US Senator Ken Salazar - Colorado
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Floor Statement regarding the introduction of legislation to ban packer ownership
Senator Ken Salazar

April 15, 2005

Mr. President, I rise today with my distinguished colleague from Iowa to introduce a very important piece of legislation – legislation that will ban packer ownership. This is not a new legislative initiative. In fact, it is legislation that has been debated in Congress for many years. The years of debate and delay have only made this proposal more essential.

Ranchers across the country are facing increased concentration in the meatpacking industry. Today, four meatpackers control over 80 percent of the market. Consider that, Mr. President, in a multi-billion dollar industry, four packers control 80 percent of the market.

I am extremely concerned that such a market structure easily allows meatpackers to influence markets. Imagine how ranchers – in Iowa or Colorado or anywhere in this great country – are disadvantaged in such a marketplace.

My family has ranched in the San Luis Valley and northern New Mexico for more than 400 hundred years. My family’s farm in the San Luis Valley has nurtured six generations of my family and continues to operate today.

What I have seen in my home community is also occurring across the great state of Colorado. Surveys done by the Colorado Department of Agriculture have cited steady declines in the number of cattle across my state. In fact, last year my state reported the lowest inventory of cattle since 1962. Furthermore, in 2002, 60 percent of farms and ranchers in Colorado had annual sales of less than $10,000.

These numbers show us an industry that is being forgotten, withering on the vine. Small, independent ranchers in Colorado and across the country have faced several years of drought . Combined with increased concentration in the market, we have seen a declining farming and ranching population while the market power of large agribusinesses has dramatically increased.

That is why I rise today to introduce this bipartisan measure designed to ensure market access for all producers, big and small. Specifically, this legislation would modify the Packers and Stockyards Act to prohibit packers from owning, feeding or controlling livestock for more than 7 business days prior to slaughter.

Our goal with this legislation is simple: check vertical integration, create open and competitive markets and ensure a place for independent producers in the marketplace. We must address this continuing concentration and we must allow all producers the chance to compete in the marketplace and increase their business.

I am hopeful that my colleagues will join this bipartisan effort and stand up for small, independent producers across the country.

I yield the floor.


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