Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President William Jefferson Clinton, 1997

Vice President Albert A. Gore, Jr.
Inauguration Date Monday, January 20, 1997
Location West front, U.S. Capitol
Oath Administered By: William Rehnquist, Chief Justice
Bible Used: King James Bible, given to him by grandmother, open to Isaiah 58:12 (same Bible used at his 1993 Inauguration)
Length of Inaugural Address: 2,155 words
Attire (what the president wore): Dark business suit, burgundy tie
Weather: Partly sunny with a high overcast. Winds were from the south at 7 mph. Estimated noon temperature of 34°F.
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: This was the first Inaugural ceremony broadcast live on the Internet.