Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963

Vice President None
Inauguration Date Friday, November 22, 1963
Location Conference room aboard Air Force One at Love Field, Dallas, TX
Oath Administered By: Sarah T. Hughes, U.S. District Judge, Northern District of Texas
Bible Used: Unknown
Length of Inaugural Address: No public address
Attire (what the president wore): Business suit
Weather: Not applicable
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: Johnson assumed the Presidency upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. It was the first time a woman administered the oath, and the first (and only) time a President took the oath on an airplane.