United States Senate
United States House of Representatives


For Immediate Release

Thursday, April 17, 2008

CONTACTS: Stephanie Valencia (Sen. Salazar) – 202-228-3630
Cody Wertz (Sen. Salazar) – 303-350-0032
Tara Trujillo (Rep. Udall) – 202-225-2161
Eric Wortman (Rep. Salazar) – 202-225-4761

Salazars & Udall Introduce Bill to Maximize Colorado's Oil/ Gas Leasing Revenues, Protect the Roan Plateau

WASHINGTON, DC- Today, United States Senator Ken Salazar and Congressmen John Salazar and Mark Udall introduced legislation (S. 2879) that protects the Roan Plateau for future generations of Coloradans to enjoy and provides Colorado with its rightful share of oil and gas leasing revenues.

“Protecting our state’s last few remaining wild spaces, maximizing oil and gas leasing revenues from these areas and supporting the communities that surround them need not be at odds,” said United States Senator Ken Salazar. “This bill embodies that principle and the concepts outlined by Governor Ritter last year. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues in the Senate and the House to pass this legislation so that Colorado gets the most out of its oil and gas leasing revenues, and so that we do right by the people of the Western Slope and protect the wildlife and pristine habitat that exist on the Roan.”

“In Colorado, we must strike a balance between energy development and preserving our public lands. No where in the country is this more important than on the Western Slope,” Rep. John Salazar said. “I am proud of the bill that Ken, Mark and I will introduce today. Our legislation implements the Governor’s plan for the Roan Plateau, while protecting critical areas on the top and implementing phased leasing for the benefit of the State of Colorado.”

“This legislation, jointly developed with my colleagues Congressman John Salazar and Senator Ken Salazar, keeps faith with Governor Ritter's approach for phased, responsible natural gas development while also protecting environmentally sensitive areas and critical wildlife habitat. This area deserves this protection and I am pleased that we are helping to protect this landscape as energy resources are extracted,” said Rep. Mark Udall. “Our bill aims to slow things down and replace the BLM’s plan with a better, more balanced approach.”

The Salazar-Udall-Salazar legislation includes three key provisions:

  1. Requires Phased Leasing on Top of the Plateau to Maximize State Revenues and Better Protect Wildlife Habitat and the Environment.
  • Requires BLM to lease less sensitive areas outside of cutthroat trout watersheds first, such as Corral Ridge or Anvil Ridge, rather than leasing all available development areas at once.
  • In selecting areas for leasing, BLM must take into consideration various factors designed to maximize leasing revenues to the State of Colorado and the Federal Treasury and to minimize the environmental and ecological impacts of development.
  • Before each new round of leasing, BLM must confirm that the wells necessary to recover 90% of the recoverable gas beneath the previously-leased development area have been completed and that stringent reclamation standards have been met.
  1. Ensures Protection of Critical Native Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Watersheds and other Wildlife Habitat on the Top and around the Base of the Roan Plateau in Colorado. To see maps of the proposed special protection areas the bill would create, click here.
  • Expands BLM’s designated “Areas of Critical Environmental Concern” (ACECs) to include the headwaters of Northwater Creek and the East Fork of Parachute Creek above the confluence with First Anvil Creek – both of which are critical native cutthroat trout watersheds.
  • Permits development activities on top of the plateau outside ACECs and within development corridors along existing ridge-top roads on slopes not exceeding 20%.
  • Protects critical elk and mule deer habitat around the base of the plateau, while allowing development and recovery of the available natural gas.

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