May 19, 2008

Floor Statement Saluting the Blackstone Valley for its Sustainable Tourism Program

MR. REED:  Madam President, last week was National Tourism Week, established by Congress in 1983 and celebrated annually since May 1984. To mark this 25th celebration, I would like to recognize the accomplishments of the Blackstone Valley, which recently won international recognition for its sustainable tourism program.

Last month, the World Travel and Tourism Council recognized only one destination in America, the Blackstone Valley of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, with the Destination Award for 2008. This honor was bestowed upon the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council to recognize the organization's trailblazing destination stewardship approach to tourism development, including its work to preserve the area's natural, cultural, and historical heritage.

At the heart of the valley is the Blackstone River, which runs from Worcester, MA, to Providence, RI. The river's waters once powered the Slater Mill in Pawtucket, which was America's first successful textile mill and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in this country. While this transition from farm to factory brought many years of prosperity, by the 1970s, the valley's economy had declined as industry moved on from the area, leaving behind a tarnished facade and environmental damage.

Today, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the Blackstone Corridor Commission, the National Park Service, the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, businesses, environmental organizations, 24 municipalities, and the States of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the valley has made a remarkable resurgence as a living landscape of natural and historic treasures.

The Blackstone Valley Tourism Council has shown that eco-friendly tourism can revitalize a weakened economy, restore natural surroundings, and revive residents' pride in their communities. Through innovative programs like the Sustainable Tourism Development and Planning Laboratory, the tourism council has created a model for destinations around the country to follow. It is a notable achievement for any river to be at the center of a revolution; but it is a rare feat for the Blackstone River to have spawned two.

I congratulate the people of the Blackstone Valley and the Tourism Council for spearheading an economic redevelopment strategy that has made great strides in improving the quality of life in the area.
