U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member: Finance, Agriculture, Energy, Ethics and Aging Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

June 13, 2007

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Comm. Director

 Sen. Salazar Helps Secure Vital Funding for Colorado’s Military and Veterans’ Facilities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, United States Senator Ken Salazar announced funding for key Colorado military and veterans projects has been included in the early/ initial stages of the Fiscal Year 2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill. The nearly $530 million in funding for Colorado projects was approved earlier today by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and is expected to be considered by the full Senate Appropriations Committee tomorrow.

“We are the strongest Nation in the world; to stay number one we have to have the best military technology and facilities and we have to live-up to the promises we gave to our veterans when they swore to defend us,” said Senator Salazar. “Funding these key military and veterans facility projects will ensure that our government lives up to its promise to take care of its military families and war heroes. I am proud to fight for them in this first step and will continue to support their inclusion in the appropriations process.”

Fitzsimons VA Hospital
Senator Salazar secured $61.3 million for the Fitzsimons VA Hospital to begin construction on the parking structure and the energy plant. Senator Salazar is pushing to move the full $548 million authorization through the Veterans Affairs Committee to allow completion of the project.

Supporting Fort Carson Families Coming to Colorado Springs
Senator Salazar fought to include military construction funds for Fort Carson to accommodate the arrival of an additional 12,000 active duty and 18,360 active duty family members that are currently moving to Fort Carson, or coming in the next two years. Fort Carson is adding two brigades and will be the new headquarters of the 4th Infantry Division, which is moving from Fort Hood, Texas.

  • $90 million for a brigade combat team complex for the 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson;

  • $27 million for an addition to Evans Army Hospital at Fort Carson that will provide more space for administrative and clinical functions, including more beds for maternity care, psychiatric care, and emergency care;

  • $53 million for construction of barracks;

  • $4.9 million for the construction of an indoor range for the 10th Special Forces Group to provide realistic training in an all-weather weapons training facility;

  • $8.3 million for a Defense Access Road, to provide access to the Arrival/Departure Air Control Group at Peterson AFB, which will allow an Initial Ready Company of personnel, equipment, and materials to deploy anywhere in the world in 24 hours;

  • $13.5 million for construction of a facility support operations, training, vehicle and equipment maintenance for the 13th Air Support Operations Squadron at Fort Carson

  • $72 million for Fort Carson’s unit operation facilities;

  • $20 million for construction of a Division Headquarters Complex at Fort Carson, to house the 4th Infantry Division, which is moving from Fort Hood;

  • $13.2 million for a vehicle maintenance facility at Fort Carson to support a brigade combat team that is moving to Fort Carson as a result of BRAC; and

  • $54 million for a new troop health clinic at Fort Carson that will provide outpatient health and dental care.

Space Operations at Schriever AFB
Senator Salazar worked to include $24.5 million for construction of an Air and Space Integration Facility, which will house Air Force Space Command’s lead units for space innovation, which are conducting a variety of testing and space integration to support Air Force Operations.

Training Cadets at the United States Air Force Academy
Senator Salazar succeeded in including $15 million for upgrades to academic facilities at the U.S. Air Force Academy, including a renovation of the cadet library, lecture halls, and cadet support areas. The project will modernize deteriorating facilities and remove dangers from asbestos and lead paint.

Chemical Weapons Destruction at Pueblo Chemical Depot
Senator Salazar succeeded in securing over $35 million for continued clean-up at the Pueblo Depot. This increment of funding will be used for construction of destruction facilities, with the goal of completing destruction by 2012. “I will continue to push the Department of Defense to proceed as expeditiously and safely as possible because the citizens of Pueblo deserve no less,” said Senator Salazar.

Supporting National Guard and Reserves at Buckley AFB
Senator Salazar succeeded in adding $7.3 million to replace the outdated squadron operations facility that houses the F-16’s of the 140th Air Wing of the Colorado National Guard. He also worked to provide $10 million for utility infrastructure improvements at Buckley Air Force Base, to prepare for construction and renovation of facilities to support the Air Reserve Personnel Center and the 926th Air Force Reserve that is relocating from New Orleans.

If approved by the Appropriations Committee, the FY07 MilCon Appropriations will go on to the full Senate for consideration later this year.

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