U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

December 7, 2007

CONTACT:Stephanie Valencia – 202-228-3630
Cody Wertz 303-350-0032

Sen. Salazar’s Statement on Anniversary of Attacks on Pearl Harbor

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, United States Senator Ken Salazar released the following statement in remembrance of the December 7, 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor:

“Today, we reflect upon the tragic events surrounding the December 7, 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor; a juncture in our Nation’s history that was to forever alter the manner in which Americans viewed themselves, and to a greater extent, their place in the world.

“In the days following the bombings, millions of Americans, impelled by the tragic loss of life and their devotion to the universal ideals of liberty and freedom, rose nobly to the call of duty. It is widely accepted and acknowledged that without the sacrifice of these brave men and women --my mother and father included-- our Nation may not be where and what it is today.

“I often state my belief that these men and women represent the “Greatest Generation” of Americans in our Nation’s history. Theirs was an era characterized by exceptional heroism and uncommon resolve. But we must also remember that these are qualities befitting not only of the “Greatest Generation”, but of all the men and women who have served or continue to serve as members of America’s Armed Forces.

“It is absolutely imperative that we take the time today and everyday to remember the men and women who serve and who have served, their sacrifice and the freedoms they fight everyday to protect.”
