Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921

Vice President Calvin Coolidge
Inauguration Date Friday, March 4, 1921
Location East Portico, U.S. Capitol
Oath Administered By: Edward D. White, Chief Justice
Bible Used: Same Bible used by George Washington, belonging to St. John's Masonic Lodge No. 1, open to Micah 6:8
Length of Inaugural Address: 3,326 words
Attire (what the president wore): Morning coat and dark striped trousers
Weather: Sunny. Estimated temperature of 38°F.
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: Warren G. Harding was the first President to ride to and from his Inauguration in an automobile.
Luncheon: President and Mrs. Harding and their immediate family ate lunch at the White House immediately following the inauguration. The luncheon was arranged by outgoing President and Mrs. Wilson, following the tradition established in 1889, when President and Mrs. Cleveland invited the Harrisons to eat lunch at the White House before the parade.