U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

December 20, 2007

CONTACT:Stephanie Valencia – 202-228-3630
Cody Wertz 303-350-0032

Sen. Salazar Hopeful Governor’s Roan Proposal Builds Dialogue Between State & BLM/ Looks Forward to Ensuring Colorado Gets Its Fair Share of Lease Revenue and Adequate Protections for the Roan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, United States Senator Ken Salazar released the following statement in response to Colorado Governor Bill Ritter’s announcement on how we will proceed with the issue of the Roan Plateau. Governor Ritter’s announcement comes at the conclusion of a 120-day additional review period that Senator Salazar was able to secure in August that allowed the State of Colorado morel time to review and comment on the Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Roan Plateau.

“I am thankful that Governor Ritter has taken such a hard look at the issues surrounding the Roan Plateau. I hope that this builds and continues a constructive dialogue between the State of Colorado and the Bureau of Land Management when it comes to the future of the Roan. My goals surrounding this issue are simple and remain that we determine the impact any potential development will have on surrounding communities, provide protections for the environment and wildlife that exist on top of the Roan and that we maximize the revenues from responsible oil, gas and oil shale development for the State of Colorado.”

In regard to his position on the Transfer Act, Senator Salazar said:

“My position is clear. I have always advocated for Colorado to receive its fair share of the oil and gas revenues that are generated in our state. I support legislation to ensure that Colorado will receive its fair share of the oil and gas revenues, but the reality is that current law states that the State of Colorado cannot and will not receive a dime of any Roan Plateau revenue until the cleanup of Anvil Points is certified as complete.

“The local communities, their elected leaders, sportsmen and recreational users all have concerns about unchecked oil and gas development in their backyards and on special places such as the top of the Roan Plateau. I am committed to working with the local communities and my colleagues on legislation that will allow Colorado to get its fair share of revenues from oil and gas development while providing protections for the environment and wildlife that exist on the Roan Plateau.”
