U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member: Finance, Agriculture, Energy, Ethics and Aging Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CONTACT:Michael Amodeo – 303-455-7600
Matt Lee-Ashley – 202-228-5905

Sen. Salazar's Statement on Pinon Canyon Moratorium Extension

WASHINGTON, DC – The Fiscal Year 2009 Continuing Resolution currently before Congress would extend the moratorium on the Army’s plans to expand the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS) in Southeastern Colorado. Senator Salazar has urged the extension of the moratorium in order to protect southeastern Colorado communities as the public and the GAO review the Army’s plans and evaluate their impact on southeastern Colorado. The Continuing Resolution is expected to pass Congress this week.

“I continue to hope that we can find a win-win at the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site that protects southeastern Colorado property rights and its agricultural heritage while meeting the needs of our soldiers. As we work through the process that I set up last year to allow a thorough review of the need for the expansion and of its impacts, we must keep the moratorium on expansion in place. Landowners in the area should have peace of mind that the Army cannot move forward until they have had a chance to review the Army’s report, until the GAO has finalized its own review, and until Congress has made a decision on whether any expansion should go forward. The moratorium is helpful to protecting this orderly process and I am pleased that we have been able to extend it.”
