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[thumbnail]Friday, December 12, 2008
Hoyer Discusses Tarp Aid for Automotive Industry on Power Lunch

We believe there is an ongoing financial crisis. We believe we need to be ready to respond to that, and my view on that is the Congress is available. As you know there's another $350 billion that has not been authorized yet. The Administration has not asked for that yet... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Floor Statement on the House Passing Auto Loan Bill

This time of economic crisis as America is challenged, as economists tell us we are facing the worst recession since the great depression, I want to say to Barney Frank, the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, nobody has worked harder over the last 12 months on trying with Secretary Paulson, Ben Bernanke, Chris Dodd, Spencer Bachus, others in the Senate and the House to try to address this issue in a responsible, effective way... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Tuesday, December 09, 2008
On Talks of Automotive Industry Recovery Plan on Bloomberg

We are hoping that for all of the parties involved, they understand the political nature of this, and they will make their contributions, in some ways this will be substantial, to make sure that the automobile industry is viable, and they will continue for many years to come. (transcript)

[thumbnail]Sunday, November 23, 2008
On Fox News Discussing the Automotive Rescue Plan and the Incoming Obama Administration

I'm not talking about numbers right now, Chris. We're going to have to determine that. But clearly, we need to have stimulus and help for those -- not the big corporations, but those struggling with losing their jobs, losing their ability to put food on their tables... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Thursday, November 20, 2008
On Fox News Speaking about the Auto Industry and Challenges Facing the New Congress

There's no question we have pressure. We've been given substantial majority in the house and senate and we have a democratic president, barack obama and the public is expecting the change they want to see in their country and as a result I think we have a heavy responsibility and we'll work hard to meet that responsibility... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Exchange with Kay Bailey Hutchison on the Automaker Aid Bill on Bloomberg

Trying to stabilize the bad statistics that are coming and more importantly the bad realities of lost jobs, lost employment, lost health care, that stabilizing the financial markets clearly was an objective. But also stabilizing the auto industry which is critical to our country's health is also very important... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Speaking at the National Press Club Engaged in a Q&A Session

We will defend the legislation that was passed last year and the energy bill as well which affects greater efficiencies in automobiles... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Tuesday, November 18, 2008
On CNBC Discussing the Automotive Industry and Helping Automakers with TARP

We had a meeting yesterday with Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke for some period of time, over an hour, and we discussed those issues. First of all, we think that from the standpoint of Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke, they believe that the TARP program has been successful, successful to the extent that the very deep plunge that they feared has been staunched and that there's been a stabilization in the financial community... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Speaking at the National Press Club on the Congressional Agenda

Our challenge is ensuring that we live up to the possibility of that day and the promise of this moment in history. With that oortunity in mind I want to talk as house majority leader about the shape of the new congress and its work in the new year. (transcript)

[thumbnail]Thursday, November 13, 2008
Broaching the Subject of the Automotive Industry Recovery Plan on Fox News

We know what happens in the great depression, the reason it went to a depression is because the government failed to act. The government failed to step in and stabilize the economy. We know that. Ben bernanke, the history of the great depression, as you well know, said, "if you do not act, we are going to have a real crisis."... (transcript)

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