Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President James Monroe, 1817

Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins
Inauguration Date Tuesday, March 4, 1817
Location Outdoors, in front of the Old Brick Capitol (Current site of Supreme Court Building
Oath Administered By: John Marshall, Chief Justice
Bible Used: Unknown
Length of Inaugural Address:

3,366 words

Attire (what the president wore): Unknown
Weather: Warm and sunny. Estimated noon temperature of 50°F.
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: The original plan for Madison's second Inauguration called for a ceremony in the House chamber of the temporary Capitol, but when a small feud ensued between the Senate and the House of Representatives (over what chairs would be used in the House chamber), the venue changed to an outdoor platform in front of the building. This was the first outdoor Inauguration in Washington, D.C., and Madison was the first President to deliver his Inaugural address to the public.