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Energy Information Administration Brochures

Title of the information card: Renewable Energy InfoCard 2002

Energy Information Administration

(Side One)

This figure shows a pie chart and a break out section which gives the renewable energy (6% of U.S. total) breakdown of total U.S. energy consumption by source for 2002: solar 1%; biomass 47%; geothermal 5%; hydroelectric 45%; and wind 2%. For further information contact the National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.

This first small table shows renewable energy consumption by sector (residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electric power) and by source (biomass, geothermal. hydroelectric, solar, and wind) for 2002. For further information, contact the National Energy Information Center at (202)586-8800.

This line graph shows renewalble energy consumption  for nonhydroelectric, hydroelectric, and a total, from 1993-2002. For further information, contact the National Energy Information Center at (202)586-8800.


(Side Two)

A bar chart showing the top five destinations of solar thermal collector shipments: Florida, California, New Jersey, Arizona, and Hawaii. For further information, contact the National Energy Information Center at (202)586-8800.

This small table shows geothermal heat pump shipments, for 2002 and 2002, in number of units and rated capacity. For further information, contact the National Energy Information Center at (202)586-8800.

This final line graph shows shipments of PV cells and modules, from 1993-2002, for exports, domestic, and a total. For further information, contact the National Eenrgy Information Center at (202)586-8800.

This area displays the Energy Inofrmation Administration's logo and web site: www.eia.doe.gov.  A publishing date is also displayed, February 2003, along with a publication tracking number, DOE/EIA-X052.