U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member: Finance, Agriculture, Energy, Ethics and Aging Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

January 30, 2007

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Comm. Director
Drew Nannis – Press Secretary

  Sen. Salazar Protects Funding for Pueblo Chemical Depot in FY07 Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night, the Fiscal Year 2007 Continuing Resolution (FY07 CR) was filed in the House. The FY07 CR will fund the chemical weapons demolition project at the Pueblo Chemical Depot in 2007 at $42 million, preventing further delays this year. The funding came at the specific request of United States Senator Ken Salazar, who has repeatedly urged the Appropriators to maintain the funding over the past six weeks.

“I am very pleased for the people of Pueblo that this Continuing Resolution maintains momentum for the weapons destruction at the Pueblo Chemical Depot,” said Senator Salazar. “I urge my colleagues in the House and the Senate to preserve these funds, so that the Pueblo Chemical Depot can continue its progress.”

Under the FY07 CR, worked out by both House and Senate Appropriators, chemical weapons demolitions projects at Pueblo Chemical Depot and a similar facility, the Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky, will be funded at the President’s FY07 requested level, $131 million. Earlier this year in his FY07 defense budget, the President committed the Department of Defense to spending at Pueblo $42 million of the $131 million slated for demolitions projects. With this funding level, demolitions efforts can move forward at Pueblo as planned.

In December 2006 and again last week, Senator Salazar, along with Senator Allard and Senators McConnell and Bunning of Kentucky, wrote to Appropriators urging them to fully fund demolition project at Pueblo Chemical Depot. A copy of their December letter can be accessed by clicking here, and a copy of the January letter can be accessed by clicking here.
