U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member: Finance, Agriculture, Energy, Ethics and Aging Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

June 19, 2007

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Comm. Director

 Sen. Salazar: American Businesses Must Meet the Challenges of a New Clean Energy Economy for the 21st Century

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, United States Senator Ken Salazar spoke to a group of over 750 electric industry executives on issues currently facing their industry at the Edison Electric Institute’s Annual Convention, held this year in Denver, Colorado. In his speech, Senator Salazar highlighted the need for the United States to embrace a new, clean energy economy. In doing so, argued Senator Salazar, the United States will effectively strengthen National Security by eliminating our addiction to foreign oil; improve our environmental security by combating the potentially harmful effects of global warming; and increase our economic security by creating new jobs and opportunities here at home.

“The world is changing. National security, economic forces and the looming threat of global warming will force us to find new sources of energy and more efficient ways to use it,” said Senator Salazar. “Those nations that develop new technologies to produce, conserve and manage energy will thrive, while those who fail to address this challenge will suffer – economically and politically. Our Nation has led the world in creating today’s energy systems; we must continue to lead in creating the energy systems of tomorrow as well.”

During his speech, Senator Salazar emphasized that the need for a new energy system for America – and for the world – is driven by three key forces:

1. National Security: America’s sources of energy must never again be controlled by nations which are unstable, unpredictable or antagonistic.

2. Economic Security: America’s dependence on foreign oil puts our economy at risk from sharp price increases. It will determine whether our economic fortunes will hinge on the price of oil that OPEC sets, or whether the U.S. will stand independently, as the world’s innovator for clean energy technologies; and

3. Environmental Security: America’s sources and uses of energy must be environmentally responsible, so we can pull ourselves and the world back from the brink of a potentially catastrophic change in the Earth’s climate. We, as a Nation, must examine all our energy options to determine how best to proceed in the context of our changing global environment.

As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Salazar has played an integral role in shaping this year’s energy bill (H.R. 6, the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007). In particular, Senator Salazar has supported amendments to increase fuel economy standards, promote production of hybrid and plug-in vehicles and establish a national goal of producing 25% of America’s energy from renewable sources with the aim of creating a new, clean energy economy that strengthens our National, economic and environmental security.

“You, the leaders of the American electric power industry, will bear much of the responsibility to achieve the goals of any new energy policy,” said Senator Salazar. “You have demonstrated for more than a century that you are up to the challenge. I look forward to working with you to again demonstrate America’s leadership in providing abundant, clean and reliable electricity to our citizens and to the world.”

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