U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

Monday, December 17, 2007

CONTACT:Stephanie Valencia – 202-228-3630
Cody Wertz 303-350-0032

Senator Salazar Lauds Oil Shale Limitations in Omnibus Bill

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, United States Senator Ken Salazar declared victory for the communities of Colorado’s Western Slope. Efforts by Reps. John Salazar and Mark Udall and Senator Salazar will now ensure that language is included in the omnibus spending bill that will prohibit the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from issuing any final regulations for commercial-scale leasing of oil shale and from offering any commercial oil shale leases during fiscal year 2008.

Senator Salazar was also able to work in language that specifically reiterates how important it is for the Department of Interior and BLM to cooperate more fully with the State of Colorado and address the concerns and input from state and local governments before finalizing proposed commercial oil shale leasing regulations. State and community involvement is essential, as commercial oil shale development would have significant impacts on the land, air and the quality and quantity of our very limited supplies of water on the Western Slope. Large-scale oil shale development will bring significant population growth and is likely to put stress on the ability of local communities to provide needed services.

“The communities of Colorado’s Western Slope have spoken and they are tired of the irresponsible and shortsighted development of the energy resources in their backyard. That is why I am very pleased that Congress has adopted the state-supported thoughtful and deliberative approach to oil shale development contained in the omnibus appropriations package.

“This judicious approach to oil shale development will help Western Slope communities avoid any unfortunate bust that comes from an unchecked boom on commercial leasing. This provision presses the BLM and Department of Interior to work closely with the local communities on how to move forward on oil shale development to avoid the kinds of problems that large-scale commercial development of oil shale could bring to Colorado – as happened in the 1980’s, when we went through our last bout of oil shale fever—of which many of the communities of Western Colorado are still feeling the effects of today.”

“Today’s inclusion of this provision brings us one step closer to protecting Colorado’s valuable natural resources. The omnibus spending bill with this provision still has several hurdles, including the President’s signature, but I am hopeful that he will sign this omnibus appropriations bill and side with the communities of Colorado, which deserve a smart and reasonable approach to the development of resources that have the potential to benefit our entire state for years to come.”
