For Immediate Release

December 14, 2007

CONTACT: Stephanie Valencia (Salazar) – 202-228-3630

Steve Wymer (Allard) 202-224-6207


Allard and Salazar Successfully Include Pinon Canyon Expansion Justification Study in Defense Authorization Bill


Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) and Ken Salazar (D-Colo.) applauded the inclusion of their amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that passed the Senate today. The measure would require the U.S. Army to provide a report outlining their justifications for their proposed expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver site (PCMS) in southeastern Colorado.

“This report is essential to providing the necessary information needed to evaluate the possible expansion of the Army’s Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site,” said Senator Allard. “We need this comprehensive report to be clear on exactly what is at stake for the communities of southern Colorado and the Army. I will continue to explore additional legislative options to protect the rights of private property owners with more flexible acquisition methods such as reverse mortgages and lease-to-own options on lifetime estates. The Army owes the residents of southeastern Colorado a full explanation of their work on this issue and I will continue to remind them of their pledge to be ‘good neighbors’ as we move forward.”

“I have met several times with the farmers, ranchers and communities in Southeastern Colorado who would be most affected by the proposed Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site expansion. In my view, the Army has not yet provided a sufficient justification for its expansion proposal; nor has the Army created a plan that protects private property rights and the agricultural heritage of the area,” said Senator Salazar. “Requiring the Army to justify their proposal is the right thing to do and I am pleased Senator Allard and I successfully accomplished this goal. I look forward to receiving the Army’s report and having the GAO evaluate it as well.”

The amendment requires the Army to provide a report on the following matters:

  • Is there a need for expansion, given the 2005 BRAC Commission finding that Fort Carson has sufficient training land to support its needs?
  • Is the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site being used to capacity?
  • How can the Army better use the existing land at PCMS to meet its training needs?
  • If the Army needs additional land to train Fort Carson units, can it use other federal lands or land at other installations?
  • If the Army added land to PCMS, what training capacity would be added to Fort Carson?
  • If the Army were to expand PCMS, what economic benefits would it provide to local communities and how could the ranching heritage of Southeastern Colorado be preserved?

The amendment also requires the Army to solicit public input as a part of the report and the U.S. General Accounting Office to review the Army’s report and justification for expansion.



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