
215 records found, showing 26 - 50.

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Date Title
02.13.08 Floor Statement on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act…
02.06.08 Floor Statement Supporting Economic Stimulus…
12.19.07 Floor Statement on the Economy…
12.18.07 Floor Statement on Providing a Strategy in Iraq…
12.06.07 Floor Statement on the Mortgage Lending Crisis…
11.16.07 Floor Statement on Changing the Direction of U.S. Policy in Iraq…
11.16.07 Floor Statement Introducing the Government Sponsored Enterprise Mission Improvement…
11.13.07 Floor Statement Introducing the Real Estate Transparency Act…
11.13.07 Floor Statement on the Nomination of Michael Mukasey…
11.07.07 Floor Statement on Increasing Funding for Veterans' Health Care…
11.02.07 Floor Statement on Improving Children's Health Insurance…
10.22.07 Floor Statement on Low Income Home Energy Assistance…
10.18.07 Floor Statement on the Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Act…
10.04.07 Floor Statement Introducing the Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act of 2007…
10.04.07 Floor Statement on the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Bill…
10.03.07 Floor Statement Remembering Paul M. Crowley…
09.26.07 Floor Statement Supporting the Children's Health Insurance Program…
09.21.07 Floor Statement on the Levin-Reed Amendment…
09.20.07 Floor Statement on Refocusing the Mission in Iraq…
09.13.07 SPEECH: Senator Jack Reed Responds to President Bush's Address on Iraq…
09.11.07 Floor Statement on the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill…
09.07.07 Floor Statement Supporting the College Cost Reduction and Access Act…
09.06.07 Floor Statement on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs bill…
09.04.07 Floor Statement Supporting Our Veterans and Military Personnel…
07.20.07 SPEECH: Moving Towards A Healthier Society…