News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

In Advance of Veterans Day Murray Calls for a New Commitment to the Care of Nation's Heroes

Key VA Committee member says every day should be Veterans' Day

For Immediate Release:
Monday, November 10, 2008

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – On the eve of Veterans Day, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash), a key member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today called on Congress and the country to recognize veterans care as a top priority and to recommit to honoring their service every day, not just on Veterans Day.

“Tomorrow Americans across the country will pause to recognize the service and sacrifice of our nations’ heroes.   But with our troops serving overseas and hundreds of thousands coming home with the mental and physical wounds of service, a single day of remembrance is not enough. 

“Every day should be Veterans Day across America and in the halls of Congress.

“Last week our nation made history.  Generations of men and women sacrificed to make last Tuesday’s election possible.  They gave us an enormous opportunity.  Thanks to them, the people have spoken.   But as we change the direction of our country we must change the way our government has treated our veterans. 

“It is not enough for Congress to serve as a backstop for bad budgets and the failed policies of the past.  With the support of a new Administration we will stand up and advocate for the care, benefits and respect America’s veterans deserve.  Caring for our veterans is not a partisan issue, it is an American responsibility.

 “I know our new President agrees.  I sat next to Barack Obama on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and he has a passion for caring for the men and women who served our nation.  I am excited to work with an Administration that will make our wounded warriors a priority every day.

“It’s time for our country to join together once and for all, to honor our nation’s heroes with the promise that their sacrifices will never be forgotten – and that their care will always be guaranteed.”
