United States Senate
United States House of Representatives


For Immediate Release

November 19, 2007

CONTACTS: Leslie Oliver (Rep. Perlmutter) - 303-810-6326

Stephanie Valencia (Sen. Salazar) - 202-224-5852


Perlmutter and Salazar Call on Appropriators to Fund Aviation Security
Critical Funding Needed for Security Screening at DIA

Washington, DC – With the busy holiday season upon us, U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter joined with U.S. Senator Ken Salazar in urging House and Senate appropriators to provide $5.198 billion for aviation security, $4.218 billion of which is for screening operations.

In the wake of reports of Denver International Airport experiencing some of the worst security wait times in the nation, Rep. Perlmutter and Sen. Salazar sent a letter on Friday to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership requesting they promptly provide this critical security funding. The funding would provide the Transportation Security Agency with the resources they need to improve security wait times while better securing our airways.

“Transportation security is all about balancing passenger convenience and efficiency with the highest level of security,” said Perlmutter. “Our airport here in Denver is the fourth largest airport, yet in October it was reported that we experienced some of the worst delays. While wait times are improving, this funding will help the TSA deploy newer, more innovative screening technology for baggage and passengers, and hire the best security force to protect against potential security threats.”

“Denver is one of the highest trafficked airports in the Nation and unfortunately it has some of the worst delays,” said Senator Salazar. “Security and screening in our airports must always be our highest priority but we must ensure that TSA has the funding and up-to-date technology necessary to thoroughly screen baggage and passengers in a timely and safe manner.”

The funding is being requested as part of the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill. The House and Senate will meet in early December to decide the funding levels, and then each chamber will vote on the bill before it is sent to the President.

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