U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

Novemeber 16, 2007

CONTACT:Stephanie Valencia – 202-228-3630
Cody Wertz 303-350-0032

Sen. Salazar Statement on Iraq Supplemental Funding and Need for A New Direction in Iraq

WASHINGTON, DC – United States Senator Ken Salazar released the following statement after the United States Senate failed to secure enough votes to move forward to pass the Iraq Supplemental Funding bill that would continue to fund our troops in Iraq and provide a new direction forward in Iraq. That new direction envisions a mission change from one of combat to the limited missions supported in the Iraq Study Group legislation offered by Senator Salazar earlier this year.

“Earlier this week, I visited Colorado soldiers at Walter Reed. I once again saw firsthand the horrific and painful costs of war. With every death and every injury suffered by American men and women in uniform, that cost increases.

“Over the last three years I have visited Walter Reed and have seen the same pain in the eyes and hearts of our soldiers and their families. I also have been in Iraq three times to gather the best intelligence from our military leaders, troops and Iraqi officials.

“For many months, I have been calling for a responsible change in mission in Iraq. I still believe that is our best course of action – it was the primary recommendation less one year ago of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group.

“We have not seen any meaningful political progress by the Iraqi government to bring about the long term reconciliation necessary to achieve stability in Iraq. As stated by both General Petraeus and Secretary Gates, there is no military solution to this war.

“Our soldiers have performed admirably in their duties, and they have accomplished their mission, but our commitment cannot be open-ended. We cannot give President Bush another blank check. We must send a clear message to Iraqi leaders that it is time for them to take responsibility for their country’s future.

“The legislation I supported would have sent that message in unmistakable terms to the Iraqi government. It would have embraced a new change in mission and set forth a goal to complete the change in mission by the end of 2008. In my view, that is a new and responsible direction forward.”

The proposed bill failed on a vote of 53-45. Sixty votes were required to move the bill forward.
