regulatory environment and the enactment of changes in legislation, regulations, and standards.

Caution should be used in drawing conclusions from the analysis of economic growth cases. First, these cases did not have consistent world oil price assumptions (low, mid, and high). Second, the definition of the economic growth cases varied for different AEOs. In general, for the GDP and consumption variables compared, the low growth cases had higher error rates than the reference cases when comparing across the AEOs that had low economic growth cases. In general, reference case projections underestimated economic growth, and the high growth cases thus tended to have lower or similar error rates for the variables compared.

The most striking result of the regression analysis described here is that a simple trend analysis model of the type used does not perform well for projections where many turns occur. This is especially true for major reversals in the forecast period. Trend analysis also does not pick up technological improvements or regulatory or legislative changes. AEO86 was better than its comparable trend analysis for the majority of the variables examined. With the exception of natural gas production and coal exports, AEO92 consistently outperformed its comparable trend analysis for all nonprice variables. AEO92 and the trend analysis had similar errors for electricity prices, and although the trend analysis was better than the AEOs for all other prices, both had relatively high error rates.

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