For Immediate Release

Thursday, April 10, 2008



Stephanie Valencia (Salazar) 202-228-3630

Afshin Mohamadi (Menendez) – (202) 224-744
Jessica Garcia (Martinez) – (202) 228-5113

UPDATE: Senate Passes Latino Museum Bill/ National Latino Museum Major Step Closer to Reality

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the United States Senate passed a bipartisan bill to make the vision of a National Museum of the American Latino a reality. The Commission to Study the Potential Creation of the National Museum of American Latino Act of 2007 (S.500/H.R. 512), sponsored by Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) and co-sponsored by Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Mel Martinez (R-FL), would establish a 23-member commission to study the potential creation of a national museum in Washington, DC dedicated to the art, culture, and history of Hispanic Americans. The bill passed by voice vote in the House of Representatives on February 6, 2007. After today’s Senate passage it will return to the House for procedural approval and will then be sent to the White House for President Bush’s signature.

“I believe we must celebrate the diversity of our Nation and Latinos have been a significant part of American history. They have contributed to nearly every facet of our culture including the arts, business, and served in our Nation's military with distinction,” said Senator Salazar (D-CO). “This bill would take the first step in commemorating the rich contributions of the Latino community to American life. The end result will be a more enhanced experience for the 20 million visitors that come to our Nation’s capitol to learn the full history of America.”

“This is a great step toward showcasing the historical achievements of Latino Americans in a national museum,” said Senator Martinez. “Latinos have been integral contributors since our Nation’s inception and a national museum is a fitting way to honor them. This museum will be a great tool in teaching future generations about their diverse cultural history and how Latino Americans have shaped our nation.”

“With this recognition, we are acknowledging that America's success would not be possible without the contributions of Latino people,” said Senator Menendez. “The National Museum of the American Latino Community will further acknowledge that Latino culture, dreams and advancements are not outside, but within the very fabric of American life.”

“To my friends, Senators Ken Salazar of Colorado, Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and Mel Martinez of Florida, this effort would be nowhere if not for your passion and your dogged drive to see to it that this bill became law in this Congress,” Rep. Xavier Becerra (CA-31), the House author of the Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of American Latino Act, said. “What was once a dream is now a reality, and it is my hope that the president signs this bill quickly so that we can immediately form the commission and subsequently move forward to complete our American cultural mosaic.”

The bill sets up a 23-member commission charged with producing three things: one, a national conference to bring stakeholders, experts, policymakers and other interested parties together to discuss the museum’s viability; two, a fundraising plan to create an extensive public-private partnership; and three, a report to congress detailing a recommended plan of action on how to move forward with taking the museum from concept to reality. All of this will happen within 24 months of the bill being signed into law.
