Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Inaugural Web Site. January 20, 2009; Printed from

President George Washington, 1789

Vice President John Adams
Inauguration Date Thursday, April 30, 1789

Balcony of Federal Hall, New York City

Oath Administered By: Robert Livingston, Chancellor of State of New York
Bible Used: The Holy Bible from St. John's Masonic Lodge, No.1, opened at random due to haste to Genisis 49:13
Length of Inaugural Address:

1,419 words

Attire (what the president wore): Dark brown suit (made in America), with steel-hilted sword, white silk stockings, and silver shoe buckles
Weather: Clear and cool
Precedents, "firsts" or other interesting information: The Constitution only prescribes the oath that a President must take; it does not set forth the style or manner of the Inauguration. The nation's first inauguration established many precedents: Washington added the words, "So help me God" at the end of his oath; he kissed the Bible; and and he delivered an Inaugural address, all of which have been followed by future Presidents.