U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

December 5, 2007

CONTACT:Stephanie Valencia – 202-228-3630
Cody Wertz 303-350-0032

Air Force to Embrace Senator Salazar's Recommendations to Develop a Comprehensive Strategy and Pilot Program to Deal with Encroachment at Colorado Bases / Senator Lauds Air Force's Move

WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to ensure that the missions at Colorado’s military installations are not impeded by encroaching development, United States Senator Ken Salazar has been working to supply the Air Force with ideas and strategies to better address the potential impacts of encroachment at bases. In response to Senator Salazar’s suggestions, yesterday Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne wrote a letter to Senator Salazar announcing the Air Force’s plans to develop a comprehensive strategy to address encroachment, and to test this strategy with a pilot program that it will implement in Colorado.

In his letter to Senator Salazar, Secretary Wynne said, “Thank you for your sincere interest in the Air Force’s encroachment deterrence efforts…Our recent meeting coupled with your letters to me on this subject clearly demonstrate your commitment to this issue. We are equally committed and actively pursuing solutions. Since our meeting in September 2007, we have embraced your suggestion to test our strategy in Colorado and have taken several positive steps to make this a reality.”

“I am very pleased that the Air Force, has now committed to develop a comprehensive strategy to address encroachment at Air Force installations and ranges in Colorado,” said Senator Salazar. “From my point of view, Colorado’s air and space facilities are fundamental to our national defense and homeland security. As a United States Senator, I am committed to ensuring that these national security assets have the resources and protections they need to be effective in their missions.”

The Air Force will initiate a pilot encroachment program and establish a “Front Range Combined Military Comprehensive Planning Group” that will be made up of representatives from all military installations in the state which will work toward the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy to address encroachment. Secretary Wynne committed to having a status report to Senator Salazar on their plan by March 30, 2008.

Today, Senator Salazar responded to Secretary Wynne’s letter lauding the Air Force’s decision to move forward with concrete steps to create and implement a comprehensive strategy to address the issue of encroachment. Senator Salazar succeeded in adding an amendment to the 2008 Defense Authorization Act that would further strengthen the DOD’s encroachment efforts.
